How would you use tkinter to create a basic translator? - python

I have made the "GUI". I had a drop-down menu but can't figure out how to make that work. I tried using switch cases i.e.:
def language(i):
switcher = {
0 : 'german'
1 : 'russian'
return switcher.get(i, "Invalid language")
In my other post I've mentioned how I tried to make it:
def rustrans():
word = entry.get()
translator = Translator(service_urls=[""])
translation = translator.translate(word, dest = "ru")
label = tk.Label(root, text = f"Russian text : {translation.text}", bg="yellow")
I tried using if-statements like:
if language(1):
btn = tk.Button(root, text="Translate", command=rustrans)
elif language(0):
I do have my labels, entry etc but when I try to switch the language (I had a drop-down but that didn't work, when I would change the language in there and pressed the translate button it would still prefer translating Russian instead of German i.e.
How am I supposed to make it so when I change the language from the drop-down (I can bring it back, although I've removed it) and press translate, it translates the right language?

It's not clear what the problem is. You just need to associate a variable with the dropdown, and then get the value when you do the translation.
For example, let's assume the languages are defined in a global named LANGUAGES. The keys of the dictionary will be used in the UI, and the values are what is passed to the translator.
'German': 'de',
'Russian': 'ru',
We can use the keys to populate a combobox, and then use the combobox value to get value to pass to the translator.
class TranslatorUI:
def __init__(self):
self.translator = Translator(service_urls=[""])
self.dest_var = tk.StringVar(value="German")
self.dropdown = ttk.Combobox(
self.root, textvariable=self.dest_var,
values=[str(x) for x in LANGUAGES.keys()]
self.word_entry = ttk.Entry(self.root)
self.button = ttk.Button(self.root, text="Translate", command=self.translate)
def translate(self):
word = self.word_entry.get()
language_name = self.dest_var.get()
lang = LANGUAGES[language_name]
self.translator.translate(word, lang)


Insert data from a SQL query into a tkinter Entry field

I'm trying to put data from a database (SQLite3) into a set of entry fields in Tkinter.
My hope is that the data-snippets that exist in the database query will be put into the entries to show the user what info is in the db and give the choice to update empty fields.
I however have a hard time dealing with the returned None fields from the DB. None cannot be inserted into entries using .insert()
I've tried to sanitize the data first but since the different data are ints and text's I have not find a suitable replacement. I would also prefer the entries to be empty unless there is actual data to place there.
I've also tried to do an if statement before each line in the vendors_to_fields function but that did not work and seemed really messy.
Bonus question:
Is there a better way to insert values from a tuple into the different entries? I've been thinking about making 2 lists and using list comprehension but I could not solve it.
I hope I make sense, this has been a long coding session
Thank you for all input
My code:
def Order_window():
ord_win = Toplevel(root)
i = 0
# Functions
def controller():
vendor_list = list(vendors)
if i <= len(vendor_list):
vendor = vendor_list[i]
vendor_name['text'] = 'All orders are done'
def data_from_db(vendor):
vendor_info_tuple = db.execute(
'SELECT * FROM vendors WHERE (vendor_id = ?)', [vendor])
vendor_info_tuple = vendor_info_tuple.fetchone()
vendor_info = list(vendor_info_tuple)
if vendor_info[0] is None:
vendor_name['text'] == 'Vendor not in DB, better call Sal'
def vendor_to_fields(vendor_info):
for field in vendor_info:
if field is None:
vendor_info[field] = 0
vendor_name['text'] = vendor_info[1]
vendor_min1.insert(0, vendor_info[5])
vendor_email.insert(0, vendor_info[2])
vendor_cc.insert(0, vendor_info[3])
vendor_message.insert(0, vendor_info[4])
def next_vendor():
def update_db():
# Layout order window
Label(ord_win, text='Vendor').grid(row=0)
Label(ord_win, text='Min order value').grid(row=1)
Label(ord_win, text='Email').grid(row=2)
Label(ord_win, text='CC').grid(row=3)
Label(ord_win, text='Message').grid(row=4)
vendor_name = Label(ord_win).grid(row=0, column=1)
vendor_min1 = Entry(ord_win)
vendor_min1.grid(row=1, column=1)
vendor_email = Entry(ord_win)
vendor_email.grid(row=2, column=1)
vendor_cc = Entry(ord_win)
vendor_cc.grid(row=3, column=1)
vendor_message = Entry(ord_win)
vendor_message.grid(row=4, column=1)

How to check a checkbox and a radio button in a PDF with Python?

I need to use Python to fill a complete PDF file, But I've been searching for 8 hours now and all I could find is how to fill a text field in a PDF file only. I need to fill check checkboxes and also use radio buttons where you can check one but not the other, like Yes or No radio buttons or Gender radio buttons.
Here is a code I've been using with the pdfrw python module...
import pdfrw
template_pdf = pdfrw.PdfReader("template.pdf")
ANNOT_KEY = '/Annots'
SUBTYPE_KEY = '/Subtype'
def fillPDF(data_dict):
for page in template_pdf.pages:
annotations = page[ANNOT_KEY]
for annotation in annotations:
if annotation[ANNOT_FIELD_KEY]:
key = annotation[ANNOT_FIELD_KEY][1:-1]
if key in data_dict.keys():
if type(data_dict[key]) == bool:
if data_dict[key] == True:
pdfrw.PdfWriter().write("output.pdf", template_pdf)
This code is supposed to fill text fields and checkboxes but it doesn't work with checkboxes and it does not even detect the radio buttons.
If you have a way to check radio buttons and checkboxes with python please let me know. Thank you.
I think it is something silly. My code is pretty similar to yours and it works.
if key in data_dict.keys():
if type(data_dict[key]) is str:
annotation.update(pdfrw.PdfDict(AP=data_dict[key], V=data_dict[key]))
elif type(data_dict[key]) is bool:
if data_dict[key] is True:
elif data_dict[key] is False:
annotation.update(pdfrw.PdfDict(Ff=1)) # Field non-editable.

Python ttk combobox value update?

I use a GUI for some web automation with selenium.
I have several comboboxes (will do one example here)
This is my example code:
app = Tk()
def callback(*args): # should get the updated values in Combobox ?
global v_sv_league
v_sv_league = str(sv_league.get())
#List to be filled by scraper
li_leagues = []
sv_league = StringVar()
sv_league.trace("w", callback)
l_d_league = tk.Label(app,text='League:',bg='#1d1b29', fg='#f8f09d',font='Tahoma 10')
d_league = ttk.Combobox(app,textvariable=sv_league,values=li_leagues)
def scrape():
btn_tflist = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH,('/html/body/main/section/nav/button[3]'))))
btn_tf_filters = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH,'/html/body/main/section/section/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/div[2]')))
bol_scrape = True
if bol_scrape is True:
print('\n Start scraping... this might take a few minutes. Please wait and dont press anything until trade_buddy is done!\n')
li_leagues = []
print('Getting leagues...\n')
league_dropdown_menu = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH,('/html/body/main/section/section/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/div'))))
# scrape all text
scrape_leagues = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//li[#class='with-icon' and contains(text(), '')]")
for league in scrape_leagues:
export_league = league.text
export_league = str(export_league)
export_league = export_league.replace(',', '')
So basically this is just a small part of my code but this is what I got for one of my combobox's.
You can see that I will call for def scrape at some point in my code to scrape data and to fill my list li_leagues.
However, my combobox is not refreshing the content and stays empty.
For OptionMenu I got it set up (with a it other code) but I cant get it working with combobox.
Any advice what I am missing here?
Thanks a slot!
Try using this line of code, after appending the list with values.
export_league = export_league.replace(',', '')
config() method acts as a updater that just updates your widget, when called.
Hope it was of some help.

How to not display duplicates in a list using tkinter

How do I get this program to not display the same selection again to the user when its already been selected ?
I know behind the scenes I can create a set of my entries for the code to continue using, but I cant seem to stop the display showing duplicate items if the user selects the same thing again. I thought the 'not in' statement might have worked. Any help please ?
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
root = Tk()
# set in pixels
my_list = set()
def combo_click(event):
my_label = Label(root, text=myCombo.get()).pack()
if myCombo.get() not in my_list:
# print('List without duplicate items (Set) ' + '\n')
OptionList = [
clicked = StringVar()
# *Options -
#drop = OptionMenu(root, clicked, *OptionList, command=selected)
myCombo = ttk.Combobox(root, value=OptionList)
myCombo.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", combo_click)
A method you could use to filter out duplicates in a list is the following code. I am assuming you are adding each bit of text to the Tkinter list through variables.
In my code the variable: a is the item we wish to add to the list.
Code to filter through entries to a Tkinter list:
While True: #replace the bit inbetween w and t with your how long you want to do it
#add everything you add to a list before you add to Tkinter Listbox as shown below.
for x in tlist:
if tlist contains a:
print("Duplicate! This will not be added.")
print(a,"Was added.")
Hope this helps!

How can I create a table in a DOCX file with Python?

I am trying to send selected values from radiobuttons into a .docx file
importing what I need, focus is on docx
import tkinter as tk
from docx import Document
main = tk.Tk()
these are my options that I need to place into a word document on the left of the table, they act as questions in a survey.
info = ["option 1", "option 2", "option 3", "option 4"
Here I am placing radiobuttons called Yes, No & N/A which are answers to the options on the left(list of info above) and also Label to represent options or in other words questions..
vars = []
for idx,i in enumerate(info):
var = tk.IntVar(value=0)
lblOption = tk.Label(main,text=i)
btnYes = tk.Radiobutton(main, text="Yes", variable=var, value=2)
btnNo = tk.Radiobutton(main, text="No", variable=var, value=1)
btnNa = tk.Radiobutton(main, text="N/A", variable=var,value=0)
Here is my function, creating a document and saving is the easy part. My issue is that I am muddled up creating a table that will have; Options on the left (from info) at the top are the headers (see RadioButtons yes, no, & N/a). And selected data, as an example, if for option 1 I have selected No, then save the data into a .docx file with the one been selected (See example bottom of page at Desired output).
def send():
document = Document()
section = document.sections[0]
#add table
table = document.add_table(1, 4)
#style table = 'Table Grid'
#table data retrived from Radiobuttons
items = vars.get()
#populate header row
heading_cells = table.rows[0].cells
heading_cells[0].text = "Options"
heading_cells[1].text = btnYes.cget("text")
heading_cells[2].text = btnNo.cget("text")
heading_cells[3].text = btnNa.cget("text")
for item in items:
cells = table.add_row().cells
cells[0].text = #Options
cells[1].text = #Yes values
cells[2].text = #No values
cells[3].text = #N/A values
#save doc"test.docx")
#button to send data to docx file
btn = tk.Button(main, text="Send to File", command= send)
this is what it opens up:
Here is the desired output:
Number 1 represents selected items from the tkinter application. But will figure out how to change it to a tick box.
I am kinda confused where I am at, I am new using docx.. been trying to read the documentation.. and this is where I digged my self a hole into.
In your current code, vars is a list of IntVars. You want to get each value individually instead of vars.get(). Also when writing to docx file, you need both info and values of radiobuttons, to track them both you can use an index.
With minimal changes to your code, you can use something like this.
def send():
heading_cells[3].text = btnNa.cget("text")
for idx, item in enumerate(vars):
cells = table.add_row().cells
cells[0].text = info[idx] # gets the option name
val = item.get() #radiobutton value
if val == 2: # checks if yes
cells[1].text = "1"
elif val == 1: # checks if no
cells[2].text = "1"
elif val == 0: # checks if N/A
cells[3].text = "1"
#save doc"test.docx")
or you can use a dictionary to map radiobuttons to cells.
valuesCells = {0: 3, 1: 2, 2: 1} # value of radiobutton: cell to write
# hard to read what's going on though
for idx, item in enumerate(vars):
cells = table.add_row().cells
cells[0].text = info[idx] # gets the option name
val = item.get()
cells[valuesCells[val]].text = "1"
#save doc"test.docx")
