I have a project with structure the same as this:
In conftest.py i get parameters from cmd.
In one of the functions in mane_page.py I need to assign a value(= parameter in cmd) to a variable.
For example:
cmd: pytest -s -v --language=en --status=empty test_main_page.py
import pytest
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption('--language', action='store', default=None, help="Choose language")
parser.addoption('--status', action='store', default=None, help="Choose status")
def browser(request):
user_language = request.config.getoption("language")
if user_language:
options = Options()
options.add_experimental_option('prefs', {'intl.accept_languages': user_language})
browser = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
yield browser
raise pytest.UsageError("--choose your language again")
def choose_status(request):
return request.config.getoption("status")
Then in main_page.py I want to do this:
from .base_page import BasePage
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from .locators import MainPageLocators
class MainPage(BasePage):
def go_to_login_page(self):
login_link = self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#login_link")
**chosen status = status** <-----------
def should_be_login_link(self):
assert self.is_element_present(*MainPageLocators.LOGIN_LINK)
Finally I need this result: chosen_satus = "empty"
How can I do it?
You can send it as a parameter to go_to_login_page() from the test
def choose_status(request):
return request.config.getoption("status")
def test_main_page(choose_status):
class MainPage(BasePage):
def go_to_login_page(self, status):
# status = empty
Here is the final code, that solve my problem:
def choose_status(request):
return request.config.getoption("status")
def test_main_page(choose_status):
In main_page.py
class MainPage(BasePage):
def go_to_login_page(self,choose_status):
if choose_status == "clear":
#do smth
In test_main_page:
def test_guest_can_go_to_login_page(browser,choose_status):
link = "someurl"
page = MainPage(browser, link)
I am trying to add screenshots of failed tests to html reports generated by pytest-html plugin,pytest libraries.I followed this How do I include screenshot in python pytest html report. However i always ended up with the below error.
Error occuring:
feature_request = item.funcargs['request']
KeyError: 'request'
import pytest
from datetime import datetime
from selenium import webdriver
import pytest_html
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
timestamp = datetime.now().strftime('%H-%M-%S')
pytest_html = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin('html')
outcome = yield
report = outcome.get_result()
extra = getattr(report, 'extra', [])
if report.when == 'call':
feature_request = item.funcargs['request']
driver = feature_request.getfixturevalue('browser')
driver.save_screenshot('Screenshots/scr' + timestamp + '.png')
extra.append(pytest_html.extras.image('Screenshots/scr' + timestamp + '.png'))
xfail = hasattr(report, 'wasxfail')
if (report.skipped and xfail) or (report.failed and not xfail):
# only add additional html on failure
extra.append(pytest_html.extras.html('<div>Additional HTML</div>'))
report.extra = extra
def setup():
url = 'https://www.google.com/'
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
return driver
class Test_One():
def test_login(setup):
print('Opend google')
assert False
Whats wrong with my code ? how can i append screenshot on failed test cases ?
you should have a fixture with request argument on your conftest.py, specifically your driver.
def setup(request):
then use driver = feature_request.getfixturevalue('setup') #referencing your def setup
I have a conftest file to handle the setup and tear down of selenium drivers when running tests in pytest. I'm trying to add in a command line option to determine if I run the local built in selenium and web drivers or a remote selenium server and drivers etc...
I've added a commandline option called "runenv" and I'm trying to obtain the string value from this entered through command line to determine if the system should run local or remote webdriver configuration. This allows testers to develop on their own machines locally, but also means we can script the tests to run on the remote machine as part of a build pipeline.
The issue I have is that my parser.addoption shown in the below file is not processed. It doesn't seem return a value (whether it's the default or the value passed through command line) that I can use.
My conftest.py file is as follows (*note the url and remote IP are just samples to cover company privacy)
import pytest
import os
import rootdir_ref
import webdriverwrapper
from webdriverwrapper import DesiredCapabilities, FirefoxProfile
#when running tests from command line we should be able to pass --url=www..... for a different website, check what order these definitions need to be in
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--url", action="store", default="https://mydomain1.com.au")
parser.addoption("--runenv", action="store", default="local")
def url(request):
return request.config.option.url
def runenv(request):
return request.config.option.runenv
if runenv == 'remote':
BROWSERS = {'chrome_remote': DesiredCapabilities.CHROME}
BROWSERS = {'chrome': DesiredCapabilities.CHROME}
# #'firefox': DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX,
# # 'chrome': DesiredCapabilities.CHROME,
# 'chrome_remote': DesiredCapabilities.CHROME,
# # 'firefox_remote': DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX
# }
#pytest.fixture(scope='function', params=BROWSERS.keys())
def browser(request):
if request.param == 'firefox':
firefox_capabilities = BROWSERS[request.param]
firefox_capabilities['marionette'] = True
firefox_capabilities['acceptInsecureCerts'] = True
theRootDir = os.path.dirname(rootdir_ref.__file__)
ffProfilePath = os.path.join(theRootDir, 'DriversAndTools', 'FirefoxSeleniumProfile')
geckoDriverPath = os.path.join(theRootDir, 'DriversAndTools', 'geckodriver.exe')
profile = FirefoxProfile(profile_directory=ffProfilePath)
# Testing with local Firefox Beta 56
binary = 'C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe'
b = webdriverwrapper.Firefox(firefox_binary=binary, firefox_profile=profile, capabilities=firefox_capabilities,
elif request.param == 'chrome':
desired_cap = BROWSERS[request.param]
desired_cap['chromeOptions'] = {}
desired_cap['chromeOptions']['args'] = ['--disable-plugins', '--disable-extensions']
desired_cap['browserName'] = 'chrome'
desired_cap['javascriptEnabled'] = True
theRootDir = os.path.dirname(rootdir_ref.__file__)
chromeDriverPath = os.path.join(theRootDir, 'DriversAndTools', 'chromedriver.exe')
b = webdriverwrapper.Chrome(chromeDriverPath, desired_capabilities=desired_cap)
elif request.param == 'chrome_remote':
desired_cap = BROWSERS[request.param]
desired_cap['chromeOptions'] = {}
desired_cap['chromeOptions']['args'] = ['--disable-plugins', '--disable-extensions']
desired_cap['browserName'] = 'chrome'
desired_cap['javascriptEnabled'] = True
b = webdriverwrapper.Remote(command_executor='', desired_capabilities=desired_cap)
elif request.param == 'firefox_remote':
firefox_capabilities = BROWSERS[request.param]
firefox_capabilities['marionette'] = True
firefox_capabilities['acceptInsecureCerts'] = True
firefox_capabilities['browserName'] = 'firefox'
firefox_capabilities['javascriptEnabled'] = True
theRootDir = os.path.dirname(rootdir_ref.__file__)
ffProfilePath = os.path.join(theRootDir, 'DriversAndTools', 'FirefoxSeleniumProfile')
profile = FirefoxProfile(profile_directory=ffProfilePath)
b = webdriverwrapper.Remote(command_executor='',
desired_capabilities=firefox_capabilities, browser_profile=profile)
b = BROWSERS[request.param]()
request.addfinalizer(lambda *args: b.quit())
return b
def driver(browser, url):
driver = browser
driver.set_window_size(1260, 1080)
return driver
My tests would simply utilise the resulting "driver" fixture after the page has already been setup by conftest. Example test maybe:
import pytest
from testtools import login, dashboard, calendar_helper, csvreadtool, credentials_helper
import time
def test_new_appointment(driver):
testId = 'Calendar01'
credentials_list = credentials_helper.get_csv_data('LoginDetails.csv', testId)
# login
assert driver.title == 'Patient Management cloud solution'
rslt = login.login_user(driver, credentials_list)
.... etc..
I'd then like to run the test suite using a command like:
python -m pytest -v --html=.\Results\testrunX.html --self-contained-html --url=https://myotherdomain.com.au/ --runenv=chrome_remote
So far the url command line option works, I can use it to override the url or let it use the default.
But I can not get a value from the runenv commandline option. In the if statement below it will always default to the else statement. runenv doesn't seem to have a value, even though the default I have for that parser.addoption is 'local'
if runenv == 'remote':
BROWSERS = {'chrome_remote': DesiredCapabilities.CHROME}
BROWSERS = {'chrome': DesiredCapabilities.CHROME}
I tried putting in pdb.trace() before the if statement so I could see what is in the runenv, but it will only tell me it's a function and I don't seem to be able to obtain a value from it, which makes me think it's not getting populated at all.
I'm not really sure how to debug the conftest file because the output generally does not appear in the console output. Any suggestions? Does the pytest_addoption actually accept 2 or more custom command line arguments?
I'm using
Python 3.5.3
Pytest 3.2.1
In a VirtualEnv on windows 10
Here, why are you making url and runenv as fixture? You can use it like below:
In your conftest.py
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption('--url', action='store', default='https://mytestdomain.com.au/', help='target machine url')
parser.addoption('--runenv', action='store', default='remote', help='select remote or local')
def pytest_configure(config):
os.environ["url"] = config.getoption('url')
os.environ["runenv"] = config.getoption('runenv')
Now, wherever you want to access url and runenv you just need to write os.getenv('Variable_name') like,
def driver(browser):
driver = browser
driver.set_window_size(1260, 1080)
return driver
Or like in your code,
if os.getenv('runenv')== 'remote':
BROWSERS = {'chrome_remote': DesiredCapabilities.CHROME}
BROWSERS = {'chrome': DesiredCapabilities.CHROME}
Here, url and runenv would be saved in OS environment variable and you can access it anywhere without fixture just by os.getenv()
Hope it would help you !!
BROWSERS are populated at conftest.py import and at import time runenv is a function. If you want to use runenv as a fixture BROWSERS also must be a fixture:
def BROWSERS(runenv):
if runenv == 'remote':
return {'chrome_remote': DesiredCapabilities.CHROME}
return {'chrome': DesiredCapabilities.CHROME}
Okay so after doing a proof of concept it looks like the main part of my problem is that I can't use a command line option to change the output of a function (either a fixture or non fixture function) and then use that as a list for a dynamic paramater on another request fixture function. After reading up about it, it would seem that it's something to do with the order of processing during loading of the fixture functions. I pretty much tried everything apart from playing with the metafunc .
I tried using all of the various pytest.mark.fixture or any variations in the params = section and they would simply not yield an iterable list (on some occasions I could get it to give me the entire list but not iterate over it)
I also tried the lazyfixture model with no success.
I tried using dictionaries in the a fixture function as the out put. I tried them outside the function, I tried the same thing with classes and creating populated objected inside a fixture function . I tried using the pytest.mark.getfixturevalue in the params = , I tried using the pytest.mark.use decorator, I tried the paramatize decorator. None of of it works.
It looks like the only thing that may work here would be the alternative proposed solution here, that has not actually been developed.
In the end I decided to contain all of the logic one large fixture function, which seems to work for moment, but not ideally how I'd like to do it because unfortunately I can not have variable params based on command line entries for which browsers I want to test. I have to manually update the conftest file to chance whether I not I run one or 2 browsers and have it iterate through both for each test.
# conftest.py
import pytest
import os
import rootdir_ref
import webdriverwrapper
from webdriverwrapper import DesiredCapabilities, FirefoxProfile
# when running tests from command line we should be able to pass --url=www..... for a different website, check what order these definitions need to be in
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption('--url', action='store', default='https://mytestdomain.com.au/', help='target machine url')
parser.addoption('--runenv', action='store', default='remote', help='select remote or local')
def url(request):
return request.config.getoption('url')
def runenv(request):
return request.config.getoption('runenv')
# 'firefox': DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX,
'chrome': DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
#pytest.fixture(scope='function', params=BROWSERS.keys())
def browser(request, runenv):
if request.param == 'firefox':
if runenv == 'local':
firefox_capabilities = BROWSERS[request.param]
firefox_capabilities['marionette'] = True
firefox_capabilities['acceptInsecureCerts'] = True
theRootDir = os.path.dirname(rootdir_ref.__file__)
ffProfilePath = os.path.join(theRootDir, 'DriversAndTools', 'FirefoxSeleniumProfile')
geckoDriverPath = os.path.join(theRootDir, 'DriversAndTools', 'geckodriver.exe')
profile = FirefoxProfile(profile_directory=ffProfilePath)
# Testing with local Firefox Beta 56
binary = 'C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe'
b = webdriverwrapper.Firefox(firefox_binary=binary, firefox_profile=profile, capabilities=firefox_capabilities,
elif runenv == 'remote':
request.param == 'firefox_remote'
firefox_capabilities = BROWSERS[request.param]
firefox_capabilities['marionette'] = True
firefox_capabilities['acceptInsecureCerts'] = True
firefox_capabilities['browserName'] = 'firefox'
firefox_capabilities['javascriptEnabled'] = True
theRootDir = os.path.dirname(rootdir_ref.__file__)
ffProfilePath = os.path.join(theRootDir, 'DriversAndTools', 'FirefoxSeleniumProfile')
profile = FirefoxProfile(profile_directory=ffProfilePath)
b = webdriverwrapper.Remote(command_executor='https://selenium.mytestserver.com.au/wd/hub',
desired_capabilities=firefox_capabilities, browser_profile=profile)
b = webdriverwrapper.Firefox()
elif request.param == 'chrome':
if runenv == 'local':
desired_cap = BROWSERS[request.param]
desired_cap['chromeOptions'] = {}
desired_cap['chromeOptions']['args'] = ['--disable-plugins', '--disable-extensions']
desired_cap['browserName'] = 'chrome'
desired_cap['javascriptEnabled'] = True
theRootDir = os.path.dirname(rootdir_ref.__file__)
chromeDriverPath = os.path.join(theRootDir, 'DriversAndTools', 'chromedriver.exe')
b = webdriverwrapper.Chrome(chromeDriverPath, desired_capabilities=desired_cap)
elif runenv == 'remote':
desired_cap = BROWSERS[request.param]
desired_cap['chromeOptions'] = {}
desired_cap['chromeOptions']['args'] = ['--disable-plugins', '--disable-extensions']
desired_cap['browserName'] = 'chrome'
desired_cap['javascriptEnabled'] = True
b = webdriverwrapper.Remote(command_executor='https://selenium.mytestserver.com.au/wd/hub',
b = webdriverwrapper.Chrome()
b = webdriverwrapper.Chrome()
request.addfinalizer(lambda *args: b.quit())
return b
def driver(browser, url):
driver = browser
driver.set_window_size(1260, 1080)
return driver
I'm trying to implement 'By' and 'Keys' with appium just like how I do it on selenium.
On selenium i could do this:
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
class LoginPageLocators(object):
HEADING = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'h3[class="panel-title"]')
USERNAME = (By.NAME, 'username')
PASSWORD = (By.NAME, 'password')
LOGIN_BTN = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'input[value="Login"]')
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from base import Page
from locators.locators import *
class LoginPage(Page):
def __init__(self, context):
def goto_login_page(self, url):
def enter_username(self, username):
uname = self.find_element(*LoginPageLocators.USERNAME)
def enter_password(self, password):
pword = self.find_element(*LoginPageLocators.PASSWORD)
def click_login(self):
login = self.find_element(*LoginPageLocators.LOGIN_BTN)
def verify_dashboard_page(self, page):
Is there a way to this in appium? there is no module if i do this:
from appium.webdriver.common.by import By
from appium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from appium.webdriver.common.mobileby import By
from appium.webdriver.common.mobileby import MobileBy
class FirstPageLocators(object):
LOCATOR_TWO = (MobileBy.XPATH, 'xpath_value')
I use another way for locators.
I have page_object directory, which contains files for the app pages and general file - base_page. In the Base_page.py I include general action methods for another pages. Example:
from appium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as ex_cond
from src.platform import PLATFORM, IS_IOS
class BasePage:
def __init__(self, driver: webdriver) -> None:
self._driver = driver
def get_element(self, locator: str, timeout=10):
by = get_locator_by_string(locator)
return WebDriverWait(self._driver, timeout).until(
ex_cond.visibility_of_element_located(by), ' : '.join(by))
def get_no_element(self, locator: str, timeout=10):
by = get_locator_by_string(locator)
element = WebDriverWait(self._driver, timeout).until(
ex_cond.invisibility_of_element_located(by), ' : '.join(by))
if element is None:
return 'No element found'
def get_element_text(self, locator: str, timeout=10):
by = get_locator_by_string(locator)
element = WebDriverWait(self._driver, timeout).until(
ex_cond.visibility_of_element_located(by), ' : '.join(by))
if IS_IOS:
return element.get_attribute('label')
return element.text
def get_element_and_click(self, locator: str, timeout=10):
by = get_locator_by_string(locator)
element = WebDriverWait(self._driver, timeout).until(
ex_cond.visibility_of_element_located(by), ' : '.join(by))
return element.click()
To find the right way for locators, I created the custom method in the same file - base_page.py. Example:
def get_locator_by_string(locator_with_type):
exploided_locator = locator_with_type.split(':', 1)
by_type = exploided_locator[0]
locator = exploided_locator[1]
if by_type == 'xpath':
return (MobileBy.XPATH, locator)
elif by_type == 'css':
return (MobileBy.CSS_SELECTOR, locator)
elif by_type == 'id':
return (MobileBy.ID, locator)
elif by_type == 'accessibility_id':
return (MobileBy.ACCESSIBILITY_ID, locator)
elif by_type == 'android_uiautomator':
return (MobileBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, locator)
elif by_type == 'ios_uiautomation':
return (MobileBy.IOS_UIAUTOMATION, locator)
elif by_type == 'ios_predicate':
return (MobileBy.IOS_PREDICATE, locator)
elif by_type == 'class':
return (MobileBy.CLASS_NAME, locator)
raise Exception(f'Cannot get type of locator. Locator
Get_locator_by_string doesn't consist all search methods. There is methods I need.
In the locators file I have two ways - for Android and for iOS. Example:
import allure
from src.config import BUNDLE_APP
from src.ui.base_page import BasePage, locator_for_platform
class AuthorPage(BasePage):
_author_title = locator_for_platform({
'ANDROID': 'id:%s:id/authorName' % BUNDLE_APP,
'IOS': 'accessibility_id:author_name'
_subscribe_button = locator_for_platform({
'ANDROID': 'id:%s:id/subscribeBackground' % BUNDLE_APP,
'IOS': 'accessibility_id:author_subscribe_button'
#allure.step('Press subscribe button')
def press_subscribe_button(self):
#allure.step('Get subscribe button text')
def get_subscribe_button_text(self):
return super().get_element_text(self._subscribe_button_text)
#allure.step('Get author\'s name text')
def get_author_name_text(self):
return super().get_element_text(self._author_title)
To choose correct locators for platform I use methods for platform's checking. Example:
def locator_for_platform(selectors):
return selectors.get(PLATFORM, 'Undefined Selector')
To check current platform this file:
import os
from appium import webdriver
from src import config
def get_env(key, default=None):
return os.environ.get(key=key, default=default)
def get():
return webdriver.Remote(
return webdriver.Remote(
And the last file for setup current platform for test:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
APPIUM_HOST = 'http://localhost:4445/wd/hub'
'platformName': 'iOS',
'platformVersion': '13.3',
'deviceName': 'iPhone 8',
'automationNam': 'XCUITest',
'app': MY_APP_IOS
'platformName': 'Android',
'platformVersion': '10',
'automationName': 'uiautomator2',
'deviceName': DEVICES['Pixel Emulator (10.0)'],
'unicodeKeyboard': 'true',
'resetKeyboard': 'true',
'disableWindowAnimation': 'true',
'autoWebviewTimeout': '2000',
'clearDeviceLogsOnStart': 'true'
DEVICES and MY_APP_ANDROID is another dictionaries.
I hope my experience will be helpful for you.
I have tried to correct the following error which basically is about the arguments for 'username' and 'directory'. I have tried all possible ways but no luck. Python does not state the line of code that the following error refers to:
usage: Google_Map.py [-h] [-n NUM_TO_DOWNLOAD] [-l LOG_LEVEL]
username directory
Google_Map.py: error: the following arguments are required: username, directory
Please see the code here:
def __init__(self, username, directory, num_to_download = 10,
self.username = username
self.profile_url = self.get_url(username)
self.directory = directory
self.PAUSE = 1
self.user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'
self.headers = {'User-Agent': self.user_agent}
self.html_source = None
self.log_level = getattr(logging, log_level.upper())
def get_url(self, path):
return urlparse.urljoin('https://instagram.com', path)
def set_num_posts(self, num_to_download=None):
self.num_posts = int(self.get_posts_count(self.profile_url) or 0)
self.num_to_download = num_to_download
def setup_logging(self, level=logging.INFO):
self.logger = logging.getLogger('instaraider')
def log(self, *strings, **kwargs):
level = kwargs.pop('level', logging.INFO)
self.logger.log(level, u' '.join(str(s) for s in strings))
def setup_webdriver(self):
self.profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
self.profile.set_preference("general.useragent.override", self.user_agent)
self.webdriver = webdriver.Firefox(self.profile)
self.webdriver.set_window_size(480, 320)
self.webdriver.set_window_position(800, 0)
def get_posts_count(self, url):
Given a url to Instagram profile, return number of photos posted
response = requests.get(url)
counts_code = re.search(r'\"media":{"count":\d+', response.text)
if not counts_code:
return None
return re.findall(r'\d+', counts_code.group())[0]
def log_in_user(self):
driver = self.webdriver
self.log('You need to login to access this profile.',
'Redirecting you to the login page in the browser.',
# Wait until user has been successfully logged in and redirceted
# to his/her feed.
WebDriverWait(driver, 60).until(
(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.-cx-PRIVATE-FeedPage__feed'),
self.log('User successfully logged in.', level=logging.INFO)
self.set_num_posts() # Have to set this again
def load_instagram(self):
Using Selenium WebDriver, load Instagram page to get page source
self.log(self.username, 'has', self.num_posts, 'posts on Instagram.')
if self.num_to_download is not None:
self.log("The first", self.num_to_download, "of them will be downloaded.")
num_to_download = self.num_to_download or self.num_posts
driver = self.webdriver
# load Instagram profile and wait for PAUSE
self.log("Loading Instagram profile...")
driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
el = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(
except NoSuchElementException:
if (num_to_download > 24):
scroll_to_bottom = self.get_scroll_count(num_to_download)
element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('div.-cx-PRIVATE-AutoloadingPostsGrid__moreLoadingIndicator a')
for y in range(int(scroll_to_bottom)):
# After load all profile photos, retur, source to download_photos()
source = driver.page_source
# close Firefox window
return source
def scroll_page(self, driver):
driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, 0);")
def get_scroll_count(self, count):
return (int(count) - 24) / 12 + 1
def validate(self):
returns True if Instagram username is valid
req = requests.get(self.profile_url)
self.log('User', self.username, 'is not valid.',
return False
if not self.num_posts:
self.log('User', self.username, 'has no photos to download.',
return False
return True
def save_photo(self, photo_url, photo_name):
image_request = requests.get(photo_url, headers=self.headers)
image_data = image_request.content
with open(photo_name, 'wb') as fp:
if "last-modified" in image_request.headers:
modtime = calendar.timegm(eut.parsedate(image_request.headers["last-modified"]))
os.utime(photo_name, (modtime, modtime))
def download_photos(self):
Given source code for loaded Instagram page,
extract all hrefs and download full-resolution photos
source: HTML source code of Instagram profile papge
num_to_download = self.num_to_download or self.num_posts
if self.html_source is None:
self.html_source = self.load_instagram()
# check if directory exists, if not, make it
if not op.exists(self.directory):
# index for progress bar
photos_saved = 0
self.log("Saving photos to", self.directory)
links = re.findall(r'src="[https]+:...[\/\w \.-]*..[\/\w \.-]*..[\/\w \.-]*..[\/\w \.-].jpg', self.html_source)
for link in links:
photo_url = link[5:]
photo_url = photo_url.replace('\\', '')
photo_url = re.sub(r'/s\d+x\d+/', '/', photo_url)
split = urlparse.urlsplit(photo_url)
photo_name = op.join(self.directory, split.path.split("/")[-1])
# save full-resolution photo if its new
if not op.isfile(photo_name):
self.save_photo(photo_url, photo_name)
photos_saved += 1
self.log('Downloaded file {}/{} ({}).'.format(
photos_saved, num_to_download, op.basename(photo_name)))
self.log('Skipping file', photo_name, 'as it already exists.')
if photos_saved >= num_to_download:
self.log('Saved', photos_saved, 'files to', self.directory)
def main():
# parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='InstaRaider')
parser.add_argument('username', help='Instagram username')
parser.add_argument('directory', help='Where to save the images')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--num-to-download',
help='Number of posts to download', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-level', help="Log level", default='info')
args = parser.parse_args()
username = args.username
directory = op.expanduser(args.directory)
raider = InstaRaider(username, directory,
if not raider.validate():
if __name__ == '__main__':
That's not a Python exception message. That's command line help output.
The output is generated by the argparse module, configured here:
def main():
# parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='InstaRaider')
parser.add_argument('username', help='Instagram username')
parser.add_argument('directory', help='Where to save the images')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--num-to-download',
help='Number of posts to download', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-level', help="Log level", default='info')
args = parser.parse_args()
The moment parser.parse_args() is called your command line arguments are parsed to match the above configuration.
Specifically, the username and directory positional arguments are required:
parser.add_argument('username', help='Instagram username')
parser.add_argument('directory', help='Where to save the images')
You'll need to specify these on the command line when you run the script:
Google_Map.py some_instagram_username /path/to/directory/to/save/images
The other command line options are optional and start with - or --.
If you can't run this from a console or terminal command line, you could pass in the options to the parser directly:
def main(argv=None):
# parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='InstaRaider')
parser.add_argument('username', help='Instagram username')
parser.add_argument('directory', help='Where to save the images')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--num-to-download',
help='Number of posts to download', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-level', help="Log level", default='info')
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
# ....
main(['some_instagram_username', '/path/to/directory/to/save/images'])
Now the arguments are passed in via the argv optional function parameter, as a list.
However, rather than have main() parse arguments, you could just use the InstaRaider() class directly:
raider = InstaRaider('some_instagram_username', '/path/to/directory/to/save/images')
I'm trying to make a little testing script which can post something to my testing facebook group. I think that the best way is to use Selenium webdriver if I don't use Graph API.
Login works correctly. Then I get the group (self.driver.get(group_url)). Now, I locate an textarea element and send my text there - this works (according to self.driver.save_screenshot..).
Now, I'm going to locate a submit/post button. I think it is located correctly because I've tested it by copying XPATH by inspect element in Chrome.
So I do click(). Everything seems work good but there is no new post.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from selenium import webdriver
import mLib
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import time
GROUPS = ['https://www.facebook.com/groups/1467884653516334/']
class base():
def __init__(self):
self.driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
self.settings = {}
self.user = None
self.password = None
self.logged = False
self.groups = []
self.groups = self.get_groups()
def get_post_button(self):
print self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[contains(text(), 'Post')]")
def get_groups(self):
# if 'groups' in self.settings.keys():
# groups = self.settings['groups'].split('*')
# return groups if groups is not None else []
return GROUPS
def set_settings(self):
with open('settings.txt') as f:
for line in f:
splitted = line.split('::')
def login(self,username,password):
user_form = self.driver.find_element_by_id('email')
pass_form = self.driver.find_element_by_id('pass')
if 'You must log in to continue' in self.driver.page_source:
self.logged = True
def send_post(self,text,group):
assert self.logged == True
inner_wraps = self.driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('div.innerWrap')
for iw in inner_wraps:
text_field = iw.find_element_by_css_selector('textarea')
button = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[#id="u_0_1w"]/div/div[5]/div/ul/li[2]/button')
print button.get_attribute('outerHTML').encode('utf-8')
bs = base()
print 'OK'
Why is that so? Do you have any advice?