A geocode api returns no location information for coordinates in ocean/sea. For those records, I would like to find the nearest possible coordinates that has a valid location information (that is closest land coordinates)
Below is the code for fetching location information by passing coordinates
import requests
request_url = "https://api.mapbox.com/geocoding/v5/mapbox.places/{0}%2C{1}.json?access_token={2}&types=country&limit=1".format(lng,lat,key)
response = requests.get(request_url)
output = response.json()
I have no clue in finding the nearest location. I'm also new to Python
Sample output:
{'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'query': [32.12, 54.21],
'features': [{'id': 'country.10008046970720960',
'type': 'Feature',
'place_type': ['country'],
'relevance': 1,
'properties': {'short_code': 'ru', 'wikidata': 'Q159'},
'text': 'Russia',
'place_name': 'Russia',
'bbox': [19.608673, 41.185353, 179.9, 81.961618],
'center': [37.61667, 55.75],
'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [37.61667, 55.75]}}],
'attribution': 'NOTICE: © 2020 Mapbox and its suppliers. All rights reserved. Use of this data is subject to the Mapbox Terms of Service (https://www.mapbox.com/about/maps/). This response and the information it contains may not be retained. POI(s) provided by Foursquare.'}
Output when the coordinates are ocean:
{'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'query': [0, 0],
'features': [],
'attribution': 'NOTICE: © 2020 Mapbox and its suppliers. All rights reserved. Use of this data is subject to the Mapbox Terms of Service (https://www.mapbox.com/about/maps/). This response and the information it contains may not be retained. POI(s) provided by Foursquare.'}
Using Haversine Formula to find the nearest point (eg. city) based on latitude and longitude.
def dist_between_two_lat_lon(*args):
from math import asin, cos, radians, sin, sqrt
lat1, lat2, long1, long2 = map(radians, args)
dist_lats = abs(lat2 - lat1)
dist_longs = abs(long2 - long1)
a = sin(dist_lats/2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dist_longs/2)**2
c = asin(sqrt(a)) * 2
radius_earth = 6378 # the "Earth radius" R varies from 6356.752 km at the poles to 6378.137 km at the equator.
return c * radius_earth
def find_closest_lat_lon(data, v):
return min(data, key=lambda p: dist_between_two_lat_lon(v['lat'],p['lat'],v['lon'],p['lon']))
except TypeError:
print('Not a list or not a number.')
# city = {'lat_key': value, 'lon_key': value} # type:dict()
new_york = {'lat': 40.712776, 'lon': -74.005974}
washington = {'lat': 47.751076, 'lon': -120.740135}
san_francisco = {'lat': 37.774929, 'lon': -122.419418}
city_list = [new_york, washington, san_francisco]
city_to_find = {'lat': 29.760427, 'lon': -95.369804} # Houston
print(find_closest_lat_lon(city_list, city_to_find))
Which Yields:
{'lat': 47.751076, 'lon': -120.740135} # Corresponds to Washington
Let's suppose you got four json answers from mapbox and you saved them in a list:
json_answers = list() # = []
json_answers.append({'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'query': [32.12, 54.21],
'features': [{'id': 'country.10008046970720960',
'type': 'Feature',
'place_type': ['country'],
'relevance': 1,
'properties': {'short_code': 'ru', 'wikidata': 'Q159'},
'text': 'Russia',
'place_name': 'Russia',
'bbox': [19.608673, 41.185353, 179.9, 81.961618],
'center': [37.61667, 55.75],
'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [37.61667, 55.75]}}],
'attribution': 'NOTICE: ...'})
# I changed only the 'coordinates' value for this example
json_answers.append({'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'query': [32.12, 54.21],
'features': [{'id': 'country.10008046970720960',
'type': 'Feature',
'place_type': ['country'],
'relevance': 1,
'properties': {'short_code': 'ru', 'wikidata': 'Q159'},
'text': 'Russia',
'place_name': 'Russia',
'bbox': [19.608673, 41.185353, 179.9, 81.961618],
'center': [37.61667, 55.75],
'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [38.21667, 56.15]}}],
'attribution': 'NOTICE: ...'})
# I changed only the 'coordinates' value for this example
json_answers.append({'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'query': [32.12, 54.21],
'features': [{'id': 'country.10008046970720960',
'type': 'Feature',
'place_type': ['country'],
'relevance': 1,
'properties': {'short_code': 'ru', 'wikidata': 'Q159'},
'text': 'Russia',
'place_name': 'Russia',
'bbox': [19.608673, 41.185353, 179.9, 81.961618],
'center': [37.61667, 55.75],
'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [33.21667, 51.15]}}],
'attribution': 'NOTICE: ...'})
# The last answer is "null"
json_answers.append({'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'query': [0, 0],
'features': [],
'attribution': 'NOTICE: ...'})
coord_list = []
for answer in json_answers:
if answer['features']: # check if ['features'] is not empty
# I'm not sure if it's [lat, lon] or [lon, lat] (you can verify it on mapbox)
print(f"Coordinates in [lat, lon]: {answer['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates']}")
lat = answer['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
lon = answer['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][1]
temp_dict = {'lat': lat, 'lon': lon}
print(f"coord_list = {coord_list}")
point_to_find = {'lat': 37.41667, 'lon': 55.05} # Houston
print(f"point_to_find = {point_to_find}")
print(f"find_closest_lat_lon = {find_closest_lat_lon(coord_list, point_to_find)}")
Which yields:
{'lat': 47.751076, 'lon': -120.740135}
Coordinates in [lat, lon]: [37.61667, 55.75]
Coordinates in [lat, lon]: [38.21667, 56.15]
Coordinates in [lat, lon]: [33.21667, 51.15]
coord_list = [{'lat': 37.61667, 'lon': 55.75}, {'lat': 38.21667, 'lon': 56.15}, {'lat': 33.21667, 'lon': 51.15}]
point_to_find = {'lat': 37.41667, 'lon': 55.05}
find_closest_lat_lon = {'lat': 38.21667, 'lon': 56.15}
Use reverse_geocode library in python to get nearest city with country.
import reverse_geocode
coordinates = (-37.81, 144.96), (31.76, 35.21)
[{'city': 'Melbourne', 'code': 'AU', 'country': 'Australia'},
{'city': 'Jerusalem', 'code': 'IL', 'country': 'Israel'}]
Here is an unoptimized solution.
What's going on under the hood of the function:
Run a GeoPy reverse look-up on a point.
If the point is found, return its country name.
If the point is not found, search for the nearest point of land in the world_geometry variable.
Perform a reverse lookup on that closest point.
Return that point's country name (if it exists) or the locality name (if no country name).
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
from shapely.ops import nearest_points
def country_lookup(query, geocoder, land_geometry):
loc = geocoder.reverse((query.y, query.x))
return loc.raw['address']['country']
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
_, p2 = nearest_points(query, land_geometry)
loc = geocoder.reverse((p2.y, p2.x)).raw['address']
if 'country' in loc.keys():
return loc['country']
return loc['locality']
# get world (or any land) geometry, instantiate geolocator service
world = gp.read_file(gp.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
world_geometry = world.geometry.unary_union
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="GIW")
# Create a column of country names from points in a GDF's geometry.
gdf['country'] = gdf.geometry.apply(country_lookup, args=(geolocator, world_geometry))
The accuracy of the results depends on the accuracy of the land geometry you provide. For example, geopandas's world geometry is pretty good. I was able to find names for all countries except for some of the smallest of the islands in the Bahamas. Those that it could not find were labelled "Bermuda Triangle" by the function, which is good enough for me.
Different package to try out is reverse_geocoder, which will return the nearest city, state, and country. Seems to be better than the reverse_geocode package.
import reverse_geocoder as rg
coordinates = (29,-84.1),(37,-125) #Both located in the ocean
[OrderedDict([('lat', '29.67106'),
('lon', '-83.38764'),
('name', 'Steinhatchee'),
('admin1', 'Florida'),
('admin2', 'Taylor County'),
('cc', 'US')]),
OrderedDict([('lat', '38.71519'),
('lon', '-123.45445'),
('name', 'Sea Ranch'),
('admin1', 'California'),
('admin2', 'Sonoma County'),
('cc', 'US')])]
I have a geopandas.GeoDataFrame. When I want to dump it into a file, it adds a "name" attribute that will be the name of the file I passed. How to prevent this?
df = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(data, geometry="geometry")
# some logic here
df.to_file(filename="a_random_name.geojson", driver="GeoJSON")
inside a_random_name.geosjon:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"name": "a_random_name",
"features": [...]
to_file method adds the "name" attribute to my data frame and I want to prevent that.
you have not provided sample data, so have used naturalearth_lowres
as you can see no random name key has been added. Expected name keys are present to define the CRS
import geopandas
import json
from pathlib import Path
data = geopandas.read_file(geopandas.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres"))
df = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(data, geometry="geometry").sample(3)
df.to_file(filename="a_random_name.geojson", driver="GeoJSON")
with open(Path.cwd().joinpath("a_random_name.geojson")) as f:
geojson = json.load(f)
# exclude geometry for SO answer
k: v
if k != "features"
else [{kk: vv for kk, vv in f.items() if kk != "geometry"} for f in v]
for k, v in geojson.items()
{'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'crs': {'type': 'name',
'properties': {'name': 'urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84'}},
'features': [{'type': 'Feature',
'properties': {'pop_est': 4917000.0,
'continent': 'Oceania',
'name': 'New Zealand',
'iso_a3': 'NZL',
'gdp_md_est': 206928}},
{'type': 'Feature',
'properties': {'pop_est': 9746117.0,
'continent': 'North America',
'name': 'Honduras',
'iso_a3': 'HND',
'gdp_md_est': 25095}},
{'type': 'Feature',
'properties': {'pop_est': 1912789.0,
'continent': 'Europe',
'name': 'Latvia',
'iso_a3': 'LVA',
'gdp_md_est': 34102}}]}
I want to display a shape over the Canada map.
The idea is 2 shapes in different years.
But my slide at the end says:
"Time Not Available"
I tried to find here at the community, but I haven't found a problem like it.
Here you can find my file and here you can find my code:
import folium
from folium.plugins import TimestampedGeoJson
import json
import pandas as pd
with open('outputfile.json') as f:
poly = json.load(f)
features = [
'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': {
'type': 'MultiPolygon',
'coordinates': pol['coordinates'],
'properties': {
'time': pol['date'],
} for pol in poly
mapa = folium.Map(
location = [56.130,-106.35],
zoom_start = 3
TimestampedGeoJson({'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': features}).add_to(mapa)
I had the same problem of yours of time not available and solved by following the example on the documentation and this other post.
Basically, some key points from doc:
1- It's is not 'time' but "times" and it must be the same length of the list of coordinates
2- Lookout for time format it only takes ISO or ms epoch
enter image description here
Here is a code example of a store location code i was working, I didn't try Polygon yet but hope it helps u:
m = folium.Map([-23.579782, -46.687754], zoom_start=6, tiles="cartodbpositron")
'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'features': [
'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': {
'type': 'LineString',
'coordinates': [[-46.687754, -23.579782]],
'properties': {
'icon': 'marker',
'iconstyle': {
'iconSize': [20, 20],
'id': 'house',
'popup': 1,
'times': [1633046400000.0]
}, {
'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': {
'type': 'LineString',
'coordinates': [[-46.887754, -23.579782]],
'properties': {
'icon': 'marker',
'iconstyle': {
'iconSize': [20, 20],
'id': 'house',
'popup': 1,
'times': [1635046400000.0]
I am using Python and I am trying to access the result of function PlacesAPI where I can see supermarkets around me and create a dataframe with few parts of each dictionary inside the main dictionary using a for loop, however I am getting the same information for different rows.
Can you please help me to put each different parts of dictionary in a different row?
Here is my code and the result (now reproducible):
from herepy import PlacesApi
import pandas as pd
def dataframe():
a = {'items': [{'title': 'Marcos Francisco dos Santos Padaria e Mercearia',
'id': 'here:pds:place:07675crc-dfd72cbf57bd45cc9277ed8530ffd61b',
'ontologyId': 'here:cm:ontology:supermarket',
'resultType': 'place',
'address': {'label': 'Marcos Francisco dos Santos Padaria e Mercearia, Rua Oswero Carmo Vilaça, 33, Petrópolis - RJ, 25635-101, Brazil',
'countryCode': 'BRA',
'countryName': 'Brazil',
'stateCode': 'RJ',
'state': 'Rio de Janeiro',
'city': 'Petrópolis',
'district': 'Petrópolis',
'street': 'Rua Oswero Carmo Vilaça',
'postalCode': '25635-101',
'houseNumber': '33'},
'position': {'lat': -22.5315, 'lng': -43.16904},
'access': [{'lat': -22.5314, 'lng': -43.16914}],
'distance': 134,
'categories': [{'id': '600-6300-0066', 'name': 'Grocery', 'primary': True},
{'id': '600-6300-0244', 'name': 'Bakery & Baked Goods Store'}],
'contacts': [{'phone': [{'value': '+552422312493'}]}]},
{'title': 'Mr. Frango',
'id': 'here:pds:place:076jx7ps-7c214f50052f0c23c9e5422ebde7d3cd',
'ontologyId': 'here:cm:ontology:supermarket',
'resultType': 'place',
'address': {'label': 'Mr. Frango, Rua Teresa, Petrópolis - RJ, 25635-530, Brazil',
'countryCode': 'BRA',
'countryName': 'Brazil',
'stateCode': 'RJ',
'state': 'Rio de Janeiro',
'city': 'Petrópolis',
'district': 'Petrópolis',
'street': 'Rua Teresa',
'postalCode': '25635-530'},
'position': {'lat': -22.52924, 'lng': -43.17222},
'access': [{'lat': -22.52925, 'lng': -43.1722}],
'distance': 545,
'categories': [{'id': '600-6300-0066', 'name': 'Grocery', 'primary': True},
{'id': '600-6000-0061', 'name': 'Convenience Store'}],
'references': [{'supplier': {'id': 'core'}, 'id': '1159487213'}],
'contacts': [{'phone': [{'value': '+552422201010'},
{'value': '+552422315720', 'categories': [{'id': '600-6000-0061'}]}]}]},
{'title': 'Mercadinho Flor de Petrópolis',
'id': 'here:pds:place:07675crc-6b03dfbac65a45c0bfc52ab9a3f04556',
'ontologyId': 'here:cm:ontology:supermarket',
'resultType': 'place',
'address': {'label': 'Mercadinho Flor de Petrópolis, Rua Teresa, 2060, Petrópolis - RJ, 25635-530, Brazil',
'countryCode': 'BRA',
'countryName': 'Brazil',
'stateCode': 'RJ',
'state': 'Rio de Janeiro',
'city': 'Petrópolis',
'district': 'Petrópolis',
'street': 'Rua Teresa',
'postalCode': '25635-530',
'houseNumber': '2060'},
'position': {'lat': -22.52895, 'lng': -43.17233},
'access': [{'lat': -22.52895, 'lng': -43.17219}],
'distance': 574,
'categories': [{'id': '600-6300-0066',
'name': 'Grocery',
'primary': True}]}]}
value = []
address = []
latlong = []
teste = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['nome','endereco','rua','numero',
teste['nome'] = []
teste['endereco'] = []
teste['rua'] = []
teste['numero'] =[]
teste['cidade'] = []
teste['estado'] = []
teste['cep'] = []
teste['lat'] = []
teste['long'] = []
teste['raio'] = []
g = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(a.values())
h =[]
for i in range(3):
v = g[i].values[0]
h = v.items()
for k, l in h:
for c, d in value[4].items():
for la, lo in value[5].items():
novo_concorrente = {'nome': value[0], 'endereco':address[0],
'rua':address[7], 'numero':address[9],
'cidade':address[5], 'estado':address[3],
teste = teste.append(novo_concorrente, ignore_index=True)
return teste
You should focus on your for loop. I would suggest you to create a dictionary for each row you want to define in your final DataFrame, and then create a list to append those dictionaries to.
In example:
rows = []
for item in a["items"]:
row = {
"Latitude": item["position"]["lat"],
"Postal code": item["address"]["postalCode"],
result = DataFrame(rows)
Hope it helps as a starting point.
I am using geocodio to derive coordinates from a list of 2272 addresses from my dataframe. When I try to flatten the results using json_normalize, I get coordinates but my dataframe is 4800+ rows instead of the correct 2272 for each address.
import json
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
addys = json_normalize(locations, record_path=['results'])
addys = addys[['location']]
The resulting JSON output is as follows: (I only want the lat/lon coordinates for each address under the 'results' -- 'location' section for each entry)
[{'input': {'address_components': {'number': '3704',
'predirectional': 'N',
'street': 'Western',
'zip': '73118',
'country': 'US'},
'formatted_address': '3704 N Western, Oklahoma City, OK 73118'},
'results': [{'address_components': {'number': '3704',
'predirectional': 'N',
'street': 'Western',
'zip': '73118',
'country': 'US'},
'formatted_address': '3704 N Western Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73118',
'location': {'lat': 35.507996, 'lng': -97.52952},
'source': 'Oklahoma'},
{'address_components': {'number': '3704',
'predirectional': 'N',
'street': 'Western',
'country': 'US'},
'formatted_address': '3704 N Western Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73118',
'location': {'lat': 35.508013, 'lng': -97.529453},
'source': 'Acog Counties'}]},
{'input': {'address_components': {'number': '1503',
'street': 'Winding Ridge',
The idea is to go down your dictionary. Like this:
import json
data = json.loads('{"a":{"b":{"location": {"lat": 35.507996, "lng": -97.52952}}}}')
data = data["a"]["b"]["location"]
You can also read you nested json file as a pandas DataFrame. Call your file d (that's the json file you gave in your question). Read it with
df = pd.json_normalize(d)
df.columns = df.columns.map(lambda x: x.split(".")[-1])
I have the following as part of a function to extract some info from a json response (at the bottom you can find a portion of it), and is working fine. But......
url = 'https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search?client_id={}&client_secret={}&ll={},{}&v={}&categoryId={}&radius={}&limit={}'.format(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, lat, lng, VERSION, search_categoryId, radius, LIMIT)
results = requests.get(url).json()["response"]['venues']
v['id']) for v in results])
To the mix of objects I'm retrieving from the json file, i want to add:
But is not working. I get a KeyError: 'postalCode'
If I do:
It works. I get no error.
These don't work either:
I get the same KeyError: 'cc' , KeyError: 'city'
Is there something I'm missing? Can you help me understand why it behaves this way?
[{'id': '4ad4c061f964a52099f720e3',
'name': 'Live Organic Food Bar',
'location': {'address': '264 Dupont Street',
'lat': 43.67505287052667,
'lng': -79.40671518307245,
'labeledLatLngs': [{'label': 'display',
'lat': 43.67505287052667,
'lng': -79.40671518307245}],
'distance': 273,
'postalCode': 'M5R 1V7',
'cc': 'CA',
'city': 'Toronto',
'state': 'ON',
'country': 'Canada',
'formattedAddress': ['264 Dupont Street', 'Toronto ON M5R 1V7', 'Canada']},
'categories': [{'id': '4bf58dd8d48988d1d3941735',
'name': 'Vegetarian / Vegan Restaurant',
'pluralName': 'Vegetarian / Vegan Restaurants',
'shortName': 'Vegetarian / Vegan',
'icon': {'prefix': 'https://ss3.4sqi.net/img/categories_v2/food/vegetarian_',
'suffix': '.png'},
'primary': True}],
'referralId': 'v-1591407049',
'hasPerk': False},