Accessing columns without name and deleting certain data from dataframe - python

I have a dataframe which has 14 columns and it does not have any headers in it. The first column is date and I need to delete all rows which is older than 25 months from now and does not contain any date.
44.93442 -79.37061 Tow 36 45.06541 -79.43384 R103 2053 WL7 CCG
44.96092 -78.39428 Flatbed Tow 56 0 0 P201 3040 SHOP CCG
45.05056 -78.50632 Jump Start/Battery Test 30 45.12152 -78.61311 P201 1426 FB1 CCG
45.15709 -77.91703 Winch/Extrication 20 0 0 K143 957 SHOP CCG
45.24038 -81.64227 Tow 36 45.25674 -81.65996 W444 1597 WL1 CCG
45.32589 -78.98001 Winch/Extrication 79 0 0 R105 43 SHOP CCG
45.33402 -79.20586 Tow 38 45.32871 -79.21218 R103 226 WL10 CCG
46.2062 -82.47623 Tow 68 46.18153 -82.96333 R812 588 FM1 CCG
46.50164 -84.28004 Winch/Extrication 36 46.53398 -84.35199 R829 10 WL1 CCG
46.50694 -84.32854 No service 27 46.53578 -84.38477 R829 124 WL1 CCG
46.51246 -84.33669 No service 728 46.50897 -84.3295 R829 123 FB1 CCG
46.52354 -84.38171 Flatbed Tow 66 46.51035 -84.25437 R829 49 FB2 CCG
2017-11-11 00:03:10 43.68109 -79.53289 Tow 33 43.54982 -79.71832 C1 2 WL2 CCG 00:05:50
2017-11-11 00:04:09 43.91352 -78.9673 Tow 24 43.93242 -78.86989 C207 4 M255 CCG 00:04:11
2017-11-11 00:05:09 42.93152 -81.19933 Tow 161 42.91458 -81.2216 G72 5 FB6 CCG P5 00:16:21
2017-11-11 00:05:14 44.26861 -76.57645 Jump Start/Battery Test 21 44.26594 -76.49862 K112 6 LS1 CCG 00:12:23
2017-11-11 00:07:09 43.30024 -79.90106 Flatbed Tow 53 43.30506 -79.90795 H935 8 350 CCG P5 00:14:35
2017-11-11 00:07:14 43.71246 -79.55377 Tow 40 43.7081 -79.5536 C100 9 WL25 CCG P2 00:07:22
I have tried this so far but I did not get any success yet.
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
#find the 25 month prior month from now
N = 761
today =
lastMonth = today-timedelta(days=N)
month24= lastMonth.strftime("%Y-%m")
print (month24)
data = pd.read_csv("E:/ERS_DATA_TEMP.txt",delimiter='\t', dtype=str)
#access the dataframe and column
print (x)
#remove data

Read in data without headers
df = pd.read_csv("E:/ERS_DATA_TEMP.txt",delimiter='\t', dtype=str, header=None)
Drop all rows without time
df = df[df[0].apply(pd.to_datetime, errors='coerce').notnull()]
Finally slice on dates
df = df[df[0] > month24]

You can use iloc accessor to operate on the column:
# convert month to days
n_days = 25 * 30
# both will return a boolean series
t1 = df.iloc[:,0].apply(lambda x: (x - pd.to_datetime('today')).days).gt(n_days)
t2 = df.iloc[0].isna()
# remove unwanted dates
df1 = df.loc[t1 & t2]
Sample Data
period = pd.date_range(start='20130101', freq='M', periods=1000)
df = pd.DataFrame({'period': period})


Replace blank value in dataframe based on another column condition

I have many blanks in a merged data set and I want to fill them with a condition.
My current code looks like this
import pandas as pd
import csv
import numpy as np
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
# Read all files into pandas dataframes
Jan = pd.read_csv(r'C:\~\Documents\Jan.csv')
Feb = pd.read_csv(r'C:\~\Documents\Feb.csv')
Mar = pd.read_csv(r'C:\~\Documents\Mar.csv')
all_df_list = [Jan, Feb, Mar]
appended_df = pd.concat(all_df_list)
df = appended_df
df.to_csv(r"C:\~\Documents\SallesDS.csv", index=False)
Data set:
Department Item
52 2515
5 254
56 818
7 50
52 2515
56 818
765 524
7 45
5 818
What I want is to fill the empty cells in Item with a correspondent values of the Department column.
So If Department is 52 and Item is empty it should be filled with 2515
Department 7 and Item is empty fill it with 45
and the result should look like this
Department Item
52 2515
5 254
56 818
7 50
52 2515
56 818
765 524
7 45
7 45
5 818
52 2515
I tried the following method but non of them worked.
df.loc[(df['Item'].isna()) & (df['Department'].str.contains(52)), 'Item'] = 2515
df.loc[(df['Item'].isna()) & (df['Department'].str.contains(7)), 'Item'] = 45
df["Item"] = df["Item"].fillna(df["Department"])
df = df.replace({"Item":{"52":"2515", "7":"45"}})
both ethir return error or do not work
Hi I have used the below code and it worked
b = [52]
a = [7]
Hope it helps someone who face the same issue
The following solution first creates a map of each department and it's maximum corresponding item (assuming there is one), and then matches that item to a department with a blank item. Note that in your data frame, the empty items are an empty string ("") and not NaN.
Create a map:
values = df.groupby('Department').max()
values['Item'] = values['Item'].apply(lambda x: np.nan if x == "" else x)
values = values.dropna().reset_index()
Department Item
0 5 818
1 52 2515
2 56 818
3 7 45
4 765 524
Then use df.apply():
df['Item'] = df.apply(lambda x: values[values['Department'] == x['Department']]['Item'].values if x['Item'] == "" else x['Item'], axis=1)
In this case, the new values will have brackets around them. They can be removed with str.replace():
df['Item'] = df['Item'].astype(str).str.replace(r'\[|\'|\'|\]', "", regex=True)
The result:
Department Item
0 52 2515
1 5 254
2 56 818
3 70
4 7 45
0 52 2515
1 56 818
2 765 524
3 7 45
4 40
0 7 45
1 70
2 5 818
3 8
4 52 2515
Hi I have used the below code and it worked
b = [52]
a = [7]
Hope it helps someone who face the same issue

Strip the last character from a string if it is a letter in python dataframe

It is possibly done with regular expressions, which I am not very strong at.
My dataframe is like this:
import pandas as pd
import regex as re
data = {'postcode': ['DG14','EC3M','BN45','M2','WC2A','W1C','PE35'], 'total':[44, 54,56, 78,87,35,36]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
postcode total
0 DG14 44
1 EC3M 54
2 BN45 56
3 M2 78
4 WC2A 87
5 W1C 35
6 PE35 36
I want to get these strings in my column with the last letter stripped like so:
postcode total
0 DG14 44
1 EC3 54
2 BN45 56
3 M2 78
4 WC2 87
5 W1C 35
6 PE35 36
Probably something using re.sub('', '\D')?
Thank you.
You could use str.replace here:
df["postcode"] = df["postcode"].str.replace(r'[A-Za-z]$', '')
One of the approaches:
import pandas as pd
import re
data = {'postcode': ['DG14','EC3M','BN45','M2','WC2A','W1C','PE35'], 'total':[44, 54,56, 78,87,35,36]}
data['postcode'] = [re.sub(r'[a-zA-Z]$', '', item) for item in data['postcode']]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
postcode total
0 DG14 44
1 EC3 54
2 BN45 56
3 M2 78
4 WC2 87
5 W1 35
6 PE35 36

Iterating over pandas rows to get minimum

Here is my dataframe:
Date cell tumor_size(mm)
25/10/2015 113 51
22/10/2015 222 50
22/10/2015 883 45
20/10/2015 334 35
19/10/2015 564 47
19/10/2015 123 56
22/10/2014 345 36
13/12/2013 456 44
What I want to do is compare the size of the tumors detected on the different days. Let's consider the cell 222 as an example; I want to compare its size to different cells but detected on earlier days e.g. I will not compare its size with cell 883, because they were detected on the same day. Or I will not compare it with cell 113, because it was detected later on.
As my dataset is too large, I have iterate over the rows. If I explain it in a non-pythonic way:
for the cell 222:
get_size_distance(absolute value):
(50 - 35 = 15), (50 - 47 = 3), (50 - 56 = 6), (50 - 36 = 14), (44 - 36 = 8)
get_minumum = 3, I got this value when I compared it with 564, so I will name it as a pait for the cell 222
Then do it for the cell 883
The resulting output should look like this:
Date cell tumor_size(mm) pair size_difference
25/10/2015 113 51 222 1
22/10/2015 222 50 123 6
22/10/2015 883 45 456 1
20/10/2015 334 35 345 1
19/10/2015 564 47 456 3
19/10/2015 123 56 456 12
22/10/2014 345 36 456 8
13/12/2013 456 44 NaN NaN
I will really appreciate your help
It's not pretty, but I believe it does the trick
a = pd.read_clipboard()
# Cut off last row since it was a faulty date. You can skip this.
df = a.copy().iloc[:-1]
# Convert to dates and order just in case (not really needed I guess).
df['Date'] = df.Date.apply(lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%d/%m/%Y'))
df.sort_values('Date', ascending=False)
# Rename column
df = df.rename(columns={"tumor_size(mm)": 'tumor_size'})
# These will be our lists of pairs and size differences.
pairs = []
diffs = []
# Loop over all unique dates
for date in df.Date.unique():
# Only take dates earlier then current date.
compare_df = df.loc[df.Date < date].copy()
# Loop over each cell for this date and find the minimum
for row in df.loc[df.Date == date].itertuples():
# If no cells earlier are available use nans.
if compare_df.empty:
# Take lowest absolute value and fill in otherwise
compare_df['size_diff'] = abs(compare_df.tumor_size - row.tumor_size)
row_of_interest = compare_df.loc[compare_df.size_diff == compare_df.size_diff.min()]
df['pair'] = pairs
df['size_difference'] = diffs
Date cell tumor_size pair size_difference
0 2015-10-25 113 51 222.0 1.0
1 2015-10-22 222 50 564.0 3.0
2 2015-10-22 883 45 564.0 2.0
3 2015-10-20 334 35 345.0 1.0
4 2015-10-19 564 47 345.0 11.0
5 2015-10-19 123 56 345.0 20.0
6 2014-10-22 345 36 NaN NaN

Python parsing data from a website using regular expression

I'm trying to parse some data from this website:
I've written some code:
import urllib
import re
name = re.compile('<td>(.+?)')
player_id = re.compile('<td><a href="(.+?)" onclick=')
#player_id_num = re.compile('<td><a href=player.asp?playerid="(.+?)" onclick=')
stat_c = re.compile('<td class="[^"]+" align="[^"]+"><span class="[^"]?">(.+?)</span><br><span class="[^"]?">')
stat_p = re.compile('<td class="[^"]+" align="[^"]+"><span class="[^"]?">"[^"]+"</span><br><span class="[^"]?">(.+?)</span></td>')
url = ''
sock = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode("utf-8")
#li = name.findall(sock)
name = name.findall(sock)
player_id = player_id.findall(sock)
#player_id_num = player_id_num.findall(sock)
#age = age.findall(sock)
stat_c = stat_c.findall(sock)
stat_p = stat_p.findall(sock)
First question : player_id returns the whole url "player.asp?playerid=4209661". I was unable to get just the number part. How can I do that?
(my attempt is described in #player_id_num)
Second question: I am not able to get stat_c when span_class is empty as in "".
Is there a way I can get these resolved? I am not very familiar with RE (regular expressions), I looked up tutorials online but it's still unclear what I am doing wrong.
Very simple using the pandas library.
import pandas as pd
url = ""
dfs = pd.read_html(url)
# print dfs[3]
# dfs[3].to_csv("stats.csv") # Send to a CSV file.
print dfs[3].head()
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 \
0 Pos Name Age T PO FI CO SY HR RA GL
1 P George Pacheco 38 R 4858 7484 8090 7888 6777 4353 6979
2 P David Montoya 34 R 3944 5976 6673 8699 6267 6685 5459
3 P Robert Cole 34 R 5769 7189 7285 5863 6267 5868 5462
4 P Juanold McDonald 32 R 69100 5772 4953 4866 5976 67100 5362
11 12 13 14 15 16
0 AR EN RL Fatigue Salary NaN
1 3747 6171 -3 100% --- $3,672,000
2 5257 5975 -4 96% 2% $2,736,000
3 4953 5061 -4 96% 3% $2,401,000
4 5982 5263 -4 100% --- $1,890,000
You can apply whatever cleaning methods you want from here onwards. Code is rudimentary so it's up to you to improve it.
More Code:
import pandas as pd
import itertools
url = ""
dfs = pd.read_html(url)
df = dfs[3] # "First" stats table.
# The first row is the actual header.
# Also, notice the NaN at the end.
header = df.iloc[0][:-1].tolist()
# Fix that atrocity of a last column.
df.drop([15], axis=1, inplace=True)
# Last row is all NaNs. This particular
# table should end with Jeremy Dix.
df = df.iloc[1:-1,:]
df.columns = header
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# Pandas cannot create two rows without the
# dataframe turning into a nightmare. Let's
# try an aesthetic change.
sub_header = header[4:13]
orig = ["{}{}".format(h, "r") for h in sub_header]
clone = ["{}{}".format(h, "p") for h in sub_header]
comb = [iter(orig), iter(clone)]
comb = list( for it in itertools.cycle(comb))
# Construct the new header.
new_header = header[0:4]
new_header += comb
new_header += header[13:]
# Slow but does it cleanly.
for s, o, c in zip(sub_header, orig, clone):
df.loc[:, o] = df[s].apply(lambda x: x[:2])
df.loc[:, c] = df[s].apply(lambda x: x[2:])
df = df[new_header] # Drop the other columns.
print df.head()
More result:
Pos Name Age T POr POp FIr FIp COr COp ... RAp GLr \
0 P George Pacheco 38 R 48 58 74 84 80 90 ... 53 69
1 P David Montoya 34 R 39 44 59 76 66 73 ... 85 54
2 P Robert Cole 34 R 57 69 71 89 72 85 ... 68 54
3 P Juanold McDonald 32 R 69 100 57 72 49 53 ... 100 53
4 P Trevor White 37 R 61 66 62 64 67 67 ... 38 48
GLp ARr ARp ENr ENp RL Fatigue Salary
0 79 37 47 61 71 -3 100% $3,672,000
1 59 52 57 59 75 -4 96% $2,736,000
2 62 49 53 50 61 -4 96% $2,401,000
3 62 59 82 52 63 -4 100% $1,890,000
4 50 70 100 62 69 -4 100% $1,887,000
Obviously, what I did instead was separate the Real values from Potential values. Some tricks were used but it gets the job done at least for the first table of players. The next few ones require a degree of manipulation.

Pandas dataframe with multiindex column - merge levels

I have a dataframe, grouped, with multiindex columns as below:
import pandas as pd
codes = ["one","two","three"];
colours = ["black", "white"];
textures = ["soft", "hard"];
N= 100 # length of the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({ 'id' : range(1,N+1),
'weeks_elapsed' : [random.choice(range(1,25)) for i in range(1,N+1)],
'code' : [random.choice(codes) for i in range(1,N+1)],
'colour': [random.choice(colours) for i in range(1,N+1)],
'texture': [random.choice(textures) for i in range(1,N+1)],
'size': [random.randint(1,100) for i in range(1,N+1)],
'scaled_size': [random.randint(100,1000) for i in range(1,N+1)]
}, columns= ['id', 'weeks_elapsed', 'code','colour', 'texture', 'size', 'scaled_size'])
grouped = df.groupby(['code', 'colour']).agg( {'size': [np.sum, np.average, np.size, pd.Series.idxmax],'scaled_size': [np.sum, np.average, np.size, pd.Series.idxmax]}).reset_index()
>> grouped
code colour size scaled_size
sum average size idxmax sum average size idxmax
0 one black 1031 60.647059 17 81 185.153944 10.891408 17 47
1 one white 481 37.000000 13 53 204.139249 15.703019 13 53
2 three black 822 48.352941 17 6 123.269405 7.251141 17 31
3 three white 1614 57.642857 28 50 285.638337 10.201369 28 37
4 two black 523 58.111111 9 85 80.908912 8.989879 9 88
5 two white 669 41.812500 16 78 82.098870 5.131179 16 78
[6 rows x 10 columns]
How can I flatten/merge the column index levels as: "Level1|Level2", e.g. size|sum, scaled_size|sum. etc? If this is not possible, is there a way to groupby() as I did above without creating multi-index columns?
There is potentially a better way, more pythonic way to flatten MultiIndex columns.
1. Use map and join with string column headers:
grouped.columns ='|'.join).str.strip('|')
code colour size|sum size|average size|size size|idxmax \
0 one black 862 53.875000 16 14
1 one white 554 46.166667 12 18
2 three black 842 49.529412 17 90
3 three white 740 56.923077 13 97
4 two black 1541 61.640000 25 50
scaled_size|sum scaled_size|average scaled_size|size scaled_size|idxmax
0 6980 436.250000 16 77
1 6101 508.416667 12 13
2 7889 464.058824 17 64
3 6329 486.846154 13 73
4 12809 512.360000 25 23
2. Use map with format for column headers that have numeric data types.
grouped.columns ='{0[0]}|{0[1]}'.format)
code| colour| size|sum size|average size|size size|idxmax \
0 one black 734 52.428571 14 30
1 one white 1110 65.294118 17 88
2 three black 930 51.666667 18 3
3 three white 1140 51.818182 22 20
4 two black 656 38.588235 17 77
5 two white 704 58.666667 12 17
scaled_size|sum scaled_size|average scaled_size|size scaled_size|idxmax
0 8229 587.785714 14 57
1 8781 516.529412 17 73
2 10743 596.833333 18 21
3 10240 465.454545 22 26
4 9982 587.176471 17 16
5 6537 544.750000 12 49
3. Use list comprehension with f-string for Python 3.6+:
grouped.columns = [f'{i}|{j}' if j != '' else f'{i}' for i,j in grouped.columns]
code colour size|sum size|average size|size size|idxmax \
0 one black 1003 43.608696 23 76
1 one white 1255 59.761905 21 66
2 three black 777 45.705882 17 39
3 three white 630 52.500000 12 23
4 two black 823 54.866667 15 33
5 two white 491 40.916667 12 64
scaled_size|sum scaled_size|average scaled_size|size scaled_size|idxmax
0 12532 544.869565 23 27
1 13223 629.666667 21 13
2 8615 506.764706 17 92
3 6101 508.416667 12 43
4 7661 510.733333 15 42
5 6143 511.916667 12 49
you could always change the columns:
grouped.columns = ['%s%s' % (a, '|%s' % b if b else '') for a, b in grouped.columns]
Based on Scott Boston's answer,
little update(it will be work for 2 or more levels column): x: '|'.join([str(i) for i in x]))
Thank you, Boston!
Full credit to suraj's concise answer:
df.columns ='_'.join)
