Choosing from a List of methods in a tkinter Button - python

Good Day,
I'm new to this forum (and quite new to programming), so I hope my question is properly formulated.
I've been trying to create a GUI in python using tkinter, and I want to have two buttons calling methods of two different classes. One method is defining an integer, the second one is reporting content. I'd have a list of objects of the latter class, and I want to choose the right instance by the integer. Here's a MWE:
import tkinter as tk
class data:
def __init__(self, content):
self.content = content
def report(self):
print("This is reported as self.content:" + str(self.content)) #This doesnt report the correct value for some reason?
print("The Class does register the correct idx:" + str(Selector.idx))
print("Using the Dict the correct value can be returned:" + str(vocables[Selector.idx].content))
class increment:
def __init__(self):
self.idx = 0
def increase(self):
self.idx += 1
root = tk.Tk()
Selector = increment()
vocables = []
for id in range(10):
# print(vocables[id].content)
CheckVocable = tk.Button(root, text="Report", command=vocables[Selector.idx].report)
NextVocable = tk.Button(root, text="Increase Index", command=Selector.increase)
I do not understand why the print of line 8 always reports the value of the first item in the list (vocabules[0] in this instance) instead of my desired value, which is returned in all other print cases. Am I messing up the work with classes or is the button behavior confusing me?
Thanks in advance!


Tkinter - How to change the value of an argument for an event binding with lambda function?

I have a list named chosenTestHolder (imported from the my_config file) that consists of several objects each with the attribute 'sentence'.
When pressing the button 'Press' for the first time, the attribute 'sentence' of the first object in the chosenTestHolder should be displayed in the text widget. The next time the button 'Press' is pressed the attribute 'sentence' of the second object in chosenTestHolder should be displayed and so on.
I am using lambda event for binding the 'Press' button and tries to use a new sentences as its first arguments after each pressing of the 'Press' button. However, it keeps showing the first sentence.
When searching Stackoverflow I have seen in
Using lambda function to change value of an attribute that you can't use assignments in lambda expressions but by reading that I still have not figured out how to solve my problem.
Grateful for help! Code is below!
from tkinter import font
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
import my_config
import Testlist as tl
class TestWidgetTest:
def __init__(self):
ram = tk.Frame(root)
ram.grid(in_=root,row=0, column=0)
self.myText = tk.Text(ram, height = 5)
my_config.counter = 0
self.myButton = tk.Button(ram, text = 'Press')
self.myButton.grid(row =1, column =0, columnspan =2)
indata =[my_config.chosenTestHolder[my_config.counter] , self.myText]
self.myButton.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>',lambda event, arg=indata : self.TagConfigure(event, arg))
def TagConfigure(self, event, arg):
my_config.counter += 1
root = tk.Tk()
import Testlist as tl
testListHolder = [ ['Fabian was very tired'],
['Thomas light the fire'],
['Anna eat a red apple ']]
chosenTestHolder = []
count = 0
while count <(len(testListHolder)):
count += 1
counter = 0
class Testlist:
def __init__(self, sentence):
self.sentence = sentence
Your issue is the assignment of indata.
You do only assign in init.
To get your code working you need to re-configure your sentecte...
indata =[my_config.chosenTestHolder[my_config.counter] , self.myText]
self.myButton.bind('&ltButtonRelease-1&gt',lambda event, arg=indata : self.TagConfigure(event, arg))
I would advise to keep track of the current sentence as an instance variable.
class Test_widget(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, args, kwargs)
self.sentences=["a", "b", "c", "d"] # the data = tk.StringVar() # the current displayed data"NULL")
self.counter=0 # the indexer
def click(self, event):"%s"%self.sentences[self.counter]) # use the indexer to access the data
self.counter = self.counter + 1 # modify the indexer
if self.counter = len(self.sentences): # make sure you dont run in index-err
self.counter = 0
As you see, there is no need at all for the lambdas.
As to your questions:
The change in your original code was not intended.
I do not see a use case where you can use a lambda for its use inside your code.
At least none where a lambda is necessary.
Please remember to use lambda only and exclusively if there are
no ( == NULL ) other options.
Using inheritance (thats what the mechanism is called), you can inherit functions, "default" behaviour from other classes. It is a common mechanism in programming and not exclusive to python.
It is used like any normal object except you have to call the constructor of the base class (what I do using tk.Frame.__init__(self, args, kwargs) inside the init method. For more information on inheritance please refer to the uncounted manuals and tutorials available for that topic (google is your friend now that you know what the mechanism is called).

Passing variable from one function to another in same class?

I'm trying to create a button that changes colors on click.
After digging around in an old Python book I haven't looked at in years, I've gotten to the point where I make the the button, but I can't figure out how to pass i into the second function so it increments and is then is reset to 0.
I suppose I could just increment I on click in the first function, but now I'm annoyed and want to figure it out.
Instead of self.change_color I tried change_color(i). That threw an error. Same with trying self.change_color(i).
I'm not sure what to do at this point.
import tkinter
class joeGUI:
def __init__(self):
i = 0
colorArray = ['blue','DarkGreen','red','yellow']
self.main_window = tkinter.Tk()
self.color_button = tkinter.Button(self.main_window,
text = 'Click to Change Color',
command = self.change_color,
bg = colorArray[i])
def change_color(self):
if (count < 3):
count += 1
count = 0
return count;
joe_gui = joeGUI()
Store i as a class attribute (self.i = 0) and change the references of count to self.i.

Returning PY_VARxxx instead of expected string

I'm currently creating a GUI in order to turn a lot of individual instruments into one complete system. In def smuSelect(self) I create a list self.smuChoices I can use to call individual choices such as smuChoices[0] and it will return "2410(1)".
Once I call def checkBoxSetup it returns PY_VARxxx. I've tried searching the different forums and everything. I've seen mentions using the .get() which just gives me the state of the individual choice. The reason I want the actual string itself is I would like to use it in def testSetup(self) for the user to assign specific names to the individual machine, for example, 2410 = Gate.
My initial attempt was to create another variable smuChoice2 but I believe this is still changing the original list self.smuChoices.
import tkinter as tk
import numpy as np
from tkinter import ttk
for val, SMU in enumerate(smuChoice2):
smuChoice2[val] = tk.IntVar()
b = tk.Checkbutton(smuSelection,text=SMU,variable=smuChoice2[val])
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("SMU Selection")
Selects the specific SMUs that are going to be used, only allow amount up to chosen terminals.
--> If only allow 590 if CV is picked, also only allow use of low voltage SMU (maybe dim options that aren't available)
--> Clear Checkboxes once complete
--> change checkbox selection method
smuChoices = [
"590 (CV)",
smuChoice2 = smuChoices
smuSelection = ttk.Frame(root)
selectInstruct = tk.Label(smuSelection,text="Choose SMUs").grid()
print(smuChoices[0]) #Accessing list prior to checkboxsetup resulting in 2410(1)
print(smuChoices[0]) #Accessing list after check box setup resulting in PY_VAR376
variableSMUs = tk.StringVar()
w7_Button = tk.Button(smuSelection,text="Enter").grid()
w8_Button = tk.Button(smuSelection,text="Setup Window").grid()
I was able to solve the problem by changing my list, smuChoices, to a dictionary then modifying
def checkBoxSetup(smuChoice2):
for val, SMU in enumerate(smuChoice2):
smuChoice2[val] = tk.IntVar()
b = tk.Checkbutton(smuSelection,text=SMU,variable=smuChoice2[val])
def checkBoxSetup(self):
for i in self.smuChoices:
self.smuChoices[i] = tk.IntVar()
b = tk.Checkbutton(self.smuSelection,text=i,variable=self.smuChoices[i])
Previously I was replacing the variable with what I'm guessing is some identifier that tkinter uses to store the state which is why I was getting PYxxx.
First of all getting PY_VARXX instead of what's in a variable class indicates the lack of get().
Secondly, if you want to display the value of a variable class on a label, button, etc. you could rather just use the textvariable option by simply assigning the variable class to it.
tk.Label(self.smuName, textvariable=self.smuChoices[val]).grid()
Your question is still a bit unclear to me but I will try to provide an answer to the best of my understanding.
As I understand it, you're trying to create a set of Checkbuttons for a given list of items. Below is an example of a method that takes items as an argument and returns a dictionary of checkboxes that have root as their parent:
import tkinter as tk
def dict_of_cbs(iterable, parent):
if iterable:
dict_of_cbs = dict()
for item in iterable:
dict_of_cbs[item] = tk.Checkbutton(parent)
dict_of_cbs[item]['text'] = item
dict_of_cbs[item].pack() # it's probably a better idea to manage
# geometry in the same place wherever
# the parent is customizing its
# children's layout
return dict_of_cbs
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
items = ("These", "are", "some", "items.")
my_checkboxes = dict_of_cbs(items, root)
Additionally note that I haven't used any variable classes (BooleanVar, DoubleVar, IntVar or StringVar) as they seem to be redundant in this particular case.

Problems with a bind function from tkinter in Python

I am working on an application that is supposed to support both running from a console and from a GUI. The application has several options to choose from, and since in both running modes the program is going to have the same options obviously, I made a generalisation:
class Option:
def __init__(self, par_name, par_desc): = par_name
self.desc = par_desc
class Mode():
def __init__(self):
self.options = []
self.options.append(Option('Option1', 'Desc1'))
self.options.append(Option('Option2', 'Desc2'))
self.options.append(Option('Option3', 'Desc3'))
self.options.append(Option('Option4', 'Desc4'))
self.options.append(Option('Option5', 'Desc5'))
#And so on
The problem is that in GUI, those options are going to be buttons, so I have to add a new field to an Option class and I'm doing it like this:
def onMouseEnter(par_event, par_option):
helpLabel.configure(text = par_option.desc)
def onMouseLeave(par_event):
helpLabel.configure(text = '')
class GUIMode(Mode):
for iOption in self.options:
iOption.button = Button(wrapper, text =, bg = '#004A7F', fg = 'white')
iOption.button.bind('<Enter>', lambda par_event: onMouseEnter(par_event, iOption))
iOption.button.bind('<Leave>', lambda par_event: onMouseLeave(par_event))
There is also a "help label" showing the description of the option every time a mouse hovers over it, so there I am binding those functions.
What is happening is that while I am indeed successfully adding a new field with a button, the bind function seems to mess up and the result is this:
Help label is always showing the description of the last option added, no matter over which button I hover. The problem seems to go away if I directly modify the Option class instead, like this:
class Option:
def __init__(self, par_name, par_desc): = par_name
self.desc = par_desc
self.button = Button(wrapper, text =, bg = '#004A7F', fg = 'white')
self.button.bind('<Enter>', lambda par_event: onMouseEnter(par_event, self))
self.button.bind('<Leave>', lambda par_event: onMouseLeave(par_event))
But I obviously can't keep it that way because the console mode will get those fields too which I don't really want. Isn't this the same thing, however? Why does it matter if I do it in a constructor with self or in a loop later? I therefore assume that the problem might be in a way I dynamically add the field to the class?
Here is the full minimal and runnable test code or whatever it is called, if you want to mess with it:
Thank you for your time
The problem is that the value of iOption is evaluated after the
for iOption in self.option:
loops are complete. Since you reset iOption on each iteration, when the loop is completed iOption has the same value, namely the last element in self.options. You can demonstrate this at-event-time binding with the snippet:
def debug_late_bind(event):
onMouseEnter(event, iOption)
for iOption in self.options:
iOption.button = Button(wrapper, text =,
bg = '#004A7F', fg = 'white')
iOption.button.bind('<Enter>', debug_late_bind)
which will show that all events that iOption has the same value.
I split out the use of iOption to debug_late_bind to show that iOption comes in from the class scope and is not evaluated when the bind() call is executed. A more simple example would be
def print_i():
for i in range(5):
which prints "4" because that is the last value that was assigned to i. This is why every call in your code to onMouseEnter(par_event, iOption) has the same value for iOption; it is evaluated at the time of the event, not the time of the bind. I suggest that you read up on model view controller and understand how you've tangled the view and the controller. The primary reason this has happened is that you've got two views (console and tk) which should be less coupled with the model.
Extracting the .widget property of the event is a decent workaround, but better still would be to not overwrite the scalar iOption, but instead use list of individual buttons. The code
for n, iOption in enumerate(self.options):
would help in creating a list. In your proposed workaround, you are encoding too much of the iOption model in the tkinter view. That's bound to bite you again at some point.
I don't know what the actual problem was with my original code, but I kind of just bypassed it. I added a dictionary with button as a key and option as a value and I just used the par_event.widget to get the option and it's description, which is working fine:
buttonOption = {}
def onMouseEnter(par_event):
helpLabel.configure(text = buttonOption[par_event.widget].desc)
def onMouseLeave(par_event):
helpLabel.configure(text = '')
class GUIMode(Mode):
def run(self):
for iOption in self.options:
iOption.button = Button(wrapper, text =, bg = '#004A7F', fg = 'white')
iOption.button.bind('<Enter>', lambda par_event: onMouseEnter(par_event))
iOption.button.bind('<Leave>', lambda par_event: onMouseLeave(par_event))
buttonOption[iOption.button] = iOption

How to make Tkinter checkbuttons work individually and default as checked

I am trying to have a series of checkboxes which can be selected or not selected - then when the user presses the button, the letters allocated to the checkboxes should be added to an inputted string and then printed.
I am having 2 major problems;
The when the user presses a checkbox, all of the checkboxes are selected.
I would like to have the default being that all of them as checked, but I cannot find how to do this. If this cannot be answered, it is less important than the 1st problem, and hence doesn't matter as much.
This is my code so far;
import Tkinter
class MENU():
def __init__(self,NewData):
self.SCREEN = Tkinter.Tk()
self.NewData = NewData
self.Selection = {"A":1,"B":1,"C":1,"D":1}
self.A = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self.SCREEN,text="A",variable=self.Selection["A"]).pack()
self.B = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self.SCREEN,text="B",variable=self.Selection["B"]).pack()
self.C = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self.SCREEN,text="C",variable=self.Selection["C"]).pack()
self.D = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self.SCREEN,text="D",variable=self.Selection["D"]).pack()
self.BtnFinish = Tkinter.Button(self.SCREEN,text="Finish selection",command=self.FinishSelection)
def FinishSelection(self):
SelectionString = ""
for n in self.Selection:
if self.Selection[n]:
print self.NewData
If it matters at all, this is for Python 2.7.3. Additionally, my thanks, and also apologies to those of you who likely have to point out something incredibly obvious/basic, which, as a beginner for Tkinter, I have not realised.
You must use one of the Tkinter objects StrintVar, IntVar, BooleanVar or DoubleVar normally (StringVar) as the value of the variable argument. You can't use a normal python variable. You'll have to create an individual variable for each.
For example:
self.Selection = {"A": Tkinter.BoolVar(), "B": Tkinter.BoolVar(), ...}
Then, to get the value you'll need to use the get method:
value = self.Selection["A"].get()
