Python Removing non-alphabetical characters with exceptions - python

I am having a hard time doing Data Analysis on a large text that has lots of non-alphabetical chars. I tried using
string = filter(str.isalnum, string)
but I also have "#" in my text that I want to keep. How do I make an exception for a character like "#" ?

It is easier to use regular expressions:
string = re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9#]", "", string)

You can use re.sub
re.sub(r'[^\w\s\d#]', '', string)
>>> re.sub(r'[^\w\s\d#]', '', 'This is # string 123 *$^%')
This is # string 123

One way to do this would be to create a function that returns True or False if an input character is valid.
import string
valid_characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '#'
def is_valid_character(character):
return character in valid_characters
# Instead of using `filter`, we `join` all characters in the input string
# if `is_valid_character` is `True`.
def get_valid_characters(string):
return "".join(char for char in string if is_valid_character(char))
Some example output:
>>> print(valid_characters)
>>> get_valid_characters("!Hello_#world?")
>>> get_valid_characters("user#example")
A simpler way to write it would be using regex. This will accomplish the same thing:
import re
def get_valid_characters(string):
return re.sub(r"[^\w\d#]", "", string)

You could use a lambda function to specify your allowed characters. But also note that filter returns a <filter object> which is an iterator over the returned values. So you will have to stich it back to a string:
string = "?filter_#->me3!"
extra_chars = "#!"
filtered_object = filter(lambda c: c.isalnum() or c in extra_chars, string)
string = "".join(filtered_object)


split string on any special character using python

currently I can have many dynamic separators in string like
etc etc . I just want to check if there is a special character in string then just get value after last separator like in this example just want 12313131
This is a good use case for isdigit():
l = [
output = []
for s in l:
temp = ''
for char in s:
if char.isdigit():
temp += char
Result: ['12312313131', '12312313131', '12312313131']
Assuming you define 'special character' as anything thats not alphanumeric, you can use the str.isalnum() function to determine the first special character and leverage it something like this:
def split_non_special(input) -> str:
Find first special character starting from the end and get the last piece
for i in reversed(input):
if not i.isalnum():
return input.split(i)[-1] # return as soon as a separator is found
return '' # no separator found
# inputs = ['new_123_12313131', 'new$123$12313131', 'new#123#12313131', 'eefwfwrfwfwf3243']
# outputs = [split_non_special(input) for input in inputs]
# ['12313131', '12313131', '12313131', ''] # outputs
just get value after last separator
the more obvious way is using re.findall:
from re import findall
findall(r'\d+$',text) # ['12313131']
Python supplies what seems to be what you consider "special" characters using the string library as string.punctuation. Which are these characters:
Using that in conjunction with the re module you can do this:
from string import punctuation
import re
re.split(f"[{punctuation}]", my_string)
my_string being the string you want to split.
Results for your examples
['new', '123', '12313131']
To get just digits you can use:
re.split("\d", my_string)
['123', '12313131']

How to replace/delete a string in python

how can I replace/delete a part of a string, like this
string = '{DDBF1F} this is my string {DEBC1F}'
#{DDBF1F} the code between Parentheses is random, I only know it is made out of 6 characters
the output should be
this is my string
I tried this, I know it doesn't work, but I tried :3
string = '{DDBF1F} Hello {DEBC1F}'
string.replace(f'{%s%s%s%s%s%s}', 'abc')
Use the re library to perform a regex replace, like this:
import re
text = '{DDBF1F} Hello {DEBC1F}'
result = re.sub(r"(\s?\{[A-F0-9]{6}\}\s?)", "", text)
If the length of the strings within the brackets is fixed, you can use slicing to get the inner substring:
>>> string = '{DDBF1F} this is my string {DEBC1F}'
>>> string[8:-8]
' this is my string '
(string[9:-9] if you want to remove the surrounding spaces)
If hardcoding the indexes feels bad, they can be derived using str.index (if you can be certain that the string will not contain an embedded '}'):
>>> start = string.index('}')
>>> start
>>> end = string.index('{', start)
>>> end
>>> string[start+1:end]
' this is my string '
This code works
string = '{DDBF1F} this is my string {DEBC1F}'
st=string.split(' ')
for i in st:
if i.startswith('{') and i.endswith('}'):
new_str=new_str+" "+ i

Function for Replace And Strip

I am trying to create a function to replace some values from a given string, but I'm receiving the following error : EOL while scanning single-quoted string.
No sure what I am doing wrong:
def DataClean(strToclean):
cleanedString = strToclean
cleanedString= cleanedString.replace("MMMM/", "").replace("/KKKK" ,"").replace("}","").replace(",","").replace("{","")
cleanedString = cleanedString.replace("/TTTT","")
if cleanedString[-1:] == "/":
cleanedString = cleanedString[:-1]
return str(cleanedString)
You can achieve that with a much simpler solution using the regex module. Define a pattern that will match any MMM/ or /TTT and replace it with ''.
import re
pattern = r'(MMM/)?(/TTT)?'
text = 'some text MMM/ and /TTT blabla'
re.sub(pattern, '', text)
# some text and blabla
In your function it would look like
import re
def DataClean(strToclean):
clean_str = strToclean.strip()
pattern = '(MMM/)?(KKKK)?'
new_str = re.sub(pattern, '', text)
return str(new_str.rstrip('/'))
The rstrip method will remove / at the end of the string, if there any. (remove the need for if).
Build the pattern with all the patterns you are searching in the string. Using (pattern)? you define the patterns as optional. You can state as many as you want.
It is more readable than concatenating string operations.
Note the rstrip method will remove all the trailing slashes, not just one. If you want to remove just the last char, you need an if statement:
if new_str[-1] == '/':
new_str = new_str[:-1]
The if statement use index access to the string, -1 means last char. The assignment happens with slicing, up to the last char.

Python: How to remove [' and ']?

I want to remove [' from start and '] characters from the end of a string.
This is my text:
I need to have this text:
I've tried to use str.replace
text = text.replace("['","");
but it does not work.
You need to strip your text by passing the unwanted characters to str.strip() method:
>>> s = "['45453656565']"
>>> s.strip("[']")
Or if you want to convert it to integer you can simply pass the striped result to int function:
>>> try:
... val = int(s.strip("[']"))
... except ValueError:
... print("Invalid string")
>>> val
Using re.sub:
>>> my_str = "['45453656565']"
>>> import re
>>> re.sub("['\]\[]","",my_str)
You could loop over the character filtering if the element is a digit:
>>> number_array = "['34325235235']"
>>> int(''.join(c for c in number_array if c.isdigit()))
This solution works even for both "['34325235235']" and '["34325235235"]' and whatever other combination of number and characters.
You also can import a package and use a regular expresion to get it:
>>> import re
>>> theString = "['34325235235']"
>>> int(re.sub(r'\D', '', theString)) # Optionally parse to int
Instead of hacking your data by stripping brackets, you should edit the script that created it to print out just the numbers. E.g., instead of lazily doing
you can write
for elt in mylist:
output.write(elt + "\n")
Then when you read your data back in, it'll contain the numbers (as strings) without any quotes, commas or brackets.

Removing many types of chars from a Python string

I have some string X and I wish to remove semicolons, periods, commas, colons, etc, all in one go. Is there a way to do this that doesn't require a big chain of .replace(somechar,"") calls?
You can use the translate method with a first argument of None:
string2 = string1.translate(None, ";.,:")
Alternatively, you can use the filter function:
string2 = filter(lambda x: x not in ";,.:", string1)
Note that both of these options only work for non-Unicode strings and only in Python 2.
You can use re.sub to pattern match and replace. The following replaces h and i only with empty strings:
In [1]: s = 'byehibyehbyei'
In [1]: re.sub('[hi]', '', s)
Out[1]: 'byebyebye'
Don't forget to import re.
>>> import re
>>> foo = "asdf;:,*_-"
>>> re.sub('[;:,*_-]', '', foo)
[;:,*_-] - List of characters to be matched
'' - Replace match with nothing
Using the string foo.
For more information take a look at the re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0) documentation.
Don't know about the speed, but here's another example without using re.
commas_and_stuff = ",+;:"
words = "words; and stuff!!!!"
cleaned_words = "".join(c for c in words if c not in commas_and_stuff)
Gives you:
'words and stuff!!!!'
