lmfit not exploring parameter space - python

I'm trying to use lmfit to find the best fit parameters of a function for some random data using the Model and Parameters classes. However, it doesn't seem to be exploring the parameter space very much. It does ~10 function evaluations and then returns a terrible fit.
Here is the code:
import numpy as np
from lmfit.model import Model
from lmfit.parameter import Parameters
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def dip(x, loc, wid, dep):
"""Make a line with a dip in it"""
# Array of ones
y = np.ones_like(x)
# Define start and end points of dip
start = np.abs(x - (loc - (wid/2.))).argmin()
end = np.abs(x - (loc + (wid/2.))).argmin()
# Set depth of the dip
y[start:end] *= dep
return y
def fitter(x, loc, wid, dep, scatter=0.001, sigma=3):
"""Find the parameters of the dip function in random data"""
# Make the lmfit model
model = Model(dip)
# Make random data and print input values
rand_loc = abs(np.random.normal(loc, scale=0.02))
rand_wid = abs(np.random.normal(wid, scale=0.03))
rand_dep = abs(np.random.normal(dep, scale=0.005))
print('rand_loc: {}\nrand_wid: {}\nrand_dep: {}\n'.format(rand_loc, rand_wid, rand_dep))
data = dip(x, rand_loc, rand_wid, rand_dep) + np.random.normal(0, scatter, x.size)
# Make parameter ranges
params = Parameters()
params.add('loc', value=loc, min=x.min(), max=x.max())
params.add('wid', value=wid, min=0, max=x.max()-x.min())
params.add('dep', value=dep, min=scatter*10, max=0.8)
# Fit the data
result = model.fit(data, x=x, params)
# Plot it
plt.plot(x, data, 'bo')
plt.plot(x, result.init_fit, 'k--', label='initial fit')
plt.plot(x, result.best_fit, 'r-', label='best fit')
And then I run:
fitter(np.linspace(55707.97, 55708.1, 100), loc=55708.02, wid=0.04, dep=0.98)
Which returns (for example, since it's randomized data):
rand_loc: 55707.99659784677
rand_wid: 0.02015076619874132
rand_dep: 0.9849809461153651
[[Fit Statistics]]
# fitting method = leastsq
# function evals = 9
# data points = 100
# variables = 3
chi-square = 0.00336780
reduced chi-square = 3.4720e-05
Akaike info crit = -1023.86668
Bayesian info crit = -1016.05117
## Warning: uncertainties could not be estimated:
loc: at initial value
wid: at initial value
loc: 55708.0200 (init = 55708.02)
wid: 0.04000000 (init = 0.04)
dep: 0.99754082 (init = 0.98)
Any idea why it executes so few function evaluations returning a bad fit? Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated!

This is a similar question to fitting step function with variation in the step location with scipy optimize curve_fit. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/59504874/5179748.
Basically, the solvers in scipy.optimize/lmfit assume that parameters are continuous -- not discrete -- variables. They make small changes to the parameters to see what change that makes in the result. A small change in your loc and wid parameters will have no effect on the result, as argmin() will always return an integer value.
You might find that using a Rectangle Model with a finite width (see https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/builtin_models.html#rectanglemodel) will be helpful. I changed your example a bit, but it should be enough to get you started:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lmfit.models import RectangleModel, ConstantModel
def dip(x, loc, wid, dep):
"""Make a line with a dip in it"""
# Array of ones
y = np.ones_like(x)
# Define start and end points of dip
start = np.abs(x - (loc - (wid/2.))).argmin()
end = np.abs(x - (loc + (wid/2.))).argmin()
# Set depth of the dip
y[start:end] *= dep
return y
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 201)
data = dip(x, 0.3, 0.09, 0.98) + np.random.normal(0, 0.001, x.size)
model = RectangleModel() + ConstantModel()
params = model.make_params(c=1.0, amplitude=-0.01, center1=.100, center2=0.7, sigma1=0.15)
params['sigma2'].expr = 'sigma1' # force left and right widths to be the same size
params['c'].vary = False # force offset = 1.0 : value away from "dip"
result = model.fit(data, params, x=x)
plt.plot(x, data, 'bo')
plt.plot(x, result.init_fit, 'k--', label='initial fit')
plt.plot(x, result.best_fit, 'r-', label='best fit')


How to add x offset to LMFIT models

i am trying to use LMFIT to fit a power law model of the form y ~ a (x-x0)^b + d. I used the built in models which exclude the parameter x0:
DATA Data Plot:
x = [57924.223, 57925.339, 57928.226, 57929.22 , 57930.222, 57931.323, 57933.205,
57935.302, 57939.28 , 57951.282]
y = [14455.95775513, 13838.7702847 , 11857.5599917 , 11418.98888834, 11017.30612092,
10905.00155524, 10392.55775922, 10193.91608535,9887.8610764 , 8775.83459273]
err = [459.56414237, 465.27518505, 448.25224285, 476.64621165, 457.05994986,
458.37532126, 469.89966451, 473.68349925, 455.91446878, 507.48473313]
from lmfit.models import PowerlawModel, ConstantModel
power = ExponentialModel()
offset = ConstantModel()
model = power + offset
pars = offset.guess(y, x = x)
pars += power.guess(y, x= x)
result = model.fit(y, x = x, weights=1/err )
This brings up an error because my data starts at about x = 57000. I was initially offsetting my x-axis by x-57923.24 for all x values which gave me an okay fit. I would like to know how I can implement an x axis offset.
I was looking into expression models...
from lmfit.models import ExpressionModel
mod = ExpressionModel('a*(x-x0)**(b)+d')
mod.guess(y, x=x)
But this I get an error that guess() was not implemented. If i create my own parameters I get the following error too.
ValueError: The model function generated NaN values and the fit aborted! Please check
your model function and/or set boundaries on parameters where applicable. In cases
like this, using "nan_policy='omit'" will probably not work.
any help would be appreciated :)
It turns out that (x-x0)**b is a particularly tricky case to fit. Exponential decays typically require very good initial values for parameters or data over a few decades of decay.
In addition, because x**b is complex when x<0 and b is non-integer, this can mess up the fitting algorithms, which deal strictly with Float64 real values. You also have to be careful in setting bounds on x0 so that x-x0 is always positive and/or allow for values to move along the imaginary axis and then force them back to real.
For your data, getting initial values is somewhat tricky, and with a limited data range (specifically not having a huge drop in intensity), it is hard to be confident that there is a single unique solution - note the high uncertainty in the parameters below. Still, I think this will be close to what you are trying to do:
import numpy as np
from lmfit.models import Model
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Note: use numpy arrays, not lists!
x = np.array([57924.223, 57925.339, 57928.226, 57929.22 , 57930.222,
57931.323, 57933.205, 57935.302, 57939.28 , 57951.282])
y = np.array([14455.95775513, 13838.7702847 , 11857.5599917 ,
11418.98888834, 11017.30612092, 10905.00155524,
10392.55775922, 10193.91608535,9887.8610764 , 8775.83459273])
err = np.array([459.56414237, 465.27518505, 448.25224285, 476.64621165,
457.05994986, 458.37532126, 469.89966451, 473.68349925,
455.91446878, 507.48473313])
# define a function rather than use ExpressionModel (easier to debug)
def powerlaw(x, x0, amplitude, exponent, offset):
return (offset + amplitude * (x-x0)**exponent)
pmodel = Model(powerlaw)
# make parameters with good initial values: challenging!
params = pmodel.make_params(x0=57800, amplitude=1.5e9, exponent=-2.5, offset=7500)
# set bounds on `x0` to prevent (x-x0)**b going complex
params['x0'].min = 57000
params['x0'].max = x.min()-2
# set bounds on other parameters too
params['amplitude'].min = 1.e7
params['offset'].min = 0
params['offset'].max = 50000
params['exponent'].max = 0
params['exponent'].min = -6
# run fit
result = pmodel.fit(y, params, x=x)
plt.errorbar(x, y, err, marker='o', linewidth=2, label='data')
plt.plot(x, result.init_fit, label='initial guess')
plt.plot(x, result.best_fit, label='best fit')
Alternatively, you could force x to be complex (say multiply by (1.0+0j)) and then have your model function do return (offset + amplitude * (x-x0)**exponent).real. But, I think you would still carefully selected bounds on the parameters that depend strongly on the actual data you are fitting.
Anyway, this will print a report of
[[Fit Statistics]]
# fitting method = leastsq
# function evals = 304
# data points = 10
# variables = 4
chi-square = 247807.309
reduced chi-square = 41301.2182
Akaike info crit = 109.178217
Bayesian info crit = 110.388557
x0: 57907.5658 +/- 7.81258329 (0.01%) (init = 57800)
amplitude: 10000061.9 +/- 45477987.8 (454.78%) (init = 1.5e+09)
exponent: -2.63343429 +/- 1.19163855 (45.25%) (init = -2.5)
offset: 8487.50872 +/- 375.212255 (4.42%) (init = 7500)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
C(amplitude, exponent) = -0.997
C(x0, amplitude) = -0.982
C(x0, exponent) = 0.965
C(exponent, offset) = -0.713
C(amplitude, offset) = 0.662
C(x0, offset) = -0.528
(note the huge uncertainty on amplitude!), and generate a plot of

Python - curve fitting of more complex function

I wish to find the equation of the curve of best fit of the following graph:
Which has the equation in the form of:
I've attempted to find examples of curve fitting with numpy here and here, but they all only show how to plot only exponential or only sinusoidal, but I'd like to plot a graph combining the two functions.
How would I do this?
Here's one approach you might find useful. This uses lmfit (http://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/), which provides a high-level approach to curve fitting:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lmfit import Model
def decay_cosine(t, amp, beta, omega, phi):
"""model data as decaying cosine wave"""
return amp * np.exp(-beta*t)* np.cos(omega*t + phi)
# create fake data to be fitted
t = np.linspace(0, 5, 101)
y = decay_cosine(t, 1.4, 0.9, 7.2, 0.23) + np.random.normal(size=len(t), scale=0.05)
# build model from decay_cosine
mod = Model(decay_cosine)
# create parameters, giving initial values
params = mod.make_params(amp=2.0, beta=0.5, omega=5, phi=0)
# you can place bounds on parameters:
params['phi'].max = np.pi/2
params['phi'].min = -np.pi/2
params['amp'].min = 0
# fit data to model
result = mod.fit(y, params, t=t)
# print out fit results
# plot data with best fit
plt.plot(t, y, 'bo', label='data')
plt.plot(t, result.best_fit, 'r')
This will print out a report like this:
[[Fit Statistics]]
# fitting method = leastsq
# function evals = 46
# data points = 101
# variables = 4
chi-square = 0.25540159
reduced chi-square = 0.00263301
Akaike info crit = -595.983903
Bayesian info crit = -585.523421
amp: 1.38812335 +/- 0.03034640 (2.19%) (init = 2)
beta: 0.90760648 +/- 0.02820705 (3.11%) (init = 0.5)
omega: 7.16579292 +/- 0.02891827 (0.40%) (init = 5)
phi: 0.26249321 +/- 0.02225816 (8.48%) (init = 0)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
C(omega, phi) = -0.713
C(amp, beta) = 0.695
C(amp, phi) = 0.253
C(amp, omega) = -0.183
C(beta, phi) = 0.178
C(beta, omega) = -0.128
and produce a plot like this:
Here is a quite simple example using curve_fit and leastsq from scipy.optimize.
1. Setting parameter values, model and experimental data.
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
np.random.seed(0) # choosing seed for reproducibility
# ==== theoretical parameter values ====
x0 = 1
beta = .5
omega = 2*np.pi
phi = 0
params = x0, beta, omega, phi
# ==== model ====
def decay_cosine(t, x0, beta, omega, phi):
x = x0 * np.exp(-beta*t_data) * np.cos(omega*t_data + phi)
return x
# ==== generating experimental data ====
t_data = np.linspace(0, 5, num=80)
noise = .05 * np.random.randn(t_data.size)
x_data = decay_cosine(t_data, *params) + noise
2. Fitting.
# ==== fitting using curve_fit ====
params_cf, _ = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(decay_cosine, t_data, x_data)
# ==== fitting using leastsq ====
def residuals(args, t, x):
return x - decay_cosine(t, *args)
x0 = np.ones(len(params)) # initializing all params at one
params_lsq, _ = scipy.optimize.leastsq(residuals, x0, args=(t_data, x_data))
array([ 1.04938794, 0.53877389, 6.30375113, -0.01850761])
array([ 1.04938796, 0.53877389, 6.30375103, -0.01850744])
3. Plotting.
plt.plot(t_data, x_data, '.', label='exp data')
plt.plot(t_data, decay_cosine(t_data, *params_cf), label='curve_fit')
plt.plot(t_data, decay_cosine(t_data, *params_lsq), '--', label='leastsq')

scipy curve_fit raises "OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated"

I am trying to fit this function to some data:
But when I use my code
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def f(x, start, end):
res = np.empty_like(x)
res[x < start] =-1
res[x > end] = 1
linear = np.all([[start <= x], [x <= end]], axis=0)[0]
res[linear] = np.linspace(-1., 1., num=np.sum(linear))
return res
if __name__ == '__main__':
xdata = np.linspace(0., 1000., 1000)
ydata = -np.ones(1000)
ydata[500:1000] = 1.
ydata = ydata + np.random.normal(0., 0.25, len(ydata))
popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, xdata, ydata, p0=[495., 505.])
print(popt, pcov)
plt.plot(xdata, f(xdata, *popt), 'r-', label='fit')
plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'b-', label='data')
I get the error
OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated
In this example start and end should be closer to 500, but they dont change at all from my initial guess.
The warning (not error) of
OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated
means that the fit could not determine the uncertainties (variance) of the fitting parameters.
The main problem is that your model function f treats the parameters start and end as discrete values -- they are used as integer locations for the change in functional form. scipy's curve_fit (and all other optimization routines in scipy.optimize) assume that parameters are continuous variables, not discrete.
The fitting procedure will try to take small steps (typically around machine precision) in the parameters to get a numerical derivative of the residual with respect to the variables (the Jacobian). With values used as discrete variables, these derivatives will be zero and the fitting procedure will not know how to change the values to improve the fit.
It looks like you're trying to fit a step function to some data. Allow me to recommend trying lmfit (https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py) which provides a higher-level interface to curve fitting, and has many built-in models. For example, it includes a StepModel that should be able to model your data.
For a slight modification of your data (so that it has a finite step), the following script with lmfit can fit such data:
import numpy as np
from lmfit.models import StepModel, LinearModel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xdata = np.linspace(0., 1000., 1000)
ydata = -np.ones(1000)
ydata[500:1000] = 1.
# note that a linear step is added here:
ydata[490:510] = -1 + np.arange(20)/10.0
ydata = ydata + np.random.normal(size=len(xdata), scale=0.1)
# model data as Step + Line
step_mod = StepModel(form='linear', prefix='step_')
line_mod = LinearModel(prefix='line_')
model = step_mod + line_mod
# make named parameters, giving initial values:
pars = model.make_params(line_intercept=ydata.min(),
# fit data to this model with these parameters
out = model.fit(ydata, pars, x=xdata)
# print results
# plot data and best-fit
plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'b')
plt.plot(xdata, out.best_fit, 'r-')
which prints out a report of
(Model(step, prefix='step_', form='linear') + Model(linear, prefix='line_'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
# fitting method = leastsq
# function evals = 49
# data points = 1000
# variables = 5
chi-square = 9.72660131
reduced chi-square = 0.00977548
Akaike info crit = -4622.89074
Bayesian info crit = -4598.35197
step_sigma: 20.6227793 +/- 0.77214167 (3.74%) (init = 2)
step_center: 490.167878 +/- 0.44804412 (0.09%) (init = 500)
step_amplitude: 1.98946656 +/- 0.01304854 (0.66%) (init = 0.996283)
line_intercept: -1.00628058 +/- 0.00706005 (0.70%) (init = -1.277259)
line_slope: 1.3947e-05 +/- 2.2340e-05 (160.18%) (init = 0)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
C(step_amplitude, line_slope) = -0.875
C(step_sigma, step_center) = -0.863
C(line_intercept, line_slope) = -0.774
C(step_amplitude, line_intercept) = 0.461
C(step_sigma, step_amplitude) = 0.170
C(step_sigma, line_slope) = -0.147
C(step_center, step_amplitude) = -0.146
C(step_center, line_slope) = 0.127
and produces a plot of
Lmfit has lots of extra features. For example, if you want to set bounds on some of the parameter values or fix some from varying, you can do the following:
# make named parameters, giving initial values:
pars = model.make_params(line_intercept=ydata.min(),
# now set max and min values for step amplitude"
pars['step_amplitude'].min = 0
pars['step_amplitude'].max = 100
# fix the offset of the line to be -1.0
pars['line_offset'].value = -1.0
pars['line_offset'].vary = False
# then run fit with these parameters
out = model.fit(ydata, pars, x=xdata)
If you know the model should be Step+Constant and that the constant should be fixed, you could also modify the model to be
from lmfit.models import ConstantModel
# model data as Step + Constant
step_mod = StepModel(form='linear', prefix='step_')
const_mod = ConstantModel(prefix='const_')
model = step_mod + const_mod
pars = model.make_params(const_c=-1,
pars['const_c'].vary = False

SciPy Curve Fit Fails Power Law

So, I'm trying to fit a set of data with a power law of the following kind:
def f(x,N,a): # Power law fit
if a >0:
return N*x**(-a)
return 10.**300
par,cov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(f,data,time,array([10**(-7),1.2]))
where the else condition is just to force a to be positive. Using scipy.optimize.curve_fit yields an awful fit (green line), returning values of 1.2e+04 and 1.9e0-7 for N and a, respectively, with absolutely no intersection with the data. From fits I've put in manually, the values should land around 1e-07 and 1.2 for N and a, respectively, though putting those into curve_fit as initial parameters doesn't change the result. Removing the condition for a to be positive results in a worse fit, as it chooses a negative, which leads to a fit with the wrong sign slope.
I can't figure out how to get a believable, let alone reliable, fit out of this routine, but I can't find any other good Python curve fitting routines. Do I need to write my own least-squares algorithm or is there something I'm doing wrong here?
In the original post, I showed a solution that uses lmfit which allows to assign bounds to your parameters. Starting with version 0.17, scipy also allows to assign bounds to your parameters directly (see documentation). Please find this solution below after the EDIT which can hopefully serve as a minimal example on how to use scipy's curve_fit with parameter bounds.
Original post
As suggested by #Warren Weckesser, you could use lmfit to get this task done, which allows you to assign bounds to your parameters and avoids this 'ugly' if-clause.
Since you do not provide any data, I created some which are shown here:
They follow the law f(x) = 10.5 * x ** (-0.08)
I fit them - as suggested by #roadrunner66 - by transforming the power law in a linear function:
y = N * x ** a
ln(y) = ln(N * x ** a)
ln(y) = a * ln(x) + ln(N)
So I first use np.log on the original data and then do the fit. When I now use lmfit, I get the following output:
lN: 2.35450302 +/- 0.019531 (0.83%) (init= 1.704748)
a: -0.08035342 +/- 0.005158 (6.42%) (init=-0.5)
So a is pretty close to the original value and np.exp(2.35450302) gives 10.53 which is also very close to the original value.
The plot then looks as follows; as you can see the fit describes the data very well:
Here is the entire code with a couple of inline comments:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lmfit import minimize, Parameters, Parameter, report_fit
# generate some data with noise
xData = np.linspace(0.01, 100., 50.)
aOrg = 0.08
Norg = 10.5
yData = Norg * xData ** (-aOrg) + np.random.normal(0, 0.5, len(xData))
plt.plot(xData, yData, 'bo')
# transform data so that we can use a linear fit
lx = np.log(xData)
ly = np.log(yData)
plt.plot(lx, ly, 'bo')
def decay(params, x, data):
lN = params['lN'].value
a = params['a'].value
# our linear model
model = a * x + lN
return model - data # that's what you want to minimize
# create a set of Parameters
params = Parameters()
params.add('lN', value=np.log(5.5), min=0.01, max=100) # value is the initial value
params.add('a', value=-0.5, min=-1, max=-0.001) # min, max define parameter bounds
# do fit, here with leastsq model
result = minimize(decay, params, args=(lx, ly))
# write error report
# plot data
xnew = np.linspace(0., 100., 5000.)
# plot the data
plt.plot(xData, yData, 'bo')
plt.plot(xnew, np.exp(result.values['lN']) * xnew ** (result.values['a']), 'r')
Assuming that you have scipy 0.17 installed, you can also do the following using curve_fit. I show it for your original definition of the power law (red line in the plot below) as well as for the logarithmic data (black line in the plot below). The data is generated in the same way as above. The plot the looks as follows:
As you can see, the data is described very well. If you print popt and popt_log, you obtain array([ 10.47463426, 0.07914812]) and array([ 2.35158653, -0.08045776]), respectively (note: for the letter one you will have to take the exponantial of the first argument - np.exp(popt_log[0]) = 10.502 which is close to the original data).
Here is the entire code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
# generate some data with noise
xData = np.linspace(0.01, 100., 50)
aOrg = 0.08
Norg = 10.5
yData = Norg * xData ** (-aOrg) + np.random.normal(0, 0.5, len(xData))
# get logarithmic data
lx = np.log(xData)
ly = np.log(yData)
def f(x, N, a):
return N * x ** (-a)
def f_log(x, lN, a):
return a * x + lN
# optimize using the appropriate bounds
popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, xData, yData, bounds=(0, [30., 20.]))
popt_log, pcov_log = curve_fit(f_log, lx, ly, bounds=([0, -10], [30., 20.]))
xnew = np.linspace(0.01, 100., 5000)
# plot the data
plt.plot(xData, yData, 'bo')
plt.plot(xnew, f(xnew, *popt), 'r')
plt.plot(xnew, f(xnew, np.exp(popt_log[0]), -popt_log[1]), 'k')

confidence and prediction intervals with StatsModels

I do this linear regression with StatsModels:
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.sandbox.regression.predstd import wls_prediction_std
n = 100
x = np.linspace(0, 10, n)
e = np.random.normal(size=n)
y = 1 + 0.5*x + 2*e
X = sm.add_constant(x)
re = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
prstd, iv_l, iv_u = wls_prediction_std(re)
My questions are, iv_l and iv_u are the upper and lower confidence intervals or prediction intervals?
How I get others?
I need the confidence and prediction intervals for all points, to do a plot.
For test data you can try to use the following.
predictions = result.get_prediction(out_of_sample_df)
I found the summary_frame() method buried here and you can find the get_prediction() method here. You can change the significance level of the confidence interval and prediction interval by modifying the "alpha" parameter.
I am posting this here because this was the first post that comes up when looking for a solution for confidence & prediction intervals – even though this concerns itself with test data rather.
Here's a function to take a model, new data, and an arbitrary quantile, using this approach:
def ols_quantile(m, X, q):
# m: OLS model.
# X: X matrix.
# q: Quantile.
# Set alpha based on q.
a = q * 2
if q > 0.5:
a = 2 * (1 - q)
predictions = m.get_prediction(X)
frame = predictions.summary_frame(alpha=a)
if q > 0.5:
return frame.obs_ci_upper
return frame.obs_ci_lower
update see the second answer which is more recent. Many of the models and results classes have now a get_prediction method that provides additional information including prediction intervals and/or confidence intervals for the predicted mean.
old answer:
iv_l and iv_u give you the limits of the prediction interval for each point.
Prediction interval is the confidence interval for an observation and includes the estimate of the error.
I think, confidence interval for the mean prediction is not yet available in statsmodels.
(Actually, the confidence interval for the fitted values is hiding inside the summary_table of influence_outlier, but I need to verify this.)
Proper prediction methods for statsmodels are on the TODO list.
Confidence intervals are there for OLS but the access is a bit clumsy.
To be included after running your script:
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import summary_table
st, data, ss2 = summary_table(re, alpha=0.05)
fittedvalues = data[:, 2]
predict_mean_se = data[:, 3]
predict_mean_ci_low, predict_mean_ci_upp = data[:, 4:6].T
predict_ci_low, predict_ci_upp = data[:, 6:8].T
# Check we got the right things
print np.max(np.abs(re.fittedvalues - fittedvalues))
print np.max(np.abs(iv_l - predict_ci_low))
print np.max(np.abs(iv_u - predict_ci_upp))
plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
plt.plot(x, fittedvalues, '-', lw=2)
plt.plot(x, predict_ci_low, 'r--', lw=2)
plt.plot(x, predict_ci_upp, 'r--', lw=2)
plt.plot(x, predict_mean_ci_low, 'r--', lw=2)
plt.plot(x, predict_mean_ci_upp, 'r--', lw=2)
This should give the same results as SAS, http://jpktd.blogspot.ca/2012/01/nice-thing-about-seeing-zeros.html
With time series results, you get a much smoother plot using the get_forecast() method. An example of time series is below:
# Seasonal Arima Modeling, no exogenous variable
model = SARIMAX(train['MI'], order=(1,1,1), seasonal_order=(1,1,0,12), enforce_invertibility=True)
results = model.fit()
The next step is to make the predictions, this generates the confidence intervals.
# make the predictions for 11 steps ahead
predictions_int = results.get_forecast(steps=11)
These can be put in a data frame but need some cleaning up:
# get a better view
Concatenate the data frame, but clean up the headers
conf_df = pd.concat([test['MI'],predictions_int.predicted_mean, predictions_int.conf_int()], axis = 1)
Then we rename the columns.
conf_df = conf_df.rename(columns={0: 'Predictions', 'lower MI': 'Lower CI', 'upper MI': 'Upper CI'})
Make the plot.
# make a plot of model fit
# color = 'skyblue'
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16,8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
x = conf_df.index.values
upper = conf_df['Upper CI']
lower = conf_df['Lower CI']
conf_df['MI'].plot(color = 'blue', label = 'Actual')
conf_df['Predictions'].plot(color = 'orange',label = 'Predicted' )
upper.plot(color = 'grey', label = 'Upper CI')
lower.plot(color = 'grey', label = 'Lower CI')
# plot the legend for the first plot
plt.legend(loc = 'lower left', fontsize = 12)
# fill between the conf intervals
plt.fill_between(x, lower, upper, color='grey', alpha='0.2')
You can get the prediction intervals by using LRPI() class from the Ipython notebook in my repo (https://github.com/shahejokarian/regression-prediction-interval).
You need to set the t value to get the desired confidence interval for the prediction values, otherwise the default is 95% conf. interval.
The LRPI class uses sklearn.linear_model's LinearRegression , numpy and pandas libraries.
There is an example shown in the notebook too.
summary_frame and summary_table work well when you need exact results for a single quantile, but don't vectorize well. This will provide a normal approximation of the prediction interval (not confidence interval) and works for a vector of quantiles:
def ols_quantile(m, X, q):
# m: Statsmodels OLS model.
# X: X matrix of data to predict.
# q: Quantile.
from scipy.stats import norm
mean_pred = m.predict(X)
se = np.sqrt(m.scale)
return mean_pred + norm.ppf(q) * se
To add to Max Ghenis' response here - you can use .get_prediction() to generate confidence intervals, not just prediction intervals, by using .conf_int() after.
predictions = result.get_prediction(out_of_sample_df)
predictions.conf_int(alpha = 0.05)
You can calculate them based on results given by statsmodel and the normality assumptions.
Here is an example for OLS and CI for the mean value:
import statsmodels.api as sm
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
#Significance level:
sl = 0.05
#Evaluate mean value at a required point x0. Here, at the point (0.0,2.0) for N_model=2:
x0 = np.asarray([1.0, 0.0, 2.0])# If you have no constant in your model, remove the first 1.0. For more dimensions, add the desired values.
#Get an OLS model based on output y and the prepared vector X (as in your notation):
model = sm.OLS(endog = y, exog = X )
results = model.fit()
#Get two-tailed t-values:
(t_minus, t_plus) = stats.t.interval(alpha = (1.0 - sl), df = len(results.resid) - len(x0) )
y_value_at_x0 = np.dot(results.params, x0)
lower_bound = y_value_at_x0 + t_minus*np.sqrt(results.mse_resid*( np.dot(np.dot(x0.T,results.normalized_cov_params),x0) ))
upper_bound = y_value_at_x0 + t_plus*np.sqrt(results.mse_resid*( np.dot(np.dot(x0.T,results.normalized_cov_params),x0) ))
You can wrap a nice function around this with input results, point x0 and significance level sl.
I am unsure now if you can use this for WLS() since there are extra things happening there.
Ref: Ch3 in [D.C. Montgomery and E.A. Peck. “Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis.” 4th. Ed., Wiley, 1992].
