I's trying to plot multiple text lines on a plot using arrays. I define xpos[i], ypos[i], text[i], and xval[i], use the following loop to plot the text, then change my slider:
npts = 3
i = 0
mytext = np.zeros(npts,str)
xval = [1, 2, 3]
xval = [Bx, By, Beta]
yinit = 5
ydel = -0.5
xpos = [1, 1, 1]
ypos = [yinit, yinit+ydel, yinit+2*ydel]
text = ['a = %.2f','b = %.2f','c = %.2f']
# The following loop plots the text and works fine
while i < npts:
mytext[i] = plt.text(xpos[i], ypos[i], text[i] % xval[i])
i += 1
My update def has the following line which should update the text based on changes to xval[i]:
def update(Beta):
By = x3*np.tan(Beta * torad)
Bx = x3
line.set_xdata((x1, Bx))
line.set_ydata((y1, By))
npts = 3
i = 0
xval = [Bx, By, Beta]
while i < npts:
mytext[i].set_text(text[i] % xval[i])
i += 1
I get the error:
AttributeError: 'numpy.str_' object has no attribute 'set_text'
I hope this is clear. I'm unable find any references on folks trying use arrays to define multiple plt.text statements.
mytext = [None]*10
based on suggestion by ImportanceOfBeingErnest solved the problem. Thanks.
I'm attempting to use Folium to create a web map using Leaflet with data stored in an array. However, the markers are not being added to the map.
I'm using the code below.
centerX = 34.2104
centerY = -77.8868
def Map():
coord = [centerX, centerY]
m = folium.Map(coord, zoom_start=13)
# Parse CSV
marker = []
with open(userInFile, 'r') as ds:
for line in ds:
strippedLine = line.strip()
lineList = strippedLine.split(',')
if i > 1:
x = lineList[16]
y = lineList[17]
# Add markers to map
i = 0
while i < len(marker)-1:
folium.Marker([float(marker[i]), float(marker[i+1])], popup="new location", icon=folium.Icon(color="green")).add_to(m)
print(marker[i], marker[i+1])
I wanted to make sure the data was being added to array correctly, below is the output of the print statements.
But none of the markers are being added to the map, only the basemap shows up. Could anyone help me find where my error is?
I have a dataset that is a list of lists.
Each list is a category to be plotted as a box plot.
Each list has a list of up to 9 components to be plotted into subplots.
The functions I am using is below was based on this answer. I pulled it out of my work and added some mock data. Should be a minimal example below.
neonDict = {
0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def coloredBoxPlot(axis, data,edgeColor,fillColor):
bp = axis.boxplot(data,vert=False,patch_artist=True)
for element in ['boxes', 'whiskers', 'fliers', 'means', 'medians', 'caps']:
plt.setp(bp[element], color=edgeColor)
for patch in bp['boxes']:
return bp
def plotCalStats(data, prefix='Channel', savedir=None,colors=['#00597c','#a8005c','#00aeea','#007d50','#400080','#e07800'] ):
csize = mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize']
cdpi = mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi']
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12,8)
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 1080
pkdata = []
labels = []
lstyles = []
fg, ax = plt.subplots(3,3)
for pk in range(len(neonDict)):
px = pk // 3
py = pk % 3
ax[px,py].set_xlabel('Max Pixel')
ax[px,py].set_title(str(neonDict[pk]) + ' nm')
for cat in range(len(data)):
bp = ''
for acal in data[cat]:
for apeak in acal.peaks:
for pk in range(9):
px = pk // 3
py = pk % 3
bp = coloredBoxPlot(ax[px,py], pkdata[pk], colors[cat], '#ffffff')
if len(data[cat]) > 0:
labels.append(prefix+' '+str(cat))
fg.suptitle('Calibration Summary by '+prefix)
if savedir is not None:
plt.savefig(savedir + 'Boxplots.png')
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = csize
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = cdpi
class acal:
def __init__(self):
self.peaks = {}
for x in range(9):
self.peaks[x] = (np.random.randint(20*x,20*(x+1)),)
mockData = [[acal() for y in range(100)] for x in range(6)]
#Some unused channels
mockData[2] = []
mockData[3] = []
mockData[4] = []
So the issue is that the plot colors do not match the legend. Even if I restrict the data to only add a label if data exists (ensuring thus there is no issue with calling boxplots with an empty data set and not getting an appropriate PathPatch.
The printouts verify the colors are correctly stored in the PathPatch. (I can add my digits -> hex converter) if that is questioned.
Attached is the output. One can see I get a purple box but no purple in the legend. Purple is the 4th category which is empty.
Any ideas why the labels don't match the actual style? Thanks much!
To address question on 'confusing'.
I have six categories of data, each category is coming from a single event. Each event has 9 components. I want to compare all events, for each individual component, for each category on a single plot as shown below.
Each subplot is a individual component comprised from the series of data for each categorical (Channel).
So the link I have provided, (like I said, is adapted from) shows how to create a single box plot on one axis for 2 data sets. I've basically done the same thing for 6 data sets on 9 axis, where 3 data sets are empty (but don't have to be, I did it to illustrate the issue. If I have all 6 data sets there, how can you tell the colors are messed up?????)
Regarding the alpha:
The alphas are always 'ff' when giving only RGB data to matplotlib. If I call get_edgecolors, it will return a tuple (RGBA) where A = 1.0.
See commented out print statement.
If I restrict it down to a single category, it makes the box plot view less confusing.
Single Example (see how box plot color is orange, figure says it's blue)
All colors off
Feel like this used to work....
Uncertain how the error presented as it did, but the issue has to do with reformatting the data before creating the box plot.
By removing pkdata.append([]) during the creation of the subplots before looping the categories and adding:
pkdata = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]] during each iteration of the category loop fixed the issue. The former was sending in all previous channel data...
Output is now better. Full sol attached.
Likely, since the plot uses data from pkdata, the empty channel (data[cat]) plotted previous data (from data[cat-1]) as that was still in pkdata (actually, all previous data[cat] was still in pkdata) which was then plotted. I only check data[cat] for data on each loop to add to the legend. The legend was set up for channels 0,1,5, for example.. but we saw data for channel: 0 as 0, 0+1 as 1, 0+1 as 2, 0+1 as 3, 0+1 as 4, 0+1+5 as 5... thus channel 4 (purple) had data to plot but wasn't added to the legend. Giving the impression of 'misaligned' legends but rather unlegend data...
The single channel data is actually all 6 channels overlapping, the final channel 5 color being orange, overlapping all previous, namely the original channel 0 data to whom the data belongs and was properly added to the legend.
neonDict = {
0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def getHex(r,g,b,a=1.0):
colors = [int(r * 255 ),int(g * 255 ),int(b * 255 ),int(a * 255) ]
s = '#'
for x in range(4):
cs = hex(colors[x])
if len(cs) == 3:
cs = cs + '0'
s += cs.replace('0x','')
return s
def getRGB(colstr):
a = ''
r = int(colstr[1:3],16) / 255
g = int(colstr[3:5],16) / 255
b = int(colstr[5:7],16) / 255
if len (colstr) == 7:
a = 1.0
a = int(colstr[7:],16) / 255
return (r,g,b,a)
except Exception as e:
raise e
def compareHexColors(col1,col2):
## If less than 7, append the ff for the colors
if len(col1) < 9:
col1 += 'ff'
if len(col2) < 9:
col2 += 'ff'
return col1.lower() == col2.lower()
except Exception as e:
raise e
return False
def coloredBoxPlot(axis, data,edgeColor,fillColor):
bp = axis.boxplot(data,vert=False,patch_artist=True)
for element in ['boxes', 'whiskers', 'fliers', 'means', 'medians', 'caps']:
plt.setp(bp[element], color=edgeColor)
for patch in bp['boxes']:
return bp
def plotCalStats(data, prefix='Channel', savedir=None,colors=['#00597c','#a8005c','#00aeea','#007d50','#400080','#e07800'] ):
csize = mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize']
cdpi = mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi']
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12,8)
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 1080
pkdata = []
labels = []
lstyles = []
fg, ax = plt.subplots(3,3)
for pk in range(len(neonDict)):
px = pk // 3
py = pk % 3
ax[px,py].set_xlabel('Max Pixel')
ax[px,py].set_title(str(neonDict[pk]) + ' nm')
for cat in range(len(data)):
bp = ''
pkdata = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
for acal in data[cat]:
for apeak in acal.peaks:
for pk in range(9):
px = pk // 3
py = pk % 3
bp = coloredBoxPlot(ax[px,py], pkdata[pk], colors[cat], '#ffffff')
if len(data[cat]) > 0:
labels.append(prefix+' '+str(cat))
fg.suptitle('Calibration Summary by '+prefix)
if savedir is not None:
plt.savefig(savedir + 'Boxplots.png')
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = csize
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = cdpi
class acal:
def __init__(self,center):
self.peaks = {}
for x in range(9):
self.peaks[x] = [10*x + (center) + (np.random.randint(10)-1)/2.0,0,0]
mockData = [[acal(x) for y in range(1000)] for x in range(6)]
#Some unused channels
mockData[2] = []
mockData[3] = []
mockData[4] = []
I am a beginner in Python. I have been trying my hands on MatPlotLib to compare the stats of soccer players in FIFA 20. Basically the problem I'm facing is:
def make_graph(value1, value2, namevalue, label1, label2):
print(value1, value2, namevalue)
plt.scatter(value1, value2)
for i in range(len(namevalue)):
plt.text(value1[i] + 0.3, value2[i] + 0.3, namevalue[i], fontdict=dict(color='red', size=10), bbox=dict(facecolor = 'yellow', alpha=0.5))
plt.xlim(min(value1) - 5, max(value2) + 5)
plt.ylim(min(value1) - 5, max(value2) + 5)
def Test():
df = xlrd.open_workbook(path)
data = df.sheet_by_index(0)
name = []
pace = []
shoot = []
for i in range(1, 450):
#print(data.cell_value(i, 3))
buff = str(data.cell_value(i,2)).strip()
if buff == "LM" or buff == "RM":
pacebuffer = int(data.cell_value(i, 4))
shootbuffer = int(data.cell_value(i, 5))
if pacebuffer >= 90:
name.append(data.cell_value(i, 3).strip("\n"))
make_graph(pace, shoot, name, "Pace", "Shoot")
The particular code is showing me an empty graph.
When I write the same piece of code inside Test() which I wrote inside make_graph() , it gives me the desired output.
But in this way I have to rewrite that plotting thing every time I write some other functions and that's really a problem. Any idea how to fix this?
It is your x and y lims :
plt.xlim(min(value1) - 5, max(value2) + 5)
plt.ylim(min(value1) - 5, max(value2) + 5)
You should change to :
plt.xlim(min(value1) - 5, max(value1) + 5)
plt.ylim(min(value2) - 5, max(value2) + 5)
Technically your plt.scatter was working but then your x and y lims meant that you couldn't see.
I'm making a plot to compare band structure calculations from two different methods. This means plotting multiple lines for each set of data. I want to have a set of widgets that controls each set of data separately. The code below works if I only plot one set of data, but I can't get the widgets to work properly for two sets of data.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, TextBox
#cols = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple']
cols = ['#3f54bf','#c14142','#59bf3f','#b83fbf']
finam = ['wan_band.dat','wan_band.pwx.dat']
#finam = ['wan_band.dat'] # this works
lbot = len(finam)*0.09 + 0.06
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.margins(x=0) # lines go to the edge of the horizontal axes
def setlines(lines, txbx1, txbx2):
''' turn lines on/off based on text box values '''
mn = int(txbx1) - 1
mx = int(txbx2) - 1
for ib in range(len(lines)):
if (ib<mn) or (ib>mx):
else :
except ValueError as err:
print('Invalid range')
#end def setlines(cnt, lines, txbx1, txbx2):
def alphalines(lines, valin):
''' set lines' opacity '''
maxval = int('ff',16)
maxval = hex(int(valin*maxval))[2:]
for ib in range(bcnt):
#end def alphalines(lines, valtxt):
lines = [0]*len(finam) # 2d list to hold Line2Ds
txbox1 = [0]*len(finam) # list of Lo Band TextBoxes
txbox2 = [0]*len(finam) # lsit of Hi Band TextBoxes
alslid = [0]*len(finam) # list of Line Opacity Sliders
for cnt, fnam in enumerate(finam):
ptcnt = 0 # point count
fid = open(fnam, 'r')
fiit = iter(fid)
for line in fiit:
if line.strip() == '' :
ptcnt += 1
bandat_raw = np.loadtxt(fnam)
bcnt = int(np.round((bandat_raw.shape[0] / (ptcnt))))
# get views of the raw data that are easier to work with
kbandat = bandat_raw[:ptcnt,0] # k point length along path
ebandat = bandat_raw.reshape((bcnt,ptcnt,2))[:,:,1] # band energy # k-points
lines[cnt] = [0]*bcnt # point this list element to another list
for ib in range(bcnt):
#l, = plt.plot(kbandat, ebandat[ib], c=cols[cnt],lw=1.0)
l, = ax.plot(kbandat, ebandat[ib], c=cols[cnt],lw=1.0)
lines[cnt][ib] = l
y0 = 0.03 + 0.07*cnt
bxht = 0.035
axbox1 = plt.axes([0.03, y0, 0.08, bxht]) # x0, y0, width, height
axbox2 = plt.axes([0.13, y0, 0.08, bxht])
txbox1[cnt] = TextBox(axbox1, '', initial=str(1))
txbox2[cnt] = TextBox(axbox2, '', initial=str(bcnt))
txbox1[cnt].on_submit( lambda x: setlines(lines[cnt], x, txbox2[cnt].text) )
txbox2[cnt].on_submit( lambda x: setlines(lines[cnt], txbox1[cnt].text, x) )
axalpha = plt.axes([0.25, y0, 0.65, bxht])
alslid[cnt] = Slider(axalpha, '', 0.1, 1.0, valinit=1.0)
salpha = alslid[cnt]
alslid[cnt].on_changed( lambda x: alphalines(lines[cnt], x) )
#end for cnt, fnam in enumerate(finam):
plt.text(0.01, 1.2, 'Lo Band', transform=axbox1.transAxes)
plt.text(0.01, 1.2, 'Hi Band', transform=axbox2.transAxes)
plt.text(0.01, 1.2, 'Line Opacity', transform=axalpha.transAxes)
All the widgets only control the last data set plotted instead of the individual data sets I tried to associate with each widget. Here is a sample output:
Here the bottom slider should be changing the blue lines' opacity, but instead it changes the red lines' opacity. Originally the variables txbox1, txbox2, and alslid were not lists. I changed them to lists though to ensure they weren't garbage collected but it didn't change anything.
Here is the test data set1 and set2 I've been using. They should be saved as files 'wan_band.dat' and 'wan_band.pwx.dat' as per the hard coded list finam in the code.
I figured it out, using a lambda to partially execute some functions with an iterator value meant they were always being evaluated with the last value of the iterator. Switching to functools.partial fixed the issue.
I have two loops that runs for a different x and y coordinates and for each different (x,y) coordinates, a linear equation is being solved for force 1 and force 2 using matrices method i.e. finding the inverse of A if Ax = C. For each loop it gives an answer as a matrix where first element is force 1 and 2nd element is force 2 at those specific coordinates. Here's my code:
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
def Force():
Force1 = np.zeros((160,90))
Force2 = np.zeros((160,90))
for x in np.arange(0,16.1,0.1):
for y in np.arange(1,9.1,0.1):
l1 = np.hypot(x,y)
l2 = np.hypot(15-x,y)
A = np.array([[(x/l1),((x-15)/l2)],[(y/l1),(y/l2)]])
c = np.array([[0],[70*9.81]])
F = linalg.solve(A,c)
Force1[x,y] = F[0]
Force2[x,y] = F[1]
print("Force 1 = {} \nForce 2 = {}\n".format(F[0], F[1]))
so at each point (x,y) a matrix [[Force 1],[Force 2]] is solved. Now I would like to append all the Force1(s) into a list of Force1[x,y] and similarly for Forces2(s) so that I can do
to plot a 2 heatmaps. How would I go about doing that?
This solves your issue - you were trying to assign to indices in Force1 and Force2 of type float. I've changed the for loops to use enumerate instead, and tweaked the assignment so it assigns F[0][0] and F[1][0].
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
def Force():
Force1 = np.zeros((160,90))
Force2 = np.zeros((160,90))
for i, x in enumerate(np.arange(0,16,0.1)):
for j, y in enumerate(np.arange(1,9,0.1)):
l1 = np.hypot(x,y)
l2 = np.hypot(15-x,y)
A = np.array([[(x/l1),((x-15)/l2)],[(y/l1),(y/l2)]])
c = np.array([[0],[70*9.81]])
F = linalg.solve(A,c)
Force1[i, j] = F[0][0]
Force2[i, j] = F[1][0]
# print("Force 1 = {} \nForce 2 = {}\n".format(F[0], F[1]))
The generated plots are: