SqlAlchemy querying deep nested objects - python

I need help with querying model to get deeper relatonship.
Animals is a main table. It should easly load imgs and stories and its pretty simple. But AnimalsStories has own imgs in same AnimalsImgs table. AnimalsImgs has imgs for both classes Animals and AnimalsStories and both classes have relationships with it.
So i should be able to load all Animals and their stories in AnimalsStories and then from this class i should be able to use .img attrubute which reffers to AnimalsImgs and holds imgs for stories. SqlAlchemy say that it is possible with subqueryload. And it is. But only two levels down. AnimalsStories.img never load.
class Animals(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'animals'
id = db.Column(db.BigInteger, primary_key=True)
imgs = db.relationship("AnimalsImgs", backref=db.backref('animals',lazy=False))
stories= db.relationship("AnimalsStories",lazy='joined')
class AnimalsImgs(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'animals_imgs'
id = db.Column(db.BigInteger, primary_key=True,autoincrement='auto')
id_animal = db.Column(db.BigInteger, db.ForeignKey('animals.id'),nullable=False)
class AnimalsStories(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.BigInteger, primary_key=True)
id_animal= db.Column(db.BigInteger,db.ForeignKey('animals.id'), nullable=False)
id_animal_img = db.Column(db.BigInteger,db.ForeignKey('animals_imgs.id'))
img=db.relationship("AnimalsImgs", uselist=False)
I've tried something like this :
query = Animals.query.options(subqueryload(Animals.stories).subqueryload(AnimalsStories.img))
result = query.all()
for res in result:
And ended with " AttributeError: 'InstrumentedList' object has no attribute 'img' "
It should be pretty simple to query deeper objects. I think the problem is somewhere in models structures.
Edit #1
I've ended up with solution. It was not that hard.
Animals reffers to stories as one to many. Stories reffers to Imgs as one to one. So with query i posted (with subqueryload) it can be done by:
query = Animals.query.options(subqueryload(Animals.stories).subqueryload(AnimalsStories.img))
result = query.all()
for res in result:
for r in res.stories: # stories appears as array so they are iterable
And it prints all the levels pretty clear.
It can be done as well, maybe even better, with join. We are sure that result doesnt have any missing or empty arrays.
query = Animals.query.join(AnimalsStories).join(AnimalsImgs)

I was not sure which types of relationship you want to model. I made the following assumptions:
A image can have a relationship to one or no animal, as well to one or no story
A story has a relationship to one animal, as well as to none or several images
A animal can have relationships to none or several images, as well to none or several stories
This would lead to a model like this:
class Animals(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'animals'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
imgs = db.relationship("AnimalsImgs", backref=db.backref('animals'),lazy=True)
stories= db.relationship("AnimalsStories", backref=db.backref('animals'),
class AnimalsImgs(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'animals_imgs'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
id_animal = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('animals.id'),nullable=True)
id_animal_story =
class AnimalsStories(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
id_animal= db.Column(db.Integer,db.ForeignKey('animals.id'), nullable=False)
imgs=db.relationship("AnimalsImgs", backref=db.backref('stories'),lazy=True)
Now I have added the following scenrios:
An animal a1 that has a relationship to an image ai1 and to an story ast1. (but not relationship between the story and the image.
An animal a2 that has a relationship to story ast2. Ast2 has a relationship to a image ai2. But no relationship betwenn ast2 and a2.
An animal a3 that has a relationship to a story ast3 and a image ai3. ai3 has also a relationship to ast3.
Code sample like this:
a1 = Animals()
a2 = Animals()
a3 = Animals ()
a4 = Animals ()
ai1 = AnimalsImgs(animals = a1)
ast1 = AnimalsStories(animals = a1)
ast2 = AnimalsStories(animals = a2)
ai2 = AnimalsImgs(stories = ast2)
ast3 = AnimalsStories(animals = a3)
ai3 = AnimalsImgs(animals = a3, stories = ast3)
If you want to query all images that are connected to stories, you can use:
animalimages_ofallstories_ofalanimals =
You get image ai2 and ai3 as result. (ai1 is not connected to a story but only to an animal)


SQLAlchemy relationship fields name constructor

I'm using SQLAlchemy 1.4 to build my database models (posgresql).
I've stablished relationships between my models, which I follow using the different SQLAlchemy capabilities. When doing so, the fields of the related models get aliases which don't work for me.
Here's an example of one of my models:
from sqlalchemy import Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, func
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
class Process(declarative_model()):
"""Process database table class.
Process model. It contains all the information about one process
iteration. This is the proces of capturing an image with all the
provided cameras, preprocess the images and make a prediction for
them as well as computing the results.
id: int = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True, autoincrement=True)
"""Model primary key."""
petition_id: int = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("petition.id", ondelete="CASCADE"))
"""Foreign key to the related petition."""
petition: "Petition" = relationship("Petition", backref="processes", lazy="joined")
"""Related petition object."""
camera_id: int = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("camera.id", ondelete="CASCADE"))
"""Foreign key to the related camera."""
camera: "Camera" = relationship("Camera", backref="processes", lazy="joined")
"""Related camera object."""
n: int = Column(Integer, comment="Iteration number for the given petition.")
"""Iteration number for the given petition."""
image: "Image" = relationship(
"Image", back_populates="process", uselist=False, lazy="joined"
"""Related image object."""
datetime_init: datetime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), server_default=func.now())
"""Datetime when the process started."""
datetime_end: datetime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True)
"""Datetime when the process finished if so."""
The model works perfectly and joins the data by default as expected, so far so good.
My problem comes when I make a query and I extract the results through query.all() or through pd.read_sql(query.statement, db).
Reading the documentation, I should get aliases for my fields like "{table_name}.{field}" but instead of that I'm getting like "{field}_{counter}". Here's an example of a query.statement for my model:
SELECT process.id, process.petition_id, process.camera_id, process.n, process.datetime_init, process.datetime_end, asset_quality_1.id AS id_2, asset_quality_1.code AS code_1, asset_quality_1.name AS name_1, asset_quality_1.active AS active_1, asset_quality_1.stock_quality_id, pit_door_1.id AS id_3, pit_door_1.code AS code_2, petition_1.id AS id_4, petition_1.user_id, petition_1.user_code, petition_1.load_code, petition_1.provider_code, petition_1.origin_code, petition_1.asset_quality_initial_id, petition_1.pit_door_id, petition_1.datetime_init AS datetime_init_1, petition_1.datetime_end AS datetime_end_1, mask_1.id AS id_5, mask_1.camera_id AS camera_id_1, mask_1.prefix_path, mask_1.position, mask_1.format, camera_1.id AS id_6, camera_1.code AS code_3, camera_1.pit_door_id AS pit_door_id_1, camera_1.position AS position_1, image_1.id AS id_7, image_1.prefix_path AS prefix_path_1, image_1.format AS format_1, image_1.process_id
FROM process LEFT OUTER JOIN petition AS petition_1 ON petition_1.id = process.petition_id LEFT OUTER JOIN asset_quality AS asset_quality_1 ON asset_quality_1.id = petition_1.asset_quality_initial_id LEFT OUTER JOIN stock_quality AS stock_quality_1 ON stock_quality_1.id = asset_quality_1.stock_quality_id LEFT OUTER JOIN pit_door AS pit_door_1 ON pit_door_1.id = petition_1.pit_door_id LEFT OUTER JOIN camera AS camera_1 ON camera_1.id = process.camera_id LEFT OUTER JOIN mask AS mask_1 ON camera_1.id = mask_1.camera_id LEFT OUTER JOIN image AS image_1 ON process.id = image_1.process_id
Does anybody know how can I change this behavior and make it alias the fields like “{table_name}_{field}"?
SQLAlchemy uses label styles to configure how columns are labelled in SQL statements. The default in 1.4.x is LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY, which will add a "counter" for columns with the same name in a query. LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL is closer to what you want.
q = session.query(Table1, Table2).join(Table2)
q = q.set_label_style(LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY)
SELECT t1.id, t1.child_id, t2.id AS id_1
FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t2.id = t1.child_id
q = session.query(Table1, Table2).join(Table2)
q = q.set_label_style(LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL)
SELECT t1.id AS t1_id, t1.child_id AS t1_child_id, t2.id AS t2_id
FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t2.id = t1.child_id
If you want to enforce a style for all orm queries you could sublcass Session:
class MySession(orm.Session):
and use this class for your sessions, or pass it it a sessionmaker, if you use one:
Session = orm.sessionmaker(engine, class_=MySession)
You can use the label argument of the Column or the relationship method to specify the custom name for a field.
For example, to give a custom label for the process.petition_id field, you can use:
petition_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("petition.id", ondelete="CASCADE"), label='process_petition_id')
And for the petition relationship, you can use:
petition = relationship("Petition", backref="processes", lazy="joined", lazyload=True, innerjoin=True, viewonly=False, foreign_keys=[petition_id], post_update=False, cascade='all, delete-orphan', passive_deletes=True, primaryjoin='Process.petition_id == Petition.id', single_parent=False, uselist=False, query_class=None, foreignkey=None, remote_side=None, remote_side_use_alter=False, order_by=None, secondary=None, secondaryjoin=None, back_populates=None, collection_class=None, doc=None, extend_existing=False, associationproxy=None, comparator_factory=None, proxy_property=None, impl=None, _create_eager_joins=None, dynamic=False, active_history=False, passive_updates=False, enable_typechecks=None, info=None, join_depth=None, innerjoin=None, outerjoin=None, selectin=None, selectinload=None, with_polymorphic=None, join_specified=None, viewonly=None, comparison_enabled=None, useexisting=None, label='process_petition')
With this, the fields should be aliased to process_petition_id and process_petition respectively.

How to output selected column values

In a single model Person there is an address information. But since we are not separating this yet to another table. I would like to only query the address information out of Person table. Would it be possible using hybrid_property If not what else do I need to achieve this stuff?
I wanna avoid this one:
db.session.query(Person.id, Person.address_secret_id, Person.address_name).get(pk)
The model
class Person(db.Model):
# some lengthy information
# address
address_secret_id = db.Column(db.Unicode, nullable=True)
address_name = db.Column(db.Unicode, nullable=True)
def address(self):
# I never tested this but i know this is wrong.
return self.id + self.address_secret_id + self.address_name
Expected Output:
{id: 1, address_secret_id: xxxx, address_name: 'forgetmeland'}
How can I achieve an output that is only retrieving the desired field? It doesn't need to be dict or tuple as long as Im getting what is needed.
If you are trying to avoid having to type db.session.query(Person.id, Person.address_secret_id, Person.address_name), just add an address_details property on the person model.
class Person(db.Model):
# some lengthy information
# address
address_secret_id = db.Column(db.Unicode, nullable=True)
address_name = db.Column(db.Unicode, nullable=True)
def address_details(self):
keys = ('id', 'address_secret_id', 'address_name')
return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in in keys}
Probably less lines of code than trying to use some sort of hybrid query, and still just the one trip to the database.
Query would be:

SQLAlchemy Error Appending to Relationship

I've been using SQLAlchemy 0.9.2 with Python Version 2.7.3 and have run into a bit of an odd problem that I can't quite seem to explain. Here is my relevant code:
Base = declarative_base()
class Parent(Base):
__tablename__ = 'parents'
__table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('first_name', 'last_name', name='_name_constraint'),)
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
first_name = Column(String(32), nullable=False)
last_name = Column(String(32), nullable=False)
children = relationship(Child, cascade='all,delete', backref='parent')
## Constructors and other methods ##
class Child(Base):
__tablename__ = 'children'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('parents.id'))
foo = Column(String(32), nullable=False)
## Constructors and other methods ##
So a pretty basic set of models. The problem I'm experiencing is that I want to add a child to a parent that is saved to the database. The kicker is that the child is currently related to a parent that is not in the database. Consider the following example:
database_engine = create_engine("mysql://user:password#localhost/db", echo=False)
session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True,autocommit=False))
p1 = Parent("Foo", "Bar") # Create a parent and append a child
c1 = Child("foo")
session.commit() # This works without a problem
db_parent = session.query(Parent).first()
session.commit() # This also works without a problem
p2 = Parent("Foo", "Bar")
c3 = Child("baz")
db_parent = session.query(Parent).first()
session.commit() # ERROR: This blows up
The error I'm receiving is that I'm breaking an integrity Constraint, namely '_name_constraint'. SQLAlchemy is telling me that is trying to insert a Parent with the same information. My question is, why in the world is it trying to add a secondary parent?
These are the steps I've taken so far and don't have a good answer for:
I've inspected db_parent.children[2] It points to the same memory address as p1 once I have appended it to the list
I've inspected p2.children after the append. Oddly, p2 has no children once I have appended its child to db_parent I think this has something to do with what is going on, I just don't understand why its happening
Any help would be much appreciated, as I simply don't understand what's going on here. If you need me to post more please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Okay, after some more digging I think I have found a solution to my problem, but I don't yet have the answer as to why its happening the way it is, but I think I may have a guess. The solution I discovered was to use session.expunge(p2) before session.commit()
I started exploring SQLAlchemy's Internals, particularly, the instance state. I found that once you add the child to the parent, the original parent's state becomes pending. Here is an example:
from sqlalchemy import inspect
p2 = Parent("Foo", "Bar")
p2_inst = inspect(p2)
c3 = Child("Baz")
c3_inst = inspect(c3)
db_parent = session.query(Parent).first()
db_parent_inst = inspect(db_parent)
print("Pending State before append:")
print("p2_inst : {}".format(p2_inst.pending))
print("c3_inst : {}".format(c3_inst.pending))
print("db_parent_inst : {}".format(db_parent_inst.pending))
print("Pending State after append:")
print("p2_inst : {}".format(p2_inst.pending))
print("c3_inst : {}".format(c3_inst.pending))
print("db_parent_inst : {}".format(db_parent_inst.pending))
print("Pending State after expunge:")
print("p2_inst : {}".format(p2_inst.pending))
print("c3_inst : {}".format(c3_inst.pending))
print("db_parent_inst : {}".format(db_parent_inst.pending))
The result of running this will be:
Pending State before append:
p2_inst : False
c3_inst : False
db_parent_inst : False
Pending State after append:
p2_inst : True
c3_inst : True
db_parent_inst : False
Pending State after expunge:
p2_inst : False
c3_inst : True
db_parent_inst : False
And there you have it. Once I thought about it a bit, I suppose it makes sense. There is no reason for the db_parent to ever enter a "pending" state because, you're not actually doing anything to the record in MySQL. My guess on why p2 becomes pending is due to an order of operations? In order for c3 to become pending, then all of its relationships must exist (to include p2) and so even when you change the child's parent, the session still think that it needs to add the parent.
I'd love for someone more knowledgeable on SQLAlchemy to correct me, but to the best of my knowledge, that's my best explanation :)

Querying joined tables in SQLAlchemy and displaying in an ObjectListView

I have an ObjectListView that displays information retrieved from an SQLite DB with SQLAlchemy.
def setupOLV(self):
self.loanResultsOlv.SetEmptyListMsg("No Loan Records Found")
ColumnDefn("Date Issued", "left", 100, "date_issued",
ColumnDefn("Card Number", "left", 100, "card_id"),
ColumnDefn("Student Number", "left", 100, "person_id"),
ColumnDefn("Forename", "left", 150, "person_fname"),
ColumnDefn("Surname", "left", 150, "person_sname"),
ColumnDefn("Reason", "left", 150, "issue_reason"),
ColumnDefn("Date Due", "left", 100, "date_due",
ColumnDefn("Date Returned", "left", 100, "date_returned",
I also have three models, Loan:
class Loan(DeclarativeBase):
Loan model
__tablename__ = "loans"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
card_id = Column(Unicode, ForeignKey("cards.id"))
person_id = Column(Unicode, ForeignKey("people.id"))
date_issued = Column(Date)
date_due = Column(Date)
date_returned = Column(Date)
issue_reason = Column(Unicode(50))
person = relation("Person", backref="loans", cascade_backrefs=False)
card = relation("Card", backref="loans", cascade_backrefs=False)
class Person(DeclarativeBase):
Person model
__tablename__ = "people"
id = Column(Unicode(50), primary_key=True)
fname = Column(Unicode(50))
sname = Column(Unicode(50))
and Card:
class Card(DeclarativeBase):
Card model
__tablename__ = "cards"
id = Column(Unicode(50), primary_key=True)
active = Column(Boolean)
I am trying to join the tables (loans and people) in order to retrieve and display the information in my ObjectListView. Here is my query method:
def getQueriedRecords(session, filterChoice, keyword):
Searches the database based on the filter chosen and the keyword
given by the user
qry = session.query(Loan)
if filterChoice == "person":
result = qry.join(Person).filter(Loan.person_id=='%s' % keyword).all()
elif filterChoice == "card":
result = qry.join(Person).filter(Loan.card_id=='%s' % keyword).all()
return result
I can retrieve and display every field stored in the loans table but forename and surname (should be drawn from people table and joined on person.id) are blank in my ObjectListView. I have SQL output on so I can see the query and it is not selecting at all from the people table.
How can I modify my query/ObjectListView to retrieve and display this information. ?
UPDATE: I have created an example script that is runnable here.
You're only querying for a Loan (qry = session.query(Loan)). Why do you expect something else to be in the results besides what's in the SELECT statement?
I admit that I am pretty new to SQLAlchemy myself, but I thought I would share what I use to display results from my queries. I have a program that uses a SQLite DB with 4+ tables and I pull data from 2-3 of them in a single query and display this information in an ObjectListView. I owe Mike Driscoll for his in depth tutorials, particularly wxPython and SqlAlchemy: An Intro to MVC and CRUD.
Here is what I would possibly add/change in your code.
In your model section add a "display" class such as:
def OlvDisplay(object):
def __init__(self, date_issued, card_id, person_id, fname, sname,
issue_reason, date_due, date_returned):
self.date_issued = date_issued
self.card_id = card_id
self.person_id = person_id
self.person_fname = fname
self.person_sname = sname
self.issue_reason = issue_reason
self.date_due = date_due
self.date_returned = date_returned
This display class is used in the convertResults definition below and assists with making sure the data is formatted properly for the ObjectListView.
The adjustment to your existing query function:
def getQueriedRecords(session, filterChoice, keyword):
Searches the database based on the filter chosen and the keyword
given by the user
qry = session.query(Loan)
if filterChoice == "person":
result = qry.join(Person).filter(Loan.person_id=='%s' % keyword).all()
elif filterChoice == "card":
result = qry.join(Person).filter(Loan.card_id=='%s' % keyword).all()
convertedResults = convertResults(result)
return convertedResults
What we're doing here is creating a local variable that is essentially running the conversion definition and storing the results for the next line, which returns those results.
And the "Convertor" function:
def convertResults(results):
finalResults = []
for record in results:
result = OlvDisplay(
return finalResults
The important part here are the 2 lines:
Since we are wanting to pull information from another table using the established relationship it is important to refer to that relationship to actually see the data.
And to populate the ObjectListView Widget:
theOutput = getQueriedRecords(session, filterChoice, keyword)
Hope this helps you out.

Generic relation with sqlalchemy as in django contenttypes

I'm trying to make some generic apps using Sql Alchemy, such as tags or rating for any model. But I couldn't find any help in the docs. I really liked what I could do with the django contenttypes framework ? Is there any similar functionality in Sql Alchemy ?
I once wrote some example code about something similar to this (see http://taketwoprogramming.blogspot.com/2009/08/reusable-sqlalchemy-models.html).
The basic idea is that you can create a model like this:
class Post(Base):
__tablename__ = 'posts'
id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
text = sa.Column(sa.String)
...where commentable is defined like this...
class BaseComment(object):
def build_comment_model(clazz):
class_table_name = str(class_mapper(clazz).local_table)
metadata = clazz.metadata
comment_class_name = clazz.__name__ + 'Comment'
comment_class = type(comment_class_name, (BaseComment,), {})
comment_table_name = class_table_name + '_comments'
comment_table = sa.Table(comment_table_name, metadata,
sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
sa.Column(class_table_name + '_id',
sa.ForeignKey(class_table_name + '.id')),
sa.Column('text', sa.String),
sa.Column('name', sa.String(100)),
sa.Column('url', sa.String(255)),
mapper(comment_class, comment_table)
return comment_class, comment_table
def commentable(clazz):
comment_class, comment_table = build_comment_model(clazz)
clazz.Comment = comment_class
setattr(clazz, 'comments', relation(comment_class))
def add_comment(self, comment):
setattr(clazz, 'add_comment', add_comment)
return clazz
Basically, the commentable decorator dynamically creates a new type and table, along with some helper methods to the decorated class. This is the test I used to test that the code works, which shows some example of how it would work...
class TestModels(SATestCase):
def test_make_comment(self):
p = Post()
p.text = 'SQLAlchemy is amazing!'
text = 'I agree!'
name = 'Mark'
url = 'http://www.sqlalchemy.org/'
c = Post.Comment()
c.text = text
c.name = name
c.url = url
# This is a method I use to force the reload of the objects from
# the database to make sure that when I test them, I'm actually
# pulling from the database rather than just getting the data
# of the object still in the session.
p = self.reload(p)
self.assertEquals(len(p.comments), 1)
c = p.comments[0]
self.assertEquals(c.text, text)
self.assertEquals(c.name, name)
self.assertEquals(c.url, url)
I wrote this awhile ago, but I don't think there's anything in SQLA that will do this kind of thing for you, but you can create something similar without too much trouble. In my example, I created new mapped classes and methods to use it on the fly in a class decorator.
I never really made much use out of it, but it might give you some ideas.
