I'm trying to write a telegram python bot that posts in my private channel for Authorized users only
I succeeded to make a bot that work only for Authorized users but i cant finish that and cant find anything that can help, need to know how can i make that Authorized user can save post in memory and press in the botton Whenever he wants to post in the channel
stuck from here ;
def start(update, context):
keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("change post", callback_data='1'),
InlineKeyboardButton("show saved post", callback_data='2')],
[InlineKeyboardButton("post in channel", callback_data='3')]]
anyone can help me please? Thanks in advance
I have a question that I can‘t resolve it. I am using Telebot API to create a Telegram Bot, all I want to do is, when Bot sends a Button in a Group, when User clicks this Button first time, to be redirected in the Bots Private Message "http://telegram.me/<Bot_Username>?start=start", where User can Start the Bot.
My code in Python:
#bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: 'begin_config' in call.data)
def query(call):
def bot_config(message):
text_to_post = "Greetings, Bot here, hit the Button to configure"
markup = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
markup.add(telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Bot configuration', callback_data='begin_config'))
bot.reply_to(message, text_to_reply, reply_markup=markup)
I am getting the Error: AttributeError: 'TeleBot' object has no attribute 'message'
When I use
I am getting the Error: AttributeError: TypeError: 'InlineKeyboardMarkup' object is not callable
I just want User, when he clicks the Button [Bot configuration] first time to get the Private Chat of the Bot, where the User can start the Bot.
enter image description here
Thank's for anyone attempting to solve my Problem, but I solved it by myself. It was unclear for me since Bot can't send Private Messages to Users, as long as they have not Start-ed the Bot. So I wanted to redirect the User to Start my Bot, by clicking the Button posted by the Bot in the Group.
In this case the Callback is not needed at all, just create a Button containing the Bots Address as Url and send it to ChatID, when User clicks the Button, it automatically invites the User to Start the Bot, after that User can Start the Bot and can get Private Messages.
markup = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
markup.add(telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Bot configuration',
bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, caption=text_to_post,
reply_markup=markup, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
So I'm getting an issue here where I'm trying to make a status check command to check if a user is online, offline, idle, or dnd, if they are on mobile or desktop, and maybe even their custom status. However, my main problem is seeing if a user is online/offline or whatever. It seems to always return 'offline' even though I know I'm not offline. Here's my code (currently its just printing to console to see)
async def status(ctx, user: discord.Member=None):
if not user:
user = ctx.message.author
However when I initiate this command it always returns 'offline', and I haven't been able to figure out why. I've tried: user.status, user.raw_status, user.desktop_status, and just in case it was being weird or I didn't understand it, mobile_status (I'm on desktop.) If anyone has a fix to this please let me know, thanks!
If you haven't added intents to your bot, then you cannot deal with user statuses in a server. Head to "https://discord.com/developers/applications//bot" and under "Privileged Gateway Intents" tick "PRESENCE INTENT" and "SERVER MEMBERS INTENT". This will allow the bot to request presence data from users in the server.
In your bot's code, add
from discord import Intents
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix=YOUR_PREFIX, intents = Intents.all())
I want to write a simple slack bot, which responds a given string to # mentions, however I am not able to make the official documentation code to work.
I gave all OAuth permission to the bot and have the following code:
from slack import RTMClient
def gravity_bot(**payload):
data = payload['data']
rtm_client = RTMClient(
print("Bot is up and running!")
except Exception as err:
I think the connection is established, as the "Bot is up and running" message appears, however on the slack channel to bot seems to be offline, also I am not able to get any response in the terminal, not for direct messages, not for channel messages even after inviting the bot to given channels.
Sorry couldn't let this one go.. I figured it out and here are the steps:
Create a "Classic" app in Slack (this is the only way to get the appropriate scopes), just click this link: https://api.slack.com/apps?new_classic_app=1
From the "Add features and functionality" tab click on "bots":
Click the "Add Legacy Bot User" button (this will add the "rtm.stream" scope that you need, but that you cannot add manually)
From the basic information page, install your app in a workspace
From the OAuth & Permissions page, copy the "Bot User OAuth Access Token" (the bottom one)
Run the following code (slightly modified version of the code in the docs)
from slack_sdk.rtm import RTMClient
# This event runs when the connection is established and shows some connection info
def show_start(**payload):
def say_hello(**payload):
data = payload['data']
web_client = payload['web_client']
if 'Hello' in data['text']:
channel_id = data['channel']
thread_ts = data['ts']
user = data['user']
text=f"Hi <#{user}>!",
if __name__ == "__main__":
slack_token = "<YOUR TOKEN HERE>"
rtm_client = RTMClient(token=slack_token)
Previous answer:
Hmm, this is tricky one... According to the docs this only works for "classic" Slack apps, so that might be the first pointer. It explicitly says that you should not upgrade your app. Furthermore, you'll need to set the right permissions (god knows which ones) by selecting the "bot" scope.
Honestly, I haven't been able to get this running. Looks like Slack is getting rid of this connection method, so you might have more luck looking into the "Events API". I know it's not the ideal solution because its not as real-time, but it looks better documented and it will stay around for a while. Another approach could be polling. Its not sexy but it works...
My guess is that your problem is that there is not a valid connection, but there is no proper error handling in the Slack library. The message is printed before you actually connect, so that doesn't indicate anything.
I want to develop a Telegram bot, that acts as a bookmarking system. It should process commands that reply to other messages. The instance:
I use python-telegram-bot for development and it seems that there is no way to see that message to which /important replies. I found the Update.message.reply_to_message object, which works only when a user replies to a message from the bot itself.
def important_handler(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
reply_to_message = update.message.reply_to_message
if reply_to_message is None:
logger.error('reply_to_message is None. But it shouldn\'t.')
update.message.reply_text('There is no message attached. Try again.')
# ... business logic
Is there any way to get reply_to_message attribute (or an alternative) for all the replies? Thanks in advice;)
I had the same problem. It only worked when a user replied to the bot. My issue was that the bot had Privacy Mode enabled. Once I disabled it with Botfather via /setprivacy and then it worked.
I want my BOT to ask the user a question.
Let's say I have an empty string named "email"
And I set email=''
Let the question be the user's email. So the bot will ask the user to type his email, then whatever the user types next after the question, the bot will save that reply and update the email.
I already know that by default any reply/message sent to a telegram bot is stored and you can retrieve it by using the getUpdates method.
Let's say the user replied: "name#Gmailcom"
So now I want to store this reply in the variable 'email'
So the variable 'email' will now contain the value 'name#Gmail.com'
I want the bot to contain an account section. So when the user clicks this button it will diplay something like this:
No of Referrals:
So when the user clicks on the button "ACCOUNT" it will display:
User: JOHN
No of Referrals:
#Since email='' therefore email is blank.
Now when the user updates his email and then goes back and clicks "Account" we now have:
User: JOHN
Email: name#Gmail.com
No of Referrals:
Also please is it possible immediately after the user updates his email and sends the reply, then the BOT will reply with a message like:
Thank you for updating your Email address
Your email is : name#Gmail.com
Also if you have idea on how to create referral link using telegram bot, please share it.
How can I do this. I'm using pyTelegramBotAPI.
Easy answer:
You need a data base
E.g. I have developed a budgeting telegram bot that stores daily purchases and analyses spending.
I store all user data in a separate data base (in this case redis) and access it later.
Given your use case I would recommend a simple key-based data base like redis where you can store and access simple dict-like data. Heroku and other web services that are popular for hosting telegram bots also do offer free redis instances.
Here is a sample code from my bot
# Load/create pickle and add new record, afterwards save pickle
user_id = str(update.effective_user.id)
db = pickle.loads(r.get(user_id))
pdb = pickle.dumps(db)
user_id = str(update.effective_user.id)
db = list()
pdb = pickle.dumps(db)