I am trying to create and image from my Python Flask app, but I am still getting this format error and I have no idea why. (I am running it on a Raspberry with Raspbian)
Step 4/5 : RUN echo "test" ---> Running in ca7b48ab3d4e
standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format
The command '/bin/sh -c echo "test"' returned a non-zero code: 1
Here is my Dockerfile
#!/usr/bin/env bash
FROM python:3.6.1-alpine
WORKDIR /project
ADD . /project
RUN echo "test"
CMD ["python3","careerdigest.py"]
I think that there is a problem with bash, because it says, that it calls this command with sh, but I do not know, what I am missing.
This echo command will be replaced by RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies.
Thanks for your help.
Okay, I manage to finally run it. I just replace Python image with this one - https://hub.docker.com/r/balenalib/raspberry-pi-python and now it works.
I am attempting to execute sudo from a python script:
import os
command = 'id'
os.popen("sudo -S %s"%(command), 'w').write('password')
My server is configured to not allow non-TTY shells to execute sudo for security reasons, is there a workaround for this to execute the sudo command using python (without using su).
The above code outputs:
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
Based on this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21444480/1216776
you should be able to do:
import os
import pty
command = 'id'
scmd ="sudo -S %s"%(command)
def reader(fd):
return os.read(fd)
def writer(fd):
yield 'password'
yield ''
pty.spawn(scmd, reader, writer)
Through Fabric, I am trying to start a celerycam process using the below nohup command. Unfortunately, nothing is happening. Manually using the same command, I could start the process but not through Fabric. Any advice on how can I solve this?
def start_celerycam():
'''Start celerycam daemon'''
with cd(env.project_dir):
virtualenv('nohup bash -c "python manage.py celerycam --logfile=%scelerycam.log --pidfile=%scelerycam.pid &> %scelerycam.nohup &> %scelerycam.err" &' % (env.celery_log_dir,env.celery_log_dir,env.celery_log_dir,env.celery_log_dir))
I'm using Erich Heine's suggestion to use 'dtach' and it's working pretty well for me:
def runbg(cmd, sockname="dtach"):
return run('dtach -n `mktemp -u /tmp/%s.XXXX` %s' % (sockname, cmd))
This was found here.
As I have experimented, the solution is a combination of two factors:
run process as a daemon: nohup ./command &> /dev/null &
use pty=False for fabric run
So, your function should look like this:
def background_run(command):
command = 'nohup %s &> /dev/null &' % command
run(command, pty=False)
And you can launch it with:
execute(background_run, your_command)
This is an instance of this issue. Background processes will be killed when the command ends. Unfortunately on CentOS 6 doesn't support pty-less sudo commands.
The final entry in the issue mentions using sudo('set -m; service servicename start'). This turns on Job Control and therefore background processes are put in their own process group. As a result they are not terminated when the command ends.
For even more information see this link.
you just need to run
run("(nohup yourcommand >& /dev/null < /dev/null &) && sleep 1")
DTACH is the way to go. It's a software you need to install like a lite version of screen.
This is a better version of the "dtach"-method found above, it will install dtach if necessary. It's to be found here where you can also learn how to get the output of the process which is running in the background:
from fabric.api import run
from fabric.api import sudo
from fabric.contrib.files import exists
def run_bg(cmd, before=None, sockname="dtach", use_sudo=False):
"""Run a command in the background using dtach
:param cmd: The command to run
:param output_file: The file to send all of the output to.
:param before: The command to run before the dtach. E.g. exporting
environment variable
:param sockname: The socket name to use for the temp file
:param use_sudo: Whether or not to use sudo
if not exists("/usr/bin/dtach"):
sudo("apt-get install dtach")
if before:
cmd = "{}; dtach -n `mktemp -u /tmp/{}.XXXX` {}".format(
before, sockname, cmd)
cmd = "dtach -n `mktemp -u /tmp/{}.XXXX` {}".format(sockname, cmd)
if use_sudo:
return sudo(cmd)
return run(cmd)
May this help you, like it helped me to run omxplayer via fabric on a remote rasberry pi!
You can use :
run('nohup /home/ubuntu/spider/bin/python3 /home/ubuntu/spider/Desktop/baidu_index/baidu_index.py > /home/ubuntu/spider/Desktop/baidu_index/baidu_index.py.log 2>&1 &', pty=False)
nohup did not work for me and I did not have tmux or dtach installed on all the boxes I wanted to use this on so I ended up using screen like so:
run("screen -d -m bash -c '{}'".format(command), pty=False)
This tells screen to start a bash shell in a detached terminal that runs your command
You could be running into this issue
Try adding 'pty=False' to the sudo command (I assume virtualenv is calling sudo or run somewhere?)
This worked for me:
sudo('python %s/manage.py celerycam --detach --pidfile=celerycam.pid' % siteDir)
Edit: I had to make sure the pid file was removed first so this was the full code:
# Create new celerycam
sudo('rm celerycam.pid', warn_only=True)
sudo('python %s/manage.py celerycam --detach --pidfile=celerycam.pid' % siteDir)
I was able to circumvent this issue by running nohup ... & over ssh in a separate local shell script. In fabfile.py:
def startup():
local('./do-stuff-in-background.sh {0}'.format(env.host))
and in do-stuff-in-background.sh:
set -e
set -o nounset
ssh $HOST -T << HERE
nohup df -h 1>>~/df.log 2>>~/df.err &
Of course, you could also pass in the command and standard output / error log files as arguments to make this script more generally useful.
(In my case, I didn't have admin rights to install dtach, and neither screen -d -m nor pty=False / sleep 1 worked properly for me. YMMV, especially as I have no idea why this works...)
I'm trying to prefill env.password using --initial-password-prompt, but remote is throwing back some strangeness. Let's say that I'm trying to cat a root-owned file as testuser, with 600 permissions on the file. I'm calling sudo('cat /home/testuser/test.txt'), and getting this back:
[testuser#testserver] sudo: cat /home/testuser/test.txt
[testuser#testserver] out: cat: /home/testuser/test.txt: Permission denied
[testuser#testserver] out:
Fatal error: sudo() received nonzero return code 1 while executing!
Requested: cat /home/testuser/test.txt
Executed: sudo -S -p 'sudo password:' -u "testuser" /bin/bash -l -c "cat /home/testuser/test.txt"
Is that piping the prompt right back into the input? I tried using sudo() with pty=False to see if it was an issue with the pseudoterminal, but to no avail.
Here's the weird part: calling run('sudo cat /home/testuser/test.txt') and invoking fab without --initial-password-prompt passes back a password prompt from remote, and on entering the password, everything works fine.
Naturally, running ssh -t testuser#testserver 'sudo cat /home/user/test.txt' prompts for a password and returns the contents of the file correctly. Do I have an issue with my server's shell config, or is the issue with how I'm using sudo()?
Down the line, I'm likely to set up a deploy user with no-password sudo and restricted commands. That'll probably moot the issue, but I'd like to figure this one out if possible. I'm running an Ubuntu 14.10 VPS, in case that's relevant.
Oh, my mistake. I had foolishly set env.sudo_user to my deploy user testuser, thinking that it was specifying the invoking user on remote. In fact, it was specifying the target user, and I was attempting to sudo into myself. Whoops.
I have some freebsd servers and don't have sudo. But I want to run some command automatically with root just like the following command:
def autodeploy(url):
with cd('/tmp'):
if not exists('releasetar.sh'):
put('/tmp/releasetar.sh', 'releasetar.sh', mode=0644)
run("wget '{}'".format(url))
run('su - -m -c "cd /tmp && bash /tmp/releasetar.sh"')
the su with -c option worked to linux but didn't worked on freebsd. How can I solved this problem ? I'm wish your solution can both worked on linux and freebsd. Thank you for your answer~~
If you're using fabric you can just provide the -u argument from the command line to specify which user you want to run the task as
fab -u root <task name>
For more options from the command line check out http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.7/usage/fab.html#command-line-options
You can also set your username programmatically
from fabric.api import run, settings
with settings(user="root"):
Install sudo from ports (/usr/ports/security/sudo).