Thank you so much in advance. I am trying to fetch user profile information through slack_authentication. Although the app is successfully authenticated with Slack, it could not get email and username.
{'ok': True, 'access_token': 'xoxp-xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'scope': 'identify,channels:read,users.profile:read,chat:write:bot,identity.basic', 'user_id': 'XXXXXXXXX', 'team_id': 'XXXXXXXX', 'enterprise_id': None, 'team_name': 'test', 'warning': 'superfluous_charset', 'response_metadata': {'warnings': ['superfluous_charset']}}
I tried to add identify scope instead of identity.basic because slack doesn't allow you to use both identity.basic and other scopes.
The code is below:
#bp.route('/redirect', methods=['GET'])
def authorize():
authorize_url = f"{ oauth_scope }&client_id={ client_id }"
return authorize_url
#bp.route('/callback', methods=["GET", "POST"])
def callback():
auth_code = request.args['code']
client = slack.WebClient(token="")
response = client.oauth_access(
I have realized how to get users info. I updated the code to like this.
The code is updated like below:
oauth = client.oauth_access(
user_id = oauth['user_id']
response = client.users_info(user=user_id)
But this error occurs:
The server responded with: {'ok': False, 'error': 'not_authed'}
Your code looks like an installation routine for a Slack app using OAuth. But it does not contain a call to get a user profile.
To get the profile of a user you can call and provide the ID of the user you are interested in.
response = client.users_info(user=ID_OF_USER)
profile = response['user']['profile']
email = response['user']['profile']['email']
In order to retrieve the user's profile and email address you need these scopes:
- users:read
The identity scopes are unrelated to the user profile. They are used for the "Sign-in with Slack" approach only, where you can authenticate with a Slack user on a 3rd party web site.
Finally, just to clarify, because this is often misunderstood: You only need to run through the OAuth installation routine once. The routine will yield you a token for the workspace, which you can store and use for any further calls to the API for that workspace.
Update to "Additional"
You are not using the API correctly.
You need to first complete the Oauth flow and collect the access token, which is in the response from client.oauth_access.
Then you need to initialize a new WebClient with the token you received. With the new client you can then access all API methods, like etc.
Again: You should run through the OAuth process one time only and store the received token for later use.
oauth_info = client.oauth_access(
access_token = oauth_info['access_token'] # you want to store this token in a database
client = slack.WebClient(token=access_token)
user_id = oauth_info['user_id']
response = client.users_info(user=user_id)
I'm trying to retrieve mails from my organization's mailbox, and I can do that via Graph Explorer. However, when I use the same information that I used in Graph Explorer, the generated token returns an error stating '/me request is only valid with delegated authentication flow.' in me/messages endpoint.
So, how can I generate the acceptable token for the /me endpoint?
An example python code or example Postman request would be amazing.
It sounds like the endpoint you're using in Graph Explorer is something like this
/me is referring to the user signed into Graph Explorer. If you want to read another user's messages you would use
When connecting to Graph API as an application with no user interaction, you can never use /me endpoints, as there's no user logged in.
Python example to list messages
import requests
def get_messages(access_token, user):
request_url = f"{user}/messages"
request_headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token
result = requests.get(url = request_url, headers = request_headers)
msgs = get_messages(access_token = token['access_token'], user = "")
Additional example of obtaining a token, using an app registration and client secret
import msal
def get_token_with_client_secret(client_id, client_secret, tenant_id):
# This function is to obtain a bearer token using the client credentials flow, with a client secret instead of a certificate
app = msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(
client_id = client_id,
client_credential = client_secret,
authority = f"{tenant_id}")
scopes = [""]
token = app.acquire_token_for_client(scopes = scopes)
I am currently using Oauth2.0 to log into my Flask app. I have that working as intended. Now I want to use the same creds I got from logging in to be able to send requests to the Google drive api. Im not really sure where to start, the docs are difficult to follow.
note: I have activated the Google Drive api in the developer console.
Here is the code for the login callback.
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = config['google_client_id']
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET = config['google_client_secret']
client = WebApplicationClient(GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID)
view function:
def callback():
# Get authorization code Google sent back to you
code = request.args.get("code")
# Find out what URL to hit to get tokens that allow you to ask for
# things on behalf of a user
google_provider_cfg = get_google_provider_cfg()
token_endpoint = google_provider_cfg["token_endpoint"]
token_url, headers, body = client.prepare_token_request(
token_response =
# Parse the tokens!
# Now that you have tokens (yay) let's find and hit the URL
# from Google that gives you the user's profile information,
# including their Google profile image and email
userinfo_endpoint = google_provider_cfg["userinfo_endpoint"]
uri, headers, body = client.add_token(userinfo_endpoint)
userinfo_response = requests.get(uri, headers=headers, data=body)
# You want to make sure their email is verified.
# The user authenticated with Google, authorized your
# app, and now you've verified their email through Google!
if userinfo_response.json().get("email_verified"):
unique_id = userinfo_response.json()["sub"]
users_email = userinfo_response.json()["email"]
picture = userinfo_response.json()["picture"]
username = userinfo_response.json()["given_name"]
return "User email not available or not verified by Google.", 400
user = User.query.filter(User.google_sub==unique_id).first()
def get_google_provider_cfg():
return requests.get(GOOGLE_DISCOVERY_URL).json()
My thoughts are maybe I have to set up a google drive endpoint to be able to send api requests to with the same token? Im not quite sure.
I'm trying to implement a simple python client for Spotify api. According to the Spotify's Authorization Guide, the app can be authorized in two ways:
App Authorization: Spotify authorizes your app to access the Spotify Platform (APIs, SDKs and Widgets).
User Authorization: Spotify, as well as the user, grant your app permission to access and/or modify the user’s own data. For information about User Authentication, see User Authentication with OAuth 2.0. Calls to the Spotify Web API require authorization by your application user. To get that authorization, your application generates a call to the Spotify Accounts Service /authorize endpoint, passing along a list of the scopes for which access permission is sought.
My first attempt used the app authorization using the oauth2 module from Spotipy, because it requires no token passed, but only client id and client secret, which belong to the app developer.
import spotipy
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials
class SpotifyWrapper(spotipy.Spotify):
def category_playlists(self, category, limit=50, offset=0):
return self._get('browse/categories/%s/playlists' % category,
def get_api_client():
# create a client authentication request
client_cred = SpotifyClientCredentials(
# create a spotify client with a bearer token,
# dynamically re-created if necessary
return SpotifyWrapper(auth=client_cred.get_access_token())
Then I would import and declare it here:
from app.resources.spotify.client import get_api_client
sp = get_api_client()
And in order to make requests and get user playlists, pass it like so:
def get_user_playlist(username, sp):
playlists = sp.user_playlists(username)
for playlist in playlists['items']:
print("Name: {}, Number of songs: {}, Playlist ID: {} ".
return ids
This works and will get user content, where the user is the app developer.
Now I want to move on to Implicit Flow, whereby the app asks ANY user who uses for access and scopes, and for that a token will be required.
Once I fetch the token using Javascript, I know I can use it to get user data hitting the API with simple requests:
GET_USER_PLAYLISTS_ENDPOINT = '{user_id}/playlists'
def get_user_profile(token, user_id):
url = GET_USER_PROFILE_ENDPOINT.format(id=user_id)
resp = requests.get(url, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)})
print (len(resp.json()))
return resp.json()
def get_user_playlists(token, user_id):
url = GET_USER_PLAYLISTS_ENDPOINT..format(id=user_id)
resp = requests.get(url, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)})
print (len(resp.json()))
return resp.json()
but in order to get (and change) user data first I need to use this token to fetch user ID.
Also, by the following example form Spotipy docs, user must provide his username at terminal:
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
username = sys.argv[1]
print("Whoops, need your username!")
print("usage: python [username]")
token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username)
if token:
sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token)
playlists = sp.user_playlists(username)
After reading the docs from Spotify and Spotify, some things that are still not clear:
Is it possible to get this USER ID from passing the token only?
Must the app user necessarily provide his Spotify username via a form in a browser, besides authorizing the app when authentication is prompted?
Is it possible to tweak the wrapper above and implement a client which contemplates the parameters required for implicit flow? Would simply spotify = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token) work and get current usr data?
Also, by the following example form Spotipy docs, user must provide
his username at terminal:
That's because Spotipy caches tokens on disk. When no cache path is specified by the user the username simply gets appended to the files file extension as seen here. So the username specified is never being transmitted to any Spotify API endpoint.
1) Is it possible to get this USER ID from passing the token only?
Yes, using /v1/me instead of /v1/users/{user_id} will do exactly that assuming you are using an access token generated by Authorization Code flow or Implicit Grant flow.
2) Must the app user necessarily provide his Spotify username via a
form in a browser, besides authorizing the app when authentication is
No, as seen in the first paragraph of my answer.
3) Is it possible to tweak the wrapper above and implement a client
which contemplates the parameters required for implicit flow? Would
simply spotify = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token) work and get current usr
Spotipy seems to only use Authorization Code Flow right now. Due to you said you are
trying to implement a simple python client for Spotify api.
you should just implement Implicit Grant flow in your application. This has examples for all three Spotify authorization flows.
I'm trying to set up a Twitter app using the Account Activity API, to replace my old set up which used the user streaming endpoint. I want to be able to get DM messages to one user sent to a particular URL in real time.
Following these migration instructions, I've set up a webhook endpoint on my site, as described here. I've checked that process is working, by making sure that when I open in my browser, I get a token in response.
Now I'm trying and failing to register my webhook. I'm using the following code, and getting a 403 response.
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
import urllib
CONSUMER_KEY = 'my consumer key'
CONSUMER_SECRET = 'my consumer secret'
ACCESS_TOKEN = 'my access token'
ACCESS_SECRET = 'my access secret'
twitter = OAuth1Session(CONSUMER_KEY,
webhook_endpoint = urllib.parse.quote_plus('')
url = ''
r =
403 response content: {"errors":[{"code":200,"message":"Forbidden."}]}
I can successfully post a status using the same session object and
r ='')
What am I doing wrong here?
This turned out to be due to a combination of:
Not having created an environment here: as described here:
using the wrong consumer secret in the function that created the token returned at the /webhook endpoint
My front end in Angular JS.
It sends me google token after user logs in with gmail
In backend I verify the token and extract information from it as below
def check(request):
CLIENT_ID = 'xxxxx'
json_data = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8'))
idinfo = id_token.verify_oauth2_token(json_data['google_token'], requests.Request(), CLIENT_ID)
if idinfo['iss'] not in ['', '']:
raise ValueError('Wrong issuer.')
Now I got the user details here and want to generate an access token to access my API's for every request.
Is there any built in function from oauth2 to generate an access token.
Any suggestion that would help me. Thanks.