Rotate Rect along line - python

First project in qt.
I'm having trouble translating/rotating a rect along a line. Basically i would want to align the rect with the position of the line. When i change position of the circle the rect should translate along the line. See images below.
What i have at the moment
w_len = len(str(weight)) / 3 * r + r / 3
weight_v = Vector(r if w_len <= r else w_len, r)
weight_rectangle = QRectF(*(mid - weight_v), *(2 * weight_v))
*mid is just a vector with coordinates at half of the link , weight_v is a vector based on the text size.
Any pointers , should i look at adding a translate to the painter ? Whenever i try to add translation to the painter it breaks the other shapes as well.
t = QTransform()
t.translate(-5 ,-5)
With below answer i was able to fix the rotation. Many thanks, looks like my text is not displaying correctly.
I have the following code:
painter.translate(center_of_rec_x, center_of_rec_y);
painter.rotate(- link_paint.angle());
rx = -(weight_v[0] * 0.5)
ry = -(weight_v[1] )
new_rec = QRect(rx , ry, weight_v[0], 2 * weight_v[1])
painter.drawRect(QRect(rx , ry, weight_v[0] , 2 * weight_v[1] ))
painter.drawText(new_rec, Qt.AlignCenter, str(weight))
All is fine , was a mistake in my code. I was taking the wrong link angle.

Rotation is always done according to the origin point (0, 0), so you need to translate to the origin point of the rotation and then apply it.
Also, when applying any temporary change to the painter, save() and restore() should be used: in this way the current state of the painter is stored, and that state will be restored afterwards (including any transformation applied in the meantime). Painter states can be nested, and one could save multiple times to apply multiple "layers" of painter state modifications. Just remember that the all states must be restored to the base status before releasing (ending) the painter.
Since you didn't provide an MRE, I created a small widget to show how this works:
class AngledRect(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.setMinimumSize(200, 200)
def paintEvent(self, event):
qp = QtGui.QPainter(self)
contents = self.contentsRect()
# draw a line from the top left to the bottom right of the widget
line = QtCore.QLineF(contents.topLeft(), contents.bottomRight())
# save the current state of the painter
# translate to the center of the painting rectangle
# apply an inverted rotation, since the line angle is counterclockwise
# create a rectangle that is centered at the origin point
rect = QtCore.QRect(-40, -10, 80, 20)
qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, '{:.05f}'.format(line.angle()))
# ... other painting...
For simple transformations, using translate and rotate is usually enough, but the above is almost identical to:
transform = QtGui.QTransform()
# ...


Scaling QPolygon on its origin

I'm trying to scale a QPolygonF that is on a QGraphicsScene's QGraphicsView on its origin.
However, even after translating the polygon (poly_2) to its origin (using QPolygon.translate() and the center coordinates of the polygon received via boundingRect (x+width)/2 and (y+height)/2), the new polygon is still placed on the wrong location.
The blue polygon should be scaled according to the origin of poly_2 (please see the image below, black is the original polygon, blue polygon is the result of the code below, and the orange polygon is representing the intended outcome)
I thought that the issue might be that coordinates are from global and should be local, yet this does solve the issue unfortunately.
Here's the code:
import PyQt5
from PyQt5 import QtCore
import sys
import PyQt5
from PyQt5.QtCore import *#QPointF, QRectF
from PyQt5.QtGui import *#QPainterPath, QPolygonF, QBrush,QPen,QFont,QColor, QTransform
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *#QApplication, QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsSimpleTextItem
poly_2_coords= [PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(532.35, 274.98), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(525.67, 281.66), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(518.4, 292.58), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(507.72, 315.49), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(501.22, 326.04), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(497.16, 328.47), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(495.53, 331.71), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(488.24, 339.02), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(480.94, 349.56), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(476.09, 360.1), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(476.89, 378.76), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(492.3, 393.35), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(501.22, 398.21), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(527.17, 398.21), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(535.28, 390.1), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(540.96, 373.89), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(539.64, 356.93), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(541.46, 329.0), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(543.39, 313.87), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(545.83, 300.89), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(545.83, 276.56), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(543.39, 267.64), PyQt5.QtCore.QPointF(537.81, 268.91)]
def main():
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
scene = QGraphicsScene()
view = QGraphicsView(scene)
pen = QPen(QColor(0, 20, 255))
poly_2 = QPolygonF(poly_2_coords)
trans = QTransform().scale(1.5,1.5)
#poly_22 = trans.mapToPolygon(QRect(int(poly_2.boundingRect().x()),int(poly_2.boundingRect().y()),int(poly_2.boundingRect().width()),int(poly_2.boundingRect().height())))
#scene.addPolygon(QPolygonF(poly_22),QPen(QColor(0, 20, 255)))
print(f'poly_2.boundingRect().x() {poly_2.boundingRect().x()}+poly_2.boundingRect().width(){poly_2.boundingRect().width()}')
trans = QTransform().scale(1.4,1.4)
poly_22 =
scene.addPolygon(poly_22,QPen(QColor(0, 20, 255)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Edit: I've tried saving the polygon as a QGraphicsItem, and set its transformation origin point according the bbox's middle X,Y and then mapped from Global to Scene, yet no luck: the new polygon is still drawn to the wrong place.
poly_2 = QPolygonF(poly_2_coords)
poly = scene.addPolygon(poly_2)
point = QPoint((poly_2.boundingRect().x()+poly_2.boundingRect().width())/2,(poly_2.boundingRect().y()+poly_2.boundingRect().height())/2)
If replacing point to equal only X,Y of the bounding rectangle, the result seems to be closer to what I need. However, in this case the origin point is obviously wrong. Is this just random luck that this answer seems to be closer to what I need?
Before considering the problem of the translation, there is a more important aspect that has to be considered: if you want to create a transformation based on the center of a polygon, you must find that center. That point is called centroid, the geometric center of any polygon.
While there are simple formulas for all basic geometric shapes, finding the centroid of a (possibly irregular) polygon with an arbitrary number of vertices is a bit more complex.
Using the arithmetic mean of vertices is not a viable option, as even in a simple square you might have multiple points on a single side, which would move the computed "center" towards those points.
The formula can be found in the Wikipedia article linked above, while a valid python implementation is available in this answer.
I modified the formula of that answer in order to accept a sequence of QPoints, while improving readability and performance, but the concept remains the same:
def centroid(points):
if len(points) < 3:
raise ValueError('At least 3 points are required')
# computation uses concatenated pairs from the sequence, with the
# last point paired to the first one:
# (p[0], p[1]), (p[1], p[2]) [...] (p[n], p[0])
area = cx = cy = 0
p1 = points[0]
for p2 in points[1:] + [p1]:
shoelace = p1.x() * p2.y() - p2.x() * p1.y()
area += shoelace
cx += (p1.x() + p2.x()) * shoelace
cy += (p1.y() + p2.y()) * shoelace
p1 = p2
A = 0.5 * area
factor = 1 / (6 * A)
return cx * factor, cy * factor
Then, you have two options, depending on what you want to do with the resulting item.
Scale the item
In this case, you create a QGraphicsPolygonItem like the original one, then set its transform origin point using the formula above, and scale it:
poly_2 = QtGui.QPolygonF(poly_2_coords)
item2 = scene.addPolygon(poly_2, QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(0, 20, 255)))
Use a QTransform
With Qt transformations some special care must be taken, as scaling always uses 0, 0 as origin point.
To scale around a specified point, you must first translate the matrix to that point, then apply the scale, and finally restore the matrix translation to its origin:
poly_2 = QtGui.QPolygonF(poly_2_coords)
cx, cy = centroid(poly_2_coords)
trans = QtGui.QTransform()
trans.translate(cx, cy)
trans.scale(1.5, 1.5)
trans.translate(-cx, -cy)
poly_2_scaled =
scene.addPolygon(poly_2_scaled, QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(0, 20, 255)))
This is exactly what QGraphicsItems do when using the basic setScale() and setRotation() transformations.
Shape origin point and item position
Remember that QGraphicsItems are always created with their position at 0, 0.
This might not seem obvious especially for basic shapes: when you create a QGraphicsRectItem giving its x, y, width, height, the position will still be 0, 0. When dealing with complex geometry management, it's usually better to create basic shapes with the origin/reference at 0, 0 and then move the item at x, y.
For complex polygons like yours, a possibility could be to translate the centroid of the polygon at 0, 0, and then move it at the actual centroid coordinates:
item = scene.addPolygon(polygon.translated(-cx, -cy))
item.setPos(cx, cy)
This might make things easier for development (the mapped points will always be consistent with the item position), and the fact that you don't need to change the transform origin point anymore makes reverse mapping even simpler.

Pyglet. How to change picture(animate) for vertices dynamically. OpenGL

Python: 3.6.6
pyglet version: 1.3.2
Code base:
import pyglet
def get_texture_group(file, order_group_index):
texture = pyglet.image.load(file).texture
order_group =
return, order_group)
class AbstractModel(object):
def _create_as_vertex(self):
v_x = self.cell_data.get("x") * 32
v_y = self.cell_data.get("y") * -1 * 32
texture_group = self.map_type_iamge.get(self.cell_data.get("t"))
x_offset = self.x_offset * self.scale
x, y, z = v_x + x_offset, v_y, self.z
x_ = (texture_group.texture.width * self.scale + x_offset + v_x)
y_ = (texture_group.texture.height * self.scale + v_y)
tex_coords = ('t2f', (0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1))
self.vertices = self.batch.add(
('v3f', (x, y, z,
x_, y, z,
x_, y_, z,
x, y_, z)),
def _animate(self, dt):
# lets assume that I have list of
# and they should somehow be drawn one after other
print("I need change image. dt=", dt, self)
pyglet.clock.schedule_once(self._animate, 1)
import os
import pyglet
import settings
from models import abstract_model
GROUND_DIR = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_DIR, "ground")
order_group_index = 0
map_type_iamge = {
1: abstract_model.get_texture_group(os.path.join(GROUND_DIR, "w1.png"), order_group_index),
2: abstract_model.get_texture_group(os.path.join(GROUND_DIR, "t1.png"), order_group_index),
1001: abstract_model.get_texture_group(os.path.join(GROUND_DIR, "t1_direction.png"), order_group_index),
class Ground3D(abstract_model.AbstractModel):
def __init__(self, cell_data, batch):
self.batch = batch
self.cell_data = cell_data
self.map_type_iamge = map_type_iamge
self.scale = 1
self.x_offset = 0
self.z = 0
self.entity = None
pyglet.clock.schedule_once(self._animate, 1)
I have models(just flat rect for an example) which should be placed on 3 dimensions. And these models should be animated, like picture_1, after second picture_2, ... etc.
As I understood from my previous question using pyglet.sprite.Sprite() in 3D batch is not a good idea.
How I can change pictures(using TextureGroup or any other approaches) on self.vertices?
Or which arroach/classes I use use to implement it. I can't find any examples for such (as for my simple vision) usual case as animation for some flat models in 3 dimensions.
There are many example about rotating/moving/resizing of vertices, but how to build a correct question(is animation aspect) for getting answer in google - I don't know.
PS: If you, reader, have any usefull links on this subject(for pyglet or just for OpenGL) I would be very appreciated you share this link(s) in comment.
Texture coordinates.
You should have a single texture atlas for all frames of all different things that are animated ever.
Preferably, everything should have same animation speed and same amount of frames all the time.
Let's say there's two sprites that have 2 frames for entire animation, and they are stored in 64x64 texture atlas. (EDIT: sorry for ambiguity, 64x64 PIXELS, just because it could imply that we have 64x64 tile atlas, same everywhere else where I mention this)
Now, you need to have a global timer with global value which indicates current animation frame, not game frame. It should be independent of framerate.
Said value should be updated every once in a while at your desired speed like this:
current_frame = (current_frame + 1) % animation_length
Since we have 2 frames in this example, it will turn out like this:
# init
animation_length = 2
current_frame = 0
# updates:
current_frame = (0 + 1) % 2 # 1 % 2 -> 1
current_frame = (1 + 1) % 2 # 2 % 2 -> 0
Now, you need to update UV's of all your sprites only when the frame changes.
UV's start from left right and go from 0 to 1 (as far as I remember, for the sake of this example, they do, shhh).
Since we have 2 frames each, we can calculate "tiles" in the UV coordinates like this:
tile_width = 1.0 / frames # 2 frames each, width will be 0.5
tile_height = 1.0 / sprites # 2 sprites each, height will be 0.5 too, perfect
Now, on first frame, you generate your UV's like normal, you just take vertical ID or something, and use tile_height * sprite_id to get current V coordinate, and your U is calculated like tile_width * current_frame.
This assumes that you already have sprite batching so what you do is go over every sprite on update, and basically just recalculate new UV's with new frame, meaning all sprites change their frame to the next one, yay!
If you want to have systems that are independent of eachother, say, very slow animations for some, and faster for others, you'll need different sprite batches or proper calculation on from where to where you need to update UV's in vertex buffer array. Everything else is exactly the same, except now current_frame won't be global but rather contained, preferebly in some list or separate object that manages timers for animations.
You don't need to change anything in your shaders, they just need right UV's for the frames and you're set.
By the way, this is very basic, you could apply some logic yourself so you could instead have 16x16 grid of 32x32 pixels in your texture, each line of sprites having 4 different animations, these could be either sprite's states (attack, run, etc), but how you do it is entirely on you, most importantly, get it to work. Goodluck.
But if you do it the way I said, then state will be another integer, and UV for state, assuming all states have exactly the same width, it would be like this:
state_width = 1 / states
tile_width = 1 / (states * frames_per_state)
U = state_width * current_state + tile_width * current_frame
Now, one issue arises, player could start his animation at the last attack frame.
It's normal, entities with actions should all have individual timers, what I described above, is for tons of sprites that are just background, like grass. Now when you divided it up, you could have a proper way to reset current frame to 0 when new state is assigned.
If your entities are objects, you could write proper methods that recalculate UV's every time you rebuild the sprite batch using those sprites, and then timers itselves could be contained in objects.
We need to draw something? Check animation state, has it changed, no? Send UV's that were calculated before, otherwise, wait a bit, we need to recalculate, only then add those to VBO, and well, render your thing, in the end, it will appear as if you have animations, even though really, it's just a simple, but great UV manipulation.

Align arbitrarily rotated text annotations relative to the text, not the bounding box

While trying to answer an old, unanswered question, I encountered a little problem concerning text annotations in matplotlib: When adding rotated text to a figure at a certain position, the text is aligned relative to the bounding box of the text, not the (imaginary) rotated box that holds the text itself. This is maybe best explained with a little example:
The figure shows pieces of text with different rotation angles and different alignment options. For each text object, the red point denotes the coordinate given to the ax.text() function. The blue box is the rotated frame around the text, and the black box is the approximate bounding box of the text (it's a bit too big, but one should get the idea). It's easily visible that, for the cases where alignment is at the edges (left, right, top, bottom), the red dot is on the sides or edges of the bounding box, not the text frame. The only alignment option, where the text is aligned in an intuitive way is if both horizontal and vertical alignments are set to 'center'. Now, this is not a bug, but intended behaviour as outlined here. However, in some situations, it's not very practical, as the position has to be adjusted 'manually' for the text to be in the desired place, and this adjustment changes if the rotation angle changes or if the figure is re-scaled.
The question is, is there a robust way to generate text that is aligned with the text frame rather with the bounding box. I already have a solution to the problem, but it was quite tedious to figure out, so I thought I'd share it.
New solution rotation_mode="anchor"
There is actually an argument rotation_mode to matplotlib.text.Text, which steers exactly the requested functionality. The default is rotation_mode="default" which recreates the unwanted behaviour from the question, while rotation_mode="anchor" anchors the point of revolution according to the text itself and not its bounding box.
ax.text(x,y,'test', rotation = deg, rotation_mode="anchor")
Also see the demo_text_rotation_mode example.
With this, the example from the question can be created easily without the need to subclass Text.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,3, figsize=(10,10),dpi=100)
aligns = [ (va,ha) for va in ('top', 'center', 'bottom')
for ha in ('left', 'center', 'right')]
xys = [[i,j] for j in np.linspace(0.9,0.1,5) for i in np.linspace(0.1,0.9,5)]
degs = np.linspace(0,360,25)
for ax, align in zip(axes.reshape(-1), aligns):
for deg,xy in zip(degs,xys):
x,y = xy
text = ax.text(x,y,'test',
rotation = deg,
rotation_mode="anchor", ### <--- this is the key
va = align[0],
ha = align[1],
bbox=dict(facecolor='none', edgecolor='blue', pad=0.0),
ax.set_title('alignment = {}'.format(align))
old solution, subclassing Text
In case one is still interested, the solution given by #ThomasKühn is of course working fine, but has some drawbacks when text is used in a non-cartesian system, because it calculates the offset needed in Data coordinates.
The following would be a version of the code which offsets the text in display coordinates by using a transformation, which is temporarily attached while drawing the text. It can therefore also be used e.g. in polar plots.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches, text
import matplotlib.transforms
import numpy as np
class TextTrueAlign(text.Text):
A Text object that always aligns relative to the text, not
to the bounding box; also when the text is rotated.
def __init__(self, x, y, text, **kwargs):
super(TextTrueAlign, self).__init__(x,y,text, **kwargs)
self.__Ha = self.get_ha()
self.__Va = self.get_va()
def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
Overload of the Text.draw() function
trans = self.get_transform()
offset = self.update_position()
# while drawing, set a transform which is offset
self.set_transform(trans + offset)
super(TextTrueAlign, self).draw(renderer, *args, **kwargs)
# reset to original transform
def update_position(self):
As the (center/center) alignment always aligns to the center of the
text, even upon rotation, we make use of this here. The algorithm
first computes the (x,y) offset for the un-rotated text between
centered alignment and the alignment requested by the user. This offset
is then rotated by the given rotation angle.
Finally a translation of the negative offset is returned.
#resetting to the original state:
rotation = self.get_rotation()
##getting the current renderer, so that
##get_window_extent() works
renderer = self.axes.figure.canvas.get_renderer()
##computing the bounding box for the un-rotated text
##aligned as requested by the user
bbox1 = self.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer)
##re-aligning text to (center,center) as here rotations
##do what is intuitively expected
##computing the bounding box for the un-rotated text
##aligned to (center,center)
bbox2 = self.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer)
##computing the difference vector between the two alignments
dr = np.array(bbox2.get_points()[0]-bbox1.get_points()[0])
##computing the rotation matrix, which also accounts for
##the aspect ratio of the figure, to stretch squeeze
##dimensions as needed
rad = np.deg2rad(rotation)
rot_mat = np.array([
[np.cos(rad), np.sin(rad)],
[-np.sin(rad), np.cos(rad)]
##computing the offset vector
drp =,rot_mat)
# transform to translate by the negative offset vector
offset = matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D().translate(-drp[0],-drp[1])
##setting rotation value back to the one requested by the user
return offset
if __name__ == '__main__':
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,3, figsize=(10,10),dpi=100)
aligns = [ (va,ha) for va in ('top', 'center', 'bottom')
for ha in ('left', 'center', 'right')]
xys = [[i,j] for j in np.linspace(0.9,0.1,5) for i in np.linspace(0.1,0.9,5)]
degs = np.linspace(0,360,25)
for ax, align in zip(axes.reshape(-1), aligns):
for deg,xy in zip(degs,xys):
x,y = xy
text = TextTrueAlign(
x = x,
y = y,
axes = ax,
rotation = deg,
va = align[0],
ha = align[1],
bbox=dict(facecolor='none', edgecolor='blue', pad=0.0),
ax.set_title('alignment = {}'.format(align))
After some searching and digging into the matplotlib code itself, and with some inspiration from here and here, I have come up with the following solution:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches, text
import numpy as np
import math
class TextTrueAlign(text.Text):
A Text object that always aligns relative to the text, not
to the bounding box; also when the text is rotated.
def __init__(self, x, y, text, **kwargs):
super().__init__(x,y,text, **kwargs)
self.__Ha = self.get_ha()
self.__Va = self.get_va()
self.__Rotation = self.get_rotation()
self.__Position = self.get_position()
def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
Overload of the Text.draw() function
super().draw(renderer, *args, **kwargs)
def update_position(self):
As the (center/center) alignment always aligns to the center of the
text, even upon rotation, we make use of this here. The algorithm
first computes the (x,y) offset for the un-rotated text between
centered alignment and the alignment requested by the user. This offset
is then transformed according to the requested rotation angle and the
aspect ratio of the graph. Finally the transformed offset is used to
shift the text such that the alignment point coincides with the
requested coordinate also when the text is rotated.
#resetting to the original state:
ax = self.axes
xy = self.__Position
##determining the aspect ratio:
##data limits
xlim = ax.get_xlim()
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
## Axis size on figure
figW, figH = ax.get_figure().get_size_inches()
## Ratio of display units
_, _, w, h = ax.get_position().bounds
##final aspect ratio
aspect = ((figW * w)/(figH * h))*(ylim[1]-ylim[0])/(xlim[1]-xlim[0])
##getting the current renderer, so that
##get_window_extent() works
renderer = ax.figure.canvas.get_renderer()
##computing the bounding box for the un-rotated text
##aligned as requested by the user
bbox1 = self.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer)
bbox1d = ax.transData.inverted().transform(bbox1)
width = bbox1d[1,0]-bbox1d[0,0]
height = bbox1d[1,1]-bbox1d[0,1]
##re-aligning text to (center,center) as here rotations
##do what is intuitively expected
##computing the bounding box for the un-rotated text
##aligned to (center,center)
bbox2 = self.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer)
bbox2d = ax.transData.inverted().transform(bbox2)
##computing the difference vector between the two
dr = np.array(bbox2d[0]-bbox1d[0])
##computing the rotation matrix, which also accounts for
##the aspect ratio of the figure, to stretch squeeze
##dimensions as needed
rad = np.deg2rad(self.__Rotation)
rot_mat = np.array([
[math.cos(rad), math.sin(rad)*aspect],
[-math.sin(rad)/aspect, math.cos(rad)]
##computing the offset vector
drp =,rot_mat)
##setting new position
##setting rotation value back to the one requested by the user
if __name__ == '__main__':
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,3, figsize=(10,10),dpi=100)
aligns = [ (va,ha) for va in ('top', 'center', 'bottom')
for ha in ('left', 'center', 'right')]
xys = [[i,j] for j in np.linspace(0.9,0.1,5) for i in np.linspace(0.1,0.9,5)]
degs = np.linspace(0,360,25)
for ax, align in zip(axes.reshape(-1), aligns):
for deg,xy in zip(degs,xys):
text = TextTrueAlign(
x = xy[0],
y = xy[1],
axes = ax,
rotation = deg,
va = align[0],
ha = align[1],
bbox=dict(facecolor='none', edgecolor='blue', pad=0.0),
ax.set_title('alignment = {}'.format(align))
The example is somewhat lengthy, because I had to write a class that is derived from the matplotlib.text.Text class in order to properly update the text object upon redraw (for instance if the figure is re-scaled). The code relies on the text always aligning to its center point, if both horizontal and vertical alignments are set to 'center'. It takes the difference between the bounding boxes of the text with center alignment and with requested alignment to predict an offset by which the text needs to be shifted after rotation. The output of the example looks like this:
As the aspect ratio of the graph, axes, and figure are taken into account, this approach is also robust to re-sizing of the figure.
I think that, by treating the methods set_ha(), set_va(), set_rotation(), and set_position() the way I do, I might have broken some of the original functionality of matplotlib.text.Text, but that should be relatively easy to fix by overloading these functions and replacing a few self with super().
Any comments or suggestions how to improve this would be highly appreciated. Also, if you happen to test this and find any bugs or flaws, please let me know and I will try to fix them. Hope this is useful to someone :)

PyQt derive y pixel coordinates of QListWidgetItems currently visible in a QListWidget

In the screenshot below is a QListWidget randomly populated with many QListWIdgetItems, wordWrap enabled, and with a scrollBar on the right side (note the selected item).
What I'm after are the y positions of each (visible) QListWidgetItem relative to the QListWidget.viewport().
By now, I achieve this by walking over the y-range of the QListWidget.viewport().geometry() with a pixel distance equivalent to the line height (here: 29 pixels), applying a itemAt(0,y) to the QListWidget and append the fount items to a list, if they are not allready in it.
code is like:
def reportItems(self):
l = self.listWidget
dy = l.item(0).font().pointSize()
ystart = l.viewport().geometry().y()
h = l.viewport().geometry().height()
print ystart, h, dy
itlist = []
itcomplist = []
for y in range(ystart, ystart+h, (29/8)*dy): #empirical value
i = l.itemAt(0, y)
if not i in itlist:
itcomplist.append((y, l.row(i)))
for it in itcomplist:
y, i = it
print y, l.item(i).text()[:30]
This way seems not very elegant to me since it is slow and performs redundant queries.
Is there a smarter way to find all the y coordinates?
You can get a list of the model indexes, then loop over them and call QListWidget.visualRect to get the location of the item/index in local viewport coordinates
for row in range(listwidget.count()):
index = listwidget.model().index(row)
rect = listwidget.visualRect(index)
print rect.y()

Maintaining view/scroll position in QGraphicsView when swapping images

I'm having trouble with zooming TIFF images loaded into a QGraphicsView with QGraphicsPixmapItem.
The problem is more maintaining image quality along with having a zoom speed that doesn't make the application choke. To begin with I was just replacing the image with a scaled QPixmap - I used Qt.FastTransformation while the user was holding down a horizontal slider and then when the slider was released replaced the pixmap again with another scaled pixmap using Qt.SmoothTransformation. This gave a nice quality zoomed image but the zooming was jerky after the image size started to increase to larger than its original size; zooming out of the image was fine.
Using QTransform.fromScale() on the QGraphicsView gives much smoother zooming but a lower quality image, even when applying .setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing | QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform | QPainter.HighQualityAntialiasing) to the QGraphicsView.
My latest approach is to combine the two methods and use a QTransform on the QGraphicsView to have the smooth zooming but when the user releases the slider replace the image in the QGraphicsView with a scaled pixmap. This works great, but the position in the view is lost - the user zooms in to one area and because the scaled pixmap is larger the view jumps to another location when the slider is released and the higher quality scaled pixmap replaces the previous image.
I figured that as the width height ratio is the same in both images I could take the percentages of the scrollbars before the image swap and apply the same percentages after the swap and things should work out fine. This works well mostly, but there are still times when the view 'jumps' after swapping the image.
I'm pretty sure I'm doing something quite wrong here. Does anybody know of a better way to do this, or can anyone spot something in the code below that could cause this jumping?
This is the code to save/restore the scrollbar location. They are methods of a subclassed QGraphicsView:
def store_scrollbar_position(self):
x_max = self.horizontalScrollBar().maximum()
if x_max:
x = self.horizontalScrollBar().sliderPosition()
self.scroll_x_percentage = x * (100 / float(x_max))
y_max = self.verticalScrollBar().maximum()
if y_max:
y = self.verticalScrollBar().sliderPosition()
self.scroll_y_percentage = y * (100 / float(y_max))
def restore_scrollbar_position(self):
x_max = self.horizontalScrollBar().maximum()
if self.scroll_x_percentage and x_max:
x = x_max * (float(self.scroll_x_percentage) / 100)
y_max = self.verticalScrollBar().maximum()
if self.scroll_y_percentage and y_max:
y = y_max * (float(self.scroll_y_percentage) / 100)
And here is how I'm doing the scaling. self.imageFile is a QPixmap and self.image is my QGraphicsPixmapItem. Again, part of a subclassed QGraphicsView. The method is attached to the slider movement with the highQuality parameter set to False. It is called again on slider release with highQuality as True to swap the image.
def setImageScale(self, scale=None, highQuality=True):
if self.imageFile.isNull():
if scale is None:
scale = self.scale
self.scale = scale
self.image.setPos(0, 0)
if not highQuality:
self.setTransform(QTransform.fromScale(self.scaleFactor, self.scaleFactor))
self.image.setPixmap(self.imageFile.scaled(self.scaleFactor * self.imageFile.size(),
Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation))
self.image.setPos(0, 0)
Any help would be appreciated. I'm starting to get quite frustrated with this now.
I found a solution that works better than the code I first posted. It's still not perfect, but is much improved. Just in case anyone else is trying to solve a similar problem...
When setting the low quality image I call this method added to my QGraphicsView:
def get_scroll_state(self):
Returns a tuple of scene extents percentages.
centerPoint = self.mapToScene(self.viewport().width()/2,
sceneRect = self.sceneRect()
centerWidth = centerPoint.x() - sceneRect.left()
centerHeight = centerPoint.y() -
sceneWidth = sceneRect.width()
sceneHeight = sceneRect.height()
sceneWidthPercent = centerWidth / sceneWidth if sceneWidth != 0 else 0
sceneHeightPercent = centerHeight / sceneHeight if sceneHeight != 0 else 0
return sceneWidthPercent, sceneHeightPercent
This gets stored in self.scroll_state. When setting the high quality image I call another function to restore the percentages used in the previous function.
def set_scroll_state(self, scroll_state):
sceneWidthPercent, sceneHeightPercent = scroll_state
x = (sceneWidthPercent * self.sceneRect().width() +
y = (sceneHeightPercent * self.sceneRect().height() +
self.centerOn(x, y)
This sets the center position to the same location (percentage-wise) as I was at before swapping the image.
