Sentiment analysis on csv file Python 3.8 - python

I have a csv file where I wish to perform a sentiment analysis on this dataset containing survey data.
So far this is what I have tried (thanks to Rupin from a previous question!):
import csv
from collections import Counter
with open('myfile.csv', 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
alist = []
iterreader = iter(reader)
next(iterreader, None)
for row in iterreader:
clean_rows = row[0].replace(",", " ").rsplit()
word_count = Counter(clean_rows)
mostWcommon = word_count.most_common(3)
The output is nearly okay, the only problem that I have is that Python is splitting in different rows of a list, hence I have something like this as my output:
['experienced', 1]
['experienced, 1]
['experienced, 1]
I wish to split everything in one row so that I can have the real word frequency... Any suggestions?

You are creating a new Counter for each row and printing only that result. If you want a total count, you can create the counter outside the rows loop and update it with data from each row:
import csv
from collections import Counter
with open('myfile.csv', 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
alist = []
iterreader = iter(reader)
next(iterreader, None)
c = Conter()
for row in iterreader:
clean_rows = row[0].replace(",", " ").rsplit()
mostWcommon = word_count.most_common(3)


Create multiple files from unique values of a column using inbuilt libraries of python

I started learning python and was wondering if there was a way to create multiple files from unique values of a column. I know there are 100's of ways of getting it done through pandas. But I am looking to have it done through inbuilt libraries. I couldn't find a single example where its done through inbuilt libraries.
Here is the sample csv file data:
Sample output file:
I am struggling with looping on unique values in a column and then print them out. Can someone explain with logic how to do it ? That will be much appreciated. Thanks.
import csv
from collections import defaultdict
header = []
data = defaultdict(list)
with open("inputfile.csv", newline="") as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=DELIMITER)
for i, row in enumerate(reader):
if i == 0:
header = row
key = row[0]
for key, value in data.items():
filename = f"{key}.csv"
with open(filename, "w", newline="") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=DELIMITER)
rows = [header] + value
import csv
with open('sample.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
with open(f"{row[0]}.csv", 'a') as inner:
writer = csv.writer(
inner, delimiter='|',
fieldnames=('uniquevalue', 'count')
the task can also be done without using csv module. the lines of the file are read, and with[1:] the newline characters are stripped off, also skipping the header line of the csv file. with a set a unique collection of inputdata is created, that is used to count number of duplicates and to create the output files.
with open("unique_sample.csv", "r") as read_file:
items =[1:]
for line in set(items):
with open(line[:line.index('|')] + '.csv', 'w') as output:
output.write((line + '\n') * items.count(line))

Extract two columns sorted from CSV

I have a large csv file, containing multiple values, in the form
2020-01-03 07:10:01,aart-m1-m1,204,57,302xxxxxxxxx,0,0,down
I want to extract the Dslam_Name and Ani values, sort them by Dslam_name and write them to a new csv in two different columns.
So far my code is as follows:
import csv
import operator
with open('bad_voice_ports.csv') as csvfile:
readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
sortedlist = sorted(readCSV, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
for row in sortedlist:
bad_port = row[1][:4],row[4][2::]
f = open("bad_voice_portsnew20200103SORTED.csv","a+")
f.write(row[1][:4] + " " + row[4][2::] + '\n')
But my Dslam_Name and Ani values are kept in the same column.
As a next step I would like to count how many times the same value appears in the 1st column.
You are forcing them to be a single column. Joining the two into a single string means Python no longer regards them as separate.
But try this instead:
import csv
import operator
with open('bad_voice_ports.csv') as readfile, open('bad_voice_portsnew20200103SORTED.csv', 'w') as writefile:
readCSV = csv.reader(readfile)
writeCSV = csv.writer(writefile)
for row in sorted(readCSV, key=operator.itemgetter(1)):
bad_port = row[1][:4],row[4][2::]
If you want to include the number of times each key occurred, you can easily include that in the program, too. I would refactor slightly to separate the reading and the writing.
import csv
import operator
from collections import Counter
with open('bad_voice_ports.csv') as readfile:
readCSV = csv.reader(readfile)
rows = []
counts = Counter()
for row in readCSV:
rows.append([row[1][:4], row[4][2::]])
counts[row[1][:4]] += 1
with open('bad_voice_portsnew20200103SORTED.csv', 'w') as writefile:
writeCSV = csv.writer(writefile)
for row in sorted(rows):
writeCSV.writerow([counts[row[0]]] + row)
I would recommend to remove the header line from the CSV file entirely; throwing away (or separating out and prepending back) the first line should be an easy change if you want to keep it.
(Also, hard-coding input and output file names is problematic; maybe have the program read them from sys.argv[1:] instead.)
So my suggestion is failry simple. As i stated in a previous comment there is good documentation on CSV read and write in python here:
As per an example, to read from a csv the columns you need you can simply do this:
>>> file = open('some.csv', mode='r')
>>> csv_reader = csv.DictReader(file)
>>> for line in csv_reader:
... print(line["Dslam_Name"] + " " + line["Ani"])
This would return:
aart-m1-m1 302xxxxxxxxx
Now you can just as easilly create a variable and store the column values there and later write them to a file or just open up a new file wile reading lines and writing the column values in there. I hope this helps you.
After the help from #tripleee and #marxmacher my final code is
import csv
import operator
from collections import Counter
with open('bad_voice_ports.csv') as csv_file:
readCSV = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
sortedlist = sorted(readCSV, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
line_count = 0
rows = []
counts = Counter()
for row in sortedlist:
Dslam = row[1][:4]
Ani = row[4][2:]
if line_count == 0:
print(row[1], row[4])
line_count += 1
rows.append([row[1][:4], row[4][2::]])
counts[row[1][:4]] += 1
print(Dslam, Ani)
line_count += 1
for row in sorted(rows):
f = open("bad_voice_portsnew202001061917.xls","a+")
f.write(row[0] + '\t' + row[1] + '\t' + str(counts[row[0]]) + '\n')
print('Total of Bad ports =', str(line_count-1))
As with this way the desired values/columns are extracted from the initial csv file and a new xls file is generated with the desired values stored in different columns and the total values per key are counted, along with the total of entries.
Thanks for all the help, please feel free for any improvement suggestions!
You can use sorted:
import csv
_h, *data = csv.reader(open('filename.csv'))
with open('new_csv.csv', 'w') as f:
write = csv.writer(f)
csv.writerows([_h, *sorted([(i[1], i[4]) for i in data], key=lambda x:x[0])])

Unsure how to write text into specific column in csv file.

Hey I'm working on this project where I take this text and translate it and store it back into the same CSV file. The next open column is at index 10 or Column K. I've been trying to write the data but I just can't get it.
Reading works fine. I tried to do all this into single while loop but I couldn't get it to work. Sorry for any formatting errors!
from googletrans import Translator
import csv
translater = Translator()
f = open("#ElNuevoDia.csv", "r+")
csv_f = csv.reader(f)
csv_wf = csv.writer(f)
tmp = {}
x = 0
for row in csv_f:
tmp[x] = translater.translate(row[4], dest="en")
x = x + 1
x = 0
csv_wf = csv.writer(f)
for row in csv_wf:
You should update row in reader and then write it back (as you mentioned in the comment, writer is not iterable). Something like that (part of your code):
for row in csv_f:
row[10] = translater.translate(row[4], dest="en")
tmp[x] = row
x = x + 1
x = 0
csv_wf = csv.writer(f)
for row in tmp:
Edit 1:
For text variable you can do that:
row[10] = translater.translate(row[4], dest="en").text
and you can write it back in one step:

Writing intersection data to new CSV

I have 2 CSV files which have a list of unique words. After I complete my intersection on them I get the results, but when I try to write it to a new file it creates a very large sized file of almost 155MB, when it should be well below 2MB.
alist, blist = [], []
with open("SetA-unique.csv", "r") as fileA:
reader = csv.reader(fileA, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
alist += row
with open("SetB-unique.csv", "r") as fileB:
reader = csv.reader(fileB, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
blist += row
first_set = set(alist)
second_set = set(blist)
res = (first_set.intersection(second_set))
writer = csv.writer(open("SetA-SetB.csv", 'w'))
for row in res:
You're writing the entire set res to the file on each iteration. You probably want to write the rows instead:
for row in res:
Apart from writing the whole set each iteration you also don't need to create multiple sets and lists, you can use itertools.chain:
from itertools import chain
with open("SetA-unique.csv") as file_a, open("SetB-unique.csv") as file_b,open("SetA-SetB.csv", 'w') as inter :
r1 = csv.reader(file_a)
r2 = csv.reader(file_b)
for word in set(chain.from_iterable(r1)).intersection(chain.from_iterable(r2)):
If you are just writing words there is also no need to use csv.writer just use file.write as above.
If you are actually trying do the comparison row wise, you should not be creating a flat iterable of words, you can imap to tuples:
from itertools import imap
with open("SetA-unique.csv") as file_a, open("SetB-unique.csv") as file_b,open("SetA-SetB.csv", 'w') as inter :
r1 = csv.reader(file_a)
r2 = csv.reader(file_b)
writer = csv.writer(inter)
for row in set(imap(tuple, r1).intersection(imap(tuple, r2)):
And if you only have one word per line you don't need the csv lib at all.
from itertools import imap
with open("SetA-unique.csv") as file_a, open("SetB-unique.csv") as file_b,open("SetA-SetB.csv", 'w') as inter :
for word in set(imap(str.strip, file_a)).intersection(imap(str.strip, file_b)):
inter.write(word) + "\n"

How can I get a specific field of a csv file?

I need a way to get a specific item(field) of a CSV. Say I have a CSV with 100 rows and 2 columns (comma seperated). First column emails, second column passwords. For example I want to get the password of the email in row 38. So I need only the item from 2nd column row 38...
Say I have a csv file:,bbbbb,ddddd
How can I get only 'ddddd' for example?
I'm new to the language and tried some stuff with the csv module, but I don't get it...
import csv
mycsv = csv.reader(open(myfilepath))
for row in mycsv:
text = row[1]
Following the comments to the SO question here, a best, more robust code would be:
import csv
with open(myfilepath, 'rb') as f:
mycsv = csv.reader(f)
for row in mycsv:
text = row[1]
Update: If what the OP actually wants is the last string in the last row of the csv file, there are several aproaches that not necesarily needs csv. For example,
fulltxt = open(mifilepath, 'rb').read()
laststring = fulltxt.split(',')[-1]
This is not good for very big files because you load the complete text in memory but could be ok for small files. Note that laststring could include a newline character so strip it before use.
And finally if what the OP wants is the second string in line n (for n=2):
Update 2: This is now the same code than the one in the answer from J.F.Sebastian. (The credit is for him):
import csv
line_number = 2
with open(myfilepath, 'rb') as f:
mycsv = csv.reader(f)
mycsv = list(mycsv)
text = mycsv[line_number][1]
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Print a field specified by row, column numbers from given csv file.
%prog csv_filename row_number column_number
import csv
import sys
filename = sys.argv[1]
row_number, column_number = [int(arg, 10)-1 for arg in sys.argv[2:])]
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
rows = list(csv.reader(f))
print rows[row_number][column_number]
$ python input.csv 2 2
Note: list(csv.reader(f)) loads the whole file in memory. To avoid that you could use itertools:
import itertools
# ...
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
row = next(itertools.islice(csv.reader(f), row_number, row_number+1))
print row[column_number]
import csv
def read_cell(x, y):
with open('file.csv', 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
y_count = 0
for n in reader:
if y_count == y:
cell = n[x]
return cell
y_count += 1
print (read_cell(4, 8))
This example prints cell 4, 8 in Python 3.
There is an interesting point you need to catch about csv.reader() object. The csv.reader object is not list type, and not subscriptable.
This works:
for r in csv.reader(file_obj): # file not closed
print r
This does not:
r = csv.reader(file_obj)
print r[0]
So, you first have to convert to list type in order to make the above code work.
r = list( csv.reader(file_obj) )
print r[0]
Finaly I got it!!!
import csv
def select_index(index):
csv_file = open('oscar_age_female.csv', 'r')
csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
for line in csv_reader:
l = line['Index']
if l == index:
print(line[' "Name"'])
"Bette Davis"
Following may be be what you are looking for:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("table.csv")
#where row_number is 38 maybe
import csv
inf = csv.reader(open('yourfile.csv','r'))
for row in inf:
print row[1]
