I would like to read a Rdata file in python and, more important be able to manage it adding date and index.
According to the "R" the file is like
[1] 51.42683 55.16056 51.55766 56.49496 60.35126 60.00867 59.86904 60.33833 60.14559 64.40926 71.08281
[12] 73.65758 69.71637 76.85003 67.86899 72.48499 78.47557 94.64443 89.55312 81.55625 90.06554 65.46467
[23] 84.79299 86.40392 90.09126 94.63728 81.17445 69.41700 71.15074 70.79933 79.15242 65.02803 58.99836
[34] 56.32638 50.73658 48.88498 54.27198 53.77287 55.77409 59.09940 55.26362 60.29990 51.63972 51.89953
I also apply the summary tool in R and I have:
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
32.33 45.94 51.60 54.03 60.92 108.03
As a consequence I have no head or index column.
I would like to import it in Python. Consequently, I have applied both pyreadr and rpy2 but in both cases, despite I can read the file, I am not able to transform it in a pandas frame. Applying for example pyreader as:
import pyreadr
result = pyreadr.read_r('AdapArimaX_AheadDummy_Hour_1.RData')
df1 = result["df1"]
I get with result.keys:
and an error with the second command.
I think because I have no heads in the original files. What could be the problem on the packages or in the original file?
this is the solution that I have found:
result = pyreadr.read_r(fn)
a = list(result.keys())
df1 = result[a[0]]
I have a Tensor dataset that is a list of file names and a Pandas dataframe that contains metadata for each file.
filename_ds = tf.data.Dataset.list_files(path + "/*.bmp")
metadata_df = pandas.read_csv(path + "/metadata.csv")
File names contain an idx that references a line in the metadata dataframe, like "3_data.bmp" where 3 is the idx. I hoped to call filename_ds.map(combine_data).
It appears to be not as simple as parsing the file name and doing a dataframe lookup. The following fails because filename is a Tensor, and since I'm running this on a Dataset.map() call, I do not have access to tf.executing_eagerly() methods like .numpy() and cannot get a string value from the filename to do my regex and df lookup.
idx = re.findall("(\d+)_data.bmp", filename)[0]
val = metadata_df.loc[metadata_df["idx"] == idx]["test-col"]
New to Tensorflow, and I suspect I'm going about this in an odd way. What would be the correct way to go about this? I could list my files and concatenate a dataset for each file, but I'm wondering if I'm just missing the "Tensorflow way" of doing it.
One way of iteration is through as_numpy_iterator()
for each_file in dataset_list:
file_name=each_file.decode('utf-8') # this will contain the abs path /user/me/so/file_1.png
idx=re.findall("(\d+).*.png", file_name)[0] # changed for my case
except :
I have about 10 columns of data in a CSV file that I want to get statistics on using python. I am currently using the import csv module to open the file and read the contents. But I also want to look at 2 particular columns to compare data and get a percentage of accuracy based on the data.
Although I can open the file and parse through the rows I cannot figure out for example how to compare:
Row[i] Column[8] with Row[i] Column[10]
My pseudo code would be something like this:
category = Row[i] Column[8]
label = Row[i] Column[10]
The only thing I am able to do is to read the entire row. But I want to get the exact Row and Column of my 2 variables category and label and compare them.
How do I work with specific row/columns for an entire excel sheet?
convert both to pandas dataframes and compare similarly as this example. Whatever dataset your working on using the Pandas module, alongside any other necessary relevant modules, and transforming the data into lists and dataframes, would be first step to working with it imo.
I've taken the liberty and time/ effort to delve into this myself as it will be useful to me going forward. Columns don't have to have the same lengths at all in his example, so that's good. I've tested the below code (Python 3.8) and it works successfully.
With only a slight adaptations can be used for your specific data columns, objects and purposes.
import pandas as pd
A = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\User\Documents\query_sequences.csv') #dropped the S fom _sequences
B = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\User\Documents\Sequence_reference.csv')
my_unknown_id = A['Unknown_sample_no'].tolist() #Unknown_sample_no
my_unknown_seq = A['Unknown_sample_seq'].tolist() #Unknown_sample_seq
Reference_Species1 = B['Reference_sequences_ID'].tolist()
Reference_Sequences1 = B['Reference_Sequences'].tolist() #it was Reference_sequences
Ref_dict = dict(zip(Reference_Species1, Reference_Sequences1)) #it was Reference_sequences
Unknown_dict = dict(zip(my_unknown_id, my_unknown_seq))
Ref_dict = dict(zip(Reference_Species1, Reference_Sequences1))
Unknown_dict = dict(zip(my_unknown_id, my_unknown_seq))
import re
filename = 'seq_match_compare2.csv'
f = open(filename, 'a') #in his eg it was 'w'
headers = 'Query_ID, Query_Seq, Ref_species, Ref_seq, Match, Match start Position\n'
for ID, seq in Unknown_dict.items():
for species, seq1 in Ref_dict.items():
m = re.search(seq, seq1)
if m:
match = m.group()
pos = m.start() + 1
f.write(str(ID) + ',' + seq + ',' + species + ',' + seq1 + ',' + match + ',' + str(pos) + '\n')
And I did it myself too, assuming your columns contained integers, and according to your specifications (As best at the moment I can). Its my first try [Its my first attempt without webscraping, so go easy]. You could use my code below for a benchmark of how to move forward on your question.
Basically it does what you want (give you the skeleton) and does this : "imports csv in python using pandas module, converts to dataframes, works on specific columns only in those df's, make new columns (results), prints results alongside the original data in the terminal, and saves to new csv. It's as as messy as my python is , but it works! personally (& professionally) speaking is a milestone for me and I Will hopefully be working on it at a later date to improve it readability, scope, functionality and abilities [as the days go by (from next weekend).]
# This is work in progress, (although it does work and does a job), and its doing that for you. there are redundant lines of code in it, even the lines not hashed out (because im a self teaching newbie on my weekends). I was just finishing up on getting the results printed to a new csv file (done too). You can see how you could convert your columns & rows into lists with pandas dataframes, and start to do calculations with them in Python, and get your results back out to a new CSV. It a start on how you can answer your question going forward
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
import csv
import itertools #redundant now'?
A = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\User\Documents\book6 category labels.csv')
A["Category"].fillna("empty data - missing value", inplace = True)
#A["Blank1"].fillna("empty data - missing value", inplace = True)
# ...etc
My_Cats = A['Category1'].tolist()
My_Labs = A['Label1'].tolist()
#Ref_dict0 = zip(My_Labs, My_Cats) #good to compare whole columns as block, Enumerate ZIP 19:06 01/06/2020 FORGET THIS FOR NOW, WAS PART OF A LATTER ATTEMPT TO COMPARE TEXT & MISSED TEXT WITH INTERGER FIELDS. DOESNT EFFECT PROGRAM
Ref_dict = dict(zip(My_Labs, My_Cats))
Compareprep = dict(zip(My_Cats, My_Labs))
Ref_dict = dict(zip(My_Cats, My_Labs))
import re #this is for string matching & comparison. redundant in my example here but youll need it to compare tables if strings.
#filename = 'CATS&LABS64.csv' # when i got to exporting part, this is redundant now
#csvfile = open(filename, 'a') #when i tried to export results/output it first time - redundant
print("Given Dataframe :\n", A)
A['Lab-Cat_diff'] = A['Category1'].sub(A['Label1'], axis=0)
print("\nDifference of score1 and score2 :\n", A)
result = (print("\nDifference of score1 and score2 :\n", A))
result2 = print(A) and print(result)
def result22(result2):
for aSentence in result2:
df = pd.DataFrame(result2)
return df
print(result22) # printing out the function itself 'produces nothing but its name of course
output_df = DataFrame((result2),A)
Yes, i know, its by no means perfect At all, but wanted to give you the heads up about panda's and dataframes for doing what you want moving forward.
I want to use Dask to read in a large file of atom coordinates at multiple time steps. The format is called XYZ file, and it looks like this:
timestep 1
C 9.5464696279 5.2523477968 4.4976072664
C 10.6455075132 6.0351186102 4.0196547961
C 10.2970471574 7.3880736108 3.6390228968
timestep 2
C 9.5464696279 5.2523477968 4.4976072664
C 10.6455075132 6.0351186102 4.0196547961
C 10.2970471574 7.3880736108 3.6390228968
The first line contains the atom number, the second line is just a comment.
After that, the atoms are listed with their names and positions.
After all atoms are listed, the same is repeated for the next time step.
I would now like to load such a trajectory via dask.dataframe.read_csv.
However, I could not figure out how to skip the periodically ocurring lines containing the atom number and the comment. Is this actually possible?
Reading this format into a Pandas Dataframe is possible via:
atom_nr = 3
def skip(line_nr):
return line_nr % (atom_nr + 2) < 2
pd.read_csv(xyz_filename, skiprows=skip, delim_whitespace=True,
But it looks like the Dask dataframe does not support to pass a function to skiprows.
Edit 2:
MRocklin's answer works! Just for completeness, I write down the full code I used.
from io import BytesIO
import pandas as pd
import dask.bytes
import dask.dataframe
import dask.delayed
atom_nr = ...
filename = ...
def skip(line_nr):
return line_nr % (atom_nr + 2) < 2
def pandaread(data_in_bytes):
pseudo_file = BytesIO(data_in_bytes[0])
return pd.read_csv(pseudo_file, skiprows=skip, delim_whitespace=True,
bts = dask.bytes.read_bytes(filename, delimiter=f"{atom_nr}\ntimestep".encode())
dfs = dask.delayed(pandaread)(bts)
sol = dask.dataframe.from_delayed(dfs)
The only remaining question is: How do I tell dask to only compute the first n frames? At the moment it seems the full trajectory is read.
Short answer
No, neither pandas.read_csv nor dask.dataframe.read_csv offer this kind of functionality (to my knowledge)
Long Answer
If you can write code to convert some of this data into a pandas dataframe, then you can probably do this on your own with moderate effort using
In general this might look something like the following:
values = read_bytes('filenames.*.txt', delimiter='...', blocksize=2**27)
dfs = [dask.delayed(load_pandas_from_bytes)(v) for v in values]
df = dd.from_delayed(dfs)
Each of the dfs correspond to roughly blocksize bytes of your data (and then up until the next delimiter). You can control how fine you want your partitions to be using this blocksize. If you want you can also select only a few of these dfs objects to get a smaller portion of your data
dfs = dfs[:5] # only the first five blocks of `blocksize` data
I have a dataframe in Python using pandas. It has 2 columns called 'dropoff_latitude' and 'pickup_latitude'. I want to make a function that will create a 3rd column based on these 2 variables (runs them through an api).
So I wrote a function:
def dropoff_info(row):
dropoff_latitude = row['dropoff_latitude']
dropoff_longitude = row['dropoff_longitude']
dropoff_url2 = "http://data.fcc.gov/api/block/find?format=json&latitude=%s&longitude=%s&showall=true" %(dropoff_latitude,dropoff_longitude)
dropoff_resp2 = requests.get(dropoff_url2)
dropoff_results2 = json.loads(dropoff_resp2.text)
dropoffinfo = dropoff_results2["Block"]["FIPS"][2:11]
return dropoffinfo
then I would run it as
df['newcolumn'] = dropoffinfo(df)
However it doesn't work.
Upon troubleshooting I find that when I print dropoff_latitude it looks like this:
0 40.773345947265625
1 40.762149810791016
2 40.770393371582031
And so I think that the URL can't get generated. I want dropoff_latitude to look like this when printed:
And I don't know how to specify that I want just the actual content part.
When I tried
dropoff_latitude = row['dropoff_latitude'][1]
dropoff_longitude = row['dropoff_longitude'][1]
It just gave me the values from the 1st row so that obviously didn't work.
Ideas please? I am very new to working with dataframes... Thank you!
Alex - with pandas we typically like to avoid loops, but in your particular case, the need to ping a remote server for data pretty much requires it. So I'd do something like the following:
l = []
for i in df.index:
dropoff_latitude = df.loc[i, 'dropoff_latitude']
dropoff_longitude = df.loc[i, 'dropoff_longitude']
dropoff_url2 = "http://data.fcc.gov/api/block/find?format=json&latitude=%s&longitude=%s&showall=true" %(dropoff_latitude,dropoff_longitude)
dropoff_resp2 = requests.get(dropoff_url2)
dropoff_results2 = json.loads(dropoff_resp2.text)
df['new'] = l
The key here is the .loc[i, ...] bit that gives you the ability to go through each row one by one, and call out the associated column to create the variables to send to your API.
Regarding your question about a drain on your memory - that's a little above my pay-grade, but I really don't think you have any other options in this case (unless your API has some kind of batch request that allows you to pull a larger data set in one call).
I have a dict containing several pandas Dataframe (identified by keys) , any suggestion to effectively serialize (and cleanly load) it . Here is the structure (a pprint display output ). Each of dict['method_x_']['meas_x_'] is a pandas Dataframe. The goal is to save the dataframes for a further plotting with some specific plotting options.
config1 config2
0 0.193647 0.204673
1 0.251833 0.284560
2 0.227573 0.220327,
config1 config2
0 0.172787 0.147287
1 0.061560 0.094000
2 0.045133 0.034760,
{ 'meas1':
congif1 config2
0 0.193647 0.204673
1 0.251833 0.284560
2 0.227573 0.220327,
config1 config2
0 0.172787 0.147287
1 0.061560 0.094000
2 0.045133 0.034760}}
Use pickle.dump(s) and pickle.load(s). It actually works. Pandas DataFrames also have their own method df.save("filename") that you can use to serialize a single DataFrame...
In my particular use case, I tried to do a simple pickle.dump(all_df, open("all_df.p","wb"))
And while it loaded properly with> all_df = pickle.load(open("all_df.p","rb"))
When I restarted my Jupiter enviroment I would get a UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '\xef'.
One of the methods described here state that we can use HDF5 (pytables) to do the job. From their docs:
HDFStore is a dict-like object which reads and writes pandas
But it seems to be picky about the tablesversion that you use. I got mine to work after a pip install --upgrade tables and doing a runtime restart.
If you need a overall idea on how to use it:
#consider all_df as a list of dataframes
with pd.HDFStore('df_store.h5') as df_store:
for i in all_df.keys():
df_store[i] = all_df[i]
You should have a df_store.h5 file that you can convert back using the reverse process:
new_all_df = dict()
with pd.HDFStore('df_store.h5') as df_store:
for i in df_store.keys():
new_all_df[i] = df_store[i]