Django - can I do this without a raw query - python

I am learning Django, and have gotten quite a long way using the documentation and various other posts on StackOverflow, but I am a bit stuck now. Essentially, I want to query the database as follows:
SUM(ft.quantity) AS "position",
sec.securityName AS "security"
finance_wrapperinstance as wi
INNER JOIN finance_wrapper as w ON
( = wi.wrapperType_id)
INNER JOIN finance_security as sec ON
(ft.security_id =
left outer JOIN finance_transaction as ft ON
( = ft.investwrapperID_id)
left outer Join
hp.security_id as secid,
max(Case when = '2019-11-18' then hp.price end) as 'Current',
max(Case when = '2019-10-30' then hp.price end) as 'MonthEnd',
max(Case when = '2018-12-31' then hp.price end) as 'yearEnd'
FROM finance_historicprice as hp
GROUP BY hp.security_id
) AS prices ON
(prices.secid =ft.security_id)
trans.security_id AS secid,
trans.investwrapperID_id as iwID,
SUM((CASE WHEN trans.buysell = 'b' THEN trans.quantity ELSE 0 END)* trans.price) /
SUM(CASE WHEN trans.buysell = 'b' THEN trans.quantity ELSE 0 END) AS avgCost
finance_transaction as trans
trans.investwrapperID_id) AS cost ON
(cost.secid = ft.security_id and cost.iwID =
but I don't know how to use the Django ORM to get my prices subquery or cost subquery.
The models look like this:
class Wrapper(models.Model):
wname = models.CharField(max_length=50,null=False,verbose_name="Wrapper Name")
act_owner = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Wrapperinstance(models.Model):
wrapperType = models.ForeignKey(Wrapper,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
act_code = models.CharField(max_length=50,null=False, verbose_name="Account Code")
act_provider = models.CharField(max_length=50,null=False,verbose_name="Account Provider")
class Security(models.Model):
securityName = models.CharField(max_length=200,null=False,verbose_name="Security Name")
securityType = models.ForeignKey(InstrumentType,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Transaction(models.Model):
BUY = 'b'
SELL = 's'
(BUY, 'Buy'),
(SELL, 'Sell'),
security = models.ForeignKey(Security,default=1,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
investwrapperID = models.ForeignKey(Wrapperinstance,default=1,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
quantity = models.DecimalField(max_digits=14, decimal_places=4)
buysell = models.CharField(max_length=2,choices=BUY_SELL_CHOICES, default = BUY)
price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=14, decimal_places=2)
class HistoricPrice(models.Model):
security = models.ForeignKey(Security,default=1,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
date = models.DateField()
price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=14, decimal_places=2)
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated. As an additional point, I have functions which will choose the correct dates to be entered for the SQL query. This again makes me think the RAW method may be the way to go.


how to get price range with django?

i have price model
class Product(models.Model):
price = models.IntegerField
membership_discount = models.DecimalField
if i get price parameter, (ex. min_price = 100000, max_price = 500000)
I want to get the products multiplied by the price fields and membership_discount fields.
not this
Product.objects.filter(price__range = (min_price, max_price))
i want
Product.objects.filter(price * (1+membership_discount)__range = (min_price, max_price))
lte = less than or equal to
gte = greater than or equal to
this is documentation:
max_price = #max price logic here
min_price = #min price logic her
#this will filter all products (price <= max_price and price >= min_price)
Product.objects.filter(price__lte = max_price, price__gte = min_price)
You could use annotations for the QuerySet and apply the filter on the annotation.
member_price=F('price') * (1 + F('membership_discount'))
member_price__range=(min_price, max_price)
If the pricefield and the membership_dicsount do not have the same type, you might need to make usage of the ExpressionWrapper with a specific output_field
F('price') * (1 + F('membership_discount')),
member_price__range=(min_price, max_price)

How do I insert into a Table one Primary Key and Two Foreign Keys?

I work with Rolls of plastic film in different legnth and width. And I'm creating a Database to store all the orders, and, in order to avoid repetition, I created separate tables for length(class(Comprimento)) and width(class(Largura)). I used UUID to create distinct ID's.
Now, I want to cross both tables in a Model class. Which is:
class Largura(Base):
__tablename__ = 'largura'
id = Column(GUID(), primary_key=True, default=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()))
largura = Column(String)
modelos_l = relationship('Modelo', back_populates='larguras', cascade='all, delete')
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Largura {self.largura}>"
class Comprimento(Base):
__tablename__ = 'comprimento'
id = Column(GUID(), primary_key=True, default=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()))
comprimento = Column(String)
modelos_c = relationship('Modelo', back_populates='comprimentos', cascade='all, delete')
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Comprimento {self.comprimento}>"
class Modelo(Base):
__tablename__ = 'modelo'
id = Column(GUID(), primary_key=True, default=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()))
descricao = Column(String(50))
largura_id = Column(GUID(), ForeignKey(""), default=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()))
comprimento_id = Column(GUID(), ForeignKey(""), default=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()))
larguras = relationship('Largura', back_populates='modelos_l')
comprimentos = relationship('Comprimento', back_populates='modelos_c')
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Modelo {}>"
Then, i created a file dedicated to my data insert on this table:
from DBModelPy3 import Comprimento,Largura,Modelo,session
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd
#Pre Loading my CSV file
df = pd.read_csv("dataorged.csv", sep=',')
pd.set_option('display.float_format','{:.0f}'.format) #change the number format to hide the ','
cnx = create_engine('sqlite:///data_hub2.db', echo=True).connect()
df_modelo = df[['larg_ajustada', 'comp']] # My dataframe that contains the orders. I chose the specifics columns needed for this insertion.
# Loading the Tables from my database
df_largura = pd.read_sql_table('largura', cnx)
df_comprimento = pd.read_sql_table('comprimento', cnx)
With everything loaded I decided to combine all the legnths and widths i had already on my two tables (df_largura and df_comprimento), and then filtered using the original file which contains the orders.
model_num = []
for n_larg in range(len(df_largura)):
db_larg = str(df_largura['largura'][n_larg])
for n_comp in range(len(df_comprimento)):
db_comp = df_comprimento['comprimento'][n_comp]
combined = str(db_larg) + "x" + str(db_comp)
df_modelos_ex = pd.DataFrame(model_num)
df_modelos_ex.columns = ['larg','comp','combined']
With these, i had all possible combinations on my dataframe.
And created the combined variable to match later
modelos_existentes = []
for item in range(len(df_modelo)):
mod_larg = df_modelo['larg_ajustada'][item]
mod_comp = df_modelo['comp'][item]
mod_comb = str(mod_larg) + "x" + str(mod_comp)
df_mod_existentes = pd.DataFrame(modelos_existentes)
df_mod_existentes.columns = ['ex_larg','ex_comp','ex_comb']
df_limpo = df_mod_existentes.drop_duplicates(subset=['ex_comb'])
df_limpo.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
With all my elements, then the madness began.
I started a loop to run through all my Dataframes:
for l_row in range(len(df_limpo)): # For Each Row in my dataframe which contains the orders,
larg = df_limpo['ex_larg'][l_row] # create variable for width
comp = df_limpo['ex_comp'][l_row] # create variable for lenght
comb = df_limpo['ex_comb'][l_row] # create variable for combination of both
for n_row in range(len(df_largura)): # For each row in my width table from DB,
db_larg_id = df_largura['id'][n_row] # I create a Variable for the PK from width
db_larg_largura = df_largura['largura'][n_row] # Create a Variable with the value
lar = session.query(Largura).filter( == db_larg_id).first()
if db_larg_largura == larg: # If the value on my table matches the value of the row in the order,
for m_row in range(len(df_comprimento)): # For each length in my table on the DB,
db_comp_id = df_comprimento['id'][m_row]
db_comp_comprimento = df_comprimento['comprimento'][m_row]
compr = session.query(Comprimento).filter( == db_comp_id).first()
if db_comp_comprimento == comp: # If the value on my table matches the value of the row in the order
new_model = Modelo(descricao=df_limpo['ex_comb'][n_linha], larguras=lar, comprimentos=compr)
from here, i would only add the session.add(new_model) and session.commit() to finish my code.
But it's not adding.
What I would like is for my Modelo table be like:
ID(PK) | DESCRIPTION (Combined values String) | Largura_id (width_id, FK) | Comprimento_id (length_id, FK)
Sorry about the long explanation. Tried my best!
If anyone have the same trouble:
lista_a = [] #Created an empty List
for n_linha in range(len(df_limpo)): #Ran through my dataframe
larg_a = df_limpo['ex_larg'][n_linha] #Extracted width and length from it
comp_a = df_limpo['ex_comp'][n_linha]
for m_linha in range(len(df_largura)): #Ran my width table from database
db_larg_id = df_largura['id'][m_linha]
db_larg_largura = df_largura['largura'][m_linha]
if larg_a == db_larg_largura: #Checked if the width from my dataframe matches the one on the table
lista_a.append([larg_a,comp_a,db_larg_id]) #appended to the list_a
df_lista_a = pd.DataFrame(lista_a) #Created a new Dataframe
df_lista_a.columns = ['larg','comp','id_larg']
lista_b = [] #Created a new list
for n_row in range(len(df_lista_a)): #Ran through my new dataframe
larg_b = df_lista_a['larg'][n_row] #Extracted each column from it
comp_b = df_lista_a['comp'][n_row]
larg_b_id = df_lista_a['id_larg'][n_row]
#df_limpo_lrow = df_limpo['ex_larg'][n_row]
#df_limpo_crow = df_limpo['ex_comp'][n_row]
#df_limpo_cbrow = df_limpo['ex_comb'][n_row]
for m_row in range(len(df_comprimento)): #Ran through my lenght table
db_comp_id = df_comprimento['id'][m_row]
db_comp_comprimento = df_comprimento['comprimento'][m_row]
if comp_b == db_comp_comprimento: #Check if the lenght from dataframe matches the lenght on my table on the database
lista_b.append([larg_b,comp_b,larg_b_id,db_comp_id]) #appended the lenght id to my list
df_lista_b = pd.DataFrame(lista_b) #converted to Dataframe.
df_lista_b.columns = ['larg','comp','id_larg','id_comp']
for n_model in range(len(df_lista_b)): #For each model found on the list, extract the values and add to new_model.
mod_largura = df_lista_b['larg'][n_model]
mod_comprimento = df_lista_b['comp'][n_model]
mod_largura_id = df_lista_b['id_larg'][n_model]
mod_comprimento_id = df_lista_b['id_comp'][n_model]
lar = session.query(Largura).filter( == df_largura['id'][1]).first()
compr = session.query(Comprimento).filter( == df_comprimento['id'][1]).first()
new_model = Modelo(descricao=df_limpo['ex_comb'][n_model], larguras=lar, comprimentos=compr)
print("Modelo: " + df_limpo['ex_comb'][n_model] + " com Id's " + mod_largura_id + " e " + mod_comprimento_id + " adicionados!")
Then it's done.

Updating data in a model from views Django

Hi i have a problem with updating data which is stored in a model. I would like to update the data which is stored in a model without a form, it is a function which sums up every user transaction and after every change I would like it to update.
my models:
class Portfolio(models.Model):
portfolio_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True,blank=True)
portfolio_title = models.CharField(unique=True,max_length=200, null=True,blank=True)
user_name = models.ForeignKey(Customer, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL,blank=True)
p_shares_num_sum = models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2,default=0,max_digits=999,editable=True, null=True,blank=True)
p_last_mod_date = models.DateField(auto_now_add=False,null=True,editable=True,blank=True)
p_comp_num_sum = models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2,default=0,max_digits=999,editable=True, null=True,blank=True)
p_to_buy_percentage = models.CharField(max_length=200,editable=True, null=True,blank=True)
p_profit_earned = models.DecimalField(decimal_places=6,editable=True,default=0,max_digits=999, null=True,blank=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.portfolio_title if self.portfolio_title else ''
The data which I want to send to it after every entry on site, with function
shares_num = visdata.aggregate(Sum(('shares_number')))
shares_num_sum = (shares_num['shares_number__sum'])
shares_num_sum = format(shares_num_sum, ".0f")
#profit_earned = visdata.aggregate(Sum(('course')))
#profit_sum = (profit_earned['course__sum'])
fare_paid = visdata.aggregate(Sum(('fare')))
fare_sum = (fare_paid['fare__sum'])
mod_date = visdata.order_by('-date').first().date
to_buy = visdata.filter(buy_sell='+').count()
to_sell = visdata.filter(buy_sell='-').count()
to_buy_percentage = 0
to_buy_percentage = to_buy / comp_number
to_buy_percentage = (to_buy_percentage) * 100
to_buy_percentage = format(to_buy_percentage, ".0f")
to_buy_percentage = str(to_buy_percentage) + '%'
#for customer restriction delete object and change VisData to visdata
aggregated_data = visdata.annotate(
intermid_result=F('course') - F('fare')
record_total=F('shares_number') * F('intermid_result')
profit_earned = aggregated_data['total']
profit_earned = format(profit_earned, ".2f")
summary_data = [int(shares_num_sum),int(comp_number),mod_date,str(to_buy_percentage),float(profit_earned)]
The function is written and prints me:
[4, 2,, 12, 20), '100%', 0.9]
If you have that data from function in your view, just get your current portolio object and asign to it's fields values, then call save() method from that object.
For example:
portfolio_object = Portfolio.objects.get(pk=some_pk)
portfolio_object.some_field = summary_data[0]
... here the rest of values
Remember that it'll execute every time you open that view, so think about some optimalization.

peewee - change schema dynamically

I have the same question/problem than this post -> peewee - modify db model meta (e.g. schema) dynamically . I want to change the schema field in my Meta class dynamically. This is my code:
class GPSPosition(Model):
def __init__(self, esquema, vehiculo, fechaFrom):
self.esquema = esquema + '_org'
self.vehiculo = vehiculo
self.fechaFrom = fechaFrom
orgid = BigIntegerField()
id = BigIntegerField()
vehicleid = BigIntegerField()
driverid = BigIntegerField()
originaldriverid = BigIntegerField(null=False)
blockseq = IntegerField(null=False)
time = DateTimeField(null=False)
latitude = FloatField(null=False)
longitude = FloatField(null=False)
altitude = SmallIntegerField(null=False)
heading = SmallIntegerField(null=False)
satellites = SmallIntegerField(null=False)
hdop = FloatField(null=False)#float
ageofreading = IntegerField(null=False)
distancesincereading = IntegerField(null=False)
velocity = FloatField(null=False)
isavl = BooleanField(null=False)
coordvalid = BooleanField(null=False)
speedkilometresperhour = DecimalField(null=False)
speedlimit = DecimalField(null=False)
vdop = SmallIntegerField(null=False)
pdop = SmallIntegerField(null=False)
odometerkilometres = DecimalField(null=False)
formattedaddress = CharField(null=False)
source = CharField(null=False)
class Meta:
database = db
schema = esquema
db_table = 'test_gpspositions'
primary_key = CompositeKey("orgid", "id")
Can someone please show me the light about this? Thanks!
Well I'll answer my own question since I found the answer time ago and it's very simple, just add this 1-2 lines at the point you want to change the schema name:
schemaname = 'your_schema_name'
setattr(YourPeeweeModel._meta, "schema", schemaname)
Works fine.

Why my SQLAlchemy query.flter works only on some attribute?

I am learning SQLAlchemy of Python.
Below is an example I am useing.
First I generate a datafile contains puppy information like below:
class Puppy(Base):
__tablename__ = 'puppy'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String(250), nullable=False)
gender = Column(String(6), nullable = False)
dateOfBirth = Column(Date)
shelter_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
weight = Column(Numeric(10))
male_names = ["Bailey", "Max", ...just some names..., "Luke", "Henry"]
female_names = ['Bella', 'Lucy', ...just some names..., 'Honey', 'Dakota']
def CreateRandomAge():
today =
days_old = randint(0,540)
birthday = today - timedelta(days = days_old)
return birthday
def CreateRandomWeight():
return random.uniform(1.0, 40.0)
for i,x in enumerate(male_names):
new_puppy = Puppy(name = x, gender = "male", dateOfBirth = CreateRandomAge(), weight= CreateRandomWeight())
for i,x in enumerate(female_names):
new_puppy = Puppy(name = x, gender = "female", dateOfBirth = CreateRandomAge(), weight= CreateRandomWeight())
Now I want to filter some kinds of puppies as below:
testpuppy = session.query(Puppy).filter_by(name='Lucy')
birthdate = - timedelta(days=180)
smallpuppy = session.query(Puppy).filter_by(dateOfBirth < birthdate)
Then it is strange, because the testpuppy passed, I can get Lucy, but the dateofBirth can not pass, every time I want to get these smallpuppies, I just got an error
NameError: name 'dateOfBirth' is not defined
I really can not understand, why my filter can only be operated on some attribute, where is wrong?
The problem is that you need to use filter instead of filter_by like this:
smallpuppy = session.query(Puppy).filter(Puppy.dateOfBirth < birthdate)
For filter, the criterion should use ClassName.propertyName to access the column, and you can use < or >.
For filter_by, the criterion could be use propertyName directly to access the column, but you cannot use < or >.
Please refer to this answer, it will give you more details about the difference between filter and filter_by.
