Telebot + Celery + pytransitions: response to task - python

I want to send some message after time delay, using Celery. After users get message, its trigger new state. For this I need telebot.types.Message object to be send as argument in Celery task. How can I do this correctly?
My transition function to start Celery task:
def delay_message(self, event):
celery_utils.delay_message.apply_async(kwargs={'response': self.response}, countdown=1) # self.response is telebot.types.Message
Celery task:
def delay_message(response):
machine = routes.DialogMachine(transitions=app.config['transitions'])
machine.response = response
In send_random_motivation_message() I need telebot.types.Message as self.response, but can't send this type to Celery task.

I assume you can't send it because it is not serializable, right? If that is the case, your only option is to send as many parameters as needed as dictionary, or tuple, and create the telebot.types.Message inside the Celery task.
You could try the jsonpickle to generate JSON out of the pickled telebot.types.Message object, pass it to your Celery task, and inside the task use jsonpickle to recreate the object.


How to pass another function or instance to the celery task?

I have created a celery task as below
import os
import time
from celery import Celery
from dotenv import load_dotenv
celery = Celery(__name__)
celery.conf.broker_url = os.environ.get("CELERY_BROKER_URL")
celery.conf.result_backend = os.environ.get("CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND")
def message_sender(sender_func, numbers: list, message: str):
sender_func(numbers, message)
return "Sent Successful"
And calling the task as below
modem_conn = Modem()
task = message_sender.apply_async(
"sender_func": modem_conn.sms,
"numbers": ["00000000"],
"message": "sms sent",
But I am getting bellow error
kombu.exceptions.EncodeError: Object of type method is not JSON serializable
But if I call the task without delay or apply_async, then it workes. What could be the problem here and how can I achive this.
All I want to do is pass a function or instance while calling the celery task.
The celery task is run in another instance than your app, and both instances communicate via the broker. Since you don't "call" the task function, but only send messages with serialized data that tell the worker which function to call, you can't send objects or functions. This is similar to multiprocessing, where only serialized text messages can be sent between the processes.
My approach would be to make the function known to the worker and then send e.g. a string with the name of the function and call it.
task = message_sender.apply_async(
"sender_func": "sms",
"numbers": ["00000000"],
"message": "sms sent",
def message_sender(sender_func, numbers: list, message: str):
modem_conn = Modem()
if sender_func == "sms":
modem_conn.sms(numbers, message)
return "Sent Successful"
You could also use getattr or locals()

Celery have task wait for completion of same task called previously with shared argument

I am currently trying to setup celery to handle responses from a chatbot and forward those responses to a user.
The chatbot hits the /response endpoint of my server, that triggers the following function in my module:
def handle_response(user_id, message):
"""Endpoint to handle the response from the chatbot."""
tasks.send_message_to_user.apply_async(args=[user_id, message])
return ('OK', 200,
{'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'})
In my file, I import celery and create the send_message_to_user function:
from celery import Celery
celery_app = Celery('tasks', broker='redis://')
def send_message_to_user(user_id, message):
"""Send the message to a user."""
# Here is the logic to send the message to a specific user
My problem is, my chatbot may answer multiple messages to a user, so the send_message_to_user task is properly put in the queue but then a race condition arises and sometimes the messages arrive to the user in the wrong order.
How could I make each send_message_to_user task wait for the previous task with the same name and with the same argument "user_id" before executing it ?
I have looked at this thread Running "unique" tasks with celery but a lock isn't my solution, as I don't want to implement ugly retries when the lock is released.
Does anyone have any idea how to solve that issue in a clean(-ish) way ?
Also, it's my first post here so I'm open to any suggestions to improve my request.

Celery, RabbitMQ, Redis: Celery message enters exchange, but not queue?

I'm using Python 2.7 (sigh), celery==3.1.19, librabbitmq==1.6.1, rabbitmq-server-3.5.6-1.noarch, and redis 2.8.24 (from redis-cli info).
I'm attempting to send a message from a celery producer to a celery consumer, and obtain the result back in the producer. There is 1 producer and 1 consumer, but 2 rabbitmq's (as brokers) and 1 redis (for results) in between.
The problem I'm facing is:
In the consumer, I get back get an AsyncResult via async_result =
ZipUp.delay(unique_directory), but async_result.ready() never
returns True (at least for 9 seconds it doesn't) - even for a
consumer task that does essentially nothing but return a string.
I can see, in the rabbitmq management web interface, my message
being received by the rabbitmq exchange, but it doesn't show up in
the corresponding rabbitmq queue. Also, a log message sent by the
very beginning of the ZipUp task doesn't appear to be getting
Things work if I don't try to get a result back from the AsyncResult! But I'm kinda hoping to get the result of the call - it's useful :).
Below are configuration specifics.
We're setting up Celery as follows for returns:
We have another Celery configuration that doesn't expect a return value, and that works - in the same program. It looks like:
The celery producer's stub looks like:
#CELERY_RESULT.task(name='ZipUp', exchange='cognition.workflow.ZipUp_%s' % INTERNAL_VERSION)
def ZipUp(directory): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
""" Task stub """
_unused_directory = directory
raise NotImplementedError
It's been mentioned that using queue= instead of exchange= in this stub would be simpler. Can anyone confirm that (I googled but found exactly nothing on the topic)? Apparently you can just use queue= unless you want to use fanout or something fancy like that, since not all celery backends have the concept of an exchange.
Anyway, the celery consumer starts out with:
#task(queue='cognition.workflow.ZipUp_%s' % INTERNAL_VERSION, name='ZipUp')
def ZipUp(directory): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Zip all files in directory, password protected, and return the pathname of the new zip archive.
:param directory Directory to zip
try:'zipping up {}'.format(directory))
But "zipping up" doesn't get logged anywhere. I searched every (disk-backed) file on the celery server for that string, and got two hits: /usr/bin/zip, and my celery task's code - and no log messages.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for reading!
It appears that using the following task stub in the producer solved the problem:
#CELERY_RESULT.task(name='ZipUp', queue='cognition.workflow.ZipUp_%s' % INTERNAL_VERSION)
def ZipUp(directory): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
""" Task stub """
_unused_directory = directory
raise NotImplementedError
In short, it's using queue= instead of exchange= .

How can I get the Python Task Queue and Channel API to send messages and respond to requests during a long-running process?

This is a probably basic question, but I have not been able to find the answer.
I have a long-running process that produces data every few minutes that I would like the client to receive as soon as it is ready. Currently I have the long-running process in a Task Queue, and it adds channel messages to another Task Queue from within a for loop. The client successfully receives the channel messages and downloads the data using a get request; however, the messages are being sent from the task queue after the long-running process finishes (after about 10 minutes) instead of when the messages are added to the task queue.
How can I have the messages in the task queue sent immediately? Do I need to have the for loop broken into several tasks? The for loop creates a number of dictionaries I think I would need to post to the data store and then retrieve for the next iteration (does not seem like an ideal solution), unless there is an easier way to return data from a task.
When I do not add the messages to a Task Queue and send the messages directly in the for loop, the server does not seem to respond to the client's get request for the data (possibly due to the for loop of the long-running process blocking the response?)
Here is a simplified version of my server code:
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.api import channel
from google.appengine.api import taskqueue
from google.appengine.api import rdbms
class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
## This opens the GWT app
class Service_handler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self, parameters):
## This is called by the GWT app and generates the data to be
## sent to the client.
#This adds the long-process to a task queue
taskqueue.Task(url='/longprocess/', params = {'json_request': json_request}).add(queue_name='longprocess-queue')
class longprocess_handler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
#This has a for loop that recursively uses data in dictionaries to
#produce kml files every few minutes
for j in range(0, Time):
# Process data
# Send message to client using a task queue to send the message.
taskqueue.Task(url='/send/', params).add(queue_name=send_queue_name)
class send_handler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
# This sends the message to the client
# This is currently not happening until the long-process finishes,
# but I would like it to occur immediately.
class kml_handler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self, client_id):
## When the client receives the message, it picks up the data here.
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
webapp2.Route(r'/', handler=MainPage),
webapp2.Route(r'/Service/', handler=Service_handler),
webapp2.Route(r'/_ah/channel/<connected>/', handler = connection_handler),
webapp2.Route(r'/longprocess/', handler = longprocess_handler),
webapp2.Route(r'/kml/<client_id>', handler = kml_handler),
webapp2.Route(r'/send/', handler = send_handler)
Do I need to break up the long-process into tasks that send and retrieve results from the data store in order to have the send_handler execute immediately, or am I missing something? Thanks
The App Engine development server only processes one request at a time. In production, these things will occur simultaneously. Try in production, and check that things behave as expected there.
There's also not much reason to use a separate task to send the channel messages in production - just send them directly from the main task.

Celery dynamic queue creation and routing

I'm trying to call a task and create a queue for that task if it doesn't exist then immediately insert to that queue the called task. I have the following code:
def greet(name):
return "Hello %s!" % name
def run():
result = greet.delay(args=['marc'], queue='greet.1',
print result.ready()
then I have a custom router:
class MyRouter(object):
def route_for_task(self, task, args=None, kwargs=None):
if task == 'tasks.greet':
return {'queue': kwargs['queue'],
'exchange': 'greet',
'exchange_type': 'direct',
'routing_key': kwargs['routing_key']}
return None
this creates an exchange called greet.1 and a queue called greet.1 but the queue is empty. The exchange should be just called greet which knows how to route a routing key like greet.1 to the queue called greet.1.
Any ideas?
When you do the following:
task.apply_async(queue='foo', routing_key='foobar')
Then Celery will take default values from the 'foo' queue in CELERY_QUEUES,
or if it does not exist then automatically create it using (queue=foo, exchange=foo, routing_key=foo)
So if 'foo' does not exist in CELERY_QUEUES you will end up with:
queues['foo'] = Queue('foo', exchange=Exchange('foo'), routing_key='foo')
The producer will then declare that queue, but since you override the routing_key,
actually send the message using routing_key = 'foobar'
This may seem strange but the behavior is actually useful for topic exchanges,
where you publish to different topics.
It's harder to do what you want though, you can create the queue yourself
and declare it, but that won't work well with automatic message publish retries.
It would be better if the queue argument to apply_async could support
a custom kombu.Queue instead that will be both declared and used as the destination.
Maybe you could open an issue for that at
