i'm working on graphs and big dataset of complex network's. i run SIR algorithm on them with ndlib library.
but each iteration takes something like 1Sec and it make code takes 10-12 h to complete .
i was wondering is there any way to make it parallelised ?
the code is like down bellow
this line of the code is core :
sir = model.infected_SIR_MODEL(it, infectionList, False)
is there any simple method to make it run on multi thread or parallelised ?
count = 500
for i in numpy.arange(1, count, 1):
for it in model.get_nodes():
sir = model.infected_SIR_MODEL(it, infectionList, False)
each iteration :
for u in self.graph.nodes():
u_status = self.status[u]
eventp = np.random.random_sample()
neighbors = self.graph.neighbors(u)
if isinstance(self.graph, nx.DiGraph):
neighbors = self.graph.predecessors(u)
if u_status == 0:
infected_neighbors = len([v for v in neighbors if self.status[v] == 1])
if eventp < self.BetaList[u] * infected_neighbors:
actual_status[u] = 1
elif u_status == 1:
if eventp < self.params['model']['gamma']:
actual_status[u] = 2
So, if the iterations are independent, then I don't see the point of iteration over count=500. Either way the multiprocessing library might be of interest to you.
I've prepared 2 stub solutions (i.e. alter to your exact needs).
The first expects that every input is static (the changes in solutions as far as I understand the OP's question raise from the random state generation inside each iteration). With the second, you can update the input data between iterations of i. I've not tried the code as I don't have the model so it might not work directly.
import multiprocessing as mp
# if everything is independent (eg. "infectionList" is static and does not change during the iterations)
def worker(model, infectionList):
sirs = []
for it in model.get_nodes():
sir = model.infected_SIR_MODEL(it, infectionList, False)
return sirs
count = 500
infectionList = []
data = [(model, infectionList) for _ in range(1, count+1)]
with mp.Pool() as pool:
results = pool.starmap(worker, data)
The second proposed solution if "infectionList" or something else gets updated in each iteration of "i":
def worker2(model, it, infectionList):
sir = model.infected_SIR_MODEL(it, infectionList, False)
return sir
with mp.Pool() as pool:
for i in range(1, count+1):
data = [(model, it, infectionList) for it in model.get_nodes()]
results = pool.starmap(worker2, data)
# process results, update something go to next iteration....
Edit: Updated the answer to separate proposals more clearly.
I am learning about how to optimize using reinforcement learning. I have chosen the problem of maximum matching in a bipartite graph as I can easily compute the true optimum.
Recall that a matching in a graph is a subset of the edges where no two edges are incident on the same node/vertex. The goal is to find the largest such subset.
I show my full code below but first let me explain parts of it.
num_variables = 1000
g = ig.Graph.Random_Bipartite(num_variables, num_variables, p=3/num_variables)
g_matching = g.maximum_bipartite_matching()
print("Matching size", len([v for v in g_matching.matching if v < num_variables and v != -1]))
This makes a random bipartite graph with 1000 nodes in each of the two sets of nodes. It then prints out the size of the true maximum matching.
In the code below, self.agent_pos is an array representing the current matching found. Its length is the number of edges in the original graph and there is a 1 at index i if edge i is included and a 0 otherwise. self.matching is the set of edges in the growing matching. self.matching_nodes is the set of nodes in the growing matching that is used to check to see if a particular edge can be added or not.
import igraph as ig
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import gym
from gym import spaces
from stable_baselines3 import PPO
from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import make_vec_env
class MaxMatchEnv(gym.Env):
metadata = {'render.modes': ['console']}
def __init__(self, array_length=10):
super(MaxMatchEnv, self).__init__()
# Size of the 1D-grid
self.array_length = array_length
self.agent_pos = [0]*array_length
self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(array_length)
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(array_length,), dtype=np.uint8)
self.matching = set() # set of edges
self.matching_nodes = set() # set of node ids (ints)
self.matching_size = len([v for v in g_matching.matching if v < num_variables and v != -1])
self.best_found = 0
def reset(self):
# Initialize the array to have random values
self.time = 0
self.agent_pos = [0]*self.array_length
self.matching = set()
self.matching_nodes = set()
return np.array(self.agent_pos)
def step(self, action):
self.time += 1
reward = 0
edge = g.es[action]
if not(edge.source in self.matching_nodes or edge.target in self.matching_nodes):
self.agent_pos[action] = 1
if sum(self.agent_pos) > self.best_found:
self.best_found = sum(self.agent_pos)
print("New max", self.best_found)
reward = 1
elif self.agent_pos[action] == 1:
#print("Removing edge", action)
self.agent_pos[action] = 0
reward = -1
done = sum(self.agent_pos) == self.matching_size
info = {}
return np.array(self.agent_pos), reward, done, info
def render(self, mode='console'):
def close(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
num_variables = 1000
g = ig.Graph.Random_Bipartite(num_variables, num_variables, p=3/num_variables)
g_matching = g.maximum_bipartite_matching()
print("Matching size", len([v for v in g_matching.matching if v < num_variables and v != -1]))
env = make_vec_env(lambda: MaxMatchEnv(array_length=len(g.es)), n_envs=12)
model = PPO('MlpPolicy', env, verbose=1).learn(10000000)
There are a number of problems with this but the main one is that it doesn't optimize well. This code gives just over 550 and then stops improving where the true optimum is over 900 (it is printed out by the code at the start).
The main question is:
How can this be done better so that it gets to a better matching?
A subsidiary question is, how can I print the best matching found so far? My attempt using self.best_found to maintain the best score does not work as it seems to be reset regularly.
Changes that haven't help
Changing PPO for DQN makes only a marginal difference.
I tried changing the code so that done is True after 1000 steps.
The change is as follows:
if self.time == 1000:
done = True
done = False
Having added print(max(env.get_attr("best_found"))) in place of print("New max", self.best_found) this change to done shows no advantage at all.
To print the max for each environment you can use get_attr method from stable baselines. More info in their official docs.
For example the lines below will print the max for each of the 12 environments and then the maximum across all environments.
Regarding why it does not converge it could be due a bad reward selected, although looking at your reward choice it seems sensible. I added a debug print in your code to see if some step lead to done = True, but it seems that the environment never reaches that state. I think that for the model to learn it would be good to have multiple sequence of actions leading to a state with done = True, which would mean that the model gets to experience the end of an episode. I did not study the problem in your code in detail but maybe this information can help debug your issue.
If we compare the problem with other environments like CartPole, there we have episodes that end with done = True and that helps the model learn a better policy (in your case you could limit the amount of actions per episode instead of running the same episode forever). That could help the model avoid getting stuck in a local optimum as you give it the opportunity to "try again" in a new episode.
If I'm reading this right, then you aren't performing any hyperparameter tuning. How do you know your learning rate / policy update rate / any other variable parameters are a good fit for the problem at hand?
It looks like stable baselines has this functionality built-in:
I am looking for a way to visualize, for the lack of a better word, the "density" or "heatmap" of some synthetic time series I have created.
I have a loop that creates a list, which are values of one time series. I don't think it matters but just in case, here is the code of what's going on. This is a Markov Process, so with each i, which represents the hour, i create a new value, depending on the former i and state:
for x in range(10000):
start_h = 0
start_s = 1
generated_values_list = []
for i in range(start_h,120):
if i>=24:
print(str(start_s)+" | " +str(i))
pot_value_list = GMM_vals_container_workingdays_spring["State: "+ str(start_s)+", hour: "+str(i)]
if len(pot_value_list)>50:
actual_value = random.choice(pot_value_list)#
#cdf, gmm_x, gmm = GMM_erstellen(pot_value_list,50)
#actual_value = gmm.sample()[0][0][0]
#print("made by GMM")
actual_value = random.choice(pot_value_list)
#print("made not by GMM")
probabilities_next_state = TPMs_WD[i][start_s-1]
next_state = random.choices(states,weights=probabilities_next_state)
start_s = next_state[0]
But - I think - the only part that matters is this:
for x in range(10000):
#some code that creates the generated_values_list
This creates, as expected a picture like this:
It is not clear from here which are the most common paths so I would like to make values that are hit frequently are more colorful while not so frequent values are rather grey.
I think seaborn library has something for that but I don't seem to understand the docs.
I have put together what I thought was some simple script to calculate the Moran's Index for each feature in a matrix (Information_Gains_Matrix), with its corresponding weight matrix (Weights_Matrix). I wanted to use pool.map to go along each feature in the Information_Gains_Matrix. The output is just a vector of Moran's Index's for each feature in Information_Gains_Matrix. See code:
import multiprocessing
from functools import partial
def Feature_Moran_Index(Information_Gains_Matrix,Wij,N):
Feature = Information_Gains_Matrix
X_bar = np.mean(Feature)
if X_bar != 0:
Deviance = Feature - X_bar
Outer_Deviance = np.outer(Deviance,Deviance)
Deviance2 = Deviance * Deviance
Denom = np.sum(Deviance2)
Moran_Index_Score = (N/Wij) * (np.sum((Weights_Matrix * Outer_Deviance))/Denom)
Moran_Index_Score = 0
return Moran_Index_Score
def Parallel_Feature_Moran_Index(Information_Gains_Matrix,Use_Cores):
N = Information_Gains_Matrix.shape[0]
Wij = np.sum(Weights_Matrix)
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = Use_Cores)
Result = pool.map(partial(Feature_Moran_Index, Wij=Wij,N=N), Information_Gains_Matrix)
Moran_Index_Scores = np.asarray(Result)
return Result
if __name__ == '__main__':
Moran_Index_Scores = Parallel_Feature_Moran_Index(Information_Gains_Matrix,Use_Cores=(multiprocessing.cpu_count()-2))
I'll openly admit my understanding of multiprocessing in Python isn't ideal, but I've used it a lot in the past with success. So I really don't understand why this simple script won't work. Help greatly appreciated. Note, I am aware the Weights_Matrix is not in the script. Its loaded in as a global so it doesn't have to be serialised to each core because it's very large. I'm sorry if this irritates anyone, I know some people get quite testy about the use of globals.
Edit: I've successfully used this exact code on smaller data sets on my local Ubuntu shell (Windows laptop). The problem occurs on a very large data set in a Ubuntu virtual machine.
I've recently been working on some code in python to simulate a 2 dimensional U(1) gauge theory using monte carlo methods. Essentially I have an n by n by 2 array (call it Link) of unitary complex numbers (their magnitude is one). I randomly select element of my Link array and propose a random change to the number at that site. I then compute the resulting change in the action that would occur due to that change. I then accept the change with a probability equal to min(1,exp(-dS)), where dS is the change in the action. The code for the iterator is as follows
def iteration(j1,B0):
global Link
Staple = np.zeros((2),dtype=complex)
for i0 in range(0,j1):
x1 = np.random.randint(0,n)
y1 = np.random.randint(0,n)
u1 = np.random.randint(0,1)
Linkrxp1 = np.roll(Link,-1, axis = 0)
Linkrxn1 = np.roll(Link, 1, axis = 0)
Linkrtp1 = np.roll(Link, -1, axis = 1)
Linkrtn1 = np.roll(Link, 1, axis = 1)
Linkrxp1tn1 = np.roll(np.roll(Link, -1, axis = 0),1, axis = 1)
Linkrxn1tp1 = np.roll(np.roll(Link, 1, axis = 0),-1, axis = 1)
Staple[0] = Linkrxp1[x1,y1,1]*Linkrtp1[x1,y1,0].conj()*Link[x1,y1,1].conj() + Linkrxp1tn1[x1,y1,1].conj()*Linkrtn1[x1,y1,0].conj()*Linkrtn1[x1,y1,1]
Staple[1] = Linkrtp1[x1,y1,0]*Linkrxp1[x1,y1,1].conj()*Link[x1,y1,0].conj() + Linkrxn1tp1[x1,y1,0].conj()*Linkrxn1[x1,y1,1].conj()*Linkrxn1[x1,y1,0]
uni = unitary()
Linkprop = uni*Link[x1,y1,u1]
dE3 = (Linkprop - Link[x1,y1,u1])*Staple[u1]
dE1 = B0*np.real(dE3)
d1 = np.random.binomial(1, np.minimum(np.exp(dE1),1))
d = np.random.uniform(low=0,high=1)
if d1 >= d:
Link[x1,y1,u1] = Linkprop
Link[x1,y1,u1] = Link[x1,y1,u1]
At the beginning of program I call a routine called "randomize" to generate K random unitary complex numbers which have small imaginary parts and store them in an array called Cnum of length K. In the same routine I also go through my Link array and set each element to a random unitary complex number. The code is listed below.
def randommatrix():
global Cnum
global Link
for i1 in range(0,K):
C1 = np.random.normal(0,1)
Cnum[i1] = np.cos(C1) + 1j*np.sin(C1)
Cnum[i1+K] = np.cos(C1) - 1j*np.sin(C1)
for i3,i4 in itertools.product(range(0,n),range(0,n)):
C2 = np.random.uniform(low=0, high = 2*np.pi)
Link[i3,i4,0] = np.cos(C2) + 1j*np.sin(C2)
C2 = np.random.uniform(low=0, high = 2*np.pi)
Link[i3,i4,1] = np.cos(C2) + 1j*np.sin(C2)
The following routine is used during the iteration routine to get a random complex number with a small imaginary part (by retrieving a random element of the Cnum array we generated earlier).
def unitary():
I1 = np.random.randint((0),(2*K-1))
mat = Cnum[I1]
return mat
Here is an example of what the iteration routine would be used for. I've written a routine called plaquette, which calculates the mean plaquette (real part of a 1 by 1 closed loop of link variables) for a given B0. The iteration routine is being used to generate new field configurations which are independent of previous configurations. After we get a new field configuration we calculate the plaquette for said configuration. We then repeat this process j1 times using a while loop, and at the end we end up with the mean plaquette.
def Plq(j1,B0):
i5 = 0
Lboot = np.zeros(j1)
while i5<j1:
Linkrxp1 = np.roll(Link,-1, axis = 0)
Linkrtp1 = np.roll(Link, -1, axis = 1)
c0 = np.real(Link[:,:,0]*Linkrxp1[:,:,1]*Linkrtp1[:,:,0].conj()*Link[:,:,1].conj())
i5 = i5 + 1
We need to define some variables before we run anything, so here's the initial variables which I define before defining any routines
K = 20000
n = 50
a = 1.0
Link = np.zeros((n,n,2),dtype = complex)
Cnum = np.zeros((2*K), dtype = complex)
This code works, but it is painfully slow. Is there a way that I can use multiprocessing or something to speed this up?
You should use cython and c data types. Another cython link. It's built for fast computation.
You could use multiprocessing, potentially, in one of two cases.
If you have one object that multiple process would need to share you would need to use Manager (see multiprocessing link), Lock, and Array to share the object between processes. However, there is no guarantee this will result in an increased speed since each process needs to lock the link to guarantee your prediction, assuming the predictions are affected by all elements in the link (if a process modifies an element at the same time another process is making a prediction for an element, the prediction wouldn't be based on the most current information).
If your predictions do not take into account the state of the other elements, i.e. it only cares about the one element, then you could break your Link array into segments and divvy chunks out to several processes in a process pool, and when done combine the segments back to one array. This would certainly save time, and you wouldn't have to use any additional multiprocessing mechanisms.
I have some project which I decide to do in Python. In brief: I have list of lists. Each of them also have lists, sometimes one-element, sometimes more. It looks like this:
The point is to compare values from numpy array to values from this rules (elements of rules table). We are comparing some [x][y] point to first element (e.g. 1 in first element), then, if it is true, value [x-1][j] from array with second from list and so on. Five first comparisons must be true to change value of [x][y] point. I've wrote sth like this (main function is SimulateLoop, order are switched because simulate2 function was written after second one):
def simulate2(self, i, j, w, rule):
data = Data(rule)
if w.world[i][j] in data.c:
if w.world[i-1][j] in data.n:
if w.world[i][j+1] in data.e:
if w.world[i+1][j] in data.s:
if w.world[i][j-1] in data.w:
w.world[i][j] = data.cc[0]
else: return
else: return
else: return
else: return
else: return
def SimulateLoop(self,w):
for z in range(w.steps):
for i in range(2,w.x-1):
for j in range(2,w.y-1):
for rule in w.rules:
Data class:
class Data:
def __init__(self, rule):
self.c = rule[0]
self.n = rule[1]
self.e = rule[2]
self.s = rule[3]
self.w = rule[4]
self.cc = rule[5]
NumPy array is a object from World class. Rules is list as described above, parsed by function obtained from another program (GPL License).
To be honest it seems to work fine, but it does not. I was trying other possibilities, without luck. It is working, interpreter doesn't return any errors, but somehow values in array changing wrong. Rules are good because it was provided by program from which I've obtained parser for it (GPL license).
Maybe it will be helpful - it is Perrier's Loop, modified Langton's loop (artificial life).
Will be very thankful for any help!
I am not familiar with Perrier's Loop, but if you code something like famous "game life" you would have done simple mistake: store the next generation in the same array thus corrupting it.
Normally you store the next generation in temporary array and do copy/swap after the sweep, like in this sketch:
def do_step_in_game_life(world):
next_gen = zeros(world.shape) # <<< Tmp array here
Nx, Ny = world.shape
for i in range(1, Nx-1):
for j in range(1, Ny-1):
neighbours = sum(world[i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2]) - world[i,j]
if neighbours < 3:
next_gen[i,j] = 0
elif ...
world[:,:] = next_gen[:,:] # <<< Saving computed next generation