Im trying to solve the following Codewars problem:
Here is my current implementation in Python:
def sum_pairs(ints, s):
right = float("inf")
n = len(ints)
m = {}
dup = {}
for i, x in enumerate(ints):
if x not in m.keys():
m[x] = i # Track first index of x using hash map.
elif x in m.keys() and x not in dup.keys():
dup[x] = i
for x in m.keys():
if s - x in m.keys():
if x == s-x and x in dup.keys():
j = m[x]
k = dup[x]
j = m[x]
k = m[s-x]
comp = max(j,k)
if comp < right and j!= k:
right = comp
if right > n:
return None
return [s - ints[right],ints[right]]
The code seems to produce correct results, however the input can consist of array with up to 10 000 000 elements, so the execution times out for large inputs. I need help with optimizing/modifying the code so that it can handle sufficiently large arrays.
Your code inefficient for large list test cases so it gives timeout error. Instead you can do:
def sum_pairs(lst, s):
seen = set()
for item in lst:
if s - item in seen:
return [s - item, item]
We put the values in seen until we find a value that produces the specified sum with one of the seen values.
For more information go: Referance link
Maybe this code:
def sum_pairs(lst, s):
c = 0
while c<len(lst)-1:
if c != len(lst)-1:
x= lst[c]
spam = c+1
while spam < len(lst):
nxt= lst[spam]
if nxt + x== s:
return [x, nxt]
spam += 1
return None
c +=1
lst = [5, 6, 5, 8]
s = 14
print(sum_pairs(lst, s))
[6, 8]
This answer unfortunately still times out, even though it's supposed to run in O(n^3) (since it is dominated by the sort, the rest of the algorithm running in O(n)). I'm not sure how you can obtain better than this complexity, but I thought I might put this idea out there.
def sum_pairs(ints, s):
ints_with_idx = enumerate(ints)
# Sort the array of ints
ints_with_idx = sorted(ints_with_idx, key = lambda (idx, num) : num)
diff = 1000000
l = 0
r = len(ints) - 1
# Indexes of the sum operands in sorted array
lSum = 0
rSum = 0
while l < r:
# Compute the absolute difference between the current sum and the desired sum
sum = ints_with_idx[l][1] + ints_with_idx[r][1]
absDiff = abs(sum - s)
if absDiff < diff:
# Update the best difference
lSum = l
rSum = r
diff = absDiff
elif sum > s:
# Decrease the large value
r -= 1
# Test to see if the indexes are better (more to the left) for the same difference
if absDiff == diff:
rightmostIdx = max(ints_with_idx[l][0], ints_with_idx[r][0])
if rightmostIdx < max(ints_with_idx[lSum][0], ints_with_idx[rSum][0]):
lSum = l
rSum = r
# Increase the small value
l += 1
# Retrieve indexes of sum operands
aSumIdx = ints_with_idx[lSum][0]
bSumIdx = ints_with_idx[rSum][0]
# Retrieve values of operands for sum in correct order
aSum = ints[min(aSumIdx, bSumIdx)]
bSum = ints[max(aSumIdx, bSumIdx)]
if aSum + bSum == s:
return [aSum, bSum]
return None
I would like to know if my implementation is efficient.
I have tried to find the simplest and low complex solution to that problem using python.
def count_gap(x):
Perform Find the longest sequence of zeros between ones "gap" in binary representation of an integer
x : int
input integer value
max_gap : int
the maximum gap length
# Convert int to binary
b = "{0:b}".format(x)
# Iterate from right to lift
# Start detecting gaps after fist "one"
for i,j in enumerate(b[::-1]):
if int(j) == 1:
max_gap = max([len(i) for i in b[::-1][i:].split('1') if i])
except ValueError:
print("Oops! no gap found")
max_gap = 0
return max_gap
let me know your opinion.
I do realize that brevity does not mean readability nor efficiency.
However, ability to spell out solution in spoken language and implement it in Python in no time constitutes efficient use of my time.
For binary gap: hey, lets convert int into binary, strip trailing zeros, split at '1' to list, then find longest element in list and get this element lenght.
def binary_gap(N):
return len(max(format(N, 'b').strip('0').split('1')))
Your implementation converts the integer to a base two string then visits each character in the string. Instead, you could just visit each bit in the integer using << and &. Doing so will avoid visiting each bit twice (first to convert it to a string, then to check if if it's a "1" or not in the resulting string). It will also avoid allocating memory for the string and then for each substring you inspect.
You can inspect each bit of the integer by visiting 1 << 0, 1 << 1, ..., 1 << (x.bit_length).
For example:
def max_gap(x):
max_gap_length = 0
current_gap_length = 0
for i in range(x.bit_length()):
if x & (1 << i):
# Set, any gap is over.
if current_gap_length > max_gap_length:
max_gap_length = current_gap_length
current_gap_length = 0
# Not set, the gap widens.
current_gap_length += 1
# Gap might end at the end.
if current_gap_length > max_gap_length:
max_gap_length = current_gap_length
return max_gap_length
def max_gap(N):
xs = bin(N)[2:].strip('0').split('1')
return max([len(x) for x in xs])
Both leading and trailing zeros are redundant with binary gap finding
as they are not bounded by two 1's (left and right respectively)
So step 1 striping zeros left and right
Then splitting by 1's yields all sequences of 0'z
Solution: The maximum length of 0's sub-strings
As suggested in the comments, itertools.groupby is efficient in grouping elements of an iterable like a string. You could approach it like this:
from itertools import groupby
def count_gap(x):
b = "{0:b}".format(x)
return max(len(list(v)) for k, v in groupby(b.strip("0")) if k == "0")
number = 123456
First we strip all zeroes from the ends, because a gap has to have on both ends a one. Then itertools.groupby groups ones and zeros and we extract the key (i.e. "0" or "1") together with a group (i.e. if we convert it into a list, it looks like "0000" or "11"). Next we collect the length for every group v, if k is zero. And from this we determine the largest number, i.e. the longest gap of zeroes amidst the ones.
I think the accepted answer dose not work when the input number is 32 (100000). Here is my solution:
def solution(N):
res = 0
st = -1
for i in range(N.bit_length()):
if N & (1 << i):
if st != -1:
res = max(res, i - st - 1)
st = i
return res
def solution(N):
# write your code in Python 3.6
count = 0
bin_var = format(N,"b")
for bit in bin_var:
if (bit =="1"):
count =0
count +=1
return max(gap_list)
Here is my solution:
def solution(N):
num = binary = format(N, "06b")
char = str(num)
result, conteur=0, 0
for c in char:
if c=='1' and not find:
find = True
if find and c=='0':
if c=='1':
if result<conteur:
return result
this also works:
def binary_gap(n):
max_gap = 0
current_gap = 0
# Skip the tailing zero(s)
while n > 0 and n % 2 == 0:
n //= 2
while n > 0:
remainder = n % 2
if remainder == 0:
# Inside a gap
current_gap += 1
# Gap ends
if current_gap != 0:
max_gap = max(current_gap, max_gap)
current_gap = 0
n //= 2
return max_gap
Old question, but I would solve it using generators.
from itertools import dropwhile
# a generator that returns binary
# representation of the input
def getBinary(N):
while N:
yield N%2
N //= 2
def longestGap(N):
longestGap = 0
currentGap = 0
# we want to discard the initial 0's in the binary
# representation of the input
for i in dropwhile(lambda x: not x, getBinary(N)):
if i:
# a new gap is found. Compare to the maximum
longestGap = max(currentGap, longestGap)
currentGap = 0
# extend the previous gap or start a new one
return longestGap
Can be done using strip() and split() function :
Convert to binary (Remove first two characters )
Convert int to string
Remove the trailing and starting 0 and 1 respectively
Split with 1 from the string to find the subsequences of strings
Find the length of the longest substring
Second strip('1') is not mandatory but it will decrease the cases to be checked and will improve the time complexity
Worst case T
def solution(N):
return len(max(bin(N)[2:].strip('0').strip('1').split('1')))
Solution using bit shift operator (100%). Basically the complexity is O(N).
def solution(N):
# write your code in Python 3.6
meet_one = False
count = 0
keep = []
while N:
if meet_one and N & 1 == 0:
if N & 1:
meet_one = True
count = 0
N >>=1
return max(keep)
def solution(N):
# write your code in Python 3.6
iterable_N = "{0:b}".format(N)
max_gap = 0
gap_positions = []
for index, item in enumerate(iterable_N):
if item == "1":
if len(gap_positions) > 0:
if (index - gap_positions[-1]) > max_gap:
max_gap = index - gap_positions[-1]
max_gap -= 1
return max_gap if max_gap >= 0 else 0
this also works:
def solution(N):
bin_num = str(bin(N)[2:])
list1 = bin_num.split('1')
max_gap =0
if bin_num.endswith('0'):
len1 = len(list1) - 1
len1 = len(list1)
if len1 != 0:
for i in range(len1):
if max_gap < len(list1[i]):
max_gap = len(list1[i])
return max_gap
def solution(number):
bits = [int(digit) for digit in bin(number)[2:]]
occurences = [i for i, bit in enumerate(bits) if(bit==1)]
res = [occurences[counter+1]-a-1 for counter, a in enumerate(occurences) if(counter+1 < len(occurences))]
if(not res):
print("Gap: 0")
print("Gap: ", max(res))
number = 1042
This works
def solution(number):
# convert number to binary then strip trailing zeroes
binary = ("{0:b}".format(number)).strip("0")
longest_gap = 0
current_gap = 0
for c in binary:
if c is "0":
current_gap = current_gap + 1
current_gap = 0
if current_gap > longest_gap:
longest_gap = current_gap
return longest_gap
def max_gap(N):
bin = '{0:b}'.format(N)
binary_gap = []
bin_list = [bin[i:i+1] for i in range(0, len(bin), 1)]
for i in range(len(bin_list)):
if (bin_list[i] == '1'):
# print(i)
# print(bin_list[i])
# print(binary_gap)
gap = []
for j in range(len(bin_list[i+1:])):
# print(j)
# print(bin_list[j])
# print(j)
# print(bin_list[j])
# print(binary_gap)
# print(i+j+1)
# print(bin_list[j])
# print(binary_gap)
# print(i+j+1)
# print(bin_list[i+j])
# print(binary_gap)
# print(i)
# print(bin_list[i])
# print(binary_gap)
return max(binary_gap)
def find(s, ch):
return [i for i, ltr in enumerate(s) if ltr == ch]
def solution(N):
get_bin = lambda x: format(x, 'b')
binary_num = get_bin(N)
binary_str = str(binary_num)
list_1s = find(binary_str,'1')
diffmax = 0
for i in range(len(list_1s)-1):
if len(list_1s)<1:
diffmax = 0
diff = list_1s[i+1] - list_1s[i] - 1
if diff > diffmax:
diffmax = diff
return diffmax
def solution(N: int) -> int:
binary = bin(N)[2:]
longest_gap = 0
gap = 0
for char in binary:
if char == '0':
gap += 1
if gap > longest_gap:
longest_gap = gap
gap = 0
return longest_gap
Here's a solution using iterators and generators that will handle edge cases such as the binary gap for the number 32 (100000) being 0 and the binary gap for 0 being 0. It doesn't create a list, instead relying on iterating and processing elements of the bit string one step at a time for a memory efficient solution.
def solution(N):
def counter(n):
count = 0
preceeding_one = False
for x in reversed(bin(n).lstrip('0b')):
x = int(x)
if x == 1:
count = 0
preceeding_one = True
yield count
if preceeding_one and x == 0:
count += 1
yield count
yield count
Here is one more that seems to be easy to understand.
def count_gap(x):
binary_str = list(bin(x)[2:].strip('0'))
max_gap = 0
n = len(binary_str)
pivot_point = 0
for i in range(pivot_point, n):
zeros = 0
for j in range(i + 1, n):
if binary_str[j] == '0':
zeros += 1
pivot_point = j
max_gap = max(max_gap, zeros)
return max_gap
This is really old, I know. But here's mine:
def solution(N):
gap_list = [len(gap) for gap in bin(N)[2:].strip("0").split("1") if gap != ""]
return max(gap_list) if gap_list else 0
Here is another efficient solution. Hope it may helps you. You just need to pass any number in function and it will return longest Binary gap.
def LongestBinaryGap(num):
n = int(num/2)
bin_arr = []
for i in range(0,n):
if i == 0:
n1 = int(num/2)
n1 = int(n1/2)
if n1 == 0:
result = ""
count = 0
count_arr = []
for i in bin_arr:
if result == "found":
if i == 0:
count += 1
if count > 0:
count = 0
if i == 1:
result = 'found'
if len(count_arr) == 0:
return 0
return max(count_arr)
print(LongestBinaryGap(1130)) # Here you can pass any number.
My code in python 3.6 scores 100
Get the binary Number .. Get the positions of 1
get the abs differennce between 1.. sort it
S = bin(num).replace("0b", "")
res = [int(x) for x in str(S)]
if res.count(1) < 2 or res.count(0) < 1:
print("its has no binary gap")
positionof1 = [i for i,x in enumerate(res) if x==1]
differnce = [abs(j-i) for i,j in zip(positionof1, positionof1[1:])]
differnce[:] = [differnce - 1 for differnce in differnce]
def solution(N):
return len(max(bin(N).strip('0').split('1')[1:]))
def solution(N):
maksimum = 0
zeros_list = str(N).split('1')
if zeros_list[-1] != "" :
for item in zeros_list :
if len(item) > maksimum :
maksimum = len(item)
def solution(N):
# Convert the number to bin
br = bin(N).split('b')[1]
for i in br:
count = i
if int(count) == 1:
if int(count) == 0:
return max(groupvalues)
def solution(N):
bin_num = str(bin(N)[2:])
bin_num = bin_num.rstrip('0')
bin_num = bin_num.lstrip('0')
list1 = bin_num.split('1')
max_gap = 0
for i in range(len(list1)):
if len(list1[i]) > max_gap:
max_gap = len(list1[i])
return (max_gap)
I am trying to write an efficient 0(nlogn) algorithm for longest increasing subseuqnce:
def whereToInsert(a, k):
l, r = 0, len(a)-1
while l<=r:
m = l + (r-l)//2
if a[m]==k:
return m
elif a[m]>k:
r = m - 1
l = m + 1
if l==len(a)-1:
return l+1
return l
#print(whereToInsert([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], 0.5)) #This works fine
def lengthOfLISEfficient(nums):
lis = [nums[0]]
for x in nums[1:]:
t = whereToInsert(lis,x)
if t>=len(lis):
lis.insert(t, x)
return len(lis)
But the answer returned is 7 whereas the logest increasing subsequence 2 3 4 is of length 3.
The algorithm is described at the end in
I am not getting why the answer is coming 7, my algorithm is following the correct logic.
Thanks for your help.
There are a number of issues with your code. Firstly, in the method,
def lengthOfLISEfficient(nums):
when you state:
lis = [nums[0]]
you send only the first item of the list [10,9,2,5,3,4] to the method:
def whereToInsert(a, k):
whereas the latter method is meant to position a number within a list.
Here is a different approach, which involves matching each sublist of the main list with a sorted version of that sublist:
def lengthOfLISEfficient(nums):
#lis = [nums[0]]
lisList = []
for h in range(len(nums)-1):
lis = []
#numberNow = nums[h]
addableLength = len(nums) - h
for f in range(addableLength):
additem = nums[h+f]
print(lisList) #just for check, feel free to delete this line
subsequenceList = []
for list in lisList:
sortedList = list.copy()
subsequence = []
for e in range(len(list)):
if len(subsequence) > 0:
if prev <= list[e] and sortedList.index(list[e]) == index+1:
prev = list[e]
index = sortedList.index(prev)
print(subsequenceList) #just for check, feel free to delete this line
lengths = []
for l in range(len(subsequenceList)):
if len(lengths) == len(subsequenceList):
longest = max(lengths)
longestSublist = subsequenceList[lengths.index(longest)]
return longest, longestSublist # Don't return longestSublist if you do not want it
Just want to ask how do i swap the list at the index with the list that follows it and if the list at the index is on the bottom, swap that with the top.
So that the index would swap places with the position the list is with the next number For example Normal = [1,2,3,4] and index of 1 would turn to = [1, 3, 2, 4]. making the 2 and 3 swap places and index of 3 would make [4, 2, 3, 1]
def swap(lst, swap_index):
next_index = (swap_index + 1) % len(lst)
lst[swap_index], lst[next_index] = lst[next_index], lst[swap_index]
except IndexError:
print "index out of range"
lst = [1,2,3,4]
swap_index = 4
print lst
pay attention that everything in Python is reference, that is to say, the swap function swap elements in place
I threw together a quick function which should work with any values, though Hootings way may be better.
def itatchi_swap(x, n):
x_len = len(x)
if not 0 <= n < x_len:
return x
elif n == x_len - 1:
return [x[-1]] + x[1:-1] + [x[0]]
return x[:n] + [x[n+1]] + [x[n]] + x[n+2:]
And slightly modified to mutate the list:
def itatchi_swap(x, n):
x_len = len(x)
if 0 <= n < x_len:
if n == x_len - 1:
v = x[0]
x[0] = x[-1]
x[-1] = v
v = x[n]
x[n] = x[n+1]
x[n+1] = v
I have been looking at this for the past couple hours and can still not understand where I have messed up. I keep getting Index out of bounds errors like below:
Each small edit or change i have done, has run me into another error, then i end back up here after trying to simplify my code.
def quickSort(alist):
firstList = []
secondList = []
thirdList = []
if(len(alist) > 1):
#pivot = pivot_leftmost(alist)
#pivot = pivot_best_of_three(alist)
pivot = pivot_ninther(alist)
#pivot = pivot_random(alist)
for item in alist:
if(item < pivot):
if(item == pivot):
if(item > pivot):
sortedList = quickSort(firstList) + secondList + quickSort(thirdList)
return sortedList
print("list:", alist)
print("sorted, nothing to do") #debug
print("") #debug
return alist
def pivot_ninther(alist):
listLength = int(len(alist))
third = int(listLength / 3)
leftList = alist[:third]
midlist = alist[third:(third * 2)]
lastlist = alist[(third * 2):(third * 3)]
leftBest = pivot_best_of_three(leftList)
midBest = pivot_best_of_three(midlist)
lastBest = pivot_best_of_three(lastlist)
pivots = [leftBest, midBest, lastBest]
return pivot_best_of_three(pivots)
I am pretty sure a fresh pair of eyes can easily find it, but i have been lookig at it for hours. Thanks!
UPDATE: (My Best_of_three function)
def pivot_best_of_three(alist):
leftmost = 0
middle = int(len(alist) / 2)
rightmost = len(alist) - 1
if (alist[leftmost] <= alist[middle] <= alist[rightmost] or alist[rightmost] <= alist[middle] <= alist[leftmost]):
return alist[middle]
elif (alist[middle] <= alist[leftmost] <= alist[rightmost] or alist[rightmost] <= alist[leftmost] <= alist[middle]):
return alist[leftmost]
return alist[rightmost]
The IndexError occurs when pivot_best_of_three tries to find the rightmost member of a list of zero items. The simple way to fix that is to simply not pass it such lists. :)
Here are slightly modified versions of those functions. I've tested these versions with lists of various lengths, down to length zero, and they appear to function correctly.
def pivot_ninther(alist):
listLength = len(alist)
if listLength < 3:
return alist[0]
third = listLength // 3
leftList = alist[:third]
midlist = alist[third:-third]
lastlist = alist[-third:]
leftBest = pivot_best_of_three(leftList)
midBest = pivot_best_of_three(midlist)
lastBest = pivot_best_of_three(lastlist)
pivots = [leftBest, midBest, lastBest]
return pivot_best_of_three(pivots)
def pivot_best_of_three(alist):
leftmost = alist[0]
middle = alist[len(alist) // 2]
rightmost = alist[-1]
if (leftmost <= middle <= rightmost) or (rightmost <= middle <= leftmost):
return middle
elif (middle <= leftmost <= rightmost) or (rightmost <= leftmost <= middle):
return leftmost
return rightmost
As you can see, I've simplified pivot_best_of_three so it doesn't index alist multiple times for the same value.
But it can be simplified further by using a simple sorting network:
def sort3(a, b, c):
if c < b: b, c = c, b
if b < a: a, b = b, a
if c < b: b, c = c, b
return a, b, c
def pivot_best_of_three(alist):
leftmost = alist[0]
middle = alist[len(alist) // 2]
rightmost = alist[-1]
return sort3(leftmost, middle, rightmost)[1]
Try a smaller count (<= 20) and check to see what happens in pivot_ninther() when third == 0 (at the deepest level of recursion)? Seems like it would create empty arrays and then try to index them.
The code should check to make sure length >= 9 before calling pivot_ninther(), then >= 3 if calling ...best_of_three(). If just one or two items, pick one.
Suggestion, after you get the quicksort to work, back up the source code and rather than make new arrays, the pivot function should work with the original array and first / middle / last indexes.
You can use swaps to simplify finding the median of 3. This will help in cases like starting with a reversed order array.
// median of 3
i = lo, j = (lo + hi)/2, k = hi;
if (a[k] < a[i])
swap(a[k], a[i]);
if (a[j] < a[i])
swap(a[j], a[i]);
if (a[k] < a[j])
swap(a[k], a[j]);
pivot = a[j];
wiki article:
I have a phone number range, for example:
I need to write a function that converts it to list of prefixes:
Question is not so easy. I don't need to get a list of numbers between range start and end.
My working code. It not very quick, too. Optimizations welcome.
def diap_to_prefix(a, b):
lst = ['%0*d'%(max(len(str(a)), len(str(b))), x) for x in range(int(a), int(b)+1)]
new_lst = []
while len(lst) != len(new_lst):
lst = new_lst or lst
new_lst = []
c = lst[0]
tmp_lst = [c]
for i in lst[1:]:
if c[:-1] == i[:-1]:
c = i
if len(tmp_lst) == 10:
c = i
tmp_lst = [c]
if len(tmp_lst) == 10:
return lst
My new more optimal solution (py3.4)
def diap_to_prefix(a, b):
def inner(aa, bb, p):
if p == 1:
if a <= aa <= b:
yield aa
for d in range(aa, bb + 1, p):
if a <= d and d + p - 1 <= b:
yield d // p
elif not (bb < a or aa > b):
for i in range(10):
yield from inner(d + i * p // 10, d + (i + 1) * p // 10 - 1, p // 10)
a, b = int(a), int(b)
p = 10**(max(len(str(x)) for x in (a, b)) - 1)
yield from inner(a // p * p, b // p * p + p - 1, p)
You need to get the common prefix of the values separated by "-", so:
Use .split to get these and iterate through them until you find a difference
Complete the first value with zeros (to get the least number) until you get phone_len digits and do the same for the maximum (with nines)
Then, you have a simple range of numbers
Iterate through them and convert them to strings
Here it is:
phone_len = 7
R = "33312345-3332345".split("-")
prefix = ""
for i in range(len(R[0])):
if R[0][i] == R[1][i]:
prefix += R[0][i]
m = int(R[0]+"0"*(phone_len-len(R[0])))
M = int(R[1]+"9"*(phone_len-len(R[0])))
phones = [str(n) for n in range(m, M+1)]
Here's a sketch of one way to handle this problem. I've used ellipses to mark the spots where you'll need to fill in the details explained in the comments. I'd write a function to derive the initial value of 'maxpower', everything else is simple enough to be written inline.
firstnumber = 3331234
lastnumber = 3332345
current = firstnumber
while current <= lastnumber:
# Find the largest power of 10 that exactly divides 'current'.
# Call this value 'maxpower'. 'maxpower' is a candidate for the
# size of the block of numbers that will be represented by the
# next output value.
maxpower = ... # 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, and so on
# If a block of size 'maxpower' would take us past the
# 'lastnumber', we can't use that block size. We must try a
# smaller block. Divide 'maxpower' by 10 until the block size
# becomes acceptable.
while (current + maxpower) > ... :
maxpower /= 10
# Now 'maxpower' is the largest acceptable size for the next
# block, so the desired prefix is 'current' divided by 'maxpower'.
# Emit that value, then add 'maxpower' to 'current' to get the new
# 'current' value for the next iteration.
print ...
current += maxpower
My working code. It not very quick, but working. Optimizations welcome.
def fill(root, prefix, value, parent, pkey):
if len(prefix) > 1:
if prefix[0] in root:
fill(root[prefix[0]], prefix[1:], value, root, prefix[0])
if pkey:
if len(parent[pkey]) == 10:
parent[pkey] = value
elif type(root) == type({}):
root[prefix[0]] = {}
fill(root[prefix[0]], prefix[1:], value, root, prefix[0])
if pkey:
if len(parent[pkey]) == 10:
parent[pkey] = value
elif type(root) == type({}):
root[prefix[0]] = value
if pkey:
if len(parent[pkey]) == 10:
parent[pkey] = value
return root
def compact(prefixes, current):
if not type(prefixes) == type({}):
return [current]
rlist = []
for k, v in prefixes.iteritems():
rlist.extend(compact(v, current + k))
return rlist
if __name__ == '__main__':
plist = {}
for x in range(4440000, 4490000):
fill(plist, str(x), 'value', plist, None)
#print plist
print compact(plist, '')