Removing colors from an image in python - python

This code removes red but I can’t get it to work for removing other colors.
def removeRed(inLines, outfile):
for i in range(3, len(lines)):
line = lines[i]
nums = line.split()
outLine = ''
for j in range(len(nums)):
if j % 3 == 0:
outLine = outLine + '0 '
outLine = outLine + nums[j] + ' '
outfile.write(outLine + '\n')


how can i get the grid representation of the integer

I need to create a method set_from_integer(self, integer_encoding) that sets the colours of all points of the board according to the given integer_encoding which does not change the size of the board. To convert an integer n to ternary representation, as required by set_from_integer(), get the last digit by computing n mod 3. You get the next digit by computing [n/3]mod 3 and so on. For example, to get the last two digits of the ternary representation of 7473:
#This is the problematic part
def set_from_integer(self, integer_encoding):
n = int(integer_encoding)
list1 = []
while n != 0:
rem = n % 3
n = n // 3
for i in list1:
print(i, end="")
So for now the above is what i came up with to get the ternary base of the decimal number but i need to convert this into a grid of symbols according to the given :
(empty = 0, white = 1, black = 2)
My entire code is as follows:
def load_board(filename):
result = " "
with open(filename) as f:
for index, line in enumerate(f):
if index == 0:
result += ' '+' '.join([chr(alphabets + 65) for alphabets in range(len(line) - 1)]) + '\n' # the alphabetical column heading
result += f"{19 - index:2d}"
result += ' ' + ' '.join(line.strip()) + '\n'
return result
def save_board(filename, board):
with open(filename, "wt") as f:
from string import ascii_uppercase as letters
class Board:
#Dictionary created for the colours and the respected symbols
points = {'E': '.', 'B': '#', 'W': 'O'}
def __init__(self,size=19,from_strings=None):
assert 2 <= size <= 26, "Illegal board size: must be between 2 and 26."
if from_strings != None:
if type(from_strings) != list:
raise AssertionError("input is not a list")
if len(from_strings) != size:
raise AssertionError("length of input list does not match size")
for i in range(size):
if type(from_strings[i]) != str:
raise AssertionError("row " + str(i) + " is not a string")
if len(from_strings[i]) != size:
raise AssertionError("length of row " + str(i) + " does not match size")
for j in range(size):
if from_strings[i][j] not in ".#O":
raise AssertionError("invalid character in row " + str(i))
self.size = size
self.grid = [['E'] * size for _ in range(size)]
self.from_strings = [] if from_strings is None else from_strings
def get_size(self): #Returns the size of the grid created by the constructor
return self.size
def __str__(self): # creating the grid
padding = ' ' # Creating a variable with a space assigned so that it acts as a padding to the rows that have a single digit
heading = ' ' + ' '.join(letters[:self.size]) # Alphabetical heading is created
lines = [heading] # adding the alphabetical heading into a list named lines to which the rows will be added later
for r, row in enumerate(self.grid):
if len(self.grid) < 10: # for the grid with a size less than 10 to add the space to the start of the row for the single digits to be aligned
if (self.from_strings):
line = " " + f'{self.size - r} ' + ' '.join(self.from_strings[r])
line = " " + f'{self.size - r} ' + ' '.join(self.points[x] for x in row)
else: # for the grids that are larger than 9
if r > 9: # for rows 1 to 9 the single digits are aligned according to the first digit from the right of the two digit rows
if (self.from_strings):
line = f'{self.size - r} ' + ' '.join(self.from_strings[r])
line = f'{self.size - r} ' + ' '.join(self.points[x] for x in row)
line = padding + line # adding the space using the variable padding to the row created
lines.append(line) # adding the row to the list of rows
else: # for the rows 10 onwards - as there is no requirement to add a padding it is not added here
if (self.from_strings):
line = f'{self.size - r} ' + ' '.join(self.from_strings[r])
line = f'{self.size - r} ' + ' '.join(self.points[x] for x in row) # creation of the row
lines.append(line) # adding the newly created row to the list of rows
return '\n'.join(lines)
def _to_row_and_column(self, coords):
# destructure coordinates like "B2" to "B" and 2
alpha, num = coords
colnum = ord(alpha) - ord('A') + 1
rownum = self.size - int(num) + 1
assert 1 <= rownum <= self.size,"row out of range"
assert 1 <= colnum <= self.size,'column out of range'
return rownum, colnum
def set_colour(self, coords, colour_name):
rownum, colnum = self._to_row_and_column(coords)
assert len(coords)==2 or len(coords)==3, "invalid coordinates"
assert colour_name in self.points,"invalid colour name"
self.grid[rownum - 1][colnum - 1] = colour_name
def get_colour(self, coords):
rownum, colnum = self._to_row_and_column(coords)
return self.grid[rownum - 1][colnum - 1]
def to_strings(self):
padding = ' '
lines = []
for r, row in enumerate(self.grid):
if self.from_strings:
lines.append(''.join(self.points[x] for x in row))
return lines
def to_integer(self):
for line in self.to_strings():
for character in line:
if character=='.':
elif character=='O':
elif character=='#':
return int(digit_colour,3)
# return ''.join(self.to_int[x] for line in self.grid for x in line)
def set_from_integer(self, integer_encoding):
n = int(integer_encoding)
list1 = []
while n != 0:
rem = n % 3
n = n // 3
for i in list1:
print(i, end="")
for i in range(self.size):
for j in range(self.size):
if list1[i * self.size + j] == "0":
self.grid[i][j] = "."
elif list1[i * self.size + j] == "1":
self.grid[i][j] = "#"
elif list1[i * self.size + j] == "2":
self.grid[i][j] = "O"
c = Board(3)
d = Board(5)
and the expected output is shown below:
3 # . #
2 . O .
1 O # .
5 . . . . .
4 . . . . .
3 . . . . .
2 . . . . .
1 . . . . O

How to replace all "&int-int" with the respective string slices in an input string?

I have a school project question (for Python) that goes like this:
Given a string_input such as "abcd&1-4efg", the function must remove the "&1-4" and insert the string slice from 1 to 4 where the "&1-4" was.
eg. if string_input = "abcd&1-4efg",
"&1-4" is removed.
The remaining characters are indexed as follows: a=0, b=1, c=2, d=3, e=4, f=5, g=6
The new string becomes:
I've managed to write a long chunk of code to do this, but I'm wondering if anyone has any more efficient solutions?
Things to note:
The instructions can include double digits (eg. &10-15)
If the index isn't found, the returned string should print "?" for every missing index
(eg. "abcd&5-10efgh" would return "abcdfgh???efgh")
Intructions can be back-to-back (eg. "&10-15abcdef&1-5&4-5pqrs")
The code I've written is:
def expand(text):
text += "|"
import string
digits_dash = string.digits + "-"
idx_ref_str = ""
replace_list = []
record_val = False
output_to_list = []
instruct = ""
and_idx_mark = 0
#builds replace_list & idx_ref_list
for idx in range(len(text)):
if text[idx] == "&" and record_val==True:
output_to_list, instruct, inst_idx, and_idx_mark = [],"",0,0
and_idx_mark = idx
elif text[idx] == "&":
record_val = True
and_idx_mark = idx
#executes if currently in instruction part
if record_val == True:
#adds to instruct
if text[idx] in digits_dash:
instruct += text[idx]
#take info, add to replace list
output_to_list, instruct, inst_idx, and_idx_mark, record_val = [],"",0,0,False
#executes otherwise
if record_val == False:
idx_ref_str += text[idx]
idx_ref_str = idx_ref_str[:-1]
text = text[:-1]
#converts str to int indexes in replace list[x][2]
for item in replace_list:
start_idx = ""
end_idx = ""
#find start idx
for char in item[0]:
if char in string.digits:
start_idx += char
elif char == "-":
start_idx = int(start_idx)
#find end idx
for char in item[0][::-1]:
if char in string.digits:
end_idx = char + end_idx
elif char == "-":
end_idx = int(end_idx)
start_end_list = [start_idx,end_idx]
#split text into parts in list
count = 0
text_block = ""
text_block_list = []
idx_replace = 0
for char in text:
if char == "&":
text_block = ""
count += len(replace_list[idx_replace][0])
idx_replace +=1
elif count > 0:
count -= 1
text_block += char
#creates output str
output_str = ""
for idx in range(len(text_block_list)-1):
output_str += text_block_list[idx]
#creates to_add var to add to output_str
start_repl = replace_list[idx][1]
end_repl = replace_list[idx][1] + len(replace_list[idx][0])
find_start = replace_list[idx][2]
find_end = replace_list[idx][3]
if end_idx >= len(idx_ref_str):
gap = end_idx + 1 - len(idx_ref_str)
to_add = idx_ref_str[find_start:] + "?" * gap
to_add = idx_ref_str[find_start:find_end+1]
output_str += to_add
output_str += text_block_list[-1]
return output_str
Here's how I would do it. Always open to criticism.
import re
s = 'abcd&1-4efg'
c = re.compile('&[0-9]+-[0-9]+')
if (m :=
a, b = m.span()
left = s[:a]
right = s[b:]
o = [int(x) for x in[1:].split('-')]
mid = (left+right)[o[0]:o[1]+1]
print(left + mid + right)

find function does not display desired string

Hey so I am doing a project that is supposed to be a word search calculator. The word search is a 10x10 list of characters turned into rows of characters. I did a .find function for my check forward, however it is not working correctly. I will provide my get puzzle function, my check forward and what the output should be (ignore the format of the puzzle for output).
def input_puzzle():
puzzle_input = input()
puzzle_list = []
for i in range(10):
row = ""
for j in range(10):
row += puzzle_input[i*10 + j]
return puzzle_list
def check_forward(puzzle_list, word, direction):
for row in range(len(puzzle_list)):
row_string = puzzle_list[row]
finder = row_string.find(word)
if finder > 0:
print(word + ":" + direction + "row:" + row, "column:", finder) # finder is the indeci in row #+ means right after and comma means space
return True
print(word + ": word not found")
return False
UNIX: (FORWARD) row: 9 column: 3
The following code works
def input_puzzle():
puzzle_input = input()
puzzle_input = puzzle_input.strip()
puzzle_list = []
for i in range(10):
row = ""
for j in range(10):
row += puzzle_input[i*11 + j]
return puzzle_list
def check_forward(puzzle_list, word, direction):
for row in range(len(puzzle_list)):
row_string = puzzle_list[row]
finder = row_string.find(word)
if finder > 0:
print("{}: ({}) row: {} column: {}".format(word, direction, str(row), str(finder)))
return True
print(word + ": word not found")
print(check_forward(input_puzzle(), 'UNIX', 'FORWARD'))
# UNIX: (FORWARD) row: 9 column: 3

Output matches expected output. Yet submission is not being accepted
Below is my submission:
n = input().split(' ')
rows, columns = int(n[0]), int(n[1])
if(rows % 2 == 1 and columns == 3*rows):
printale = ''
j = 1
k = rows - 7
for i in range(int(rows/2), -1, -1):
printale = '---'*i + '.|.'*j + '---'*i
if(i == 0):
print('-'*int(j+k/2) + 'Welcome' + '-'*int(j+k/2))
j -= 2
j += 2
for l in range(1, int(rows/2)+1):
printale = '---'*l + '.|.'*j + '---'*l
j -= 2
Is there anything wrong with the code?
Yes, there is. The "WELCOME" in the problem statement is all-caps.

'return' outside function (making text gradient)

line 18
i'm making a text gradient and cant seem to get this right. here's my code.
what the h*** is wrong with the indention here?
import math
gradient = ('FF24E9', 'F026EC', 'E128F0', 'D22AF3', 'C32CF7', 'A530FE', '8F3EFE', '7A4CFE', '655AFE', '5068FE', '3B76FE')
def gradientmadness(text):
leng = len(text)
output = ''
if leng < 11:
for i in range(0, leng):
output += '<c=#%s>' % gradient[i]
for i in range(0, leng):
output += text[i] + '</c>'
else :
output += '<c=#'
output += '><c=#'.join(gradient)
output += '>'
size = int(math.ceil(leng / 11.0))
for i in range(1, 11 + 1):
output += text[(i - 1) * size: i * size] + '</c>'
return output
gradientmadness.command = "gradient1"
Here is your code with correct formatting :
import math
gradient = ('FF24E9', 'F026EC', 'E128F0', 'D22AF3', 'C32CF7', 'A530FE', '8F3EFE', '7A4CFE', '655AFE', '5068FE', '3B76FE')
def gradientmadness(text):
leng = len(text)
output = ''
if leng < 11:
for i in range(0, leng):
output += '<c=#%s>' % gradient[i]
for i in range(0, leng):
output += text[i] + '</c>'
else :
output += '<c=#'
output += '><c=#'.join(gradient)
output += '>'
size = int(math.ceil(leng / 11.0))
for i in range(1, 11 + 1):
output += text[(i - 1) * size: i * size] + '</c>'
return output
gradientmadness.command = "gradient1"
