Do I need to run always findspark or once? - python

My method of using pyspark is to always run the code below in jupyter. Is this method always necessary ?
import findspark
import pyspark
sc = pyspark.SparkContext()

If you want to reduce the findspark dependency, you can just make sure you have these variables in your .bashrc
export SPARK_HOME='/opt/spark2.4'
export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON="jupyter"
export PYSPARK_PYTHON=python3
export PATH=$SPARK_HOME:$PATH:~/.local/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin
Change the directories according to your enviroment, and the spark version as well. Apart from that, findspark will have to be in your code for your python interpreter to find the spark directory
If you get it working, you can run pip uninstall findspark
Pure python solution, add this code on top of your jupyter notebook (maybe in the first cell):
import os
import sys
os.environ["PYSPARK_PYTHON"] = "/opt/continuum/anaconda/bin/python"
os.environ["SPARK_HOME"] = "/opt/spark2.4"
os.environ["PYLIB"] = os.environ["SPARK_HOME"] + "/python/lib"
sys.path.insert(0, os.environ["PYLIB"] +"/")
sys.path.insert(0, os.environ["PYLIB"] +"/")
Source : Anaconda docs

I believe you can call this only once, what this does is that it edits your bashrc file and set the environment variables there
findspark.init('/path/to/spark_home', edit_rc=True)


Unable to set-up Pyspark

I have installed Pyspark and Findspark using conda environment and added their paths to environment variables.
I execute following code:
import findspark
import pyspark
I get the output as:
Then I execute:
The output I get is:
Please use a Docker container and save yourself the trouble.


I have installed pyspark recently. It was installed correctly. When I am using following simple program in python, I am getting an error.
>>from pyspark import SparkContext
>>sc = SparkContext()
>>data = range(1,1000)
>>rdd = sc.parallelize(data)
while running the last line I am getting error whose key line seems to be
[Stage 0:> (0 + 0) / 4]18/01/15 14:36:32 ERROR Executor: Exception in task 1.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 1)
org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonException: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pyspark/python/lib/", line 123, in main
("%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2], version))
Exception: Python in worker has different version 2.7 than that in driver 3.5, PySpark cannot run with different minor versions.Please check environment variables PYSPARK_PYTHON and PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON are correctly set.
I have the following variables in .bashrc
export SPARK_HOME=/opt/spark
I am using Python 3.
By the way, if you use PyCharm, you could add PYSPARK_PYTHON and PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON to run/debug configurations per image below
You should set the following environment variables in $SPARK_HOME/conf/
export PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python
export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python
If doesn't exist, you can rename
This may happen also if you're working within an environment. In this case, it may be harder to retrieve the correct path to the python executable (and anyway I think it's not a good idea to hardcode the path if you want to share it with others).
If you run the following lines at the beginning of your script/notebook (at least before you create the SparkSession/SparkContext) the problem is solved:
import os
import sys
os.environ['PYSPARK_PYTHON'] = sys.executable
os.environ['PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON'] = sys.executable
Package os allows you to set global variables; package sys gives the string with the absolute path of the executable binary for the Python interpreter.
I got the same issue, and I set both variable in .bash_profile
export PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python3
export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python3
But My problem is still there.
Then I found out the problem is that my default python version is python 2.7 by typing python --version
So I solved the problem by following below page:
How to set Python's default version to 3.x on OS X?
Just run the code below in the very beginning of your code. I am using Python3.7. You might need to run locate python3.7 to get your Python path.
import os
os.environ["PYSPARK_PYTHON"] = "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/python3.7"
os.environ["PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON"] = "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/python3.7"
I'm using Jupyter Notebook to study PySpark, and that's what worked for me.
Find where python3 is installed doing in a terminal:
which python3
Here is pointing to /usr/bin/python3.
Now in the the beginning of the notebook (or .py script), do:
import os
# Set spark environments
os.environ['PYSPARK_PYTHON'] = '/usr/bin/python3'
os.environ['PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON'] = '/usr/bin/python3'
Restart your notebook session and it should works!
Apache-Spark 2.4.3 on Archlinux
I've just installed Apache-Spark-2.3.4 from Apache-Spark website, I'm using Archlinux distribution, it's simple and lightweight distribution. So, I've installed and put the apache-spark directory on /opt/apache-spark/, now it's time to export our environment variables, remember, I'm using Archlinux, so take in mind to using your $JAVA_HOME for example.
Importing environment variables
echo 'export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/jre' >> /home/user/.bashrc
echo 'export SPARK_HOME=/opt/apache-spark' >> /home/user/.bashrc
echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$SPARK_HOME/python/:$PYTHONPATH' >> /home/user/.bashrc
echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$SPARK_HOME/python/lib/$PYTHONPATH' >> /home/user/.bashrc
source ../.bashrc
emanuel#hinton ~ $ echo 'export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/jre' >> /home/emanuel/.bashrc
emanuel#hinton ~ $ echo 'export SPARK_HOME=/opt/apache-spark' >> /home/emanuel/.bashrc
emanuel#hinton ~ $ echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$SPARK_HOME/python/:$PYTHONPATH' >> /home/emanuel/.bashrc
emanuel#hinton ~ $ echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$SPARK_HOME/python/lib/$PYTHONPATH' >> /home/emanuel/.bashrc
emanuel#hinton ~ $ source .bashrc
emanuel#hinton ~ $ python
Python 3.7.3 (default, Jun 24 2019, 04:54:02)
[GCC 9.1.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pyspark
Everything it's working fine since you correctly imported the environment variables for SparkContext.
Using Apache-Spark on Archlinux via DockerImage
For my use purposes I've created a Docker image with python, jupyter-notebook and apache-spark-2.3.4
running the image
docker run -ti -p 8888:8888 emanuelfontelles/spark-jupyter
just go to your browser and type
and will prompted a authentication page, come back to terminal and copy the token number and voila, will have Archlinux container running a Apache-Spark distribution.
If you are using Pycharm , Got to Run - > Edit Configurations and click on Environment variables to add as below(basically the PYSPARK_PYTHON and PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON should point to the same version of Python) . This solution worked for me .Thanks to the above posts.
To make it easier to see for people, that instead of having to set a specific path /usr/bin/python3 that you can do this:
I put this line in my ~/.zshrc
export PYSPARK_PYTHON=python3.8
export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=python3.8
When I type in python3.8 in my terminal I get Python3.8 going. I think it's because I installed pipenv.
Another good website to reference to get your SPARK_HOME is
(for permission denied issues use sudo mv)
1. Download and Install Java (Jre)
2. It has two options, you can choose one of the following solution:-
## -------- Temporary Solution -------- ##
Just put the path in your jupyter notebook in the following code and RUN IT EVERYTIME:-
import os
os.environ["PYSPARK_PYTHON"] = r"C:\Users\LAPTOP0534\miniconda3\envs\pyspark_v3.3.0"
os.environ["PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON"] = r"C:\Users\LAPTOP0534\miniconda3\envs\pyspark_v3.3.0"
os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = r"C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_333"
## -------- Permanent Solution -------- ##
Set above 3 variables in your Environment Variable.
I have gone through many answers but nothing works for me.
But both of these resolution worked for me. This has resolved my error.
import os
os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-19"
os.environ["SPARK_HOME"] = "C:\Program Files\Spark\spark-3.3.1-bin-hadoop2"
import sys
os.environ['PYSPARK_PYTHON'] = sys.executable
os.environ['PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON'] = sys.executable
This worked for me in a jupyter notebook as the os library makes our life easy in setting up the environment variables. Make sure to run this cell befor running the sparksession.
I tried two methods for the question. the method in the picture can works.
add environment variables

import pymongo_spark doesn't work when executing with spark-commit

I am running into problem running my script with spark-submit. The main script won't even run because import pymongo_spark returns ImportError: No module named pymongo_spark
I checked this thread and this thread to try to figure out the issue, but so far there's no result.
My setup:
$HADOOP_HOME is set to /usr/local/cellar/hadoop/2.7.1 where my hadoop files are
$SPARK_HOME is set to /usr/local/cellar/apache_spark/1.5.2
I also followed those threads and guide online as close as possible to get
export PYTHONPATH=$SPARK_HOME/libexec/python:$SPARK_HOME/libexec/python/build:$PYTHONPATH
then I used this piece of code to test in the first thread I linked
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
import pymongo_spark
def main():
conf = SparkConf().setAppName('pyspark test')
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Then in the terminal, I did:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --jars $HADOOP_HOME/libexec/share/hadoop/mapreduce/mongo-hadoop-r1.4.2-1.4.2.jar --driver-class-path $HADOOP_HOME/libexec/share/hadoop/mapreduce/mongo-hadoop-r1.4.2-1.4.2.jar --master local[4] ~/Documents/
Where mongo-hadoop-r1.4.2-1.4.2.jar is the jar I built following this guide
I'm definitely missing things, but I'm not sure where/what I'm missing. I'm running everything locally on Mac OSX El Capitan. Almost sure this doesn't matter, but just wanna add it in.
I also used another jar file mongo-hadoop-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, the same problem remains
my command:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --jars $HADOOP_HOME/libexec/share/hadoop/mapreduce/mongo-hadoop-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --driver-class-path $HADOOP_HOME/libexec/share/hadoop/mapreduce/mongo-hadoop-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --master local[4] ~/Documents/
pymongo_spark is available only on mongo-hadoop 1.5 so it won't work with mongo-hadoop 1.4. To make it available you have to add directory with Python package to the PYTHONPATH as well. If you've built package by yourself it is located in spark/src/main/python/.
where MONGO_SPARK_SRC is a directory with Spark Connector source.
See also Getting Spark, Python, and MongoDB to work together

Configure Ipython/Jupyter notebook with Pyspark on AWS EMR v4.0.0

I am trying to use IPython notebook with Apache Spark 1.4.0. I have followed the 2 tutorial below to set my configuration
Installing Ipython notebook with pyspark 1.4 on AWS
Configuring IPython notebook support for Pyspark
After fisnish the configuration, following is several code in the related files:
c.NotebookApp.ip = '*'
c.NotebookApp.open_browser =False
c.NotebookApp.port = 8193
import os
import sys
spark_home = os.environ.get('SPARK_HOME', None)
sys.path.insert(0, spark_home + "/python")
# Add the py4j to the path.
# You may need to change the version number to match your install
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(spark_home, 'python/lib/'))
# Initialize PySpark to predefine the SparkContext variable 'sc'
execfile(os.path.join(spark_home, 'python/pyspark/'))
I also add following two lines to my .bash_profile:
export SPARK_HOME='home/hadoop/sparl'
source ~/.bash_profile
However, when I run
ipython notebook --profile=pyspark
it shows the message: unrecognized alias '--profile=pyspark' it will probably have no effect
It seems that the notebook doesn't configure with pyspark successfully
Does anyone know how to solve it? Thank you very much
following are some software version
ipython/Jupyter: 4.0.0
spark 1.4.0
AWS EMR: 4.0.0
python: 2.7.9
By the way I have read the following, but it doesn't work
IPython notebook won't read the configuration file
Jupyter notebooks don't have the concept of profiles (as IPython did). The recommended way of launching with a different configuration is e.g.:
JUPTYER_CONFIG_DIR=~/alternative_jupyter_config_dir jupyter notebook
See also issue jupyter/notebook#309, where you'll find a comment describing how to set up Jupyter notebook with PySpark without profiles or kernels.
This worked for me...
Update ~/.bashrc with:
export SPARK_HOME="<your location of spark>"
export PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS="--master local[2] pyspark-shell"
(Lookup pyspark docs for those arguments)
Then create a new ipython profile eg. pyspark:
ipython profile create pyspark
Then create and add the following lines in ~/.ipython/profile_pyspark/startup/
import os
import sys
spark_home = os.environ.get('SPARK_HOME', None)
sys.path.insert(0, spark_home + "/python")
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(spark_home, 'python/lib/'))
filename = os.path.join(spark_home, 'python/pyspark/')
exec(compile(open(filename, "rb").read(), filename, 'exec'))
spark_release_file = spark_home + "/RELEASE"
if os.path.exists(spark_release_file) and "Spark 1.6" in open(spark_release_file).read():
pyspark_submit_args = os.environ.get("PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS", "")
(update versions of py4j and spark to suit your case)
Then mkdir -p ~/.ipython/kernels/pyspark and then create and add following lines in the file ~/.ipython/kernels/pyspark/kernel.json
"display_name": "pySpark (Spark 1.6.1)",
"language": "python",
"argv": [
Now you should see this kernel, pySpark (Spark 1.6.1), under jupyter's new notebook option. You can test by executing sc and should see your spark context.
I have tried so many ways to solve this 4.0 version problem, and finally I decided to install version 3.2.3. of IPython:
conda install 'ipython<4'
It's anazoning! And wish to help all you!
As people commented, in Jupyter you don't need profiles. All you need to do is export the variables for jupyter to find your spark install (I use zsh but it's the same for bash)
emacs ~/.zshrc
export PATH="/Users/hcorona/anaconda/bin:$PATH"
export SPARK_HOME="$HOME/spark"
export PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS="--master local[*,8] pyspark-shell"
It is important to add pyspark-shell in the PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS
I found this guide useful but not fully accurate.
My config is local, but should work if you use the PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS to the ones you need.
I am having the same problem to specify the --profile **kwarg. It seems it is a general problem with the new version, not related with Spark. If you downgrade to ipython 3.2.1 you will be able to specify the profile again.

Create PySpark Profile for IPython

I follow this link in order to create PySpark Profile for IPython.
# Configure the necessary Spark environment
import os
import sys
spark_home = os.environ.get('SPARK_HOME', None)
sys.path.insert(0, spark_home + "\python")
# Add the py4j to the path.
# You may need to change the version number to match your install
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(spark_home, '\python\lib\'))
# Initialize PySpark to predefine the SparkContext variable 'sc'
execfile(os.path.join(spark_home, '\python\pyspark\'))
My problem when I type sc in ipython-notebook, I got '' I should see output similar to <pyspark.context.SparkContext at 0x1097e8e90>.
Any idea about how to resolve it ?
I was trying to do the same, but had problems. Now, I use findspark ( instead. You can install it with pip (see
$ pip install findspark
And then, inside a notebook:
import findspark
import pyspark
sc = pyspark.SparkContext(appName="myAppName")
If you want to avoid this boilerplate, you can put the above 4 lines in
(Right now I have Spark 1.4.1. and findspark 0.0.5.)
Please try to set proper value to SPARK_LOCAL_IP variable, eg.:
export SPARK_LOCAL_IP="$(hostname -f)"
before you run ipython notebook --profile=pyspark.
If this doesn't help, try to debug your environment by executing setup script:
Maybe you can find some error lines in that way and debug them.
Are you on windows? I am dealing with the same things, and a couple of things helped.
In the, change this line (match your path to your spark folder)
# Configure the environment
if 'SPARK_HOME' not in os.environ:
print 'environment spark not set'
os.environ['SPARK_HOME'] = 'C:/spark-1.4.1-bin-hadoop2.6'
I am sure you added a new environment variable, if not, this will manually set it.
The next thing I noticed is that if you use ipython 4 (the latest), the config files don't work the same way you see it in all the tutorials. You can try out if your config files get called by adding a print statement or just messing them up so an error gets thrown.
I am using a lower version of iPython (3) and I call it using
ipython notebook --profile=pyspark
Change the to:
# Configure the necessary Spark environment
import os
# Spark home
spark_home = os.environ.get("SPARK_HOME")
######## CODE ADDED ########
os.environ["PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS"] = "--master local[2] pyspark-shell"
######## END OF ADDED CODE #########
sys.path.insert(0, spark_home + "/python")
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(spark_home, 'python/lib/'))
# Initialize PySpark to predefine the SparkContext variable 'sc'
execfile(os.path.join(spark_home, 'python/pyspark/'))
Basically, the added code sets the PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS environment variable to
--master local[2] pyspark-shell, which works for Spark 1.6 standalone.
Now run ipython notebook again. Run os.environ["PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS"] to check whether its value is correctly set. If so, then type sc should give you the expected output like <pyspark.context.SparkContext at 0x1097e8e90>
