'SYMBOL' object is not callable - python

this is my first time with sympy and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Could you help me please?
This is my code:
from __future__ import division
from sympy import *
q, l, p = symbols('q, l, p')
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 = symbols('x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7')
c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7 = symbols('c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7')
c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14 = symbols('c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14')
a = 209 * q * l / 42 - p / 3
m1 = a * x1 - q * x1 ** 2 / 2
d1 = integrate(m1, x1) + c1
y1 = integrate(d1, x1) + c2
m2 = a * 2 * l + a * x2 - 2 * q * l(x2 + l)
d2 = integrate(m2, x2) + c3
y2 = integrate(d2, x2) + c4
m3 = a(3 * l + x3) - 2 * q * l(2 * l + x3) - q * x3 ** 3 / 6 * l
d3 = integrate(m3, x3) + c5
y3 = integrate(d3, x3) + c6
m4 = a(x4 + 6 * l) - 2 * q * l(x4 + 5 * l) - (9 * q * l / 2)(x4 + l)
d4 = integrate(m4, x4) + c7
y4 = integrate(d3, x4) + c8
m5 = a(x5 + 7 * l) - 2 * q * l(x5 + 6 * l) - (9 * q * l / 2)(x5 + 2 * l) - p * x5
d5 = integrate(m5, x5) + c9
y5 = integrate(d5, x5) + c10
m6 = a(x6 + 15 * l / 2) - 2 * q * l(x6 + 13 * l / 2) - (9 * q * l / 2)(x6 + 5 * l / 2) - p(x6 + l / 2) - 2 * q * x6(
x6 / 2)
d6 = integrate(m6, x6) + c11
y6 = integrate(d6, x6) + c12
m7 = a(x7 + 19 * l / 2) - 2 * q * l(x7 + 17 * l / 2) - (9 * q * l / 2)(x7 + 9 * l / 2) - p(x7 + 5 * l / 2) - 4 * q * l(
x7 + l) - (3 * q * x7 ** 2 / 2 * l)(x7 / 3)
d7 = integrate(m7, x7) + c13
y7 = integrate(d7, x7) + c14
"{},\n{},\n{},\n{},\n{},\n{},\n{},\n{},\n{},\n{},\n{},\n{},\n{},\n{}".format(d1, y1, d2, y2, d3, y3, d4, y4, d5, y5,
d6, y6, d7, y7))
The traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "mecsolidos2.py", line 17, in <module>
m2 = a * 2 * l + a * x2 - 2 * q * l(x2 + l)
TypeError: 'Symbol' object is not callable
That is the same error to m3 through m7 :S
I've tried to change m2 to another constant, used m2 as m2.eval but none of that worked :S
What pissed me of was that for m1 it worked perfectly
ps: sorry for my bad english

If l() is intended as a function, it should be declared somewhere. If you wish, in SymPy you can have functions without giving its internal details, e.g. as l = Function('l')(x). More details in the documentation.
If, on the contrary, l(...) is meant to be just a multiplication (as suggested by your symbols declaration and the use of l as a scalar elsewhere), the multiplication (*) needs to be written explicitly.
Note that for SymPy to work optimally, when declaring symbols, it helps to specify their type. For example symbols(".....", real=True). Also, specifying whether some variable is always positive can help, especially when logarithms or sqrt are involved. See the documentation for more details about the possible types of assumptions.
By the way, if you prefer a looser syntax, where the multiplication symbol can be omitted and ^ can get converted to **, the sympify() or parse_expr() functions might be interesting.


solving coupled differential equations with a periodically changing constant in the function with python

I am solving a system of coupled differential equations, with one of the "constant" in the differential equations is actually a periodically changing value: first half of the period has the value of 1 and the rest of the period have the value of 0, and the period is 2pi.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
eps= 0.11
w= (1 - eps)
w_0= (1 + eps)
def RungeKutta(t, jx, jy, jz, x, p, dt, djxdt, djydt, djzdt, dxdt, dpdt):
a1 = dt * djxdt(t, jx, jy, jz, x, p)
b1 = dt * djydt(t, jx, jy, jz, x, p)
c1 = dt * djzdt(t, jx, jy, jz, x, p)
d1 = dt * dxdt(t, jx, jy, jz, x, p)
e1 = dt * dpdt(t, jx, jy, jz, x, p)
a2 = dt * djxdt(t + 0.5 * dt, jx + 0.5 * a1, jy + 0.5 * b1, jz + 0.5 * c1, x + 0.5 * d1, p + 0.5 * e1)
b2 = dt * djydt(t + 0.5 * dt, jx + 0.5 * a1, jy + 0.5 * b1, jz + 0.5 * c1, x + 0.5 * d1, p + 0.5 * e1)
c2 = dt * djzdt(t0 + 0.5 * dt, jx + 0.5 * a1, jy + 0.5 * b1, jz + 0.5 * c1, x + 0.5 * d1, p + 0.5 * e1)
d2 = dt * dxdt(t0 + 0.5 * dt, jx + 0.5 * a1, jy + 0.5 * b1, jz + 0.5 * c1, x + 0.5 * d1, p + 0.5 * e1)
e2 = dt * dpdt(t0 + 0.5 * dt, jx + 0.5 * a1, jy + 0.5 * b1, jz + 0.5 * c1, x + 0.5 * d1, p + 0.5 * e1)
a3 = dt * djxdt(t + 0.5 * dt, jx + 0.5 * a2, jy + 0.5 * b2, jz + 0.5 * c2, x + 0.5 * d2, p + 0.5 * e2)
b3 = dt * djydt(t + 0.5 * dt, jx + 0.5 * a2, jy + 0.5 * b2, jz + 0.5 * c2, x + 0.5 * d2, p + 0.5 * e2)
c3 = dt * djzdt(t + 0.5 * dt, jx + 0.5 * a2, jy + 0.5 * b2, jz + 0.5 * c2, x + 0.5 * d2, p + 0.5 * e2)
d3 = dt * dxdt(t + 0.5 * dt, jx + 0.5 * a2, jy + 0.5 * b2, jz + 0.5 * c2, x + 0.5 * d2, p + 0.5 * e2)
e3 = dt * dpdt(t + 0.5 * dt, jx + 0.5 * a2, jy + 0.5 * b2, jz + 0.5 * c2, x + 0.5 * d2, p + 0.5 * e2)
a4 = dt * djxdt(t + dt, jx + a3, jy + b3, jz + c3, x + d3, p + e3)
b4 = dt * djydt(t + dt, jx + a3, jy + b3, jz + c3, x + d3, p + e3)
c4 = dt * djzdt(t + dt, jx + a3, jy + b3, jz + c3, x + d3, p + e3)
d4 = dt * dxdt(t + dt, jx + a3, jy + b3, jz + c3, x + d3, p + e3)
e4 = dt * dpdt(t + dt, jx + a3, jy + b3, jz + c3, x + d3, p + e3)
t = t+dt
jx = jx+(1/6)*(a1+2*a2+2*a3+a4)
jy = jy+(1/6)*(b1+2*b2+2*b3+b4)
jz = jz+(1/6)*(c1+2*c2+2*c3+c4)
x = x+(1/6)*(d1+2*d2+2*d3+d4)
p = p+(1/6)*(e1+2*e2+2*e3+e4)
return t, jx, jy, jz, x, p
def djxdt(t, jx, jy, jz, x, p):
return -w_0*jy
def djydt(t, jx, jy, jz, x, p):
return w_0*jx-2*lambda_t(t)*(math.sqrt(2*w))*x*jz
def djzdt(t, jx, jy, jz, x, p):
return 2*lambda_t(t)*(math.sqrt(2*w))*x*jy
def dxdt(t, jx, jy, jz, x, p):
return p-(k/2)*x
def dpdt(t, jx, jy, jz, x, p):
return -(w**2)*x-(k/2)*p-2*lambda_t(t)*(math.sqrt(2*w))*jx
def lambda_t(t):
if math.fmod(t, 2*np.pi) > np.pi:
return 1
return 0
jx0= 0.5*math.sqrt(1-u**2)
jy0= 0
jz0= -0.5*u
x0= -math.sqrt(2*w*(1-u**2))/(w**2-(k**2)/4)
p0= -(k/2)*math.sqrt(2*w*(1-u**2))/(w**2-(k**2)/4)
t_list = [t0]
jx_list = [jx0]
jy_list = [jy0]
jz_list = [jz0]
x_list = [x0]
p_list = [p0]
t_list2 = [t0]
jx_list2 = [jx0]
t = t0
while t <= t_end:
t, jx, jy, jz, x, p = RungeKutta(t, jx, jy, jz, x, p, dt, djxdt, djydt, djzdt, dxdt, dpdt)
if (t%2*math.pi<0.000001 or t%2*math.pi>0.000001):
plt.plot(t_list, jx_list, label="Jx")
plt.plot(t_list, jy_list, label="Jy")
plt.plot(t_list, jz_list, label="Jz")
plt.scatter(t_list2, jx_list2)
I do not know why it always comes out the error of unindent does not match any outer indentation level.
Also I need to plot the point and value only when t is the multiple of 2pi. I tried the code for
if (t%2*math.pi==0):
But the figure comes out with only a dot at t=0
How to fix this problem? Is my previous setting influencing this part?
Thanks for any help!
There are several things wrong from a pure python perspective in this function
def l(f):
if int(2*t)%2np.pi == 0:
return 1
return -1
The parameter f is not used in the function, instead an undeclared t appears.
2np.pi should give an immediate syntactic error
int(2*t)%2*np.pi is(int(2*t)%2)*np.pi, which is likely not the desired interpretation. Use int((2*f)%(2*np.pi)). You can also cancel the 2
The lower value is -1, while in the description you have 0.
model is a system for 3 state components, your initial state has 5 components. That is not compatible.
Repeating expressions should be assigned to a local variable to avoid redundant computation.
Please report a detailed error description, not just your summary of the observed error.

Generate bivariate random numbers from a joint probability distribution in Python

I have two distributions over two parameters h and t. h is Weibull distributed while t is conditioned on h and it is log-normal distributed:
f_H = np.exp(-(h / alpha) ** beta) * (beta / alpha) * (h / alpha) ** (beta - 1)
f_TIH = np.exp(-(np.log(t) - mu_h) ** 2.0 / (2.0 * sigma_h ** 2)) / (t * sigma_h * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi))
mu_h = a0 + a1 * h ** a2
sigma_h = b0 + b1 * np.exp(b2 * h)
a0 = 0.7
a1 = 0.282
a2 = 0.167
b0 = 0.07
b1 = 0.3449
b2 = -0.2073
alpha = 1.76
beta = 1.59
The joint PDF for h and t is then given as:
f_joint = f_H * f_TIH
My question is how can I sample random values for h and t from the joint PDF?

Asking advice on optimizing a while loop

This is part of an algorithm regarding the RKF method
t = self.a
x = np.array(self.x0)
h = self.hmax
T = np.array( [t] )
X = np.array( [x] )
k= [0]*6
while t < self.b:
if t + h > self.b:
h = self.b - t
k[0] = h * self.f(t, x)
k[1] = h * self.f(t + a2 * h, x + b21 * k[0] )
k[2] = h * self.f(t + a3 * h, x + b31 * k[0] + b32 * k[1])
k[3] = h * self.f(t + a4 * h, x + b41 * k[0] + b42 * k[1] + b43 * k[2])
k[4] = h * self.f(t + a5 * h, x + b51 * k[0] + b52 * k[1] + b53 * k[2] + b54 * k[3])
k[5] = h * self.f(t + a6 * h, x + b61 * k[0] + b62 * k[1] + b63 * k[2] + b64 * k[3] + b65 * k[4])
r = abs( r1 * k[0] + r3 * k[2] + r4 * k[3] + r5 * k[4] + r6 * k[5] ) / h
r = r / (self.atol+self.rtol*(abs(x)+abs(k[0])))
if len( np.shape( r ) ) > 0:
r = max( r )
if r <= 1:
t = t + h
x = x + c1 * k[0] + c3 * k[2] + c4 * k[3] + c5 * k[4]
T = np.append( T, t )
X = np.append( X, [x], 0 )
h = h * min( max( 0.94 * sqrt(sqrt( 1 / r )), 0.1 ), 4.0 )
if h > self.hmax:
h = self.hmax
elif h < self.hmin or t==t-h:
raise RuntimeError("Error: Could not converge to the required tolerance.")
Which works just fine, but I was wondering if is it possible to make this even faster and more efficient?

Exponential distribution of values between a given range in Python

I have three variables Min=0.29, Max=6.52 and center = 2.10. I wish to create a table that distributes this data into 100 values in a table format in the following fashion:
Here, this image can be split into two parts 0 to 50 and 50 to 100.
In the first part, the increase in x vs y for subsequent value is higher between 1-10 vs 10-20 and higher in 10-20 vs 20-30 and so on.
In the second part, the increase in x vs y for subsequent value is lower between 50-60 vs 60-70 and lower between 60-70 vs 70-80 and so on.
Now, I don't have high proficiency in statistics hence was unable to figure out how to provide min, max and centre value to an exponential distribution and how to implement it in python.
I tried using solution given in link, but couldn't get it to work for my case. Any help will be appreciated.
Each of the two exponential functions is defined by 3 parameters, but you only have 2 points belonging to each. One possibility is to provide the asymptotic value for both functions. I'll paste my code here, including the derivation of all formulae, for lack of time – sorry:
from math import exp, log
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
X_MIN, X_CTR, X_MAX = 1, 50, 100
Y_MIN, Y_CTR, Y_MAX = 0.29, 2.10, 6.52
c1 = float(input(f"c1 (> {Y_CTR}): "))
c2 = float(input(f"c2 (< {Y_CTR}): "))
plot = input("plot? (y|n): ")[:1] in "yY"
# c1 - a1 * exp(-b1 * X_MIN) == Y_MIN # with a1 > 0, b1 > 0, c1 > Y_CTR
# c1 - a1 * exp(-b1 * X_CTR) == Y_CTR
# c2 + a2 * exp( b2 * X_CTR) == Y_CTR # with a2 > 0, b2 > 0, c2 < Y_CTR
# c2 + a2 * exp( b2 * X_MAX) == Y_MAX
# a1 * exp(-b1 * X_MIN) == c1 - Y_MIN
# a1 * exp(-b1 * X_CTR) == c1 - Y_CTR
# a2 * exp( b2 * X_CTR) == Y_CTR - c2
# a2 * exp( b2 * X_MAX) == Y_MAX - c2
# log(a1) - b1 * X_MIN == log(c1 - Y_MIN)
# log(a1) - b1 * X_CTR == log(c1 - Y_CTR)
# log(a2) + b2 * X_CTR == log(Y_CTR - c2)
# log(a2) + b2 * X_MAX == log(Y_MAX - c2)
# b1 * (X_CTR - X_MIN) == log(c1 - Y_MIN) - log(c1 - Y_CTR)
# b2 * (X_MAX - X_CTR) == log(Y_MAX - c2) - log(Y_CTR - c2)
b1 = (log(c1 - Y_MIN) - log(c1 - Y_CTR)) / (X_CTR - X_MIN)
b2 = (log(Y_MAX - c2) - log(Y_CTR - c2)) / (X_MAX - X_CTR)
# log(a1) == log(c1 - Y_MIN) + b1 * X_MIN
# log(a2) == log(Y_MAX - c2) - b2 * X_MAX
a1 = exp(log(c1 - Y_MIN) + b1 * X_MIN)
a2 = exp(log(Y_MAX - c2) - b2 * X_MAX)
x_lst = list(range(X_MIN, X_MAX+1))
y_lst = [c1 - a1 * exp(-b1 * x) if x < X_CTR else
c2 + a2 * exp( b2 * x) for x in x_lst]
if plot:
plt.plot(x_lst, y_lst)
for x, y in zip(x_lst, y_lst):
E.g., with this input:
c1 (> 2.1): 2.13
c2 (< 2.1): 2.08
plot? (y|n): y
the output is:

Texture the 3D figure (cylinder)

I need to texture my cylinder, I have texture.png and i already did a
polygonal mesh (with triangles).
Here is the code if you need
import pyglet
import pyglet.gl as pgl
from pyglet.window import key
import math
win = pyglet.window.Window(1300, 1000, resizable=True)
WINDOW = 1000
tr = 90
transparant = False
xRotation = -70
zRotation = -30
yRotation = 180
zoom = 1
far = 100
dist = 35
x = -180
y = 70
z = 0
light = False
param = 0
t_prev = -5
start_loop = False
run_loop = False
def run_loop(dt):
def draw_figure():
angle = 0
t = 0
x = y = z = 0
a = 50
b = 100
if not transparant:
pgl.glPolygonMode(pgl.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, pgl.GL_FILL)
pgl.glPolygonMode(pgl.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, pgl.GL_LINE)
for i in range(0, tr + 1):
pgl.glColor3ub(0, 0, 0)
if i >= 1:
t1 = a1
t2 = a2
t3 = a3
a1 = x + a * math.cos(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
a2 = y + b * math.sin(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
a3 = z + 8
pgl.glVertex3f(a1, a2, a3)
if i >= 1:
pgl.glNormal3f((b2 - t2) * (a3 - b3) - (b3 - t3) * (a2 - b2), (b3 - t3) * (a1 - b1) - (b1 - t1) * (a3 - b3),
(b1 - t1) * (a2 - b2) - (b2 - t2) * (a1 - b1))
b1 = x
b2 = y
b3 = z + 8
pgl.glVertex3f(b1, b2, b3)
for j in range(1, 27):
pgl.glColor3ub(0, 0, 0)
x1 = a * math.cos(0)
y1 = b * math.sin(0)
a1 = x1 * math.cos(t * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.sin(t * math.pi / 360)
a2 = - x1 * math.sin(t * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.cos(t * math.pi / 360)
a3 = z + j * 8
pgl.glVertex3f(a1, a2, a3)
x1 = a * math.cos(0)
y1 = b * math.sin(0)
b1 = x1 * math.cos((t + 16) * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.sin((t + 16) * math.pi / 360)
b2 = - x1 * math.sin((t + 16) * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.cos((t + 16) * math.pi / 360)
b3 = z + j * 8 + 8
pgl.glVertex3f(b1, b2, b3)
for i in range(1, tr + 1):
pgl.glColor3ub(0, 0, 0)
x1 = a * math.cos(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
y1 = b * math.sin(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
t1 = a1
t2 = a2
t3 = a3
a1 = x1 * math.cos(t * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.sin(t * math.pi / 360)
a2 = - x1 * math.sin(t * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.cos(t * math.pi / 360)
a3 = z + j * 8
pgl.glNormal3f((b2 - t2) * (a3 - b3) - (b3 - t3) * (a2 - b2), (b3 - t3) * (a1 - b1) - (b1 - t1) * (a3 - b3),
(b1 - t1) * (a2 - b2) - (b2 - t2) * (a1 - b1))
pgl.glVertex3f(a1, a2, a3)
x1 = a * math.cos(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
y1 = b * math.sin(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
b1 = x1 * math.cos((t + 16) * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.sin((t + 16) * math.pi / 360)
b2 = - x1 * math.sin((t + 16) * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.cos((t + 16) * math.pi / 360)
b3 = z + j * 8 + 8
pgl.glVertex3f(b1, b2, b3)
t = t + 16
t = 416
z = z + 144
angle = angle + t
for i in range(0, tr + 1):
pgl.glColor3ub(0, 0, 0)
x1 = x + a * math.cos(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
y1 = y + b * math.sin(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
x2 = x1 * math.cos(t * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.sin(t * math.pi / 360)
y2 = - x1 * math.sin(t * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.cos(t * math.pi / 360)
if i >= 1:
t1 = a1
t2 = a2
t3 = a3
a1 = x2
a2 = y2
a3 = z + 72
pgl.glVertex3f(a1, a2, a3)
if i >= 1:
pgl.glNormal3f((b2 - t2) * (a3 - b3) - (b3 - t3) * (a2 - b2), (b3 - t3) * (a1 - b1) - (b1 - t1) * (a3 - b3),
(b1 - t1) * (a2 - b2) - (b2 - t2) * (a1 - b1))
b1 = x
b2 = y
b3 = z + 72
pgl.glVertex3f(b1, b2, b3)
angle = angle + i
def on_draw():
global x, y, z, start_loop, run_loop, param, t_prev, zRotation
pgl.glClearColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0)
if light:
pgl.glLightModelf(pgl.GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, pgl.GL_TRUE)
pgl.glViewport(0, 0, 1300, 1000)
pgl.glOrtho(-1300 / 4, 1300 / 4, -1000 / 4, 1000 / 4, -400, 600)
if light:
material_diffuse = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
pgl.glMaterialfv(pgl.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, pgl.GL_DIFFUSE,
(pgl.GLfloat * len(material_diffuse))(*material_diffuse))
light5_diffuse = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0];
light5_position = [0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0];
pgl.glLightfv(pgl.GL_LIGHT5, pgl.GL_DIFFUSE, (pgl.GLfloat * len(light5_diffuse))(*light5_diffuse));
pgl.glLightfv(pgl.GL_LIGHT5, pgl.GL_POSITION, (pgl.GLfloat * len(light5_position))(*light5_position));
pgl.glLightf(pgl.GL_LIGHT5, pgl.GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0.0);
pgl.glLightf(pgl.GL_LIGHT5, pgl.GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 0.4);
pgl.glLightf(pgl.GL_LIGHT5, pgl.GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, 0.8);
light6_diffuse = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0];
light6_position = [0.5 * math.cos(2 * math.pi / 3), 0.5 * math.sin(2 * math.pi / 3), 1.0, 0];
pgl.glLightfv(pgl.GL_LIGHT6, pgl.GL_DIFFUSE, (pgl.GLfloat * len(light6_diffuse))(*light6_diffuse));
pgl.glLightfv(pgl.GL_LIGHT6, pgl.GL_POSITION, (pgl.GLfloat * len(light6_position))(*light6_position));
pgl.glLightf(pgl.GL_LIGHT6, pgl.GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0.0);
pgl.glLightf(pgl.GL_LIGHT6, pgl.GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 0.4);
pgl.glLightf(pgl.GL_LIGHT6, pgl.GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, 0.8);
light7_diffuse = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0];
light7_position = [0.5 * math.cos(4 * math.pi / 3), 0.5 * math.sin(4 * math.pi / 3), 1.0, 0];
pgl.glLightfv(pgl.GL_LIGHT7, pgl.GL_DIFFUSE, (pgl.GLfloat * len(light7_diffuse))(*light7_diffuse));
pgl.glLightfv(pgl.GL_LIGHT7, pgl.GL_POSITION, (pgl.GLfloat * len(light7_position))(*light7_position));
pgl.glLightf(pgl.GL_LIGHT7, pgl.GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0.0);
pgl.glLightf(pgl.GL_LIGHT7, pgl.GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 0.4);
pgl.glLightf(pgl.GL_LIGHT7, pgl.GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, 0.8);
pgl.glPolygonMode(pgl.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, pgl.GL_FILL)
pgl.glTranslatef(x, y, z)
pgl.glRotatef(xRotation, 1, 0, 0)
pgl.glRotatef(yRotation, 0, 1, 0)
pgl.glRotatef(zRotation, 0, 0, 1)
pgl.glScalef(zoom, zoom, zoom)
if start_loop:
start_loop = False
run_loop = True
x = ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 3) * (-180) + 3 * (param / 100) * ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 2) * (100) + 3 * (
(param / 100) ** 2) * (
1 - (param / 100)) * (0) + ((param / 100) ** 3) * (200)
y = ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 3) * 70 + 3 * (param / 100) * ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 2) * (140) + 3 * (
(param / 100) ** 2) * (
1 - (param / 100)) * (140) + ((param / 100) ** 3) * (
z = ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 3) * 0 + 3 * (param / 100) * ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 2) * (100) + 3 * (
(param / 100) ** 2) * (
1 - (param / 100)) * (100) + ((param / 100) ** 3) * (
elif run_loop:
if param < 100 and param > t_prev:
zRotation += INCREMENT
param = param + 1
t_prev = t_prev + 1
if (param == 100):
t_prev = 105
x = ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 3) * (-180) + 3 * (param / 100) * ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 2) * (100) + 3 * (
(param / 100) ** 2) * (1 - (param / 100)) * (0) + ((param / 100) ** 3) * (200)
y = ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 3) * 70 + 3 * (param / 100) * ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 2) * (140) + 3 * (
(param / 100) ** 2) * (1 - (param / 100)) * (140) + ((param / 100) ** 3) * (
z = ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 3) * 0 + 3 * (param / 100) * ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 2) * (100) + 3 * (
(param / 100) ** 2) * (1 - (param / 100)) * (100) + ((param / 100) ** 3) * (
if param > 0 and param < t_prev:
zRotation -= INCREMENT
param = param - 1
t_prev = t_prev - 1
if (param == 0):
t_prev = -5
x = ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 3) * (-180) + 3 * (param / 100) * ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 2) * (100) + 3 * (
(param / 100) ** 2) * (1 - (param / 100)) * (0) + ((param / 100) ** 3) * (200)
y = ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 3) * 70 + 3 * (param / 100) * ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 2) * (140) + 3 * (
(param / 100) ** 2) * (1 - (param / 100)) * (140) + ((param / 100) ** 3) * (
z = ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 3) * 0 + 3 * (param / 100) * ((1 - (param / 100)) ** 2) * (100) + 3 * (
(param / 100) ** 2) * (1 - (param / 100)) * (100) + ((param / 100) ** 3) * (
def on_text_motion(motion):
global xRotation, yRotation, INCREMENT
if motion == key.UP:
xRotation -= INCREMENT
elif motion == key.DOWN:
xRotation += INCREMENT
elif motion == key.LEFT:
yRotation -= INCREMENT
elif motion == key.RIGHT:
yRotation += INCREMENT
def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers):
global transparant, dist, tr, x, y, z, INCREMENT, zRotation, light, t, start_loop, run_loop
if symbol == key.T and not transparant:
transparant = True
elif symbol == key.T and transparant:
transparant = False
elif symbol == key.W:
x += 2.5
elif symbol == key.S:
x -= 2.5
elif symbol == key.A:
y -= 2.5
elif symbol == key.D:
y += 2.5
elif symbol == key.Q:
z -= 2.5
elif symbol == key.E:
z += 2.5
elif symbol == key.L:
light = not light
elif symbol == key.Z:
zRotation += INCREMENT
elif symbol == key.X:
zRotation -= INCREMENT
elif symbol == key.ESCAPE:
elif symbol == key.P:
tr += 5
elif symbol == key.O:
if tr > 5:
tr -= 5
elif symbol == key.SPACE:
if not run_loop:
start_loop = True
run_loop = False
def on_mouse_scroll(x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y):
global zoom
if scroll_y < 0:
zoom += 0.1
elif scroll_y > 0 and zoom - 0.1 > 0:
zoom -= 0.1
def on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers):
if button == pyglet.window.mouse.LEFT:
print(x, y)
pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(run_loop, 0.1)
First you have to load the texture image to a texture object by pyglet.image.load respectively get_texture():
texture_obj = pyglet.image.load('texture.png').get_texture()
The texture has to be bound by glBindTexture:
pgl.glBindTexture(pgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_obj.id)
Two-dimensional texturing is enabled by glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) and can be disabled by glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D).
If texturing is enables then the texture wich is currently bound when the geometry is drawn by the glBegin/glEnd sequence is applied:
If texturing is enabled, then by default the color of the texel is multiplied by the current color, because by default the texture environment mode (GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE) is GL_MODULATE. See glTexEnv.
This causes that the color of the texels of the texture is "mixed" by the last color which you have set by glColor3ub.
Set a "white" color before you render the texture, to solve your issue:
plg.glColor3ub(255, 255, 255)
pgl.glColor3f(1, 1, 1)
Likewise you can change the environment mode to GL_REPLACE, instead:
When glVertex is called, the the current texture coordinates are associated with the vertex coordinate. The texture coordinate is set by glTexCoord2f.
You've to set the texture coordinates corresponding to each vertex coordinate. The texture coordinates have to be in range [0, 1]. See also How do opengl texture coordinates work?.
u = math.cos(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
v = math.sin(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
pgl.glTexCoord2f(u*0.5+0.5, v*0.5+0.5)
a1 = x + a * u
a2 = y + b * v
a3 = z + 8
pgl.glVertex3f(a1, a2, a3)
The function draw_figure may look as follows. Note, I don't exactly know how you want to wrap the texture to the mesh, so I calculate the texture coordinates as I thought. You may have to a adapt the calculation of the texture coordinates to your needs:
texture_obj = None
def draw_figure():
global texture_obj
# [...]
if texture_obj == None:
texture_obj = pyglet.image.load('texture.png').get_texture()
pgl.glBindTexture(pgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_obj.id)
if not transparant:
pgl.glPolygonMode(pgl.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, pgl.GL_FILL)
pgl.glPolygonMode(pgl.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, pgl.GL_LINE)
for i in range(0, tr + 1):
pgl.glColor3ub(255, 255, 255)
if i >= 1:
t1 = a1
t2 = a2
t3 = a3
u = math.cos(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
v = math.sin(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
a1 = x + a * u
a2 = y + b * v
a3 = z + 8
pgl.glTexCoord2f(u*0.5+0.5, v*0.5+0.5)
pgl.glVertex3f(a1, a2, a3)
if i >= 1:
pgl.glNormal3f((b2 - t2) * (a3 - b3) - (b3 - t3) * (a2 - b2), (b3 - t3) * (a1 - b1) - (b1 - t1) * (a3 - b3),
(b1 - t1) * (a2 - b2) - (b2 - t2) * (a1 - b1))
b1 = x
b2 = y
b3 = z + 8
pgl.glTexCoord2f(0.5, 0.5)
pgl.glVertex3f(b1, b2, b3)
for j in range(1, 27):
pgl.glColor3ub(255, 255, 255)
x1 = a * math.cos(0)
y1 = b * math.sin(0)
a1 = x1 * math.cos(t * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.sin(t * math.pi / 360)
a2 = - x1 * math.sin(t * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.cos(t * math.pi / 360)
a3 = z + j * 8
pgl.glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0)
pgl.glVertex3f(a1, a2, a3)
b1 = x1 * math.cos((t + 16) * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.sin((t + 16) * math.pi / 360)
b2 = - x1 * math.sin((t + 16) * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.cos((t + 16) * math.pi / 360)
b3 = z + j * 8 + 8
u = math.cos((t + 16) * math.pi / 360) + math.sin((t + 16) * math.pi / 360)
v = (j-1)/26
pgl.glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0)
pgl.glVertex3f(b1, b2, b3)
for i in range(1, tr + 1):
pgl.glColor3ub(255, 255, 255)
x1 = a * math.cos(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
y1 = b * math.sin(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
t1 = a1
t2 = a2
t3 = a3
a1 = x1 * math.cos(t * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.sin(t * math.pi / 360)
a2 = - x1 * math.sin(t * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.cos(t * math.pi / 360)
a3 = z + j * 8
pgl.glNormal3f((b2 - t2) * (a3 - b3) - (b3 - t3) * (a2 - b2), (b3 - t3) * (a1 - b1) - (b1 - t1) * (a3 - b3),
(b1 - t1) * (a2 - b2) - (b2 - t2) * (a1 - b1))
v = math.cos(t * math.pi / 360) + math.sin(t * math.pi / 360)
pgl.glTexCoord2f((i-1)/tr, (26-j)/26)
pgl.glVertex3f(a1, a2, a3)
x1 = a * math.cos(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
y1 = b * math.sin(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
b1 = x1 * math.cos((t + 16) * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.sin((t + 16) * math.pi / 360)
b2 = - x1 * math.sin((t + 16) * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.cos((t + 16) * math.pi / 360)
b3 = z + j * 8 + 8
v = math.cos((t + 16) * math.pi / 360) + math.sin((t + 16) * math.pi / 360)
pgl.glTexCoord2f((i-1)/tr, (25-j)/26)
pgl.glVertex3f(b1, b2, b3)
t = t + 16
t = 416
z = z + 144
angle = angle + t
for i in range(0, tr + 1):
pgl.glColor3ub(255, 255, 255)
u = math.cos(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
v = math.sin(i * 2 * math.pi / tr)
x1 = x + a * u
y1 = y + b * v
x2 = x1 * math.cos(t * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.sin(t * math.pi / 360)
y2 = - x1 * math.sin(t * math.pi / 360) + y1 * math.cos(t * math.pi / 360)
if i >= 1:
t1 = a1
t2 = a2
t3 = a3
a1 = x2
a2 = y2
a3 = z + 72
pgl.glTexCoord2f(u*0.5+0.5, v*0.5+0.5)
pgl.glVertex3f(a1, a2, a3)
if i >= 1:
pgl.glNormal3f((b2 - t2) * (a3 - b3) - (b3 - t3) * (a2 - b2), (b3 - t3) * (a1 - b1) - (b1 - t1) * (a3 - b3),
(b1 - t1) * (a2 - b2) - (b2 - t2) * (a1 - b1))
b1 = x
b2 = y
b3 = z + 72
pgl.glTexCoord2f(0.5, 0.5)
pgl.glVertex3f(b1, b2, b3)
angle = angle + i
