Is there a way to change my_sprite or my_group to change the animation displayed? - python

I'm making animated sprites in pygame, and would like help finding a way to flip from one to the other? The current code looks something like this:
class normal(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
#etc, list of images to create the animation
class tall(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
#rinse and repeat with a different set of images
I already have an idea for how to trigger the change via keystroke. But I'm not sure which variable to change, and to what. When I try to change with the following code, nothing happens
fps = 25
my_sprite = normal()
my_group = pygame.sprite.Group(my_sprite)
#etc until we get to the part where it changes
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
if my_sprite == normal():
my_sprite = tall()
fps = 30
my_sprite = normal()
fps = 25
I'm not sure exactly what isn't working in my code as it doesn't come back with an error. Can someone point me in the right direction?

It's not working because when the code calls normal() it's creating a new instance of an object. So the call:
if my_sprite == normal():
Is saying "is my existing sprite object == this new sprite object", which is never true. You can use the python function to type() of the object to do the same thing, or add your own type-function as I have presented in the code below.
I would track the state of the sprite inside the class, and use some functions grow() and shrink() to change the size automatically.
class GrowingSprite( pygame.sprite.Sprite, x, y ):
def __init__( self ):
#etc, list of images to create the animation
self.image_short = ... # load "short" image
self.image_tall = ... # load "tall" image
# Set the initial state
self.image = self.image_short # start short
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.centerx = x
self.rect.centery = y
self.state = 'short'
def getState( self ):
return self.state
def grow( self ):
self.state = 'tall'
self.image = self.image_tall
current_x = self.rect.centerx # preserve existing location
current_y = self.rect.centery
self.rect = self.image.get_rect() = ( current_x, current_y )
def shrink( self ):
self.state = 'short'
self.image = self.image_short
current_x = self.rect.centerx # preserve existing location
current_y = self.rect.centery
self.rect = self.image.get_rect() = ( current_x, current_y )

I found a workaround that is a bit redundant, but it makes it possible to expand it in case there are more groups
It requires making two groups that can be pulled back and fourth, and changing the foo.draw(screen) to the new group. This is how it looks
nml_sprite = normal()
tal_sprite = tall()
tg = 1 #this is nothing more than a switch to trigger the change
tal_group = pygame.sprite.Group(tal_sprite)
nml_group = pygame.sprite.Group(nml_sprite)
cursprite = nml_group #this variable determines which sprite set is loaded
if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
if tg == 1:
curspt = tal_group
tg = 2
curspt = nml_group
tg = 2


How to not initialize the def init every time

this code is by tech with tim but i am trying to tweak it, i am trying to make the rotation velocity vary everytime.
import pygame
import time
import math
from utility import scale_image, blit_rotate_center
GRASS = scale_image(pygame.image.load("Sprites/grass.png"),2.5)
TRACK = scale_image(pygame.image.load("Sprites/track.png"),0.7)
TRACK_BORDER = scale_image(pygame.image.load("Sprites/track-border.png"),0.7)
Car = scale_image(pygame.image.load("Sprites/F1.xcf"),0.1)
WIDTH, HEIGHT= TRACK.get_width(), TRACK.get_height()
WIN = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH,HEIGHT))
FPS = 60
class AbstractCar:
def __init__(self,max_vel,rotation_vel):
self.vel = 0
self.rotation_vel = rotation_vel
self.angle = 90
self.x, self.y = self.START_POS
def rotate(self, left=False, right=False):
if left:
self.angle += self.rotation_vel
elif right:
self.angle -= self.rotation_vel
def draw(self):
blit_rotate_center(WIN, self.img,(self.x, self.y), self.angle)
class PlayerCar(AbstractCar):
IMG = Car
START_POS = (180,200)
def draw(win,images, player_car):
for img, pos in images:
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
images = [(GRASS, (0,0)),(TRACK,(0,0))]
def rotate():
global rotation_speed
global Joystickx
while run:
player_car = PlayerCar(4, rotation_speed)
draw(WIN, images, player_car)
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_a]:
elif keys[pygame.K_d]:
however, every time the class is ran, the code will set self.angle to 90, i do not want that to happen, what can i do to not let the def init run as that will set the self.angle to 94 instead remembering the last self.angle
This is OOP (Object Oriented Programming) thing. I really suggest you to look it up, it's not an easy topic at first, but it's also not that hard to understand everything in it, it's just the first time is hard.
So, the __init__ is the constructor of your AbstractCar class. This will always run when you make a new object from this class.
The simple way to fix this is to place the line where you define your car a bit above, outside the while loop and to keep the rotation_vel updated, we make a new method in the AbstractCar class and call it instead:
class AbstractCar:
def set_rotation_vel(self, new_rotation_vel):
self.rotation_vel = new_rotation_vel
player_car = PlayerCar(4, rotation_speed)
while run:
draw(WIN, images, player_car)

How to call a particular object's method and have affect only on that object which is a value of a key of a dictionary in pygame?

I am a new learner of programming. I am practiceing python and writing a litle game using pygame. I have ten circle on the pygame window and each have a counter. I want to increase the counter by 1 when it's circle is clicked. I first created group using .sprite.Group(), but I could not get the desired result. Because then the counter does not even get update. So I create two list, one for the circle and one for the counter. And for each circle in the circle list I created a dictionary taking the circle as the key and each counter in the circle list is the value of the circle. Now when the circle got clicked then the all counter gets updated, not the counter that the circle holds. But goal is to get the specific counter updated for it's circle.
(hole == circle) is the main file.)
import pygame
import sys
from pygame.sprite import Group
from counter import Counter
from hole import Hole
from settings import Settings
class DigHole:
def __init__(self):
self.settings = Settings()
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.settings.screen_width, self.settings.screen_height))
pygame.display.set_caption("Dig Hole")
self.count = Counter(self)
self.counter_group = list()
self.holes = list()
self.dict = dict()
self.hole = Hole(self)
self.mouse_pos = (0, 0)
def run_dig_hole(self):
while True:
def _check_events(self):
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_q:
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
self.mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
def _check_hole_clicked_events(self, mouse_pos):
for key in self.dict:
if key.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
self.dict[key].count_clock += 1
def _create_holes(self):
for row_number in range(2):
for hole_number in range(5):
self._create_hole(row_number, hole_number)
for hole in self.holes:
counter = Counter(self)
counter.counter_rect.midbottom = hole.rect.midtop
for hole in self.holes:
for counter in self.counter_group:
self.dict[hole] = counter
def _create_hole(self, row_number, hole_number):
hole = Hole(self)
hole_width, hole_height = hole.rect.size
available_space_x = self.settings.screen_width - (2 * hole_width)
available_space_y = self.settings.screen_height - (2 * hole_height)
hole.x =(((available_space_x // 5) - hole_width) // 2) + (available_space_x // 5) * hole_number
hole.rect.x = hole.x
hole.rect.y = 2 * hole.rect.height + (available_space_y - (4 * hole_height)) * row_number
def _update_screen(self):
for key in self.dict:
for key in self.dict:
self.dict[key].counter_rect.midbottom = key.rect.midtop
if __name__ == '__main__':
dh = DigHole()
import pygame
from pygame.sprite import Sprite
class Hole():
def __init__(self, dh):
# super().__init__()
self.screen = dh.screen
self.image = pygame.image.load("images/circle.bmp")
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.x = self.rect.width
self.rect.y = self.rect.height
self.x = float(self.rect.x)
def draw(self):
self.screen.blit(self.image, self.rect)
import pygame.font
from pygame.sprite import Sprite
class Counter():
def __init__(self, dh):
# super().__init__()
self.screen = dh.screen
self.screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect()
self.settings = dh.settings
self.count_clock = 0
self.text_color = (30, 30, 30)
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48)
def prep_counter(self):
counter_str = str(self.count_clock)
self.counter_image = self.font.render(counter_str, True, self.text_color, self.settings.bg_color)
self.counter_rect = self.counter_image.get_rect()
self.counter_rect.right = self.screen_rect.right - 20 = 20
def show_counter(self):
self.screen.blit(self.counter_image, self.counter_rect)
Thank you.This is the window of the progeam. Here all circles are gets update but one is clicked.
The issue is that, in _create_holes, you set the counters of each circle to be the same Counter object.
for hole in self.holes:
for counter in self.counter_group:
self.dict[hole] = counter
Unrolling the inner loop, this is the same as
for hole in self.holes:
self.dict[hole] = self.counter_group[0]
self.dict[hole] = self.counter_group[1]
self.dict[hole] = self.counter_group[2]
self.dict[hole] = self.counter_group[-1]
The first assignments are all immediately overwritten, so this code is setting every self.dict value to self.counter_group[-1]. What you want to do instead is
for hole, counter in zip(self.holes, self.counter_group):
self.dict[hole] = counter
which iterates over both self.holes and self.counter_group simultaneously. In your case, you can actually rewrite this as
self.dict = dict(zip(self.holes, self.counter_group))
which is nicer.
I’m not sure, but I think you intend self.count to be a total. If this is the case, it won’t quite work: you’re missing a line from _check_hole_clicked_events. It should look like this:
def _check_hole_clicked_events(self, mouse_pos):
for key in self.dict:
if key.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
self.dict[key].count_clock += 1
self.count.count_clock += 1
As a side note, I noticed you also wrote list() and dict() to create empty lists and dicts. It’s more efficient and idiomatic just to write literals ([] and {}).

How do i instance sprites in Pygame? Do i need too?

So im working on a game for some coursework in my computing course, im almost finished but for the life of me i cant get multiple of the Spider sprite to spawn in at the correct locations or reset properly between levels. I've tried adding different instances to groups before but i always get a different error with each method that i try. the code is below and im fairly new to pygame so sorry for the messy code..
class Spider(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
self.image = pygame.image.load( 'Assets/Level-Assets/Level 1/Enemies/Spider_Down.png')
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.Health = 3
self.Spawned = False
self.range = 100
self.Gravity= 6
self.pos_difference = 0
self.Active = False
self.Fall = False
self.Spiders = []
def Set_Position(self):
if self.Spawned == False: = (World.mapx, World.mapy)
self.Spawned = True
else: =
def update(self):
self.pos_difference = Player.rect.centery - self.rect.centery
if Player.rect.centerx >= self.rect.centerx -4 or Player.rect.centerx >= self.rect.centerx + 4:
if Player.rect.centery > self.rect.centery:
if self.pos_difference < 200:
self.Active = True
self.Fall = True
if self.Active == True:
if self.Fall == True:
self.rect.centery += self.Gravity
This is the code for the Spider, its not actually doing anything until it is called within the World class, which is where i believe the majority of the problem is...
def DisplayWorld(self):
self.MapLoad = False
for Row in range(len(self.newMap)):
for Col in range(len(self.newMap[Row])):
self.mapx = Col * 64
self.mapy = ((Row + self.Height_modifier) * 64)
self.tile_pos = (self.mapx, self.mapy )
if int(self.newMap[Row][Col]) == 1:
self.rect = self.Brick_Center.get_rect(left = (self.mapx) , bottom = (self.mapy))
elif int(self.newMap[Row][Col]) == 2:
def main():
play = True
while play:
if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_ESCAPE]:
play = False
if not Sprites.sprites():
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
play = False
if Shoot.bullet == True:
for b in range(len(Shoot.bullets)):
screen.blit(Shoot.image, (Shoot.bullets[b][0],Shoot.bullets[b][1]))
Sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
Enemies = pygame.sprite.Group()
UI = User_Interface()
World = World()
Player = Proto()
Shoot = Shoot()
Portal = Portals()
Spider = Spider()
I've found your problem: you overwrite your Spider class by an instance of it (Spider()) and then give it the same name. Thus you're consistently adding the same single spider to your enemies list. Instead, you should remove this definition on the bottom of your file and where ever you're adding the (multiple) spider(s), you should create this instance.
In a more general remark, it is considered bad style (and not too great for performance) to use global variables as widely as you do. It'd be much better to pass them around between functions and classes. Also, the CamelCase capitalization you use for all of your variables is commonly only used for classes. I'd recommend checking up on pep8 to learn more about how to use common Python styles. It makes these kinds of problems easier to spot, less likely to occur, and simplifies the reading for anyone involved. Using these points properly might even improve your grade significantly ;).

atan2 isn't providing me with the angle I want

I'm trying to write a game in pygame, involving a moving object with a "turret" that swivels to follow a mouse. As of now, I'm mostly trying to expand upon examples, so the code's not entirely mine (credit to Sean J. McKiernan for his sample programs); however, this portion is. Below is my code; I use the center of rect (the "base" shape and the point around which the "turret" swivels) as the base point, and the position of the mouse as the other point. By subtracting the mouse's displacement from the displacement of the "center," I effectively get a vector between the two points and find the angle between that vector and the x-axis with atan2. Below is the code I use to do that:
def get_angle(self, mouse):
x_off = (mouse[0]-self.rect.centerx)
y_off = (mouse[1]-self.rect.centery)
self.angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(-y_off, x_off) % 2*math.pi)
self.hand = pg.transform.rotate(self.original_hand, self.angle)
self.hand_rect = self.hand.get_rect(
According to multiple tutorials I've reviewed, this SHOULD be the correct code; however, I discovered later that those tutorials (and, in fact, this tutorial) were all for Python 2.7, while I am trying to write in Python 3.6. I don't think that should make a difference in this scenario, though. As it stands, the view appears to depend entirely upon the "character's" position on the screen. If the "character" is in one corner, the reaction of the "turret" is different than the reaction if the "character" is in the middle of the screen. However, this shouldn't matter; the position of the "character" relative to the mouse is the exact same no matter where on the screen they are. Any ideas, or do I need to supply more code?
Edit: Apparently, more code is required. Rather than attempt to extricate only the entirely necessary parts, I've provided the entire code sample, so everyone can run it. As a side note, the "Bolt" things (intended to fire simple yellow blocks) don't work either, but I'm just trying to get the arm working before I start in on debugging that.
Edit the second: I have discovered that the "Bolt" system works within a certain distance of the origin (0,0 in the window coordinate system), and that the arm also works within a much lesser distance. I added the line Block(pg.Color("chocolate"), (0,0,100,100)) under the "walls" grouping as a decision point, and the block was positioned in the top left corner. I've corrected Bolt by changing screen_rect to viewport in the control loop; however, I don't know why the "arm" swinging is dependent on adjacency to the origin. The positions of the mouse and "character" SHOULD be absolute. Am I missing something?
Basic moving platforms using only rectangle collision.
-Written by Sean J. McKiernan 'Mekire'
Edited for a test of "arms"
import os
import sys
import math
import pygame as pg
CAPTION = "Moving Platforms"
SCREEN_SIZE = (700,700)
BACKGROUND_COLOR = (50, 50, 50)
COLOR_KEY = (255, 255, 255)
class _Physics(object):
"""A simplified physics class. Psuedo-gravity is often good enough."""
def __init__(self):
"""You can experiment with different gravity here."""
self.x_vel = self.y_vel = 0
self.grav = 0.4
self.fall = False
def physics_update(self):
"""If the player is falling, add gravity to the current y velocity."""
if self.fall:
self.y_vel += self.grav
self.y_vel = 0
class Player(_Physics, object):
def __init__(self,location,speed):
HAND = pg.image.load("playertst2.png").convert()
self.image = pg.image.load('playertst.png').convert()
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=location)
self.speed = speed
self.jump_power = -9.0
self.jump_cut_magnitude = -3.0
self.on_moving = False
self.collide_below = False
self.original_hand = HAND
self.fake_hand = self.original_hand.copy()
self.hand = self.original_hand.copy()
self.hand_rect = self.hand.get_rect(topleft=location)
self.angle = self.get_angle(pg.mouse.get_pos())
def check_keys(self, keys):
"""Find the player's self.x_vel based on currently held keys."""
self.x_vel = 0
if keys[pg.K_LEFT] or keys[pg.K_a]:
self.x_vel -= self.speed
if keys[pg.K_RIGHT] or keys[pg.K_d]:
self.x_vel += self.speed
def get_position(self, obstacles):
"""Calculate the player's position this frame, including collisions."""
if not self.fall:
self.fall = self.check_collisions((0,self.y_vel), 1, obstacles)
if self.x_vel:
self.check_collisions((self.x_vel,0), 0, obstacles)
def check_falling(self, obstacles):
"""If player is not contacting the ground, enter fall state."""
if not self.collide_below:
self.fall = True
self.on_moving = False
def check_moving(self,obstacles):
Check if the player is standing on a moving platform.
If the player is in contact with multiple platforms, the prevously
detected platform will take presidence.
if not self.fall:
now_moving = self.on_moving
any_moving, any_non_moving = [], []
for collide in self.collide_below:
if collide.type == "moving":
self.on_moving = collide
if not any_moving:
self.on_moving = False
elif any_non_moving or now_moving in any_moving:
self.on_moving = now_moving
def check_collisions(self, offset, index, obstacles):
This function checks if a collision would occur after moving offset
pixels. If a collision is detected, the position is decremented by one
pixel and retested. This continues until we find exactly how far we can
safely move, or we decide we can't move.
unaltered = True
self.rect[index] += offset[index]
self.hand_rect[index] += offset[index]
while pg.sprite.spritecollideany(self, obstacles):
self.rect[index] += (1 if offset[index]<0 else -1)
self.hand_rect[index] += (1 if offset[index]<0 else -1)
unaltered = False
return unaltered
def check_above(self, obstacles):
"""When jumping, don't enter fall state if there is no room to jump."""
self.rect.move_ip(0, -1)
collide = pg.sprite.spritecollideany(self, obstacles)
self.rect.move_ip(0, 1)
return collide
def check_below(self, obstacles):
"""Check to see if the player is contacting the ground."""
collide = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self, obstacles, False)
return collide
def jump(self, obstacles):
"""Called when the user presses the jump button."""
if not self.fall and not self.check_above(obstacles):
self.y_vel = self.jump_power
self.fall = True
self.on_moving = False
def jump_cut(self):
"""Called if player releases the jump key before maximum height."""
if self.fall:
if self.y_vel < self.jump_cut_magnitude:
self.y_vel = self.jump_cut_magnitude
def get_angle(self, mouse):
x_off = (mouse[0]-self.rect.centerx)
y_off = (mouse[1]-self.rect.centery)
self.angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(-y_off, x_off) % (2*math.pi))
self.hand = pg.transform.rotate(self.original_hand, self.angle)
self.hand_rect = self.hand.get_rect(
offset = (mouse[1]-self.hand_rect.centery, mouse[0]-self.hand_rect.centerx)
self.angle = math.atan2(-offset[0], offset[1]) % (2 * math.pi)
self.angle = math.degrees(self.angle)
self.hand = pg.transform.rotate(self.original_hand, self.angle)
self.hand_rect = self.hand.get_rect(
self.angle = 135-math.degrees(math.atan2(*offset))
self.hand = pg.transform.rotate(self.original_hand, self.angle)
self.hand_rect = self.hand.get_rect(topleft=self.rect.topleft)
def pre_update(self, obstacles):
"""Ran before platforms are updated."""
self.collide_below = self.check_below(obstacles)
def update(self, obstacles, keys):
"""Everything we need to stay updated; ran after platforms update."""
def get_event(self, event, bolts):
if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1:
elif event.type == pg.MOUSEMOTION:
def draw(self, surface):
"""Blit the player to the target surface."""
surface.blit(self.image, self.rect)
surface.blit(self.hand, self.hand_rect)
class Bolt(pg.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, location):
"""self.original_bolt = pg.image.load('bolt.png')"""
"""self.angle = -math.radians(angle-135)"""
"""self.image = pg.transform.rotate(self.original_bolt, angle)"""
"""self.image = self.original_bolt"""
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=location)
self.move = [self.rect.x, self.rect.y]
self.speed_magnitude = 5
"""self.speed = (self.speed_magnitude*math.cos(self.angle), self.speed_magnitude*math.sin(self.angle))"""
"""self.speed = (5,0)"""
self.done = False
def update(self, screen_rect, obstacles):
self.move[0] += self.speed_magnitude
"""self.move[1] += self.speed[1]"""
self.rect.topleft = self.move
self.remove(screen_rect, obstacles)
def remove(self, screen_rect, obstacles):
if not self.rect.colliderect(screen_rect):
class Block(pg.sprite.Sprite):
"""A class representing solid obstacles."""
def __init__(self, color, rect):
"""The color is an (r,g,b) tuple; rect is a rect-style argument."""
self.rect = pg.Rect(rect)
self.image = pg.Surface(self.rect.size).convert()
self.type = "normal"
class MovingBlock(Block):
"""A class to represent horizontally and vertically moving blocks."""
def __init__(self, color, rect, end, axis, delay=500, speed=2, start=None):
The moving block will travel in the direction of axis (0 or 1)
between rect.topleft and end. The delay argument is the amount of time
(in miliseconds) to pause when reaching an endpoint; speed is the
platforms speed in pixels/frame; if specified start is the place
within the blocks path to start (defaulting to rect.topleft).
Block.__init__(self, color, rect)
self.start = self.rect[axis]
if start:
self.rect[axis] = start
self.axis = axis
self.end = end
self.timer = 0.0
self.delay = delay
self.speed = speed
self.waiting = False
self.type = "moving"
def update(self, player, obstacles):
"""Update position. This should be done before moving any actors."""
obstacles = obstacles.copy()
now = pg.time.get_ticks()
if not self.waiting:
speed = self.speed
start_passed = self.start >= self.rect[self.axis]+speed
end_passed = self.end <= self.rect[self.axis]+speed
if start_passed or end_passed:
if start_passed:
speed = self.start-self.rect[self.axis]
speed = self.end-self.rect[self.axis]
self.rect[self.axis] += speed
self.move_player(now, player, obstacles, speed)
elif now-self.timer > self.delay:
self.waiting = False
def move_player(self, now, player, obstacles, speed):
Moves the player both when on top of, or bumped by the platform.
Collision checks are in place to prevent the block pushing the player
through a wall.
if player.on_moving is self or pg.sprite.collide_rect(self,player):
axis = self.axis
offset = (speed, speed)
player.check_collisions(offset, axis, obstacles)
if pg.sprite.collide_rect(self, player):
if self.speed > 0:
self.rect[axis] = player.rect[axis]-self.rect.size[axis]
self.rect[axis] = player.rect[axis]+player.rect.size[axis]
def change_direction(self, now):
"""Called when the platform reaches an endpoint or has no more room."""
self.waiting = True
self.timer = now
self.speed *= -1
"""class Spell(pg.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, location, angle)"""
class Control(object):
"""Class for managing event loop and game states."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initalize the display and prepare game objects."""
self.screen = pg.display.get_surface()
self.screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect()
self.clock = pg.time.Clock()
self.fps = 60.0
self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
self.done = False
self.player = Player((50,875), 4)
self.viewport = self.screen.get_rect()
self.level = pg.Surface((1000,1000)).convert()
self.level_rect = self.level.get_rect()
self.win_text,self.win_rect = self.make_text()
self.obstacles = self.make_obstacles()
self.bolts = pg.sprite.Group()
def make_text(self):
"""Renders a text object. Text is only rendered once."""
font = pg.font.Font(None, 100)
message = "You win. Celebrate."
text = font.render(message, True, (100,100,175))
rect = text.get_rect(centerx=self.level_rect.centerx, y=100)
return text, rect
def make_obstacles(self):
"""Adds some arbitrarily placed obstacles to a sprite.Group."""
walls = [Block(pg.Color("chocolate"), (0,980,1000,20)),
Block(pg.Color("chocolate"), (0,0,20,1000)),
Block(pg.Color("chocolate"), (980,0,20,1000))]
static = [Block(pg.Color("darkgreen"), (250,780,200,100)),
Block(pg.Color("darkgreen"), (600,880,200,100)),
Block(pg.Color("darkgreen"), (20,360,880,40)),
Block(pg.Color("darkgreen"), (950,400,30,20)),
Block(pg.Color("darkgreen"), (20,630,50,20)),
Block(pg.Color("darkgreen"), (80,530,50,20)),
Block(pg.Color("darkgreen"), (130,470,200,215)),
Block(pg.Color("darkgreen"), (20,760,30,20)),
Block(pg.Color("darkgreen"), (400,740,30,40))]
moving = [MovingBlock(pg.Color("olivedrab"), (20,740,75,20), 325, 0),
MovingBlock(pg.Color("olivedrab"), (600,500,100,20), 880, 0),
(420,430,100,20), 550, 1, speed=3, delay=200),
(450,700,50,20), 930, 1, start=930),
(500,700,50,20), 730, 0, start=730),
(780,700,50,20), 895, 0, speed=-1)]
return pg.sprite.Group(walls, static, moving)
def update_viewport(self):
The viewport will stay centered on the player unless the player
approaches the edge of the map.
""" =
def event_loop(self):
"""We can always quit, and the player can sometimes jump."""
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT or self.keys[pg.K_ESCAPE]:
self.done = True
elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pg.K_SPACE:
elif event.type == pg.KEYUP:
if event.key == pg.K_SPACE:
elif event.type == pg.MOUSEMOTION or event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
self.player.get_event(event, self.bolts)
def update(self):
"""Update the player, obstacles, and current viewport."""
self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
self.obstacles.update(self.player, self.obstacles)
self.player.update(self.obstacles, self.keys)
self.bolts.update(self.screen_rect, self.obstacles)
def draw(self):
Draw all necessary objects to the level surface, and then draw
the viewport section of the level to the display surface.
self.level.blit(self.win_text, self.win_rect)
self.screen.blit(self.level, (0,0), self.viewport)
def display_fps(self):
"""Show the programs FPS in the window handle."""
caption = "{} - FPS: {:.2f}".format(CAPTION, self.clock.get_fps())
def main_loop(self):
"""As simple as it gets."""
while not self.done:
if __name__ == "__main__":
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1'
PLAYERIMG = pg.image.load("playertst.png").convert()
run_it = Control()
The % 2*pi unnecessary, and your get_angle function has no return value, but you do an assignment to self.angle = self.get_angle, but that is not the issue. The issue is that the mouse position is relative to the screen (i.e. clicking in the top right area of your game screen will always yield (0,480) if your screen is 640x480), while the position of the (character) rectangle is given in your game play area, which is larger than the screen, ergo if you move the character and thus the view shifts, you are getting coordinates in two different coordinate systems. You will have to keep track of where the view is in your game play area and add the offset to the mouse coordinates.

Controlling pygame animation through text input

I need to create a fighting game that gives prompts and accepts input through text, such as a raw input and then performs the animation, while still have the characters animated, e.g. moving back and forth in a ready to fight stance. How would I go about this?
Please note that this is not going to be your typical answer. StackOverflow is to help after all that you can do on your part when you are stuck, it's not meant as a place to come for code, but since I'm assuming other people new to programming will also be confused on things such as these. So I'm going to write some code, and some psuedo code, just so that you get the just of what you would do in such a scenario.
# TODO put your imports up here
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
gameSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 400)) # 2/3 aspect ratio
FPS = 40 # Set to your own Frames per second
class Animator:
def __init__(self, surface, rows, cols, time_between_frames, on_finish):
self.images = []
self.current_image = 0
self.time_between_frames = time_between_frames # time animator waits before changing surface
self.current_time # tracks time for frames to change
self.on_finish = on_finish # function to call when animation finishes
surf_width = (surface.get_width() / cols) # calculate width
surf_height = (surface.get_height() / rows) # calculate height
for x in range(cols):
for y in range(rows):
surf = pygame.Surface(surface.get_size()) # temp surface
from_rect = pygame.Rect(x * surf_width, y * surf_height, surf_width, surf_height) # rect to blit from
surf.blit(surface, (0,0), from_rect) # draw to temp surface
self.images.append(surf) # add temp surface to the images list
def update(delta):
self.current_time += delta # update current time
if (self.current_time >= self.time_between_frames): # if time to switch surfaces
self.current_time -= self.time_between_frames # take away time from current time
self.current_image += 1 # change image
if self.current_image >= len(self.images): # if current image would throw an out of bounds exception
self.current_image = 0 # reset the current image to the first
def get_frame(self):
return self.images[self.current_image]
class Player:
resting = 0
abdomenKick = 1
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.action = Player.resting
self.restingAnimation = Animation(pygame.image.load("resting.png"), 2, 3, 500)
self.abdomenKickAnimation = Animation(pygame.image.load("abdomenKick.png"), 4, 6, 50)
self.currentAnimation = self.restingAnimation
def update(self, delta):
def draw(self, surface):
surface.blit(self.currentAnimation.get_frame(), (self.x, self.y))
def abdomenKick(self):
self.currentAnimation = self.restingAnimation
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.player = Player()
def update(self, delta):
def draw_screen(self, surface):
def gameLoop():
game = Game()
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == A:
game.player.abdomenKick() #Or whatever move you have
So here is just a brief showcase you can call it of what this might look like.
