I'm trying to solve a problem with 8 unknowns and 8 complex equations. I've tried to use fsolve but I get the error message:
error: Result from function call is not a proper array of floats.
From what I've now read fsolve doesn't support complex equations and hence my questions, how would I solve systems of complex non-linear equations in Python?
PS: I've seen the suggestion to split my problem up into imaginary and real part and use fsolve on those separately but that is too cumbersome.
This is the relevant snippet of my code:
def equations(p):
B,C,D,F,G,H,I,J = p
return (
1j*k0*(A-B) -1j*k1*(C-D),
B*exp(1j*k1*a1) + D*exp(-1j*k1*a1) - F*exp(1j*k0*a1) - G*exp(-1j*k0*a1),
1j*k1* ( C*exp(1j*k1*a1) - D*exp(-1j*k1*a1) ) - 1j*k0*( F*exp(1j*k0*a1) - G*exp(-1j*k0*a1) ),
F*exp(1j*k0*a1L) + G*exp(-1j*k0*a1L) - H*exp(-k2*a1L) - I*exp(k2*a1L),
1j*k0*( F*exp(1j*k0*a1L) - G*exp(-1j*k0*a1L) )- k2*( -H*exp(-k2*a1L) + I*exp(k2*a1L) ),
H*exp(-k2*a12L) + I*exp(k2*a12L) - J*exp(1j*k0*a12L),
k2*( -H*exp(-k2*a12L) + I*exp(k2*a12L) ) - 1j*k0*J*exp(1j*k0*a12L)
B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J = fsolve(equations, (-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1))
Algorithm in which the code below was written
algorithm for Newton’s Method for Systems
# Author : Carlos Eduardo da Silva Lima
# Theme : Newton’s Method for Systems (real or complex)
# Language: Python
# IDE : Google Colab
# Data : 18/11/2022
# This Part contains the imports of packages needed for this project #
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.linalg import inv, norm, multi_dot
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
# Enter problem data #
x0 = np.array([1.0+0.0j, 1.0+0.0j, 1.0+0.0j]) # Initial guess for the possible root of the set of nonlinear equations entered in F(x)
TOL = 1e-49 # Stipulated minimum tolerance
N = 10 # Number of required maximum iterations
# Newton-Raphson algorithm #
def newtonRapshonSistem(F,J,x0,TOL,N):
x = x0 # First kick
k = 1
# Ccalculation of the product between the inverse of the Jacobian matrix (J(x)^(-1)) and the vector F(x) (T a transpose)
y = -((inv(J(x)))#(F(x).T))
x += (y.T)
# absolute value norm
erro_abs = np.linalg.norm(np.abs(y))
if erro_abs<TOL:
k += 1
# Exit #
print(f"Number of iterations: {k}")
print(f"Absolute error: {erro_abs}\n")
for l in range(0,np.size(x),1):
print(f"x[{l}] = {x[l]:.4}\n")
# print(f'x[{l}] = {np.real(x[l]):.4} + {np.imag(x[l]):.4}j')
return x
# Function F(x) #
def F(x):
# definition of variables (Arrays)
x1,x2,x3 = x
# definition of the set of nonlinear equations
f1 = x1+x2-10000
f2 = x1*np.exp(-1j*x3*5) + x2*np.exp(1j*x3*5) - 12000
f3 = x1*np.exp(-1j*x3*10) + x2*np.exp(1j*x3*10) - 8000
return np.array([f1, f2, f3], dtype=np.complex128)
# Jacobian #
def J(x):
# definition of variables (Arrays)
x1,x2,x3 = x
# Jacobean matrix elements
df1_dx1 = 1
df1_dx2 = 1
df1_dx3 = 0
df2_dx1 = np.exp(-1j*x3*5)
df2_dx2 = np.exp(1j*x3*5)
df2_dx3 = x1*(-1j*5)*np.exp(-1j*x3*5)+x2*(1j*5)*np.exp(1j*x3*5)
df3_dx1 = np.exp(-1j*x3*10)
df3_dx2 = np.exp(1j*x3*10)
df3_dx3 = x1*(-1j*10)*np.exp(-1j*x3*10) + x2*(1j*10)*np.exp(1j*x3*10)
matriz_jacobiana = np.array([
[df1_dx1, df1_dx2, df1_dx3],
[df2_dx1, df2_dx2, df2_dx3],
[df3_dx1, df3_dx2, df3_dx3]], dtype=np.complex128)
return matriz_jacobiana
# Calculate the roots
s = newtonRapshonSistem(F,J,x0,TOL,N)
# Application of the result obtained in x in F.
Finally! If you don't agree, or if you find any errors, please let me know. In the most I hope to help you and the community the community. Up until :-).
I am computing a solution to the free basis expansion of the dirac equation for electron-positron pairproduction. For this i need to solve a system of equations that looks like this:
Equation for pairproduction, from Mocken at al.
EDIT: This has been solved by passing y0 as complex type into the solver. As is stated in this issue: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/8453 I would definitely consider this a bug but it seems like it has gone under the rock for at least 4 years
for this i am using SciPy's solve_ivp integrator in the following way:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import scipy.constants as constants
px, py = 0 , 0
#physics constants
e = constants.e
m = constants.m_e # electronmass
c = constants.c
hbar = constants.hbar
#relativistic energy
E = np.sqrt(m**2 *c**4 + (px**2+py**2) * c**2) # E_p
#adiabatic parameter
xi = 1
#Parameter of the system
w = 0.840 #frequency in 1/m_e
N = 8 # amount of amplitudes in window
T = 2* np.pi/w
#unit system
c = 1
hbar = 1
m = 1
#strength of electric field
E_0 = xi*m*c*w/e
A = lambda t,F: -E_0/w *np.sin(t)*F
def linearFenster2(t):
conditions = [t <=0, (t/w>=0) and (t/w <= T/2), (t/w >= T/2) and (t/w<=T*(N+1/2)), (t/w>=T*(N+1/2)) and (t/w<=T*(N+1)), t/w>=T*(N+1)]
funcs = [lambda t: 0, lambda t: 1/np.pi *t, lambda t: 1, lambda t: 1-w/np.pi * (t/w-T*(N+1/2)), lambda t: 0]
return np.piecewise(t,conditions,funcs)
#Coefficient functions
nu = lambda t: -1j/hbar *e*A(w*t,linearFenster2(w*t)) *np.exp(2*1j/hbar * E*t) *(px*py*c**2 /(E*(E+m*c**2)) + 1j*(1- c**2 *py**2/(E*(E+m*c**2))))
kappa = lambda t: 1j*e*A(t,linearFenster2(w*t))* c*py/(E * hbar)
#System to solve
def System(t, y, nu, kappa):
df = kappa(t) *y[0] + nu(t) * y[1]
dg = -np.conjugate(nu(t)) * y[0] + np.conjugate(kappa(t))*y[1]
return np.array([df,dg], dtype=np.cdouble)
def solver(tmin, tmax,teval=None,f0=0,g0=1):
'''solves the system.
#tmin: starttime
#tmax: endtime
#f0: starting percentage of already present electrons of positive energy usually 0
#g0: starting percentage of already present electrons of negative energy, usually 1, therefore full vaccuum
tspan = np.array([tmin, tmax])
koeff = np.array([nu,kappa])
sol = solve_ivp(System,tspan,y0,t_eval= teval,args=koeff)
return sol
#Plotting of windowfunction
amount = 10**2
t = np.arange(0, T*(N+1), 1/amount)
vlinearFenster2 = np.array([linearFenster2(w*a) for a in t ], dtype = float)
fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=[24,8])
ax3.plot(t,E_0/w * vlinearFenster2)
ax3.plot(t,-E_0 /w * vlinearFenster2)
ax3.set_xlabel("t in s")
ax3.grid(which = 'both')
sol = solver(0, 70,teval = t)
ts= sol.t
fsquared = 2* np.absolute(f)**2
The plot for the window function looks like this (and is correct)
window function
however the plot for the solution looks like this:
Plot of pairproduction probability
This is not correct based on the papers graphs (and further testing using mathematica instead).
When running the line 'sol = solver(..)' it says:
\numpy\core\_asarray.py:102: ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part
return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order)
I simply do not know why solve_ivp discard the imaginary part. Its absolutely necessary.
Can someone enlighten me who knows more or sees the mistake?
According to the documentation, the y0 passed to solve_ivp must be of type complex in order for the integration to be over the complex domain. A robust way of ensuring this is to add the following to your code:
def solver(tmin, tmax,teval=None,f0=0,g0=1):
'''solves the system.
#tmin: starttime
#tmax: endtime
#f0: starting percentage of already present electrons of positive energy usually 0
#g0: starting percentage of already present electrons of negative energy, usually 1, therefore full vaccuum
f0 = complex(f0) # <-- added
g0 = complex(g0) # <-- added
tspan = np.array([tmin, tmax])
koeff = np.array([nu,kappa])
sol = solve_ivp(System,tspan,y0,t_eval= teval,args=koeff)
return sol
I tried the above, and it indeed made the warning disappear. However, the result of the integration seems to be the same regardless.
So I am trying to solve the differential equation $\frac{d^2y}{dx^2} = -y(x)$ subject to boundary conditions y(0) = 0 and y(1) = 1 ,the analytic solution is y(x) = sin(x)/sin(1).
I am using three point stencil to approximate the double derivative.
The curves obtained through these ways should match at least at the boundaries ,but my solutions have small differences even at the boundaries.
I am attaching the code, Please tell me what is wrong.
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as lg
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs
from scipy.sparse.linalg import inv
from scipy import sparse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
a = 0
b = 1
N = 1000
h = (b-a)/N
r = np.arange(a,b+h,h)
y_a = 0
y_b = 1
def lap_three(r):
h = r[1]-r[0]
n = len(r)
M_d = -2*np.ones(n)
#M_d = M_d + B_d
O_d = np.ones(n-1)
mat = sparse.diags([M_d,O_d,O_d],offsets=(0,+1,-1))
return mat
def f(r):
h = r[1]-r[0]
n = len(r)
return -1*np.ones(len(r))*(h**2)
def R_mat(f,r):
r_d = f(r)
R_mat = sparse.diags([r_d],offsets=[0])
return R_mat
#def R_mat(r):
# M_d = -1*np.ones(len(r))
def make_mat(r):
main = lap_three(r) - R_mat(f,r)
return main
main = make_mat(r)
main_mat = main.toarray()
eig_val , eig_vec = eigs(main, k = 20,which = 'SM')
Val = eig_vec.T
main_inv = inv(main)
inv_mat = main_inv.toarray()
n = len(r)
B_d = np.zeros(n)
B_d[0] = 0
B_d[-1] = 1
#from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
A = np.abs(np.dot(inv_mat,B_d))
plt.plot(r[0:10],A[0:10],label='calculated solution')
real = np.sin(r)/np.sin(1)
plt.plot(r[0:10],real[0:10],label='analytic solution')
'''diff = A-real
There is no guarantee of what the last point in arange(a,b+h,h) will be, it will mostly be b, but could in some cases also be b+h. Better use
r,h = np.linspace(a,b,N+1,retstep=True)
The linear system consists of the equations for the middle positions r[1],...,r[N-1]. These are N-1 equations, thus your matrix size is one too large.
You could keep the matrix construction shorter by including the h^2 term already in M_d.
If you use sparse matrices, you can also use the sparse solver A = spsolve(main, B_d).
The equations that make up the system are
A[k-1] + (-2+h^2)*A[k] + A[k+1] = 0
The vector on the right side thus needs to contain the values -A[0] and -A[N]. This should clear up the sign problem, no need to cheat with the absolute value.
The solution vector A corresponds, as constructed from the start, to r[1:-1]. As there are no values for postitions 0 and N inside, there can also be no difference.
PS: There is no relaxation involved here, foremost because this is no iterative method. Perhaps you meant a finite difference method.
I have tried to no avail for a week while trying to solve a system of coupled differential equations and reproduce the results shown in the attached image. I seem to be getting weird results as shown also. I don't seem to know what I might be doing wrong.The set of coupled differential equations were solved using Newman's BAND. Here's a link to the python implementation: python solution using BAND . And another link to the original image of the problem in case the attached is not clear enough: here you find a clearer image of the problem. Now what I am trying to do is to solve the same problem by creating a sparse array directly from the discretized equations using a combination of sympy and numpy and then solving using scipy's spsolve. Here is my code below. I need some help to figure out what I am doing wrong.
I have represented the variables as c1 = cA, c2 = cB, c3 = cC, c4 = cD in my code. Equation 2 has been linearized and phi10 and phi20 are the trial values of the variables cC and cD.
# import modules
import numpy as np
import sympy
from sympy.core.function import _mexpand
import scipy as sp
import scipy.sparse as ss
import scipy.sparse.linalg as ssl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# define functions
def flatten(t):
function to flatten lists
return [item for sublist in t for item in sublist]
def get_coeffs(coeff_dict, func_vars):
function to extract coefficients from variables
and form the sparse symbolic array
c = coeff_dict
for i in list(c.keys()):
b, _ = i.as_base_exp()
if b == i:
if b in c:
c[i] = 0
if any(k.has(b) for k in c):
c[i] = 0
return [coeff_dict[val] for val in func_vars]
# Constants for the problem
I = 0.1 # A/cm2
L = 1.0 # distance (x) in cm
m = 100 # grid spacing
h = L / (m-1)
a = 23300 # 1/cm
io = 2e-7 # A/cm2
n = 1
F = 96500 # C/mol
R = 8.314 # J/mol-K
T = 298 # K
sigma = 20 # S/cm
kappa = 0.06 # S/cm
alpha = 0.5
beta = -(1-alpha)*n*F/R/T
phi10 , phi20 = 5, 0.5 # these are just guesses
P = a*io*np.exp(beta*(phi10-phi20))
j = sympy.symbols('j',integer = True)
cA = sympy.IndexedBase('cA')
cB = sympy.IndexedBase('cB')
cC = sympy.IndexedBase('cC')
cD = sympy.IndexedBase('cD')
# write the boundary conditions at x = 0
bc=[cA[1], cB[1],
(4/3) * cC[2] - (1/3)*cC[3], # use a three point approximation for cC_prime
# form a list of expressions from the boundary conditions and equations
-cA[j-1] - cB[j-1] + cA[j+1] + cB[j+1],
cB[j-1] - 2*h*P*beta*cC[j] + 2*h*P*beta*cD[j] - cB[j+1],
-sigma*cC[j-1] + 2*h*cA[j] + sigma * cC[j+1],
-kappa * cD[j-1] + 2*h * cB[j] + kappa * cD[j+1]] for j in range(2, m)])])
vars = [cA[j], cB[j], cC[j], cD[j]]
# flatten the list of variables
unknowns = flatten([[cA[j], cB[j], cC[j], cD[j]] for j in range(1,m)])
var_len = len(unknowns)
# # # substitute in the boundary conditions at x = L while getting the coefficients
A = sympy.SparseMatrix([get_coeffs(_mexpand(i.subs({cA[m]:I}))\
.as_coefficients_dict(), unknowns) for i in expr])
# convert to a numpy array
mat_temp = np.array(A).astype(np.float64)
# you can view the sparse array with this
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
ax = fig.add_axes([0,0, 1,1])
cmap = plt.cm.binary
plt.spy(mat_temp, cmap = cmap, alpha = 0.8)
def solve_sparse(b0, error):
# create the b column vector
b = np.copy(b0)
b[0:4] = np.array([0.0, I, 0.0, 0.0])
b[var_len-4] = I
b[var_len-3] = 0
b[var_len-2] = 0
b[var_len-1] = 0
old = np.copy(b0)
mat = np.copy(mat_temp)
b_2 = np.copy(b)
resid = 10
lss = 0
while lss < 100:
mat_2 = np.copy(mat)
for j in range(3, var_len - 3, 4):
# update the forcing term of equation 2
b_2[j+2] = 2*h*(1-beta*old[j+3]+beta*old[j+4])*a*io*np.exp(beta*(old[j+3]-old[j+4]))
# update the sparse array at every iteration for variables cC and cD in equation2
mat_2[j+2, j+3] += 2*h*beta*a*io*np.exp(beta*(old[j+3]-old[j+4]))
mat_2[j+2, j+4] += 2*h*beta*a*io*np.exp(beta*(old[j+3]-old[j+4]))
# form the column sparse matrix
A_s = ss.csc_matrix(mat_2)
new = ssl.spsolve(A_s, b_2).flatten()
resid = np.sum((new - old)**2)/var_len
lss += 1
old = np.copy(new)
return new
val0 = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for _ in range(m-1)]).flatten() # form an array of initial values
error = 1e-7
## Run the code
conc = solve_sparse(val0, error).reshape(m-1, len(vars))
conc.shape # gives (99, 4)
# Plot result for cA:
plt.plot(conc[:,0], marker = 'o', linestyle = '')
What happens seems pretty clear now, after having seen that the plotted solution indeed oscillates between the upper and lower values. You are using the central Euler method as discretization, for u'=F(u) this reads as
u[j+1]-u[j-1] = 2*h*F(u[j])
This method is only weakly stable and allows the sub-sequences of odd and even indices to evolve rather independently. As equation this would mean that the solution might approximate the system ue'=F(uo), uo'=F(ue) with independent functions ue, uo that follow the path of the even or odd sub-sequence.
These even and odd parts are only tied together by the treatment of the boundary points, two or three points deep. So to avoid or reduce the oscillation requires a very careful handling of boundary conditions and also the differential equations for the boundary points.
But one can avoid all this unpleasantness by using the trapezoidal method
u[j+1]-u[j] = 0.5*h*(F(u[j+1])+F(u[j]))
This also reduces the band-width of the system matrix.
To properly implement the implied Newton method correctly (linearizing via Taylor and solving the linearized equation is what the Newton-Kantorovich method does) you need to replace F(u[j]) with F(u_old[j])+F'(u_old[j])*(u[j]-u_old[j]). This then gives a linear system of equations in u for the iteration step.
For the trapezoidal method this gives
(I-0.5*h*F'(u_old[j+1]))*u[j+1] - (I+0.5*h*F'(u_old[j]))*u[j]
= 0.5*h*(F(u_old[j+1])-F'(u_old[j+1])*u_old[j+1] + F(u_old[j])-F'(u_old[j])*u_old[j])
In general, the derivatives values and thus the system matrix need not be updated every step, only the function value (else the iteration does not move forward).
I am developing a numerical solver for the Second-Order Kuramoto Model. The functions I use to find the derivatives of theta and omega are given below.
# n-dimensional change in omega
def d_theta(omega):
return omega
# n-dimensional change in omega
def d_omega(K,A,P,alpha,mask,n):
def layer1(theta,omega):
T = theta[:,None] - theta
A[mask] = K[mask] * np.sin(T[mask])
return - alpha*omega + P - A.sum(1)
return layer1
These equations return vectors.
I know how to use odeint for two dimensions, (y,t). for my research I want to use a built-in Python function that works for higher dimensions.
I do not necessarily want to stop after a predetermined amount of time. I have other stopping conditions in the code below that will indicate whether the system of equations converges to the steady state. How do I incorporate these into a built-in Python solver?
This is the code I am currently using to solve the system. I just implemented RK4 with constant time stepping in a loop.
# This function randomly samples initial values in the domain and returns whether the solution converged
# Inputs:
# f change in theta (d_theta)
# g change in omega (d_omega)
# tol when step size is lower than tolerance, the solution is said to converge
# h size of the time step
# max_iter maximum number of steps Runge-Kutta will perform before giving up
# max_laps maximum number of laps the solution can do before giving up
# fixed_t vector of fixed points of theta
# fixed_o vector of fixed points of omega
# n number of dimensions
# theta initial theta vector
# omega initial omega vector
# Outputs:
# converges true if it nodes restabilizes, false otherwise
def kuramoto_rk4_wss(f,g,tol_ss,tol_step,h,max_iter,max_laps,fixed_o,fixed_t,n):
def layer1(theta,omega):
lap = np.zeros(n, dtype = int)
converges = False
i = 0
tau = 2 * np.pi
while(i < max_iter): # perform RK4 with constant time step
p_omega = omega
p_theta = theta
T1 = h*f(omega)
O1 = h*g(theta,omega)
T2 = h*f(omega + O1/2)
O2 = h*g(theta + T1/2,omega + O1/2)
T3 = h*f(omega + O2/2)
O3 = h*g(theta + T2/2,omega + O2/2)
T4 = h*f(omega + O3)
O4 = h*g(theta + T3,omega + O3)
theta = theta + (T1 + 2*T2 + 2*T3 + T4)/6 # take theta time step
mask2 = np.array(np.where(np.logical_or(theta > tau, theta < 0))) # find which nodes left [0, 2pi]
lap[mask2] = lap[mask2] + 1 # increment the mask
theta[mask2] = np.mod(theta[mask2], tau) # take the modulus
omega = omega + (O1 + 2*O2 + 2*O3 + O4)/6
if(max_laps in lap): # if any generator rotates this many times it probably won't converge
elif(np.any(omega > 12)): # if any of the generators is rotating this fast, it probably won't converge
elif(np.linalg.norm(omega) < tol_ss and # assert the nodes are sufficiently close to the equilibrium
np.linalg.norm(omega - p_omega) < tol_step and # assert change in omega is small
np.linalg.norm(theta - p_theta) < tol_step): # assert change in theta is small
converges = True
i = i + 1
return converges
return layer1
Thanks for your help!
You can wrap your existing functions into a function accepted by odeint (option tfirst=True) and solve_ivp as
def odesys(t,u):
theta,omega = u[:n],u[n:]; # or = u.reshape(2,-1);
return [ *f(omega), *g(theta,omega) ]; # or np.concatenate([f(omega), g(theta,omega)])
u0 = [*theta0, *omega0]
t = linspan(t0, tf, timesteps+1);
u = odeint(odesys, u0, t, tfirst=True);
res = solve_ivp(odesys, [t0,tf], u0, t_eval=t)
The scipy methods pass numpy arrays and convert the return value into same, so that you do not have to care in the ODE function. The variant in comments is using explicit numpy functions.
While solve_ivp does have event handling, using it for a systematic collection of events is rather cumbersome. It would be easier to advance some fixed step, do the normalization and termination detection, and then repeat this.
If you want to later increase efficiency somewhat, use directly the stepper classes behind solve_ivp.
I am trying to find the minimum of a natural cubic spline. I have written the following code to find the natural cubic spline. (I have been given test data and have confirmed this method is correct.) Now I can not figure out how to find the minimum of this function.
This is the data
xdata = np.linspace(0.25, 2, 8)
ydata = 10**(-12) * np.array([1,2,1,2,3,1,1,2])
This is the function
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import math
from numpy.linalg import inv
from scipy.optimize import fmin_slsqp
from scipy.optimize import minimize, rosen, rosen_der
def phi(x, xd,yd):
n = len(xd)
h = np.array(xd[1:n] - xd[0:n-1])
f = np.divide(yd[1:n] - yd[0:(n-1)],h)
q = [0]*(n-2)
for i in range(n-2):
q[i] = 3*(f[i+1] - f[i])
A = np.zeros(((n-2),(n-2)))
#define A for j=0
A[0,0] = 2*(h[0] + h[1])
A[0,1] = h[1]
#define A for j = n-2
A[-1,-2] = h[-2]
A[-1,-1] = 2*(h[-2] + h[-1])
#define A for in the middle
for j in range(1,(n-3)):
A[j,j-1] = h[j]
A[j,j] = 2*(h[j] + h[j+1])
A[j,j+1] = h[j+1]
Ainv = inv(A)
B = Ainv.dot(q)
b = (n)*[0]
b[1:(n-1)] = B
# now we find a, b, c and d
a = [0]*(n-1)
c = [0]*(n-1)
d = [0]*(n-1)
s = [0]*(n-1)
for r in range(n-1):
a[r] = 1/(3*h[r]) * (b[r + 1] - b[r])
c[r] = f[r] - h[r]*((2*b[r] + b[r+1])/3)
d[r] = yd[r]
#solution 1 start
for m in range(n-1):
if xd[m] <= x <= xd[m+1]:
s = a[m]*(x - xd[m])**3 + b[m]*(x-xd[m])**2 + c[m]*(x-xd[m]) + d[m]
#solution 1 end
I want to find the minimum on the domain of my xdata, so a fmin didn't work as you can not define bounds there. I tried both fmin_slsqp and minimize. They are not compatible with the phi function I wrote so I rewrote phi(x, xd,yd) and added an extra variable such that phi is phi(x, xd,yd, m). M indicates in which subfunction of the spline we are calculating a solution (from x_m to x_m+1). In the code we replaced #solution 1 by the following
# solution 2 start
return(a[m]*(x - xd[m])**3 + b[m]*(x-xd[m])**2 + c[m]*(x-xd[m]) + d[m])
# solution 2 end
To find the minimum in a domain x_m to x_(m+1) we use the following code: (we use an instance where m=0, so x from 0.25 to 0.5. The initial guess is 0.3)
fmin_slsqp(phi, x0 = 0.3, bounds=([(0.25,0.5)]), args=(xdata, ydata, 0))
What I would then do (I know it's crude), is iterate this with a for loop to find the minimum on all subdomains and then take the overall minimum. However, the function fmin_slsqp constantly returns the initial guess as the minimum. So there is something wrong, which I do not know how to fix. If you could help me this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading this far.
When I plot your function phi and the data you feed in, I see that its range is of the order of 1e-12. However, fmin_slsqp is unable to handle that level of precision and fails to find any change in your objective.
The solution I propose is scaling the return of your objective by the same order of precision like so:
Then you get good results.
>>> sol = fmin_slsqp(phi, x0=0.3, bounds=([(0.25, 0.5)]), args=(xdata, ydata))
>>> print(sol)
Optimization terminated successfully. (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: 1.0
Iterations: 2
Function evaluations: 6
Gradient evaluations: 2
[ 0.25]