Resampling 2-d array using Fourier transform method - python

I have a question on the resampling 2-d array.
Sometimes, the original size of the geoscience data should be transformed to other size. If the ratio for each axis is equal, the task is simple, in which np.reshape allow a 2-d array of 100x100 to 50x50 without data loss. The code is shown as:
## creat a original data
xc1, xc2, yc1, yc2 = 100, 110, 35, 45
lon,lat = np.linspace(xc1,xc2,XSIZE),np.linspace(yc1,yc2,YSIZE)
pop = np.random.uniform(low=1000, high=50000, size=(XSIZE*YSIZE,)).reshape(YSIZE,XSIZE)
## reshape
shape = np.array(pop.shape, dtype=float)
coarseness = 2 # the new shape is in 50 x 50
new_shape = coarseness * np.ceil(shape/coarseness).astype(int)
zp_pop = np.zeros(new_shape)
zp_pop[:int(shape[0]), :int(shape[1])] = pop
temp = zp_pop.reshape((new_shape[0] // coarseness, coarseness,
new_shape[1] // coarseness, coarseness))
coarse_pop = np.sum(temp, axis=(1,3))
print (pop.sum())
print (coarse_pop.sum())
However, when the coarse factor is different for each axis, this method can not be implemented. I turned to apply other method. Here is an example I tried to use FFT to generate a 60*80 array as output
from scipy import fftpack
pop_fft = fftpack.fft2(pop,shape = (60,80))
pop_res = fftpack.ifft2(pop_fft).real
The data loss was significant. Thus, I posted my issue here. Maybe the resampling function I used was not correct. Or there are some better approach to deal with this situation. Any advices or comments are highly appreciated!

When you set up the 'coarse array' yourself you sum over adjacent entries, instead of computing the average or interpolating.
This way the sum over all elements in the coarse and original array are identical str((coarse_pop.sum()-pop.sum())/(0.5*(pop.sum()+coarse_pop.sum()))) gives '-1.1638426077573779e-16' only a tiny numerical error.
if you compare the mean of the fftpack resampled coarse array it matches up:
alternatively you can correct for the number of elements yourself:
I don't know about your problem but the fftpack way of downsampling the array makes more sense to me. if it's not what you want you can apply the prefactor to the original array, like pop_fft = fftpack.fft2(pop*100*100/(60*80),shape = (60,80))


Block reduce (downsample) 3D array with mode function

I would like to downsample a 3d array by taking the most frequent value (mode) of the original values. After some research, I found the block_reduce function in skimage library. For example, if I wanted like to take the average of the block, I can do it easily:
from skimage.measure import block_reduce
image = np.arange(4*4*4).reshape(4, 4, 4)
new_image = block_reduce(image, block_size=(2,2,2), func=np.mean, cval=np.mean(grades))
In my case, I want to pass the func argument a mode function. However, numpy doesn't have a mode function. According to the documentation, the passed function should accept 'axis' as an argument. I tried some workarounds such as writing my own function and combining np.unique and np.argmax, as well as passing scipy.stats.mode as the function. All of them failed.
I wrote some nested for loops to do this but it's way too slow with large arrays. Is there an easy way to do this? I don't necessarily need to use sci-kit image library.
Thank you in advance.
Let's start with the assumption that the input image shape is divisible by block_size, i.e. corresponding shape dimensions are divisible by each size parameter of block_size.
So, as pre-processing, we need to make blocks out off the input image, like so -
def blockify(image, block_size):
shp = image.shape
out_shp = [s//b for s,b in zip(shp, block_size)]
reshape_shp = np.c_[out_shp,block_size].ravel()
nC =
return image.reshape(reshape_shp).transpose(0,2,4,1,3,5).reshape(-1,nC)
Next up, for our specific case of mode finding, we will use bincount2D_vectorized alongwith argmax -
# #Divakar
def bincount2D_vectorized(a):
N = a.max()+1
a_offs = a + np.arange(a.shape[0])[:,None]*N
return np.bincount(a_offs.ravel(), minlength=a.shape[0]*N).reshape(-1,N)
out = bincount2D_vectorized(blockify(image, block_size=(2,2,2))).argmax(1)
Alternatively, we can use n-dim mode -
out = mode(blockify(image, block_size=(2,2,2)), axis=1)[0]
Finally, if the initial assumption of divisibility doesn't hold true, we need to pad with the appropriate pad value. For the same, we can use np.pad, as part of the blockify method.

xarray coordinate-dependent computation

I'm using xarray with data for which I have measurements and errors.
I store these along a dimension moment in the dataset with coordinates value and variance.
When I compute for example the mean along a dimension I need values and variances to be treated differently as the former should be combined as
mean_values = sum(values)/len(values)
but the latter as
mean_variance = sum(variances**2)/len(variances).
Currently I'm doing this by forming two new datasets and concatinating them. This is very ugly, convoluted and not suited to more complex calculations. I would like to be able to do this kind of operation in one step, perhaps by defining a function taking values and variances as input and then broadcasting the dataset dimension moment onto it.
Given a dataset q_lp with dimensions moment, time, position:
q_lp_av = q_lp.sel(moment='value').mean(dim='time')
q_lp_var = q_lp.sel(moment='variance').reduce(average_of_squares, dim='time')
q_lp = xr.concat([q_lp_common_av, q_lp_common_var], dim='moment')
where average_of_squares is defined by
def average_of_squares(data, axis=None):
sums = np.sum(data**2, axis=axis)
if axis:
return sums/np.shape(data)[axis]**2
return sums/len(data)**2
What better ways are there to handle this?
Is it possible to use xr.apply_ufunc and a my_average function to do this in one step and in-place?
Should I no be putting theses into one dataset together at all? q_lp is later on combined with other quantities, also with dimensions moment, pos and time, into a DataSet.
I'm grateful for discussion, ideas, tips and links to examples.
To clarify, I don't like splitting the DataArray, handling each moment seperately and concatenating them again. I would prefer a possibility to do the following (untested pseudocode for illustration):
def multi_moment_average(mean, variance):
mean = np.average(mean)
variance = np.sum(variance**2)/len(variance)
return mean, variance
q_lp.reduce(multi_moment_average, broadcast='moment', dim='time')
Minimal working example:
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
def average_of_squares(data, axis=None):
sums = np.sum(data**2, axis=axis)
if axis:
return sums/np.shape(data)[axis]**2
return sums/len(data)**2
times = np.arange(10)
positions = np.array([1, 3, 5])
values = np.ones((len(times), len(positions))) * (2 + np.random.rand())
variance = np.ones((len(times), len(positions))) * np.random.rand()
q_lp = xr.DataArray(np.array([values, variance]),
coords=[['value', 'variance'], times, positions],
dims=['moment', 'time', 'position'])
q_lp_av = q_lp.sel(moment='value').mean(dim='time')
q_lp_var = q_lp.sel(moment='variance').reduce(average_of_squares, dim='time')
q_lp = xr.concat([q_lp_av, q_lp_var], dim='moment')
I think you can write your function in an xarray-friendly way, and then call it on your data. i.e.
def average_of_squares(data, dim=None):
sums = (data ** 2).sum(dim)
return sums/data.count(dim)**2
q_lp_var = q_lp.sel(moment='variance').pipe(average_of_squares, dim='time')
Having them concat-ed in the same DataArray is fine; it might be a more natural fit for items on a Dataset, though.
Does that answer your question?
Edit: re the edited question, I think holding the items in a Dataset rather than a DataArray is most coherent with the data structures. It seems like the mean & variance are two different arrays you want aligned on the same indexes, so a Dataset is ideal
I found a solution that suits my needs, but am still grateful for more suggestions:
groupby can seperate a Dataset or DataArray along a specified dimension, list thereof creates (key, value) tuples and dict of this has essentially the form of a keyword dictionary. See
My current solution thus looks like this:
import xarray as xr
def function_applier(data, function, split_dimension=None, **function_kwargs):
return xr.concat(
Now I can define functions taking specific coordinates as inputs which can be written to also work for e.g. numpy arrays.
(MWE using the specific example of my original question here)
import numpy as np
def average_of_gaussians(val, var, dim=None):
return val.mean(dim), (var ** 2).sum(dim)/var.count(dim)
val = np.random.rand(12).reshape(2,6)
var = 0.1*np.random.rand(12).reshape(2,6)
da = xr.DataArray([val, var],
<xarray.DataArray (moment: 2, position: 2, time: 6)>
array([[[0.66233728, 0.71419351, 0.96758741, 0.96949021, 0.94594299,
[0.44005458, 0.64616657, 0.69865189, 0.84970553, 0.19561433,
0.8529829 ]],
[[0.02209967, 0.02152369, 0.09181031, 0.00223527, 0.01448938,
[0.05651841, 0.04942305, 0.08250529, 0.04258035, 0.00184209,
0.0957248 ]]])
* moment (moment) <U3 'val' 'var'
* position (position) <U1 'a' 'b'
* time (time) int32 0 1 2 3 4 5
<xarray.DataArray (moment: 2, position: 2)>
array([[0.71839295, 0.61386263],
[0.001636 , 0.00390397]])
* position (position) <U1 'a' 'b'
* moment (moment) object 'val' 'var'
Note the input names equal to the coordinates for average_of_gaussians. The different operation on each variable in one function and the lack of references to xarray within it are the properties I am after.

How to efficiently index a numpy array based on varying start and stop indexes per row

I have a 2D numpy array with rows being time series of a feature, based on which I'm training a neural network. For generalisation purposes, I would like to subset these time series at random points. I'd like them to have a minimum subset length as well. However, the network requires fixed length time series, so I need to pre-pad the resulting subsets with zeroes.
Currently, I'm doing it using the code below, which includes a nasty for-loop, because I don't know how I can use fancy indexing for this particular problem. As this piece of code is part of the network data generator, it needs to be fast to keep up to pace with the data-hungry GPU. Does anyone know a numpy-way of doing this without the for-loop?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Amount of time series to consider
batchsize = 25
# Original length of the time series
timesteps = 150
# As an example, fill the 2D array with sine function time series
sinefunction = np.expand_dims(np.sin(np.arange(timesteps)), axis=0)
originalarray = np.repeat(sinefunction, batchsize, axis=0)
# Now the real thing, we want:
# - to start the time series at a random moment (between 0 and maxstart)
# - to end the time series at a random moment
# - however with a minimum length of the resulting subset time series (minlength)
maxstart = 50
minlength = 75
# get random starts
randomstarts = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, maxstart), size=batchsize)
# get random stops
randomstops = np.random.choice(np.arange(maxstart + minlength, timesteps), size=batchsize)
# determine the resulting random sizes of the subset time series
randomsizes = randomstops - randomstarts
# finally create a new 2D array with all the randomly subset time series, however pre-padded with zeros
cutarray = np.zeros_like(originalarray)
for i in range(batchsize):
cutarray[i, -randomsizes[i]:] = originalarray[i, randomstarts[i]:randomstops[i]]
To show what goes in and out of the function:
# Show that it worked
f, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)
ax[0].set_title('original array')
ax[1].set_title('zero-padded subset array')
Approach #1 : Views-based
We can leverage np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided based scikit-image's view_as_windows to get sliding windowed views into a zeros padded version of the input and assign into a zeros padded version of the output. All of that padding is needed for a vectorized solution on account of the ragged nature. Upside is that working on views would be efficient on memory and performance.
The implementation would look something like this -
from skimage.util.shape import view_as_windows
n = randomsizes.max()
max_extent = randomstarts.max()+n
padlen = max_extent - origalarray.shape[1]
p = np.zeros((origalarray.shape[0],padlen),dtype=origalarray.dtype)
a = np.hstack((origalarray,p))
w = view_as_windows(a,(1,n))[...,0,:]
out_vals = w[np.arange(len(randomstarts)),randomstarts]
out_starts = origalarray.shape[1]-randomsizes
out_extensions_max = out_starts.max()+n
out = np.zeros((origalarray.shape[0],out_extensions_max),dtype=origalarray.dtype)
w2 = view_as_windows(out,(1,n))[...,0,:]
w2[np.arange(len(out_starts)),out_starts] = out_vals
cutarray_out = out[:,:origalarray.shape[1]]
Approach #2 : With masking
cutarray_out = np.zeros_like(origalarray)
r = np.arange(origalarray.shape[1])
m = (randomstarts[:,None]<=r) & (randomstops[:,None]>r)
s = origalarray.shape[1]-randomsizes
m2 = s[:,None]<=r
cutarray_out[m2] = origalarray[m]

How to find Mahalanobis distance between two 1D arrays in Python?

I have two 1D arrays, and I need to find out the Mahalanobis distance between them.
Array 1
And, Array 2
I found that Scipy has already implemented the function. However, I am confused about what the value of IV should be. I tried to do the following
V = np.cov(np.array([array_1, array_2]))
IV = np.linalg.inv(V)
print(mahalanobis(array_1, array_2, IV))
But, I get the following error:
line 1043, in mahalanobis
m =, VI), delta)
ValueError: shapes (128,) and (2,2) not aligned: 128 (dim 0) != 2 (dim 0)
array_1 = [-0.10577646642923355, 0.09617947787046432, 0.029290344566106796, 0.02092641592025757, -0.021434104070067406, -0.13410840928554535, 0.028282659128308296, -0.12082239985466003, 0.21936850249767303, -0.06512433290481567, 0.16812698543071747, -0.03302834928035736, -0.18088334798812866, -0.04598559811711311, -0.014739632606506348, 0.06391328573226929, -0.15650317072868347, -0.13678401708602905, 0.01166679710149765, -0.13967938721179962, 0.14632365107536316, 0.025218486785888672, 0.046839646995067596, 0.09690812975168228, -0.13414686918258667, -0.2883925437927246, -0.1435326784849167, -0.17896348237991333, 0.10746842622756958, -0.09142691642045975, 0.04860316216945648, 0.031577128916978836, -0.17280976474285126, -0.059613555669784546, -0.05718057602643967, 0.0401446670293808, 0.026440180838108063, -0.017025159671902657, 0.22091664373874664, 0.024703698232769966, -0.15607595443725586, -0.0018572667613625526, -0.037675946950912476, 0.3210170865058899, 0.10884962230920792, 0.030370134860277176, 0.056784629821777344, -0.030112050473690033, 0.023124486207962036, -0.1449904441833496, 0.08885903656482697, 0.17527811229228973, 0.08804896473884583, 0.038310401141643524, -0.01704210229218006, -0.17355971038341522, -0.018237406387925148, 0.030551932752132416, -0.23085585236549377, 0.13475817441940308, 0.16338199377059937, -0.06968289613723755, -0.04330683499574661, 0.04434924200177193, 0.22637797892093658, 0.07463733851909637, -0.15070196986198425, -0.07500549405813217, 0.10863590240478516, -0.22288714349269867, 0.0010778247378766537, 0.057608842849731445, -0.12828609347343445, -0.17236559092998505, -0.23064571619033813, 0.09910193085670471, 0.46647992730140686, 0.0634111613035202, -0.13985536992549896, 0.052741192281246185, -0.1558966338634491, 0.022585246711969376, 0.10514408349990845, 0.11794176697731018, -0.06241249293088913, 0.06389056891202927, -0.14145469665527344, 0.060088545083999634, 0.09667345881462097, -0.004665130749344826, -0.07927791774272919, 0.21978208422660828, -0.0016187895089387894, 0.04876316711306572, 0.03137822449207306, 0.08962501585483551, -0.09108036011457443, -0.01795950159430504, -0.04094596579670906, 0.03533276170492172, 0.01394269522279501, -0.08244197070598602, -0.05095399543642998, 0.04305890575051308, -0.1195211187005043, 0.16731074452400208, 0.03894471749663353, -0.0222858227789402, -0.07944411784410477, 0.0614166259765625, -0.1481470763683319, -0.09113290905952454, 0.14758692681789398, -0.24051085114479065, 0.164126917719841, 0.1753545105457306, -0.003193420823663473, 0.20875433087348938, 0.03357946127653122, 0.1259773075580597, -0.00022807717323303223, -0.039092566817998886, -0.13582147657871246, -0.01937306858599186, 0.015938198193907738, 0.00787206832319498, 0.05792934447526932, 0.03294186294078827]
array_2 = [-0.1966051608324051, 0.0940953716635704, -0.0031937970779836178, -0.03691547363996506, -0.07240629941225052, -0.07114037871360779, -0.07133384048938751, -0.1283963918685913, 0.15377545356750488, -0.091400146484375, 0.10803385823965073, -0.09235749393701553, -0.1866973638534546, -0.021168243139982224, -0.09094691276550293, 0.07300164550542831, -0.20971564948558807, -0.1847742646932602, -0.009817334823310375, -0.05971141159534454, 0.09904412180185318, 0.0278592761605978, -0.012554554268717766, 0.09818517416715622, -0.1747943013906479, -0.31632938981056213, -0.0864541232585907, -0.13249783217906952, 0.002135572023689747, -0.04935726895928383, 0.010047778487205505, 0.04549024999141693, -0.26334646344184875, -0.05263081565499306, -0.013573898002505302, 0.2042253464460373, 0.06646320968866348, 0.08540669083595276, 0.12267164140939713, -0.018634958192706108, -0.19135263562202454, 0.01208433136343956, 0.09216200560331345, 0.2779296934604645, 0.1531585156917572, 0.10681629925966263, -0.021275708451867104, -0.059720948338508606, 0.06610126793384552, -0.21058350801467896, 0.005440462380647659, 0.18833838403224945, 0.08883830159902573, 0.025969548150897026, 0.0337764173746109, -0.1585341989994049, 0.02370697632431984, 0.10416869819164276, -0.19022507965564728, 0.11423652619123459, 0.09144753962755203, -0.08765758574008942, -0.0032832929864525795, -0.0051014479249715805, 0.19875964522361755, 0.07349056005477905, -0.1031823456287384, -0.10447365045547485, 0.11358538269996643, -0.24666038155555725, -0.05960353836417198, 0.07124857604503632, -0.039664581418037415, -0.20122921466827393, -0.31481748819351196, -0.006801256909966469, 0.41940364241600037, 0.1236235573887825, -0.12495145946741104, 0.12580059468746185, -0.02020396664738655, -0.03004150651395321, 0.11967054009437561, 0.09008713811635971, -0.07470540702342987, 0.09324200451374054, -0.13763070106506348, 0.07720538973808289, 0.19568027555942535, 0.036567769944667816, 0.030284458771348, 0.14119629561901093, -0.03820852190256119, 0.06232285499572754, 0.036639824509620667, 0.07704029232263565, -0.12276224792003632, -0.0035170004703104496, -0.13103705644607544, 0.027697769924998283, -0.01527332328259945, -0.04027168080210686, -0.03659897670149803, 0.03330300375819206, -0.12293602526187897, 0.09043421596288681, -0.019673841074109077, -0.07563626766204834, -0.13991905748844147, 0.014788001775741577, -0.07630413770675659, 0.00017269013915210962, 0.16345393657684326, -0.25710681080818176, 0.19869503378868103, 0.19393865764141083, -0.07422225922346115, 0.19553625583648682, 0.09189949929714203, 0.051557887345552444, -0.0008843056857585907, -0.006250975653529167, -0.1680600494146347, -0.10320111364126205, 0.03232177346944809, -0.08931156992912292, 0.11964476853609085, 0.00814182311296463]
The co-variance matrix of the above arrays turn out to be a singular matrix, and thus I am unable to inverse it. Why does it end up being a singular matrix?
EDIT 2: Solution
Since the co-variance matrix here is singular matrix, I had to pseudo inverse it using np.linalg.pinv(V).
From the numpy.cov docs, the first argument should be an array m such that:
Each row of m represents a variable, and each column a single observation of all those variables.
So to fix your code just take the transpose (with .T) of your array before you call cov:
V = np.cov(np.array([array_1, array_2]).T)
IV = np.linalg.inv(V)
print(mahalanobis(array_1, array_2, IV))
I just tested this out on some random data, and I can confirm it works.
Also, calculating covariance from just two observations is a bad idea, and not likely to be very accurate. If your data is coming from an image, you should use the entire image img (or at least the entire region of interest) when calculating the covariance matrix, then use that matrix to find the Mahalanobis distance between the two vectors of interest:
V = np.cov(np.array(img))
IV = np.linalg.inv(V)
print(mahalanobis(array_1, array_2, IV))
You may or may not need to replace img with img.T, depending on how you generated array_1 and array_2 in the first place.
If you're getting singular covariance matrices, what you have is a math problem, not a code problem. It's apparently a common enough problem that the question "why is my covariance matrix singular?" has already been asked and answered. Very broadly, it seems like it can happen when enough of your data points are "too similar", in some sense. I'd imagine using just two data points also makes this more likely.

Moving average of an array in Python

I have an array where discreet sinewave values are recorded and stored. I want to find the max and min of the waveform. Since the sinewave data is recorded voltages using a DAQ, there will be some noise, so I want to do a weighted average. Assuming self.yArray contains my sinewave values, here is my code so far:
filterarray = []
filtersize = 2
length = len(self.yArray)
for x in range (0, length-(filtersize+1)):
for y in range (0,filtersize):
summation = sum(self.yArray[x+y])
ave = summation/filtersize
My issue seems to be in the second for loop, where depending on my averaging window size (filtersize), I want to sum up the values in the window to take the average of them. I receive an error saying:
summation = sum(self.yArray[x+y])
TypeError: 'float' object is not iterable
I am an EE with very little experience in programming, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
The other answers correctly describe your error, but this type of problem really calls out for using numpy. Numpy will run faster, be more memory efficient, and is more expressive and convenient for this type of problem. Here's an example:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# make a sine wave with noise
times = np.arange(0, 10*np.pi, .01)
noise = .1*np.random.ranf(len(times))
wfm = np.sin(times) + noise
# smoothing it with a running average in one line using a convolution
# using a convolution, you could also easily smooth with other filters
# like a Gaussian, etc.
n_ave = 20
smoothed = np.convolve(wfm, np.ones(n_ave)/n_ave, mode='same')
plt.plot(times, wfm, times, -.5+smoothed)
If you don't want to use numpy, it should also be noted that there's a logical error in your program that results in the TypeError. The problem is that in the line
summation = sum(self.yArray[x+y])
you're using sum within the loop where your also calculating the sum. So either you need to use sum without the loop, or loop through the array and add up all the elements, but not both (and it's doing both, ie, applying sum to the indexed array element, that leads to the error in the first place). That is, here are two solutions:
filterarray = []
filtersize = 2
length = len(self.yArray)
for x in range (0, length-(filtersize+1)):
summation = sum(self.yArray[x:x+filtersize]) # sum over section of array
ave = summation/filtersize
filterarray = []
filtersize = 2
length = len(self.yArray)
for x in range (0, length-(filtersize+1)):
summation = 0.
for y in range (0,filtersize):
summation = self.yArray[x+y]
ave = summation/filtersize
self.yArray[x+y] is returning a single item out of the self.yArray list. If you are trying to get a subset of the yArray, you can use the slice operator instead:
summation = sum(self.yArray[x:y])
to return an iterable that the sum builtin can use.
A bit more information about python slices can be found here (scroll down to the "Sequences" section):
You could use numpy, like:
import numpy
filtersize = 2
ysums = numpy.cumsum(numpy.array(self.yArray, dtype=float))
ylags = numpy.roll(ysums, filtersize)
ylags[0:filtersize] = 0.0
moving_avg = (ysums - ylags) / filtersize
Your original code attempts to call sum on the float value stored at yArray[x+y], where x+y is evaluating to some integer representing the index of that float value.
summation = sum(self.yArray[x:y])
Indeed numpy is the way to go. One of the nice features of python is list comprehensions, allowing you to do away with the typical nested for loop constructs. Here goes an example, for your particular problem...
import numpy as np
res=[np.sum(myarr[i:i+step],dtype=np.float)/step for i in range(len(myarr)-step+1)]
