Hello everyone,
I am trying to write a program in Python to automatically check a website language. My script looks at the HTML header, identify where the string 'lang' appears, and print the corresponding language. I use the module 'requests'.
request = requests.get('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page')
splitted_text = request.text.split()
matching = [s for s in splitted_text if "lang=" in s]
language_website = matching[0].split('=')[1]
>>> en
I have tested it over several websites, and it works (given the language is correctly configured in the HTML in the first place, which is likely for the websites I consider in my research).
My question is: is there a more straightforward / consistent / systematic way to achieve the same thing. How one would look at the HTML using python and return the language the website is written in? Is there a quicker way using lxml for instance (that does not involve parsing strings like I do)?
I know the question of how to find a website language has been asked before, and the method using the HTML header to retrieve the language was mentioned, but it was not developed and no code was suggested, so I think this post is reasonably different.
Thank you so very much! Have a wonderful day,
You can try this :
import requests
request = requests.head('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page')
If you are interested to get the data from page source. This might help.
import lxml
request = requests.get('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page')
root = lxml.html.fromstring(request.text)
language_construct = root.xpath("//html/#lang") # this xpath is reliable(in long-term), since this is a standard construct.
language = "Not found in page source"
if language_construct:
language = language_construct[0]
Note: This approach will not give result for all webpages, only those which contains HTML Language Code Reference.
Refer https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_language_codes.asp for more.
Combining the above responses
import requests
request = requests.head('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page')
print(request.headers.get("Content-language", "Not found in page source"))
Sorry if that was a vague title. I'm trying to scrape the number of XKCD web-comics on a consistent basis. I saw that http://xkcd.com/ always has their newest comic on the front page along with a line further down the site saying:
Permanent link to this comic: http://xkcd.com/1520/
Where 1520 is the number of the newest comic on display. I want to scrape this number, however, I can't find any good way to do so. Currently all my attempts look really hackish like:
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen('http://xkcd.com/').read())
test = soup.find_all('div')[7].get_text().split()[20][-5:-1]
I mean.. That technically works, but if anything on the website gets moved in the slightest it could break horribly. I know there has to be better way to just search for http:xkcd.com/####/ within the a section of the front page and just return #### but I can't seem to find it. The Permanent link to this comic: http://xkcd.com/1520/ line just seems to be kind of floating around without any kinds of tags, class, or ID. Can anyone offer any assistance?
Usually I insist on using HTML parsers. Here, since we are looking for a specific text in HTML (not checking any tags), it is pretty much okay to apply a regular expression search on:
Permanent link to this comic: http://xkcd.com/(\d+)/
saving digits in a group.
>>> import re
>>> import requests
>>> data = requests.get("http://xkcd.com/").content
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'Permanent link to this comic: http://xkcd.com/(\d+)/')
>>> print pattern.search(data).group(1)
I'm using pywikibot-core, and I used before another python Mediawiki API wrapper as Wikipedia.py (which has a .HTML method). I switched to pywikibot-core 'cause I think it has many more features, but I can't find a similar method.
(beware: I'm not very skilled).
I'll post here user283120 second answer, more precise than the first one:
Pywikibot core doesn't support any direct (HTML) way to interact to Wiki, so you should use API.
If you need to, you can do it easily by using urllib2.
This is an example I used to get HTML of a wiki page in commons:
import urllib2
url = "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/" + page.title().replace(" ","_")
html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
"[saveHTML.py] downloads the HTML-pages of articles and images and saves the interesting parts, i.e. the article-text and the footer to a file"
source: https://git.wikimedia.org/blob/pywikibot%2Fcompat.git/HEAD/saveHTML.py
IIRC you want the HTML of the entire pages, so you need something that uses api.php?action=parse. In Python I'd often just use wikitools for such a thing, I don't know about PWB or the other requirements you have.
In general you should use pywikibot instead of wikipedia (e.g. instead of "import wikipedia" you should use "import pywikibot") and if you are looking for methods and class that were been in wikipedia.py, they are now separated and can be found in pywikibot folder (mainly in page.py and site.py)
If you want to run your scripts that you wrote in compat, you can use a script in pywikibot-core named compat2core.py (in scripts folder) and there is a detailed help about conversion named README-conversion.txt, read it carefully.
The Mediawiki API has a parse action which allows to get the html snippet for the wikimarkup as returned by the Mediawiki markup parser.
For the pywikibot library there is already a function implemented which you can use like this:
def getHtml(self,pageTitle):
get the HTML code for the given page Title
pageTitle(str): the title of the page to retrieve
str: the rendered HTML code for the page
return html
When using the mwclient python library there is a generic api method see:
Which can be used to retrieve the html code like this:
def getHtml(self,pageTitle):
get the HTML code for the given page Title
pageTitle(str): the title of the page to retrieve
if not "parse" in api:
raise Exception("could not retrieve html for page %s" % pageTitle)
return html
As shown above this gives a duck typed interface which is implemented in the py-3rdparty-mediawiki library for which i am a committer. This was resolved with closing issue 38 - add html page retrieval
With Pywikibot you may use http.request() to get the html content:
import pywikibot
from pywikibot.comms import http
site = pywikibot.Site('wikipedia:en')
page = pywikibot.Page(s, 'Elvis Presley')
path = '{}/index.php?title={}'.format(site.scriptpath(), page.title(as_url=True))
r = http.request(site, path)
This should give the html content
'<title>Elvis Presley – Wikipedia</title>\n'
With Pywikibot 6.0 http.request() gives a requests.Response object rather than plain text. In this case you must use the text Attribute:
to get the same result.
I am building a blog on Google App Engine. I would like to convert some keywords in my blog posts to links, just like what you see in many WordPress blogs.
Here is one WP plugin which do the same thing:http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/blog-mechanics-keyword-link-plugin-v01/
A plugin that allows you to define keyword/link pairs. The keywords are automatically linked in each of your posts.
I think this is more than a simple Python Replace. What I am dealing with is HTML code. It can be quite complex sometimes.
Take the following code snippet as an example. I want to conver the word example into a link to http://example.com:
Here is an example link:example.com
By a simple Python replace function which replaces example with example, it would output:
Here is an example link:example.com">example.com</a>
but I want:
Here is an example link:example.com
Is there any Python plugin that capable of this? Thanks a lot!
This is roughly what you could do using Beautifulsoup:
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
html_body ="""
Here is an example link:<a href='http://example.com'>example.com</a>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_body)
for link_tag in soup.findAll('a'):
link_tag.string = "%s%s%s" % ('|',link_tag.string,'|')
for text in soup.findAll(text=True):
text_formatted = ['example'\
if word == 'example' and not (word.startswith('|') and word.endswith('|'))\
else word for word in foo.split() ]
text.replaceWith(' '.join(text_formatted))
for link_tag in soup.findAll('a'):
link_tag.string = link_tag.string[1:-1]
print soup
Basically I'm stripping out all the text from the post_body, replacing the example word with the given link, without touching the links text that are saved by the '|' characters during the parsing.
This is not 100% perfect, for example it does not work if the word you are trying to replace ends with a period; with some patience you could fix all the edge cases.
This would probably be better suited to client-side code. You could easily modify a word highlighter to get the desired results. By keeping this client-side, you can avoid having to expire page caches when your 'tags' change.
If you really need it to be processed server-side, then you need to look at using re.sub which lets you pass in a function, but unless you are operating on plain-text you will have to first parse the HTML using something like minidom to ensure you are not replacing something in the middle of any elements.
I'd like to grab all the index words and its definitions from here. Is it possible to scrape web content with Python?
Firebug exploration shows the following URL returns my desirable contents including both index and its definition as to 'a'.
what are the modules used? Is there any tutorial available?
I do not know how many words indexed in the dictionary. I`m absolute beginner in the programming.
You should use urllib2 for gettting the URL contents and BeautifulSoup for parsing the HTML/XML.
Example - retrieving all questions from the StackOverflow.com main page:
import urllib2
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
page = urllib2.urlopen("http://stackoverflow.com")
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
for incident in soup('h3'):
print [i.decode('utf8') for i in incident.contents]
This code sample was adapted from the BeautifulSoup documentation.
You can get data from the web using the built-in urllib or urllib2, but the parsing itself is the most important part. May I suggest the wonderful BeautifulSoup? It can deal with just about anything.
The documentation is built like a tutorial. Sorta:
In your case, you probably need to use wildcards to see all entries in the dictionary. You can do something like this:
import urllib2
def getArticles(query, start_index, count):
xml = urllib2.urlopen('http://pali.hum.ku.dk/cgi-bin/cpd/pali?' +
'acti=xsea&tsearch=%s&rfield=entr&recf=%d&recc=%d' %
(query, start_index, count))
# parse xml code here (using BeautifulSoup or an xml parser like Python's
# own xml.etree. We should at least have the name and ID for each article.
# article = (article_name, article_id)
return (article_names # a list of parsed names from XML
def getArticleContent(article):
xml = urllib2.urlopen('http://pali.hum.ku.dk/cgi-bin/cpd/pali?' +
'acti=xart&arid=%d&sphra=undefined' % article_id)
# TODO: parse xml
return parsed_article
Now you can loop over things. For instance, to get all articles starting in 'ana', use the wildcard 'ana*', and loop until you get no results:
query = 'ana*'
article_dict = {}
i = 0
while (true):
new_articles = getArticles(query, i, 100)
if len(new_articles) == 0:
i += 100
for article_name, article_id in new_articles:
article_dict[article_name] = getArticleContent(article_id)
Once done, you'll have a dictionary of the content of all articles, referenced by names. I omitted the parsing itself, but it's quite simple in this case, since everything is XML. You might not even need to use BeautifulSoup (even though it's still handy and easy to use for XML).
A word of warning though:
You should check the site's usage policy (and maybe robots.txt) before trying to heavily scrap articles. If you're just getting a few articles for yourself they may not care (the dictionary copyright owner, if it's not public domain, may care though), but if you're going to scrape the entire dictionary, this is going to be some heavy usage.
I've been trying to write a program for the last several hours that does what I thought would be an incredibly simple task:
Program asks for user input (let's say the type 'happiness')
Program queries the website thinkexist using this format ("http://thinkexist.com/search/searchQuotation.asp?search=USERINPUT")
Program returns first quote from the website.
I've tried using Xpath with lxml, but have no experience and every single construction comes back with a blank array.
The actual meat of the quote appears to be contained in the class "sqq."
If I navigate the site via Firebug, click the DOM tab, it appears the quote is in a textNode attribute "wholeText" or "textContent"-- but I don't know how to use that knowledge programatically.
Any ideas?
import lxml.html
import urllib
site = 'http://thinkexist.com/search/searchquotation.asp'
userInput = raw_input('Search for: ').strip()
url = site + '?' + urllib.urlencode({'search':userInput})
root = lxml.html.parse(url).getroot()
quotes = root.xpath('//a[#class="sqq"]')
print quotes[0].text_content()
... and if you enter 'Shakespeare', it returns
In real life, unlike in Shakespeare, the sweetness
of the rose depends upon the name it bears. Things
are not only what they are. They are, in very important
respects, what they seem to be.
If it's not necessary for you to implement this via XPath, you may use BeautifilSoup library like this (let myXml variable contain the page HTML source):
soup = BeautifulSoup(myXml)
for a in soup.findAll(a,{'class' : 'sqq'}):
# this is your quote
print a.contents
Anyway, read the BS documentation, it may be very useful for some scraping needs that don't require the power of XPath.
You could open the html source to find out the exact class you are looking for. For example, to grab the first StackOverflow username encountered on the page you could do:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from lxml import html
url = 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4710307'
tree = html.parse(url)
path = '//div[#class="user-details"]/a[#href]'
print tree.findtext(path)
# -> Parseltongue
# OR to print text including the text in children
a = tree.find(path)
print a.text_content()
# -> Parseltongue