I'm learning beginner python and there's one question that I'm stuck on.
The question involves asking user input for any amount of mushrooms that they have picked, entering a weight, and then sorting them according to the user input. For this, a list and a while loop is needed to append the inputs into the list.
Here is my code so far, which works well with being able to enter all the user values, but gets stuck later on.
if __name__ == "__main__":
total_list = []
small = 0
medium = 0
large = 0
while True:
mushroom = int(input("Enter a mushroom weight in grams, or STOP to end. "))
if mushroom <= 100:
small += 1
elif mushroom >= 1000:
large += 1
medium += 1
except STOP:
print("The weights you entered were ", total_list)
print("There were", small, "small mushrooms,", medium, "mediums, and", large, "larges.")
The error occurs on line 24, where STOP conflicts with the input requirement int().
mushroom = int(input("Enter a mushroom weight in grams, or STOP to end. "))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'STOP'
How can I fix the issue to make sure that STOP is my sentinel value, and will break the while loop and print the two statements later?
Thank you.
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print("Welcome to the number program")
number=input("Please give me a number \n")
while number>0:
number=input("Please give me another number! \n")
entries= int(entries)+1
if number < 0 :
print("Sorry, this value needs to be positive. Please enter a
different number.")
if number == -999:
I'm in a beginners programming class, and the book is not very helpful at times. I'm trying to write a basic program that takes positive numbers, totals them, and averages them out at the end. Also rejects negative numbers, and asks if -999 is entered I print the average of all entries, amount of entries, and the value tally. Any advice or tips I can learn from to improve it would be helpful. Thanks!
The program runs ok, it just doesn't write out some things I wanted
From what you wrote and the comments in your code I am guessing that you want the program to continue running and asking for input if you enter a non-positive number. In that case I would rewrite it as:
print("Welcome to the number program")
total_number = 0
entries = 0
while True:
number = input("Please give me a number \n")
number = int(number)
if number == -999:
if number <= 0:
print("Sorry, this value needs to be positive. Please enter a different number.")
total_number = total_number + number
entries += 1
print(total_number / entries)
Also, you can increment numbers with entries += 1
In most cases you should NOT create variables first, however this case you should. Create number = 0, tally = 0 and total_number = 0 first
Accept your first number inside your while loop and handle all of the logic in there as well.
Your while loop should continue to loop until the final condition is met which seems to be number == -999
Should tally be incremented if you enter a negative number? I assume not. What about a 0? Wrap the increment for tally and the addition to total_number in an if number > -1: condition. Use an if else to check for number == -999, and an else for handling invalid entries.
Finally, move your print statements outside of your while loop. It also doesn't need a condition around it because now, if you've exited your while loop, that condition has been satisfied.
Final note here, and this is just a nice to know/have and purely syntactic sugar, MOST languages support abbreviated incrementing. Theres a better word for it, but the gist is simply this.
total_number += number
# is exactly the same as
total_number = total_number + number
# but way nicer to read and write :)
print("Welcome to the number program")
number = 0
total_number = 0
entries = 0
while number != -999:
number = input("Please enter a number! \n")
number = int(number)
if number >= 0
total_number += number
entries += 1
print("Current sum: " + total_number)
elif number == -999:
print("Sorry, this value needs to be positive.")
print("Sum of entries: "+str(total_number))
print("Number of entries: " + str(entries))
print("Average entry: " +str(total_number/entries))
I have rewritten your code. But I am not sure what the goal was. Anyways, if the value were ever to be under 0 the loop would have been exited and a new value would have never been accepted from an input.
Also some things I have written more elegant.
print("Welcome to the number program")
number=int(input("Please give me a number \n"))
while number > 0:
total_number += number
number = int(input("Please give me another number! \n"))
entries += 1
if number == -999:
elif number < 0:
number = input("Sorry, this value needs to be positive. Please enter a different number!")
I am extremely new to python and this is one of the first things I have tried. There are 3 criteria that I want this game to meet. First is to use the number 0-10 and guess the number 3 which it does correctly. Next is 0-25 when 11 is chosen. This also works correctly.
However this last part has been giving me trouble. When picking from 0-50, it should guess 1 which it does. It should also print the "I'm out of guesses" line when another input is placed as it cannot go higher than one now. What am I doing wrong here?
import random
import math
smaller = int(input("Enter the smaller number: "))
larger = int(input("Enter the larger number: "))
maxTry = math.log(larger - smaller)
count = 0
guess = int((smaller+larger)/2)
while count != maxTry:
count += 1
guess = int((smaller+larger)/2)
print("Your number is ", guess)
help = input("Enter =, <, or >: ")
if help == ">":
smaller = guess +1
elif help == "<":
larger = guess -1
elif help == "=":
print("Hooray, I've got it in", count, "tries")
elif count == maxTry:
print("I'm out of guesses, and you cheated")
Your maxTry is a log so it is not an integer, therefore it can never be equal to count.
You can either use an int for maxTry (cast it to int maxTry = int(math.log(larger - smaller))) or compute it with something different than log that will return an int.
Alternatively, your condition could be count > maxTry instead of equal. It would actually be a bit better conceptually.
Note: you should not use capital letters in variable names in python but all lowercase with _ max_try. It is only a convention though so won't affect your program directly. You can find more info on conventions in the PEP8 documentation
I'm new to the coding world. I have a problem with adding up all of the users' input values, as I don't know how many there will be. Any suggestions?
This is how far I've gotten. Don't mind the foreign language.
import math
n=input("PERSONS WEIGHT?")
answer= input( "Do we continue adding people ? y/n")
if answer == "y" :
elif answer == "n" :
print("You typed something wrong , add another value ")
people +=1
if a > limit :
print("Cant use the lift")
print("Can use the lift")
You don't need to import math library for simple addition. Since you did not mention that what error are you getting, so I guess that you need a solution for your problem. Your code is too lengthy. I have write a code for you. which has just 6 lines. It will solve your problem.
Here is the code.
sum = 0;
n = int(input("Enter Number.? Press -1 for Exit: "))
if n == -1:
sum = sum+n
Explanation of the Code:
First, I have declared the variable sum. I have write while loop, inside the while loop, I have prompt the user for entering number. If user will enter -1, this will stop the program. This program will keep on taking user input until unless user type "-1". In the end. It will print total sum.
Output of the Code:
Here's something for you to learn from that I think does all that you want:
people = 0
a = 0
while True:
while True:
n = int(input("PERSONS WEIGHT?"))
except ValueError as ex:
print("You didn't type a number. Try again")
people += 1
a += int(n)
while True:
answer = input("Do we continue adding people ? y/n")
if answer in ["y", "n"]:
print("You typed something wrong , add another value ")
if answer == 'n':
limit = 300
if a > limit:
print("Total weight is %d which exceeds %d so the lift is overloaded" % (a, limit))
print("Total weight is %d which does not exceed %d so the lift can be operated" % (a, limit))
The main idea that was added is that you have to have separate loops for each input, and then an outer loop for being able to enter multiple weights.
It was also important to move people = 0 out of the loop so that it didn't keep getting reset back to 0, and to initialize a in the same way.
My assignment requires me to take in an input, determine how many digits are in said input, then spit it back out. we are not allowed to use string conversion in order to determine the length of the input. I've managed to get that to work properly. My issue is that I'm supposed to have it repeat in a loop until a sentinel is reached. Here's my code so far.
print("This program determines the number of digits in a number.")
print("Enter a number, or 0 to quit.")
count = 0
num = 1
final = 0
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
while num != 0:
num = num //10
count += 1
print("There are", count, "digits in", num)
I'm also seeming to have trouble with having my input integer print properly, but it might just be my ignorance there. I've cut out what my attempts at looping it were, as they all seemed to just break the code even more. Any help is welcome, even criticism! Thank you in advance!
Firstly, that is a strange way to get the digits in the number. There's no need to modify the actual number. Just cast the int back to a string and get the length (don't just keep the original string, it could have spaces or something in it which would throw off the count). That is the number of digits.
Secondly, you can do all the work in the loop. There's no need for setup variables, incrementing, a second loop, or anything like that. The key insight is the loop should run forever until you break out of it, so you can just use "while True:" for the loop, and break if the user inputs "0".
print("This program determines the number of digits in a number.")
print("Enter a number, or 0 to quit.")
def find_digits(num):
count = 0
while num != 0:
num = num //10
count += 1
return count
count += 1
# loop forever
while True:
# hang onto the original input
text_input = input("Enter a number: ")
# cast to int - this will throw an exception if the input isn't int-able
# you may want to catch that
num = int(text_input)
# the number of digits is the length of the int as a string
num_digits = find_digits(num)
if num == 0:
# "break" manually ends the loop
# if we got to this point, they didn't input 0 and the input was a number, so
# print our response
print(f"There are {num_digits} digits in {num}.")
The problem with printing the input integer correctly is, that you first save it in the num variable and then constantly change it in your while loop. So the original input is lost of course and in the end it always prints the 0, that ends up in num after the while loop finishes.
You can easily fix it, by saving the input value to another variable, that you don't touch in the loop.
print("This program determines the number of digits in a number.")
print("Enter a number, or 0 to quit.")
count = 0
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
numcopy = num
while numcopy != 0:
numcopy = numcopy // 10
count += 1
print("There are", count, "digits in", num)
Counting is better done with Python builtin functions.
will give you number of digits in your number.
I'm beginning to learn python and I've just finished my first project, which was the collatz sequence, which is "If n is even, divide it by 2 to get n / 2. If n is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1 to obtain 3n + 1. Repeat the process until you reach 1."
Here is my code, it's not very long:
import sys
def integer(): #Asks for input and checks whether positive integer
while True:
number = input("Enter a positive, whole number:")
number = int(number)
if number > 0:
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
print("That's not right! \n Please enter a positive, whole number")
return number
number = None
def collatz():
global number
while number > 1:
if number % 2 ==0:
number = number // 2
number = number * 3 + 1
while True: #loop so that you can try again
number = integer()
repeat = input("Try again? Y/N").upper()
while repeat != "Y" and repeat != "N": #Only Y/N are valid
repeat = input("Try again? Y/N")
if repeat == "N":
sys.exit() #end program if N selected
pass #Reloops to try again
I ran this code on an app called "QPython3" on my Google Pixel XL (Up to 2.4 GHz), running Android 7.1.1 and also my base model MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015)(2.7GHz).
The MacBook took multiple minutes to reach 1 when I used an absurdly large number such as 10^100, but my phone did it almost instantaneously.
I don't understand why this would be the case. Shouldn't the proper computer be better in every way?
(If you want to give feedback on the overall effectiveness of my code, that is appreciated, but probably not worth your time as I'm very new and would likely not understand things too well. I'm just trying to make code that works at this stage)