Flask Babel convert to original language when insert to database - python

I have a set of SelectField with Flask-WTF and I convert the default language with Flask-Babel.
Here is the snippet of my code:
from flask_babel import _, lazy_gettext as _l
class PaymentStatus(enum.Enum):
def __str__(self):
return '{}'.format(self.value)
payment_status = [(str(_l(y)), y) for y in (PaymentStatus)]
class PaymentForm(FlaskForm):
status_of_payment = SelectField(_l('Payment Status'), choices=payment_status)
# ...
# ...
And here is my model look like:
class Payment(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'payment'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
status_of_payment = db.Column(db.Enum(PaymentStatus, name='status_of_payment'))
# ...
# ...
And when I try to insert the value from the Flask-WTF form to my database, I got some error.
Here is the snippet how I insert it to database:
if form.validate_on_submit():
payment = Payment(
# payment_status=form.status_of_payment.data
# ...
# ...
The value of the enum PENDING also converted to the language on preferred language on my browser, so I got this error message:
sqlalchemy.exc.StatementError: (builtins.LookupError) "MENGUNGGU" is
not among the defined enum values
for more information: "MENGUNGGU" = is Indonesian language for "PENDING" in English.
So the problem here is, when I insert the SelectField value, it also converts the language to my preferred browser language, and my database which is PostgreSQL block it, because I don't define the value on my enum type.
So, the point of my question is, can we excluded the i18n & l10n value from Flask-Babel when we want to insert the value to a database..?, or what should I do to face this..?

You should swap values in your choices because the first element in the tuple is the actual value that will be submitted and the second one is the presentation:
payment_status = [(y.name, _l(str(y.value))) for y in PaymentStatus]
Thanks to this you'll have translated names and proper values submitted.
Enum's name should be stored in your database instead of the value.


Python Flask SqlAlchemy Add Database Model Name dynamically in For Loop

I am not that familiar with Python and SQLAlchemy so please be patient :)
I need to capture if, within a FORM that holds multiple ICONS(files), one or more ICONS have been changed when editing the record.
To see which ICONS have been changed I created an Object holding the changes with "Database Model Name" as the "Key" and its "Value"
{'icon': <FileStorage: 'fire.png' ('image/png')>}
key = used as database model name
value = file.filename
now when I try the get the data within a for loop and add this data to the Database model, nothing happens and it looks like I am not really accessing variable "k" in the loop.
for k, v in notequalat.items():
responseteamdata.k = v.filename
My question is, how can I combine the Database model class "responseteamdata" and the variable "k" so that I can add the changes to the database model dynamically.
here is the full code:
if not notequalat:
responseteamdata.title = title
responseteamdata.abbreviation = abbreviation
responseteamdata.isfireteam = booleanisfireteam
responseteamdata.iconposition = newlatlng
except IntegrityError:
res = make_response(jsonify("message ", "Error Updating the Team"), 500)
return res
responseteamdata.title = title
responseteamdata.abbreviation = abbreviation
responseteamdata.isfireteam = booleanisfireteam
responseteamdata.iconposition = newlatlng
for k, v in notequalat.items():
responseteamdata.k = v.filename
dbevent = "updated"
To be able to dynamically assign the Table Column Name the following command has been working for me:
setattr(DB-Object, ColumnName, Value)
which means in my case:
setattr(responseteamdata, k, v.filename)

Associate classes with django-filters

Bonjour, I have a question regarding django-filters. My problem is:
I have two classes defined in my models.py that are:
class Volcano(models.Model):
vd_id = models.AutoField("ID, Volcano Identifier (Index)",
class VolcanoInformation(models.Model):
# Primary key
vd_inf_id = models.AutoField("ID, volcano information identifier (index)",
# Other attributes
vd_inf_numcal = models.IntegerField("Number of calderas")
# Foreign key(s)
vd_id = models.ForeignKey(Volcano, null=True, related_name='vd_inf_vd_id',
The two of them are linked throught the vd_id attribute.
I want to develop a search tool that allows the user to search a volcano by its number of calderas (vd_inf_numcal).
I am using django-filters and for now here's my filters.py:
from .models import *
import django_filters
class VolcanoFilter(django_filters.FilterSet):
vd_name = django_filters.ModelChoiceFilter(
queryset=Volcano.objects.values_list('vd_name', flat=True),
widget=forms.Select, label='Volcano name',
vd_inf_numcal = django_filters.ModelChoiceFilter(
queryset=VolcanoInformation.objects.values_list('vd_inf_numcal', flat=True),
widget=forms.Select, label='Number of calderas',
class Meta:
model = Volcano
fields = ['vd_name', 'vd_inf_numcal']
My views.py is:
def search(request):
feature_list = Volcano.objects.all()
feature_filter = VolcanoFilter(request.GET, queryset = feature_list)
return render(request, 'app/search_list.html', {'filter' : feature_filter, 'feature_type': feature_type})
In my application, a dropdown list of the possible number of calderas appears but the search returns no result which is normal because there is no relation between VolcanoInformation.vd_inf_numcal, VolcanoInformation.vd_id and Volcano.vd_id.
It even says "Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices."
My question is how could I make this link using django_filters ?
I guess I should write some method within the class but I have absolutely no idea on how to do it.
If anyone had the answer, I would be more than thankful !
In general, you need to answer two questions:
What field are we querying against & what query/lookup expressions need to be generated.
What kinds of values should we be filtering with.
These answers are essentially the left hand and right hand side of your .filter() call.
In this case, you're filtering across the reverse side of the Volcano-Volcano Information relationship (vd_inf_vd_id), against the number of calderas (vd_inf_numcal) for a Volcano. Additionally, you want an exact match.
For the values, you'll need a set of choices containing integers.
AllValuesFilter will look at the DB column and generate the choices from the column values. However, the downside is that the choices will not include any missing values, which look weird when rendered. You could either adapt this field, or use a plain ChoiceFilter, generating the values yourself.
def num_calderas_choices():
# Get the maximum number of calderas
max_count = VolcanoInformation.objects.aggregate(result=Max('vd_inf_numcal'))['result']
# Generate a list of two-tuples for the select dropdown, from 0 to max_count
# e.g, [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), ...]
return zip(range(max_count), range(max_count))
class VolcanoFilter(django_filters.FilterSet):
name = ...
num_calderas = django_filters.ChoiceFilter(
# related field traversal (note the connecting '__')
label='Number of calderas',
class Meta:
model = Volcano
fields = ['name', 'num_calderas']
Note that I haven't tested the above code myself, but it should be close enough to get you started.
Thanks a lot ! That's exactly what I was looking for ! I didn't understand how the .filter() works.
What I did, for other attributes is to generate the choices but in a different way. For instance if I just wanted to display a list of the available locations I would use:
# Location attribute
loc = VolcanoInformation.objects.values_list('vd_inf_loc', flat=True)
vd_inf_loc = django_filters.ChoiceFilter(
label='Geographic location',
choices=zip(loc, loc),

How to prevent field value repetition on already assigned date in Odoo?

I am working with Odoo 10.
I have a one2many field with two columns in the hr.employee model. If the field "Bonus" (many2one field) is assigned to a particular date, it should not be saved or repeated once again on the same date.
How to achieve this?
Take a look at this below code, this is one possible solution, not the best.
from odoo import models, fields, api
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
class HrEmployee(models.Model):
_inherit = 'hr.employee'
prod_details_ids = fields.One2many(
string=u'Product details',
class ProdDetails(models.Model):
_name = 'prod.details'
employee_id = fields.Many2one(
date = fields.Date(
bonus_id = fields.Many2one(
comodel_name='res.partner', # just an example
And then you need to add the constrains:
Solution 1
_sql_constraints = [
('bonus_unique', 'unique(employee_id, date, bonus_id)',
_('Date + Bonus cannot be repeated in one employee!')),
Solution 2
#api.constrains('date', 'bonus_id')
def _check_unique_date(self):
# you have more freedom here if you want to check more things
rest = self.employee_id.prod_details_ids - self
for record in rest:
if record.date == self.date and record.bonus_id.id == self.bonus_id.id:
raise ValidationError("Date + Bonus already exists and violates unique field constraint")
Note: If you have date already in your database make sure that the constrains can be added with this data, because if not the constraint cannot be added to the database. This happens with the _sql_constraints at least
Use constrains to stop creating another record with the same name, so duplication of records doesnot occur.
you can use constraints and the search_count() method to check if there is a record. like below
def validate_date(self):
result = self.search_count([your_domain])
if result:
raise ValidationError(_('Your Text'))

Django Model() vs Model.objects.create()

What it the difference between running two commands:
foo = FooModel()
bar = BarModel.objects.create()
Does the second one immediately create a BarModel in the database, while for FooModel, the save() method has to be called explicitly to add it to the database?
To create and save an object in a single step, use the create() method.
The differences between Model() and Model.objects.create() are the following:
Model.save() does either INSERT or UPDATE of an object in a DB, while Model.objects.create() does only INSERT.
Model.save() does
UPDATE If the object’s primary key attribute is set to a value that evaluates to True
INSERT If the object’s primary key attribute is not set or if the UPDATE didn’t update anything (e.g. if primary key is set to a value that doesn’t exist in the database).
Existing primary key
If primary key attribute is set to a value and such primary key already exists, then Model.save() performs UPDATE, but Model.objects.create() raises IntegrityError.
Consider the following models.py:
class Subject(models.Model):
subject_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(primary_key=True, db_column='subject_id')
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
max_marks = models.PositiveIntegerField()
Insert/Update to db with Model.save()
physics = Subject(subject_id=1, name='Physics', max_marks=100)
math = Subject(subject_id=1, name='Math', max_marks=50) # Case of update
<QuerySet [{'subject_id': 1, 'name': 'Math', 'max_marks': 50}]>
Insert to db with Model.objects.create()
Subject.objects.create(subject_id=1, name='Chemistry', max_marks=100)
IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: m****t.subject_id
Explanation: In the example, math.save() does an UPDATE (changes name from Physics to Math, and max_marks from 100 to 50), because subject_id is a primary key and subject_id=1 already exists in the DB. But Subject.objects.create() raises IntegrityError, because, again the primary key subject_id with the value 1 already exists.
Forced insert
Model.save() can be made to behave as Model.objects.create() by using force_insert=True parameter: Model.save(force_insert=True).
Return value
Model.save() return None where Model.objects.create() return model instance i.e. package_name.models.Model
Conclusion: Model.objects.create() does model initialization and performs save() with force_insert=True.
Excerpt from the source code of Model.objects.create()
def create(self, **kwargs):
Create a new object with the given kwargs, saving it to the database
and returning the created object.
obj = self.model(**kwargs)
self._for_write = True
obj.save(force_insert=True, using=self.db)
return obj
For more details follow the links:
The two syntaxes are not equivalent and it can lead to unexpected errors.
Here is a simple example showing the differences.
If you have a model:
from django.db import models
class Test(models.Model):
added = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
And you create a first object:
foo = Test.objects.create(pk=1)
Then you try to create an object with the same primary key:
foo_duplicate = Test.objects.create(pk=1)
# returns the error:
# django.db.utils.IntegrityError: (1062, "Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'")
foo_duplicate = Test(pk=1).save()
# returns the error:
# django.db.utils.IntegrityError: (1048, "Column 'added' cannot be null")
UPDATE 15.3.2017:
I have opened a Django-issue on this and it seems to be preliminary accepted here:
My experience is that when using the Constructor (ORM) class by references with Django 1.10.5 there might be some inconsistencies in the data (i.e. the attributes of the created object may get the type of the input data instead of the casted type of the ORM object property)
class Payment(models.Model):
amount_cash = models.DecimalField()
some_test.py - object.create
Class SomeTestCase:
def generate_orm_obj(self, _constructor, base_data=None, modifiers=None):
objs = []
if not base_data:
base_data = {'amount_case': 123.00}
for modifier in modifiers:
actual_data = deepcopy(base_data)
# Hacky fix,
_obj = _constructor.objects.create(**actual_data)
print(type(_obj.amount_cash)) # Decimal
assert created
return objs
some_test.py - Constructor()
Class SomeTestCase:
def generate_orm_obj(self, _constructor, base_data=None, modifiers=None):
objs = []
if not base_data:
base_data = {'amount_case': 123.00}
for modifier in modifiers:
actual_data = deepcopy(base_data)
# Hacky fix,
_obj = _constructor(**actual_data)
print(type(_obj.amount_cash)) # Float
assert created
return objs
Model.objects.create() creates a model instance and saves it. Model() only creates an in memory model instance. It's not saved to the database until you call the instance's save() method to save it. That's when validation happens also.

How do I order by date when using ReferenceProperty?

I have a simple one-to-many structure like this:
class User(db.Model):
userEmail = db.StringProperty()
class Comment(db.Model):
user = db.ReferenceProperty(User, collection_name="comments")
comment = db.StringProperty()
date = db.DateTimeProperty()
I fetch a user from by his email:
q = User.all() # prepare User table for querying
q.filter("userEmail =", "az#example.com") # apply filter, email lookup
results = q.fetch(1) # execute the query, apply limit 1
the_user = results[0] # the results is a list of objects, grab the first one
this_users_comments = the_user.comments # get the user's comments
How can I order the user's comments by date, and limit it to 10 comments?
You will want to use the key keyword argument of the built-in sorted function, and use the "date" property as the key:
import operator
sorted_comments = sorted(this_users_comments, key=operator.attrgetter("date"))
# The comments will probably be sorted with earlier comments at the front of the list
# If you want ten most recent, also add the following line:
# sorted_comments.reverse()
ten_comments = sorted_comments[:10]
That query fetches the user. You need to do another query for the comments:
for comment in this_users_comments:
