How to update table sqlite with python in loop - python

I am trying to calculate the mode value of each row and store the value in the judge = judge column, however it updates only the first record and leaves the loop
ps: Analisador is my table and resultado_2 is my db
import sqlite3
import statistics
conn = sqlite3.connect("resultado_2.db")
cursor = conn.cursor()
data = cursor.execute("SELECT Bow, FastText, Glove, Wordvec, Python, juiz, id FROM Analisador")
for x in data:
list = [x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5],x[6]]
mode = statistics.mode(list)
cursor.execute(f"UPDATE Analisador SET juiz={mode} where id={row[6]}") #row[6] == id

You have to fetch your records after SQL is executed:
cursor.execute("SELECT Bow, FastText, Glove, Wordvec, Python, juiz, id FROM Analisador")
data = cursor.fetchall()
That type of SQL query is different from UPDATE (that you're using in your code too) which doesn't need additional step after SQL is executed.


Is there a way using SQLite and Python to write an insert statement with the columns as parameters?

I am trying to clean raw json data by parsing and inserting it into a table of an sqlite db.
I have 22 columns in my table and want to find a way of looping through them so I don't need to write 22 loops which insert the data or a single column.
I have simplified the approach I am trying with the following:
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('cdata.sqlite')
cur = conn.cursor()
column = 'name'
value = 'test'
cur.execute('''INSERT INTO COMPANY (?)
VALUES (?)''',(column,),(value,))
This doesn't work at the moment and return the error TypeError: function takes at most 2 arguments (3 given).
Does anyone know if it is possible to write an SQLite insert statement using 2 parameters like this or another way I might be able to iterate through the columns?
Sample as below:
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect("cdata.sqlite")
cur = conn.cursor()
column = ("name", "age")
table = f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS COMPANY ({column[0]} text, {column[1]} text);"
name = "hello"
age = "1"
sql_stmt = f"INSERT INTO COMPANY({column[0]},{column[1]}) VALUES ('{name}', '{age}')"
with conn:
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM COMPANY")

I am working in terminal application(Python+MySQL)

def view_empdetails(): #this is my function: it works great
conn = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="#####",database="#DB")
cursor = conn.cursor() # this is database connection
viw = """select * from employees"""
for emp_no,first_name,last_name,gender,DOB,street,city,state,zipcode,email,phone,hire_date in cursor.fetchall(): # fetch all data from employee table in DB
print(state) # I need all these output be in a table or organize format
print(zipcode) #not only list of records
return menu2()
I need all records in one table|| codes bring data from Database as line by line without formatting> I need them in table
I'm not sure if you are familiar with the pandas library, but I believe it is helpful here. I have never used it with mysql, but I have used it with psycopg2 and pyodbc, so I think the basic idea should work:
data = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall(),columns = colnames)
creates a dataFrame (think python spreadsheet or python table) that uses the column names from the table you're querying.

Store Mysql coulmn names in array using Python mysql connector

I'm quite new to mysql as in manipulating the database itself. I succeeded to store new lines in a table but my next endeavor will be a little more complex.
I'd like to fetch the column names from an existing mysql database and save them to an array in python. I'm using the official mysql connector.
I'm thinking I can achieve this through the information_schema.columns command but I have no idea how to build the query and store the information in an array. It will be around 100-200 columns so performance might become an issue so I don't think its wise just to iterate my way through it for each column.
The base code to inject code into mysql using the connector is:
def insert(data):
query = "INSERT INTO templog(data) " \
args = (data)
db_config = read_db_config()
conn = MySQLConnection(db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(query, args)
#if cursor.lastrowid:
# print('last insert id', cursor.lastrowid)
# print('last insert id not found')
except Error as error:
As said this above code needs to be modified in order to get data from the sql server. Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the help!
Got this as working code:
def GetNames(web_data, counter):
#get all names from the database
connection = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://user:pwd#server:3306/db').connect()
result = connection.execute('select * from price_usd')
a = 0
sql_matrix = [0 for x in range(counter + 1)]
for v in result:
while a == 0:
for column, value in v.items():
a = a + 1
if a > 1:
sql_matrix[a] = str(('{0}'.format(column)))
This will get all column names from the existing sql database

deleting data from multiple mysql tables using python

I want to delete some rows from almost 500 tables in mysql database using python.
I know that the query should be something like this:
DELETE FROM (table name)
[WHERE conditions] [ORDER BY ...] [LIMIT rows]
but I am not sure what should I use for the table name when I looping over the tables!
here is my loop
from mysql.connector import (connection)
# call databasecnx = connection.MySQLConnection(user='user', password='PW',host='', database= 'database')
cursor = cnx.cursor()
cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'options_20%'")
table_names = [tables for (tables, ) in cursor]
for t in table_names:
cursor.execute("Delete table-refs WHERE Expiration = Datadate AND UnderlyingSymbol = 'SPY'")
I got an error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that...etc
Test with this.... You did'nt put from on your query statement.
for table in table_names:
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM"+ table +"WHERE Expiration = Datadate AND UnderlyingSymbol = 'SPY'")

using results from a sql query in a python program in another sql query

sorry for my previous question which was very ambiguous, but i think if i get the answer to this question I can work it out.
In the program below i have selected the barcodes of products where the amount is less than the quantity. I want to say, that if the barcodes(in the fridge table) match barcodes in another table(products), set the stock field equal to 0. The problem Im getting is that the program is trying to match all the barcodes that it found in the query against single barcodes in the products table(thats what I think). does anyone know what to do. thanks a million. lincoln.
import MySQLdb
def order():
db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='$$', db='fillmyfridge')
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute('select barcode from fridge where amount < quantity')
row = cursor.fetchall()
cursor.execute('update products set stock = 0 where barcode = %s', row)
UPDATE products SET stock = 0 WHERE barcode IN (
SELECT fridge.barcode FROM fridge WHERE fridge.amount < fridge.quantity );
I know this doesn't answer the question exactly but two SQL statements are not required.
To do it in python:
import MySQLdb
def order():
db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='$$', db='fillmyfridge')
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute('select barcode from fridge where amount < quantity')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rows
cursor.execute('update products set stock = 0 where barcode = %s', row[0])
This is more of SQL query than Python, but still I will try to answer that:
(I haven't worked with MySQL but PostgreSQL, so there might slight variation in interpretation of things here).
when you did
cursor.execute('select barcode from fridge where amount < quantity')
row = cursor.fetchall()
the variable 'row' now is a resultset (to understand: a list of rows from the database)
something like [(barcode1), (barcode2), (barcode3)..]
when you do the update statement
cursor.execute('update products set stock = 0 where barcode = %s', row)
this turns into something like:
update products set stock = 0 where barcode = [(barcode1), (barcode2), (barcode3)..]
which is not a correct SQL statement.
you should do something like this:
cursor.execute('update products set stock = 0 where barcode in (%s)', ','.join([each[0] for each in row]))
or better, the optimized thing:
import MySQLdb
def order():
db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd='$$', db='fillmyfridge')
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute('update products set stock = 0 where barcode in (select barcode from fridge where amount < quantity)')
Well, to add more you have a db.commit() after a select query and not after an update query, thats a basic fault. Select is idempotent, doesn't need commit, whereas Update does. I will strongly recommend you to go through some SQL before continuing.
