t=turtle.Pen() says turtle doesn't have the attribute Pen - python

After importing turtle, I keep trying to put t=turtle.Pen() but it says turtle doesn't have the attribute Pen.
I have tried
my turtle =turtle.Turtle()
but every time it says turtle does not have attribute whatever I put as my attribute. Does anyone know why this is happening? I have python version 3.5.0

Here is a brief turtle example:
import turtle
big=("Arial", 36, "normal")
turtle.write("Hello World!", font=big)
Notice how you must first import turtle to make the turtle library available to your program.
Notice, too, that all the method names are lower case (for example, turtle.penup()).
I think you probably meant turtle.penup(), which allows you to "move" without drawing.
You can find complete turtle documentation here: https://docs.python.org/3.3/library/turtle.html
Here is a short tutorial you might find helpful: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/turtle-programming-in-python


turtle showing error which used to work fine earlier

import turtle
t = turtle.Turtle()
this code is returning an error like this
NameError: name 'turtle' is not defined
I have tried to use turtle but it doesn't seem to be working the way it is shown in the code.
I have tried referring to various sources but could not find the fix
The problem lies on this line:
You see, you defined t as a Turtle object, and Turtle objects have no attribute done.
The done() attribute belongs to the turtle module itself, so instead of t.done(), it's turtle.done():
import turtle
t = turtle.Turtle()

How to understand the operation of this Python Sierpinski code?

I have found this code on this website, and I have a few questions about it. I have already made a Sierpinski triangle on Python using my rudimentary knowledge and it is way too long and very bad.
I've done it using functions and some variables, but I have some questions with this code I have found. First of all, what is the "T" constantly brought up, the length and depth, and where is this all given a value. Where is the length and depth specified, and what does it do to the code?
Please note I am a beginner.
Here is the code:
import turtle
def draw_sierpinski(length,depth):
if depth==0:
for i in range(0,3):
window = turtle.Screen()
t = turtle.Turtle()
t = turtle.Turtle()
t is an instance of the class Turtle located in the module turtle that is previously imported
import turtle
As the instance t is in the global scope the python interpreter is able to find it, even within the function draw_sierpinski(length,depth)
I have no idea where you obtained the code however here are the docs for the turtle module.
To find out what the code does try it by yourself. Just pip install turtle and run the code
From the turtle docs
Turtle graphics is a popular way for introducing programming to kids.
It was part of the original Logo programming language developed by
Wally Feurzig and Seymour Papert in 1966. Imagine a robotic turtle
starting at (0, 0) in the x-y plane. After an import turtle, give it
the command turtle.forward(15), and it moves (on-screen!) 15 pixels in
the direction it is facing, drawing a line as it moves. Give it the
command turtle.right(25), and it rotates in-place 25 degrees

How do I change the Hitbox size of a turtle in python turtle graphics?

I dont know how to change the size of a turtle hitbox in python turtle graphics
I haven't tried anything yet because I'm new, and know very little about this. I've tried googling it, though, but nothing popped up.
from turtle import *
import turtle
from random import randint
import time
screen = turtle.Screen()
screen.setup(1920, 1080)
player = turtle.Turtle()
I want to add a button that you have to click to start right here
The game starts right here :
wn = turtle.Screen()
last_pressed = 'up'
def setup(col, x, y, w, s, shape):
wn.onkey(up, "s")
wn.onkey(left, "d")
wn.onkey(right, "a")
wn.onkey(back, "w")
wn.onkey(quitTurtles, "Escape")
This may not be exactly what you are looking for, but this might work in your situation.
Detecting collision in Python turtle game
This is a thread on collision detection between objects and with some tweaking of numbers you could increase the hitbox of the turtle using the abs() function
I dont know how to change the size of a turtle hitbox in python turtle graphics
What do you mean by "hitbox"? I'm not sure what you mean by that (and neither does Google, apparently).
Do you mean that you want a rectangular button to click on? If that's the case, you could use the tkinter module together with the turtle module to create a button to click. (But be aware that it's not always easy to get the tkinter and turtle modules to work together to do what you want.)
If you want a button to click on, but don't need a Tkinter button, you could just try creating a new turtle in the shape of a rectangle that intercepts mouse clicks with onclick(). You can see an example of this if you run:
python3 -m turtledemo
and select Examples >> colormixer from the main menubar.
Or, if by "hitbox" you mean how to detect when one turtle has intercepted another turtle (as in, one has come close enough to the other to be considered a "hit"), I suggest querying each turtle's location, then using the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the distance from each other. If this distance is within a predetermined threshold, consider the hitbox as being "hit."
You can see an example of this by typing:
python3 -m turtle
(Pay attention to the yellow turtle as he tries to catch up to the other turtle.)
I apologize if this answer isn't quite what you're looking for, but I'm just not sure what you mean by "hitbox." Maybe you could clarify?
I just saw this question today (2 years too late i know), and was having a similar problem / question.
What I ended up doing was running 3 distance checks (as i had increased my object size by 3) which differed along the x-axis (width). So it would check the distance between the ball(turtle) and the paddle (any 3 points and if it was shorter than X it would trigger the collision mechanic.
so it was something like :
check the ball class' ball object, and see how far away it is from the paddle,
and if its either in the center, or 30 pixels to the left or right of the center then hit.
ball.ball.distance(pad.paddle(), pad.paddle.ycor()) < 30 or
ball.ball.distance(pad.paddle.xcor() - 30, pad.paddle.ycor()) < 30 or
ball.ball.distance(pad.paddle.xcor() + 30, pad.paddle.ycor()) < 30

Invalid syntax for turtle name (python)

I am trying to write a program to draw a flower, but no matter what I do it keeps throwing an "invalid syntax" error for the turtle name. I have taken out all of my other code, tried naming the turtle something different, yet nothing works. Any ideas?
import turtle
def draw_flower():
window = turtle.Screen()
sam = turtle.Turtle()
Besides quoting the color string, as noted in the comments, your lines of code are in the wrong order. For example, generally nothing should follow window.exitonclick():
Make it (or window.mainloop()) the last statement of your program as that's when your code ends and the Tk event handler loop begins. I.e. reverse the order of these two statements. The second problem is that the variable window is in the wrong scope:
def draw_flower():
window = turtle.Screen()
Since it's defined locally in draw_flower(), it's not available to use globally. Here's a rework of your code addressing both issues:
import turtle
def draw_flower():
sam = turtle.Turtle()
window = turtle.Screen()

How to stop turtle from drawing even with pen up?

I am using the turtle module in python. the problem is that whenever I have the turtle move i will draw even if the pen is up. for example if I run this program:
import turtle
the turtle will still draw a line when it moves to (0,50)
why is this and how can it be prevented?
It looks like you're not actually calling turtle.penup. Try this:
import turtle
You have a typo, you aren't calling the penup method:
import turtle
turtle.penup() #This needs to be a method call
import turtle
if you don't put the pen down it will keep on drawing in invisible condition.
This question is super old and definitely has already been answered, but I'll leave this explanation here for future people
"penup" is a method in Python, aka function in other languages. This means that when you want to use it you have it include some parenthesis just so that your code knows what is supposed to be happening
import turtle
When you don't include the parenthesis, the code thinks you are talking about a variable, and looks for one called "penup", but there is no variable of that name, so Python throws its hands up and crashes
you called penup without (). with
this will work.
Others here said that, but implicitly. trying to ensure it is clear where the typo is.
You should probably try,
no it should be something like this:
turtle.up() # This a method call
turtle.goto(0,50) # Part of the method call
