I am running the unit tests via runtests.sh file on git bash shell as $ sh runtests.sh. here's how my directory structure looks like.
|- project
| |-- transformations
| |-- udf_functions
| |-- udf_serviceA
| |-- function1.py
| |-- function2.py
|- unittests
| |-- tests_for_serviceA
| |-- unit_tests.py
|- requirements.txt
|- install_requirements.cmd
|- runtests.sh
And my runtests.sh contents are:
python unittests/tests_for_serviceA/unit_tests.py
py.test --cov=. --cov-branch --cov-report=html --junitxml=test_results.xml test "$#"
coverage xml
When I run this file on GitBash command line it does imports all the other inbuilt modules in python but not the ones that I have written. For example, it throws an error that module function1 not found. In script, I am importing function as from transformations.udf_functions.udf_serviceA import function1
Is there anything wrong with my directory placement? If not then what is causing this error.
Add the utility path in the pytest.ini configuration file like below:-
python_paths = . <path of utility>
|- __init__.py
|- /src
| |
| |- __init__.py
| |- /x
| |
| |- __init__.py
| |- xy.py
|- /tests
| |- __init__.py
| |- /test_x
| |
| |- __init__.py
| |- test_xy.py
# tests/test_x/test_xy.py
from src.x.xy import XY
Class TestXY:
# etc
When I’m in root I try to run pytest tests/*/* and I get an error that due to from src.x.xy import XY because src can’t be found. If I change the import to from …src.x.xy import XY I get “cannot import” because it’s from a directory one level above.
I also tried running Python -m pytest tests/*/* but I get an error about conftest not being found in __pycache__ which I don’t understand. (ERROR: not found: /root/tests/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-310-pytest-7.1.2.pyc (no name '/root/tests/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-310-pytest-7.1.2.pyc' in any of []))
What am I missing? Why is it so hard to run tests this way? I can run them individually in pycharm by clicking the little green arrows in the test script no problem.
In that architecture of project you should use config file. Config file should have path to src.
pyproject.toml example:
pythonpath = [
pytest.ini example:
pythonpath = src
If you will have multiple src directories you also can add it to config
For example pyproject.toml:
pythonpath = [
"src", "src2",
I'm having some troubles trying to schedule the execution of one project.
The structure is:
main folder
|- lib
| |- file1.py
| |- file2.py
|- data
| |- file.csv
|- temp
| |- file.json
The contrab line is:
*/5 * * * * python3 /home/myName/main_folder/main.py
I've been trying this command line with simple python scripts without dependences and works fine. The problem is that in this case the main.py import classes and functions inside lib and I think it can deal with it.
On my main.py I'm importing like this from lib import file1, file2. Exists another way maybe using os that the program knows the absolute path?
Please try to add an empty file named: __init__.py in lib directory.
I am working with ROS packages and coming from this tutorial. This import statement surprisingly works given the absence of AddTwoIntsResponse anywhere in the current working directory or any other directory listed in PATH. Also how come a .srv gets imported?
# add_two_ints_server.py
from beginner_tutorials.srv import AddTwoInts, AddTwoIntsResponse
The current working directory is ~/catkin_ws/src/beginner_tutorials/srv
This is my ROS directory layout:
|-- src
| `-- beginner_tutorials
| |-- scripts
| | `-- add_two_ints_server.py
| `-- srv
| `-- AddTwoInts.srv
|-- build
`-- devel
The contents of AddTwoInts.srv are:
int64 a
int64 b
int64 sum
According to my understanding this should throw an ImportError: cannot import name 'AddTwoIntsResponse', but it doesn't. Importing any other file say: from beginner_tutorials.srv import foo throws an ImportError.
Where is my understanding going wrong?
|-- src
| `-- beginner_tutorials
| |-- scripts
| | `-- add_two_ints_server.py
| `-- srv
| `-- AddTwoInts.srv
|-- build
|-- devel // this is where your modules are imported from
When you build the package using catkin_make, 'catkin` generates the relevant python files for your service type defined in .srv file and puts them under catkin_ws/devel/lib/your-python-version/dist-packages/package-name/srv.
If your workspace is sourced, catkin_ws/devel/lib/your-python-version/dist-packages/ is already added to your PYTHONPATH and that is how you are able to import them successfully.
In case of the tutorial package that you are using, imports may work even when you haven't sourced your current catkin-directory, if you have the binaries of the tutorials installed. This way the python modules reside under /opt/ros/ros-version/lib/your-python-version/dist-packages/ and that is again part of the PYTHONPATH. (If ROS env is available)
I'm trying to create Python package with the following structure:
|-- project/
| |-- __init__.py
| |-- templates/
| | |-- somefile.py
|-- setup.py
somefile.py is just a template file that is not syntactically correct.
My setup.py looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
'project': 'templates/*',
This works great for non-Python template files. But with the .py files, setuptools tries to compile somefile.py, which results in a Syntax error since the file is on purpose not syntactically correct. So, how can I add the template Python files in my package without compiling them?
I'm using PyCharm CE to develop a project with a structure similar to this:
|-- app
| |-- __init__.py
| |-- mymodule.py
| |-- mymodule.pyc
| `-- test_mymodule.py
|-- config.py
`-- tests
|-- __init__.py
|-- test_config.py
`-- test_models.py
When I try to run my test scripts such as test_config.py, I get:
$ python tests/test_config.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tests/test_config.py", line 1, in <module>
from config import app_config
ImportError: No module named config
I have read a lot of other SO posts that talk about needing a init.py file in all directories that are packages (which I have done already). Many also suggest messing around with sys.path. My problem with this latter approach is that I never had to meddle with the paths previously. I'm not sure if it's something that changed with my dev environment setup, but here it is:
Python 2.7 | macOS Sierra | PyCharm CE
I have tried to install a virtual environment with virtualenv but didn't see a difference. Here is the sample project on github if you'd like to run it yourself
It seems that there is a problem with folder depth. Replace from ../config import app_config.
I think it will work if you change the working directory on your run configuration to test_python. All the packages in your import statements are relative to some entry in your Python path, and the working directory is usually in the Python path.