Cassandra creates multiple connections and not release - python

I am using Python Cassandra-Driver 3.15.1
I have a script that runs some multiproc.
The problem is that for some reason, the connection is not properly released after calling close_connection (get_connection -> run CQL -> close_connection -> then to the end call close_cluster. This results to over hundreds of connections/sessions stay open
Any hints on where to look for the issue is very much appreciated.
def get_connection(self, timeout = 600):
self.session = Cluster([]).connect()
self.session.default_timeout = timeout
return self.session
def close_connection(self, conn):
return conn.shutdown()
def close_cluster_connection(self):
return self.cluster.shutdown()

Each Cluster object should be explicitly shutdown when finished, but that's not possible here because you aren't holding on to the instance created by Cluster([]) in get_connection.
close_cluster_connection references a self.cluster. If that's already instantiated and the cluster instance you want to use, get_connection should look like this.
def get_connection(self, timeout = 600):
self.session = self.cluster.connect()
self.session.default_timeout = timeout
return self.session
If you can't use self.cluster there, you have to find a way to keep track of your Cluster instances and shut them down when you're done.


Mocking method in class called through Multiprocessing.Process

I am writing a python tcp proxy: whenever a connection gets established from the client, the proxy establishes the connection to the server, and transparently forwards both streams. Additionally, when the packet being forwarded has some conditions, I want to have it parsed and have that sent to another server.
This is the contents of my unittest:
class TestParsing(TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
self.patcher = patch('EnergyDataClient.EnergyDataClient', autospec=True)
self.EC_mock = self.patcher.start()
EnergyAgent.EC = self.EC_mock()
EnergyAgent.GP = MyParser.MyParser()
self.server = multiprocessing.Process(target=tcp_server, args=(1235,)) = multiprocessing.Process(target=EnergyAgentRunner, args=(1234, 1235))
def tearDown(self) -> None:
while self.server.is_alive() or
def test_parsemessage(self):
# start the client process, and wait until done
result = tcp_client(1234, correct_packets['DATA04']['request'])
self.assertEqual(correct_packets['DATA04']['request'], result)
I want to validate that the 'post' method on the object EC is called with the contents I expect to have intercepted... but, as that object is on another process, mocking seems not to be helping. What am I doing wrong?
I figured out what is happening here. When calling multiprocessing.Process, python is spawning a new process using fork(), that produces a copy of the memory pages on the child process. That is the reason because I can patch the EnergyAgent.GP and works (as that object is only read from that point on, and we do not require it back at the main process) and EnergyAgent.EC does not work: The mocked object gets successfully updated on the child process, but the parent never realizes that.

Can self be overwritten by a queue object within class?

I have a python pexpect script that logs in to servers frequently, and each time it tries to log in, I get a DUO push, which is very unreliable (not sure if it's the app on Android or the DUO system itself, but that is not relevant to my question). I'm trying to avoid DUO pushes by re-using sessions in the queue.
I have a class called Session to open/close sessions. I also have a global Queue defined. Whenever I'm done using a session, instead of closing the pexpect handle, I do q.put(self). self contains the active pexpect session. Next time I need to login, I first check to see if there is an item in the Queue. If there is, I would like to do self = q.get(), hence overwriting my "self" with the object in the Queue. Here is example code of what I'm trying to accomplish:
from globals import q
class Session:
def __init__(self, ip):
self.user = flask_login.current_user.saneid
self.pass = flask_login.current_user.sanepw
self.ip = ip
self.handle = None
def __enter__(self):
if not q.empty():
self = q.get()
# login to node
self.handle = pexpect.spawn('ssh user#node')
def __exit__(self, *args):
Is this good practice? Is there a better way?

Using a single redis connection (aioredis)

My application will be sending hundreds, if not thousands, of messages over redis every second, so we are going to open the connection when the app launches and use that connection for every transaction. I am having trouble keeping that connection open.
Here is some of my redis handler class:
class RedisSingleDatabase(AsyncGetSetDatabase):
async def redis(self):
if not self._redis:
self._redis = await aioredis.create_redis(('redis', REDIS_PORT))
return self._redis
def __init__(self):
self._redis = None
async def get(self, key):
r = await self.redis()
# r = await aioredis.create_redis(('redis', REDIS_PORT))
print(f'CONNECTION IS {"CLOSED" if r.closed else "OPEN"}!')
data = await r.get(key, encoding='utf-8')
if data is not None:
return json.loads(data)
This does not work. By the time we call r.get, the connection is closed (ConnectionClosedError).
If I uncomment the second line of the get method, and connect to the database locally in the method, it works. But then we're no longer using the same connection.
I've considered trying all this using dependency injection as well. This is a flask app, and in my create_app method I would connect to the database and construct my RedisSingleDatabase with that connection. Besides the question of whether my current problem would be the same, I can't seem to get this approach to work since we need to await the connection which I can't do in my root-level create_app which can't be async! (unless I'm missing something).
I've tried all over the place and it either doesn't fix the problem or raises its own error that it can't be called from a running event loop.
Please help!!!

How to close MySql connections using Sqlalchemy and Flask?

I built an API using Flask and I'm using a service (as below) to create my database connections.
class DatabaseService:
def __init__(self):
self.connection_string = "foo"
def create_connection(self):
engine = create_engine(self.connection_string)
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
return Session
In my I add and remove these sessions to Flask application context (g) as the docs suggests.
So I can reference to g.session always I need them.
def get_session():
if 'session' not int g:
session = database_service.create_session()
g.session = session
def shutdown_session(exception=None):
if 'session' in g:
return None
This way every request has your own session that will close after processing. Am I right?
I don't understand why the connections are still alive on my database after the request is already done.
Always I run the command show processlist I can see multiple connections sleeping from my API.
I see no problem opening and closing sessions per-request
my_session = Session(engine)

sqlalchemy mysql connections not closing on flask api

I have an API I have written in flask. It uses sqlalchemy to deal with a MySQL database. I don't use flask-sqlalchemy, because I don't like how the module forces you into a certain pattern for declaring the model.
I'm having a problem in which my database connections are not closing. The object representing the connection is going out of scope, so I assume it is being garbage collected. I also explicitly call close() on the session. Despite this, the connections stay open long after the API call has returned its response. Here is the wrapper I am using for the session.
class SqlSession:
def __init__(self, conn=Constants.Sql):
self.db = SqlSession.createEngine(conn)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.db)
self.session = Session()
def createEngine(conn):
return create_engine(conn.URI.format(user=conn.USER, password=conn.PASS, host=conn.HOST, port=conn.PORT, database=conn.DATABASE, poolclass=NullPool))
def close(self):
self.session.close() Here is an example of the flask app instantiating and using the wrapper object. Note that it instantiates it in the beginning within the scope of the api call, then closes the session at the end, and presumably is garbage collected after the response is returned.
def commands(self, deviceId):
sqlSession = SqlSession(self.sessionType) <---
commandsQueued = getCommands()
jsonCommands = []
for command in commandsQueued:
jsonCommand = command.returnJsonObject()
resp = jsonify({'commands': jsonCommands})
sqlSession.close() <---
resp.status_code = 200
return resp
I would expect the connections to be cleared as soon as the HTTP response is made, but instead, the connections end up with the "SLEEP" state (when viewed in the MySQL command line interface 'show processlist').
I ended up using the advice from this SO post:
How to close sqlalchemy connection in MySQL
I strongly recommend reading that post to anyone having this problem. Basically, I added a dispose() call to the close method. Doing so causes the entire connection to be destroyed, while closing simply returns connections to an available pool (but leave them open).
def close(self):
This whole this was a bit confusing to me, but at least now I understand more about the connection pool.
