List manipulation for a Conditional Round-Robin Rugby Draw - python

One of the Rugby Coaches at my school have asked me to code a conditional rugby match draw for the upcoming games with the task laid out something like this: Given a list of teams from 1 - 12 split into 3 groups ([Group1 = 1, 2, 3, 4], [Group2 = 5, 6, 7, 8,], [Group3 = 9, 10, 11, 12])
generate and print an 11 round-robin matchup with the conditions that:
Teams in Group1 does NOT verse teams in Group3
Teams in Group1 verses every other team in Group 1 twice (Eg. 1v2, 2v1, 1v3, 3v1, 1v4, 4v1, 1v5, 5v1.....)
This same rule applies to teams in Group3 as they verse other teams in Group3
Teams in Group2 verse every other team once.
Teams in Group1 and Group3 need one Bye Game.
I have attempted multiple times but inevitably become stuck, below are my 2 attempts:
Attempt 1:
import operator
import functools
import random
###First Generation (Flawed unclean round robin)
def fixtures(teams):
if len(teams) % 2:
teams.append('Day off') # if team number is odd - use 'day off' as fake team
rotation = list(teams) # copy the list
fixtures = []
for i in range(0, len(teams)-1):
rotation = [rotation[0]] + [rotation[-1]] + rotation[1:-1]
return fixtures
def main():
# demo code
teams = ["Team1","Team2","Team3","Team4","Team5","Team6","Team7","Team8","Team9","Team10","Team11","Team12"]
groupA = ["Team1","Team2","Team3","Team4"]
groupB = ["Team5","Team6","Team7","Team8"]
groupC = ["Team9","Team10","Team11","Team12"]
# for one match each - use this block only
matches = fixtures(teams)
print("flawed matches:")
RoundCounter = 0
homeTeams = []
awayTeams = []
for f in matches:
homeTeams = f[::2]
awayTeams = f[1::2]
print("Home Teams:{}".format(homeTeams))
print("Away Teams:{}".format(awayTeams))
HomeTeamGroupA = set(homeTeams).intersection(groupA)
HomeTeamGroupC = set(homeTeams).intersection(groupC)
AwayTeamGroupA = set(awayTeams).intersection(groupA)
AwayTeamGroupC = set(awayTeams).intersection(groupC)
VSCounter = 0
for p, o in zip(homeTeams, awayTeams):
if p in HomeTeamGroupA:
if o in AwayTeamGroupC:
AvsCPosition = awayTeams.index(o)
VSCounter += 1
RoundCleanUp(homeTeams, awayTeams, AvsCPosition, VSCounter) #if this is returned begin cleaning the round
else: print("GroupA is versing either Group B or GroupA") #if this is returned it is a team 1-4 but is vs either group b or group a
elif p in HomeTeamGroupC:
if o in AwayTeamGroupA:
AvsCPosition = awayTeams.index(o)
VSCounter += 1
RoundCleanUp(homeTeams, awayTeams, AvsCPosition, VSCounter) #if this is returned begin cleaning the round
print("GroupC is versing either Group B or GroupC") #if this is returned it is a team 9-12 but is vs either group b or group c
def RoundCleanUp(HTeam, ATeam, AvsCPos, VSCounter):
##gets Value of List at position
HTeamVal = HTeam[AvsCPos]
ATeamVal = ATeam[AvsCPos]
Attempt 2:
import operator
import functools
import random
def make_round(rotation, num_teams, fixtures):
for i in range(num_teams - 1):
rotation = list(range(1, num_teams + 1))
# clip to 0 .. num_teams - 2 # if i == 0, no rotation is needed (and using -0 as list index will cause problems)
i %= (num_teams - 1)
if i:
rotation = rotation[:1] + rotation[-i:] + rotation[1:-i]
half = num_teams // 2
return fixtures
def make_schedule(teams):
"""Produces RoundRobin"""
# number of teams must be even
TeamLength = len(teams)
if TeamLength % 2:
TeamLength += 1 # add a dummy team for padding
# build first round-robin
rotation = list(teams)
Fixture = []
schedule = make_round(rotation, TeamLength, Fixture)
return schedule
def homeAwayRotation(matches):
for homeTeams, awayTeams in zip(matches[0::2], matches[1::2]):
print("Home Rotation: {}".format(homeTeams))
print("Away Rotation: {}".format(awayTeams))
validation(homeTeams, awayTeams)
def validation(homeTeams, awayTeams):
groupA = [1, 2, 3, 4]
groupC = [9, 10, 11, 12]
for x, y in zip(homeTeams, awayTeams):
if x in groupA:
if y in groupC:
AvsCPosition = awayTeams.index(y)
cleanDirtyData(homeTeams, awayTeams, AvsCPosition)
# if this is returned it is a team 1-4 but is vs either group b or group a
print("Group A vsing either itself or GroupB\n")
elif x in groupC:
if y in groupA:
AvsCPosition = awayTeams.index(y)
cleanDirtyData(homeTeams, awayTeams, AvsCPosition)
# if this is returned it is a team 9-12 but is vs either group b or group c
print("Group C vsing either itself or GroupB\n")
# if this is returned it is a team in group B
print("This is team B\n")
def cleanDirtyData(homeTeams, awayTeams, AvsCPosition):
HTeamVal = homeTeams[AvsCPosition]
ATeamVal = awayTeams[AvsCPosition]
Dirtlist = []
def main():
# demo code
teams = ["Team1", "Team2", "Team3", "Team4", "Team5", "Team6",
"Team7", "Team8", "Team9", "Team10", "Team11", "Team12"]
# for one match each - use this block only
matches = make_schedule(teams)
print("flawed matches:")
My expected results would be printing each round showing which team is versing which and each team having a history a bit like this:
a team in Group1 has a verse history of: (in any random order)
1v2, 2v1, 1v3, 3v1, 1v4, 4v1, 1v5, 1v6, 1v7, 1v8, bye
a team in Group2 has a verse history of: (in any random order)
5v1, 5v2, 5v3, 5v4, 5v6, 5v7, 5v8, 5v9 5v10, 5v11, 5v12
a team in Group3 has a verse history of: (in any random order)
9v10, 10v9, 9v11, 11v9, 9v12, 12v9, 9v5, 9v6, 9v7, 9v8, bye
Any pointers or improvements I could possibly do would be greatly appreciated as I have been stuck on the final hurdle for the last 2 weeks

If I have understood the problem correct, then all you need is some combining of teams with every member in different groups.
I put some code together that should solve your problem:
def vs(team, group):
matchups = map(lambda opponent: (team,opponent), group)
matchups = filter(lambda tup: tup[0] != tup[1], matchups)
return list(matchups)
def matches(teams):
group_size = len(teams) // 3
# Make the groups, basically just splitting the team list in three parts
groups = [teams[:group_size], teams[group_size:2*group_size], teams[2*group_size:]]
matchups = []
for index, team in enumerate(teams):
group_index = index // group_size
current_matchup = []
# Check if we're working with group 1 or 3
if group_index == 0 or group_index == 2:
# Flip the order of a tuple
def flip(x):
return (x[1], x[0])
own_group = vs(team, groups[group_index])
# Add matches against everyone in the group
# Add matches agains everyone in the group again, but now the current team is 'away'
current_matchup.extend(list(map(flip, own_group)))
# Add matches against everyone in group 2
current_matchup.extend(vs(team, groups[1]))
# Lastly, add the bye
current_matchup.append((team, "bye"))
# Just all matches against all other teams, once.
current_matchup.extend(vs(team, teams))
return matchups
# This can be anything. Numbers, 'Team 1' or even 'The wondrous flying squirrels of death'
teams = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
# Make matches
matchups = matches(teams)
# Just pretty print
for i in range(len(matchups)):
matches = '\n\t'.join(map(lambda m: f'{str(m[0]).rjust(10)} vs {str(m[1]).ljust(10)}', matchups[i]))
print(f"Team '{teams[i]}' matches:\n\t{matches}")


Knapsack with SPECIFIC AMOUNT of items from different groups

So this is a variation of the Knapsack Problem I came with the other day.
It is like a 0-1 Knapsack Problem where there are multiple groups and each item belongs to only one group. The goal is to maximize the profits subject to the constraints. In this case, a fixed number of items from each group have to be chosen for each group.
It is similar to the Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem, but in that case you only pick 1 of item of each group, in this one you want to pick x amount of items of each group
So, each item has: value, weight and group
Each group has an item count (Ex: if group A (or 0) has 2, the final solution needs to have 2 items of group A, no more no less)
And and you also have a maximum capacity (not related to the groups)
This translates into:
values[i] = The value of the ith element
weights[i] = The weigth of the ith element
groups[i] = The group of the ith element
C = Capacity
n = Amount of elements
m = Amount of groups
count[j] = Amount of items of group j
I'm attempting a Recursive solution first and then I will try a Dynamic approach.
Any solution would be appreciated (preferably Python, but anything will do :) ).
Usefull links I found:
Theorical solution of a similar problem
First approach to the Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem
Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem solved in Python
Knapsack with count constraint
Full code also in:
Explanation after the code.
This code is for an example where you have a Fantasy League with a playersDB where each player has price (weight), points (value) and position (group); there is a list of possible_formations (group variations); and a budget (W) you can't go over.
Full code:
from group_knapsack import best_full_teams
playersDB = [
Player(name="Keylor Navas", price=16, points=7.5, position="GK"),
Player(name="Laporte", price=23, points=7.2, position="DEF"),
Player(name="Modric", price=22, points=7.3, position="MID"),
Player(name="Messi", price=51, points=8.2, position="ATT"),
possible_formations = [
[3, 4, 3],
[3, 5, 2],
[4, 3, 3],
[4, 4, 2],
[4, 5, 1],
[5, 3, 2],
[5, 4, 1],
budget = 300
best_full_teams(playersDB, possible_formations, budget)
import itertools
from MCKP import knapsack_multichoice_onepick
def best_full_teams(players_list, formations, budget):
formation_score_players = []
for formation in formations:
players_points, players_prices, players_comb_indexes = players_preproc(
players_list, formation)
score, comb_result_indexes = knapsack_multichoice_onepick(
players_prices, players_points, budget)
result_indexes = []
for comb_index in comb_result_indexes:
for winning_i in players_comb_indexes[comb_index[0]][comb_index[1]]:
result_players = []
for res_index in result_indexes:
formation_score_players.append((formation, score, result_players))
print("With formation " + str(formation) + ": " + str(score))
for best_player in result_players:
formation_score_players_by_score = sorted(formation_score_players,
key=lambda tup: tup[1],
for final_formation_score in formation_score_players_by_score:
print((final_formation_score[0], final_formation_score[1]))
return formation_score_players
def players_preproc(players_list, formation):
max_gk = 1
max_def = formation[0]
max_mid = formation[1]
max_att = formation[2]
gk_values, gk_weights, gk_indexes = generate_group(players_list, "GK")
gk_comb_values, gk_comb_weights, gk_comb_indexes = group_preproc(gk_values,
def_values, def_weights, def_indexes = generate_group(players_list, "DEF")
def_comb_values, def_comb_weights, def_comb_indexes = group_preproc(
def_values, def_weights, def_indexes, max_def)
mid_values, mid_weights, mid_indexes = generate_group(players_list, "MID")
mid_comb_values, mid_comb_weights, mid_comb_indexes = group_preproc(
mid_values, mid_weights, mid_indexes, max_mid)
att_values, att_weights, att_indexes = generate_group(players_list, "ATT")
att_comb_values, att_comb_weights, att_comb_indexes = group_preproc(
att_values, att_weights, att_indexes, max_att)
result_comb_values = [gk_comb_values, def_comb_values, mid_comb_values,
result_comb_weights = [gk_comb_weights, def_comb_weights, mid_comb_weights,
result_comb_indexes = [gk_comb_indexes, def_comb_indexes, mid_comb_indexes,
return result_comb_values, result_comb_weights, result_comb_indexes
def generate_group(full_list, group):
group_values = []
group_weights = []
group_indexes = []
for i, item in enumerate(full_list):
if item.position == group:
return group_values, group_weights, group_indexes
def group_preproc(group_values, group_weights, initial_indexes, r):
comb_values = list(itertools.combinations(group_values, r))
comb_weights = list(itertools.combinations(group_weights, r))
comb_indexes = list(itertools.combinations(initial_indexes, r))
group_comb_values = []
for value_combinations in comb_values:
values_added = sum(list(value_combinations))
group_comb_weights = []
for weight_combinations in comb_weights:
weights_added = sum(list(weight_combinations))
return group_comb_values, group_comb_weights, comb_indexes
import copy
def knapsack_multichoice_onepick(weights, values, max_weight):
if len(weights) == 0:
return 0
last_array = [-1 for _ in range(max_weight + 1)]
last_path = [[] for _ in range(max_weight + 1)]
for i in range(len(weights[0])):
if weights[0][i] < max_weight:
if last_array[weights[0][i]] < values[0][i]:
last_array[weights[0][i]] = values[0][i]
last_path[weights[0][i]] = [(0, i)]
for i in range(1, len(weights)):
current_array = [-1 for _ in range(max_weight + 1)]
current_path = [[] for _ in range(max_weight + 1)]
for j in range(len(weights[i])):
for k in range(weights[i][j], max_weight + 1):
if last_array[k - weights[i][j]] > 0:
if current_array[k] < last_array[k - weights[i][j]] + \
current_array[k] = last_array[k - weights[i][j]] + \
current_path[k] = copy.deepcopy(
last_path[k - weights[i][j]])
current_path[k].append((i, j))
last_array = current_array
last_path = current_path
solution, index_path = get_onepick_solution(last_array, last_path)
return solution, index_path
def get_onepick_solution(scores, paths):
scores_paths = list(zip(scores, paths))
scores_paths_by_score = sorted(scores_paths, key=lambda tup: tup[0],
return scores_paths_by_score[0][0], scores_paths_by_score[0][1]
class Player:
def __init__(
name: str,
price: float,
points: float,
position: str
): = name
self.price = price
self.points = points
self.position = position
def __str__(self):
return f"({}, {self.price}, {self.points}, {self.position})"
def position(self):
return self._position
def position(self, pos):
if pos not in ["GK", "DEF", "MID", "ATT"]:
raise ValueError("Sorry, that's not a valid position")
self._position = pos
def get_group(self):
if self.position == "GK":
group = 0
elif self.position == "DEF":
group = 1
elif self.position == "MID":
group = 2
group = 3
return group
Okay,so I managed to find a solution translating what was here: Solving the Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem from C++ to Python. My solution also gives the path that got you to that solution. It uses Dynamic Programming and it's very fast.
The input data, instead of having groups[i], has the weights and the values as a list of lists, where every list inside represent the values of each group:
weights[i] = [weights_group_0, weights_group_1, ...]
values[i] = [values_group_0, values_group_1, ...]
weights_group_i[j] = The weigth of the jth element of the ith group
values_group_i[j] = The value of the jth element of the ith group
Those would be the inputs of knapsack_multichoice_onepick. Here is an example:
# Example
values = [[6, 10], [12, 2], [2, 3]]
weights = [[1, 2], [6, 2], [3, 2]]
W = 7
print(knapsack_multichoice_onepick(weights, values, W)) # (15, [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)])
After that I followed #user3386109 's suggestion and did the combinations with the indexes. The group preprocesing methods are players_preproc, generate_group and group_preproc.
Again, this code is for an example where you have a Fantasy League with a playersDB where each player has price (weight), points (value) and position (group); there is a list of possible_formations (group variations); and a budget (W) you can't go over.
The best_full_teams method prints everything and uses all the previous ones.

Debugging the solution to a possible Bipartition

I came across this problem
We want to split a group of n people (labeled from 1 to n)
into two groups of any size. Each person may dislike some other people,
and they should not go into the same group.
Given the integer n and the array dislikes where dislikes[i] = [ai, bi]
indicates that the person labeled ai does not like the person labeled bi,
return true if it is possible to split everyone into two groups in this way.
Example 1:
Input: n = 4, dislikes = [[1,2],[1,3],[2,4]]
Output: true
Explanation: group1 [1,4] and group2 [2,3].
Example 2:
Input: n = 3, dislikes = [[1,2],[1,3],[2,3]]
Output: false
Example 3:
Input: n = 5, dislikes = [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[1,5]]
Output: false
Below is my approach to the solution:
create two lists, group1 and group2 and initialise group1 with 1
generate all the numbers from 2 to n in a variable called num
check if num is enemy with group1 elements, if yes, then check if num is enemy with group2 elements, if yes as well, return False
else put num in its respective group and goto step 2 with the next value
return True
below is the code implementation
class Solution(object):
def possibleBipartition(self, n, dislikes):
:type n: int
:type dislikes: List[List[int]]
:rtype: bool
group1 = [1]
group2 = []
for num in range(2, n+1):
put_to_group_1 = 1
for _n in group1:
if [_n, num] in dislikes or [num, _n] in dislikes:
put_to_group_1 = 0
put_to_group_2 = 1
for _n in group2:
if[_n, num] in dislikes or [num, _n] in dislikes:
put_to_group_2 = 0
if put_to_group_1 == 0 and put_to_group_2 == 0:
return False
if put_to_group_1 == 1:
return True
However for the following input I am getting False, but the expected output isTrue.
Can anyone tell me where I might be going wrong with the implementation?
Consider a scenario:
Let's assume that in the dislikes array, we have [1,6],[2,6] among other elements (so 6 hates 1 and 2).
Person 1 doesn't hate anybody else
After placing everybody into groups, let's say 2 gets placed in group 2.
While placing 6, you can't put it in either group, since it conflicts with 1 in group 1 and 2 in group 2.
6 could have been placed in group 1 if you didn't start with the assumption of placing 1 in group 1 (ideally 1 could have been placed in group 2 without conflict).
Long story short, don't start with person 1 in group 1. Take the first element in the dislikes array, put either of them in either group, and then continue with the algorithm.

Discover possible combinations in permutation triads with specific criteria

This is the spreadsheet I'm working on. As you can see, the spreadsheet is in a really messy state. I have done some cleaning of the data as per the description below:
Each column heading denotes the Period/lesson in the day
each day has 7 periods/lessons- therefore monday to friday = 35 columns
each cell contains the class descriptor( the first 3 characters), the intitals of the teacher (3 characters after the "$" sign) and the room name ( which is the 3 characters after the "(" ).
I want to get teachers into groups of 3 (triads) where the following criteria is true:
At any given period/lesson in the week 2 teachers are "free" not teaching and 1 teacher is teaching.
within that very same triad in a different period there is a different teacher who is "not free" and Teaching, where the other 2 teachers are teaching
in addition in any other period the other combination of 2 teachers being "free" non teaching and the unused teacher is teaching.
See following idea for further clarification:
Initials A AND B are in the set but not C present in set
ALSO C AND A in the set but not B present in set
ALSO B AND C in the set but not A present in the set
All 3 criteria must be true to work find the final triad
so there should be out of the thousands permutations not many combinations that fit that criteria
In simple terms, what I'm trying to find is to place teachers into groups of 3. Where 2 teachers can go into and observe the lesson of another teacher, ie, in any period, 2 teachers are free and one is teaching. You will see in each column all the teachers who are teaching at any given period and day. Therefore anyone who is not in that column we can deduce is not teaching.
We want the group of 3 teachers to remain as a triad so the each get to be observed. So in any other period in the week a different teacher is teaching from the same triad and the other 2 are NOT teaching.
This is the code I've written so far to clean up the data and create the possible triads. I do not know if this is the best approach to the aforementioned problem, but in any case, this is what I've done so far. I am currently stuck in how I can find the intersections between all these triads in order to correctly identify the teachers who fulfill the above criteria.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import itertools
class unique_element:
def __init__(self,value,occurrences):
self.value = value
self.occurrences = occurrences
def perm_unique(elements):
listunique = [unique_element(i,elements.count(i)) for i in eset]
return perm_unique_helper(listunique,[0]*u,u-1)
def perm_unique_helper(listunique,result_list,d):
if d < 0:
yield tuple(result_list)
for i in listunique:
if i.occurrences > 0:
for g in perm_unique_helper(listunique,result_list,d-1):
yield g
def findsubsets(S, m):
return set(itertools.combinations(S, m))
csv_file = pd.read_csv('Whole_School_TT.csv')
df = csv_file.dropna(how='all')
df = csv_file.fillna(0)
cols = df.columns
df_class_name = df.copy()
df_names = df.copy()
df_room_number = df.copy()
for col in range(0, len(df.columns)):
for row in range(0, len(df)):
if df[cols[col]].iloc[row] is not 0:
text = df[cols[col]].iloc[row]
index_dollar = df[cols[col]].iloc[row].find('$')
r_index_dollar = df[cols[col]].iloc[row].rfind('$')
if index_dollar is not -1:
if index_dollar == r_index_dollar:
df_names[cols[col]].iloc[row] = df[cols[col]].iloc[row][index_dollar+1:index_dollar+4]
name1 = df[cols[col]].iloc[row][index_dollar + 1:index_dollar + 4]
name2 = df[cols[col]].iloc[row][r_index_dollar + 1:r_index_dollar + 4]
df_names[cols[col]].iloc[row] = name1 + ' ' + name2
index_hash = df[cols[col]].iloc[row].find('#')
df_class_name[cols[col]].iloc[row] = df[cols[col]].iloc[row][:(index_dollar - 1)]
df_room_number[cols[col]].iloc[row] = df[cols[col]].iloc[row][index_hash + 1:-1]
df_names[cols[col]].iloc[row] = 0
index_hash = df[cols[col]].iloc[row].find('#')
if index_hash is -1:
df_class_name[cols[col]].iloc[row] = df[cols[col]].iloc[row][:3]
df_room_number[cols[col]].iloc[row] = 0
df_class_name[cols[col]].iloc[row] = df[cols[col]].iloc[row][:(index_hash - 2 )]
df_room_number[cols[col]].iloc[row] = df[cols[col]].iloc[row][index_hash + 1:-1]
teacher_names = []
for col in range(0, len(cols)):
period_names = (df_names[cols[col]].unique())
df_all_names = pd.DataFrame(teacher_names, columns=['Names'])
df_all_names = pd.DataFrame(df_all_names['Names'].unique())
df_all_names = df_all_names[(df_all_names.T != 0).any()]
mask = (df_all_names[0].str.len() == 3)
df_single_names = df_all_names.loc[mask] # so now here we have all the teacher names in general who teach
# we will find the teacher who teach per period and teachers who do not teach
set_of_names = set(np.array(df_single_names[0])) # here i have all the unique teacher names
period_set_names = [0]*len(cols)
period_set_names_NO_teach = [0]*len(cols)
# here i get the names for each one of the periods
# and find the intersection with the unique teacher names in order to figure out who teaches per period
for col in range(0, len(cols)):
period_set_names[col] = set(np.array(df_names[cols[col]])) # get teacher names for current period
period_set_names_NO_teach[col] = set_of_names.difference(period_set_names[col])
period_set_names[col] = set_of_names.intersection(period_set_names[col])
# sanity check
print('Teachers who teach and teacher who dont teach should be equivalent to the full list of names: ', end='')
print(period_set_names_NO_teach[col].union(period_set_names[col]) == set_of_names)
def get_current_period_triplets(col):
free_period_pairs = findsubsets(period_set_names_NO_teach[col], 2) # I got all the period Free teacher pairs
# teaching_period_pairs = findsubsets(period_set_names[col], 2)
free_period_pairs_list = list(free_period_pairs)
period_triplets = []
for i in range(0, len(free_period_pairs_list)):
listof = list(free_period_pairs_list)
current_free_pair = list(listof[i])
# print(current_free_pair)
for j in (period_set_names[col]):
temp = current_free_pair.copy()
current_triplet = temp.append(j)
period_triplets = set(period_triplets)
return period_triplets
for col in range(0, len(cols)):
current_triplets = get_current_period_triplets(col)

Genetic algorithm - ordered crossover in python

I have implemented a genetic algorithm in python 3, and have posted a question on code review with no answers yet, basically because my algorithm is running very slowly. By selectively commenting out different parts of my code, I have narrowed down the bottleneck to this section of code, the crossover algorithm:
def crossover(self, mum, dad):
"""Implements ordered crossover"""
size = len(mum.vertices)
# Choose random start/end position for crossover
alice, bob = [-1] * size, [-1] * size
start, end = sorted([random.randrange(size) for _ in range(2)])
# Replicate mum's sequence for alice, dad's sequence for bob
for i in range(start, end + 1):
alice[i] = mum.vertices[i]
bob[i] = dad.vertices[i]
# # Fill the remaining position with the other parents' entries
# current_dad_position, current_mum_position = 0, 0
# for i in chain(range(start), range(end + 1, size)):
# while dad.vertices[current_dad_position] in alice:
# current_dad_position += 1
# while mum.vertices[current_mum_position] in bob:
# current_mum_position += 1
# alice[i] = dad.vertices[current_dad_position]
# bob[i] = mum.vertices[current_mum_position]
# # Return twins
# return graph.Tour(self.g, alice), graph.Tour(self.g, bob)
return mum, dad
The part which is commented out makes my program runtime go from ~7 seconds to 5-6 minutes (I am running 5000 iterations of the GA). Is there any way this ordered crossover can be carried out more efficiently?
What the crossover function does
For those unfamiliar, I am implementing an order-based crossover (OX2). Given two arrays of consecutive integers (the parents), two random start/end positions are selected.
mum = 4 9 2 8 3 1 5 7 6
dad = 6 4 1 3 7 2 8 5 9
^ ^
start end
The two children then share the resulting slices:
child 1 = _ _ 2 8 3 1 _ _ _
child 2 = _ _ 1 3 7 2 _ _ _
^ ^
Now the remaining slots are filled in with the entries of the other parents in the order in which they appear, as long as repetitions are avoided. So since child 1 has their slice taken from mum, the rest of the entries are taken from dad. First we take 6, then 4, then next we take 7 (not taking 1 and 3 since they already appear in child 1 from mum), then 5, then 9. So
child 1 = 6 4 2 8 3 1 7 5 9
and similarly,
child 2 = 4 9 1 3 7 2 8 5 6
This is what I am implementing in the function.
I can only guess that your problem lies with the fact that your while-loop and the increment within is not limited to the actual size of the vertices vector, put a hard limit and test again:
while current_dad_position < size and dad.vertices[current_dad_position] in alice:
current_dad_position += 1
while current_mom_position < size and mum.vertices[current_mum_position] in bob:
current_mum_position += 1
I feel compelled to say that this might not necessarily result a unique solution, as I do not know how the how the algorithm, should behave if there are not enough unique unique singular vertices available to chose from because they violate your 'not from the other parent' restriction.
For anybody to test this out, I would recommend to complete your code with an simple example input and not commenting out the code in question, but rather to mark its BEGIN and END with comments.
Okay with the knowledge that the problem is uniquely solvable becuae of construction, here is how it should look like:
import random
import numpy as np
def crossover(mum, dad):
"""Implements ordered crossover"""
size = len(mum.vertices)
# Choose random start/end position for crossover
alice, bob = [-1] * size, [-1] * size
start, end = sorted([random.randrange(size) for _ in range(2)])
# Replicate mum's sequence for alice, dad's sequence for bob
alice_inherited = []
bob_inherited = []
for i in range(start, end + 1):
alice[i] = mum.vertices[i]
bob[i] = dad.vertices[i]
print(alice, bob)
#Fill the remaining position with the other parents' entries
current_dad_position, current_mum_position = 0, 0
fixed_pos = list(range(start, end + 1))
i = 0
while i < size:
if i in fixed_pos:
i += 1
test_alice = alice[i]
if test_alice==-1: #to be filled
dad_trait = dad.vertices[current_dad_position]
while dad_trait in alice_inherited:
current_dad_position += 1
dad_trait = dad.vertices[current_dad_position]
alice[i] = dad_trait
#repeat block for bob and mom
i +=1
return alice, bob
class Mum():
def __init__(self):
self.vertices =[ 4, 9, 2, 8, 3, 1, 5, 7, 6 ]
class Dad():
def __init__(self):
self.vertices = [ 6 , 4 , 1 , 3 , 7 , 2 , 8 , 5 , 9 ]
mum = Mum()
dad = Dad()
a, b = crossover(mum, dad)
# a = [6, 4, 2, 8, 3, 1, 5, 7, 9]

Python solution needed

I have three lists Teams= [T1,T2,T3,T4] and there number of wins Nwins[10,12,10,5] and the goals they scored
GScored[33,34,22,28]. i want to find the season winner based on their number of wins however if two teams have same wins in the season then the number of goals they have scored. similarly the one with least wins will be relegated and if there are two then the one with least goals scored will get eliminated. Your help will be appreciated
winner = max(zip(Nwins, GScored, Teams))[2]
Teams = ["T1","T2","T3","T4"]
NoWins = [10,0,10,5]
GScored = [33,34,22,28]
highestWins = max(NoWins)
if NoWins.count(highestWins) == 1:
winner = Teams[NoWins.index(highestWins)]
options = [g for i, g in enumerate(GScored) if NoWins[i] == highestWins]
winner = [t for i, t in enumerate(Teams) if NoWins[i] == highestWins][options.index(max(options))]
lowestWins = min(NoWins)
if NoWins.count(lowestWins) == 1:
relegated = Teams[NoWins.index(lowestWins)]
options = [g for i, g in enumerate(GScored) if NoWins[i] == lowestWins]
relegated = [t for i, t in enumerate(Teams) if NoWins[i] == lowestWins][options.index(min(options))]
Which gives winner as "T1" (I modified your example) and relegated as "T2".
And if NoWins = [0, 2, 2, 2] and GScored = [4, 4, 3, 3], winner is "T2" and relegated is "T1".
