Auto activate virtual environment in Visual Studio Code - python

I want VS Code to turn venv on run, but I can't find how to do that.
I already tried to add to settings.json this line:
"": ["source${workspaceFolder}\env\Scripts\activate"]
But, it throws me an 127 error code. I found what 127 code means. It means, Not found. But how it can be not found, if I see my venv folder in my eyes right now?
I think it's terminal fault. I'm using Win 10 with Git Bash terminal, that comes when you install Git to your machine.

This is how I did it in 2021:
Enter Ctrl+Shift+P in your vs code.
Locate your Virtual Environment:
Python: select interpreter > Enter interpreter path > Find
Once you locate your virtual env select your python version:
your-virtual-env > bin > python3.
Now in your project you will see .vscode directory created open settings.json inside of it and add:
"python.terminal.activateEnvironment": true
don't forget to add comma before to separate it with already present key value pair.
Now restart the terminal.
You should see your virtual environment activated automatically.

Actually the earlier suggested solutions didn't work for me, instead I added the following in my settings:
"settings": {
"python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminal": true,
"python.defaultInterpreterPath": "~/venv/bin/python"
Of course replace the defaultInterpreterPath (used to be pythonPath) setting with your own path (so don't copy/paste the second line).

You don't need this line at all. Just remove it and switch your Python interpreter to point to the one within your venv. Here's a relevant documentation (italicized emphasis mine):
To select a specific environment, use the Python: Select Interpreter
command from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
... and
opening a terminal with the Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal
command. In the latter case, VS Code automatically activated the
selected environment.
Once you switch the interpreter VS code should create a .vscode folder within your workspace with a settings.json indicating the python interpreter. This will give VS code the direction of where to locate the venv.

There is a new flag that one can use: "python.terminal.activateEnvironment": true

my scenario was pretty much the same. I am running VSCode on Windows, wanting to used git bash as my default Terminal but after the venv got created, it was doing some weird stuff when a Terminal would open where it couldn't find the correct python interpeter in the venv/Scripts folder even though I did ctrl-shift-p a bunch of times to reset it to the python.exe there. I also wanted to make sure the activate script was run on Terminal open. I just couldn't get the debugger to work right and it kept complaining that it could not find the python interpreter, so I basically couldn't debug at all.
So for anyone who is having weird stuff happen trying to use a Git Bash Terminal in VSCode in Windows related to a python project using a virtual env, here is what I found out;
I noticed that when I opened a new Git Bash Terminal, and looked at the $PATH variable to make sure it could find the interpreter in the venv, the path to the venv/Scripts folder would be prepended to the $PATH, but not with linux path separators like everything else in $PATH but with a Windows style path;
echo $PATH
C:\Users\blah\Documents\blah\Stock-down\Dev\this_api\venv/Scripts:/c/Users/blah/bin:/mingw64/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/mingw64/bin:/usr/bin:/c/Users/blah/bin:/c/Program Files/Go/bin:/c/Python39/Scripts:
So whenever I would try to debug, or just even run which python, It would get confused and thought the interpreter was in here;
which python
I ran the "printenv" command in the Terminal to see what env vars were getting set and why the venv interpreter path was getting messed up. And I found a env var I didn't know existed - VIRTUAL_ENV. But I didn't know how it was getting set or where it came from. After some pain, and hunting around I found it - when you run "python -m venv venvname" to create the virtual env in the project folder, as you know, it creates the activate (and activate.bat for windows) scripts in the ./venv/Scripts folder. Inside these files this VIRTUAL_ENV variable is not only exported, but but prepended to the $PATH variable on Terminal open with the "/Scripts" folder name added in linux path style. The problem with is that it sets the VIRTUAL_ENV value with windows type path - I know its painful and wrong to do this, but I just changed it to what Git Bash is expecting, see below;
#unset irrelevant variables
deactivate nondestructive
export PATH
Now when a new Git Bash Terminal is opened it prepends the venv/Scripts path correctly to $PATH;
echo $PATH
/c/Users/blah/Documents/blah/Stock-down/Dev/st_api/venv/Scripts:/c/Users/blah/bin:/mingw64/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/mingw64/bin:/usr/bin:/c/Users/blah/bin:/c/Program Files/Go/bin:/c/Python39/Scripts:
I also made a copy of the executable python.exe in the ./venv/Scripts dir and just called it "python" and now the command "which python" works and I can debug fine. I still set ctrl-shift-P when I choose the interpreter in VSCODE to "python.exe" when I just use "find" during the selection.
For more information on VIRTUAL_ENV var, see this doc -- python venv docs
It feels like jumping through a bunch of hoops I know, but this way I can open a new Git Bash Terminal, have the activate script run correctly on Terminal Open, debug, and operate normally without having to float between Git Bash AND WSL Ubuntu AND Powershell, etc.

My environment started to activate automatically after the advice from this article
When you create a new virtual environment, a prompt will be displayed
to allow you to select it for the workspace. This will add the path to
the Python interpreter from the new virtual environment to your
workspace settings. That environment will then be used when installing
packages and running code through the Python extension. For examples
of using virtual environment in projects, see the Python, Django, and
Flash tutorials.

My solution was to create /.vscode/settings.json manually
Here is the tree;
│ ├───.vscode
│ │ ├───settings.json
I created /.vscode/settings.json then added this code in settings.json (I am using windows so I used double backslash for path location otherwise it gives unicode error, and don't copy paste this, find your own .virtualenvs)
"python.defaultInterpreterPath": "C:\\Users\\Talha\\.virtualenvs\\django-okd21pq9\\Scripts\\python.exe"


Trying to activate venv in PyCharm project with git

I've been trying for days to get a virtual environment for my Python project set up in PyCharm. I've seen a bunch of stuff online, but nothing seems to work for me.
Before I start anything, I run which python in my git bash terminal, which returns:
Then, when I try to officially activate the venv, I run source ./venv/Scripts/activate, which promptly fails with error:
bash: basename: command not found
After I do this, I lose the little tag at the end of my bash terminal dirpath that normally shows the current git branch I'm on. I don't see (venv), which seems to be the expected behavior based on other stackoverflow posts. There is nothing appended to the current directory path of my terminal.
I can no longer run a number of standard bash commands. Running which python yields
bash: which: command not found
Is this some sort of PATH issue? Am I successfully activating the venv at all? (What is the '()' that shows up after every command?)
Supposedly this is an issue with pip on NETWORK drives.
I fixed the issue by moving my virtual environment to my native C: drive, and then went through the normal config process-
set my PyCharm Python interpreter to this NEW venv in my C: drive
updated my PyCharm run/debug configuration to use this new interpreter
restarted terminal
installed all the necessary deps with pip
Good to go! (now I can run pytest + other commands on this local project)

Why doesn't my project's virtual env auto-launch in VS Code?

VS Code v1.58.1
Python v3.92
In a python project, I set up a virtual environment. In this project folder, I have a sub-folder .vscode that contains a file settings.json, which has the following contents (pointer to the project's virtual environment folder):
"python.defaultInterpreterPath": "D:\\Documents\\coding\\pyproj1\\proj_env\\Scripts\\python.exe",
"python.terminal.activateEnvironment": true
When I open this project folder in VS Code, the powershell terminal does not automatically launch the virtual environment, and in the lower left corner of VS Code, the virtual environment python interpreter is not listed. When I run a new terminal in VS Code, the virtual env is still not activated.
I had the same problem when I was using python.pythonPath which I understand is now deprecated in favor of python.defaultInterpreterPath.
If I leave VS Code alone for a few minutes after opening the project folder, it will sometimes select the virtual env interpreter. But since I'm telling VS Code where it is, why isn't it selecting this at folder open?
Where am I going wrong?
The python.defaultInterpreterPath setting only works at the first time.
After you manually select the python interpreter, the VSCode will remember it. When you reopen the VSCode, it will select the interpreter the last time you have selected. And the python.defaultInterpreterPath setting will have no influence anymore.
But you take this command to reset it: Python:Clear Workspace Interpreter Setting.
You can set the python.defaultInterpreterPath like this:
"python.defaultInterpreterPath": ".venv\\Scripts\\python.exe"
It looks like has some problem with your Python extension or the cache.
Could you try to:
Reinstall the python extension. Remember to delete the extension folder under: C:\Users\${UserName}\.vscode\extensions
Delete all the files under these locations:
Or you can empty the folder of:
But remember to storage the settings.json under
As described in the earlier comment: "So it seems my issue is that VS Code does not remember the interpreter I used last time."
What resolved the issue is deleting the virtual env and recreating it. Now when I open the project folder, VS Code auto activates the virtual env.
Steps involved for anyone wishing to do the same:
activate virtual env
create requirements file: pip freeze > requirements.txt
deactivate to exit venv
rm proj_env or whatever the name of the venv folder is
create virtual env, e.g., python -m venv proj_env
activate the virtual env (VS Code may detect the venv during creation, and ask if you wish to activate venv, go ahead and say Yes)
pip install -r requirements.txt to install the requirements into the virtual env

How to autoload venv/bin/activate in vscode on mac

I have django project folder with venv environment.
when opening vscode it has terminal opened in vscode.
Is there a way that I don't have to venv/bin/activate all the time when opening the project folder?
Edit (credit to #XJOJIX) from the comment in this answer. This will active the virtual environment without having to close or open terminals. A Python file still needs to be selected to load the Python extension.
Add this parameter in VS Code to "launch.json" or ".code-workspace"
"settings": {
"python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminal": true
Previous Answer:
To have a VS Code terminal automatically activate a virtual environment when first launching VS Code:
Close the terminal before exiting VS Code.
Open VS Code. Ensure a Python file is selected to direct VS Code to load the Python extension.
Wait for the Python extension to finishing loading (very bottom
left of VS Code terminal).
Open a new terminal after Python extension has loaded. The venv will automatically activate.
The trick is to open the terminal only after the Python extension has loaded.
If the directory of the terminal contains a virtual environment, VS Code will also automatically activate a virtual environment if a new terminal is opened. As before, a Python file must be selected and the Python extension must be fully loaded.
If you are on a mac OS, the simplest thing is to make ENV for your python projects.
Follow these simple Command in your Vs Code Terminal and you get your ENV activated :
Python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
(The env in the first line is your env name so you can type any name)
Use the command palette to trigger the "Python: select interpreter" command. It should allow you to pick your virtual environment.
The article Using Python environments in VS Code migth be of interest to you.
If you use window machine, it might locate at
You can run above in your vscode terminal to activate your venv

VS Code integrated terminal not starting with virtual environment activated while the right interpreter is being selected

Platform and software versions:
Mac OS Mojave, VS Code 1.38.0, Python extension installed. Created
virtual environment in project directory using command
python3 -m env.
Modified setting in Python extension,
"python.venvPath": "bin", to handle the bin directory where the python for the virtual
environment is stored.
When I launch VS Code using code ., and then open a python file in the folder, the interpreter selected is ./bin/python, however the integrated terminal is not set to the right python executable. If I launch a new terminal it sources the virtual environment (which may be due to the Python extension setting "python.terminal.activateEnvironment": true)
Is there a way to have the integrated terminal also have the virtual environment sourced?
Or is there a better way to have VS Code activate virtual environment created by python3 -m env .?
Thank you.
Just reread the VS Code documentation here - and this time noticed this below. Wondering if there is a way to kill the existing terminal and then launch one upon VS Code launch...
However, launching VS Code from a shell in which a certain Python environment is activated does not automatically activate that environment in the default integrated terminal. Use the Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal command after VS Code is running.
Two things. One, "python.venvPath" is meant to point at a directory that contains other virtual environments, not the bin/ directory that has a Python interpreter from a virtual environment. (I also don't know what python3 -m env is supposed to do; did you mean python3 -m venv?)
Two, there isn't a way to make VS Code automatically launch and complete the loading of the Python extension before VS Code creates a terminal if you have the terminal frame open at start-up.
At the time of this writting vscode now has
"python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminal": true,
so I my global settings.json, F1 > preference: Open Settings (JSON)
"python.venvPath": "D:/miniconda3/envs",
"python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminal": true,
and in my workspace's settings.json, F1 > preference: Open Workspace Settings (JSON)
"python.defaultInterpreterPath": "D:/miniconda3/envs/my-workspace-venv/python.exe"
And it works for me.

How do I activate a virtualenv inside PyCharm's terminal?

I've set up PyCharm, created my virtualenv (either through the virtual env command, or directly in PyCharm) and activated that environment as my Interpreter. Everything is working just fine.
However, if I open a terminal using "Tools, Open Terminal", the shell prompt supplied is not using the virtual env; I still have to use source ~/envs/someenv/bin/activate within that Terminal to activate it.
Another method is to activate the environment in a shell, and run PyCharm from that environment. This is "workable" but pretty ugly, and means I have major problems if I switch environments or projects from PyCharm: I'm now using the totally-wrong environment.
Is there some other, much-easier way to have "Tools, Open Terminal" automatically activate the virtual environment?
According to, PyCharm 2016.3 (released Nov 2016) has virutalenv support for terminals out of the box
Auto virtualenv is supported for bash, zsh, fish, and Windows cmd. You
can customize your shell preference in Settings (Preferences) | Tools
| Terminal | check Activate virtaulenv
you also need to make sure to have the path of virtual environment path included in the content root folder of your project structure. You can go to settings (preference) | project | Project Structure | if your environment is not included in the project directory.
***Old Method:***
Create a file .pycharmrc in your home folder with the following contents
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/pycharmvenv/bin/activate
Use your virtualenv path as the last parameter.
Then set the shell Preferences->Project Settings->Shell path to
/bin/bash --rcfile ~/.pycharmrc
The preferences in Settings (Preferences) | Tools | Terminal are global.
If you use a venv for each project, remember to use current path variable and a default venv name:
"cmd.exe" /k ""%CD%\venv\Scripts\activate""
For Windows users: when using PyCharm with a virtual environment, you can use the /K parameter to cmd.exe to set the virtual environment automatically.
PyCharm 3 or 4: Settings, Terminal, Default shell and add /K <path-to-your-activate.bat>.
PyCharm 5: Settings, Tools, Terminal, and add /K <path-to-your-activate.bat> to Shell path.
PyCharm 2016.1 or 2016.2: Settings, Tools, Terminal, and add ""/K <path-to-your-activate.bat>"" to Shell path and add (mind the quotes). Also add quotes around cmd.exe, resulting in:
"cmd.exe" /k ""C:\mypath\my-venv\Scripts\activate.bat""
For Windows users when using PyCharm and a virtual environment under Windows, you can use the /k parameter to cmd.exe to set the virtual environment automatically.
Go to Settings, Terminal, Default shell and add /K <path-to-your-activate.bat>.
I don't have the reputation to comment on the earlier response so posting this corrected version. This really saves a LOT of time.
Note: Pycharm now supports virtual environments directly and it seems to work well for me - so my workaround not needed anymore.
Somehow a small trick worked for me. All you gotta do is change the default terminal from Power shell to CMD.
Open pycharm --> Go to Settings --> Tools --> Terminal
Change the Shell Path to C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe from PS
Check the Activate virtualenv checkbox
Hit apply and open new terminal
It's 2021 you don't need to specify the file path or add the environment variable.
Update: It's 2022 and I run into the same issue
Fix: Follow the above steps and in addition, make sure you have selected the Your virtual env python.exe as your project python interpreter, and that's it
If You are using windows version it is quite easy.
If you already have the virtual environment just navigate to its folder, find activate.bat inside Scripts folder. copy it's full path and paste it in pycharm's terminal then press Enter and you're done!
If you need to create new virtual environment :
Go to files > settings then search for project interpreter, open it, click on gear button and create the environment wherever you want and then follow first paragraph.
I have viewed all of the answers above but none of them is elegant enough for me. In PyCharm 2017.1.3 (in my computer), the easiest way is to open Settings->Tools->Terminal and check Shell integration and Activate virtualenv options.
Based on answers from Peter and experimentation, I've come up with a good "general solution", which solves the following:
Restores the behaviour of a login shell. PyCharm normally runs a login shell, but --rcfile stopped this happening. Script still uses --rcfile, but attempts to emulate the INVOCATION behaviour of a login shell.
Removes the need to create an rcfile for each environment
Removes the need to update the project settings if you change the environment.
Drop this script into a bin directory somewhere. E.g. ~/bin/pycharmactivate
if [ -r "/etc/profile" ] ; then . /etc/profile ; fi
if [ -r "~/.bash_profile" ] ; then
. ~/.bash_profile
elif [ -r "~/.bash_login" ] ; then
. ~/.bash_login
elif [ -r "~/.profile" ] ; then
. ~/.profile
ACTIVATERC=`cat .idea/workspace.xml | perl -n -e 'print "\$1/bin/activate" if m:option name="SDK_HOME" value="\\\$USER_HOME\\\$(.*)/bin/python":'`
if [ -n "$ACTIVATERC" ] ; then . "$HOME/$ACTIVATERC" ; else echo "Could not find virtualenv from PyCharm" ; fi
Then set PyCharm's Shell path to:
/bin/bash --rcfile ~/bin/pycharmactivate
PyCharm 4 now has virtualenvs integrated in the IDE. When selecting your project interpreter, you can create, add, or select a virtualenv. They've added a "Python Console" that runs in the configured project interpreter.
More info here.
Thanks Chris, your script worked for some projects but not all on my machine. Here is a script that I wrote and I hope anyone finds it useful.
#Stored in ~/.pycharmrc
ACTIVATERC=$(python -c 'import re
import os
from glob import glob
#sets Current Working Directory to _the_projects .idea folder
#gets every file in the cwd and sets _the_projects iml file
for file in glob("*"):
if re.match("(.*).iml", file):
project_iml_file = file
#gets _the_virtual_env for _the_project
for line in open(project_iml_file):
env_name = re.findall("~/(.*)\" jdkType", line.strip())
# created or changed a virtual_env after project creation? this will be true
if env_name:
print env_name[0] + "/bin/activate"
inherited = re.findall("type=\"inheritedJdk\"", line.strip())
# set a virtual_env during project creation? this will be true
if inherited:
# find _the_virtual_env in misc.xml
if inherited:
for line in open("misc.xml").readlines():
env_at_project_creation = re.findall("\~/(.*)\" project-jdk", line.strip())
if env_at_project_creation:
print env_at_project_creation[0] + "/bin/activate"
if [ "$ACTIVATERC" ] ; then . "$HOME/$ACTIVATERC" ; fi
If you have moved your project to another directory, you can set the new path via Settings dialog. And then you need to set this Project Interpreter in the Edit Configuration dialog.
On Mac it's PyCharm => Preferences... => Tools => Terminal => Activate virtualenv, which should be enabled by default.
I just added a script named pycharmactivate to my home directory. Set value of PyCharm (4.0.1) File > Settings > Tools > Terminal > Shell path to /bin/bash --rcfile ~/pycharmactivate.
Maybe not the best solution incase you have different project and virtualenv directories/names but it works for me. This script contains the following 3 lines and assumes your virtualenv has the same name as your project dir.
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.virtualenvs/$projectdir/bin/activate
this is what i am doing:
create a activate_env.bat(windows,maybe .sh in linux) file in the source code folde:
and another file deactivate_env.bat:
everytime open the terminal window, just execute the bat file to activate/deactivate the virtualenv, you will stay in source code path, no need to change path to and back.
(env_django_study) E:\Projects\django_study\src>
(env_django_study) E:\Projects\django_study\src>deactive_env.bat
Following up on Peter's answer,
here the Mac version of the .pycharmrc file:
source /etc/profile
source ~/.bash_profile
source <venv_dir>/bin/activate
Solution for WSL (Ubuntu on Windows)
If you're using WSL (Ubuntu on Windows), you can also open bash as terminal in pycharm and activate a linux virtualenv.
Use a .pycharmrc file like described in Peter Gibson's answer; Add the .pycharmrc file to your home directory with following content:
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/path_to_virtualenv/bin/activate
In Pycharm File > Settings > Tools > Terminal add the following 'Shell path':
"C:/Windows/system32/bash.exe" -c "bash --rcfile ~/.pycharmrc"
Project specific virtualenv
The path to your virtualenv in .pycharmrc does not have to be absolute. You can set a project specific virtualenv by setting a relative path from your project directory.
My virtualenv is always located in a 'venv' folder under my project directory, so my .pycharmrc file looks like this:
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/pycharmvenv/bin/activate #absolute path
source ./venv/bin/activate #relative path
BONUS: automatically open ssh tunnel to connect virtualenv as project interpreter
Add the following to your .pycharmrc file:
if [ $(ps -aux | grep -c 'ssh') -lt 2 ]; then
sudo service ssh start
This checks if a ssh tunnel is already opened, and opens one otherwise.
In File -> Settings -> Project -> Project Interpreter in Pycharm, add a new remote interpreter with following configuration:
| Name: | <Interpreter name> | | |
| Select | 'SSH Credentials' | | |
| Host: | | Port: | 22 |
| User: | <Linux username> | | |
| Auth type: | 'Password' | | |
| Password: | <Linux password> | | |
| Python interpreter path: | <Linux path to your virtualenv> | | |
| Python helpers path: | <Set automatically> | | |
Now when you open your project, your bash automatically starts in your virtualenv, opens a ssh tunnel, and pycharm connects the virtualenv as remote interpreter.
warning: the last update in Windows automatically starts a SshBroker and SshProxy service on startup. These block the ssh tunnel from linux to windows. You can stop these services in Task Manager -> Services, after which everything will work again.
I had the same problem with venv in PyCharm. But It is not big problem!
Just do:
enter in your terminal venv directory( cd venv/Scripts/ )
You will see activate.bat
Just enter activate.bat in your terminal after this you will see YOUR ( venv )
I have a solution that worked on my Windows 7 machine.
I believe PyCharm's terminal is a result of it running cmd.exe, which will load the Windows PATH variable, and use the version of Python that it finds first within that PATH. To edit this variable, right click My Computer --> Properties --> Advanced System Settings --> Advanced tab --> Environment Variables... button. Within the System variables section, select and edit the PATH variable.
Here is the relevant part of my PATH before editing:
...and after editing PATH (only 3 lines now):
To test this, open a new windows terminal (Start --> type in cmd and hit Enter) and see if it's using your virtual environment. If that works, restart PyCharm and then test it out in PyCharm's terminal.
If your Pycharm 2016.1.4v and higher you should use
"default path" /K "<path-to-your-activate.bat>"
don't forget quotes
On Windows, if you have already have the virtualenvironment eg. 'myvenv' located within the project root, you can activate it from the terminal as below:
Calling the activate from the virtualenv you desire to activate, activates the virtualenv.
You know it is activated when you see the change:
I had the similar problem of not having venv activated in pycharm terminal (Pycharm version 2021.2.2). Just simply follow the steps below.
Go to "settings -> tools -> terminal" then at the bottom of that window check if "Activate virtualenv" is having a tick or not, if not then make sure that box is ticked.
Then in the middle part of that window check the the shell path is set to "cmd.exe" or not, if not then set it to "cmd.exe" (it will have it's path associated with it so no need to do anything just click on "cmd.exe" from the drop down list) then click on "apply" button below and click "ok".
Now it's done, just close your opened terminal and re-open it. You will see "venv" in front of your project path.
P.S: Don't mind the double quotes in my answer they are just for highlighting the texts, nothing more.
Had the same issue, this is how I solved it:
All you gotta do is change the default terminal from Power shell to CMD.
Open pycharm --> Go to Settings --> Tools --> Terminal.
Change the Shell Path to C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe from PS.
Check the Activate virtualenv checkbox.
Hit apply and open new terminal.
If you're using windows with wsl2, the only thing that worked for me (November 2022) was:
go into Pycharm terminal definition
wsl.exe -- bash --rcfile <(echo '. ~/.bashrc; source <path-to-your-virtial-env>/bin/activate')
inside the 'Shell path' box.
Then every time you open the terminal the virtual environment would be activated.
Another alternative is to use virtualenvwrapper to manage your virtual environments. It appears that once the virtualenvwrapper script is activated, pycharm can use that and then the simple workon command will be available from the pycharm console and present you with the available virtual environments:
kevin#debian:~/Development/django-tutorial$ workon
kevin#debian:~/Development/django-tutorial$ workon django-tutorial
This method should work with arbitrary virtual environments per project and it doesn't make assumptions on your environment as it is using hooks you create.
You write:
A global script that invokes the hook
A hook script per PyCharm project (not mandatory)
Given that the current latest PyCharm (Community 2016.1) does not allow for Terminal settings per project start with the script that invokes the project specific hook. This is my ~/.pycharmrc:
if [ -r ".pycharm/term-activate" ]; then
echo "Terminal activation hook detected."
echo "Loading Bash profile..."
source ~/.bash_profile
echo "Activating terminal hook..."
source ".pycharm/term-activate"
source activate $PYCHARM_VENV
If you are using something other than Bash, invoke your own .bash_profile equivalent should you wish to.
Now set your PyCharm "Tools -> Terminal -> Shell Path" to invoke this script, e.g.: /bin/bash --rcfile ~/.pycharmrc
Finally, for every PyCharm project you need a specific virtual environment activated, create a file within the PyCharm project root .pycharm/term-activate. This is your hook and it will simply define the name of the desired virtual environment for your PyCharm project:
export PYCHARM_VENV=<your-virtual-env-name>
You can of course extend your hooks with anything you find useful in the terminal environment of your particular PyCharm project.
For conda virtual environments on Windows, make sure your batch file is NOT named activate.bat as this will cause a conflict with the conda activate command, resulting in a recursive calling of the batch file.
What works for me is the following Shell path:
"cmd.exe" /k ""C:\FullPathToYourProject\activate-env.bat""
And in the activate-env.bat file:
call activate myenvname
I wanted a separate virtual environment for each project, and didn't care much for having additional files to facilitate this. A solution which you only need to do once and works for all projects is then adding the following to your .bashrc or .bash_profile:
if [ -d "./venv" ]; then
source ./venv/bin/activate
This checks if there is a virtual environment where the terminal is being opened, and if so activates it (and of course other relative paths could be used). PyCharm's terminal settings can be left as their default.
PyCharm 4.5.4
Create a file .pycharmrc in your home folder with the following
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/pycharmvenv/bin/activate
Using your virtualenv path as the last parameter.
Then set the shell Preferences->Project Settings->Shell path to
/bin/bash --rcfile ~/.pycharmrc
I don't why, but it doesn't work for me. PyCharm prints an error.
cmd.exe /K "<path-to-your-activate.bat>"
It works, but it creates the same virtualenv for each project, and even if this is not necessary.
This receipt is working! But the string /env_yourenvlocate/scripts/activate.bat must contain quotes, like this "Full_path_to_your_env_locate\scripts\activate.bat"!
Deactivate the virtualenv is very easy - type in the terminal 'deactivate'
(virt_env) D:\Projects\src>deactivate
One option you have when you enter the terminal >
Run > Debug > Edit Configurations
select the appropriate conda environmnent..
Also when you create a new project - it asks to configure this location.
As you can see, python interpreter is located in venv/bin/python. If you go to this folder, you will see all libraries listed in there
Sooo... as you will think, you use python command with it's path - that means in project path, for example
Windows Simple and Easy Solution:
In Pycharm inside the Projects menu on the left there will be folders.
Find the Scripts folder
Inside there you'll find activate.bat
Right click on activate.bat
Copy/Path Reference
Select Absolute Path
Find the Terminal tab located in the middle at the bottom of Pycharm.
Paste it into the terminal console and press enter
If you did it right the terminal path will have brackets (venv) around the name of the folder you activated.
Before: "PS C:\"
After: "(venv) C:\"
Note The folder name may be different than yours the important part is the (brackets) :D
