I have this code in which I initialize a class (Adapter) by the name I get from the request.
It seems to be a bit clumsy, and I'm sure there's a better/cleaner way of doing it.
from adapters.gofirst_adapter import GoFirstAdapter
from adapters.spicejet_adapter import SpiceJetAdapter
from adapters.airasia_adapter import AirAsiaAdapter
class Adapter():
def __init__(self, adapter_name):
gofirst_adapter = GoFirstAdapter()
self.adapter = gofirst_adapter
spicejet_adapter = SpiceJetAdapter()
self.adapter = spicejet_adapter
airasia_adapter = AirAsiaAdapter()
self.adapter = airasia_adapter
What I'm aiming at is to have a list of the adapter names such as:
adapters = ['goFirst', 'spiceJet', 'airAsia']
and create the classes by the list.
Thank you.
You can use a dict to map the parameter to the specific class:
from adapters.gofirst_adapter import GoFirstAdapter
from adapters.spicejet_adapter import SpiceJetAdapter
from adapters.airasia_adapter import AirAsiaAdapter
class Adapter():
adapters = {'goFirst':GoFirstAdapter, 'spiceJet':SpiceJetAdapter, 'airAsia':AirAsiaAdapter}
def __init__(self, adapter_name):
self.adapter = self.adapters[adapter_name]()
something like this could work:
from adapters.gofirst_adapter import GoFirstAdapter
from adapters.spicejet_adapter import SpiceJetAdapter
from adapters.airasia_adapter import AirAsiaAdapter
class Adapter():
_adapter_builders = {
"goFirst": GoFirstAdapter,
"spiceJet": SpiceJetAdapter,
"airAsia": AirAsiaAdapter,
def __init__(self, adapter_name):
self.adapter = self._adapter_builders[adapter_name]()
Also it will raise an exception when the key is not available in the dictionary.
I use pathlib.Path.open() and pathlib.Path.unlink() in my productive code. The unittest for that work. But I use two different ways to patch(). One with #patch decorator and one with a context manager with mock.patch().
I would like to have #patch only like this.
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_foobar(self, mock_open, mock_unlink):
But the real code currenty looks like this
import unittest
from unittest import mock
import pathlib
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_foobar(self, mock_unlink):
# simulated CSV file
opener = mock.mock_open(read_data='A;B\n1;2')
with mock.patch('pathlib.Path.open', opener):
result = validate_csv(file_path=pathlib.Path('foo.csv'))
Technical my problem here is that I do not know how to add my CSV content to mock_open when using the #patch decorator.
It could look like this:
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_foobar(self, mymock_unlink, mymock_open):
# simulated CSV file
opener = mock.mock_open(read_data='A;B\n1;2')
# QUESTION: How do I bring 'opener' and 'mymock_open'
# together now?
result = validate_csv(file_path=pathlib.Path('foo.csv'))
But the goal of my question is to improve readability and maintainability of the code. Using two decorators would reduce the indention. Choosing one way (decorators or context managers) would IMHO be easier to read.
For learning purposes
Q: How do I bring 'opener' and 'mymock_open' together now?
A: Assign side_effect and return_value of mymock_open to those of opener.
def test_foobar(self, mymock_unlink, mymock_open):
# simulated CSV file
opener = mock.mock_open(read_data='A;B\n1;2')
# QUESTION: How do I bring 'opener' and 'mymock_open'
# together now?
mymock_open.side_effect = opener.side_effect # +
mymock_open.return_value = opener.return_value # +
result = validate_csv(file_path=pathlib.Path('foo.csv'))
opener.assert_not_called() # +
mymock_open.assert_called_once() # +
mymock_unlink.assert_called_once() # +
But this is hardly a readability improvement.
Both using decorators
#mock.patch('pathlib.Path.open', new_callable=lambda: mock.mock_open(read_data='A;B\n1;2')) # +
def test_foobar(self, mock_unlink, mock_open):
result = validate_csv(file_path=pathlib.Path('foo.csv'))
mock_open.assert_called_once() # +
mock_unlink.assert_called_once() # +
Passing just mock.mock_open(read_data='A;B\n1;2') (as positional argument new) instead of new_callable=lambda: ... works too, but then #mock.patch won't pass mock_open to test_foobar.
Both using context managers
def test_foobar(self):
# simulated CSV file
opener = mock.mock_open(read_data='A;B\n1;2')
with mock.patch('pathlib.Path.unlink') as mock_unlink,\
mock.patch('pathlib.Path.open', opener) as mock_open: # +
self.assertIs(mock_open, opener) # +
result = validate_csv(file_path=pathlib.Path('foo.csv'))
mock_open.assert_called_once() # +
mock_unlink.assert_called_once() # +
Notice that mock_open is the same instance as opener.
Verifying the solutions
Sample implementation of validate_csv for a minimal, reproducible example:
def validate_csv(file_path):
:param pathlib.Path file_path:
:rtype: bool
with file_path.open() as f:
data = f.read()
return data == 'A;B\n1;2'
I am trying to put an h5py File object into a tree structure so that I can use its ability to print out a representation of the tree to display the contents of a file in the same way the linux "tree" command recursively displays the contents of a directory. The best way to recursively visit all of the items in the file is with the Group.visititems method and passing in the function I will use to add nodes to the tree. Here is what I have so far:
import h5py
import argparse
import sys
from anytree import Node, RenderTree
class HDFTree:
def __init__(self,filename):
self._file = h5py.File(filename,'r')
self._root = Node(filename)
self._node_map = {filename:self._root}
def _add_node(self,name,item):
#TODO: Figure out way to get parent of fnode
parent_node = self._node_map[item.parent] # I don't think item.parent is a thing so this wont work
self._node_map[name] = Node(name,parent=parent_node)
def _create_tree(self):
def print_tree(self):
def __del__(self):
After realizing that the Dataset and Group class both indeed have a parent attribute (also pointed out by hpaulj in a comment on the question) and some cleaning up of the data, I was able to get the output that I want:
import h5py
import os
from anytree import Node, RenderTree
class HDFTree:
def __init__(self,filepath):
self._file = h5py.File(filepath,'r')
_,filename = os.path.split(filepath)
root_name,_ = os.path.splitext(filename)
self._root = Node(root_name)
self._node_map = {'':self._root}
def _add_node(self,name,item):
_,parent_name = os.path.split(item.parent.name)
parent_node = self._node_map[parent_name]
_,child_name = os.path.split(name)
self._node_map[child_name] = Node(child_name,parent=parent_node)
def _create_tree(self):
def print_tree(self):
def __del__(self):
The name attribute of Dataset and Group classes apparently gives the full hdf5 path so I cleaned it up with some os.path functions.
I'm studying how to use mocking in my unit test program.
Now I have a SafeConfigParser object and I want to test what I write is correct.
After google the mocking usage of SafeConfigParser, I already know how to test the read of SafeConfigParser. But I still don't know how to verify the write of SafeConfigParser.
My idea is:
Make a empty buffer.
Consider a method that can set the buffer to SafeConfigParser.
Call the function which include SafeConfigParser.write()
Verify the buffer with my answer.
My program which need to be tested is like following:
def write_tokens_to_config(self):
"""Write token values to the config
parser = SafeConfigParser()
with open(self.CONFIG_PATH) as fp:
if not parser.has_section('Token'):
parser.set('Token', 'access_token', self._access_token)
parser.set('Token', 'refresh_token', self._refresh_token)
with open(self.CONFIG_PATH, 'wb') as fp:
P.S. You can check the read part from this url: http://www.snip2code.com/Snippet/4347/
I finally find out a solution :).
I modify my program(ex: program.py) to the followings:
class Program():
def __init__(self):
self._access_token = None
self._refresh_token = None
self.CONFIG_PATH = 'test.conf'
def write_tokens_to_config(self):
"""Write token value to the config
parser = SafeConfigParser()
if not parser.has_section('Token'):
parser.set('Token', 'access_token', self._access_token)
parser.set('Token', 'refresh_token', self._refresh_token)
with open(self.CONFIG_PATH, 'wb') as f:
And my test program like this:
class TestMyProgram(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
from program import Program
self.program = Program()
def test_write_tokens_to_config(self):
from mock import mock_open
from mock import call
self.program._access_token = 'aaa'
self.program._refresh_token = 'bbb'
with mock.patch('program.ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.read'):
m = mock_open()
with mock.patch('__builtin__.open', m, create=True):
m.assert_called_once_with(self.program.CONFIG_PATH, 'wb')
handle = m()
call('access_token = aaa\n'),
call('refresh_token = bbb\n'),
Ref: http://docs.python.org/dev/library/unittest.mock#mock-open
I am using the Products.FacultyStaffDirectory product to manage contacts in my website.
One of the content types, i.e. FacultyStaffDirectory, has the description field in the 'categorization' tab when you are in edit mode. Now I need to remove the description field and put it in the default tab.
To do this, I'm using archetypes.schemaextender product to edit the field. In particular, I am using ISchemaModifier.
I have implemented the code but the field is still being shown in the categorization tab. May be something I missed. Below is the code:
This is the class that contains the description field that I want to modify:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = """WebLion <support#weblion.psu.edu>"""
__docformat__ = 'plaintext'
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.Archetypes.atapi import *
from zope.interface import implements
from Products.FacultyStaffDirectory.interfaces.facultystaffdirectory import IFacultyStaffDirectory
from Products.FacultyStaffDirectory.config import *
from Products.CMFCore.permissions import View, ManageUsers
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ATContentTypes.content.base import ATCTContent
from Products.ATContentTypes.content.schemata import ATContentTypeSchema, finalizeATCTSchema
from Products.membrane.at.interfaces import IPropertiesProvider
from Products.membrane.utils import getFilteredValidRolesForPortal
from Acquisition import aq_inner, aq_parent
from Products.FacultyStaffDirectory import FSDMessageFactory as _
schema = ATContentTypeSchema.copy() + Schema((
default = ['Member'],
label=_(u"FacultyStaffDirectory_label_FacultyStaffDirectoryRoles", default=u"Roles"),
description=_(u"FacultyStaffDirectory_description_FacultyStaffDirectoryRoles", default=u"The roles all people in this directory will be granted site-wide"),
label=_(u"FacultyStaffDirectory_label_personClassificationViewThumbnailWidth", default=u"Width for thumbnails in classification view"),
description=_(u"FacultyStaffDirectory_description_personClassificationViewThumbnailWidth", default=u"Show all person thumbnails with a fixed width (in pixels) within the classification view"),
FacultyStaffDirectory_schema = OrderedBaseFolderSchema.copy() + schema.copy() # + on Schemas does only a shallow copy
finalizeATCTSchema(FacultyStaffDirectory_schema, folderish=True)
class FacultyStaffDirectory(OrderedBaseFolder, ATCTContent):
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
implements(IFacultyStaffDirectory, IPropertiesProvider)
meta_type = portal_type = 'FSDFacultyStaffDirectory'
# Make this permission show up on every containery object in the Zope instance. This is a Good Thing, because it easy to factor up permissions. The Zope Developer's Guide says to put this here, not in the install procedure (http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZDG/current/Security.stx). This is because it isn't "sticky", in the sense of being persisted through the ZODB. Thus, it has to run every time Zope starts up. Thus, when you uninstall the product, the permission doesn't stop showing up, but when you actually remove it from the Products folder, it does.
security.setPermissionDefault('FacultyStaffDirectory: Add or Remove People', ['Manager', 'Owner'])
# moved schema setting after finalizeATCTSchema, so the order of the fieldsets
# is preserved. Also after updateActions is called since it seems to overwrite the schema changes.
# Move the description field, but not in Plone 2.5 since it's already in the metadata tab. Although,
# decription and relateditems are occasionally showing up in the "default" schemata. Move them
# to "metadata" just to be safe.
if 'categorization' in FacultyStaffDirectory_schema.getSchemataNames():
FacultyStaffDirectory_schema.changeSchemataForField('description', 'categorization')
FacultyStaffDirectory_schema.changeSchemataForField('description', 'metadata')
FacultyStaffDirectory_schema.changeSchemataForField('relatedItems', 'metadata')
_at_rename_after_creation = True
schema = FacultyStaffDirectory_schema
# Methods
def at_post_create_script(self):
"""Actions to perform after a FacultyStaffDirectory is added to a Plone site"""
# Create some default contents
# Create some base classifications
self.invokeFactory('FSDClassification', id='faculty', title='Faculty')
self.invokeFactory('FSDClassification', id='staff', title='Staff')
self.invokeFactory('FSDClassification', id='grad-students', title='Graduate Students')
# Create a committees folder
self.invokeFactory('FSDCommitteesFolder', id='committees', title='Committees')
# Create a specialties folder
self.invokeFactory('FSDSpecialtiesFolder', id='specialties', title='Specialties')
security.declareProtected(View, 'getDirectoryRoot')
def getDirectoryRoot(self):
"""Return the current FSD object through acquisition."""
return self
security.declareProtected(View, 'getClassifications')
def getClassifications(self):
"""Return the classifications (in brains form) within this FacultyStaffDirectory."""
portal_catalog = getToolByName(self, 'portal_catalog')
return portal_catalog(path='/'.join(self.getPhysicalPath()), portal_type='FSDClassification', depth=1, sort_on='getObjPositionInParent')
security.declareProtected(View, 'getSpecialtiesFolder')
def getSpecialtiesFolder(self):
"""Return a random SpecialtiesFolder contained in this FacultyStaffDirectory.
If none exists, return None."""
specialtiesFolders = self.getFolderContents({'portal_type': 'FSDSpecialtiesFolder'})
if specialtiesFolders:
return specialtiesFolders[0].getObject()
return None
security.declareProtected(View, 'getPeople')
def getPeople(self):
"""Return a list of people contained within this FacultyStaffDirectory."""
portal_catalog = getToolByName(self, 'portal_catalog')
results = portal_catalog(path='/'.join(self.getPhysicalPath()), portal_type='FSDPerson', depth=1)
return [brain.getObject() for brain in results]
security.declareProtected(View, 'getSortedPeople')
def getSortedPeople(self):
""" Return a list of people, sorted by SortableName
people = self.getPeople()
return sorted(people, cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x.getSortableName(), y.getSortableName()))
security.declareProtected(View, 'getDepartments')
def getDepartments(self):
"""Return a list of FSDDepartments contained within this site."""
portal_catalog = getToolByName(self, 'portal_catalog')
results = portal_catalog(portal_type='FSDDepartment')
return [brain.getObject() for brain in results]
security.declareProtected(View, 'getAddableInterfaceSubscribers')
def getAddableInterfaceSubscribers():
"""Return a list of (names of) content types marked as addable using the
IFacultyStaffDirectoryAddable interface."""
return [type['name'] for type in listTypes() if IFacultyStaffDirectoryAddable.implementedBy(type['klass'])]
def getRoleSet(self):
"""Get the roles vocabulary to use."""
portal_roles = getFilteredValidRolesForPortal(self)
allowed_roles = [r for r in portal_roles if r not in INVALID_ROLES]
return allowed_roles
# Validators
def validate_id(self, value):
"""Ensure the id is unique, also among groups globally."""
if value != self.getId():
parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
if value in parent.objectIds():
return _(u"An object with id '%s' already exists in this folder") % value
groups = getToolByName(self, 'portal_groups')
if groups.getGroupById(value) is not None:
return _(u"A group with id '%s' already exists in the portal") % value
registerType(FacultyStaffDirectory, PROJECTNAME)
Below is the portion of code from the class that I have implemented to change the description field's schemata:
from Products.Archetypes.public import ImageField, ImageWidget, StringField, StringWidget, SelectionWidget, TextField, RichWidget
from Products.FacultyStaffDirectory.interfaces.facultystaffdirectory import IFacultyStaffDirectory
from archetypes.schemaextender.field import ExtensionField
from archetypes.schemaextender.interfaces import ISchemaModifier, ISchemaExtender, IBrowserLayerAwareExtender
from apkn.templates.interfaces import ITemplatesLayer
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import implements
class _ExtensionImageField(ExtensionField, ImageField): pass
class _ExtensionStringField(ExtensionField, StringField): pass
class _ExtensionTextField(ExtensionField, TextField): pass
class FacultyStaffDirectoryExtender(object):
Adapter to add description field to a FacultyStaffDirectory.
implements(ISchemaModifier, IBrowserLayerAwareExtender)
layer = ITemplatesLayer
fields = [
def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context
def getFields(self):
return self.fields
def fiddle(self, schema):
desc_field = schema['description'].copy()
desc_field.schemata = "default"
schema['description'] = desc_field
And here is the code from my configure.zcml:
Is there something that I'm missing in this?
def fiddle(self, schema):
schema['description'].schemata = 'default'
should be sufficient. The copy() operation does not make any sense here.
In order to check if the fiddle() method is actually used: use pdb or add debug print statements.
It turns out that there was nothing wrong with the code.
I got it to work by doing the following:
Restarted the plone website
Re-installed the product
Clear and rebuilt my catalog
This got it working somehow.