Integrate PyQt with a sql orm library (sqlalchemy, peewee, etc.) - python

PyQt has some nice features like QSqlTableModel and QSqlRelationalTableModel, however, it doesn't contain ORM functionalities and I hate using raw SQL statements in my program. What is a best way to integrate a SQL ORM library like Sqlalchemy, to PyQt SQL facilities? Currently the only solution I can think of is to build my object models in SqlAlchemy and execute the compiled SQL statements with QSqlDatabase manually. Is there any better way to do this? Are there any ways, say, to build a custom backend/adapter for SqlAlchemy that use QSqlDatabase? Other ORM libraries like Peewee are fine, too.
Create a fake engine using the 'mock' strategy that redirects all compiled sql statements to the QSqlDatabase to execute.
There seems to be a catch: functionalities that require interaction with a real database will not work, like checking if a table exists before creation.
Also this doesn't seem to work with the Session API, any calls to commit() and flush() will cause a NotImplementedError.


Autocomplete SQL query in db.execute('') on VScode

When writing SQL query in python (Flask, if that's necessary) execute(), is there a setting or extensions that would recognize SQL keywords like SELECT, UPDATE, and suggest them with IntelliSense or the like?
Right now the query is recognized as in the picture and keywords are not being suggested.
SQL query keywords in VScode are not recognized (the whole query is green)
No, because you're just putting in a string into execute() that is later read by SQLAlchemy (which I assume you're using). These aren't actually python keywords which IntelliSense can predict. However, you can use the SQLAlchemy ORM, or the higher level query object, which does not use SQL keywords but python methods to manipulate your database. Using this, you might find that IntelliSense can find the definition/declaration of the SQLAlchemy method and offer the usual pointers and helpers it does.
There are other advantages of using the higher level query class of SQLAlchemy, a significant one being you are less likely to be subject to SQL injections and attacks. Because you are executing raw SQL with the execute() command and simply putting an id from the session in, an attacker could alter the session value and inject harmful SQL into your application.
Anyway, that's beside the point but I thought it was worth letting you know.

Flask SQLAlchemy MySQL app with SQLite test db?

I've been working on a Flask app for a while, using SQLAlchemy to access a MySQL database. I've finally started looking into writing tests for this (I'm a strong believer in testing, but am new to Flask and SQLA and Python for that matter, so delayed this), and am having a problem getting my structure set up.
My production database isn't using any unusual MySQL features, and in other languages/frameworks I've been able to set up a test framework using an in-memory SQLite database. (For example, I have a Perl app using DBIx::Class to run a SQL Server db but with a test suite built on SQLite.) However, with SQLAlchemy I've needed to declare a few specific MySQL things in my model, and I'm not sure how to get around this. In particular, I use TINYINT and CHAR types for a few columns, and I seem to have to import these from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql, since these aren't generic types in SQLA. Thus I'll have a class declaration like:
class Item(db.Model):
size = db.Column(TINYINT, db.ForeignKey('size.size_id'), nullable=False)
So even though if I were using raw SQL, I could use TINYINT with SQLite or MySQL and it would work fine, here, it's coming from the mysql dialect class.
I don't want to override my entire model class in order to cover seemingly trivial things like this. Is there some other solution? I've read what I could about using different databases for testing and production, but this issue hasn't been mentioned. It would be a lot easier to use an in-memory SQLite db for testing, instead of having to have a MySQL test database available for everything.

How do I handle migrations in sqlalchemy without any framework?

I have seen sqlalchemy-migrate and alembic, but I do not want to use those frameworks. How can I write the migration script? Most of the migrations as I understand revolve around altering/dropping existing tables? Additionally, I use sqlalchemy mostly at orm level than schema/core/engine level?
The reasons I wish to do-it-myself is mostly a learning purpose and understanding how django orm automatically generates a migration script?
You should just use alembic to execute raw sql to start. Then if you decide to try to use more alembic features you'll be all set.
For example after creating a new revision named drop nick you can execute raw sql:
op.execute ('ALTER TABLE users DROP COLUMN nickname')
This way alembic can handle the version numbers but you can, or rather have to, do all the sql manipulations manually.

Are there database testing tools for python (like sqlunit)?

Are there database testing tools for python (like sqlunit)? I want to test the DAL that is built using sqlalchemy
Follow the design pattern that Django uses.
Create a disposable copy of the database. Use SQLite3 in-memory, for example.
Create the database using the SQLAlchemy table and index definitions. This should be a fairly trivial exercise.
Load the test data fixture into the database.
Run your unit test case in a database with a known, defined state.
Dispose of the database.
If you use SQLite3 in-memory, this procedure can be reasonably fast.

Python ORM that auto-generates/updates tables and uses SQLite?

I am doing some prototyping for a new desktop app i am writing in Python, and i want to use SQLite and an ORM to store data.
My question is, are there any ORM libraries that support auto-generating/updating the database schema and work with SQLite?
SQLAlchemy is a great choice in the Python ORM space that supports SQLite.
SQLAlchemy, when used with the sqlalchemy-migrate library.
