Querying large data set from Postgresql and processing - python

My question is about memory and performance with querying large data and then processing.
Long story short, because of a bug. I am querying a table and getting all results between two timestamps. My Python script crashed due to not enough memory - This table is very wide and holds a massive JSON object. So I changed this to only return the Primary_Key of each row.
select id from *table_name*
where updated_on between %(date_one)s and %(date_two)s
order by updated_on asc
From here I loop through and query each row one by the Primary key for the row data.
for primary_key in *query_results*:
row_data = data_helper.get_by_id( primary_key )
# from here I do some formatting and throw a message on a queue processor,
# this is not heavy processing
queue_helper.put_message_on_queue('update_related_tables', message_dict)
My question is, is this a "good" way of doing this? Do I need to help Python with GC? or will Python clean the memory after each iteration in the loop?

Must be a very wide table? That doesn't seem like too crazy of a number of rows. Anyway you can make a lazy function to yield the data x number of rows at a time. It's not stated how you're executing your query, but this is a sqlalchemy/psycopg implementation:
with engine.connect() as conn:
result = conn.execute(*query*)
while True:
chunk = result.fetchmany(x)
if not chunk:
for row in chunk:

This is pretty similar to #it's-yer-boy-chet's answer, except it's just using the lower-level psycopg2 library instead of sqlalchemy. The iterator over conn.execute() will implicitly call the cursor.fetchone() method, returning one row at a time which keeps the memory footprint relatively small provided there aren't thousands and thousands of columns returned by the query. Not sure if it necessarily provides any performance benefits over sqlalchemy, it might be doing basically the same thing under the hood.
If you still need more performance after that I'd look into a different database connection library like asyncpg
conn = psycopg2.connect(user='user', password='password', host='host', database='database')
cursor = conn.cursor()
for row in cursor.execute(query):
message_dict = format_message(row)
queue_helper.put_message_on_queue('update_related_tables', message_dict)


purging a huge data mysql table using python

I have a 1000M data table where i need to have a automated script just keeping last 7 days and delete the before days. I want to do it using python and chunks concept. Want to delete chunk wise.
do we have any library with this chunk concept related to mysql on python?
If no, can anyone suggest me a best method of how to use chunk or apply this with mysql
I'm unaware of a Python package that has an API for "chunking" deletes from a MySQL table. SqlAlchemy provides a fluent interface that can do this but it's not much different than the SQL. I suggest using PyMySql.
import datetime
import pymysql.cursors
connection = pymysql.connect(
seven_days_before_now = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
chunksize = 1000
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
sql = 'DELETE FROM `mytable` WHERE `timestamp` < %s ORDER BY `id` LIMIT %s;'
num_deleted = None
while num_deleted != 0:
num_deleted = cursor.execute(sql, (seven_days_before_now, chunksize))
The LIMIT just limits the number of deleted rows to the chunksize. The ORDER BY ensures that the DELETE is deterministic and it sorts by the primary key because the primary key is guaranteed to be indexed; so even though it sorts for each chunk, at least it's sorting on an indexed column. Remove the ORDER BY if deterministic behavior is unnecessary, it will result in faster execution time.
You'll need to replace the connection details, table name, column name and chunksize. Also, this solution assumes that the table has a column named id which is the primary key and an auto-incrementing integer. You'll need to make some changes if your schema differs.
As Bernd Buffen commented: the correct way to get the behavior you desire is to partition the table. Please consider a migration to do so.
And, of course: stop using Python 2, it's been unsupported for almost two years as of the first version of this answer.

Inserting rows while looping over result set

I am working on a program to clone rows in my database from one user to another. It works my selecting the rows, editing a few values and then inserting them back.
I also need to store the newly inserted rowIDs with their existing counterparts so I can clone some other link tables later on.
My code looks like the following:
import mysql.connector
from collections import namedtuple
con = mysql.connector.connect(host='')
selector = con.cursor(prepared=True)
insertor = con.cursor(prepared=True)
user_map = {}
selector.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE companyID = ?', (56, ))
Row = namedtuple('users', selector.column_names)
for row in selector:
curr_row = Row._make(row)
new_row = curr_row._replace(userID=None, companyID=95)
insertor.execute('INSERT INTO users VALUES(?,?,?,?)', tuple(new_row))
user_map[curr_row.userID] = insertor.lastrowid
When running this code, I get the following error:
mysql.connector.errors.InternalError: Unread result found
I'm assuming this is because I am trying to run an INSERT while I am still looping over the SELECT, but I thought using two cursors would fix that. Why do I still get this error with multiple cursors?
I found a solution using fetchall(), but I was afraid that would use too much memory as there could be thousands of results returned from the SELECT.
import mysql.connector
from collections import namedtuple
con = mysql.connector.connect(host='')
cursor = con.cursor(prepared=True)
user_map = {}
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE companyID = ?', (56, ))
Row = namedtuple('users', cursor.column_names)
for curr_row in map(Row._make, cursor.fetchall()):
new_row = curr_row._replace(userID=None, companyID=95)
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO users VALUES(?,?,?,?)', tuple(new_row))
user_map[curr_row.userID] = cursor.lastrowid
This works, but it's not very fast. I was thinking that not using fetchall() would be quicker, but it seems if I do not fetch the full result set then MySQL yells at me.
Is there a way to insert rows while looping over a result set without fetching the entire result set?
Is there a way to insert rows while looping over a result set without fetching the entire result set?
Yes. Use two MySQL connections: one for reading and the other for writing.
The performance impact isn't too bad, as long as you don't have thousands of instances of the program trying to connect to the same MySQL server.
One connection is reading a result set, and the other is inserting rows to the end of the same table, so you shouldn't have a deadlock. It would be helpful if the WHERE condition you use to read the table could explicitly exclude the rows you're inserting, if there's a way to tell the new rows apart from the old rows.
At some level, the performance impact of two connections doesn't matter because you don't have much choice. The only other way to do what you want to do is slurp the whole result set into RAM in your program, close your reading cursor, and then write.

Memory efficient way of fetching postgresql uniqueue dates?

I have a database with roughly 30 million entries, which is a lot and i don't expect anything but trouble working with larger database entries.
But using py-postgresql and the .prepare() statement i would hope i could fetch entries on a "yield" basis and thus avoiding filling up my memory with only the results from the database, which i aparently can't?
This is what i've got so far:
import postgresql
user = 'test'
passwd = 'test
db = postgresql.open('pq://'+user+':'+passwd+'#')
results = db.prepare("SELECT time time FROM mytable")
uniqueue_days = []
with db.xact():
for row in result():
if not row['time'] in uniqueue_days:
Before even getting to if not row['time'] in uniqueue_days: i run out of memory, which isn't so strange considering result() probably fetches all results befor looping through them?
Is there a way to get the library postgresql to "page" or batch down the results in say a 60k per round or perhaps even rework the query to do more of the work?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: Should mention the dates in the database is Unix timestamps, and i intend to convert them into %Y-%m-%d format prior to adding them into the uniqueue_days list.
If you were using the better-supported psycopg2 extension, you could use a loop over the client cursor, or fetchone, to get just one row at a time, as psycopg2 uses a server-side portal to back its cursor.
If py-postgresql doesn't support something similar, you could always explicitly DECLARE a cursor on the database side and FETCH rows from it progressively. I don't see anything in the documentation that suggests py-postgresql can do this for you automatically at the protocol level like psycopg2 does.
Usually you can switch between database drivers pretty easily, but py-postgresql doesn't seem to follow the Python DB-API, so testing it will take a few more changes. I still recommend it.
You could let the database do all the heavy lifting.
Ex: Instead of reading all the data into Python and then calculating unique_dates why not try something like this
SELECT DISTINCT DATE(to_timestamp(time)) AS UNIQUE_DATES FROM mytable;
If you want to strictly enforce sort order on unique_dates returned then do the following:
FROM mytable
order by 1;
Usefull references for functions used above:
Date/Time Functions and Operators
Data Type Formatting Functions
If you would like to read data in chunks you could use the dates you get from above query to subset your results further down the line:
'SELECT * FROM mytable mytable where time between' +UNIQUE_DATES[i] +'and'+ UNIQUE_DATES[j] ;
Where UNIQUE_DATES[i]& [j] will be parameters you would pass from Python.
I will leave it for you to figure how to convert date into unix timestamps.

Python/Psycopg2/PostgreSQL Copy_From loop gets slower as it progresses

I have written a Python script that takes a 1.5 G XML file, parses out data and feeds it to a database using copy_from. It invokes the following function every 1000 parsed nodes. There are about 170k nodes in all which update about 300k rows or more. It starts out quite fast and then gets progressively slower as time goes on. Any ideas on why this is happening and what I can do to fix it?
Here is the function where I feed the data to the db.
def db_update(val_str, tbl, cols):
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=<mydb> user=postgres password=<mypw>")
cur = conn.cursor()
output = cStringIO.StringIO()
cur.copy_from(output, tbl, sep='\t', columns=(cols))
I haven't included the xml parsing as I don't think that's an issue. Without the db the parser executes in under 2 minutes.
There are several things that can slow inserts as tables grow:
Triggers that have to do more work as the DB grows
Indexes, which get more expensive to update as they grow
Disable any non-critical triggers, or if that isn't possible re-design them to run in constant time.
Drop indexes, then create them after the data has been loaded. If you need any indexes for the actual INSERTs or UPDATEs you'll need to keep them an wear the cost.
If you're doing lots of UPDATEs, consider VACUUMing the table periodically, or setting autovacuum to run very aggressively. That'll help Pg re-use space rather than more expensively allocating new space from the file system, and will help avoid table bloat.
You'll also save time by not re-connecting for each block of work. Maintain a connection.
From personal experience, copy_from doesn't update any indexes after you commit anything, so you will have to do it later. I would move your conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=<mydb> user=postgres password=<mypw>"); cur = conn.cursor() outside of the function and do a commit() when you've finnished inserting everything (I suggest to commit every ~100k rows or it will start getting slow).
Also, it may seem stupid, but it happened to me a lot of times: Make sure you reset your val_str after you call db_update. For me, when the copy_from /inserts starts to go slower it's because im inserting the same rows plus more rows.
I using the following and I don't get any hit on performance as far as I have seen:
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
local_conn_string = """
local_conn = psycopg2.connect(local_conn_string)
local_cursor = local_conn.cursor(
I have made the following outputs in my code to test run-time (and I am parsing a LOT of rows. More than 30.000.000).
Parsed 2600000 rows in 00:25:21
Parsed 2700000 rows in 00:26:19
Parsed 2800000 rows in 00:27:16
Parsed 2900000 rows in 00:28:15
Parsed 3000000 rows in 00:29:13
Parsed 3100000 rows in 00:30:11
I have to mention I don't "copy" anything. But I am moving my rows from a remote PostGreSQL to a local one, and in the process create a few more tables to index my data better than it was done, as 30.000.000+ is a bit too much to handle on regular queries.
NB: The time is counting upwards and is not for each query.
I believe it has to do with the way my cursor is created.
I am using the following to run my query:
local_cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM data;""")
row_count = 0
for row in local_cursor:
if(row_count % 100000 == 0 and row_count != 0):
print("Parsed %s rows in %s" % (row_count,
row_count += 1
print("Finished running script!")
print("Parsed %s rows" % row_count)
The my_timer is a timer class I've made, and the parse_row(row) function formats my data, transfers it to to my local DB and eventually deletes from remote DB once the data is verified as having been moved to my local DB.
It takes roughly 1 minute to parse every 100.000 rows in my DB, even after parsing around 4.000.000 queries:
Parsed 3800000 rows in 00:36:56
Parsed 3900000 rows in 00:37:54
Parsed 4000000 rows in 00:38:52
Parsed 4100000 rows in 00:39:50

Efficient way to run select query for millions of data

I want to run various select query 100 million times and I have aprox. 1 million rows in a table. Therefore, I am looking for the fastest method to run all these select queries.
So far I have tried three different methods, and the results were similar.
The following three methods are, of course, not doing anything useful, but are purely for comparing performance.
first Method:
for i in range (100000000):
cur.execute("select id from testTable where name = 'aaa';")
second method:
cur.execute("""PREPARE selectPlan AS
SELECT id FROM testTable WHERE name = 'aaa' ;""")
for i in range (10000000):
cur.execute("""EXECUTE selectPlan ;""")
third method:
def _data(n):
cur = conn.cursor()
for i in range (n):
yield (i, 'test')
sql = """SELECT id FROM testTable WHERE name = 'aaa' ;"""
cur.executemany(sql, _data(10000000))
And the table is created like this:
cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE testTable ( id int, name varchar(1000) );""")
cur.execute("""CREATE INDEX indx_testTable ON testTable(name)""")
I thought that using the prepared statement functionality would really speed up the queries, but as it seems like this will not happen, I thought you could give me a hint on other ways of doing this.
This sort of benchmark is unlikely to produce any useful data, but the second method should be fastest, as once the statement is prepared it is stored in memory by the database server. Further calls to repeat the query do not require the text of the query to be transmitted, so saving a small about of time.
This is likely to be moot as the query is very small (likely the same quantity of packets over the wire as repeating sending the query text), and the query cache will serve the same data for every request.
What's the purpose of retrieving such amount of data at once? I don't know your situation, but I'd definitely page the results using limit and offset. Take a look at:
If you just want to benchmark SQL all on it's own and not mix Python into the equation try pgbench.
Also what is your goal here?
