So, i have been working on a snake game made in Pygame. So far, everything is fine, except for one problem: When the snake eats the fruit, the fruit (that randomly spawns) sometimes appears inside the snake's body. So, to avoid this, i made this function:
def random_fruit(body_pos):
global general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y # Fruit rectangle coordinates
while True:
general_fruit_x = randrange(window[0] // snake.w) * snake.w # (Snake is a pygame.Rect)
general_fruit_y = randrange(window[1] // snake.h) * snake.h
if len(list(filter(lambda z: body_pos == (general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y), body_pos))) > 0:
continue # If the spawning position of the fruit is the same as the snake's body, we continue the loop
break # If not, we are done
set_obj_coordinates(general_fruit, general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y) # set fruit random position
And implemented it in the main game loop:
if fruit_eated:
random_ind1 = random_ind2
snake_len += 1
random_fruit(snake_pos) # snake_pos is a list of tuples with all snake's body coordinates
for m in range(3):
snake_imgs[random_ind1][m] = img("snake_" + snake_colors[random_ind1] + str(m + 1)) # Reset snake image
random_ind2 = randint(0, 3)
if x_move < 0:
rotate_imgs(90, random_ind1)
if x_move > 0:
rotate_imgs(-90, random_ind1)
if y_move > 0:
rotate_imgs(180, random_ind1)
if y_move < 0:
But it seems that the random_fruit function ignores the condition of the snake's body.
Here is the complete code:
You have to check if any position of the body is equal to the new random position of the fruit:
if len(list(filter(lambda z: body_pos == (general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y), body_pos))) > 0:`
if any(pos == (general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y) for pos in body_pos):
random_fruit function:
def random_fruit(body_pos):
global general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y
while True:
general_fruit_x = randrange(window[0] // snake.w) * snake.w
general_fruit_y = randrange(window[1] // snake.h) * snake.h
if not any(pos == (general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y) for pos in body_pos):
set_obj_coordinates(general_fruit, general_fruit_x, general_fruit_y)
I'm trying to make a chess game, and I've encountered a problem:
I'm trying to update the display for every 'tick' by using pygame.Surface.fill(black_sc).
But as a result, it seems I'm not able to draw anything on top of the now black screen:
while True:
m_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
for x in pygame.event.get():
if x.type == pygame.QUIT or pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_ESCAPE] == True:
if x.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
for space in range(len(rect_database)):
if rect_database[space].collidepoint(m_pos) == True:
Here's the s_draw_loop():
class s_draw_loop():
s_posx = 0
s_posy = 0
s_w = size[0] / 8
s_h = size[1] / 8
row = 0
i = 0
while i < 64:
if i % 2 == 0:
if row % 2 == 0:
current_rect = pygame.Rect(s_posx, s_posy, s_w, s_h)
screen.fill(white, current_rect)
current_rect = pygame.Rect(s_posx, s_posy, s_w, s_h)
s_posx += s_w
i += 1
if row % 2 == 0:
current_rect = pygame.Rect(s_posx, s_posy, s_w, s_h)
current_rect = pygame.Rect(s_posx, s_posy, s_w, s_h)
s_posx += s_w
i += 1
if i % 8 == 0:
s_posx = 0
s_posy += s_h
row += 1
I'll spare you from the entire function drawing the pieces, unless you need it, but it's basically just using pygame.Surface.blit() to draw the pictures onto the display.
I've tried including the 'drawing functions' into the game-loop itself, but it seems to make no difference.
Here's the output when including 'screen.fill(black_sc)'
And here it is when commenting 'screen.fill(black_sc)' out
It's because s_draw_loop is a class, not a function.
The drawing code inside s_draw_loop is only executed once, before entering the game loop, when the python runtime reads the code of the class.
Calling s_draw_loop() inside your game loop does actually nothing (except creating an useless instace of that class that does nothing).
Simply change
class s_draw_loop():
def s_draw_loop():
so the code inside s_draw_loop gets executed every frame.
I've just created my first little truth or dare/spin the bottle game for a senior/high school coding club on the Micro:bit. I would like to introduce using oop/classes/objects instead of (dreaded) global vars. The game works great on emulators such as, but on the Micro:bit itself I encounter memory allocation errors as soon as I try to put pretty much anything into classes. Is the microbit's 16KB of RAM not enough? Or am I declaring classes incorrectly?
Coming from front-end and a bit of PHP/SQL, I'm a Python/memory knowledge noob so any help is appreciated.
If I use global vars in each of the functions it works without issue.
Here is the code:
from microbit import *
import random
#timer current function
#Global variables
class game:
gsTime = 3000
timerPrev = 0
numOfPlayers = 0
maxPlayers = 8
stage = 'start'
minSpinTime = 3000
class player:
#Which player is currently selected
selected = 0
#Player position display
def pos1(): display.set_pixel(2, 4, 9)
def pos2(): display.set_pixel(2, 0, 9)
def pos3(): display.set_pixel(0, 2, 9)
def pos4(): display.set_pixel(4, 2, 9)
def pos5(): display.set_pixel(0, 4, 9)
def pos6(): display.set_pixel(4, 0, 9)
def pos7(): display.set_pixel(0, 0, 9)
def pos8(): display.set_pixel(4, 4, 9)
#Array of all player positions
positions = [
[pos1, 1, Image.ARROW_S],
[pos2, 5, Image.ARROW_N],
[pos3, 3, Image.ARROW_W],
[pos4, 7, Image.ARROW_E],
[pos5, 2, Image.ARROW_SW],
[pos6, 6, Image.ARROW_NE],
[pos7, 4, Image.ARROW_NW],
[pos8, 8, Image.ARROW_SE]
positionsOrdered = []
class buttons:
pressed = False
class spinner:
completeSpins = 0
isCompleteSpin = False
rdTime = 0
stage = 'start'
stageStarted = False
gameCall = game()
playerCall = player()
buttonsCall = buttons()
spinnerCall = spinner()
#Return a random range of numbers
def rdRange(minMult,maxMult,base):
return random.randint(base*minMult, base*maxMult)
#return sort key of list
def getKey(item):
return item[1]
#Timer function
def timer(timeElapsed, onCompleteFunc):
if running_time() - gameCall.timerPrev >= timeElapsed:
#Position Players Start is true
def positionPlayersStartTrue():
game.stage = 'positionPlayers'
def selectNumOfPlayers(gteOrLte):
game.timerPrev = running_time()
if gteOrLte == 'gte':
if gameCall.numOfPlayers >= gameCall.maxPlayers:
game.numOfPlayers = 1
game.numOfPlayers += 1
if gameCall.numOfPlayers <= 1:
game.numOfPlayers = maxPlayers
game.numOfPlayers -= 1 #Have to convert int to string before passing to func
buttons.pressed = True
#Ask for number of players up to maxPlayers.
def setPlayerNum():
#If B is pressed increment by 1 up the max players and cycle back to 1
if button_b.was_pressed():
#If A is pressed decrement by 1 down to 1 and then cycle back to maxPlayers var
elif button_a.was_pressed():
elif buttonsCall.pressed == False:
#Ask how many players'#?')
timer(gameCall.gsTime, positionPlayersStartTrue)
#display the position of players
def positionPlayers():
buttons.pressed = False
for i in range(gameCall.numOfPlayers):
el = player.positions[i]
while buttonsCall.pressed == False:
#start the spin - useful for starting the spin after one spin was complete too
def startSpin():
if button_a.was_pressed() or button_b.was_pressed():
buttons.pressed = True
game.stage = 'spin'
#Spin start
def spin():
if spinnerCall.stage == 'start' and spinnerCall.stageStarted == False:
game.timerPrev = running_time()
spinner.rdTime = rdRange(200, 700, gameCall.numOfPlayers)
spinner.stageStarted = True
for i in range(gameCall.numOfPlayers):
el = player.positionsOrdered[i]
if i + 1 == gameCall.numOfPlayers:
spinner.completeSpins += 1
spinner.isCompleteSpin = True
spinner.isCompleteSpin = False
if spinnerCall.stage == 'start':
if (running_time() - gameCall.timerPrev >= (gameCall.minSpinTime + spinnerCall.rdTime)) and (spinnerCall.isCompleteSpin == True):
spinner.stage = 'slow'
spinner.stageStarted = False
#Slower spin to emulate spinner slowing down as it comes near to stopping. Should probably use some clever-er maths here instead.
elif spinner.stage == 'slow':
if spinnerCall.stageStarted == False:
game.timerPrev = running_time()
spinner.rdTime = rdRange(500, 900, gameCall.numOfPlayers)
spinner.stageStarted = True
if running_time() - gameCall.timerPrev >= spinnerCall.rdTime:
spinner.stage = 'stop'
spinner.stageStarted = False
elif spinner.stage == 'stop':
player.selected = i
game.stage = 'selectedPlayer'
# reset spinner stage for next spin
spinner.stage = 'start'
#Player has been selected
def selectedPlayer():
el = playerCall.positionsOrdered[playerCall.selected]
while True:
if gameCall.stage == 'start':
elif gameCall.stage == 'positionPlayers' and buttonsCall.pressed == True:
elif gameCall.stage == 'spin':
elif gameCall.stage == 'selectedPlayer':
#print('this one is selected ', playerCall.selected)
#start spin again if button is pressed
Your code is too big for microbit. Microbit is limited by 16KB of RAM. To decrease size of your code you can:
minify it directly from Mu editor or use any other minifier lib
Shrink variable names
Delete comments
I'm looking to get some help with a match-3 game I'm working on in pygame. I've loaded the images and sounds as follows and the 'gems' will be the classical elements air, earth, fire and water. How can I play the appropriate water sound file, for example, when 3 or more water sprites are matched? Don't need help with any of the game code just to create an association between the image and audio files and how to play it 'while matchedElements != []'. Thank you.
# Directions
UP = 'up'
DOWN = 'down'
LEFT = 'left'
RIGHT = 'right'
# Space to the sides of grid
ROWABOVEBOARD = 'row above board'
# Colours
AIR = pygame.Color(145, 129, 129)
FIRE = pygame.Color(255, 123, 0)
WATER = pygame.Color(93, 118, 245)
EARTH = pygame.Color(22, 136, 0)
ELECTRIC = pygame.Color(22, 204, 0)
SMOKE = pygame.Color(222, 222, 222)
ICE = pygame.Color(234, 231, 255)
METAL = pygame.Color(105, 105, 105)
BLOOD = pygame.Color(222, 7, 7)
# FPS controller
fpsController = pygame.time.Clock()
def main():
# Basic set up
FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock()
PLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 36)
# Load images
for i in range(1, NUMELEMENTS+1):
elementImage = pygame.image.load('element%s.jpg' % i)
if elementImage.get_size() != (ELEMENTSIZE, ELEMENTSIZE):
elementImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(elementImage, (ELEMENTSIZE, ELEMENTSIZE))
# Load sounds
SOUNDS['bad swap'] = pygame.mixer.Sound('badswap.wav')
SOUNDS['match'] = []
for i in range(NUMMATCHSOUNDS):
SOUNDS['match'].append(pygame.mixer.Sound('elementsound%s.wav' % i))
# Rect objects for board space conversions
for x in range(GRIDWIDTH):
for y in range(GRIDHEIGHT):
r = pygame.Rect((XMARGIN + (x * ELEMENTSIZE),
while True:
def runGame():
# Board initialisation
gameBoard = getBlankBoard()
score = 0
fillBoardAndAnimate(gameBoard, [], score) # Drop initial elements
# Initialise new game variables
firstSelectedElement = None
lastMouseDownX = None
lastMouseDownY = None
gameIsOver = False
lastScoreDeduction = time.time()
clickContinueTextSurf = None
# Main game loop
while True:
clickedSpace = None
for event in pygame.event.get(): # Event handling
if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_ESCAPE):
elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_BACKSPACE:
return # new game
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
if gameIsOver:
return # click to start new game
if event.pos == (lastMouseDownX, lastMouseDownY):
clickedSpace = checkForElementClick(event.pos)
firstSelectedElement = checkForElementClick((lastMouseDownX, lastMouseDownY))
clickedSpace = checkForElementClick(event.pos)
if not firstSelectedElement or not clickedSpace:
firstSelectedElement = None
clickedSpace = None
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
lastMouseDownX, lastMouseDownY = event.pos
if clickedSpace and not firstSelectedElement:
firstSelectedElement = clickedSpace
elif clickedSpace and firstSelectedElement:
firstSwappingElement, secondSwappingElement = getSwappingElements(gameBoard, firstSelectedElement, clickedSpace)
if firstSwappingElement == None and secondSwappingElement == None:
# If both are None, elements are not adjacent
firstSelectedElement = None
# Swap animation
boardCopy = getBoardCopyMinusElements(gameBoard, (firstSwappingElement, secondSwappingElement))
animateMovingElements(boardCopy, [firstSwappingElement, secondSwappingElement], [], score)
# Swap elements in the board
gameBoard[firstSwappingElement['x']][firstSwappingElement['y']] = secondSwappingElement['imageNum']
gameBoard[secondSwappingElement['x']][secondSwappingElement['y']] = firstSwappingElement['imageNum']
# See if this is a match
matchedElements = findMatchingElements(gameBoard)
if matchedElements == []:
# No match - swap back
SOUNDS['bad swap'].play()
animateMovingElements(boardCopy, [firstSwappingElement, secondSwappingElement], [], score)
gameBoard[firstSwappingElement['x']][firstSwappingElement['y']] = firstSwappingElement['imageNum']
gameBoard[secondSwappingElement['x']][secondSwappingElement['y']] = secondSwappingElement['imageNum']
# A match
scoreAdd = 0
while matchedElements != []:
points = []
for elementSet in matchedElements:
scoreAdd += (10 + (len(elementSet) - 3) * 10)
for element in elementSet:
gameBoard[element[0]][element[1]] = EMPTY_SPACE
points.append({'points': scoreAdd,
'x': element[0] * ELEMENTSIZE + XMARGIN,
'y': element[1] * ELEMENTSIZE + YMARGIN})
score += scoreAdd
# Drop new elements
fillBoardAndAnimate(gameBoard, points, score)
# Check for new matches
matchedElements = findMatchingElements(gameBoard)
firstSelectedElement = None
if not canMakeMove(gameBoard):
gameIsOver = True
# Draw the board
if firstSelectedElement != None:
highlightSpace(firstSelectedElement['x'], firstSelectedElement['y'])
if gameIsOver:
if clickContinueTextSurf == None:
clickContinueTextSurf = BASICFONT.render('Final Score: %s (Click to continue)' % (score), 1, GAMEOVERCOLOUR, GAMEOVERBGCOLOUR)
clickContinueTextRect = clickContinueTextSurf.get_rect() = int(WIDTH / 2), int(HEIGHT / 2)
PLAYSURF.blit(clickContinueTextSurf, clickContinueTextRect)
elif score > 0 and time.time() - lastScoreDeduction > DEDUCTSPEED:
# score drops over time
score -= 1
lastScoreDeduction = time.time()
def getSwappingElements(board, firstXY, secondXY):
# If the elements at the (X, Y) coordinates of the two elements are adjacent,
# then their 'direction' keys are set to the appropriate direction
# value to be swapped with each other.
# Otherwise, (None, None) is returned.
firstElement = {'imageNum': board[firstXY['x']][firstXY['y']],
'x': firstXY['x'],
'y': firstXY['y']}
secondElement = {'imageNum': board[secondXY['x']][secondXY['y']],
'x': secondXY['x'],
'y': secondXY['y']}
highlightedElement = None
if firstElement['x'] == secondElement['x'] + 1 and firstElement['y'] == secondElement['y']:
firstElement['direction'] = LEFT
secondElement['direction'] = RIGHT
elif firstElement['x'] == secondElement['x'] - 1 and firstElement['y'] == secondElement['y']:
firstElement['direction'] = RIGHT
secondElement['direction'] = LEFT
elif firstElement['y'] == secondElement['y'] + 1 and firstElement['x'] == secondElement['x']:
firstElement['direction'] = UP
secondElement['direction'] = DOWN
elif firstElement['y'] == secondElement['y'] - 1 and firstElement['x'] == secondElement['x']:
firstElement['direction'] = DOWN
secondElement['direction'] = UP
# These elements are not adjacent and can't be swapped.
return None, None
return firstElement, secondElement
def getBlankBoard():
# Create and return a blank board data structure.
board = []
for x in range(GRIDWIDTH):
board.append([EMPTY_SPACE] * GRIDHEIGHT)
return board
def canMakeMove(board):
# Return True if the board is in a state where a matching
# move can be made on it. Otherwise return False.
# The patterns in oneOffPatterns represent elements that are configured
# in a way where it only takes one move to make a triplet.
oneOffPatterns = (((0,1), (1,0), (2,0)),
((0,1), (1,1), (2,0)),
((0,0), (1,1), (2,0)),
((0,1), (1,0), (2,1)),
((0,0), (1,0), (2,1)),
((0,0), (1,1), (2,1)),
((0,0), (0,2), (0,3)),
((0,0), (0,1), (0,3)))
# The x and y variables iterate over each space on the board.
# If we use + to represent the currently iterated space on the
# board, then this pattern: ((0,1), (1,0), (2,0))refers to identical
# elements being set up like this:
# +A
# B
# C
# That is, element A is offset from the + by (0,1), element B is offset
# by (1,0), and element C is offset by (2,0). In this case, element A can
# be swapped to the left to form a vertical three-in-a-row triplet.
# There are eight possible ways for the elements to be one move
# away from forming a triple, hence oneOffPattern has 8 patterns.
for x in range(GRIDWIDTH):
for y in range(GRIDHEIGHT):
for pat in oneOffPatterns:
# check each possible pattern of "match in next move" to
# see if a possible move can be made.
if (getElementAt(board, x+pat[0][0], y+pat[0][1]) == \
getElementAt(board, x+pat[1][0], y+pat[1][1]) == \
getElementAt(board, x+pat[2][0], y+pat[2][1]) != None) or \
(getElementAt(board, x+pat[0][1], y+pat[0][0]) == \
getElementAt(board, x+pat[1][1], y+pat[1][0]) == \
getElementAt(board, x+pat[2][1], y+pat[2][0]) != None):
return True # return True the first time you find a pattern
return False
def drawMovingElement(element, progress):
# Draw an element sliding in the direction that its 'direction' key
# indicates. The progress parameter is a number from 0 (just
# starting) to 100 (slide complete).
movex = 0
movey = 0
progress *= 0.01
if element['direction'] == UP:
movey = -int(progress * ELEMENTSIZE)
elif element['direction'] == DOWN:
movey = int(progress * ELEMENTSIZE)
elif element['direction'] == RIGHT:
movex = int(progress * ELEMENTSIZE)
elif element['direction'] == LEFT:
movex = -int(progress * ELEMENTSIZE)
basex = element['x']
basey = element['y']
if basey == ROWABOVEBOARD:
basey = -1
pixelx = XMARGIN + (basex * ELEMENTSIZE)
pixely = YMARGIN + (basey * ELEMENTSIZE)
r = pygame.Rect( (pixelx + movex, pixely + movey, ELEMENTSIZE, ELEMENTSIZE) )
PLAYSURF.blit(ELEMENTIMAGES[element['imageNum']], r)
def pullDownAllElements(board):
# pulls down elements on the board to the bottom to fill in any gaps
for x in range(GRIDWIDTH):
elementsInColumn = []
for y in range(GRIDHEIGHT):
if board[x][y] != EMPTY_SPACE:
board[x] = ([EMPTY_SPACE] * (GRIDHEIGHT - len(elementsInColumn))) + elementsInColumn
def getElementAt(board, x, y):
if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= GRIDWIDTH or y >= GRIDHEIGHT:
return None
return board[x][y]
def getDropSlots(board):
# Creates a "drop slot" for each column and fills the slot with a
# number of elements that that column is lacking. This function assumes
# that the elements have been gravity dropped already.
boardCopy = copy.deepcopy(board)
dropSlots = []
for i in range(GRIDWIDTH):
# count the number of empty spaces in each column on the board
for x in range(GRIDWIDTH):
for y in range(GRIDHEIGHT-1, -1, -1): # start from bottom, going up
if boardCopy[x][y] == EMPTY_SPACE:
possibleElements = list(range(len(ELEMENTIMAGES)))
for offsetX, offsetY in ((0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0)):
# Narrow down the possible elements we should put in the
# blank space so we don't end up putting an two of
# the same elements next to each other when they drop.
neighborElement = getElementAt(boardCopy, x + offsetX, y + offsetY)
if neighborElement != None and neighborElement in possibleElements:
newElement = random.choice(possibleElements)
boardCopy[x][y] = newElement
return dropSlots
This is just a partial answer to demonstrate what I suggested in the comments. I'm not sure how your gameBoard actually looks like, so you have to adjust the code as needed.
I use a board which is just filled with strings in this example (you could also use constants WATER = 1, FIRE = 2, etc. or an enum). The sounds are in a dictionary with the elements as the keys. If you have a match, figure out which element it is, then use it to get the associated sound out of the dict and play it.
'water': WATER_SOUND,
'fire': FIRE_SOUND,
board = [
['water', 'fire', 'water'],
['fire', 'water', 'fire'],
['water', 'water', 'water'],
if match:
# Figure out the kind of the matching element 'water' in this case.
element_kind = 'water'
I am trying to make a program:
simulates a random walk
animates the walk using cs1graphics
starts on center block which is black
takes random steps, never been stepped on turns red, repeat step turns blue.
import random
from cs1graphics import *
from time import sleep
def animationWalk(walk):
print("Animation of Random Walk: ", end = "\n")
window = Canvas(250, 250)
window.setTitle('Random Walk in Manhattan')
for y in range(10) :
for x in range(10) :
cue = Square()
cue.moveTo(x*25, y*25)
(x,y)= (6,6)
squares = Square()
squares.moveTo((x*25)-14, (y*25)-13)
been = Square()
been.moveTo((x*25)-14, (y*25)-13)
for direction in range (len(walk)):
if walk[direction] == 'N':
#y -= 1
elif walk[direction] == 'E':
#x += 1
elif walk[direction] == 'S':
#y += 1
(x,y) =(x,y+1)
elif walk[direction] == 'W':
#x -= 1
(x,y) = (x-1,y)
been.moveTo((x*25)-14, (y*25)-13)
cue.moveTo((x*25)-14, (y*25)-13)
def randomWalk(x,y):
block = []
for i in range (x):
for i in block:
for j in range(y):
position = (x//2, y//2)
h = position[0]
v = position[1]
walk = ''
block[h][v] += 1
while (h != -1) and (h != (x-1)) and (v != -1) and (v != (y-1)):
directions = random.randrange(1,5)
if directions == 1:
v += 1
walk = walk + 'E'
elif directions == 2:
h += 1
walk = walk + 'S'
elif directions == 3:
v -= 1
walk = walk + 'W'
elif directions == 4:
h -= 1
walk = walk + 'N'
block[h][v] += 1
print("Starting at Center (", x//2, ",", y//2, ")")
print("Walking Directions: ", walk)
print("Track of Random Walk:", end = "\n")
for entry in block:
def main(): ## define main program
x = 10
y = 10
The color of a square is supposed to change to red when it is visited, blue when it is revisited and is changed back to red when it is passed. I cant get the blocks to maintain the color after it has been stepped off of.