How to scrape a password-protected ASPX (PDF) page - python

I'm trying to scrape data about my band's upcoming shows from our agent's web service (such as venue capacity, venue address, set length, set start time ...).
With Python 3.6 and Selenium I've successfully logged in to the site, scraped a bunch of data from the main page, and opened the deal sheet, which is a PDF-like ASPX page. From there I'm unable to scrape the deal sheet. I've successfully switched the Selenium driver to the deal sheet. But when I inspect that page, none of the content is there, just a list of JavaScript scripts.
I tried...
innerHTML = driver.execute_script("return document.body.innerHTML")
...but this yields the same list of scripts rather than the PDF content I can see in the browser.
I've tried the solution suggested here: Python scraping pdf from URL
But the HTML that solution returns is for the login page, not the deal sheet. My problem is different because the PDF is protected by a password.

You won't be able to read the PDF file using Selenium Python API bindings, the solution would be:
Download the file from the web page using requests library. Given you need to be logged in my expectation is that you might need to fetch cookies from the browser session via driver.get_cookies() command and add them to the request which will download the PDF file
Once you download the file you will be able to read its content using, for instance, PyPDF2

This 3-part solution works for me:
Part 1 (Get the URL for the password protected PDF)
# with selenium
driver.find_element_by_xpath('xpath To The PDF Link').click()
# wait for the new window to load
# switch to the new window that just popped up
# get the URL to the PDF
plugin = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#plugin")
url = plugin.get_attribute("src")
The element with the url might be different on your page. Michael Kennedy also suggested #embed and #content.
Part 2 (Create a persistent session with python requests, as described here: How to "log in" to a website using Python's Requests module? . And download the PDF.)
# Fill in your details here to be posted to the login form.
# Your parameter names are probably different. You can find them by inspecting the login page.
payload = {
'logOnCode': username,
'passWord': password
# Use 'with' to ensure the session context is closed after use.
with requests.Session() as session:, data=payload)
# An authorized request.
f = session.get(url) # this is the protected url
open('c:/yourFilename.pdf', 'wb').write(f.content)
Part 3 (Scrape the PDF with PyPDF2 as suggested by Dmitri T)


Scrape an Ajax form with .submit() with Python and Selenium

I am trying to get the link from a web page. The web page sends the request using javascript, then the server sends a response which goes directly to download a PDF. This new PDF is automatically downloaded into your browser.
My first approach was to use selenium to get the information:
# Path chromedriver & get url
path = "/Users/my_user/Desktop/chromedriver"
browser = webdriver.Chrome(path)
# Banner click
ban = WebDriverWait(browser,15).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH,"//a[#id='cc_btn_accept_all']"))).click()
#Element to get
elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[#id='content']/div[7]/table//form[#name='gazette_52430']/a[#href='#gazette_52430']")
print (browser.current_url)
The result was the current URL which corresponds to the same webpage, while the request is directly to the server.
I tried after this unsuccessful result to grab it with requests.
# Access requests via the `requests` attribute
for request in browser.requests: #It captures all the requessin chronologica order
if request.response.headers:
The result stills not the behind link from which the PDF is coming.
Do you guys have an idea what can I do ?
Thanks in advance.
I found the answer. The request sends a POST form. Therefore, we have to extract the header contents and their parameters. When you know the parameters the form sends, you can use the request to get back the link to your console.
response = requests.get(url, params={'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'})
print (response.url)
This question solves additionally this question: Capture AJAX response with selenium python

Open url in browser and fill the form

I want to open a url using python script and then same python script should fill the form but not submit it
For example script should open and fill the name and password in the fields, but don't submit it.
You can use Selenium to get it done smoothly. Here is the sample code with Google search:
from selenium import webdriver
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
# browser.find_element_by_name("btnK").click()
The last line is commented intentionally if do not want to submit the search.
Many websites don't support Web Scraping. Actually It may cost you an illegal access case on you.
But Try using requests library in python.
You'll find it easy to do that stuff.
payload = {'inUserName': 'USERNAME/EMAIL', 'inUserPass': 'PASSWORD'}
url = '', data=payload)

How to use requests to login to this website

I'm trying to automate some tasks with python, and webscraping. but first, I need to login to a website I have an account on.
I've seen several examples on stack overflow, but for some reason, this website won't let me login using requests. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
The webpage:
the form variables:
Is it the variable names have '$' in them?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
import sys
sys.path.append('C:\program files\python36\lib\site-packages\pip\_vendor')
import requests
import sys
import time
EMAIL = '<my_email>'
PASSWORD = '<my_password>'
URL = ''
# Start a session so we can have persistant cookies
session = requests.session()
#This is the form data that the page sends when logging in
login_data = {
'ctl00$MainContent$uEmail': EMAIL,
'ctl00$MainContent$uPassword': PASSWORD
# Authenticate
r =, data=login_data, timeout=15, verify=True)
# Try accessing a page that requires you to be logged in
r = session.get('')
I submitted a form using test#test.test as the email and test as the password, and when I looked at the headers of the request I'd sent in the network tab of chrome dev tools it said I submitted the following form data.
ctl00$SearchBox:Enter Symbol
ctl00$MainContent$btnSubmit:Sign In
Your code looks great. It just looks like the script is failing because you're not submitting everything that the browser would normally submit. You could try continuing down the path you are on, submit all of the extra form data, and hope you don't have to bother with adding a CSRF token (a CSRF token is a randomly generated string that you're required to send back), or you can do as Sidharth Shah sugggested and use Selenium.
There is a Firefox extension for Selenium that will allow you to start recording your mouse and keyboard actions, and then when you are done, you can export the results in Python. That Python code will depend on the Selenium library and a Selenium Chrome/Firefox/IE driver. When you run your Python code, a new browser window will open up, controlled by the selenium driver and your Python code. It's pretty cool, your basically writing Python code that controls a browser window. You will have to modify the Python code that the Firefox extension gives you a little bit to read all of the data from the page and start doing stuff with it after you're logged in, but the code for opening the browser window, navigating to athe login page, filling in your login credentials and submitting the form, and navigating to other pages after you're logged in will all be written for you.

Python Request module error while logging into an Wordpress site

I am writing a script to download files from a website.
import requests
import bs4 as bs
import urllib.request
import re
with requests.session() as c: #making c denote the requests.session() function
link="" #login link
initial=c.get(link) #passing link through .get()
headers = {
'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'
login_data= {"log":"****","pwd":"****","redirect_to":"","redirect_to_automatic":1,"rememberme": "forever"} #login data for logging in, data=login_data,headers=headers) #posting the login data to the login link
prefinal_link="" #initializing a part of link to be used later
page=c.get("",headers=headers) #passing the given URL through .get() to be used later
good_data = bs.BeautifulSoup(page.content, "lxml") #parsing the data from previous statement into lxml from by BS4
#loop for finding all required links
for category in good_data.find_all("a",{"class":"dt-btn-m"}):
my_var_2 = requests.get(inner_link)
good_data_2 = bs.BeautifulSoup(my_var_2.content, "lxml") #parsing each link with lxml
for each in good_data_2.find_all("tr",{"class":"row-2"}):
for down_link_pre in each.find_all("td",{"class":"column-4"}): #downloading all files and getting their addresses for to be entered into .csv file
for down_link in down_link_pre.find_all("a"):
Using my code, when I access the website to download the files, the login keeps failing. Can anyone help me to find what's wrong with my code?
Edit: I think the error is with maintaining the logged in state since, when I try to access one page at a time, I'm able to access the links that can be accessed only when one is logged in. But from that, when I navigate, I think, the bot gets logged out and not able to retrieve the download links and download them.
Websites use cookies to check login status in every request to tell if it's coming from a logged in user or not, and modern browsers (Chrome/Firefox etc.) automatically manage your cookies. requests.session() has support for cookies and it handles cookies by default, so in your code with requests.session() as c c is like the miniature version of a browser, cookie is involved in every request made by c, once you log in with c, you're able to use c.get() to browse all those login-accessible-only pages.
And in your code urllib.request.urlretrieve(str(down_link),str(file_name)) is used for downloading, it has no idea of previous login state, that's why you're not able to download those files.
Instead, you should keep using c, which has the login state, to download all those files:
with open(str(file_name), 'w') as download:
response = c.get(down_link)

Make selenium grab all cookies

I was told to do a cookie audit of our front facing sites, now we own alot of domains, so Im really not going to manually dig through each one extracting the cookies. I decided to go with selenium. This works up till the point where I want to grab third party cookies.
Currently (python) I can do
For all the cookies that are set from my domain, but this doesn't give me any Google, Twitter, Vimeo, or other 3rd party cookies
I have tried modifying the cookie permissions in the firefox driver, but it doesn't help. Anyone know how I can get hold of tehm
Your question has been answered on StackOverflow here
Step 1: You need to download and install "Get All Cookies in XML" extension for Firefox from here (don't forget to restart Firefox after installing the extension).
Step2: Execute this python code to have Selenium's FirefoxWebDriver save all cookies to an xml file and then read this file:
from xml.dom import minidom
from selenium import webdriver
import os
import time
def determine_default_profile_dir():
Returns path of Firefox's default profile directory
#return: directory_path
appdata_location = os.getenv('APPDATA')
profiles_path = appdata_location + "/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/"
dirs_files_list = os.listdir(profiles_path)
default_profile_dir = ""
for item_name in dirs_files_list:
if item_name.endswith(".default"):
default_profile_dir = profiles_path + item_name
if not default_profile_dir:
assert ("did not find Firefox default profile directory")
return default_profile_dir
#load firefox with the default profile, so that the "Get All Cookies in XML" addon is enabled
default_firefox_profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile(determine_default_profile_dir())
driver = webdriver.Firefox(default_firefox_profile)
#trigger Firefox to save value of all cookies into an xml file in Firefox profile directory
#wait for a bit to give Firefox time to write all the cookies to the file
#cookies file will not be saved into directory with default profile, but into a temp directory.
current_profile_dir = driver.profile.profile_dir
cookie_file_path = current_profile_dir+"/cookie.xml"
print "Reading cookie data from cookie file: "+cookie_file_path
#load cookies file and do what you need with it
cookie_file = open(cookie_file_path,'r')
xmldoc = minidom.parse(cookie_file)
#process all cookies in xmldoc object
Selenium can only get the cookies of the current domain:
java.util.Set getCookies()
Get all the cookies for the current domain. This is the equivalent of
calling "document.cookie" and parsing the result
Anyway, I heard somebody used a Firefox plugin that was able to save all the cookies in XML. As far as I know, it is your best option.
Yes, I don't believe Selenium allows you to interact with cookies other than your current domain.
If you know the domains in question, then you could navigate to that domain but I assume this is unlikely.
It would be a massive security risk if you could access cookies cross site
You can get any cookie out of the browsers sqlite database file in the profile folder.
I added a more complete answer here:
Selenium 2 get all cookies on domain
