Sklearn logistic regression shape error, but x, y shapes are consistent - python

I get a ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [20000, 1] when I run the following even though the row values of x and y are correct. I load in the RCV1 dataset, get indices of the categories with the top x documents, create list of tuples with equal number of randomly-selected positives and negatives for each category, and then finally attempt to run a logistic regression on one of the categories.
import sklearn.datasets
from sklearn import model_selection, preprocessing
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import sparse
rcv1 = sklearn.datasets.fetch_rcv1()
def get_top_cat_indices(target_matrix, num_cats):
cat_counts = target_matrix.sum(axis=0)
#cat_counts = cat_counts.reshape((1,103)).tolist()[0]
cat_counts = cat_counts.reshape((103,))
#b = sorted(cat_counts, reverse=True)
ind_temp = np.argsort(cat_counts)[::-1].tolist()[0]
ind = [ind_temp[i] for i in range(5)]
return ind
def prepare_data(x, y, top_cat_indices, sample_size):
res_lst = []
for i in top_cat_indices:
# get column of indices with relevant cat
temp = y.tocsc()[:, i]
# all docs with labeled category
cat_present = x.tocsr()[np.where(temp.sum(axis=1)>0)[0],:]
# all docs other than labelled category
cat_notpresent = x.tocsr()[np.where(temp.sum(axis=1)==0)[0],:]
# get indices equal to 1/2 of sample size
idx_cat = np.random.randint(cat_present.shape[0], size=int(sample_size/2))
idx_nocat = np.random.randint(cat_notpresent.shape[0], size=int(sample_size/2))
# concatenate the ids
sampled_x_pos = cat_present.tocsr()[idx_cat,:]
sampled_x_neg = cat_notpresent.tocsr()[idx_nocat,:]
sampled_x = sparse.vstack((sampled_x_pos, sampled_x_neg))
sampled_y_pos = temp.tocsr()[idx_cat,:]
sampled_y_neg = temp.tocsr()[idx_nocat,:]
sampled_y = sparse.vstack((sampled_y_pos, sampled_y_neg))
res_lst.append((sampled_x, sampled_y))
return res_lst
ind = get_top_cat_indices(, 5)
test_res = prepare_data(train_x, train_y, ind, 20000)
x, y = test_res[0]
LogisticRegression().fit(x, y)
Could it be an issue with the sparse matrices, or problem with dimensionality (there are 20K samples and 47K features)

When I run your code, I get following error:
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'any'
That's because y for LogisticRegression needs to numpy array. So, I changed last line to:
LogisticRegression().fit(x, y.A.flatten())
Then I get following error:
ValueError: This solver needs samples of at least 2 classes in the data, but the data contains only one class: 0
This is because your sampling code has a bug. You need to subset y array with rows having that category before using sampling indices. See code below:
def prepare_data(x, y, top_cat_indices, sample_size):
res_lst = []
for i in top_cat_indices:
# get column of indices with relevant cat
temp = y.tocsc()[:, i]
# all docs with labeled category
c1 = np.where(temp.sum(axis=1)>0)[0]
c2 = np.where(temp.sum(axis=1)==0)[0]
cat_present = x.tocsr()[c1,:]
# all docs other than labelled category
cat_notpresent = x.tocsr()[c2,:]
# get indices equal to 1/2 of sample size
idx_cat = np.random.randint(cat_present.shape[0], size=int(sample_size/2))
idx_nocat = np.random.randint(cat_notpresent.shape[0], size=int(sample_size/2))
# concatenate the ids
sampled_x_pos = cat_present.tocsr()[idx_cat,:]
sampled_x_neg = cat_notpresent.tocsr()[idx_nocat,:]
sampled_x = sparse.vstack((sampled_x_pos, sampled_x_neg))
sampled_y_pos = temp.tocsr()[c1][idx_cat,:]
sampled_y_neg = temp.tocsr()[c2][idx_nocat,:]
sampled_y = sparse.vstack((sampled_y_pos, sampled_y_neg))
res_lst.append((sampled_x, sampled_y))
return res_lst
Now, Everything works like a charm


Apache Beam : Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead in distributed kmeans

so i have this code :
class distKmeans(beam.DoFn):
#i will do an init function to add the kmeans parameters
def __init__(self, n_clusters,rseed=2):
self.n_clusters = n_clusters
self.rseed = rseed
self.centers = None
#The function "process" implements the main functionality of the K-means algorithm
def process(self,element):
if self.centers is None:
rng = np.random.RandomState(self.rseed)
#we use len instead of shape because element is a PCOLLECTION
i = rng.permutation(element.shape[0])[:self.n_clusters]
self.centers = element[i]
# b1. Calculate the closest center μ to xi
labels = pairwise_distances_argmin(element, self.centers)
# b2. Update the center
new_centers = np.array([element[labels == i].mean(0)
for i in range(self.n_clusters)])
# c.
if np.all(self.centers == new_centers):
self.centers = new_centers
yield self.centers, labels
with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
mydata = pipeline | beam.Create(X)
mydata = mydata |beam.ParDo(distKmeans(3))
mydata |"write" >>"sample_data/output.txt")
as i'm trying to create a distributed kmeans with apache beam, my data was generated using this code :
X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=n_samples,centers=3, n_features=n_features)
data = np.c_[X,y]
plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=50);
and then X is :
X = data[['X1','X2']].to_numpy()
X = X[1:]
it shape is (200, 2 )
The code seems correct but i always get the fellowing error even tho my data is a 2d array:
Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead:
array=[-6.03120913 11.30181549].
Reshape your data either using array.reshape(-1, 1) if your data has a single feature or array.reshape(1, -1) if it contains a single sample. [while running '[54]: ParDo(distKmeans)']
and this error comes in this line :
labels = pairwise_distances_argmin(element, self.centers)

LinearRegression TypeError

The above screenshot is refereed to as: sample.xlsx. I've been having trouble getting the beta for each stock using the LinearRegression() function.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
df = pd.read_excel('sample.xlsx')
mean = df['ChangePercent'].mean()
for index, row in df.iterrows():
symbol = row['stock']
perc = row['ChangePercent']
x = np.array(perc).reshape((-1, 1))
y = np.array(mean)
model = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)
Line 16: model = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)
"Singleton array %r cannot be considered a valid collection." % x
TypeError: Singleton array array(3.34) cannot be considered a valid collection.
How can I make the collection valid so that I can get a beta value(model.coef_) for each stock?
X and y must have same shape, so you need to reshape both x and y to 1 row and 1 column. In this case it is resumed to the following:
np.array(mean).reshape(-1,1) or np.array(mean).reshape(1,1)
Given that you are training 5 classifiers, each one with just one value, is not surprising that the 5 models will "learn" that the coefficient of the linear regression is 0 and the intercept is 3.37 (y).
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
df = pd.DataFrame({
"stock": ["ABCD", "XYZ", "JK", "OPQ", "GHI"],
"ChangePercent": [-1.7, 30, 3.7, -15.3, 0]
mean = df['ChangePercent'].mean()
for index, row in df.iterrows():
symbol = row['stock']
perc = row['ChangePercent']
x = np.array(perc).reshape(-1,1)
y = np.array(mean).reshape(-1,1)
model = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)
print(f"{model.intercept_} + {model.coef_}*{x} = {y}")
Which is correct from an algorithmic point of view, but it doesn't make any practical sense given that you're only providing one example to train each model.

I'm having trouble with content based recommendation system prediction (NOT TDIDF)

I keep getting the following error --> Exception: Dim. mismatch: Test data contains 3 items, while Content contains 1526 items. Please make sure the columns of test and content match.
Can someone help me? I've been working on this code for a few days. My entire body of code is below.
import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)
from IESEGRecSys.Functions import *
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from surprise import KNNBasic
from surprise import Dataset, Reader
user_artists = pd.read_table("user_artists.dat")
user_artists['ratings'] = 0
user_artists.loc[user_artists['weight'] <= user_artists['weight'].quantile(1), 'ratings'] = 5
user_artists.loc[user_artists['weight'] < user_artists['weight'].quantile(0.8), 'ratings'] = 4
user_artists.loc[user_artists['weight'] < user_artists['weight'].quantile(0.6), 'ratings'] = 3
user_artists.loc[user_artists['weight'] < user_artists['weight'].quantile(0.4), 'ratings'] = 2
user_artists.loc[user_artists['weight'] < user_artists['weight'].quantile(0.2), 'ratings'] = 1
data = user_artists[['userID','artistID','ratings']]
# train-test split
train, test = train_test_split(data, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
# reset index
train = train.reset_index(drop=True)
test = test.reset_index(drop=True)
tags = pd.read_table("tags.dat", encoding = 'unicode_escape')
user_taggedartists = pd.read_table("user_taggedartists.dat")
user_tag_merged = pd.merge(user_taggedartists, tags, on="tagID", how="inner")
user_tag_merged_updated = pd.merge(user_tag_merged, data, on=(["userID","artistID"]),how="inner")
data2 = data[['userID','artistID','ratings']]
# train-test split
train, test2 = train_test_split(data2, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
# reset index
train = train.reset_index(drop=True)
test = test.reset_index(drop=True)
data_pivot2 = data2.pivot_table(index='artistID', values='ratings', columns='userID').fillna(0)
movie2 = [['tagID','artistID','year']]
movie2 = user_tag_merged_updated.pivot_table(index='tagID', values='year', columns='userID').fillna(0)
# Content based as a function
from numpy.linalg import norm
def simil_cosine(a,b):
return, b)/(norm(a)*norm(b))
def ContentBased(content_data, test_data, NN):
cdata = content_data.reset_index(drop=True).copy()
# store user and item dimensions
dim = cdata.shape[0]
nr_user = cdata.shape[0]
if test_data.shape[1] != dim:
raise Exception('Dim. mismatch: Test data contains {} items, while Content contains {} items. Please make sure the columns of test and content match.'\
.format(test_data.shape[1], dim))
# similarity matrices
matrix = np.zeros(shape=(dim, dim), dtype=np.float)
matrixNN = np.zeros(shape=(dim, dim), dtype=np.float)
# compute similarity
for i, row in cdata.iterrows():
for j, col in cdata.iterrows():
if i <= j: continue
else: matrix[i][j] = simil_cosine(np.array(row),np.array(col))
# copy values to other diagonal
matrix = matrix + matrix.T - np.diag(np.diag(matrix))
print('Similarity calculation done...')
# mask all values that are not nearest neighbors
cutoff = lambda x,cv: x if x >= cv else 0.0
v_cutoff = np.vectorize(cutoff)
for i in range(dim):
crit_val = -np.sort(-matrix[i])[NN-1]
matrixNN[i] = v_cutoff(matrix[i], crit_val)
print('Nearest neighbor selection done...')
# predict user-item ratings in test_data
prediction = np.zeros(shape=(nr_user, dim), dtype=np.float)
for i in range(nr_user):
num = np.matmul(np.array(test_data.iloc[i,:]), matrixNN)
denom = matrixNN.sum(axis=0) # column sums
prediction[i] = num/denom
print('Prediction done...')
# return DataFrame
return pd.DataFrame(prediction, index=test_data.index, columns=test_data.columns)
cb_pred = ContentBased(movie2,data_pivot2, 10)
# Content Based as a Class
from numpy.linalg import norm
class ContentBased:
def simil_cosine(self, a,b):
return, b)/(norm(a)*norm(b))
def __init__(self, NN):
self.NN = NN
def fit(self, content_data):
cdata = content_data.reset_index(drop=True).copy()
self.item_dim = cdata.shape[0]
self.matrix = np.zeros(shape=(self.item_dim, self.item_dim), dtype=np.float)
self.matrixNN = np.zeros(shape=(self.item_dim, self.item_dim), dtype=np.float)
# compute similarity
for i, row in cdata.iterrows():
for j, col in cdata.iterrows():
if i <= j: continue
else: self.matrix[i][j] = self.simil_cosine(np.array(row),np.array(col))
# copy values to other diagonal
self.matrix = self.matrix + self.matrix.T - np.diag(np.diag(self.matrix))
cutoff = lambda x,cv: x if x >= cv else 0.0
v_cutoff = np.vectorize(cutoff)
for i in range(self.item_dim):
crit_val = -np.sort(-self.matrix[i])[self.NN-1]
self.matrixNN[i] = v_cutoff(self.matrix[i], crit_val)
def predict(self, test_data):
if test_data.shape[1] != self.item_dim:
raise Exception('Dim. mismatch: Test data contains {} items, while Content contains {} items. Please make sure the columns of test and content match.'\
.format(test_data.shape[1], self.item_dim))
I keep getting the following error --> Exception: Dim. mismatch: Test data contains 3 items, while Content contains 1526 items. Please make sure the columns of test and content match.

How to remove outliers correctly and define predictors for linear model?

I am learning how to build a simple linear model to find a flat price based on its squared meters and the number of rooms. I have a .csv data set with several features and of course 'Price' is one of them, but it contains several suspicious values like '1' or '4000'. I want to remove these values based on mean and standard deviation, so I use the following function to remove outliers:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def reject_outliers(data):
u = np.mean(data)
s = np.std(data)
data_filtered = [e for e in data if (u - 2 * s < e < u + 2 * s)]
return data_filtered
Then I construct function to build linear regression:
def linear_regression(data):
data_filtered = reject_outliers(data['Price'])
print(len(data)) # based on the lenght I see that several outliers have been removed
Next step is to define the data/predictors. I set my features:
features = data[['SqrMeters', 'Rooms']]
target = data_filtered
X = features
Y = target
And here is my question. How can I get the same set of observations for my X and Y? Now I have inconsistent numbers of samples (5000 for my X and 4995 for my Y after removing outliers). Thank you for any help in this topic.
The features and labels should have the same length
and you should pass the whole data object to reject_outliers:
def reject_outliers(data):
u = np.mean(data["Price"])
s = np.std(data["Price"])
data_filtered = data[(data["Price"]>(u-2*s)) & (data["Price"]<(u+2*s))]
return data_filtered
You can use it in this way:
features = data_filtered[['SqrMeters', 'Rooms']]
target = data_filtered['Price']
Following works for Pandas DataFrames (data):
def reject_outliers(data):
u = np.mean(data.Price)
s = np.std(data.Price)
data_filtered = data[(data.Price > u-2*s) & (data.Price < u+2*s)]
return data_filtered

Stocking different types of data into an 2D numpy array

I would like to know how I can store different data into a numpy array, in order to feed it to a machine Learning SVC algorithm.
My goal, is to get a dataframe of size (sample * features) like this:
Feature 1 in gray containing list of size n
Feature 2 in red, containing 2D numpy array of shape (i,k)
Feature ... Something else (array for pwelch spectrum, integers, float, ...)
Feature n in blue, containing integer.
How can I do that in Python ? Is this going to be ok for sklearn ?
Here is the current error from the code bellow:
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-------------------------------- Imports --------------------------------------
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import io as sio
from scipy import signal
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.svm import SVC
------------------------------ Parameters -------------------------------------
# Path to the clean EEG .mat files
EEG_path = "data"
# Listing of the .mat files
EEG = list()
for elt in os.listdir(EEG_path):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(EEG_path, elt)):
if '.mat' in elt[len(elt)-4:]:
# Spectrum used
spectrum = ['all', (1,45), (8,12)]
nb_features = 3
------------------------------ Functions --------------------------------------
# Function on 1 channel
# Input: All points from one channel, for one epoch
def filter(x, n, fs, fc1, fc2):
b, a = signal.butter(n, [fc1/(fs/2), fc2/(fs/2)], 'bandpass')
y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, x)
return y
def haming(x, L):
# Symetric L-points hamming window
window = signal.hamming(L)
y = x * window.T # Element wise multiplication
return y
# Function on one epoch
# Input is a matrix of size (channel * length)
def amp_mean(x):
size = x.shape
y = list()
for i in range(size[0]):
return y
def amp_max(x):
size = x.shape
y = list()
for i in range(size[0]):
return y
-------------------------------- Script ---------------------------------------
# Load data
s_EEG = "{}/{}".format(EEG_path, EEG[4])
data = sio.loadmat(s_EEG)['s_EEG']['data'][0][0].astype(float) # data[i, j ,k]
labels = sio.loadmat(s_EEG)['s_EEG']['labels'][0][0][0] # labels[k]
fs = sio.loadmat(s_EEG)['s_EEG']['sampling_rate'][0][0][0][0] # 500 Hz
size = data.shape
# Creates an empty data frame of size (epoch * features)
df = np.empty(shape = (size[2], nb_features * len(spectrum)))
# Filling the dataframe with features
# for every epoch
for k in range(size[2]):
for freq in spectrum:
data_to_compute = np.empty(shape = size, dtype = float)
# Apply hamming
if freq == 'all':
for i in range(size[0]):
data_to_compute[i,:,k] = haming(data[i,:,k], size[1])
# Apply hamming after filtering
for i in range(size[0]):
data_to_compute[i,:,k] = haming(filter(data[i,:,k],
15, fs, freq[0], freq[1]), size[1])
# data_to_compute is ready to have feature extracted
for n in range(0, df.shape[1], nb_features):
df[k, n] = data_to_compute[:,:,k]
df[k, n+1] = amp_mean(data_to_compute[:,:,k])
df[k, n+2] = amp_max(data_to_compute[:,:,k])
# X signal / Y label
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(data,
clf = SVC(), Y_train)
Variable type:
Thanks !
