I get a ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [20000, 1] when I run the following even though the row values of x and y are correct. I load in the RCV1 dataset, get indices of the categories with the top x documents, create list of tuples with equal number of randomly-selected positives and negatives for each category, and then finally attempt to run a logistic regression on one of the categories.
import sklearn.datasets
from sklearn import model_selection, preprocessing
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import sparse
rcv1 = sklearn.datasets.fetch_rcv1()
def get_top_cat_indices(target_matrix, num_cats):
cat_counts = target_matrix.sum(axis=0)
#cat_counts = cat_counts.reshape((1,103)).tolist()[0]
cat_counts = cat_counts.reshape((103,))
#b = sorted(cat_counts, reverse=True)
ind_temp = np.argsort(cat_counts)[::-1].tolist()[0]
ind = [ind_temp[i] for i in range(5)]
return ind
def prepare_data(x, y, top_cat_indices, sample_size):
res_lst = []
for i in top_cat_indices:
# get column of indices with relevant cat
temp = y.tocsc()[:, i]
# all docs with labeled category
cat_present = x.tocsr()[np.where(temp.sum(axis=1)>0)[0],:]
# all docs other than labelled category
cat_notpresent = x.tocsr()[np.where(temp.sum(axis=1)==0)[0],:]
# get indices equal to 1/2 of sample size
idx_cat = np.random.randint(cat_present.shape[0], size=int(sample_size/2))
idx_nocat = np.random.randint(cat_notpresent.shape[0], size=int(sample_size/2))
# concatenate the ids
sampled_x_pos = cat_present.tocsr()[idx_cat,:]
sampled_x_neg = cat_notpresent.tocsr()[idx_nocat,:]
sampled_x = sparse.vstack((sampled_x_pos, sampled_x_neg))
sampled_y_pos = temp.tocsr()[idx_cat,:]
sampled_y_neg = temp.tocsr()[idx_nocat,:]
sampled_y = sparse.vstack((sampled_y_pos, sampled_y_neg))
res_lst.append((sampled_x, sampled_y))
return res_lst
ind = get_top_cat_indices(rcv1.target, 5)
test_res = prepare_data(train_x, train_y, ind, 20000)
x, y = test_res[0]
LogisticRegression().fit(x, y)
Could it be an issue with the sparse matrices, or problem with dimensionality (there are 20K samples and 47K features)
When I run your code, I get following error:
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'any'
That's because y for LogisticRegression needs to numpy array. So, I changed last line to:
LogisticRegression().fit(x, y.A.flatten())
Then I get following error:
ValueError: This solver needs samples of at least 2 classes in the data, but the data contains only one class: 0
This is because your sampling code has a bug. You need to subset y array with rows having that category before using sampling indices. See code below:
def prepare_data(x, y, top_cat_indices, sample_size):
res_lst = []
for i in top_cat_indices:
# get column of indices with relevant cat
temp = y.tocsc()[:, i]
# all docs with labeled category
c1 = np.where(temp.sum(axis=1)>0)[0]
c2 = np.where(temp.sum(axis=1)==0)[0]
cat_present = x.tocsr()[c1,:]
# all docs other than labelled category
cat_notpresent = x.tocsr()[c2,:]
# get indices equal to 1/2 of sample size
idx_cat = np.random.randint(cat_present.shape[0], size=int(sample_size/2))
idx_nocat = np.random.randint(cat_notpresent.shape[0], size=int(sample_size/2))
# concatenate the ids
sampled_x_pos = cat_present.tocsr()[idx_cat,:]
sampled_x_neg = cat_notpresent.tocsr()[idx_nocat,:]
sampled_x = sparse.vstack((sampled_x_pos, sampled_x_neg))
sampled_y_pos = temp.tocsr()[c1][idx_cat,:]
sampled_y_neg = temp.tocsr()[c2][idx_nocat,:]
sampled_y = sparse.vstack((sampled_y_pos, sampled_y_neg))
res_lst.append((sampled_x, sampled_y))
return res_lst
Now, Everything works like a charm
so i have this code :
class distKmeans(beam.DoFn):
#i will do an init function to add the kmeans parameters
def __init__(self, n_clusters,rseed=2):
self.n_clusters = n_clusters
self.rseed = rseed
self.centers = None
#The function "process" implements the main functionality of the K-means algorithm
def process(self,element):
if self.centers is None:
rng = np.random.RandomState(self.rseed)
#we use len instead of shape because element is a PCOLLECTION
i = rng.permutation(element.shape[0])[:self.n_clusters]
self.centers = element[i]
# b1. Calculate the closest center μ to xi
labels = pairwise_distances_argmin(element, self.centers)
# b2. Update the center
new_centers = np.array([element[labels == i].mean(0)
for i in range(self.n_clusters)])
# c.
if np.all(self.centers == new_centers):
self.centers = new_centers
yield self.centers, labels
with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
mydata = pipeline | beam.Create(X)
mydata = mydata |beam.ParDo(distKmeans(3))
mydata |"write" >> beam.io.WriteToText("sample_data/output.txt")
as i'm trying to create a distributed kmeans with apache beam, my data was generated using this code :
X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=n_samples,centers=3, n_features=n_features)
data = np.c_[X,y]
plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=50);
and then X is :
X = data[['X1','X2']].to_numpy()
X = X[1:]
it shape is (200, 2 )
The code seems correct but i always get the fellowing error even tho my data is a 2d array:
Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead:
array=[-6.03120913 11.30181549].
Reshape your data either using array.reshape(-1, 1) if your data has a single feature or array.reshape(1, -1) if it contains a single sample. [while running '[54]: ParDo(distKmeans)']
and this error comes in this line :
labels = pairwise_distances_argmin(element, self.centers)
The above screenshot is refereed to as: sample.xlsx. I've been having trouble getting the beta for each stock using the LinearRegression() function.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
df = pd.read_excel('sample.xlsx')
mean = df['ChangePercent'].mean()
for index, row in df.iterrows():
symbol = row['stock']
perc = row['ChangePercent']
x = np.array(perc).reshape((-1, 1))
y = np.array(mean)
model = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)
Line 16: model = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)
"Singleton array %r cannot be considered a valid collection." % x
TypeError: Singleton array array(3.34) cannot be considered a valid collection.
How can I make the collection valid so that I can get a beta value(model.coef_) for each stock?
X and y must have same shape, so you need to reshape both x and y to 1 row and 1 column. In this case it is resumed to the following:
np.array(mean).reshape(-1,1) or np.array(mean).reshape(1,1)
Given that you are training 5 classifiers, each one with just one value, is not surprising that the 5 models will "learn" that the coefficient of the linear regression is 0 and the intercept is 3.37 (y).
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
df = pd.DataFrame({
"stock": ["ABCD", "XYZ", "JK", "OPQ", "GHI"],
"ChangePercent": [-1.7, 30, 3.7, -15.3, 0]
mean = df['ChangePercent'].mean()
for index, row in df.iterrows():
symbol = row['stock']
perc = row['ChangePercent']
x = np.array(perc).reshape(-1,1)
y = np.array(mean).reshape(-1,1)
model = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)
print(f"{model.intercept_} + {model.coef_}*{x} = {y}")
Which is correct from an algorithmic point of view, but it doesn't make any practical sense given that you're only providing one example to train each model.
I keep getting the following error --> Exception: Dim. mismatch: Test data contains 3 items, while Content contains 1526 items. Please make sure the columns of test and content match.
Can someone help me? I've been working on this code for a few days. My entire body of code is below.
import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)
from IESEGRecSys.Functions import *
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from surprise import KNNBasic
from surprise import Dataset, Reader
user_artists = pd.read_table("user_artists.dat")
user_artists['ratings'] = 0
user_artists.loc[user_artists['weight'] <= user_artists['weight'].quantile(1), 'ratings'] = 5
user_artists.loc[user_artists['weight'] < user_artists['weight'].quantile(0.8), 'ratings'] = 4
user_artists.loc[user_artists['weight'] < user_artists['weight'].quantile(0.6), 'ratings'] = 3
user_artists.loc[user_artists['weight'] < user_artists['weight'].quantile(0.4), 'ratings'] = 2
user_artists.loc[user_artists['weight'] < user_artists['weight'].quantile(0.2), 'ratings'] = 1
data = user_artists[['userID','artistID','ratings']]
# train-test split
train, test = train_test_split(data, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
# reset index
train = train.reset_index(drop=True)
test = test.reset_index(drop=True)
tags = pd.read_table("tags.dat", encoding = 'unicode_escape')
user_taggedartists = pd.read_table("user_taggedartists.dat")
user_tag_merged = pd.merge(user_taggedartists, tags, on="tagID", how="inner")
user_tag_merged_updated = pd.merge(user_tag_merged, data, on=(["userID","artistID"]),how="inner")
data2 = data[['userID','artistID','ratings']]
# train-test split
train, test2 = train_test_split(data2, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
# reset index
train = train.reset_index(drop=True)
test = test.reset_index(drop=True)
data_pivot2 = data2.pivot_table(index='artistID', values='ratings', columns='userID').fillna(0)
movie2 = [['tagID','artistID','year']]
movie2 = user_tag_merged_updated.pivot_table(index='tagID', values='year', columns='userID').fillna(0)
# Content based as a function
from numpy.linalg import norm
def simil_cosine(a,b):
return np.dot(a, b)/(norm(a)*norm(b))
def ContentBased(content_data, test_data, NN):
cdata = content_data.reset_index(drop=True).copy()
# store user and item dimensions
dim = cdata.shape[0]
nr_user = cdata.shape[0]
if test_data.shape[1] != dim:
raise Exception('Dim. mismatch: Test data contains {} items, while Content contains {} items. Please make sure the columns of test and content match.'\
.format(test_data.shape[1], dim))
# similarity matrices
matrix = np.zeros(shape=(dim, dim), dtype=np.float)
matrixNN = np.zeros(shape=(dim, dim), dtype=np.float)
# compute similarity
for i, row in cdata.iterrows():
for j, col in cdata.iterrows():
if i <= j: continue
else: matrix[i][j] = simil_cosine(np.array(row),np.array(col))
# copy values to other diagonal
matrix = matrix + matrix.T - np.diag(np.diag(matrix))
print('Similarity calculation done...')
# mask all values that are not nearest neighbors
cutoff = lambda x,cv: x if x >= cv else 0.0
v_cutoff = np.vectorize(cutoff)
for i in range(dim):
crit_val = -np.sort(-matrix[i])[NN-1]
matrixNN[i] = v_cutoff(matrix[i], crit_val)
print('Nearest neighbor selection done...')
# predict user-item ratings in test_data
prediction = np.zeros(shape=(nr_user, dim), dtype=np.float)
for i in range(nr_user):
num = np.matmul(np.array(test_data.iloc[i,:]), matrixNN)
denom = matrixNN.sum(axis=0) # column sums
prediction[i] = num/denom
print('Prediction done...')
# return DataFrame
return pd.DataFrame(prediction, index=test_data.index, columns=test_data.columns)
cb_pred = ContentBased(movie2,data_pivot2, 10)
# Content Based as a Class
from numpy.linalg import norm
class ContentBased:
def simil_cosine(self, a,b):
return np.dot(a, b)/(norm(a)*norm(b))
def __init__(self, NN):
self.NN = NN
def fit(self, content_data):
cdata = content_data.reset_index(drop=True).copy()
self.item_dim = cdata.shape[0]
self.matrix = np.zeros(shape=(self.item_dim, self.item_dim), dtype=np.float)
self.matrixNN = np.zeros(shape=(self.item_dim, self.item_dim), dtype=np.float)
# compute similarity
for i, row in cdata.iterrows():
for j, col in cdata.iterrows():
if i <= j: continue
else: self.matrix[i][j] = self.simil_cosine(np.array(row),np.array(col))
# copy values to other diagonal
self.matrix = self.matrix + self.matrix.T - np.diag(np.diag(self.matrix))
cutoff = lambda x,cv: x if x >= cv else 0.0
v_cutoff = np.vectorize(cutoff)
for i in range(self.item_dim):
crit_val = -np.sort(-self.matrix[i])[self.NN-1]
self.matrixNN[i] = v_cutoff(self.matrix[i], crit_val)
def predict(self, test_data):
if test_data.shape[1] != self.item_dim:
raise Exception('Dim. mismatch: Test data contains {} items, while Content contains {} items. Please make sure the columns of test and content match.'\
.format(test_data.shape[1], self.item_dim))
I keep getting the following error --> Exception: Dim. mismatch: Test data contains 3 items, while Content contains 1526 items. Please make sure the columns of test and content match.
I am learning how to build a simple linear model to find a flat price based on its squared meters and the number of rooms. I have a .csv data set with several features and of course 'Price' is one of them, but it contains several suspicious values like '1' or '4000'. I want to remove these values based on mean and standard deviation, so I use the following function to remove outliers:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def reject_outliers(data):
u = np.mean(data)
s = np.std(data)
data_filtered = [e for e in data if (u - 2 * s < e < u + 2 * s)]
return data_filtered
Then I construct function to build linear regression:
def linear_regression(data):
data_filtered = reject_outliers(data['Price'])
print(len(data)) # based on the lenght I see that several outliers have been removed
Next step is to define the data/predictors. I set my features:
features = data[['SqrMeters', 'Rooms']]
target = data_filtered
X = features
Y = target
And here is my question. How can I get the same set of observations for my X and Y? Now I have inconsistent numbers of samples (5000 for my X and 4995 for my Y after removing outliers). Thank you for any help in this topic.
The features and labels should have the same length
and you should pass the whole data object to reject_outliers:
def reject_outliers(data):
u = np.mean(data["Price"])
s = np.std(data["Price"])
data_filtered = data[(data["Price"]>(u-2*s)) & (data["Price"]<(u+2*s))]
return data_filtered
You can use it in this way:
features = data_filtered[['SqrMeters', 'Rooms']]
target = data_filtered['Price']
Following works for Pandas DataFrames (data):
def reject_outliers(data):
u = np.mean(data.Price)
s = np.std(data.Price)
data_filtered = data[(data.Price > u-2*s) & (data.Price < u+2*s)]
return data_filtered
I would like to know how I can store different data into a numpy array, in order to feed it to a machine Learning SVC algorithm.
My goal, is to get a dataframe of size (sample * features) like this:
Feature 1 in gray containing list of size n
Feature 2 in red, containing 2D numpy array of shape (i,k)
Feature ... Something else (array for pwelch spectrum, integers, float, ...)
Feature n in blue, containing integer.
How can I do that in Python ? Is this going to be ok for sklearn ?
Here is the current error from the code bellow:
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-------------------------------- Imports --------------------------------------
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import io as sio
from scipy import signal
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.svm import SVC
------------------------------ Parameters -------------------------------------
# Path to the clean EEG .mat files
EEG_path = "data"
# Listing of the .mat files
EEG = list()
for elt in os.listdir(EEG_path):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(EEG_path, elt)):
if '.mat' in elt[len(elt)-4:]:
# Spectrum used
spectrum = ['all', (1,45), (8,12)]
nb_features = 3
------------------------------ Functions --------------------------------------
# Function on 1 channel
# Input: All points from one channel, for one epoch
def filter(x, n, fs, fc1, fc2):
b, a = signal.butter(n, [fc1/(fs/2), fc2/(fs/2)], 'bandpass')
y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, x)
return y
def haming(x, L):
# Symetric L-points hamming window
window = signal.hamming(L)
y = x * window.T # Element wise multiplication
return y
# Function on one epoch
# Input is a matrix of size (channel * length)
def amp_mean(x):
size = x.shape
y = list()
for i in range(size[0]):
return y
def amp_max(x):
size = x.shape
y = list()
for i in range(size[0]):
return y
-------------------------------- Script ---------------------------------------
# Load data
s_EEG = "{}/{}".format(EEG_path, EEG[4])
data = sio.loadmat(s_EEG)['s_EEG']['data'][0][0].astype(float) # data[i, j ,k]
labels = sio.loadmat(s_EEG)['s_EEG']['labels'][0][0][0] # labels[k]
fs = sio.loadmat(s_EEG)['s_EEG']['sampling_rate'][0][0][0][0] # 500 Hz
size = data.shape
# Creates an empty data frame of size (epoch * features)
df = np.empty(shape = (size[2], nb_features * len(spectrum)))
# Filling the dataframe with features
# for every epoch
for k in range(size[2]):
for freq in spectrum:
data_to_compute = np.empty(shape = size, dtype = float)
# Apply hamming
if freq == 'all':
for i in range(size[0]):
data_to_compute[i,:,k] = haming(data[i,:,k], size[1])
# Apply hamming after filtering
for i in range(size[0]):
data_to_compute[i,:,k] = haming(filter(data[i,:,k],
15, fs, freq[0], freq[1]), size[1])
# data_to_compute is ready to have feature extracted
for n in range(0, df.shape[1], nb_features):
df[k, n] = data_to_compute[:,:,k]
df[k, n+1] = amp_mean(data_to_compute[:,:,k])
df[k, n+2] = amp_max(data_to_compute[:,:,k])
# X signal / Y label
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(data,
clf = SVC()
clf.fit(X_train, Y_train)
Variable type:
Thanks !