From what I understand, multithreading is supposed to speed up when the program is IO bound. Why is the example below so much slower, and how can I make it produce the exact same result as the single threaded version?
Time: 1.8115384578704834
import time
start_time = time.time()
def testThread(num):
num = ""
for i in range(500):
num += str(i % 10)
def main():
test_list = [x for x in range(3000)]
for i in test_list:
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = open('single.txt', 'w')
print(time.time() - start_time)
Time: 22.509746551513672
import threading
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import time
start_time = time.time()
def testThread(num):
num = ""
for i in range(500):
num += str(i % 10)
with global_lock:
def main():
test_list = [x for x in range(3000)]
with ThreadPool(4) as executor:
results =, test_list)
# with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
# results =, test_list)
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = open('multi.txt', 'w')
global_lock = threading.Lock()
print(time.time() - start_time)
Also, how is ThreadPoolExecutor different from ThreadPool
Edit. Forgot about GIL, silly me.
The below code shows a general approach for other multithreaded languages, as they will have the same problem.
However, in this case, the language is Python. Due to the GIL, there will only ever be one active thread at a time in this case, as none of the threads ever actually yield. (The OS may forcefully swap threads mid-way, but that doesn't change the fact that only one thread would ever run at a time.
For computation and File I/O, Python won't see any gains by multithreading.
In order to increase computation, you can multiprocess. However, you still can't speed up the file I/O
for i in range(500):
num += str(i % 10)
with global_lock:
You now have 4 threads locking and writing, which is the slower part of the function.
Essentially, You have 4 threads doing 1 task, and you added a ton of overhead and wait time on top if it.
From the comments, here is something that may help:
unordered_output_list = []
def testThread(num):
num = ""
for i in range(500):
num += str(i % 10)
def main():
test_list = [x for x in range(3000)]
with ThreadPool(4) as executor:
results =, test_list)
# with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
# results =, test_list)
for num in unordered_output_list:
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = open('multi.txt', 'w')
print(time.time() - start_time)
Here we do the processing in parallel (a little speed up), then we write in sequence.
From this answer
Short answer: physically writing to the same disk from multiple
threads at the same time, will never be faster than writing to that
disk from one thread (talking about normal hard disks here). In some
cases it can even be a lot slower.
As far as my understanding:
MultiThread is an ideal option for I/O applications.
Therefore, I test a "for loop" code without any I/O.
(As following code)
Howerver, it can reduce the execution time from 6.3s to 3.7s.
Is the result correct ?
or any mistake in my suppose ?
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
import time
# normal
l = []
s = time.time()
for i in range(0, 10000):
for j in range(i):
l.append(j * 10)
e = time.time()
print(f"case1: {e-s}") # 6.3 sec
# multiThread
def func(x):
for i in range(x):
l_.append(i * 10)
with ThreadPool(50) as pool:
l_ = []
s = time.time(), range(0, 10000))
e = time.time()
print(f"case2: {e-s}") # 3.7 sec
what you are seeing is just python specializing the function by using faster op-codes for the multithreaded version as it is a function that is called multiple times, See PEP 659 Specializing Adaptive Interpreter, this only true for python 3.11 and later.
changing the non-multithreaded version to also be a function that is called multiple times give almost the same performance (python 3.11)
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
import time
l = []
def f2(i):
for j in range(i):
l.append(j * 10)
def f1():
# normal
for i in range(0, 10_000):
s = time.time()
e = time.time()
print(f"case1: {e-s}")
# multiThread
def func(x):
global l_
for i in range(x):
l_.append(i * 10)
with ThreadPool(50) as pool:
l_ = []
s = time.time(), range(0, 10_000))
e = time.time()
print(f"case2: {e-s}")
case1: 3.9744303226470947
case2: 4.036579370498657
threading in python IS going to be slower for functions that need the GIL, and manipulating lists requires the GIL so using threading will be slower, python threads only improve performance if the GIL is dropped (which happens on IO and C external libraries calls), if this is ever not the case then either your code drops the GIL or your benchmark is flawed.
In general it is true that multithreading is better suited for I/O bound operations. However, in this trivial case it is clearly not so.
It's worth pointing out multiprocessing will outperform either of the strategies implemented in OP's code.
Here's a rewrite that demonstrates 3 techniques:
from functools import wraps
from time import perf_counter
def timeit(func):
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start = perf_counter()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
duration = perf_counter() - start
print(f'Function {func.__name__}{args} {kwargs} Took {duration:.4f} seconds')
return result
return _wrapper
def case1():
l = []
for i in range(0, 10000):
for j in range(i):
l.append(j * 10)
def process(n):
l = []
for j in range(n):
l.append(j * 10)
def case2():
with TPE() as tpe:, range(0, 10_000))
def case3():
with PPE() as ppe:, range(0, 10_000))
if __name__ == '__main__':
for func in case1, case2, case3:
Function case1() {} Took 3.3104 seconds
Function case2() {} Took 2.6354 seconds
Function case3() {} Took 1.7245 seconds
In this case the trivial processing is probably outweighed by the overheads in thread management. If case1 was even more CPU intensive you'd probably begin to see rather different results
Multi threading is ideal for I/O applications because it allows a server/host to accept multiple connections, and if a single request is slow or hangs, it can continue serving the other connections without blocking them.
That isn't mutually exclusive from speeding up a simple for loop execution, if there's no coordination between threads required like in your trivial example above. If each execution of loop is completely independent of any other executions, then it's also very well suited to multi threading, and that's why you're seeing a speed up.
I am trying to get myself acquainted to multiprocessing in Python. Performance does not work out as I expected; therefore, I am seeking advice how to make things work more efficiently.
Let my first state my objective: I basically have a bunch data of lists. Each of these lists can be processed independently, say by some dummy routine do_work. My implementation in my actual program is slow (slower than doing the same in a single process serially). I was wondering if this is due to the pickling/unpickling overhead involved into multiprocess programming.
Therefore, I tried to implement a version using shared memory. Since the way how I distribute the work makes sure that no two processes try to write to the same piece of memory at the same time, I use multiprocessing.RawArray and RawValue. As it turns out, the version with shared memory is even slower.
My code is as follows: main_pass and worker_pass implement the parallelisation using return-statements, while main_shared and worker_shared use shared memory.
import multiprocessing, time, timeit, numpy as np
data = None
def setup():
return np.random.randint(0,100, (1000,100000)).tolist(), list(range(1000))
def do_work(input):
output = []
for j in input:
if j % 3 == 0:
return output
def main_pass():
global data
data, instances = setup()
with multiprocessing.Pool(4) as pool:
start = time.time()
new_blocks =, instances)
print("done", time.time() - start)
def worker_pass(i):
global data
return do_work(data[i])
def main_shared():
global data
data, instances = setup()
data = [(a := multiprocessing.RawArray('i', block), multiprocessing.RawValue('i', len(a))) for block in data]
with multiprocessing.Pool(4) as pool:
start = time.time(), instances)
print("done", time.time() - start)
new_blocks = [list(a[:l.value]) for a, l in data]
def worker_shared(i):
global data
array, length = data[i]
new_block = do_work(array[:length.value])
array[:len(new_block)] = new_block
length.value = len(new_block)
import timeit
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(timeit.timeit(lambda: main_pass(), number=1))
print(timeit.timeit(lambda: main_shared(), number=1))
the timing I get:
done 7.257717132568359
done 7.889772891998291
So the version run first (using return) is way faster than the one writing the result to shared memory.
Why is this?
Btw., is it possible to measure the time spent on pickling/unpickling conveniently?
Info: I am using python 3.9 on MacOS 10.15.
What you say about the returned output from worker_pass being done by pickling is true but that additional overhead is clearly does not seem to compensate for the additional work being done by worker_shared to "repack" the RawArray instances. Where a performance improvement is achieved is when you are forced to use pickling for the worker_pass case as when you are on platforms that use spawn to create new processes.
In the following spawn demo I seed the random number generator with a specific value so I get the same generated values for both runs and I print out the sum of all the returned random numbers just to ensure that both runs are doing equivalent processing. It is clear that using shared memory arrays performs better now if you are only timing the pool-creation (where the overhead is for the non-shared memory case) and map times. But when you include the additional setup time and post-processing time required for the use of the shared memory arrays, the difference in times is not that significant:
import multiprocessing, time, timeit, numpy as np
def setup():
return np.random.randint(0,100, (1000,100000)).tolist(), list(range(1000))
def init_process_pool(the_data):
global data
data = the_data
def do_work(input):
output = []
for j in input:
if j % 3 == 0:
return output
def main_pass():
data, instances = setup()
start = time.time()
with multiprocessing.Pool(4, initializer=init_process_pool, initargs=(data,)) as pool:
new_blocks =, instances)
print("done", time.time() - start)
print(sum(sum(new_block) for new_block in new_blocks))
def worker_pass(i):
global data
return do_work(data[i])
def main_shared():
data, instances = setup()
data = [(a := multiprocessing.RawArray('i', block), multiprocessing.RawValue('i', len(a))) for block in data]
start = time.time()
with multiprocessing.Pool(4, initializer=init_process_pool, initargs=(data,)) as pool:, instances)
print("done", time.time() - start)
new_blocks = [list(a[:l.value]) for a, l in data]
print(sum(sum(new_block) for new_block in new_blocks))
def worker_shared(i):
global data
array, length = data[i]
new_block = do_work(array[:length.value])
array[:len(new_block)] = new_block
length.value = len(new_block)
import timeit
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(timeit.timeit(lambda: main_pass(), number=1))
print(timeit.timeit(lambda: main_shared(), number=1))
done 17.68915629386902
done 3.9250364303588867
I want to parallelize the processing of a dictionary using the multiprocessing library.
My problem can be reduced to this code:
from multiprocessing import Manager,Pool
def modify_dictionary(dictionary):
if((3,3) not in dictionary):
for i in range(100):
dictionary[(3,3)] = dictionary[(3,3)]+1
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
manager = Manager()
dictionary = manager.dict(lock=True)
jobargs = [(dictionary) for i in range(5)]
p = Pool(5)
t =,jobargs)
print dictionary[(3,3)]
I create a pool of 5 workers, and each worker should increment dictionary[(3,3)] 100 times. So, if the locking process works correctly, I expect dictionary[(3,3)] to be 500 at the end of the script.
However; something in my code must be wrong, because this is not what I get: the locking process does not seem to be "activated" and dictionary[(3,3)] always have a valuer <500 at the end of the script.
Could you help me?
The problem is with this line:
dictionary[(3,3)] = dictionary[(3,3)]+1
Three things happen on that line:
Read the value of the dictionary key (3,3)
Increment the value by 1
Write the value back again
But the increment part is happening outside of any locking.
The whole sequence must be atomic, and must be synchronized across all processes. Otherwise the processes will interleave giving you a lower than expected total.
Holding a lock whist incrementing the value ensures that you get the total of 500 you expect:
from multiprocessing import Manager,Pool,Lock
lock = Lock()
def modify_array(dictionary):
if((3,3) not in dictionary):
for i in range(100):
with lock:
dictionary[(3,3)] = dictionary[(3,3)]+1
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
manager = Manager()
dictionary = manager.dict(lock=True)
jobargs = [(dictionary) for i in range(5)]
p = Pool(5)
t =,jobargs)
print dictionary[(3,3)]
I ve managed many times to find here the correct solution to a programming difficulty I had. So I would like to contribute a little bit. Above code still has the problem of not updating right the dictionary. To have the right result you have to pass lock and correct jobargs to f. In above code you make a new dictionary in every proccess. The code I found to work fine:
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager, Pool, Lock
from functools import partial
def f(dictionary, l, k):
with l:
for i in range(100):
dictionary[3] += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
manager = Manager()
dictionary = manager.dict()
lock = manager.Lock()
dictionary[3] = 0
jobargs = list(range(5))
pool = Pool()
func = partial(f, dictionary, lock)
t =, jobargs)
In the OP's code, it is locking the entire iteration. In general, you should only apply locks for the shortest time, as long as it is effective. The following code is much more efficient. You acquire the lock only to make the code atomic
def f(dictionary, l, k):
for i in range(100):
with l:
dictionary[3] += 1
Note that dictionary[3] += 1 is not atomic, so it must be locked.
I am having difficulty understanding how to use Python's multiprocessing module.
I have a sum from 1 to n where n=10^10, which is too large to fit into a list, which seems to be the thrust of many examples online using multiprocessing.
Is there a way to "split up" the range into segments of a certain size and then perform the sum for each segment?
For instance
def sum_nums(low,high):
result = 0
for i in range(low,high+1):
result += i
return result
And I want to compute sum_nums(1,10**10) by breaking it up into many sum_nums(1,1000) + sum_nums(1001,2000) + sum_nums(2001,3000)... and so on. I know there is a close-form n(n+1)/2 but pretend we don't know that.
Here is what I've tried
import multiprocessing
def sum_nums(low,high):
result = 0
for i in range(low,high+1):
result += i
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
n = 1000
procs = 2
sizeSegment = n/procs
jobs = []
for i in range(0, procs):
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=sum_nums, args=(i*sizeSegment+1, (i+1)*sizeSegment))
for j in jobs:
for j in jobs:
#where is the result?
I find the usage of multiprocess.Pool and map() much more simple
Using your code:
from multiprocessing import Pool
def sum_nums(args):
low = int(args[0])
high = int(args[1])
return sum(range(low,high+1))
if __name__ == "__main__":
n = 1000
procs = 2
sizeSegment = n/procs
# Create size segments list
jobs = []
for i in range(0, procs):
jobs.append((i*sizeSegment+1, (i+1)*sizeSegment))
pool = Pool(procs).map(sum_nums, jobs)
result = sum(pool)
>>> print result
>>> 500500
You can do this sum without multiprocessing at all, and it's probably simpler, if not faster, to just use generators.
# prepare a generator of generators each at 1000 point intervals
>>> xr = (xrange(1000*i+1,i*1000+1001) for i in xrange(10000000))
>>> list(xr)[:3]
[xrange(1, 1001), xrange(1001, 2001), xrange(2001, 3001)]
# sum, using two map functions
>>> xr = (xrange(1000*i+1,i*1000+1001) for i in xrange(10000000))
>>> sum(map(sum, map(lambda x:x, xr)))
However, if you want to use multiprocessing, you can also do this too. I'm using a fork of multiprocessing that is better at serialization (but otherwise, not really different).
>>> xr = (xrange(1000*i+1,i*1000+1001) for i in xrange(10000000))
>>> import pathos
>>> mmap = pathos.multiprocessing.ProcessingPool().map
>>> tmap = pathos.multiprocessing.ThreadingPool().map
>>> sum(tmap(sum, mmap(lambda x:x, xr)))
The version w/o multiprocessing is faster and takes about a minute on my laptop. The multiprocessing version takes a few minutes due to the overhead of spawning multiple python processes.
If you are interested, get pathos here:
First, the best way to get around the memory issue is to use an iterator/generator instead of a list:
def sum_nums(low, high):
result = 0
for i in xrange(low, high+1):
result += 1
return result
in python3, range() produces an iterator, so this is only needed in python2
Now, where multiprocessing comes in is when you want to split up the processing to different processes or CPU cores. If you don't need to control the individual workers than the easiest method is to use a process pool. This will let you map a function to the pool and get the output. You can alternatively use apply_async to apply jobs to the pool one at a time and get a delayed result which you can get with .get():
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
from time import time
def sum_nums(low, high):
result = 0
for i in xrange(low, high+1):
result += i
return result
# map requires a function to handle a single argument
def sn((low,high)):
return sum_nums(low, high)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#t = time()
# takes forever
#print sum_nums(1,10**10)
#print '{} s'.format(time() -t)
p = Pool(4)
n = int(1e8)
r = range(0,10**10+1,n)
results = []
# using apply_async
t = time()
for arg in zip([x+1 for x in r],r[1:]):
results.append(p.apply_async(sum_nums, arg))
# wait for results
print sum(res.get() for res in results)
print '{} s'.format(time() -t)
# using process pool
t = time()
print sum(, zip([x+1 for x in r], r[1:])))
print '{} s'.format(time() -t)
On my machine, just calling sum_nums with 10**10 takes almost 9 minutes, but using a Pool(8) and n=int(1e8) reduces this to just over a minute.
I am working with python multiprocessing. Using Pool to start concurrent processes and RawArray to share an array between concurrent processes. I do not need to synchronize the accessing of RawArray, that is, the array can be modified by any processes at any time.
The test code for RawArray is: (do not mind the meaning of the program as it is just a test.)
from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import RawArray
import time
sieve = RawArray('i', (10 + 1)*[1]) # shared memory between processes
import multiprocessing as mp
def foo_pool(x):
sieve[x] = x*x # modify the shared memory array. seem not work ?
return x*x
result_list = []
def log_result(result):
def apply_async_with_callback():
pool = mp.Pool(processes = 4)
for i in range(10):
pool.apply_async(foo_pool, args = (i,), callback = log_result)
for x in sieve:
print (x) # !!! sieve is [1, 1, ..., 1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
While the code did not work as expected. I commented the key statements. I have got stuck on this for a whole day. Any help or constructive advices would be very appreciated.
time.sleep fails because you did not import time
use sieve[x] = x*x to modify the array instead of sieve[x].value = x*x
on Windows, your code creates a new sieve in each subprocess. You need to pass a reference to the shared array, for example like this:
def foo_init(s):
global sieve
sieve = s
def apply_async_with_callback():
pool = mp.Pool(processes = 4, initializer=foo_init, initargs=(sieve,))
if __name__ == '__main__':
sieve = RawArray('i', (10 + 1)*[1])
You should use multithreading instead of multiprocessing, as threads can share memory of main process natively.
If you worry about python's GIL mechanism, maybe you can resort to the nogil of numba.
Working version:
from multiprocessing import Pool, RawArray
import time
def foo_pool(x):
sieve[x] = x * x # modify the shared memory array.
def foo_init(s):
global sieve
sieve = s
def apply_async_with_callback(loc_size):
with Pool(processes=4, initializer=foo_init, initargs=(sieve,)) as pool:, range(loc_size))
for x in sieve:
if __name__ == '__main__':
size = 50
sieve = RawArray('i', size * [1]) # shared memory between processes