scipy.optimize problem with matrix constraints - python

I have an optimization problem as following:
the sum '(load[i]-6*X[i])^2, i=1,..N' where load is a known.
X[i]= {-1 or 0 or 1}
Y[1]= Constant1
Y[N]= Constant2
To start, I am trying to solve it for the following numbers:
p.s: I have tried Gurobi or MIP, but no success
load = [2,.5,1,1.5,1,1.45,2.25,2.45,2.36,1,1.4]
My question: If solving this problem is possible with scipy.optimization? Any thoughts are welcome. Thanks.
I came up with following Gurobi code:
from gurobipy import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Create a new model
m = Model()
# Create variables
x = m.addVars(n,lb=-1,ub=1,vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="x")
Y = m.addVars(n,lb=50,ub=59,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="Y")
load = [2,.5,1,1.5,1,1.45,2.25,2.45,2.36,1,1.4]
# Add constraint: SOC[start]=50
m.addConstrs((Y[i+1]-Y[i] == 1.25*x[i] for i in range(n-1)), name='c0')
#Y = m.addVar(lb=50,ub=59,vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="Y")
#m.addConstr (Y[0]==50)
# Set objective
#obj1=quicksum(((load[i]-float(6*x[i]))*(load[i]-float(6*x[i])) for i in
range (n)))
obj1=quicksum(((load[i]-(6*x[i]))*(load[i]-(6*x[i])) for i in range (n)))
#obj1=quicksum((load[i]-float(6*x[i]) for i in range (n))
# display solution


Is there a better way to solve this MINLP in pyscipopt?

I'm trying to solve the following MINLP, basically attempting to maximize the likelihood of a certain portfolio reaching a "ceiling" performance. My first attempt at the code is below.
EDIT: Math says maximize, should say minimize
from pyscipopt import Model, quicksum
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from random import uniform, normalvariate
stocks_portfolio = {}
stocks_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((150,4)),columns = {'ids','Mean','cost','stdev'})
noptions = len(stocks_df)
stocks_df['ids'] = [i for i in range(noptions)]
stocks_df['Mean'] = [uniform(500,2500) for i in range(noptions)]
stocks_df['cost'] = [stocks_df.loc[i,'Mean']*uniform(50,250) for i in range(noptions)]
stocks_df['stdev'] = [stocks_df.loc[i,'Mean']*uniform(0.2,0.5) for i in range(noptions)]
cov_mat = np.array([[normalvariate(0,0.3) for i in range(noptions)] for j in range(noptions)])
for i in range(len(stocks_df)):
stocks_portfolio[i] = model.addVar(vtype='B')
model.addCons(quicksum(stocks_portfolio[i] for i in range(noptions))==15)
model.addCons(quicksum(stocks_df.loc[i, 'cost']*stocks_portfolio[i] for i in range(noptions)) <= 600000)
stand_in = model.addVar(vtype='C')
model.addCons(stand_in>=(t-quicksum(stocks_df.loc[i,'Mean']*stocks_portfolio[i] for i in range(noptions)))/((quicksum(stocks_portfolio[i]*stocks_df.loc[i,'stdev']**2 for i in range(noptions))+quicksum(2*stocks_portfolio[i]*stocks_portfolio[j]*cov_mat[i,j] for i in range(noptions) for j in range(noptions)))**0.5))
portfolios = []
for i in range(noptions):
if model.getVal(stocks_portfolio[i]) > 0.9:
The performance here has been slow and unwieldy, and I was wondering if I'm thinking about the question all wrong.

Absurd solution using gurobi python in regression

So I am new to gurobi and I decided to start working with it on a well known problem as regression. I found this official notebook, where an L0 penalized regression model was solved and I took just the part of the regression model out of it. However, when I solve this problem in gurobi, I get a really strange solution, totally different from the actual correct regression solution.
The code I am running is:
import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from itertools import product
boston = load_boston()
x =
x = x[:, [0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12]] # select non-categorical variables
response =
samples, dim = x.shape
regressor = gp.Model()
# Append a column of ones to the feature matrix to account for the y-intercept
x = np.concatenate([x, np.ones((samples, 1))], axis=1)
# Decision variables
beta = regressor.addVars(dim + 1, name="beta") # Beta
# Objective Function (OF): minimize 1/2 * RSS using the fact that
# if x* is a minimizer of f(x), it is also a minimizer of k*f(x) iff k > 0
Quad =, x)
lin =, x)
obj = sum(0.5 * Quad[i, j] * beta[i] * beta[j] for i, j in product(range(dim + 1), repeat=2))
obj -= sum(lin[i] * beta[i] for i in range(dim + 1))
obj += 0.5 *, response)
regressor.setObjective(obj, GRB.MINIMIZE)
beta_sol_gurobi = np.array([beta[i].X for i in range(dim+1)])
The solution provided by this code is
array([1.22933632e-14, 2.40073891e-15, 1.10109084e-13, 2.93142174e+00,
6.14486489e-16, 3.93021623e-01, 5.52707727e-15, 8.61271603e-03,
1.55963041e-15, 3.19117429e-13])
While the true linear regression solution should be
from sklearn import linear_model
lr = linear_model.LinearRegression(), response)
That yields,
array([-5.23730841e-02, -3.35655253e-02, -1.39501039e+01, 4.40955833e+00,
-7.33680982e-03, -1.24312668e+00, -9.59615262e-01, 8.60275557e-03,
So gurobi solution is completely different. Any guess / suggestion on whats happening? Am I doing anything wrong here?
PD: I know that this problem can be solved using other packages, or even other optimization frameworks, but I am specially interested in solving it in gurobi python, since I want to start using gurobi in some more complex problems.
The wrong result is due to your decision variables. Since Gurobi assumes the lower bound 0 for all variables by default, you need to explicitly set the lower bound:
beta = regressor.addVars(dim + 1, lb = -GRB.INFINITY, name="beta") # Beta

Solve coupled differential equation using the function scipy.integrate.RK45

x' = f(x,y,t)
y' = g(x,y,t)
Initial conditions have been given as x0 and y0 with t0. Find the solution graph in the range t0 to a.
I have tried doing this for non-coupled equations but there seems to be a problem there as well. I have to solve this exactly using this function so other functions are not the options.
from numpy import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def f(t,x):
return -x
import scipy
from scipy import integrate as inte
solution = inte.RK45(f, 0 , [1] , 10 ,1, 0.001, e**-6)
print (solution)
I expect the output to be an array of all the values.
But <scipy.integrate._ivp.rk.RK45 at 0x1988ba806d8> is what I get.
You need to collect data with calling step() function:
from math import e
from scipy import integrate as inte
def f(t,x):
return -x
solution = inte.RK45(f, 0 , [1] , 10 ,1, 0.001, e**-6)
# collect data
t_values = []
y_values = []
for i in range(100):
# get solution step state
# break loop after modeling is finished
if solution.status == 'finished':
data = zip(t_values, y_values)
(0.12831714796342164, 0.879574381033538)
(1.1283171479634215, 0.3239765636806864)
(2.1283171479634215, 0.11933136762238628)
(3.1283171479634215, 0.043953720407578944)
(4.128317147963422, 0.01618962035012491)
(5.128317147963422, 0.005963176828962677)
(6.128317147963422, 0.002196436798667919)
(7.128317147963422, 0.0008090208875093502)
(8.128317147963422, 0.00029798936023261037)
(9.128317147963422, 0.0001097594143523445)
(10, 4.5927433621121034e-05)

How to specify size for bernoulli distribution with pymc3?

In trying to make my way through Bayesian Methods for Hackers, which is in pymc, I came across this code:
first_coin_flips = pm.Bernoulli("first_flips", 0.5, size=N)
I've tried to translate this to pymc3 with the following, but it just returns a numpy array, rather than a tensor (?):
first_coin_flips = pm.Bernoulli("first_flips", 0.5).random(size=50)
The reason the size matters is that it's used later on in a deterministic variable. Here's the entirety of the code that I have so far:
import pymc3 as pm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mpld3
import theano.tensor as tt
model = pm.Model()
with model:
N = 100
p = pm.Uniform("cheating_freq", 0, 1)
true_answers = pm.Bernoulli("truths", p)
first_coin_flips = pm.Bernoulli("first_flips", 0.5)
second_coin_flips = pm.Bernoulli("second_flips", 0.5)
# print(first_coin_flips.value)
# Create model variables
def calc_p(true_answers, first_coin_flips, second_coin_flips):
observed = first_coin_flips * true_answers + (1-first_coin_flips) * second_coin_flips
# NOTE: Where I think the size param matters, since we're dividing by it
return observed.sum() / float(N)
calced_p = pm.Deterministic("observed", calc_p(true_answers, first_coin_flips, second_coin_flips))
step = pm.Metropolis(model.free_RVs)
trace = pm.sample(1000, tune=500, step=step)
html = mpld3.fig_to_html(plt.gcf())
with open("output.html", 'w') as f:
And the output:
The coin flips and uniform cheating_freq output look correct, but the observed doesn't look like anything to me, and I think it's because I'm not translating that size param correctly.
The pymc3 way to specify the size of a Bernoulli distribution is by using the shape parameter, like:
first_coin_flips = pm.Bernoulli("first_flips", 0.5, shape=N)

PyMC3: PositiveDefiniteError when sampling a Categorical variable

I am trying to sample a simple model of a categorical distribution with a Dirichlet prior. Here is my code:
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from pymc3 import *
k = 6
alpha = 0.1 * np.ones(k)
with Model() as model:
p = Dirichlet('p', a=alpha, shape=k)
categ = Categorical('categ', p=p, shape=1)
tr = sample(10000)
And I get this error:
PositiveDefiniteError: Scaling is not positive definite. Simple check failed. Diagonal contains negatives. Check indexes [0 1 2 3 4]
The problem is that NUTS is failing to initialize properly. One solution is to use another sampler like this:
with pm.Model() as model:
p = pm.Dirichlet('p', a=alpha)
categ = pm.Categorical('categ', p=p)
step = pm.Metropolis(vars=p)
tr = pm.sample(1000, step=step)
Here I am manually assigning p to Metropolis, and letting PyMC3 assign categ to a proper sampler.
