pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: command insert requires authentication - python

I'm creating a collection and want to insert it in my database
I have imported pymongo and also I defined db = myClient["mydb"] this way but it says command insert requires authentication
>>> import pymongo
>>> from pymongo import MongoClient
>>> myClient = MongoClient()
>>> db = myClient.mydb
>>> users = db.users
>>> user1 = {"username": "nick", "password": "mysecurepass", "fav_num": 445}
>>> user_id = users.insert_one(user1).inserted_id
line 155, in _check_command_response
raise OperationFailure(msg % errmsg, code, response)
pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: command insert requires authentication

It looks like the MongoDB instance you are using is set up with authentication, but when you create the connection using myClient = MongoClient() you are not giving it credentials. When you connect to the database try something like this:
client = MongoClient('',
this will pass the correct username and password to the Mongo instance and allow you to connect. use this link for some examples on how to use authentication with pymongo.


Copying mongo db using pymongo tutorial example fails: "OperationFailure: no such command: 'copydb'"

I'm trying to copy my db for testing purposes. I'm using the docs for that, but it still fails:
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient(username='root', password='pass')
client.admin.command('copydb', fromdb='src', todb='dst')
OperationFailure: no such command: 'copydb', full error: {'ok': 0.0, 'errmsg': "no such command: 'copydb'", 'code': 59, 'codeName': 'CommandNotFound'}
When trying another command, from another section of the doc, it worked:
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient(username='root', password='pass')
db = client.src
db.admin.command('copydb', fromdb='src', todb='dst')
The objects used here are different, but this is what the docs say... I still tried using the db object for the copydb - and failed again:
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient(username='root', password='pass')
db = client.src
TypeError: 'Collection' object is not callable. If you meant to call the 'command' method on a 'Collection' object it is failing because no such method exists.
which means I use a bad object (makes sense, but I don't get how to make it work)
pymongo.version: '3.11.0'
mongodb version: 4.4.1 (running on docker)
Using the help from #AnuragWagh and this nice answer I managed to have my own script to handle dump & restore:
from bson.json_util import dumps, loads
import os
import pymongo
def backup_db(client, db_name, backup_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(backup_dir):
database = client[db_name]
collections = database.list_collection_names()
for i, collection_name in enumerate(collections):
col = getattr(database,collections[i])
collection = col.find()
jsonpath = collection_name + '.json'
jsonpath = os.path.join(backup_dir, jsonpath)
with open(jsonpath, 'wb') as jsonfile:
backup_dir = './bckp'
client = pymongo.MongoClient(host='localhost', username='root', password='pass')
src_db_name = 'Jenkins'
dst_db_name = 'Test'
backup_db(client, src_db_name, backup_dir)
for backup_collection in filter(lambda path: path.endswith('.json'), os.listdir(backup_dir)):
collection_name = backup_collection.rstrip('.json')
with open(os.path.join(backup_dir, backup_collection), 'rb') as backup_file:
data = loads(
This is not the ideal solution. If you can, use mongodump & mongorestore. For my case (pymongo on a host without mongodb installed, this seems like the best solution)

Python pymongo not authorized for query

I am using pymongo to connect with mongodb, but I unable to access the data.
import pymongo
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
db = client['db_name']
for i in db.<collection>.find():
pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: database error: not authorized for query on <collection>

Python example to connect to Aurora MySQL with IAM User Authentication

I am connecting to an Aurora database using python.Everything works when I have a static userid and password;
I am trying to use IAM Authenticated user and the user has been setup and it works well using MySQL Workbench
I am trying to use SQLAlchemy to connect using python - this is supposed to be a no brainier but it does not work
from _collections import OrderedDict
import datetime
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from boto3 import client
# import pymysql
db_end_point = ""
def get_db_password(cluster_end_point, user_name):
rds_client = client('rds', region_name='eu-west-1')
rds_token = rds_client.generate_db_auth_token(DBHostname=cluster_end_point, Port=3306, DBUsername=user_name, Region='eu-west-1')
return rds_token
user_password = get_db_password(db_end_point, "svc_payment_data_write")
url = "mysql://{}:3306/payment_data_store".format(db_end_point)
rds_credentials = {
'user' : 'svc_payment_data_write', 'passwd' : user_password
kw = dict()
engine = create_engine(url, connect_args=kw)
connection = engine.connect()
I have also tried creating the url with the password string quoted properly. The same thing works in JAVA properly

"bad auth Authentication failed." error while connection to mongodb atlas in python

I am trying to connect to mongodb atlas using python using the following code:
import pymongo
myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb+srv://")
mydb = myclient["test"]
mycol = mydb["somecol"]
dblist = myclient.list_database_names() #trial-1
x = mycol.find_one() #trail-2
I am getting error for both trail-1 and trail-2 as :
OperationFailure: bad auth Authentication failed.
Consider my username to be username and password to be p%40ssword with # replaced with %40. I checked my credentials, they are correct. But still i get this error. What to do ?

How to instantiate DB object from configuration?

I instantiate Mongo Client as below. It works fine. However I am trying to read the DB name (primer here) from the configuration. How do I do that?
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient()
db = client.primer # want to read "primer" string from a variable
coll = db.dataset
You could do:
db_name = 'primer'
db = getattr(client, db_name)
if you are trying to connect to only one database you can specify the dbname while creating the db object itself
dbname = "primer"
db = MongoClient()[dbname]
