I have two method and here is test i have done for feedback_selected_material_to_unsplash. I need to convert this test into using mock and also i'm not sure how to write properly test for download_image_material. I appreciate for any help
Here is the testcase
def test_feedback_selected_material_to_unsplash_download_location_not_null(self, mock_post):
URL = 'https://material.richka.co/track/unsplash'
data = {
'download_location': self.download_location
resp = requests.post("www.someurl.com", data=json.dumps(data), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
mock_post.assert_called_with(URL, data=json.dumps(data), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
def feedback_selected_material_to_unsplash(download_location):
if not download_location == 'null':
URL = 'https://test/track/unsplash'
data = {
'download_location': download_location
response = requests.post(URL, data)
logger.info('Done the feedback to unsplash.com')
this method i dont know how to write testcase for this
def download_image_material(request, data, video, keyword, keyword_gui, material_type):
dname_tmp = settings.BASE_DIR + '/web/static'
hashedDname = get_path_stock_box()
saveFolder = gen_hash(gen_fname())
path = '%s/%s/%s' % (dname_tmp, hashedDname, saveFolder)
if not os.path.exists(path):
objs = []
material = Material(generated_video_data=video, keyword = keyword)
material.is_video = material_type
for index,datum in enumerate(data):
if index == 50:
obj = {}
obj['word'] = datum['word']
obj['link'] = datum['link']
obj['user'] = datum['user']
obj['download_location'] = datum['download_location'] if 'unsplash.com' in datum['link'] else None
imgUrl = datum['small']
headers = {}
response, imgRaw = http_get(imgUrl, headers=headers)
except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex:
imgUrlWithoutQuery = re.sub(r'\?.*','',imgUrl)
suffix = imgUrlWithoutQuery[imgUrlWithoutQuery.rfind('.') + 1 :]
suffix = suffix.lower()
if suffix in settings.IMG_EXTENSIONS or suffix in settings.VIDEO_EXTENSIONS or suffix.lower() == 'mp4':
mime = response.info()['Content-Type']
suffix = _mime2suffix(mime)
if suffix not in settings.IMG_EXTENSIONS and suffix not in settings.VIDEO_EXTENSIONS or suffix.lower() == 'mp4':
imgFname = '%s.%s' % (gen_hash(gen_fname()), suffix)
imgPathFname = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (dname_tmp, hashedDname, saveFolder, imgFname)
imgPathFnameSaved = '%s/%s/%s' % (hashedDname, saveFolder, imgFname)
fout = open(imgPathFname, 'wb')
#process file
obj['media'] = imgPathFnameSaved
if suffix in settings.IMG_EXTENSIONS:
obj['media'] = imgPathFnameSaved
elif suffix.lower() in settings.VIDEO_EXTENSIONS:
# convert videos to mp4 and delete original files
hashed_name = imgPathFnameSaved[ : imgPathFnameSaved.rfind('.')] + '.mp4'
obj['media'] = hashed_name
if suffix == 'mp4':
obj['video'] = {}
obj['video']['duration'] = gen.get_video_duration(settings.BASE_DIR + '/web/static/' + obj['media'])
gen_thumbnail(settings.BASE_DIR + '/web/static/' + obj['media'])
fname_mp4 = obj['media']
obj['media'] = fname_mp4[ : fname_mp4.rfind('.')] + '.png'
#process service name
url = urlparse(datum['link'])
obj['service'] = {}
obj['service']['url'] = f'{url.scheme}://{url.netloc}'
obj['service']['hostname'] = url.netloc
# get json from database
material = Material.objects.get(id=material.pk)
objDb = material.get_json_data()
objs = []
if objDb:
for objOld in objDb:
res_json = {'result': True, 'data':obj, 'keyword': keyword_gui, 'pk': material.pk}
yield json.dumps(res_json) + '\n'
yield json.dumps({'result': True, 'end': True, 'pk': material.pk}) + '\n'
i want to code in views.py but no idea how to code it and download the scc file
i have coded
def export_transcript(request):
task_id = request.query_params.get("task_id")
export_type = request.query_params.get("export_type")
if task_id is None or export_type is None:
return Response(
{"message": "missing param : task_id or export_type"},
supported_types = ["scc"]
if export_type not in supported_types:
return Response(
"message": "exported type only supported formats are : {scc} "
task = Task.objects.get(pk=task_id)
except Task.DoesNotExist:
return Response(
{"message": "Task not found."},
transcript = get_transcript_id(task)
if transcript is None:
return Response(
{"message": "Transcript not found."},
payload = transcript.payload["payload"]
lines = []
if export_type == "scc":
for index, segment in enumerate(payload):
hex_string = segment["text"].encode("utf-8").hex()
hex_string = [hex_string[i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(hex_string))]
hex_string = " ".join(hex_string)
# make sure the start time is in 00:00:16:00 format
start_time = segment["start_time"].split(":")
# make sure the list index is not out of range
if len(start_time) < 4:
start_time = start_time + ["00"] * (4 - len(start_time))
start_time = ":".join(start_time)
start_time + " "
+ hex_string + "\n"
content = "\n".join(lines)
if len(content) == 0:
content = " "
content_type = "application/json"
response = HttpResponse(content, content_type=content_type)
response["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % filename
response["filename"] = filename
return response
i want to know how to code so as to get scc file format
I have this code below that iterate through some tracks. And then for each track I want to use the musixmatch api to get and print the lyrics of the track based on the artist name and track name.
code that iterete trough some tracks and print the lyrics:
for i, v in tracks.items():
artist = tracks[i]['artist'].replace(" ", "+")
title = tracks[i]['title'].replace(" ", "+")
print(song_lyric(title, artist))
The print(tracks) returns in this format:
{12: {'trackID': 12, 'title': 'Achtung Baby', 'number': '1', 'artist': 'U2', 'album': 'Achtung Baby', 'albumID': 2, 'duration': '291'}
When the code exuted the lyrics for the firsts tracks are printed, but then it appears an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Ozzy/PycharmProjects/getData/getData.py", line 239, in <module>
print(song_lyric(title, artist))
File "C:/Users/Ozzy/PycharmProjects/getData/getData.py", line 72, in song_lyric
File "C:/Users/Ozzy/PycharmProjects/getData/getData.py", line 79, in lyrics_tracking
request = urllib.request.Request(querystring)
File "C:\Users\Ozzy\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\urllib\request.py", line 329, in __init__
self.full_url = url
File "C:\Users\Ozzy\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\urllib\request.py", line 355, in full_url
File "C:\Users\Ozzy\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\urllib\request.py", line 384, in _parse
raise ValueError("unknown url type: %r" % self.full_url)
ValueError: unknown url type: ''
Do you know why this error is appearing?
The methods to get the lyrics from musixmatch are public available:
def song_lyric(song_name, artist_name):
while True:
querystring = apiurl_musixmatch + "matcher.lyrics.get?q_track=" + urllib.parse.quote(
song_name) + "&q_artist=" + urllib.parse.quote(
artist_name) + "&apikey=" + apikey_musixmatch + "&format=json&f_has_lyrics=1"
# matcher.lyrics.get?q_track=sexy%20and%20i%20know%20it&q_artist=lmfao
request = urllib.request.Request(querystring)
# request.add_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + client_access_token)
"curl/7.9.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.9.8 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b) (ipv6 enabled)") # Must include user agent of some sort, otherwise 403 returned
while True:
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request,
timeout=4) # timeout set to 4 seconds; automatically retries if times out
raw = response.read()
except socket.timeout:
print("Timeout raised and caught")
json_obj = json.loads(raw.decode('utf-8'))
body = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["lyrics_body"]
copyright = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["lyrics_copyright"]
tracking_url = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["html_tracking_url"]
return (body + "\n\n" + copyright)
def lyrics_tracking(tracking_url):
while True:
querystring = tracking_url
request = urllib.request.Request(querystring)
# request.add_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + client_access_token)
"curl/7.9.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.9.8 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b) (ipv6 enabled)") # Must include user agent of some sort, otherwise 403 returned
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request,
timeout=4) # timeout set to 4 seconds; automatically retries if times out
raw = response.read()
except socket.timeout:
print("Timeout raised and caught")
Full working exemple that reproduces the error:
import requests
import json
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import socket
apikey_musixmatch = '0b4a363bbd71974c2634837d5b5d1d9a' #generated for the example
apiurl_musixmatch = 'http://api.musixmatch.com/ws/1.1/'
api_key = "b088cbedecd40b35dd89e90f55227ac2" #generated for the example
def song_lyric(song_name, artist_name):
while True:
querystring = apiurl_musixmatch + "matcher.lyrics.get?q_track=" + urllib.parse.quote(
song_name) + "&q_artist=" + urllib.parse.quote(
artist_name) + "&apikey=" + apikey_musixmatch + "&format=json&f_has_lyrics=1"
# matcher.lyrics.get?q_track=sexy%20and%20i%20know%20it&q_artist=lmfao
request = urllib.request.Request(querystring)
# request.add_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + client_access_token)
"curl/7.9.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.9.8 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b) (ipv6 enabled)") # Must include user agent of some sort, otherwise 403 returned
while True:
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request,
timeout=4) # timeout set to 4 seconds; automatically retries if times out
raw = response.read()
except socket.timeout:
print("Timeout raised and caught")
json_obj = json.loads(raw.decode('utf-8'))
body = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["lyrics_body"]
copyright = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["lyrics_copyright"]
tracking_url = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["html_tracking_url"]
print("Tracking_url====================" +tracking_url + "==================================")
return (body + "\n\n" + copyright)
def lyrics_tracking(tracking_url):
while True:
querystring = tracking_url
request = urllib.request.Request(querystring)
# request.add_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + client_access_token)
"curl/7.9.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.9.8 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b) (ipv6 enabled)") # Must include user agent of some sort, otherwise 403 returned
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request,
timeout=4) # timeout set to 4 seconds; automatically retries if times out
raw = response.read()
except socket.timeout:
print("Timeout raised and caught")
ID = 0
#get top artists from country
artists = {}
for i in range(2, 3):
artists_response = requests.get(
'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=geo.gettopartists&country=spain&format=json&page=' + str(i) + '&api_key=' + api_key)
artists_data = artists_response.json()
for artist in artists_data["topartists"]["artist"]:
name = artist["name"]
url = artist["url"]
if ID > 1: continue
artists[ID] = {}
artists[ID]['ID'] = ID
artists[ID]['name'] = name
ID += 1
for i, v in artists.items():
chosen = artists[i]['name'].replace(" ", "+")
artist_response = requests.get(
'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getinfo&format=json&artist=' + chosen + '&api_key=' + api_key)
artist_data = artist_response.json()
# get top albums of the artists
albums = {}
for i, v in artists.items():
chosen = artists[i]['name'].replace(" ", "+")
topalbums_response = requests.get(
'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.gettopalbums&format=json&artist=' + chosen + '&api_key=' + api_key + '&limit=5')
albums_data = topalbums_response.json()
for album in albums_data['topalbums']['album']:
name = album["name"]
url = album["url"]
albums[ID] = {}
albums[ID]['ID'] = ID
albums[ID]['artist'] = artists[i]['name']
albums[ID]['artistID'] = artists[i]['ID']
albums[ID]['name'] = name
ID += 1
# Get tracks of the album
tracks = {}
for i, v in albums.items():
artist = albums[i]['artist'].replace(" ", "+")
name = albums[i]['name'].replace(" ", "+")
album_response_data = requests.get(
'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=album.getinfo&format=json&api_key=' + api_key + '&artist=' + artist + '&album=' + name)
album_response = album_response_data.json()
for album in album_response['album']['tracks']['track']:
title = album['name']
tracks[ID] = {}
tracks[ID]['trackID'] = ID
tracks[ID]['title'] = title
tracks[ID]['artist'] = albums[i]['artist']
tracks[ID]['album'] = albums[i]['name']
tracks[ID]['albumID'] = albums[i]['ID']
ID += 1
for i, v in tracks.items():
artist = tracks[i]['artist'].replace(" ", "+")
title = tracks[i]['title'].replace(" ", "+")
# print the lyric of each track
print(song_lyric(title, artist))
It seems like url is not correct. It happens here:
tracking_url = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["html_tracking_url"]
If you have ability to run that API locally and see what is returned into tracking_url, you can find out what is still wrong with it.
I reproduced it, so the urllib.request cannot process empty string URL: "", that is why you need to check if the tracking_url != "" and only if its not empty string or None you need to request for the song.
I found this code in this SO's answer however when I run it I get this error:
in redcom.py I have:
import time
import requests
import requests.auth
import praw
username = 'myusername'
userAgent = "reddit natural language processing " + username
clientId = 'myclientid'
clientSecret = "myclientsecret"
password = "mypasswd"
#app_uri =
def getPraw():
return praw.Reddit(user_agent=userAgent, client_id=clientId, client_secret=clientSecret)
global accessToken
accessToken = None
def getAccessToken():
client_auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(clientId, clientSecret)
post_data = {"grant_type": "password", "username": username, "password": password}
headers = {"User-Agent": userAgent}
response = requests.post("https://www.reddit.com/api/v1/access_token", auth=client_auth, data=post_data, headers=headers)
return response.json()
def makeRequest(apiUrl, useGet=True):
global accessToken
if accessToken is None:
accessToken = getAccessToken()
headers = {"Authorization": "bearer " + accessToken['access_token'], "User-Agent": userAgent}
if useGet:
response = requests.get(apiUrl, headers=headers)
response = requests.post(apiUrl, headers=headers)
responseJson = response.json()
if 'error' in responseJson:
if responseJson['error'] == 401:
print "Refreshing access token"
accessToken = getAccessToken()
headers = {"Authorization": "bearer " + accessToken['access_token'], "User-Agent": userAgent}
response = requests.get(apiUrl, headers=headers)
responseJson = response.json()
return responseJson
global prawReddit
prawReddit = praw.Reddit(user_agent=userAgent, client_id=clientId, client_secret=clientSecret)
# Gets any number of posts
def getPosts(subredditName, numPosts=1000):
global prawReddit
subreddit = prawReddit.get_subreddit(subredditName)
postGetter = praw.helpers.submissions_between(prawReddit, subreddit)
postArray = []
numGotten = 0
while numGotten < numPosts:
numGotten += 1
return postArray
# Get all comments from a post
# Submission is a praw submission, obtained via:
# r = redApi.getPraw()
# submission = r.get_submission(submission_id='2zysz7') # (or some other submission id, found via https://www.reddit.com/r/test/comments/2zysz7/ayy/ - the thing after /comments/)
# comments = redApi.getComments(submission)
def getComments(submission):
requestUrl = 'https://oauth.reddit.com/' + submission.subreddit.url + 'comments/article?&limit=1000&showmore=true&article=' + submission.id
allData = makeRequest(requestUrl)
articleData = allData[0]
comments = allData[1]
curComments = comments['data']['children']
resultComments = getCommentsHelper(curComments, submission.name, submission)
return resultComments
# Print out the tree of comments
def printTree(comments):
return printTreeHelper(comments, "")
def printTreeHelper(comments, curIndentation):
resultString = ""
for comment in comments:
resultString += curIndentation + comment['data']['body'].replace("\n", "\n" + curIndentation) + "\n"
if not comment['data']['replies'] == "":
resultString += printTreeHelper(comment['data']['replies']['data']['children'], curIndentation + " ")
return resultString
# Get all comments as a single array
def flattenTree(comments):
allComments = []
for comment in comments:
if not comment['data']['replies'] == "":
allComments += flattenTree(comment['data']['replies']['data']['children'])
return allComments
# Utility functions for getComments
def expandCommentList(commentList, submission):
curComments = commentList
allComments = {}
while True:
thingsToExpand = []
nextComments = []
allParents = {}
for comment in curComments:
if comment['kind'] == "more":
thingsToExpand += comment['data']['children']
if comment['data']['body'][:len("If they are shipping")] == "If they are shipping":
print comment
allComments[comment['data']['name']] = comment
if len(thingsToExpand) == 0:
curComments = []
curComments = []
if not len(thingsToExpand) == 0:
print "total things to expand: " + str(len(thingsToExpand))
for i in range(0, len(thingsToExpand)/100+1):
curCommentIds = thingsToExpand[i*100:min((i+1)*100, len(thingsToExpand))]
requestUrl = 'https://oauth.reddit.com/api/morechildren.json?api_type=json&link_id=' + submission.name + '&limit=1000&showmore=true&children=' + ",".join(curCommentIds)
curData = makeRequest(requestUrl)
if 'json' in curData and 'data' in curData['json']:
curComments += curData['json']['data']['things']
print (i+1)*100
for comment in curComments:
allComments[comment['data']['name']] = comment
return allComments.values()
def lookForMore(comment):
if comment['kind'] == "more":
return True
if not comment['data']['replies'] == "":
for reply in comment['data']['replies']['data']['children']:
if lookForMore(reply):
return True
return False
def getCommentsHelper(curComments, rootId, submission):
allComments = expandCommentList(curComments, submission)
commentMap = {}
for comment in allComments:
commentMap[comment['data']['name']] = comment
allRootComments = []
for comment in allComments:
if comment['data']['parent_id'] == rootId:
elif comment['data']['parent_id'] in commentMap:
parentComment = commentMap[comment['data']['parent_id']]
if parentComment['data']['replies'] == "":
parentComment['data']['replies'] = {'data': {'children': []}}
alreadyChild = False
for childComment in parentComment['data']['replies']['data']['children']:
if childComment['data']['name'] == comment['data']['name']:
alreadyChild = True
if not alreadyChild:
print "pls halp"
completedComments = []
needMoreComments = []
for comment in allRootComments:
if not comment['data']['replies'] == "" or comment['kind'] == 'more':
hasMore = lookForMore(comment)
if hasMore:
replyComments = getCommentsHelper(comment['data']['replies']['data']['children'], comment['data']['name'], submission)
comment['data']['replies']['data']['children'] = replyComments
for comment in needMoreComments:
requestUrl = 'https://oauth.reddit.com/' + submission.subreddit.url + 'comments/article?&limit=1000&showmore=true&article=' + submission.id + "&comment=" + comment['data']['id']
allData = makeRequest(requestUrl)
articleData = allData[0]
comment = allData[1]['data']['children'][0]
if comment['data']['replies'] == "":
comments = comment['data']['replies']['data']['children']
actualComments = getCommentsHelper(comments, comment['data']['name'], submission)
comment['data']['replies']['data']['children'] = actualComments
return completedComments
and in tester.py I have:
import redcom
r = redcom.getPraw()
submission = r.get_submission(submission_id='z1c9z')
comments = redcom.getComments(submission)
The error is:
$ python tester.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tester.py", line 4, in <module>
comments = redcom.getComments(submission)
File "/home/jalal/computer_vision/reddit/redcom.py", line 80, in getComments
allData = makeRequest(requestUrl)
File "/home/jalal/computer_vision/reddit/redcom.py", line 31, in makeRequest
headers = {"Authorization": "bearer " + accessToken['access_token'], "User-Agent": userAgent}
KeyError: 'access_token'
I'm using this with angluar and flow.js to upload images but im running into the problem that when the file names are the same it doesn't complete and i don't understand why. shouldn't it just overwrite the previous one.
class ImageUploadHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
chunk_number = int(self.request.params.get('flowChunkNumber'))
chunk_size = int(self.request.params.get('flowChunkSize'))
current_chunk_size = int(self.request.params.get('flowCurrentChunkSize'))
total_size = int(self.request.params.get('flowTotalSize'))
total_chunks = int(self.request.params.get('flowTotalChunks'))
identifier = str(self.request.params.get('flowIdentifier'))
filename = str(self.request.params.get('flowFilename'))
data = self.request.params.get('file')
f = ImageFile(filename, identifier, total_chunks, chunk_size, total_size)
f.write_chunk(chunk_number, current_chunk_size, data)
if f.ready_to_build():
info = f.build()
if info:
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
'chunkNumber': chunk_number,
'chunkSize': chunk_size,
'message': 'Chunk ' + str(chunk_number) + ' written'
Where ImageFile is a class that writes to the google cloud storage.
Below the ImageFile class. Only thing missing is the FileInfo class which is a simple model to store the generated url with the filename.
class ImageFile:
def __init__(self, filename, identifier, total_chunks, chunk_size, total_size):
self.bucket_name = os.environ.get('BUCKET_NAME', app_identity.get_default_gcs_bucket_name())
self.original_filename = filename
self.filename = '/' + self.bucket_name + '/' + self.original_filename
self.identifier = identifier
self.total_chunks = total_chunks
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self.total_size = total_size
self.stat = None
self.chunks = []
self.load_chunks(identifier, total_chunks)
def load_stat(self):
self.stat = gcs.stat(self.filename)
except gcs.NotFoundError:
self.stat = None
def load_chunks(self, identifier, number_of_chunks):
for n in range(1, number_of_chunks + 1):
self.chunks.append(Chunk(self.bucket_name, identifier, n))
def exists(self):
return not not self.stat
def content_type(self):
if self.filename.lower().endswith('.jpg'):
return 'image/jpeg'
elif self.filename.lower().endswith('.jpeg'):
return 'image/jpeg'
elif self.filename.lower().endswith('.png'):
return 'image/png'
elif self.filename.lower().endswith('.git'):
return 'image/gif'
return 'binary/octet-stream'
def ready(self):
return self.exists() and self.stat.st_size == self.total_size
def ready_chunks(self):
for c in self.chunks:
if not c.exists():
return False
return True
def delete_chunks(self):
for c in self.chunks:
def ready_to_build(self):
return not self.ready() and self.ready_chunks()
def write_chunk(self, chunk_number, current_chunk_size, data):
chunk = self.chunks[int(chunk_number) - 1]
chunk.write(current_chunk_size, data)
def build(self):
log.info('File \'' + self.filename + '\': assembling chunks.')
write_retry_params = gcs.RetryParams(backoff_factor=1.1)
gcs_file = gcs.open(self.filename,
options={'x-goog-meta-identifier': self.identifier},
for c in self.chunks:
log.info('Writing chunk ' + str(c.chunk_number) + ' of ' + str(self.total_chunks))
except Exception, e:
log.error('File \'' + self.filename + '\': Error during assembly - ' + e.message)
key = blobstore.create_gs_key('/gs' + self.filename)
url = images.get_serving_url(key)
info = ImageInfo(name=self.original_filename, url=url)
return info
The Chunk class:
class Chunk:
def __init__(self, bucket_name, identifier, chunk_number):
self.chunk_number = chunk_number
self.filename = '/' + bucket_name + '/' + identifier + '-chunk-' + str(chunk_number)
self.stat = None
def load_stat(self):
self.stat = gcs.stat(self.filename)
except gcs.NotFoundError:
self.stat = None
def exists(self):
return not not self.stat
def write(self, size, data):
write_retry_params = gcs.RetryParams(backoff_factor=1.1)
gcs_file = gcs.open(self.filename, 'w', retry_params=write_retry_params)
for c in data.file:
def write_on(self, stream):
gcs_file = gcs.open(self.filename)
data = gcs_file.read()
while data:
data = gcs_file.read()
except gcs.Error, e:
log.error('Error writing data to chunk: ' + e.message)
def delete(self):
self.stat = None
except gcs.NotFoundError:
I am beginner to API calls using python (or even just API calls). I am trying a basic call with the Twitter API.
My Code for generating oauth_signature is as follows :
def getSignature(query):
key_dict['q'] = urllib.quote(query, '')
finKey = ""
for key in sorted(key_dict.keys()):
finKey += key + "="+key_dict[key]+"&"
finKey = finKey[:-1]
finKey = HTTP_METHOD + "&" + urllib.quote(BASE_URL, '') + "&" + urllib.quote(finKey, '')
key = urllib.quote(CONSUMER_SECRET_KEY, '')+"&"+urllib.quote(ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, '')
hashed = hmac.new(key, finKey, sha1)
finKey = binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest())
key_dict['oauth_signature'] = urllib.quote(finKey, '')
where key_dict stores all the keys :
key_dict = dict()
key_dict['oauth_consumer_key'] = urllib.quote(CONSUMER_KEY, '')
key_dict['oauth_nonce'] = urllib.quote("9ab59691142584g739134971f75aa986", '')
key_dict['oauth_signature_method'] = urllib.quote("HMAC-SHA1", '')
key_dict['oauth_timestamp'] = urllib.quote(str(int(time.time())), '')
key_dict['oauth_token'] = urllib.quote(ACCESS_TOKEN, '')
key_dict['oauth_version'] = urllib.quote(OAUTH_VERSION, '')
BASE_URL = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?" + urllib.quote("q=delhi+elections", '')
I generate the Base Header String using the following :
def getHeaderString():
ret = "OAuth "
key_list =['oauth_consumer_key', 'oauth_nonce', 'oauth_signature', 'oauth_signature_method', 'oauth_timestamp', 'oauth_token', 'oauth_version']
for key in key_list:
ret = ret+key+"=\""+key_dict[key]+"\", "
ret = ret[:-2]
return ret
Although when I am making the call, I get :
urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 60] Operation timed out>
My final request is made using the following :
headers = { 'Authorization' : getHeaderString()}
req = urllib2.Request(BASE_URL, headers= headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
Where am I going wrong ?
Few Points that should have been mentioned somewhere :
The method : binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest()) appends a new line feed at the end of the string. This cause the oauth_signature to fail Authenticate.
The delhi+elections is actually supposed to be delhi elections. This mismatch again made the Hash Value match in sha1 to fail.
Removing both of them solved the problem.
The final Code :
key_dict = dict()
key_dict['oauth_consumer_key'] = urllib.quote(CONSUMER_KEY, '')
key_dict['oauth_nonce'] = urllib.quote("9aa39691142584s7df134971375aa986", '')
key_dict['oauth_signature_method'] = urllib.quote("HMAC-SHA1", '')
key_dict['oauth_timestamp'] = urllib.quote(str(int(time.time())), '')
key_dict['oauth_token'] = urllib.quote(ACCESS_TOKEN, '')
key_dict['oauth_version'] = urllib.quote(OAUTH_VERSION, '')
BASE_URL = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json"
def getSignature(query):
key_dict['q'] = urllib.quote(query, '')
finKey = ""
for key in sorted(key_dict.keys()):
finKey += key + "="+key_dict[key]+"&"
finKey = finKey[:-1]
finKey = HTTP_METHOD + "&" + urllib.quote(BASE_URL, '') + "&" + urllib.quote(finKey, '')
key = urllib.quote(CONSUMER_SECRET_KEY, '')+"&"+urllib.quote(ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, '')
hashed = hmac.new(key, finKey, sha1)
finKey = binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest())[:-1]
key_dict['oauth_signature'] = urllib.quote(finKey, '')
def getHeaderString():
ret = "OAuth "
key_list =['oauth_consumer_key', 'oauth_nonce', 'oauth_signature', 'oauth_signature_method', 'oauth_timestamp', 'oauth_token', 'oauth_version']
for key in key_list:
ret = ret+key+"=\""+key_dict[key]+"\", "
ret = ret[:-2]
return ret
url = BASE_URL
getSignature("delhi elections")
headers = { 'Authorization' : getHeaderString()}
values = {'q':'delhi elections'}
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
req = urllib2.Request(url+"?"+data, headers= headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
the_page = response.read()
print the_page
Instead of coding your own client, have you tried using tweepy? For a reference implementation using this library, you can check twitCheck client.