Why prediction on activation values (Softmax) gives incorrect results? - python

I've implemented a basic neural network from scratch using Tensorflow and trained it on MNIST fashion dataset. It's trained correctly and outputs testing accuracy around ~88-90% over 10 classes.
Now I've written predict() function which predicts the class of given image using trained weights. Here is the code:
def predict(images, trained_parameters):
Ws, bs = [], []
parameters = {}
for param in trained_parameters.keys():
parameters[param] = tf.convert_to_tensor(trained_parameters[param])
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [images.shape[0], None], name = 'X')
Z_L = forward_propagation(X, trained_parameters)
p = tf.argmax(Z_L) # Working fine
# p = tf.argmax(tf.nn.softmax(Z_L)) # not working if softmax is applied
with tf.Session() as session:
prediction = session.run(p, feed_dict={X: images})
return prediction
This uses forward_propagation() function which returns the weighted sum of the last layer (Z) and not the activitions (A) because of TensorFlows tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits() requires Z instead of A as it will calculate A by applying softmax Refer this link for details.
Now in predict() function, when I make predictions using Z instead of A (activations) it's working correctly. By if I calculate softmax on Z (which is activations A of the last layer) it's giving incorrect predictions.
Why it's giving correct predictions on weighted sums Z? We are not supposed to first apply softmax activation (and calculate A) and then make predictions?
Here is the link to my colab notebook if anyone wants to look at my entire code: Link to Notebook Gist
So what am I missing here?

Most TF functions, such as tf.nn.softmax, assume by default that the batch dimension is the first one - that is a common practice. Now, I noticed in your code that your batch dimension is the second, i.e. your output shape is (output_dim=10, batch_size=?), and as a result, tf.nn.softmax is computing the softmax activation along the batch dimension.
There is nothing wrong in not following the conventions - one just needs to be aware of them. Computing the argmax of the softmax along the first axis should yield the desired results (it is equivalent to taking the argmax of the logits):
p = tf.argmax(tf.nn.softmax(Z_L, axis=0))
Also, I would also recommend computing the argmax along the first axis in case more than one image is fed into the network.


from_logits=True and from_logits=False get different training result for tf.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy for UNet

I am doing the image semantic segmentation job with unet, if I set the Softmax Activation for last layer like this:
conv9 = Conv2D(n_classes, (3,3), padding = 'same')(conv9)
conv10 = (Activation('softmax'))(conv9)
model = Model(inputs, conv10)
return model
and then using loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=False)
The training will not converge even for only one training image.
But if I do not set the Softmax Activation for last layer like this:
conv9 = Conv2D(n_classes, (3,3), padding = 'same')(conv9)
model = Model(inputs, conv9)
return model
and then using loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
The training will converge for one training image.
My groundtruth dataset is generated like this:
X = []
Y = []
im = cv2.imread(impath)
seg_labels = np.zeros((height, width, n_classes))
for spath in segpaths:
mask = cv2.imread(spath, 0)
seg_labels[:, :, c] += mask
Y.append(seg_labels.reshape(width*height, n_classes))
Why? Is there something wrong for my usage?
This is my experiment code of git: https://github.com/honeytidy/unet
You can checkout and run (can run on cpu). You can change the Activation layer and from_logits of CategoricalCrossentropy and see what i said.
Pushing the "softmax" activation into the cross-entropy loss layer significantly simplifies the loss computation and makes it more numerically stable.
It might be the case that in your example the numerical issues are significant enough to render the training process ineffective for the from_logits=False option.
You can find a derivation of the cross entropy loss (a special case of "info gain" loss) in this post. This derivation illustrates the numerical issues that are averted when combining softmax with cross entropy loss.
from_logits = True signifies the values of the loss obtained by the model are not normalized and is basically used when we don't have any softmax function in our model. For e.g. https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/generative/dcgan in this model they have not used a softmax activation function or in other words we can say it helps in numerical stability.
By default, all of the loss function implemented in Tensorflow for classification problem uses from_logits=False. Remember in case of classification problem, at the end of the prediction, usually one wants to produce output in terms of probabilities.
Just look at the image below, the last layer of the network(just before softmax function)
So the sequence is Neural Network ⇒ Last layer output ⇒ Softmax or Sigmoid function ⇒ Probability of each class.
For example in the case of a multi-class classification problem, where output can be y1, y2, ....... yn one wants to produce each output with some probability. (see the output layer). Now, this output layer will get compared in cross-entropy loss function with the true label.
Let us take an example where our network produced the output for the classification task. Assume your Neural Network is producing output, then you convert that output into probabilities using softmax function and calculate loss using a cross-entropy loss function
# output produced by the last layer of NN
nn_output_before_softmax = [3.2, 1.3, 0.2, 0.8]
# converting output of last layer of NN into probabilities by applying softmax
nn_output_after_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(nn_output_before_softmax)
# output converted into softmax after appling softmax
[0.77514964 0.11593805 0.03859243 0.07031998]
y_true = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Now there are two scenarios:
One is explicitly using the softmax (or sigmoid) function
One is not using softmax function separately and wants to include in the calculation of loss function
1) One is explicitly using the softmax (or sigmoid) function
When one is explicitly using softmax (or sigmoid) function, then, for the classification task, then there is a default option in TensorFlow loss function i.e. from_logits=False. So here TensorFlow is assuming that whatever the input that you will be feeding to the loss function are the probabilities, so no need to apply the softmax function.
# By default from_logits=False
loss_taking_prob = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=False)
loss_1 = loss_taking_prob(y_true, nn_output_after_softmax)
tf.Tensor(0.25469932, shape=(), dtype=float32)
2) One is not using the softmax function separately and wants to include it in the calculation of the loss function. This means that whatever inputs you are providing to the loss function is not scaled (means inputs are just the number from -inf to +inf and not the probabilities). Here you are letting TensorFlow perform the softmax operation for you.
loss_taking_logits = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
loss_2 = loss_taking_logits(y_true, nn_output_before_softmax)
tf.Tensor(0.2546992, shape=(), dtype=float32)
Please do remember that you using from_logits=False when it should be True leads to taking softmax of probabilities and producing incorrect model
I guess the problem comes from the softmax activation function. Looking at the doc I found that sotmax is applied to the last axis by default. Can you look at model.summary() and check if that is what you want ?
For softmax to work properly, you must make sure that:
You are using 'channels_last' as Keras default channel config.
This means the shapes in the model will be like (None, height, width, channels)
This seems to be your case because you are putting n_classes in the last axis. But it's also strange because you are using Conv2D and your output Y should be (1, height, width, n_classes) and not that strange shape you are using.
Your Y has only zeros and ones (not 0 and 255 as usually happens to images)
Check that Y.max() == 1 and Y.min() == 0
You may need to have Y = Y / 255.
Only one class is correct (your data does not have more than one path/channel with value = 1).
Check that (Y.sum(axis=-1) == 1).all() is True

Tensorflow loss function no gradient error when provided with scalar

This question is about the tf.losses.huber_loss() function and how it can be applied on scalars rather than vectors. Thank you for your time!
My model is similar to a classification problem like MNIST. I based my code on the TensorFlow layers tutorial and made changes where I saw fit. I do not think the exact code is needed for my question.
I have lables that take integer values in {0,..,8}, that are converted into onehot labels like this:
onehot_labels = tf.one_hot(indices=tf.cast(labels, tf.int32), depth=n_classes)
The last layer in the model is
logits = tf.layers.dense(inputs=dense4, units=n_classes)
which is converted into predictions like this:
predictions = {"classes": tf.argmax(input=logits, axis=1), "probabilities": tf.nn.softmax(logits, name="softmax_tensor")}
From the tutorial, I started with the tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy() loss function. But in my model, I am predicting in which discretized bin a value will fall. So I started looking for a loss function that would translate that a prediction of one bin off is less of a problem than two bins off. Something like the absolute_difference or Huber function.
The code
onehot_labels = tf.one_hot(indices=tf.cast(labels, tf.int32), depth=n_classes)
loss = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(onehot_labels=onehot_labels, logits=logits)
in combination with the optimizer:
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=ps.learning_rate)
works without any errors. When changing to the Huber function:
loss = tf.losses.huber_loss(labels=onehot_labels, predictions=logits)
there are still no errors. But at this point I am unsure about what exactly happens. Based on the reduction definition I expect that the Huber function is applied pairwise for elements of the vectors and then summed up or averaged.
I would like to apply the Huber function only on the label integer (in {0,...,9}) and predicted value:
preds = tf.argmax(input=logits, axis=1)
So this is what I tried:
loss = tf.losses.huber_loss(labels=indices, predictions=preds)
This is raising the error
ValueError: No gradients provided for any variable
I have found two common causes that I do not think are happening in my situation:
This where there is no path between tf.Variable objects and the loss function. But since my prediction code is often used and the labels were provided as integers, I do not think this applies here.
The function is not derivable into a gradient. But the Huber function does work when vectors are used as input, so I do not think this is the case.
My question is: what code lets me use the Huber loss function on my two integer tensors (labels and predictions)?

Cost function always returning zero for a binary classification in tensorflow

I have written the following binary classification program in tensorflow that is buggy. The cost is returning to be zero all the time no matter what the input is. I am trying to debug a larger program which is not learning anything from the data. I have narrowed down at least one bug to the cost function always returning zero. The given program is using some random inputs and is having the same problem. self.X_train and self.y_train is originally supposed to read from files and the function self.predict() has more layers forming a feedforward neural network.
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
class annClassifier():
def __init__(self):
with tf.variable_scope("Input"):
self.X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(100, 11))
with tf.variable_scope("Output"):
self.y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(100, 1))
self.X_train = np.random.rand(100, 11)
self.y_train = np.random.randint(0,2, size=(100, 1))
def predict(self):
with tf.variable_scope('OutputLayer'):
weights = tf.get_variable(name='weights',
shape=[11, 1],
bases = tf.get_variable(name='bases',
final_output = tf.matmul(self.X, weights) + bases
return final_output
def train(self):
prediction = self.predict()
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=prediction, labels=self.y))
with tf.Session() as sess:
print(sess.run(cost, feed_dict={self.X:self.X_train, self.y:self.y_train}))
with tf.Graph().as_default():
classifier = annClassifier()
If someone could please figure out what I am doing wrong in this, I can try making the same change in my original program. Thanks a lot!
The only problem is invalid cost used. softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits should be used if you have more than two classes, as softmax of a single output always returns 1, as it is defined as :
softmax(x)_i = exp(x_i) / SUM_j exp(x_j)
so for a single number (one dimensional output)
softmax(x) = exp(x) / exp(x) = 1
Furthermore, for softmax output TF expects one-hot encoded labels, so if you provide only 0 or 1, there are two possibilities:
True label is 0, so the cost is -0*log(1) = 0
True label is 1, so the cost is -1*log(1) = 0
Tensorflow has a separate function to handle binary classification which applies sigmoid instead (note, that the same function for more than one output would apply sigmoid independently on each dimension which is what multi-label classification would expect):
just switch to this cost and you are good to go, you do not have to encode anything as one-hot anymore either, as this function is designed solely to be used for your use-case.
The only missing bit is that .... your code does not have actual training routine you need to define optimiser, ask it to minimise a loss and then run a train op in the loop. In your current setting you just try to predict over and over, with the network which never changes.
In particular, please refer to Cross Entropy Jungle question on SO which provides more detailed description of all these different helper functions in TF (and other libraries), which have different requirements/use cases.
The softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits is basically a stable implementation of the 2 parts :
softmax = tf.nn.softmax(prediction)
cost = -tf.reduce_mean(labels * tf.log(softmax), 1)
Now in your example, prediction is a single value, so when you apply softmax on it, its going to be always 1 irrespective of the value (exp(prediction)/exp(prediction) = 1), and so the tf.log(softmax) term becomes 0. Thats why you always get your cost zero.
Either apply sigmoid to get your probabilities between 0 or 1 or if you use want to use softmax get the labels as [1, 0] for class 0 and [0, 1] for class 1.

How to reuse RNN in TensorFlow

I want to implement a model like DSSM (Deep Semantic Similarity Model).
I want to train one RNN model and use this model to get three hidden vector for three different inputs, and use these hidden vector to compute loss function.
I try to code in a variable scope with reuse=None like:
gru_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell(size)
gru_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper(gru_cell,output_keep_prob=0.5)
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([gru_cell] * 2, state_is_tuple=True)
embedding = tf.get_variable("embedding", [vocab_size, wordvec_size])
inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, self._input_data)
inputs = tf.nn.dropout(inputs, 0.5)
with tf.variable_scope("rnn"):
_, self._states_2 = rnn_states_2[config.num_layers-1] = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, inputs, sequence_length=self.lengths, dtype=tf.float32)
self._states_1 = rnn_states_1[config.num_layers-1]
with tf.variable_scope("rnn", reuse=True):
_, rnn_states_2 = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell,inputs,sequence_length=self.lengths,dtype=tf.float32)
self._states_2 = rnn_states_2[config.num_layers-1]
I use the same inputs and reuse the RNN model, but when I print 'self_states_1' and 'self_states_2', these two vectors are different.
I use with tf.variable_scope("rnn", reuse=True): to compute 'rnn_states_2' because I want to use the same RNN model like 'rnn_states_1'.
But why I get different hidden vectors with the same inputs and the same model?
Where did i go wrong?
Thanks for your answering.
I find the reason may be the 'tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper' , when I remove the drop out wrapper, the hidden vectors are same, when I add the drop out wrapper, these vector become different.
So, the new question is :
How to fix the part of vector which be 'dropped out' ? By setting the 'seed' parameter ?
When training a DSSM, should I fix the drop out action ?
If you structure your code to use tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper, you can set variational_recurrent=True in your wrapper, which causes the same dropout mask to be used at all steps, i.e. the dropout mask will be constant. Is that what you want?
Setting the seed parameter in tf.nn.dropout will just make sure that you get the same sequence of dropout masks every time you run with that seed. That does not mean the dropout mask will be constant, just that you'll always see the same dropout mask at a particular iteration. The mask will be different for every iteration.

Simple TensorFlow Neural Network minimizes cost function yet all results are close to 1

So I tried implementing the neural network from:
but using TensorFlow instead. I printed out the cost function twice during training and the error is appears to be getting smaller according yet all the values in the output layer are close to 1 when only two of them should be. I imagine it might be something wrong with my maths but I'm not sure. There is no difference when I try with a hidden layer or use Error Squared as cost function. Here is my code:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
input_layer_size = 3
output_layer_size = 1
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, input_layer_size]) #holds input values
y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, output_layer_size]) # holds true y values
input_weights = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([input_layer_size, output_layer_size]))
input_bias = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, output_layer_size]))
output_layer_vals = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(x, input_weights) + input_bias)
cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(y * tf.log(output_layer_vals))
training = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.1).minimize(cross_entropy)
x_data = np.array(
y_data = np.reshape(np.array([0,0,1,1]).T, (4, 1))
with tf.Session() as ses:
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
for _ in range(1000):
ses.run(training, feed_dict={x: x_data, y:y_data})
if _ % 500 == 0:
print(ses.run(output_layer_vals, feed_dict={x: x_data}))
print(ses.run(cross_entropy, feed_dict={x: x_data, y:y_data}))
And this is what it outputs:
[[ 0.82036656]
[ 0.96750367]
[ 0.87607527]
[ 0.97876281]]
0.21947 #first cross_entropy error
[[ 0.99937409]
[ 0.99998224]
[ 0.99992537]
[ 0.99999785]]
0.00062825 #second cross_entropy error, as you can see, it's smaller
First of all: you have no hidden layer. As far as I remember basic perceptrons could possibly model the XOR problem, but it needed some adjustments. However, AI is just invented by biology, but it does not model real neural networks exactly. Thus, you have to at least build an MLP (Multilayer perceptron), which consits of at least one input, one hidden and one output layer. The XOR problem needs at least two neurons + bias in the hidden layer to be solved correctly (with a high precision).
Additionally your learning rate is too high. 0.1 is a very high learning rate. To put it simply: it basically means that you update/adapt your current state by 10% of one single learning step. This lets your network forget about already learned invariants quickly. Usually the learning rate is something in between 1e-2 to 1e-6, depending on your problem, network size and general architecture.
Moreover you implemented the "simplified/short" version of cross-entropy. See wikipedia for the full version: cross-entropy. However, to avoid some edge cases TensorFlow already has its own version of cross-entropy: for example tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits.
Finally you should remember that the cross-entropy error is a logistic loss function that operates on probabilities of your classes. Although your sigmoid function squashes the output layer into an interval of [0, 1], this does only work in your case because you have one single output neuron. As soon as you have more than one output neuron, you also need the sum of the output layer to be exactly 1,0 in order to really describes probabilities for every class on the output layer.
