Let's say I have a tensor shaped (1, 64, 128, 128) and I want to create a tensor of shape (1, 64, 255) holding the sums of all diagonals for every (128, 128) matrix (there are 1 main, 127 below, 127 above diagonals so in total 255). What I am currently doing is the following:
x = torch.rand(1, 64, 128, 128)
diag_sums = torch.zeros(1, 64, 255)
j = 0
for k in range(-127, 128):
diag_sums[j, :, k + 127] = torch.diagonal(x, offset=k, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).sum(dim=2)
This is obviously very slow, since it is using Python loops and is not done in parallel with respect to k.
I don't think this can be done using torch.diagonal since the function explicitly uses a single int for the offset parameter. If I could pass a list there, this would work, but I guess it would be complicated to implement (requiring changes in PyTorch itself).
I think it could be possible to implement this using torch.einsum, but I cannot think of a way to do it.
So this is my question: how do I get the tensor described above?
Have you considered using torch.nn.functional.conv2d?
You can sum the diagonals with a diagonal filter sliding across the tensor with appropriate zero padding.
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as nnf
# construct a diagonal filter using `eye` function, shape it appropriately
f = torch.eye(x.shape[2])[None, None,...].repeat(x.shape[1], 1, 1, 1)
# compute the diagonal sum with appropriate zero padding
conv_diag_sums = nnf.conv2d(x, f, padding=(x.shape[2]-1,0), groups=x.shape[1])[..., 0]
Note the the result has a slightly different order than the one you computed in the loop:
diag_sums = torch.zeros(1, 64, 255)
for k in range(-127, 128):
diag_sums[j, :, 127-k] = torch.diagonal(x, offset=k, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).sum(dim=2)
# compare
(conv_diag_sums == diag_sums).all()
results with True - they are the same.
Shai's answer works, however it looks like it has a lot of multiplications, due to the large size of the kernel. I figured out a way to do this for my use case. It is based on this answer for a similar question in Numpy: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35074207/6636290
I am doing the following:
digitized = np.sum(np.indices(a.shape), axis=0).ravel()
digitized_tensor = torch.Tensor(digitized).int()
a_tensor = torch.Tensor(a)
torch.bincount(digitized_tensor, a_tensor.view(-1))
If I could figure out a way to do this entirely in PyTorch (without Numpy's indices function), this would be great, but this answers the question.
The previous answers work, but there is another faster solution using strides (and that only uses Pytorch).
First I'll explain with a matrix as it is easier to understand.
Given you have a matrix M with size (n, n), you can change the matrix strides so that the resulting matrix has M's diagonals as columns. Then you can just sum the column to get your result.
import torch
def sum_all_diagonal_matrix(mat: torch.tensor):
n,_ = mat.shape
zero_mat = torch.zeros((n, n)) # Zero matrix used for padding
mat_padded = torch.cat((zero_mat, mat, zero_mat), 1) # pads the matrix on left and right
mat_strided = mat_padded.as_strided((n, 2*n), (3*n + 1, 1)) # Change the strides
sum_diags = torch.sum(mat_strided, 0) # Sums the resulting matrix's columns
return sum_diags[1:]
X = torch.arange(9).reshape(3,3)
# tensor([[0, 1, 2],
# [3, 4, 5],
# [6, 7, 8]])
# tensor([ 6., 10., 12., 6., 2.])
You can do exactly the same with one more dimension:
def sum_all_diagonal(mat: torch.tensor):
k,n,_ = mat.shape
zero_mat = torch.zeros((k, n, n))
mat_padded = torch.cat((zero_mat, mat, zero_mat), 2)
mat_strided = mat_padded.as_strided((k, n, 2*n), (3*n*n, 3*n + 1, 1))
sum_diags = torch.sum(mat_strided, 1)
return sum_diags[:, n:]
I'm trying to translate the as_strided function of NumPy to a function in Python when I translate ahead the number of strides to the number of variables according to the type of the variable (for float32 I divide the stride by 4, etc).
The code I implemented:
def as_strided(x, shape, strides):
x = x.flatten()
size = 1
for value in shape:
size *= value
arr = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.float32)
curr = 0
for i in range(shape[0]):
for j in range(shape[1]):
for k in range(shape[2]):
arr[curr] = x[i * strides[0] + j * strides[1] + k * strides[2]]
curr = curr + 1
return np.reshape(arr, shape)
In order to test the function I wrote 2 auxiliary functions:
def sliding_window(x, shape, strides):
f_mine = as_strided(x, shape, [stride // 4 for stride in strides])
f_np = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(x, shape=shape, strides=strides).copy()
check_strides(x.flatten(), f_mine)
check_strides(x.flatten(), f_np)
return f_mine, f_np
def check_strides(original, strided):
s1 = int(np.where(original == strided[1][0][0])[0])
s2 = int(np.where(original == strided[0][1][0])[0])
s3 = int(np.where(original == strided[0][0][1])[0])
print([s1, s2, s3])
return [s1, s2, s3]
In the main code, I selected some shape and strides values and ran 2 cases:
Uploaded a .npy file that includes a matrix in float32 - variable x.
Created random matrix of the same size and type as variable x - variable y.
When I check the strides of the resulting matrices I get a strange phenomenon.
For case 1 - the final resulted strides obtained using the NumPy function are different from the required stride (and from my implementation).
For case 2 - the outputs are identical.
The main code:
shape = (30, 818, 300)
strides = (4, 120, 120)
# case 1
x = np.load('x.npy')
s_mine, s_np = sliding_window(x, shape, strides)
print(np.array_equal(s_mine, s_np))
#case 2
y = np.random.randn(x.shape[0], x.shape[1]).astype(np.float32)
s_mine, s_np = sliding_window(y, shape, strides)
print(np.array_equal(s_mine, s_np))
Here you can find the x.npy file that causes the desired stride change in the numpy function. I'd be happy if anyone could explain to me why this is happening.
I downloaded x.npy and loaded it. And ran as_strided on y. I haven't looked at your code.
Normally when playing with as_strided I like to look at the arrays, but in this case they are large enough that I'll focus more making sense the strides and shape.
In [39]: x.shape, x.strides
Out[39]: ((30, 1117), (4, 120))
In [40]: y.shape, y.strides
Out[40]: ((30, 1117), (4468, 4))
I wondered where you got the
shape = (30, 818, 300)
strides = (4, 120, 120)
OK the 30 is shared, but the 4 is only for x. And with those strides x looks like it's F ordered, may be even a transpose of a (1117,30) array. Your y, which was constructed with random, has the typical strides for C ordered array, 4 bytes for the inner, trailing dimension, and 4*1117 for the leading dimension.
I am writing a jury-rigged PyTorch version of scipy.linalg.toeplitz, which currently has the following form:
def toeplitz_torch(c, r=None):
c = torch.tensor(c).ravel()
if r is None:
r = torch.conj(c)
r = torch.tensor(r).ravel()
# Flip c left to right.
idx = [i for i in range(c.size(0)-1, -1, -1)]
idx = torch.LongTensor(idx)
c = c.index_select(0, idx)
vals = torch.cat((c, r[1:]))
out_shp = len(c), len(r)
n = vals.stride(0)
return torch.as_strided(vals[len(c)-1:], size=out_shp, stride=(-n, n)).copy()
But torch.as_strided currently does not support negative strides. My function, therefore, throws the error:
RuntimeError: as_strided: Negative strides are not supported at the moment, got strides: [-1, 1].
My (perhaps incorrect) understanding of as_strided is that it inserts the values of the first argument into a new array whose size is specified by the second argument and it does so by linearly indexing those values in the original array and placing them at subscript-indexed strides given by the final argument.
Both the NumPy and PyTorch documentation concerning as_strided have scary warnings about using the function with "extreme care" and I don't understand this function fully, so I'd like to ask:
Is my understanding of as_strided correct?
Is there a simple way to rewrite this so negative strides work?
Will I be able to pass a gradient w.r.t c (or r) through toeplitz_torch?
> 1. Is my understanding of as_strided correct?
The stride is an interface for your tensor to access the underlying contiguous data buffer. It does not insert values, no copies of the values are done by torch.as_strided, the strides define the artificial layout of what we refer to as multi-dimensional array (in NumPy) or tensor (in PyTorch).
As Andreas K. puts it in another answer:
Strides are the number of bytes to jump over in the memory in order to get from one item to the next item along each direction/dimension of the array. In other words, it's the byte-separation between consecutive items for each dimension.
Please feel free to read the answers over there if you have some trouble with strides. Here we will take your example and look at how it is implemented with as_strided.
The example given by Scipy for linalg.toeplitz is the following:
>>> toeplitz([1,2,3], [1,4,5,6])
array([[1, 4, 5, 6],
[2, 1, 4, 5],
[3, 2, 1, 4]])
To do so they first construct the list of values (what we can refer to as the underlying values, not actually underlying data): vals which is constructed as [3 2 1 4 5 6], i.e. the Toeplitz column and row flattened.
Now notice the arguments passed to np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided:
values: vals[len(c)-1:] notice the slice: the tensors show up smaller, yet the underlying values remain, and they correspond to those of vals. Go ahead and compare the two with storage_offset: it's just an offset of 2, the values are still there! How this works is that it essentially shifts the indices such that index=0 will refer to value 1, index=1 to 4, etc...
shape: given by the column/row inputs, here (3, 4). This is the shape of the resulting object.
strides: this is the most important piece: (-n, n), in this case (-1, 1)
The most intuitive thing to do with strides is to describe a mapping between the multi-dimensional space: (i, j) ∈ [0,3[ x [0,4[ and the flattened 1D space: k ∈ [0, 3*4[. Since the strides are equal to (-n, n) = (-1, 1), the mapping is -n*i + n*j = -1*i + 1*j = j-i. Mathematically you can describe your matrix as M[i, j] = F[j-i] where F is the flattened values vector [3 2 1 4 5 6].
For instance, let's try with i=1 and j=2. If you look at the Topleitz matrix above M[1, 2] = 4. Indeed F[k] = F[j-i] = F[1] = 4
If you look closely you will see the trick behind negative strides: they allow you to 'reference' to negative indices: for instance, if you take j=0 and i=2, then you see k=-2. Remember how vals was given with an offset of 2 by slicing vals[len(c)-1:]. If you look at its own underlying data storage it's still [3 2 1 4 5 6], but has an offset. The mapping for vals (in this case i: 1D -> k: 1D) would be M'[i] = F'[k] = F'[i+2] because of the offset. This means M'[-2] = F'[0] = 3.
In the above I defined M' as vals[len(c)-1:] which basically equivalent to the following tensor:
>>> torch.as_strided(vals, size=(len(vals)-2,), stride=(1,), storage_offset=2)
tensor([1, 4, 5, 6])
Similarly, I defined F' as the flattened vector of underlying values: [3 2 1 4 5 6].
The usage of strides is indeed a very clever way to define a Toeplitz matrix!
> 2. Is there a simple way to rewrite this so negative strides work?
The issue is, negative strides are not implemented in PyTorch... I don't believe there is a way around it with torch.as_strided, otherwise it would be rather easy to extend the current implementation and provide support for that feature.
There are however alternative ways to solve the problem. It is entirely possible to construct a Toeplitz matrix in PyTorch, but that won't be with torch.as_strided.
We will do the mapping ourselves: for each element of M indexed by (i, j), we will find out the corresponding index k which is simply j-i. This can be done with ease, first by gathering all (i, j) pairs from M:
>>> i, j = torch.ones(3, 4).nonzero().T
(tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]),
tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]))
Now we essentially have k:
>>> j-i
tensor([ 0, 1, 2, 3, -1, 0, 1, 2, -2, -1, 0, 1])
We just need to construct a flattened tensor of all possible values from the row r and column c inputs. Negative indexed values (the content of c) are put last and flipped:
>>> values = torch.cat((r, c[1:].flip(0)))
tensor([1, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2])
Finally index values with k and reshape:
>>> values[j-i].reshape(3, 4)
tensor([[1, 4, 5, 6],
[2, 1, 4, 5],
[3, 2, 1, 4]])
To sum it up, my proposed implementation would be:
def toeplitz(c, r):
vals = torch.cat((r, c[1:].flip(0)))
shape = len(c), len(r)
i, j = torch.ones(*shape).nonzero().T
return vals[j-i].reshape(*shape)
> 3. Will I be able to pass a gradient w.r.t c (or r) through toeplitz_torch?
That's an interesting question because torch.as_strided doesn't have a backward function implemented. This means you wouldn't have been able to backpropagate to c and r! With the above method, however, which uses 'backward-compatible' builtins, the backward pass comes free of charge.
Notice the grad_fn on the output:
>>> toeplitz(torch.tensor([1.,2.,3.], requires_grad=True),
torch.tensor([1.,4.,5.,6.], requires_grad=True))
tensor([[1., 4., 5., 6.],
[2., 1., 4., 5.],
[3., 2., 1., 4.]], grad_fn=<ViewBackward>)
This was a quick draft (that did take a little while to write down), I will make some edits. If you have some questions or remarks, don't hesitate to comment! I would be interested in seeing other answers as I am not an expert with strides, this is just my take on the problem.
I have some code here (used for gradient calculation) - Example values are commented:
dE_dx_strided = np.einsum('wxyd,ijkd->wxyijk', dE_dy, f)
# dE_dx_strided.shape = (64, 25, 25, 4, 4, 3)
imax, jmax, di, dj = dE_dx_strided.shape[1:5]
# imax, jmax, di, dj = (25, 25, 4, 4)
dE_dx = np.zeros_like(x)
# dE_dx.shape = (64, 28, 28, 3)
for i in range(imax):
for j in range(jmax):
dE_dx[:, i:i+di, j:j+dj, :] += dE_dx_strided[:, i, j, ...]
where dE_dx is the object of interest and dE_dx_strided is a 6-tensor which is being summed over 'piecewise', effectively, and it looks reminiscent of a convolution operation along axes 1 and 2:
# Verbose convolution operation (not my actual implementation)
for i in range(imax):
for j in range(jmax):
# Vaguely similar, but with filter multiplication, and = instead of +=
y[i, j] = x[i:i+di, j:dj] * f[di, dj]
My original idea was to make all elements of dE_dx_strided that are to be added to a single dE_dx[:, i:i+di, j:j+dj, :] lie along one axis, and then sum over it; but I couldn't get this to work.
Now I know that for loops aren't inherently slow, but is there a numpy-esque way to optimise this further, perhaps by reshaping, summing, strides, etc.?
I am having a problem when trying to reshape a torch tensor Yp of dimensions [10,200,1] to [2000,1,1]. The tensor is obtained from a numpy array y of dimension [2000,1]. I am doing the following:
Yp = reshape(Yp, (-1,1,1))
I try to subtract the result to a torch tensor version of y by doing:
Yp[0:2000,0] - torch.from_numpy(y[0:2000,0])
I expect the result to be an array of zeros, but that is not the case. Calling different orders when reshaping (order = 'F' or 'C') does not solve the problem, and strangely outputs the same result when doing the subtraction. I only manage to get an array of zeros by calling on the tensor Yp the ravel method with order = 'F'.
What am I doing wrong? I would like to solve this using reshape!
I concur with #linamnt's comment (though the actual resulting shape is [2000, 1, 2000]).
Here is a small demonstration:
import torch
import numpy as np
# Your inputs according to question:
y = np.random.rand(2000, 1)
y = torch.from_numpy(y[0:2000,0])
Yp = torch.reshape(y, (10,200,1))
# Your reshaping according to question:
Yp = torch.reshape(Yp, (-1,1,1))
# (note: Tensor.view() may suit your need more if you don't want to copy values)
# Your subtraction:
y_diff = Yp - y
# > torch.Size([2000, 1, 2000])
# As explained by #linamnt, unwanted broadcasting is done
# since the dims of your tensors don't match
# If you give both your tensors the same shape, e.g. [2000, 1, 1] (or [2000]):
y_diff = Yp - y.view(-1, 1, 1)
# > torch.Size([2000, 1, 1])
# Checking the result tensor contains only 0 (by calculing its abs. sum):
# > 0
I am trying to update the weights in a neural network with this line:
self.l1weights[0] = self.l1weights[0] + self.learning_rate * l1error
And this results in a value error:
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (7,7) into shape (7)
Printing the learning_rate*error and the weights returns something like this:
[ 4.17022005e-01 7.20324493e-01 1.14374817e-04 3.02332573e-01
1.46755891e-01 9.23385948e-02 1.86260211e-01]
It is clear the weights are initialized as a vector of length 7 in this example and the error is initialized as a 7x1 matrix. I would expect addition to return a 7x1 matrix or a vector as well, but instead it generates a 7x7 matrix like this:
[[ 4.10446271e-01 7.13748760e-01 -6.46135890e-03 2.95756839e-01
1.40180157e-01 8.57628611e-02 1.79684478e-01]
[ 4.02714481e-01 7.06016970e-01 -1.41931487e-02 2.88025049e-01
1.32448367e-01 7.80310713e-02 1.71952688e-01]
[ 3.99627379e-01 7.02929868e-01 -1.72802505e-02 2.84937947e-01
1.29361266e-01 7.49439695e-02 1.68865586e-01]
[ 4.16640855e-01 7.19943343e-01 -2.66775370e-04 3.01951422e-01
1.46374741e-01 9.19574446e-02 1.85879061e-01]
[ 4.01388075e-01 7.04690564e-01 -1.55195551e-02 2.86698643e-01
1.31121961e-01 7.67046648e-02 1.70626281e-01]
[ 3.96412924e-01 6.99715412e-01 -2.04947062e-02 2.81723492e-01
1.26146810e-01 7.17295137e-02 1.65651130e-01]
[ 4.01429313e-01 7.04731801e-01 -1.54783174e-02 2.86739880e-01
1.31163199e-01 7.67459026e-02 1.70667519e-01]]
Numpy.sum also returns the same 7x7 matrix. Is there a way to solve this without explicit reshaping? Output size is variable and this is an issue specific to when the output size is one.
When adding (7,) array (named a) with (1, 7) array (named b), broadcasting happens and generates (7, 7) array. If your just want to do element-by-element addition, keep them in the same shape.
a + b.flatten() gives (7,). flatten makes all the dimensions collapse into one. This keeps the result as a row.
a.reshape(-1, 1) + b gives (1, 7). -1 in reshape requires numpy to decide how many elements are there given other dimensions. This keeps the result as a column.
a = np.arange(7) # row
b = a.reshape(-1, 1) # column
print((a + b).shape) # (7, 7)
print((a + b.flatten()).shape) # (7,)
print((a.reshape(-1, 1) + b).shape) # (7, 1)
In your case, a and b would be self.l1weights[0] and self.learning_rate * l1error respectively.