Pytest Fixtures - Parameterisation - Call Fixture Once - python

I have a fixture that returns the endpoint for the name of that endpoint (passed in)
The name is a string set in the test. I have messed up by calling the endpoint each time in the tests (parameterised) and now I can't figure out how to get the same functionality working without calling the endpoint each time.
Basically I just need to call the endpoint once and then pass that data between all my tests in that file (Ideally without anything like creating a class and calling it in the test. I have about 12 files each with similar tests and I want to reduce the boiler plate. Ideally if it could be done at the fixture/parametrisation level with no globals.
Here's what I have so far:
#pytest.mark.parametrize('field', [('beskrivelse'), ('systemId')])
def test_intgra_001_elevforhold_req_fields(return_endpoint, field):
ep_to_get = 'get_elevforhold'
ep_returned = return_endpoint(ep_to_get)
apiv2 = Apiv2()
apiv2.entity_check(ep_returned, field, ep_to_get, False)
def return_endpoint():
def endpoint_initialisation(ep_name):
apiv2 = Apiv2()
ep_data = apiv2.get_ep_name(ep_name)
response = apiv2.get_endpoint_local(ep_data, 200)
content = json.loads(response.content)
apiv2_data = content['data']
return apiv2_data
return endpoint_initialisation

Create return_endpoint as a fixture with scope session and store data in a dictionary after it is fetched. The fixture doesn't return the initialization function, but a function to access the dictionary.
#pytest.mark.parametrize('field', [('beskrivelse'), ('systemId')])
def test_intgra_001_elevforhold_req_fields(return_endpoint, field):
ep_to_get = 'get_elevforhold'
ep_returned = return_endpoint(ep_to_get)
apiv2 = Apiv2()
apiv2.entity_check(ep_returned, field, ep_to_get, False)
def return_endpoint():
def endpoint_initialisation(ep_name):
apiv2 = Apiv2()
ep_data = apiv2.get_ep_name(ep_name)
response = apiv2.get_endpoint_local(ep_data, 200)
content = json.loads(response.content)
apiv2_data = content['data']
return apiv2_data
ep_data = dict()
def access(ep_name):
return ep_data[ep_name] # or use copy.deepcopy
except KeyError:
ep_data[ep_name] = endpoint_initialisation(ep_name)
return ep_data[ep_name] # or use copy.deepcopy
return access
There are some caveats here. If the object returned by endpoint_initialisation() is mutable, then you potentially create unwanted dependencies between your tests. You can avoid this by returning a (deep) copy of the object. You can use the copy module for that.


Python - list comprehension as a decorator (including self)

I have two functions:
job_status is getting a response from boto3 api.
jobs_detailsis a list comprehension that performs job_status on each element of the input list.
I want to change jobs_details into a decorator of jobs_status but below solutions throws inner() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given error.
Appreciate any comment/alternative approach to my issue. Thanks!
import boto3
class GlueClient:
def __init__(self):
self.glue_client = boto3.client('glue')
#self.envs = envs
def jobs_list(self):
response = self.glue_client.list_jobs()
result = response["JobNames"]
while "NextToken" in response:
response = self.glue_client.list_jobs(NextToken=response["NextToken"])
return [e for e in result if "jobs_xyz" in e]
def job_status(self, job_name):
paginator = self.glue_client.get_paginator('get_job_runs')
response = paginator.paginate(JobName=job_name)
return response
def jobs_details(self, jobs):
return [self.job_status(e) for e in jobs]
def pass_by_list_comprehension(func):
def inner(list_of_val):
return [func(value) for value in list_of_val ]
return inner
def job_status(self, job_name):
paginator = self.glue_client.get_paginator('get_job_runs')
response = paginator.paginate(JobName=job_name)
return response
glue_client = GlueClient()
jobs = glue_client.jobs_list()
jobs_status = glue_client.job_status(jobs)
You want something like:
import boto3
from typing import Callable
def handle_iterable_input(func):
def inner(self, list_of_val):
return [func(self, value) for value in list_of_val]
return inner
class GlueClient:
def __init__(self):
self.glue_client = boto3.client('glue')
#self.envs = envs
def jobs_list(self):
response = self.glue_client.list_jobs()
result = response["JobNames"]
while "NextToken" in response:
response = self.glue_client.list_jobs(NextToken=response["NextToken"])
return [e for e in result if "jobs_xyz" in e]
def job_status(self, job_name):
paginator = self.glue_client.get_paginator('get_job_runs')
response = paginator.paginate(JobName=job_name)
return response
glue_client = GlueClient()
jobs = glue_client.jobs_list()
jobs_status = glue_client.job_status(jobs)
This is the most basic way to make your decorator handle methods properly, by explicitly handling the passing of self. Note, it assumes the function being decorated will only take a single argument.
If all you want to do is make job_status iterate through a list of job names instead of operating on just one, something like this should work:
def jobs_status(self, job_names):
paginator = self.glue_client.get_paginator('get_job_runs')
return [paginator.paginate(JobName=job_name) for job_name in job_names]
Using a decorator to change what parameters a method expects seems like a bad idea.
Also, naming your class GlueClient would imply that it is a glue client. The fact that it has an attribute named glue_client makes me suspect you could probably choose a clearer name for one or both of them. (However, I'm not familiar with the package you're using.)

How to mock a Python method that is called more than once inside a loop using Pytest

Let's say I have a Python method:
def good_method(self) -> None:
txt = "Some text"
response = self.bad_method(txt)
resources = response["resources"]
print (resources)
while resources:
response = self.bad_method(txt)
resources = response["resources"]
print (resources)
Now let's say I want to write a unit test for it. The bad_method() returns a dictionary and it could get called over and over in the while loop. I have been trying to Mock the bad_method() so it returns a nested dictionary, so the while loop runs once. This is the code:
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
def test_good_method():
dic = {"resources": {"resources": "values"}}
def side_effect():
return dic
self.bad_method() = MagicMock(side_effect=side_effect())
I expected to first get a {"resources": "values"} printed out, and then a values. But the only thing I get is a resources. What am I doing wrong? How can I achieve what I expect?
def test_good_method():
thing = MyClassContainingGoodAndBadMethod()
thing.bad_method = MagicMock(return_value={"a": "b"})
assert thing.bad_method.call_count == 10 # or however many times it is supposed to be called

Not sure why MyMock.env["key1"].search.side_effect=["a", "b"] works but MyMock.env["key1"] = ["a"] with MyMock.env["key2"] = ["b"] does not work

I had created a simple example to illustrate my issue. First is the setup say
class TstObj:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def search(self):
MyData = {}
MyData["object1"] = TstObj("object1")
MyData["object2"] = TstObj("object2")
MyData["object3"] = TstObj("object3")
def getObject1Data():
return MyData["object1"].search()
def getObject2Data():
return MyData["object2"].search()
def getObject3Data():
return MyData["object3"].search()
def getExample():
res = f"{getObject1Data()}{getObject2Data()}{getObject3Data()}"
return res
Here is the test that failed.
def test_get_dummy1():
dummy.MyData = MagicMock()
mydummy.MyData["object1"].search.side_effect = ["obj1"]
mydummy.MyData["object2"].search.side_effect = ["obj2"]
mydummy.MyData["object3"].search.side_effect = ["obj3"]
assert mydummy.getExample() == "obj1obj2obj3"
The above failed with run time error:
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/ StopIteration
Here is the test that passed:
def test_get_dummy2():
dummy.MyData = MagicMock()
mydummy.MyData["object1"].search.side_effect = ["obj1", "obj2", "obj3"]
assert mydummy.getExample() == "obj1obj2obj3"
Am I missing something? I would have expected test_get_dummy1() to work and test_get_dummy2() to fail and not vice versa. Where and how can I find/learn more information about mocking to explain what is going on...
MyData["object1"] is converted to this function call: MyData.__getitem__("object1"). When you call your getExample method, the __getitem__ method is called 3 times with 3 parameters ("object1", "object2", "object3").
To mock the behavior you could have written your test like so:
def test_get_dummy_alternative():
mydummy.MyData = MagicMock() = ["obj1", "obj2", "obj3"]
assert mydummy.getExample() == "obj1obj2obj3"
Note the small change from your version: mydummy.MyData["object1"]... became: mydummy.MyData.__getitem__.return_value.... This is the regular MagicMock syntax - we want to to change the return value of the __getitem__ method.
I often struggle with mock syntax and understanding what's happening under the hood. This is why I wrote a helper library: the pytest-mock-generator. It can show you the actual calls made to the mock object.
To use it in your case you could have added this "exploration test":
def test_get_dummy_explore(mg):
mydummy.MyData = MagicMock()
mg.generate_asserts(mydummy.MyData, name='mydummy.MyData')
When you execute this test, the following output is printed to the console, which contains all the asserts to the actual calls to the mock:
from mock import call
You can easily derive from here what has to be mocked.

Issue Mocking Multiple Items on Path Object

I have code that looks like the following:
#patch.object(Path, "__init__", return_value=None)
#patch.object(Path, "exists", return_value=True)
#patch.object(Path, "read_text", return_value="FAKEFIELD: 'FAKEVALUE'")
def test_load_param_from_file_exists(self, *mock_path):
expected_dict = YAML.safe_load("FAKEFIELD: 'FAKEVALUE'")
return_dict = load_parameters("input", None)
self.assertTrue(return_dict["FAKEFIELD"] == expected_dict["FAKEFIELD"])
and deep in the code of load_parameters, the code looks like this:
file_path = Path(parameters_file_path)
if file_path.exists():
file_contents = file_path.read_text()
return YAML.safe_load(file_contents)
Right now, I have to break it up into two tests, because I cannot seem to get a single mock object that allows me to switch between "file exists" and "file doesn't". Ideally, I'd be able to do a single test like this:
#patch.object(Path, "__init__", return_value=None)
#patch.object(Path, "exists", return_value=False)
#patch.object(Path, "read_text", return_value="FAKEFIELD: 'FAKEVALUE'")
def test_load_param_from_file(self, mock_path, *mock_path_other):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
load_parameters("input", False)
mock_path.read_text.return_value = "FAKEFIELD: 'FAKEVALUE'"
expected_dict = YAML.safe_load("FAKEFIELD: 'FAKEVALUE'")
return_dict = load_parameters("input", None)
self.assertTrue(return_dict["FAKEFIELD"] == expected_dict["FAKEFIELD"])
To be clear, the above doesn't work because each of those patched objects get instantiated differently, and when the Path object in the load_parameters method gets called, exists is mocked correctly, but read_text returns no value.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to patch multiple methods on a single object or class?
I think you are making this more complicated than it needs to be:
def test_load_param_from_file_exists(self):
# Adjust the name as necessary
mock_path = Mock()
mock_path.exists.return_value = True
mock_path.read_text.return_value = '{"FAKEFIELD": "FAKEVALUE"}'
with patch("Path", return_value=mock_path):
return_dict = load_parameters("input", None)
self.assertTrue(return_dict["FAKEFIELD"] == 'FAKEVALUE')
Configure a Mock to behave like you want file_path to behave, then patch Path to return that object when it is called.
(I removed the code involving the environment variable, since it wasn't obvious the value matters when you patch Path.)

Python / YAML: How to initialize additional objects not just from the YAML file, within loadConfig?

I have what I think is a small misconception with loading some YAML objects. I defined the class below.
What I want to do is load some objects with the overridden loadConfig function for YAMLObjects. Some of these come from my .yaml file, but others should be built out of objects loaded from the YAML file.
For instance, in the class below, I load a member object named "keep" which is a string naming some items to keep in the region. But I want to also parse this into a list and have the list stored as a member object too. And I don't want the user to have to give both the string and list version of this parameter in the YAML.
My current work around has been to override the __getattr__ function inside Region and make it create the defaults if it looks and doesn't find them. But this is clunky and more complicated than needed for just initializing objects.
What convention am I misunderstanding here. Why doesn't the loadConfig method create additional things not found in the YAML?
import yaml, pdb
class Region(yaml.YAMLObject):
yaml_tag = u'!Region'
def __init__(self, name, keep, drop): = name
self.keep = keep
self.drop = drop
self.keep_list = self.keep.split("+")
self.drop_list = self.drop.split("+")
self.pattern = "+".join(self.keep_list) + "-" + "-".join(self.drop_list)
def loadConfig(self, yamlConfig):
yml = yaml.load_all(file(yamlConfig))
for data in yml:
# These get created fine = data["name"]
self.keep = data["keep"]
self.drop = data["drop"]
# These do not get created.
self.keep_list = self.keep.split("+")
self.drop_list = self.drop.split("+")
self.pattern = "+".join(self.keep_list) + "-" + "-".join(self.drop_list)
### End Region
if __name__ == "__main__":
my_yaml = "/home/path/to/test.yaml"
region_iterator = yaml.load_all(file(my_yaml))
# Set a debug breakpoint to play with region_iterator and
# confirm the extra stuff isn't created.
And here is test.yaml so you can run all of this and see what I mean:
# Note: the string conventions below are for an
# existing system. This is a shortened, representative
# example.
name: USAndGB
keep: US+GB
drop: !!null
name: CanadaAndAustralia
keep: CA+AU
drop: !!null
And here, for example, is what it looks like for me when I run this in an IPython shell and explore the loaded object:
In [57]: %run "/home/espears/testWorkspace/"
> /home/espears/testWorkspace/<module>()->None
-> pdb.set_trace()
(Pdb) region_iterator
<generator object load_all at 0x1139d820>
(Pdb) tmp =
(Pdb) tmp
{'Regions': {'Market2': <__main__.Region object at 0x1f858550>, 'Market1': <__main__.Region object at 0x11a91e50>}}
(Pdb) us = tmp['Regions']['Market1']
(Pdb) us
<__main__.Region object at 0x11a91e50>
(Pdb) us.keep
(Pdb) us.keep_list
*** AttributeError: 'Region' object has no attribute 'keep_list'
A pattern I have found useful for working with yaml for classes that are basically storage is to have the loader use the constructor so that objects are created in the same way as when you make them normally. If I understand what you are attempting to do correctly, this kind of structure might be useful:
import inspect
import yaml
from collections import OrderedDict
class Serializable(yaml.YAMLObject):
__metaclass__ = yaml.YAMLObjectMetaclass
def _dict(self):
dump_dict = OrderedDict()
for var in inspect.getargspec(self.__init__).args[1:]:
if getattr(self, var, None) is not None:
item = getattr(self, var)
if isinstance(item, np.ndarray) and item.ndim == 1:
item = list(item)
dump_dict[var] = item
return dump_dict
def to_yaml(cls, dumper, data):
return ordered_dump(dumper, '!{0}'.format(data.__class__.__name__),
def from_yaml(cls, loader, node):
fields = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True)
return cls(**fields)
def ordered_dump(dumper, tag, data):
value = []
node = yaml.nodes.MappingNode(tag, value)
for key, item in data.iteritems():
node_key = dumper.represent_data(key)
node_value = dumper.represent_data(item)
value.append((node_key, node_value))
return node
You would then want to have your Region class inherit from Serializable, and remove the loadConfig stuff. The code I posted inspects the constructor to see what data to save to the yaml file, and then when loading a yaml file calls the constructor with that same set of data. That way you just have to get the logic right in your constructor and the yaml loading should get it for free.
That code was ripped from one of my projects, apologies in advance if it doesn't quite work. It is also slightly more complicated than it needs to be because I wanted to control the order of output by using OrderedDict. You could replace my ordered_dump function with a call to dumper.represent_dict.
