Add text in word based on content - python

I have a batch of .doc documents, in the first line of each document I have the name of a person written. I would like to add in each document the email adress of the person, based on a list I have. How can I use python or vba to program something that does the job for me?
I tried to do this vba code, that finds the name of the person and then writes the email, was thinking to loop it over. However even this minumum working example does not actually work. What am I doing wrong?
Sub email()
If Selection.find.Text = "Chiara Gatta" Then
With Selection.find
.Text = "E-mail:"
.Replacement.Text = "E-mail:"
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchByte = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Selection.find.Execute replace:=wdReplaceAll
End If
End Sub

The question lacks minimum details & code required for help. However I am trying to give you a code that would pickup person names & email addresses from one table in a document containing the code. the table should have 3 columns, 1st col contain Name of the person, 2nd col should contain Email address with 3rd column blank for remarks from code. See image
On running the code you would be prompted to select the word files that would be replaced by the email address. On trial use only copy files and may try only a handful of files at a time (if file sizes are large). It is assumed that files will contain Name and word “E-mail:” (if "E-mail:" word is not in the file try to modify the code as commented)
Sub test2()
Dim Fldg As FileDialog, Fl As Variant
Dim Thdoc As Document, Edoc As Document
Dim Tbl As Table, Rw As Long, Fnd As Boolean
Dim xName As String, xEmail As String
Set Thdoc = ThisDocument
Set Tbl = Thdoc.Tables(1)
Set Fldg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With Fldg
.Filters.Add "Word Documents ", "*.doc,*.dot,*docx,*.docm,*.dotm", 1
.AllowMultiSelect = True
.InitialFileName = "C:\users\user\desktop\folder1\*.doc*" 'use your choice of folder
If .Show <> -1 Then Exit Sub
End With
'Search for each Name in Table 1 column 1
For Rw = 1 To Tbl.Rows.Count
xName = Tbl.Cell(Rw, 1).Range.Text
xEmail = Tbl.Cell(Rw, 2).Range.Text
If Len(xName) > 2 And Len(xEmail) > 2 Then
xName = Left(xName, Len(xName) - 2) 'Clean special characters in word cell text
xEmail = Left(xEmail, Len(xEmail) - 2) 'Clean special characters in word cell text
'open each Document selected & search for names
For Each Fl In Fldg.SelectedItems
Set Edoc = Documents.Open(Fl)
Fnd = False
With Edoc.Content.Find
.Text = xName
.Replacement.Text = xName & vbCrLf & "E-mail: " & xEmail
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceNone
'.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceOne
Fnd = .Found
End With
'if Word "E-mail is not already in the file, delete next if Fnd Branch"
' And use .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceOne instead of .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceNone
If Fnd Then ' If Name is found then Search for "E-Mail:"
Fnd = False
With Edoc.Content.Find
.Text = "E-mail:"
.Replacement.Text = "E-mail: " & xEmail
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceOne
Fnd = .Found
End With
End If
If Fnd Then
Tbl.Cell(Rw, 3).Range.Text = "Found & Replaced in " & Fl
Exit For
Tbl.Cell(Rw, 3).Range.Text = "Not found in any selected document"
End If
Edoc.Close False
Next Fl
End If
Next Rw
End Sub
it's operation would be like this. Try to understand each action in the code and modify to your requirement.


Extract Text from a word document

I am trying to scrape data from a word document available at:-
I need to scrape the Name, Address, City, State, and Email ID. I am able to scrape the E-mail using the below code.
import docx
content = docx.Document('HE Distributors.docx')
location = []
for i in range(len(content.paragraphs)):
stat = content.paragraphs[i].text
if 'Email' in stat:
for i in location:
I tried to use the steps mentioned:
How to read data from .docx file in python pandas?
I need to convert this into a data frame with all the columns mentioned above.
Still facing issues with the same.
There are some inconsistencies in the document - phone numbers starting with Tel: sometimes, and Tel.: other times, and even Te: once, and I noticed one of the emails is just in the last line for that distributor without the Email: prefix, and the State isn't always in the last line.... Still, for the most part, most of the data can be extracted with regex and/or splits.
The distributors are separated by empty lines, and the names are in a different color - so I defined this function to get the font color of any paragraph from its xml:
# from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def getParaColor(para):
return BeautifulSoup(
para.paragraph_format.element.xml, 'xml'
return ''
The try...except hasn't been necessary yet, but just in case...
(The xml is actually also helpful for double-checking that .text hasn't missed anything - in my case, I noticed that the email for Shri Adhya Educational Books wasn't getting extracted.)
Then, you can process the paragraphs from docx.Document with a function like:
# import re
def splitParas(paras):
ptc = [(
p.text, getParaColor(p), p.paragraph_format.element.xml
) for p in paras]
curSectn = 'UNKNOWN'
splitBlox = [{}]
for pt, pc, px in ptc:
# double-check for missing text
xmlText = BeautifulSoup(px, 'xml').text
xmlText = ' '.join([s for s in xmlText.split() if s != ''])
if len(xmlText) > len(pt): pt = xmlText
# initiate
if not pt:
if splitBlox[-1] != {}:
if pc == '20752E':
curSectn = pt.strip()
if splitBlox[-1] == {}:
splitBlox[-1]['section'] = curSectn
splitBlox[-1]['raw'] = []
splitBlox[-1]['Name'] = []
splitBlox[-1]['address_raw'] = []
# collect
if pc == 'D12229':
elif"^Te.*:.*", pt):
splitBlox[-1]['tel_raw'] = re.sub("^Te.*:", '', pt).strip()
elif"^Mob.*:.*", pt):
splitBlox[-1]['mobile_raw'] = re.sub("^Mob.*:", '', pt).strip()
elif pt.startswith('Email:') or".*[#].*[.].*", pt):
splitBlox[-1]['Email'] = pt.replace('Email:', '').strip()
# some cleanup
if splitBlox[-1] == {}: splitBlox = splitBlox[:-1]
for i in range(len(splitBlox)):
addrsParas = splitBlox[i]['address_raw'] # for later
# join lists into strings
splitBlox[i]['Name'] = ' '.join(splitBlox[i]['Name'])
for k in ['raw', 'address_raw']:
splitBlox[i][k] = '\n'.join(splitBlox[i][k])
# search address for City, State and PostCode
apLast = addrsParas[-1].split(',')[-1]
maybeCity = [ap for ap in addrsParas if '–' in ap]
if '–' not in apLast:
splitBlox[i]['State'] = apLast.strip()
if maybeCity:
maybePIN = maybeCity[-1].split('–')[-1].split(',')[0]
maybeCity = maybeCity[-1].split('–')[0].split(',')[-1]
splitBlox[i]['City'] = maybeCity.strip()
splitBlox[i]['PostCode'] = maybePIN.strip()
# add mobile to tel
if 'mobile_raw' in splitBlox[i]:
if 'tel_raw' not in splitBlox[i]:
splitBlox[i]['tel_raw'] = splitBlox[i]['mobile_raw']
splitBlox[i]['tel_raw'] += (', ' + splitBlox[i]['mobile_raw'])
del splitBlox[i]['mobile_raw']
# split tel [as needed]
if 'tel_raw' in splitBlox[i]:
tel_i = [t.strip() for t in splitBlox[i]['tel_raw'].split(',')]
telNum = []
for t in range(len(tel_i)):
if '/' in tel_i[t]:
tns = [t.strip() for t in tel_i[t].split('/')]
tel1 = tns[0]
for tn in tns[1:]:
splitBlox[i]['Tel_1'] = telNum[0]
splitBlox[i]['Tel'] = telNum[0] if len(telNum) == 1 else telNum
return splitBlox
(Since I was getting font color anyway, I decided to add another
column called "section" to put East/West/etc in. And I added "PostCode" too, since it seems to be on the other side of "City"...)
Since "raw" is saved, any other value can be double checked manually at least.
The function combines "Mobile" into "Tel" even though they're extracted with separate regex.
I'd say "Tel_1" is fairly reliable, but some of the inconsistent patterns mean that other numbers in "Tel" might come out incorrect if they were separated with '/'.
Also, "Tel" is either a string or a list of strings depending on how many numbers there were in "tel_raw".
After this, you can just view as DataFrame with:
#import docx
#import pandas
content = docx.Document('HE Distributors.docx')
# pandas.DataFrame(splitParas(content.paragraphs)) # <--all Columns
'section', 'Name', 'address_raw', 'City',
'PostCode', 'State', 'Email', 'Tel_1', 'tel_raw'

Find all elements with specific text selenium python

I am trying to connect with elements that carry the contact numbers on each site. I was able to create the routine to get the numbers, extract the contact number with available formats and regex and the following code snippet to get the element
contact_elem = browser.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[contains(text(), '" + phone_num + "')]")
Considering the example of, the contact number appears in 2 locations, the top header and the bottom footer
The element texts accompanying the contact number are as follows :
<h3>CALL US TODAY AT (855) 910-7824</h3> - Footer
<span>Call Us<br>Today</span> (855) 910-7824 - Header
The extracted phone number matches perfectly while printing it out. For some reason, the element from the header part is not being detected.
I tried by searching for elements and even by deleting the footer element from the browser before executing the rest of the code.
What could be the reason for it to go undetected?
P.S: Below is the amateurish,uncorrected code. Efficiency edits/suggestions are welcome. The same code has been tested with various sites and works fine.
url = ''
parsed = browser.find_element_by_tag_name('html').get_attribute('innerHTML')
s = BeautifulSoup(parsed, 'html.parser')
s = s.decode('utf-8')
phoneNumberRegex = '(\s*(?:\+?(\d{1,4}))?[-. (]*(\d{1,})[-. )]*(\d{3}|[A-Z0-9]+)[-. \/]*(\d{4}|[A-Z0-9]+)[-. \/]?(\d{4}|[A-Z0-9]+)?(?: *x(\d+))?\s*)'
custom_re = ['([0-9]{4,4} )([0-9]{3,3} )([0-9]{4,4})',
'([0-9]{3,3} )([0-9]{4,4} )([0-9]{4,4})',
'(\([0-9]{3,3}\) )([0-9]{3,3}-)([0-9]{4,4})',
'(\+[0-9]{2,2} )(\(0\)[0-9]{4,4} )([0-9]{4,6})',
'([0-9]{5,5} )([0-9]{6,6})',
'(\+[0-9]{2,2}\(0\))([0-9]{4,4} )([0-9]{4,4})',
'(\+[0-9]{2,2} )([0-9]{3,3} )([0-9]{4,4} )([0-9]{3,3})',
phones = []
phones = re.findall(phoneNumberRegex, s)
phone_num_list = ()
phone_num = ''
matched = 0
for phoneHeader in phones:
#phoneHeader = phoneHeader.decode('utf-8')
for ph_cnd in phoneHeader:
for pttrn in custom_re:
phones = re.findall(pttrn,ph_cnd)
phone_num_list = phones
for x in phone_num_list:
phone_num = ''.join(x)
contact_elem = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//*[contains(text(), '" + phone_num + "')]")
phone_num_txt = contact_elem.text
matched = 1
except NoSuchElementException:
if(matched == 1):
if(matched == 1):
if(matched == 1):
print("Phone number :",phone_num) <-- Perfect output
contact_elem <--empty for header or just the footer element
Code updated. Forgot an important piece. Moreover, there is sleep time given in between to give time for the page to load. Considering it trivial, I haven't included them for a quick read.
I found a temporary solution by searching for the partial link text, as the number also comes on the link.
contact_elem2 = browser.find_element_by_partial_link_text(phone_num)
However, this does not answer the generic question as to why that text was ignored within the element.

Python - LibreOffice Calc - Find & Replace with Regular Expression

I try to code a Find & Replace method with Python in LibreOffice's Calc to replace all the ".+" with "&" (in a single column - not so important) - unfortunately, even a standard Find & Replace method seems to be impossible (to me). That's what I have up to now:
import uno
def search()
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
document = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
ctx = uno.getComponentContext()
sm = ctx.ServiceManager
dispatcher = sm.createInstanceWithContext("", ctx)
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
doc = model.getCurrentController()
sheet = model.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
replace = sheet.createReplaceDescriptor()
replace.SearchRegularExpression = True
replace.SearchString = ".+$"
replace.ReplaceString ="&"
return None
And what happens: totally nothing! I will be happy and thankful for every hint, sample code and motivating words!
This code changes all non-empty cells in column A to &:
def calc_search_and_replace():
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
sheet = model.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
cellRange = sheet.getCellRangeByPosition(COLUMN_A, 0, COLUMN_A, 65536);
replace = cellRange.createReplaceDescriptor()
replace.SearchRegularExpression = True
replace.SearchString = r".+$"
replace.ReplaceString = r"\&"
Notice that the code calls replaceAll to actually do something. Also, from the User Guide:
& will insert the same string found with the Search RegExp.
So the replace string needs to be literal -- \&.

Python: How to loop through blocks of lines and copy specific text within lines

Input file:
DATE: 07/01/15 # 0800 HYRULE HOSPITAL PAGE 1
USER: LINK Antibiotic Resistance Report
Activity Date Range: 01/01/15 - 02/01/15
HH0000000001 LINK,DARK 30/M <DIS IN 01/05> (UJ00000001) A001-01 0A ZELDA,PRINCESS MD
15:M0000001R COMP, Coll: 01/02/15-0800 Recd: 01/02/15-0850 (R#00000001) ZELDA,PRINCESS MD
Source: SPUTUM
HH0000000002 FAIRY,GREAT 25/F <DIS IN 01/06> (UJ00000002) A002-01 0A ZELDA,PRINCESS MD
15:M0000002R COMP, Coll: 01/03/15-2025 Recd: 01/03/15-2035 (R#00000002) ZELDA,PRINCESS MD
HH0000000003 MAN,OLD 85/M <DIS IN 01/07> (UJ00000003) A003-01 0A ZELDA,PRINCESS MD
15:M0000003R COMP, Coll: 01/04/15-1800 Recd: 01/04/15-1800 (R#00000003) ZELDA,PRINCESS MD
Completely new to programming/scripting and Python. How do you recommend looping through this sample input to grab specific text in the fields?
Each patient has a unique identifier (e.g. HH0000000001). I want to grab specific text from each line.
Output should look like:
Edit: My current code looks like this:
(Disclaimer: I am fumbling around in the dark, so the code is not going to be pretty at all.
input = open('report.txt')
output = open('abx.txt', 'w')
date = '' # Defining global variables outside of the loop
time = ''
name = ''
name_last = ''
name_first = ''
account = ''
specimen = ''
source = ''
lines = input.readlines()
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
print index, line
if last_line_location:
new_patient = True
if not first_time_through:
output.write("{}|{}|{}, {}|{}|{}|{}\n".format(
'Date', # temporary placeholder
'Time', # temporary placeholder
'Specimen', # temporary placeholder
'Source' # temporary placeholder
) )
last_line_location = False
first_time_through = False
for each in lines:
if line.startswith('HH'): # Extract account and name
account = line.split()[0]
name = line.split()[1]
name_last = name.split(',')[0]
name_first = name.split(',')[1]
last_line_location = True
Currently, the output will skip the first patient and will only display information for the 2nd and 3rd patient. Output looks like this:
Date|Time|Fairy, Great|HH0000000002|Specimen|Source
Date|Time|Man, Old|HH0000000003|Specimen|Source
Please feel free to make suggestions on how to improve any aspect of this, including output style or overall strategy.
You code actually works if you add...
last_line_location = True
first_time_through = True
...before your for loop
You asked for pointers as well though...
As has been suggested in the comments, you could look at the re module.
I've knocked something together that shows this. It may not be suitable for all data because three records is a very small sample, and I've made some assumptions.
The last item is also quite contrived because there's nothing definite to search for (such as Coll, Source). It will fail if there are no spaces at the start of the final line, for example.
This code is merely a suggestion of another way of doing things:
import re
startflag = False
with open('report.txt','r') as infile:
with open('abx.txt','w') as outfile:
for line in infile:
if '---------------' in line:
if startflag:
outfile.write('|'.join((date, time, name, account, spec, source, anti))+'\n')
startflag = True
if 'Activity' in line:
startflag = False
acc_name = re.findall('HH\d+ \w+,\w+', line)
if acc_name:
account, name = acc_name[0].split(' ')
date_time = re.findall('(?<=Coll: ).+(?= Recd:)', line)
if date_time:
date, time = date_time[0].split('-')
source_re = re.findall('(?<=Source: ).+',line)
if source_re:
source = source_re[0].strip()
anti_spec = re.findall('^ +(?!Source)\w+ *\w+ + \S+', line)
if anti_spec:
stripped_list = anti_spec[0].strip().split()
anti = stripped_list[-1]
spec = ' '.join(stripped_list[:-1])
Obviously, the variables should be reset to some dummy value between writes on case of a corrupt record. Also, if there is no line of dashes after the last record it won't get written as it stands.

Python - Delete Conditional Lines of Chat Log File

I am trying to delete my conversation from a chat log file and only analyse the other persons data. When I load the file into Python like this:
with open(chatFile) as f:
chatLog =
The data is loaded like this (much longer than the example):
'My Name',
'08:39 Chat data....!',
'Other person's name',
'08:39 Chat Data....',
'08:40 Chat data...,
'08:40 Chat data...?',
I would like it to look like this:
'Other person's name',
'08:39 Chat Data....',
'08:40 Chat data...,
'08:40 Chat data...?',
I was thinking of using an if statement with regular expressions:
name = 'My Name'
for x in chatLog:
if x == name:
"delete all data below until you get to reach the other
person's name"
I could not get this code to work properly, any ideas?
I think you misunderstand what "regular expressions" means... It doesn't mean you can just write English language instructions and the python interpreter will understand them. Either that or you were using pseudocode, which makes it impossible to debug.
If you don't have the other person's name, we can probably assume it doesn't begin with a number. Assuming all of the non-name lines do begin with a number, as in your example:
name = 'My Name'
skipLines = False
results = []
for x in chatLog:
if x == name:
skipLines = True
elif not x[0].isdigit():
skipLines = False
if not skipLines:
others = []
on = True
for line in chatLog:
if not line[0].isdigit():
on = line != name
if on:
You can delete all of your messages using re.sub with an empty string as the second argument which is your replacement string.
Assuming each chat message starts on a new line beginning with a time stamp, and that nobody's name can begin with a digit, the regular expression pattern re.escape(yourname) + r',\n(?:\d.*?\n)*' should match all of your messages, and then those matches can be replaced with the empty string.
import re
with open(chatfile) as f:
chatlog =
yourname = 'My Name'
pattern = re.escape(yourname) + r',\n(?:\d.*?\n)*'
others_messages = re.sub(pattern, '', chatlog)
This will work to delete the messages of any user from any chat log where an arbitrary number of users are chatting.
