I want to use Tensorflow Dataset api to initialize my dataset using tensorflow Hub. I want to use dataset.map function to convert my text data into embedding. My Tensorflow version is 1.14.
Since I used elmo v2 modlule which converts bunch of sentences array into their word embeddings, I used the following code:
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
sentences_array = load_sentences()
#Sentence_array=["I love Python", "python is a good PL"]
def parse(sentences):
elmo = hub.Module("./ELMO")
embeddings = elmo([sentences], signature="default", as_dict=True)
return embeddings
dataset = tf.data.TextLineDataset(sentences_array)
dataset = dataset.apply(tf.data.experimental.map_and_batch(map_func =
parse, batch_size=batch_size))
I want embedding of text array like [batch_size, max_words_in_batch, embedding_size], but I got an error message as:
"NotImplementedError: Using TF-Hub module within a TensorFlow defined
function is currently not supported."
How can I get the expected results?
Unfortunately this is not supported in TensorFlow 1.x
It is, however, supported in TensorFlow 2.0 so if you can upgrade to tensorflow 2 and choose from the available text embedding modules for tf 2 (current list here) then you can use this in your dataset pipeline. Something like this:
embedder = hub.load("https://tfhub.dev/google/tf2-preview/nnlm-en-dim128/1")
def parse(sentences):
embeddings = embedder([sentences])
return embeddings
dataset = tf.data.TextLineDataset("text.txt")
dataset = dataset.map(parse)
If you are tied to 1.x or tied to Elmo (which I don't think is yet available in the new format) then the only option I can see for embedding in the preprocessing stage is to first run your dataset through a simple embedding model and save the results then use the embedded vectors for the downstream task separately. (I appreciate this is less than ideal).
I have this model: https://github.com/williamyang1991/DualStyleGAN and try to convert it to CoreML. So far I create copy of original Colab notebook and append at the end two blocks:
!pip install coremltools
import coremltools as ct
##title Convert inverted image.
inverted_latent = torch.Tensor(result_latents[0][4]).cuda().unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1)
with torch.no_grad():
[sampled_src, sampled_dst] = net(inverted_latent, input_is_latent=True)[0]
traced_model = torch.jit.trace(net, inverted_latent)
mlmodel = ct.convert(traced_model, inputs=[ct.ImageType(name="input", shape=inverted_latent.shape,bias=[-1,-1,-1],scale=2.0/255.0)])
To run it, you should put any image with face to /content and in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torchvision/transforms/functional.py
replace round method at 545, 546 lines with np.round
But then it fails at
mlmodel = ct.convert(...
RuntimeError: PyTorch convert function for op 'pythonop' not implemented.
I suggest that there the way to rewrite this module with methods that could be convert, am I right? But I can't to figure out how to find the source of this module.
So my question is:
If I think in a right way, how I can find the source of module?
And if I wrong, please advise me the right way to do it.
The code starts by loading the model into PyTorch.
The code then converts the model into CoreML format and saves it to a .mlmodel file.The code below will take the existing PyTorch model and convert it into a CoreML model with input and output features.
The outputs are saved in the file example.mlmodel which can be opened in Xcode or any other development environment that supports CoreML models.
import torch
import coremltools
model = torch.load('MyPyTorchModel.pt')
coreml_model = coremltools.converters.pytorch.from_pytorch(model,
I have recently successfully analyzed text-based data using sentence transformers based on the BERT model. Inspired by the book by Kulkarni et al. (2022), my code looked like this:
# Import SentenceTransformer
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# use paraphrase-MiniLM-L12-v2 pre trained model
sbert_model = SentenceTransformer('paraphrase-MiniLM-L12-v2')
# My text
x='The cat cought the mouse'
# get embeddings for each question
sentence_embeddings_BERT= sbert_model.encode(x)
I would like to do the same using the DeBERTa model but can't get it running. I managed to load the model, but how to apply it?
import transformers
from transformers import DebertaTokenizer, AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/deberta-v3-base")
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("microsoft/deberta-v3-base")
sentence_embeddings_deBERTa= model(x)
The last line does not run, error message is:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'size'
Any experienced DeBERTa users out there?
Welcome to SO ;)
When you call encode() method it would tokenize the input then encode it to the tensors a transformer model expects, then pass it through model architecture. When you're using transformers you must do the steps manually.
from transformers import DebertaTokenizer, DebertaModel
import torch
# downloading the models
tokenizer = DebertaTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/deberta-base")
model = DebertaModel.from_pretrained("microsoft/deberta-base")
# tokenizing the input text and converting it into pytorch tensors
inputs = tokenizer(["The cat cought the mouse", "This is the second sentence"], return_tensors="pt", padding=True)
# pass through the model
outputs = model(**inputs)
Lastly, you must know what kind of output you're supposed to work with.
I would like to 'translate' a PyTorch model to another framework (non-tf/keras).
I'm trying to take a pytorch model, and automate the translation to the other framework, which contains similar types of layers (i.e. conv2d, dense,...).
Is there a way from pytorch directly, or through onnx to retrieve a models layers, their types, shapes and connections ? (Weights are not important so far)
From discussion in comments on your question:
each node in onnx has a list of named inputs and a list of named outputs.
For the input list accessed with node.input you have for each input index either the graph input_name that feeds that input or the name of a previous output that feeds that input. There are also initializers which are onnx parameters.
# model is an onnx model
graph = model.graph
# graph inputs
for input_name in graph.input:
# graph parameters
for init in graph.init:
# graph outputs
for output_name in graph.output:
# iterate over nodes
for node in graph.node:
# node inputs
for idx, node_input_name in enumerate(node.input):
print(idx, node_input_name)
# node outputs
for idx, node_output_name in enumerate(node.output):
print(idx, node_output_name)
Shape inference is talked about here and for python here
The gist for python is found here
Reproducing the gist from 3:
from onnx import shape_inference
inferred_model = shape_inference.infer_shapes(original_model)
and find the shape info in inferred_model.graph.value_info.
You can also use netron or from GitHub to have a visual representation of that information.
I have a simple classifier based on tf.estimator.DNNClassifier that takes text and output probabilities over an intent tags. I am able to train an export the model to a serveable as well as serve the serveable using tensorflow serving. The problem is this servable is too big (around 1GB) and so I wanted to try some tensorflow graph transforms to try to reduce the size of the files being served.
I understand how to take the saved_model.pb and use freeze_model.py to create a new .pb file that can be used to call transforms on. The result of these transforms (a .pb file as well) is not a servable and cannot be used with tensorflow serving.
How can a developer go from:
saved model -> graph transforms -> back to a servable
There's documentation that suggests that this is certainly possible, but its not at all intuitive from the docs as to how to do this.
What I've Tried:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.saved_model import simple_save
from tensorflow.saved_model import signature_constants
from tensorflow.saved_model import tag_constants
from tensorflow.tools.graph_transforms import TransformGraph
with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess_meta:
meta_graph_def = tf.saved_model.loader.load(
graph_def = meta_graph_def.graph_def
other_graph_def = TransformGraph(
with tf.Graph().as_default():
graph = tf.get_default_graph()
in_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name(
out_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name(
inputs = {"inputs": in_tensor}
outputs = {"outputs": out_tensor}
simple_save(sess_meta, "./new", inputs, outputs)
My idea was to load the servable, extract the graph_def from the meta_graph_def, transform the graph_def and then try to recreate the servable. This seems to be the incorrect approach.
Is there a way to successfully perform transforms (to reduce file size at inference) on a graph from an exported servable, and then recreate a servable with the transformed graph?
Update (2018-08-28):
Found contrib.meta_graph_transform() which looks promising.
Update (2018-12-03):
A related github issue I opened that seems to be resolved in a detailed blog post which is listed at the end of the ticket.
I am using tf.contrib.learn.DNNLinearCombinedRegressor with wide and deep feature columns. I use an input_fn to send data to this regressor for training. I have both real and categorical features, and so my deep feature columns are made of sparse columns with embedding as well as real valued columns. While my linear columns are real valued columns. After training, I can naively access the trained model for prediction by using the estimator.predict_scores() method. However, to my understanding, this recreates the tensorflow graph from the checkpoint file, which is slow for my intended application. I then tried to use estimator.export_savedmodel(), to see if I can save and load the graph prior to actual prediction in my application. But I got stuck with it. I am facing the following issues:
To export, I did the following:
feature_spec = tf.feature_column.make_parse_example_spec(deep_feature_cols)
export_input_fn = tf.contrib.learn.utils.build_parsing_serving_input_fn(feature_spec)
servable_model_path = regressor.export_savedmodel(export_dir_base = servable_model_dir, serving_input_fn = export_input_fn, as_text= True)
(note that the raw and default parsing functions didn't work for me due to VarLen feature column -- the embedding column). Since I construct feature_spec with my deep columns only, I don't understand how the saved model will know what I am using for my linear columns. I don't know how to combine the two types of columns for saving/exporting.
While I was able to export the trained regressor model successfully, I couldn't figure out how to use it for predictions. I have seen tutorials for doing this using Tensorflow Serving such as this. However, I just want something simple that I load and use in python. I am working on an interactive GUI application in Windows and so don't want to use bazel to build a saved model for Tensorflow Serving. I tried the following from this post, but it didn't work with my input_fn
from tensorflow.contrib import predictor
predict_fn = predictor.from_saved_model(servable_model_path)
predictions = predict_fn(get_input_fn(X, y, LABEL, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False))
where get_input_fn is my custom input_fn. When I run this code, I get the following error:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-128f4d1ba155> in <module>()
----> 1 predictions = predict_fn(get_input_fn(X, y, LABEL, num_epochs=1,
packages\tensorflow\contrib\predictor\predictor.py in __call__(self, input_dict)
63 """
64 # TODO(jamieas): make validation optional?
---> 65 input_keys = set(input_dict.keys())
66 expected_keys = set(self.feed_tensors.keys())
67 unexpected_keys = input_keys - expected_keys
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'keys'
Any input is appreciated. I am on windows 10, using Tensorflow 1.3 with Python 3.5 in Anaconda virtual environment.
Poked around a bit more and the predict_fn expects a dictionary with the key set to the exact same name as the feature variable your model expects. In my CNN model the input was "inputs" as below:
def _cnn_model_fn(features, labels, mode):
# Input Layer
print("features shape", features['inputs'])
Here's what I passed in the predict_fn where myimage is a flattened np.array.
predictions = predict_fn({"inputs": [myimage]})